Single-Phase PQ Theory For Active Filters: December 2002

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Single-phase pq theory for active filters

Conference Paper · December 2002

DOI: 10.1109/TENCON.2002.1182718 · Source: IEEE Xplore


67 1,078

1 author:

Mehrdad Tarafdar Hagh

University of Tabriz


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M. Tarafdar Haque

Electrical Engineering Department, Aha &ad University, Aha.IRAN

Phone & Fax.: (98)-(411)-3356025

E-mail: haauel347@,vahoo.corn

Abstract: The single-phase pq theory is used for i(t)

instantaneous reactive power and current harmonics Single
compensation of single-phase loads. New definition of - Phase
single-phase instantaneous active power p(t), and reactive
power q(t), is used in control circuit. Generation of
reference compensating current of single-phase active filter
is based on canceling the alternating component of p(t) for Figure 1 A single-phaseutility and itg load
, h'armonic compensation and q(t) for reactive power
compensation. Principle of operation is explained using i(t), the instantaneous load current
analytical and simulation results. and, i'(t), an instantaneous current that is rd2 phase lead
Key words: single-phase pq thcoly, active filter, reactive in respect with i(t).
power compensation Using the concept of instantaneous space vectors for v(1)
and v'(t) we have:
1. Introduction
hicreasing of imbalance and non-linear loads in +
v(1)= ~ e j ( B ( ' )=) ~[cos(p(r)) j s i n ( ~ ( t ) ) l
distribution systems has resulted in excessive harmonic =V,(t)+jV,(f)
injection and reactive power burden in the utility. The
ability of shunt active filters to suppress these problems has v ' ( r ) = - y ( t ) + jc(t) (2)
athacted a great deal of attention to these systems Different
control strategies have been presented to control these Where, v<t) and v'7t) stands for instantaneous space
system- but the most popular control strategy of active vector presentation of v(t) and v'(t), respectively. The
filters is p-q theory [ I ] . AAer the presentation of original pq notations V , p ( r ) , V , ( t ) and F(r) stands for the
theory some instantaneous power based theories presented
[Z,.?]. Considering this fact that the pq theory is a three- amplitude, variable angular. position, real part and
phase system based theory, it is obvious that all,of the
imaginaq part of vft) ,respectively.
researches on t h s theory, are usable only in three-phase
system. Using the similar procedure for currents i(t) and i'(t)
'111s paper uses single-phase pq theory [4-61, for results in eq. (3) and eq. (4):
instantaneous reactive power compensation and harmonic
suppression of single-phase loads. The theory is explained
i6)= I ~ ' ( V ( ' ) )= ~ [ c o s ( y r ( t )+) jsin(yr(t))l (3)
using analytical analysis. It has been shown that the = I , ( [ ) + jl,(t)
.presented theory is a general case of original pq theory. The
control circuit is presented and the validity of its operation i'ct)= - ~ , ( r ) +j I r ( t ) (4)
IS studied though simulation results. Using ths theory make
it possible compensation for instantaneous reactive power Where, iG), and i'ft) stands for instantaneous space
in single-phase loads as well as three-phase system. In vector presentation of i(t) and i'(t), respectively. The
addition, t h s theory has the ability of generation of notations I , l y ( t ) , I,(t) and I,(r) stands for the
sinusoidal current waveform in the utility side in imbalance amplitude, variable angular position, real part and
utility voltage andlor load current cases which is a progress
compared with original pq theory [4-61. imaginary part of i(t) ,respectively.
Fig. (2) shows instantaneous space vector presentation of
2. Single-phase pq Theory
Fig. I shows a single-phase load that is connected to a v<r), v ' ? t ) , i6)
and i'fr) . In this figure.the quaitities on
single-phase utility. The following notations are defined horizontal axis show the real part and those on the vertical
using this figure: axis show the imaginary part of instantaneous space
v(t), the instantaneous load voltage vectors, respectively.
v'(t), an instantaneous voltage that is rd2 phase lead in
respect with v(t)

harmonics compensation currents of a single:phase active

Where, I c r ( / ) and Ici(f) are the r e d a n d imaginary part

of space vector of compensator current, .
Using eq. (7), eq. (S), the first raw of eq. (11) and

