Diagrama Al O Wriedt
Diagrama Al O Wriedt
Diagrama Al O Wriedt
*70Blo: M.M. Blouke, N. Holonyak, Jr., B.G. Streetman, and Inorganic Substances, Springer-Verlag, New York (1973).
H.R. Zwicker, "Solid Solubility of Zn in Si," J. Phys. Chem. (Thermo; Compilation)
Solids, 31, 173-177 (1970). (Equi Diagram; Experimental) 77Bar: I. Barin, O. Knacke, and O. Kubaschewski, Thermo-
70Rao: M.V. Rao and W.A. Tiller, "Excess Free Energies in the chemical Properties of Inorganic Substances (Supplement),
Ge, Si, and Ga Binary Systems--the a-Parameter Approach," Springer-Verlag, New York (1977). (Thermo; Compilation)
J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 31, 191-198 (1970). (Thermo; Theory) 77Gir: B. Girault, "Liquidus Curves of Various Silicon-Metal Sys-
72Seh: M. Schneider and M. Krumnacker, "Study of the Zinc- tems," C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris B, 284, 1-4 (1977) in French. (Equi
Silicon Phase Diagram," Neue Hiitte, 17, 519-521 (1972) in Diagram; Experimental)
German. (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
73Bar; I. Barin and O. Knacke, Thermochemical Properties of *Indicates k e y paper,
By H. A. Wriedt
which the deviations from stoichiometric composition are
Equilibrium Diagram unknown but small; and (4)the gas, g.
The equilibrium phases of the A1-O system are: (1)the The published diagrams [34Bau, 66Git, 68Yan] for the
liquid, L, which to the limits of existing experimental condensed phases were concerned only with the compo-
knowledge exists as two immiscible liquids, here termed sition range between 0 and 60 at.% O. There was general
"liquid (AI)," when Al-rich, and "liquid A1203," when agreement that no stable condensed phase exists that is
O-rich; (2) the fcc (A1) terminal solid solution, in which the richer in O than A1203. These diagrams showed no solid
solubility of O is unknown but small; (3)the trigonal solubility of O in solid A1 or deviation from stoichiometry
A1 oxide aA1203 (a alumina, sapphire, or corundum), for in A1203; portions of the liquidus curves, the boundaries of
/ 660,452~
70~ j <3xI0-8,(AI) ,,,,880Oc ~1,0
(At) (A1)+aA1203
50O p . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . .
10 20 30 40 50 60
AI Atomm Percent Oxygen
Table 2 Crystal Structures and Lattice Parameters of Stable AI-O Phases (25 ~ 0.1 MPa)
Composition, Pearson Space Strukturbericbt Lattice parameters, nm
Phase at.% 0 symbol group designation Prototype a c Comment Reference
(A1) . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 cF4 F m 3m A1 Cu 0.40496 . . . . . . [King3]
aA1203. . . . . . . . . 60 hR 10 R3c D5, aAl203 0.51272 "'" a = 55016.7' [Pearson2]
0.47589 1.2991 "" [Pearson2]
the liquid miscibility gap, and a disputed solid oxide were Table 3 Fugacities of 02 in Equilibrium
the subjects of these presentations. The present diagram with aAl=03 and Solid or Liquid (AI) [78Cha]
(Fig. 1) is largely qualitative, because of the lack of data on
the composition ranges of the solid and liquid phases. A Temperature, 02 fugacity, Temperature, 02 fugacity,
~ Pa ~ Pa
eutectic reaction near the melting point of A1 is specula-
tive, but probable; a monotectic reaction near the melting 25 ............. 1 . 6 • 1 0 -'80 726.8 ........ 3 . 9 x 1 0 -43
226.8 ............ 1 . 7 x 1 0 lol 1226.8 ........ 1 . 7 • 1 0 23
point ofA1203 is established fairly well. The displacements
660.5 ............ 2 . 5 • 1 0 -47 1726.8 ........ 1 . 0 x 1 0 -13
in temperature and composition of these three-phase
equilibria from the melting points of pure A1 and stoichio-
metric A1203 are believed to be slight, probably not
measurable for the eutectic. Data for the three-phase equi- When it is O-saturated, liquid (A1) is in equilibrium with
libria and the pure-metal transformation are summarized solid aA1203, from the temperature of the eutectic to that
in Table 1. of the monotectic (Table 1). Calculated 02 fugacities corre-
sponding to the equilibrium along this liquidus are listed
Terminal Solid Solution, (AI). At low hydrostatic pres- in Table 3.
