D D D D : 114 4. Ad-Atoms and Underpotential Deposition
D D D D : 114 4. Ad-Atoms and Underpotential Deposition
D D D D : 114 4. Ad-Atoms and Underpotential Deposition
qm dE ∑ i di (
s ) d tot (4.30)
= qm dE ∑ i di (
T) d e (4.31)
T (4.32)
⎝ e ⎟⎠ E ,
⎞ ⎛ ⎞
⎜ ⎟ qm (
T) ⎜ e ⎟ (4.33)
⎝ E ⎠ ⎝ E ⎠
i i
The first verification of the fundamental equations of Gibbs and Lippmann was based on
surface tension (surface energy) measurements. The investigation of solid electrodes with
this method is restricted. In the following paragraph a description is given of some of the
modern methods, which are used for investigation of the electrochemical double layer.
Figure 4.9 (a) Equivalent circuit of an ideally polarizable electrode, Rel electrolyte resistance and
Cdl capacitance of the electrode. (b) Representation of the complex impedance as function of fre-
quency, in a Nyquist diagram.
Figure 4.10 (a) Equivalent circuit of an electrode with charge transfer. Rel electrolyte resistance,
Cdl capacitance of the electrode, and Rct charge transfer resistance. (b) Representation of the com-
plex impedance as function of frequency, in a Nyquist diagram.
electrode with an additional charge transfer resistance across the double layer is shown in
Figure 4.10a. More complex equivalent circuits are necessary if more elements must be
taken into account. The Warburg impedance, for example, represents diffusion limitation.
A detailed description is given in Chapter 5. In the most general approach a transfer func-
tion can be defined. The determination of the elements of an equivalent circuit is of prime
importance in electrochemical investigations.
The result of the combination of a resistance and a capacitance is the complex impedance
Z Z re iZ im (4.34)
Any impedance point can be represented in the complex plane (Figure 4.11). For a
capacitance, the imaginary part of the impedance has a negative sign.
116 4. Ad-Atoms and Underpotential Deposition
Z Z ei (4.35)
with |Z| the modulus of the impedance and the phase shift between output and input. The
following equations relate the two representations:
Z Z re2 Z im
Z re
tan (4.37)
Z im
ZR R (4.38)
The impedance of the equivalent circuit in Figure 4.10a is obtained by the reciprocal com-
bination of ZR and ZC. The result is linear (serial) combined with Zel Rel. This leads to
the following real and imaginary impedance terms, Z re and Z im, respectively
Z re Rel (4.42)
Rct2 Cdl2
Rct2 Cdl
Z im (4.43)
1 2 Rct2 Cdl2
Two plots are used to represent the results of impedance measurements of electrochem-
ical systems. In the Nyquist plot the negative imaginary part (y-axis) is plotted versus the
real part (x-axis). The Nyquist plot of the equivalent circuits in Figures 4.9a and 4.10a is
shown in Figures 4.9b and 4.10b.
In the Bode plot log |Z| and || (y-axis) are plotted against the logarithm of frequency
(x-axis). Figure 4.12 shows the Bode plot of the equivalent circuit of the double layer with
charge transfer (Figure 4.10a).
The standard method to measure impedance values as a function of the potential is the
Wheatstone bridge (Figure 4.13). The electrochemical cell is placed in one branch of the
bridge. In the second branch a variable resistance and a variable capacitance are placed.
An alternating current is applied to a potentiostat. In the reference circuit, capacitance
and resistance are varied until the bridge current, measured with an AC instrument or an
oscilloscope, is zero.
For the measurement of the impedance, a modern “impedance spectrometer” provides
automatic data registration over at least five decades of frequency. With this equipment it
Figure 4.12 Bode plot representation of the impedance of the equivalent circuit in Figure 4.10a.