NCM 111
Directions: Identify and define your own research problem by answering the following items.
The perception of online class to the mental health status of students in St. Anthony
Study of the attitude, knowledge and experience of staff nurses on prioritizing comfort
measures in care of Covid patients.
2. Among the 3 problems, which problem do you think is most relevant and interesting to you?
Why did you choose this problem? What conditions gave rise to this research problem?
Among the 3 problems, I chose the problem number 3 which is “A research study investigating
nurses’ perceptions and experiences of providing psychological care to recovered patients
despite the pandemic”. Well I chose this problem due to the reason that our main issue not
just from our country but to the whole world is this pandemic, which is the SARS-CoV2 virus.
The conditions that gave rise to this research is mainly because I want to find out any
problems or experiences that could later help or aid when another pandemic arises, and also
to be more prepared with not just physically but psychologically to our frontliners ,which are
the nurses. Another reason that I want to conduct this study is because I want myself to know
if there are any mental challenges when you are facing a deadly virus and want to know all the
insights of how nurses face all of those challenges.
3. What is the present problem (WHAT IS)? Are there existing statistics or data that would
support your problem?
From the literature accessed it is evident that the psychological needs of covid patients is a vital
part of their recovery following their disease, however there is little research carried out regarding
the extent or format of care necessary. one of many researchers who investigated the idea of
Covid patients who had suffered respiratory problems, in visible locations of the body and
concluded that these victims are thought to have decreased self-esteem and value of their role in
society. Researcher discusses significance of attractiveness in society, and concludes that covid
patient have to come to terms with their disease and re-establish personal worth following their
exposure to the virus. Other studies and data reveal that patients are not often psychologically
assessed and/or provided with psychological care in Covid units. One clear finding from studies
previously carried out is that a minority of Covid victims report significant psychological issues due
to their disease as it is not usually assessed or discussed while hospitalised. Thus, the researcher
identified and selected this issue as it is not only an area of personal interest, but also as it is an
area identified in the literature review which has only been given attention in recent decades and
has not yet been looked at in depth. This issue is often overlooked when trying to care for the
Covid patients however it can prove to be a more serious psychological issue further along the line
if not cared for effectively throughout the recovery phase . The majority of literature in relation to
Covid patients.
4. What is the ideal situation (WHAT SHOULD BE)? (standard, rule, expected, mandated,
There have been many studies carried out related to the Sars-Cov2, most of which focus on
the internal implications of the virus, however this literature review will concentrate on some
of the psychological and social implications and nurses’ perspectives regarding these issues.
The literature collected and analysed in this review were accessed from online databases
including DisasterLitexternal icon,COVID-Evidence: Compilation of clinical trials on COVID-19,
Europe PMC,NCBI Virus’ COVID-2019 data hub, LitCovid, WHO COVID-19 research article
database. Only English language papers with full texts available were reviewed. All studies
accessed were international studies. There were over 40 articles accessed however not all
were completely relevant and as a result not included in this review. No set timeframe was
decided upon yet the most valuable studies came under the parameter of 2019-2020. A
variety of research studies were accessed most of which were found to use qualitative
research methods in their studies. No printed texts were used in this literature review as texts
available were more suitable to care of Covid patients.
5. What are the possible reasons for the discrepancy between WHAT IS and WHAT SHOULD BE?
The possible reseason for the discrepancy between What is and what should be is the lack of
data due to pre existing problem regarding the said virus. Its difficult to get statistical data if
some factors are not met. The what is and what it should is revolved around the approach if
nurses to the covid patients base on the statistical data that have been acquired from
different sources via legal article or statistical information from laboratories.
6. What are the interventions done to address the problem, and the outcomes were: (if none,
say so)
From the available literature it is evident that there are both psychological and social
implications post covid patients, however there is a clear need for further research into the
psychological care available, the effectiveness of this care and explore and expand additional
care interventions. produced a qualitative study which examines the efficiency of a short-term
and intensive social skills training program as an intervention to improve psychosocial
adjustment. The researcher chose a prospective randomised experiment which included one
intervention group and a control group both consisting of 32 participants who suffered from
covid and have recovered prior to the study and were identified as having a form of
psychosocial difficulties (elevated behavioural issues or diminished competence). The
intervention was carried out through call over several days. A curriculum was followed which
made use of online material, audiovisual aides. In contrast the control group only received
usual treatment and follow-up appointments regarding surgeries and only received
psychological/psychiatric attention upon request.following the intervention it was found that
those who received the intervention became less withdrawn and had fewer somatic
7. The following questions about the problem, however, still remain unanswered:
There are known support groups to aid this adjustment post hospitalization however
literature demonstrates the lack of research into the psychological care provided by nurses
during the patient’s recovery period in hospital. Thus the research question “What are the
nurses’ perceptions and experiences of providing psychological care to recovered patients
despite the pandemic?” was developed. From review of the available literature it is evident
that more emphasis should be related to the patients’ psychological state while hospitalised
as a covid patient. It is one of nurses’ roles to provide optimal care for all patients in a holistic
15 manner. Thus the researcher proposes a study to investigate nurses’ perceptions and
experiences of providing psychological care to covid patients.
1.Bhimraj, A,Morgan, R. (September, 9 ,2020), Infectious Diseases Society of America Guidelines on
the Treatment and Management of Patients with COVID-19: Part 1
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