sures, (A1), with a very limited range of compositions, ex-
hibits only the fcc structure (Table 2). Because A1 assumes Liquid (A1) is saturated with respect to aA1203 at very low
a hexagonal structure at hydrostatic pressures greater concentrations of dissolved O. These amounts, as distinct
than 20.5 GPa [King3], it is predictable that (A1) trans- from those in suspended oxide, are ignored in industrial
forms similarly at high pressures, but no specific studies practice as being too small to harm properties of cast A1. In
were reported. experimental work to determine O solubility in liquid (A1),
[22Czo] used gaseous 02 and estimated the amounts dis-
The (A1) phase exists stably only at 02 fugacities less than solved from the blowhole volumes observed after casting.
or equal to those in Table 3, at which it is saturated with This technique for determining the liquidus branch is in-
respect to aA1203. No credible measurement of the solu- valid. Analyses of specimens of A1 for dissolved O were
bility of O in (A1) was reported. The concentration of dis- made by [28Jan], [31Low], [31Ste], [45Slo], [56Sch], and
solved O in solid (A1) saturated with respect to aA1203 is [67Gib], with the values observed ranging from 0.0002 to
smaller than that in eutectic liquid (A1) (see section below) 0.03 at.% O. Because the conditions of preparing these
and is probably not measurable with existing techniques. materials were not adequately reported, conclusions may
Numerous determinations of O in A1 that were reported not be drawn concerning the relationship of these O con-
fail to distinguish between dissolved O and O present as centrations to those in oxide-saturated liquid A1.
oxide. The assertion of [30Har] that 0.64 at.% O is present
in solid solution in (A1) is obviously an error. Three recent publications contain relationships that allow
O concentrations along the liquidus between the eutectic
Liquid, AI-Rich. Liquid (A1) exists stably only at low 02 and the monotectic temperatures to be calculated. [8lOts]
fugacities. At extremely low 02 fugacities, a short liquidus and [82Lia] based their relationships on enthalpy/entropy
branch is considered to exist for liquid (A1) coexisting with correlations estimated for O in other solvents; [81She]
solid (A1). Its terminus at a postulated eutectic (Table 1) is based his on extrapolation of solubility data for Fe-rich
displaced in concentration and temperature by a very Fe-A1-O alloys. The concentration values on the liquidus
small, unknown amount from the melting point of pure A1. calculated with the [8lOts] and [81She] equations (Table
No experimental data on this liquidus or the eutectic point 4), although quite different, are both possible; those of
were found. The O content in liquid (A1) at the eutectic [8lOts] are preferred because of the long extrapolation
temperature was estimated with other values along the involved in the method of [81She] and his identification of
liquidus on the ~A1203 side in Table 4. The two values in the solid as A1304. The solubilities calculated with the
Table 4 differ by five orders of magnitude, but they indi- equation of [82Lia] for the standard Gibbs energy of solu-
cate that the O content of eutectic liquid (A1) is less than tion of O in A1 are unacceptable because they are too large
3 • 10 -s at.% O. The O in solid (A1) at the eutectic is less and they decrease with increasing temperature. The liq-
than that in liquid (A1) and the aA1203 is essentially stoi- uidus from the eutectic to the monotectic temperature
chiometric. must still be regarded as quite uncertain.