considering the real part of icomp(f) as reference

Figure 2 Instantaneousspace vecto~s
compensating current , results in the following
The author has introduced the single-phase instantaneous
complex power sip (1) as follows [51:
. .
slp (t)= v G ) i * ( t ) (5)
Considering equations ( I ) to (4) it is possible writing the
where i'(f) is called the conjugate space vector of U). following expressions:
Rewriting eq. ( 5 ) , using eq. (1) and conjugate of eq. (3)
~,(f)=~e(v(f))=v(t) (13)
results in the following expression:
y.(/)=-Re(v'(f) ) = v'(t) (14)
SI&) =[ f,(O + U t ) Ii(t) 1
- j [ W ) ~ i ( O - J W I) N 1 (6) I,(/) =Re( i6)) = i(t) (15)
D e f i g the real part of slip (I) as the single-phase
instantaneous active power pip (I), and the imaginary pari of ri(f)=-Re(i'<l)) = -i'(t) (16)
si, (1) as the single-phase instantaneous reactive power q,, Where the operator of Re(f(t)) shows the real part of
(1). results in the following expressions: space vector of f(t).
It is possible substituting equations (13) to (16) into eq. (12)
1,w + VI(')
Pip (1) = [ V,(t) 1 (7)
for getting reference reactive power and current harmonic
qLrn(tj=[Vr(f) W)I (8) compensating current.
It is possible writing these equations in the matrix form Eq. (12) shows the single-phase reference instantaneous
as follows: reactive power compensating current as a fmction of load

(f)IL,-6(0[ v,(r)K W ]Wy ])

sl,(t) V,(O
Eq. (7) shows the sum of product of instantaneous
voltage, load current and their W2 phase leaded values. Fig.
3 shows the control circuit of single-phase pq theory that is.
based on equations (1 2) to ( 16).
voltage on one axis and the current on the same axis. On the
other h d , eq. (8) shows the sum of two expressions,
w h d are the product of instantaneous voltage on one axis
and the current on the .perpendicular axis. Based on the
original pq theory [l], and considering above-mentioned
subjects shows that plm(t) and 4,. (I), are the instantaneous
real power and the insfantaneous imaginary power in their
single-phase scheme. In this way, the dimension of pI, (I) "
would be in waft (W).

3,Reactive ~Powcr and Current Harmonics Figure 3 Control circuit of single-phasepq theory
Compensation Using Single-phase pq Theory
,..It is possible suhdwiding the singlephase p(t), into two 4.Using Single-phase pq Theory in Three-phase Circuits
components as follows: In three-phase systems, it is possible using the control
- circuit of Fig. 3 in each of the phases, indcpendently. In this
way, the overall control circuit of three-phase system, not
p(t)= PE) + P(t) (10)
only compensate for instantaneous reactive power (and
where p(t) is the mean value of p(t) while p(t) stands for current harmonics) but also generates sinusoidal current
alternated part of p(t). Usually the mean value of p(t) is waveforms in the utility side in imbalance utility voltages
desued part of active power which should be transferred to andor imbalance load side currents case. This is because of
load. So the following equation can be used for generation independent operation of control circuits in. each of the
of reference instantaneous reactive power and current phases.

It should he noticed that the original pq theory is a three- waveform in all of the load currents and source voltages
phase based theory. Thls means it cannot be used in single- cases. Obviously, such ability is due to single-phase based
phase systems. On the other hand original pq theory is not operation of this control circuit. It should be noticed that
able to generate sinusoidal reference current waveforms in tlus control strategy would not generate balanced cument
the unbalance utility voltages and/or imbalance load side waveforms in the utility side.
currents case [4].

5. Simulation Results.
Fig. 4 is used to study the operation of presented single-
phase pq theory in three-phase systems. Fig. 4 shows the
simulated power system. The source consists of a 3-phase
4-wire 120 V (rms, L-L),60 Hz utility. The load consists of
a three-phase balance R-Lload, another three phase balance
R-Lload wtuch, can be switched ON and OFF using a three
phase static switch and a resistive load that can be switched
ON and OFF using a single-phase static switch, too.

