Weight of Simplicia (G) Weight of Extract (G) Result of Yield (%) 500 85 17

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Cream Formulation of Wuluh Starfruit Leaf Extract (Averrhoa bilimbi L.

Rizky Eka Tisnadiyah
Al-Ghifari University

2) Homogeneity of the cream of the starfruit leaf extract
Homogeneity Cream
Belimbing wuluh leaves (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) can serve as antiacne, in the leaves of No Formula (days to)
belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) contained active substances that can inhibit the 0 7 14 21 28
growth of bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus. This research aims to get formula
1 F1 H H H H H
cream of leaf extract Belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) that is stable, secure, and
2 F2 H H H H H
convenient to use. This research includes determination of the plant, extraction,
screening phytochemicals, optimization of the base, formulation of cream, and evaluation 3 F3 H H H H H
of the cream. Evaluation of the cream include organoleptic (colour, aroma and forms),
homogenity, pH, viscosity, power test leached creams, type of cream, irritation and 3) pH 4) Viscosity
hedonic. The result of the plants used in this research is Belimbing wuluh leaves
Averrhoa bilimbi L., extraction of belimbing wuluh leaves was performed using a
maseration method with 17% extract rendemen. On the result of screening
Phytochemical extract and dried simplisia of (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) contains alkaloids,
flavonoids, tannins, and saponin. The result of the evaluation showed that a third of
formula qualified the cream is good, secure and didn’t irritate. The most stable, secure
and comfortable cream formula was the second one, that was (Averrhoa bilimbi L.).
Research results from data day to 0-28 showed a pH of 5,5-6,5 cream is still in the range
of pH is safe for topical, result showed a viscosity day to 0-28 a stable viscosity increase,
the result of irritation to be tested to 5 respondent did not result in irritants such as
erythema and edema in this case showed that the cream of formula 2 is safe to use.
Based on the hedonic test is carried out by means of a detailed quisioner to give 20
respondents, showed the most formula favored by respondents from the third formula is 5) Irritation Test
the formula 2. Irritation Test
Keywords: Belimbing wuluh leaves, antiacne, cream No Formula
1 2 3 4 5
1 F1 - - - - -
Introduction 2 F2 - - - - -
3 F3 - - - - -
Wuluh starfruit (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) is one type of plant that is often used as traditional
medicine. Wuluh starfruit leaves are used as traditional medicine because there are 6) Hedonic Test
active substances in the leaves of starfruit which can inhibit bacterial growth. Acne This study conducted a preference test on respondents through questionnaires. On this occasion formulas 1, 2, 3 were
treatment is one of them by utilizing belimbung wuluh leaf extract, where extracts of tested on respondents, 20 respondents gave their opinions on the texture, color, and aroma of formula 1, 2 and 3
Wuluh starfruit leaves can affect the growth of infectious bacteria (Hayati et al., 2010). cream. From the results of the hedonic test, the results showed that respondents liked formulas 1, 2, 3 in terms of
Wuluh starfruit leaves contain flavonoids, saponins, tannins, sulfur, formic acid, texture, color and cream aroma.
peroxidase, calcium oxalate, and potassium citrate (Faharani, 2008). Based on the
results of several studies in the leaves of starfruit contain secondary metabolites, namely
flavonoids so that the active compound can be used as an antibacterial. To make it
easier for the community to use the leaves of the star fruit, then preparations are Conclusion
commonly used topically, namely cream. (Nugroho, 2013).

The cream formula of stable star fruit extract which is stable, safe and comfortable to use is based on the
evaluation results of the preparation is formula 2, namely 10,5% belimbing wuluh leaf extract, tween 80 2,5%,
span 80 2,4%, cetyl alcohol 4%, Liquid paraffin 20%, Propilenglikol 10%, Methyl Paraben 0,18%, Propyl Paraben
0,02%, Ascorbic Acid 0,5%, Oleum rosae 15 drops, Aquadest ad 50 ml.
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