Table 4 0 Concentrations in Liquid (AI) Saturated credited by [66Git| and [68Yan] on the grounds that the
with Respect to AI Oxide melts were in contact with C (graphite). [68Yan] showed
that the liquidus found by [34Bau] resembles that for the
Temperature, O concentration, at.% O A1203-A14C3 system. [55Coc] reported r162 points" of
~ [8lOts] [81She]
mixtures of A1 and a A1._,O3held, in all but one instance, on
660.5 ................... 2.9 • 10 s 1.6 x 10 ,3 W or Ta supports. Apart from questions of contamination
726.8 ................... 1.6 x 10-7 5.1 x 10 ~2 from support material, it is unclear from the description of
926.8 ................... 8.8 x 10 6 1.6 x 10 8 the technique whether the observations were actually
1126.8 ................... 1.5 • 10 4 5.1 • 10 6 points on the liquidus. In any case, they were described in
1226.8 ................... 4.7 x 10 4 5.1 x 10 5
3.8 • 10 4 the paper as '~too scattered for construction of a phase
1326.8 ................... 1.3 • 10 3
1526.8 ................... 6.6 x 10-3 1.1 x 10 2 diagram." [66Git] observed the condition of aA120~-rich
1726.8 ................... 2.4 x 10 2 0.16 mixtures of A1 and aA1203 after heating to high tem-
perature and quenching. Precautions were taken to avoid
Note. Calculatmns from equations of [8lOts] from correlatmns and of contamination by the support and enclosure materials. A
[81She] from extrapolations
monotectic 15 ~ below the melting point of aA120:~ was
established. The O concentration on the liquidus at its
monotectic terminus was reported to be 59.14 at.% O, al-
Aluminum Oxide, aAl=O3, aAl203 is only one of several though it was stated that a higher concentration was pos-
identified polymorphic forms with the same stoichiometry. sible. In experiments resembling those of 166Git], [68Yan]
A broad consensus holds that aA1203 is the only stable found no measurable lowering of the melting point of
form ofA1203 [Hansen]; that view has been accepted here. aA120~ with A1 addition, but confirmed the monotectic
(Forms of A1203 other than aA1203 are discussed in the (termed a '~eutectic") reaction and the existence of two
"Other Phases" section.) Deviations from the stoichiomet- liquid phases in samples heated "a little above or below"
ric composition in aAl.~O3 were not determined or even the melting point of aA1203. From the microscopically-
detected chemically. Compositions were not stated for the observed volume of (A1), precipitated from Al-saturated
nonstoichiometric compounds reported by [76Got]. liquid A1203 after cooling, the location of the aA1203 liq-
uidus at its monotectic terminus was found to be displaced
At all temperatures up to its melting point, aA1203 has a less than 0.0012 at.% from stoichiometric A1203 (60 at.%
trigonal structure, which may be described alternatively O). Such a small displacement of the composition implies
as hexagonal (Table 2). The unit cell dimensions in Table that the monotectic temperature would be indistinguish-
2 are the selected values in the [Pearson2] and [Landolt] able from the melting temperature of stoichiometric
compilations. These values were also quoted by [60Swa] aA1203. In the absence of a basis for choosing between
from his own work. No observation of a pressure-induced [66Git] and [68Yan], their mean, 59.5 +- 0.5 at.% O for
phase transformation in aA1203 at 20 ~ was reported by the liquid A1203 composition and 2046.5 -+ 7.5 ~ is used
[65Har], who measured changes in the unit cell dimen- in Table 1 and Fig. 1. Extrapolation of the expression of
sions over the pressure range from 0 to 30 GPa. [8lOts] used for the Tal=le 4 calculation beyond its stated
In the condensed system up to the monotectic temperature, limits of applicability yields the value 0.13 at.% O for
aA1203 can coexist stably only with (A1) or liquid (A1). At the O concentration in liquid (A1) at the monotectic tem-
O2 fugacities above those for its coexistence with those perature. The results of [68Yan] and [66Git] agree on the
phases, aA1203 is the only stable condensed phase. (Liquid absence of oxides other than A1203 in the equilibrium con-
and solid O are not considered.) densed system.