- -
Figure 4 Simulated thrzephase power system
Figure 5 Operation of single-phasepq theory in three-phase
T ~ circuit
S has four stages ofoperation as follows:'
I-From zero to 50 (ms) the load of utility is only the three-
phase balanced R-L load. This load would result in The power circuit of Fig. 6 is used to study the operation
reactive power burden on utility.
of single-phase pq theory in active filtering and reactive
2-The second three-phase balance R-L load switches ON at power compensation of single-phase circuits.
, 50 (ms). Switchng this load ON, can be used for
studying the dynamic operation of control circuit.
3 - M I00 (ms), the single-phase load on the phase "c"
switches ON. This load generates imbalance load current
case. The single-phase reactive power compensation
ability of control circuit is studied from 100 (ms) to 150
(ms). . .
4-At 150 (ms) to the end of simulation time, the magrutude
of voltage of phase "a"- is reduced to 50% of its rated
value. Thls generates a voltage imbalance case. I I I I
Fig. '5 shows the simulation results. Fig. 5(a) and 5(b)
Figure 6 Simulated singlophase power system
show the utility voltages and load currents. Fig. 5(c) shows
the reference source side currents after the operation of
The source consists of a 120 V (rms,LL); 60 Hz utilit;.
original pq theory. Whle, Fig. 5(d) shows the reference
The load consists of one continuously connected R-L load,
source side currents after the operation of presented single-
another R-Lload which, can he switched ON using a static
phase pq theory
switch and a single-phase bridge rectifier with R-Lload that
Considering Fig. S(c) shows that original pq theory
can he switched ON another static switch. The circuit has
cannot generate sinusoidal reference current waveform at
three stages of operations as follows:
the source side in load current andlor utility voltage
imbalance cases (i.e. from 100 (ms) to 200 (ms)). On the
1-From zero to 80 (ms) the load of utility is only one R-L
other hand, Fig. 5(d) shows that the operation of single-
load. This load will absorb reactive power &om utility.
. . theory not only compensates for instantaneous
phase pq
reactive power hut also results in sinusoidal current

Fig. 7 shows the simulation results. Fig. 7(a) and 7(b)
0.2 <kv) V1
show the utility voltage and load current, respectively. At
80 (ms)the load is increased and at 160 (ms) the cument
0.1 h a m n i c s is added, too. Fig. 7(c) shows the reference
source side current that is generated using the operation of
0 single-phase pq theory based control circuit. T h s current is
not only sinusoidal hot also in-phase with utility voltage in
all of the circuit operation stages. There is a time delay in
response that is due to operation,Ingh pass filter (HPF) of
-0.2 . . . Fig. 3. Fig. 7(d) shows the instantaneous active power p.
0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.2 0.24
and its average value Pdc. The time delay of HPF is shown
(a) Utility Voltage (sec)
in first and second stages of circuit operation whle the last
stage of circuit operation shows fast variations in p(1) due l o
current harmonics.

6. ,Conclusion
The single-phase pq theory is presented. Analytical
equations are used to explain the ability of presented
control method in compensation for instantaneous reactive
power of single-phase circuits as well as three-phase
circuits. The validity of presented theory is proved through
0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.2 0.24 simulation results. The superiority of single-phase pq
(b) Load side currents theory over original pq theory in compensation for three-
phase circuits in imbalance load current and/or utility
voltage cases is stumed through simulation results, too. It
has been shown that the original pq theory is a special case
of single-phase pq theory.
.............. ............. j
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....... ............. ....:. .“;..,-.....*j/ ......................... 4. . _
M. T. Haaue. “A Control Strateev-, for Static VAR
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0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.2 0.24 7Nov.2001,NewDelh,pp. I V - 1 5 - IV-18.
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Figure 7 .Operationof singlephase pq theory for active filtering 6. M. T. Haque, “Single-phase pq Theory”, Accepted
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2:l’he-second R-L load switches ON at 80 (ms).Switching
tIns load ON, can be used for studymg the considerable
dynamic response of control circuit.
3-At 160 (ms), the rectifier is switched ON and its
operation is resulted in generation of current harmonics
in utility side.


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