The thermodynamic data. for aA1203 were compiled and
reviewed by [78Cha] and also compiled by [82Pan]. Other Phases
[78Cha] utilized subsequently published NBS data for the
heat capacity [82Dit]. Differences between [78Cha] and The solid oxides other than a A 1 2 0 3 may be grouped in two
[82Pan] values below the melting point of aA1203 were classes: (1) those with the composition A1203, and (2) those
slight; both compilations indicate a heat of formation of with other stoichiometries.
- 1 6 7 6 kJ/mol A1203 at 25 ~
The melting point of aA1203 was measured by numerous Forms of AI203 Other Than aAI203. In addition to amor-
investigators. [63Sch] compiled the measurements from phous A1203, there are at least five such varieties of crys-
1911 to early 1963 and converted the values to those on the talline A1203, but many more were reported. In the history
IPTS-48 temperature scale. Subsequently, determinations of classifying them, it was difficult to establish the dis-
were made by [63Che], [65Bla], [65Git], [66Kan], [66Sch], tinct, reproducible varieties that are single phase rather
[66Urb], and [67Sch]. The measurements of [67Sch], than mixtures and to determine which are strictly binary
which paid careful attention to environmental effects, compounds. Nomenclature was also confusing, because the
produced a value of 2054 ~ (IPTS-68) in vacuum. This same phase at times was given different designations and
value was adopted in [78Cha] and [82Pan] and has been different phases the same designation. These types of
accepted here. A1203 may develop by oxidation of A1, decomposition of
compounds containing A1 and O, or heat treatment of
There were only a few attempts to establish the liquidus other A1203 varieties in transition to aA1203. Certain
from the melting point of aA1203 to the monotectic tem- so-called "aluminas," notably /3 and ~, were not strictly
perature. [34Bau] interpreted their experimental results binary compounds [34Mor]; other types, such as /~, ,,
as indicating that this liquidus terminated 39 ~ below the and ~, were observed only as thin films on A1. Certain
melting point of aA1203 at a eutectic point with 59.5 at.% massive varieties may incorporate residual impurities,
O, where solid A1203, liquid A1203, and a compound, especially H, but it was not shown that these impurities
AlsO9, coexisted. These data and interpretation were dis- are essential for metastability.
All the crystalline forms of A1203 are constructed of Table 5 Crystal Structures of Metastable AI=03
stacked, close-packed layers of O ions, with A1 ions and Polymorphs (25 ~ MPa)
vacancies distributed on the tetrahedral and octahedral
sites among these O ions. Polymorphism arises from the Pearson Space Strukturbericht
Phase symbol group designation Prototype
possibilities for different O-layer stacking sequences and
disorder therein, from variations in the distribution of A1 TA1203. 99 cF56 Fd3m Hll A12MgO4
ions on their two types of sites, and from ordering among 8A1203... 9. . . . . . . . 6A1203
the A1 ions and vacancies on those sites. Because of these ~A1203... "'" C 2/ m "'" flGa20~
possibilities, not only are cubic, hexagonal, and tetragonal KA1203(a) . . . . . . . . . . . .
xA1203... "'" P 6 J m c m or . . . . . .
structures formed, but also others of lower symmetry. Con- P 6 / m m m or
fusion arose from the multiplicity of variations, because P63/mmc
small-step changes may be manifested in specimens with
different histories. Tables 5 and 6 contain information on (a)Called v by [Pearson2]. T~usually denotes a form indistinguishable
from 7.
well documented and widely (but not universally) accepted
metastable polymorphs that occur as substantially pure,
massive crystals. Even here, the question of effects of re- Table 6 Lattice Parameters of Metastable AI203
sidual H in stabilizing structures formed at lower tem-
peratures, for example, especially in T and X aluminas, Polymorphs (25 ~ 0.1 M P a )
has not been resolved fully. Transformation of the meta- [-Lattice parameters, nm
stable varieties to a may be slow, even at temperatures Phase | a b c J Comment Reference
well above 1000 ~ TA1203...0.7911 . . . . . . . . . [Landolt]
Metastable A1203 phases were described in a voluminous 0.7859 . . . . . . . . . [Pearson2]
literature, which was reviewed by [34Mor], [59Kal], ~A1203...0.796 "" 1.170 "" [Landolt]
[63Torl], [65Ply], [67Dra], [67Sto], and [70Lip]. In addi- 0.795 "" 0.779 "" [Pearson2]
tion, thermodynamic data for 6A1203, 7Al203, and KA1203 0A1203...1.183 0.292 0.564 fl = 104~ [Landolt]
1.124 0.572 1.174 fl = 103020' [Pearson2]
were compiled and reviewed by [78Cha] and those for KAl~O3...0.971 "" 1.786 "" [Landolt,
TA1203 were compiled by [82Pan]. [78Sri] compiled heats Pearson2]
of formation for the K, T, and ~ forms. [Pearson2] and xA1203...0.556 "" 1.344 "" [Landolt,
[Landolt] listed structures and unit cell dimensions not Pearson2]
only for the "pure, massive" varieties, but also for varieties
that were observed only with significant impurity con-
tents or in thin films. certain reflections in the XRD patterns, but the source of
the reflections was not isolated chemically and analyzed.
Solid Oxides that are not AI203. At least eight varieties of The existence of AlsO9 was postulated by [34Bau] to
A1 oxide in this class were reported: A120, A1403, A10, explain the occurrence of a maximum in the liquidus
A].~O2, AlsOg, A1304, A14OG, and A102. It is possible that observed with (A1) + A1203 mixtures in a C(graphite) cru-
none of these phases exists, even metastably. The occur- cible. [66Git] and [68Yan] suggested that the maximum
rence of other oxide phases with undefined compositions was a feature of the A1-O-C system and that AlsO9 does
was also reported by [55Coc], [62Das], and [68Pie]. In not exist.
many instances, the substances reported were produced
in systems involving other elements, for example, with C A possible spinel-type oxide, A1304, was reported to have
or Si present. This raises the possibility that the products formed when A1 reacted with air [19Rho]. Claims that this
were not pure compounds of A1 and O. Sometimes, there oxide formed in the reaction of A1203 with C at high tem-
was insufficient product for chemical analysis or even for perature [57Fill and in Fe-rich Fe-A1-O melts [81She]
XRD in stress-free, isolated conditions. Therefore, identi- were also made. Other investigators who made these types
fications with a particular stoichiometry were often weak. of experiments did not report finding A1304.
The reviews by [63Tor2] and [68Mac] are still essentially
current. The review of [68Mac] listed the references in
which A1403, A1202, A1406, and A102 were postulated or
Gaseous Species
reported to have been prepared. Evidence regarding A120, Oxide species occur in vapors of the system as well as
A10, AlsOg, and A1304 is now discussed briefly. single-element O and A1 species. A voluminous literature
exists concerning these gaseous oxides, among which A120
[51Bell claimed to have produced solid A120 by reaction of and A10 were well documented, while A1202 and A10~
a mixture of A1203, SiO2, and C at temperatures above were also reported. (A120:~ was not shown to be signifi-
1800 ~ The product was not analyzed chemically. Crys- cant.) The literature concerning the gaseous oxides was
tals identified as A120 and A10 were reported by [54Hoc], reviewed by [63Tor2], [68Mac], and [78Sri]. [68Yan] cal-
who obtained XRD patterns at high temperatures, indi- culated concentrations of gaseous species at 1727 ~ for
cating cubic structures. The solid identified as A120 oc- various A1/O ratios. The thermodynamic data for A120,
curred only between 1100 and 1600 ~ the solid identified A10, A1202, and A1Q gases were compiled and reviewed
as A10 occurred only above 1500 ~ These results were by I78Cha] and also compiled by [82Pan].
not confirmed. [68Yan] suggested that the diffraction pat-
terns of [54Hoc] were those of A1 carbide and A1 ortho-
tantalate, produced by reactions with contaminants. Cited References
[74Yam] claimed that A120 and A10 were formed at the 19Rho: J. G. A. Rhodin, "Chemistry of Aluminum and Aluminum
boundary between A1203 and the metal in oxidizing A1 foil Alloys," Trans. Faraday Soc., 14, 134-149 I1919); cited by
at 300 ~ The presence of suboxides was inferred from [68Mac]. (Meta Phases; Experimental)
22Czo: J. Czochralski, "The Solubility of Gases in Aluminum," Z. 65Bla: P.E. Blackburn, "Thermodynamics of Condensed and
Metallkd., 14(7), 277-285 (1922) in German. (Equi Diagram; Vapor Phases in the Binary and Ternary Systems of Be-B-O,
Experimental) A1-B-O, Si-O, A1-Be-O and A1-B-F," NASA Rep., AD618523
28Jan: G. Jander and W. BrSsse, "Quantitative Separations and (1965). (Thermo, Equi Diagram; Experimental)
Determinations Through Volatilization with Hydrogen Chlo- 65Git: G. Gitlesen and K. Motzfeldt, "The Melting Point of Alu-
ride. 6th Report: On the Quantitative Determination of the mina and Some Related Observations," Acta Chem Scand,
Oxygen Content of Aluminum Alloys," Z. Angew. Chem., 41, 19(3), 661-669 (1965). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
702-704 (1928) in German. (Equi Diagram; Experimental) 65Har: H. V. Hart and H. G. Drickamer, "Effect of High Pressures
30Har: T. Harada, "Oxygen in Aluminum and a Method for Its on the Lattice Parameters of A1203," J. Chem. Phys., 43(7),
Determination," Mem. Fac. Eng. Kyoto Imp. Unw., Ch~kashige 2265-2266 (1965). (Pressure; Experimental)
Anniv. Vol., 237-243 (1930}; Chem. Abst., 25, 2660 (1931). (Equi 65Ply: L. M. Plyasova and L. M. Kefeli, "The Structure of Alumi-
Diagram; Experimental) num Oxides," Kinet. Katal., 6(6), 1080-1084 (1965) in Russian;
31Low' H. LSwenstein, "On the Oxygen Content of Aluminum TR: Kinet. Catal. (USSR), 6, 975-979 (1965). (Crys Structure,
and Methods for its Determination," Z. Anorg. Chem., 199, Experimental)
48-56 (1931) in German. (Equi Diagram; Experimental) 66Git: G. Gitlesen, O. Herstad, and K. Motzfeldt, "Chemical In-
31Ste: R. Sterner-Rainer, "On the Occurrence of Small Amounts vestigations Concerning the Carbothermic Reduction of Alu-
of Gases and Oxides in Aluminum and A1-Alloys," Z. Metallkd., mina," Selected Topics in High Temperature Chemistry, T.
23, 274-282 (1931) in German. (Equi Diagram; Experimental) F0rland, Ed., Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, Norway, 179-196
34Bau: E. Baur and R. Brunner, "On the Surfaces of Melting in (1966). (Equi Diagram; Experimental; #)
the System Aluminum, Aluminum Oxide, Aluminum Carbide," 66Kan: P.B. Kantor, E.N. Fomichev, and V.V. Kandyba,
Z. Elektrochem., 40(3), 154-158 (1934) in German. (Equi Dia- ~'Melting Point of Corundum as a Secondary Reference Point of
gram; Experimental; #) the Temperature Scale," Izmerit. Tekh., (5), 27-29 (1966) in
34Mor: G.W. Morey, "The Crystalline Form of Alumina," Bull. Russian; TR: Meas. Tech. (USSR), (5), 615-617 (1966). (Equi
Am. Ceram. Soc., 13, 79-80 (1934). (Crys Structure; Review) Diagram; Experimental)
45S1o: H.A. Sloman, "The Application of the Vacuum Fusion 66Seh: S.J. Schneider and C.L. MeDaniel, "The Melting Point of
Method to the Determination of the Oxygen, Hydrogen and A120~ in Vacuum," Rev. Int. Hautes Temp. Rdfract., 3, 351-361
Nitrogen Contents of Non-Ferrous Metals, Alloys and Pow- (1966). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
ders," J. Inst. Met., 71,391-414 (1945). (Equi Diagram; Experi- 66Urb: G. Urbain and M. Rouannet, "Secondary Points of Refer-
mental) ence in the Practical Scale of Temperatures, Experimental De-
51Bel; M. C. Beletskii and M.B. Rapoport, "Investigation of Be- termination of the Temperature of Fusion of Alumina," Rev. Int.
havior of Aluminum Compounds at High Temperatures," Dokl. Hautes Temp. R~fract., 3, 363-369 (1966) in French. (Equi Dia-
Akad. Nauk SSSR, 80, 751-754 (1951) in Russian. (Equi Dia- gram; Experimental)
gram; Experimental) 67Dra: A.L. Dragoo and J.J. Diamond, "Transitions in Vapor-
54Hoc: M. Hoch and H.L. Johnston, "Formation, Stability and Deposited Alumina from 300 to 1200 ~ J. Am. Ceram. Soc.,
Crystal Structure of the Solid Aluminum Suboxides: A120 and 50(11), 568-574 (1967). (Crys Structure; Experimental)
A10," J. Am. Chem. Soc., 76, 2560-2561 (1954). (Equi Diagram, 67Gib: D. Gibbons, G. Olive, E Sevier, and J.E. Deutschman,
Crys Structure; Experimental) "Determination of the Oxygen Content of Aluminum by 14
55Coc: C.N. Cochran, "Aluminum Suboxide Formed in Reac- MeV-Neutron Radioactivation Analysis," J. Inst. Met., 95(9),
tion of Aluminum with Alumina," J. Am. Chem. Soc., 77, 280-283 (1967). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
2190-2191 (1955). (Equi Diagram; Experimental) 67Seh: S.J. Schneider and C.L. McDaniel, "Effect of Environ-
568ch: H. Schmitt and H. Wittner, "Origin of the Nonmetallic ment Upon the Melting Point of A1203," J. Res. Nat. Bur.
Impurities in Aluminum and Their Influence on Its Further Stand., A., 71A(4), 317-333 (1967). (Equi Diagram; Experi-
Working," Z. Erzbergbau Met., 9(9), 417-421 (1956) in German. mental)
(Equi Diagram; Review, Experimental) 67Sto: L. Stoica, "Alumina. Characteristics and Structural Data
57Fil: N.E. Filonenko, I.V. Lavrov, O.V. Andreeva, and R.L. Obtained by X-Ray Diffraction," Rev. Rom. Chtm., 18, 543-551
Pevzner, "On the Alumina-Derived Spinel AIO 9Al~O3," Dokl. (1967) in Romanian. (Crys Structure; Review)
Akad. Nauk SSSR, 115(3), 583-585 (1957) in Russian. (Equi 68Mac: K.J.D. Mackenzie, "The Oxides of Aluminlum Other
Diagram; Experimental) than Al:O3," J. Br. Ceram. Soc., 5, 183-193 (19681. (Meta
59Kal: A.M. Kalinina, "The Polymorphism and Thermal Con- Phases; Review)
versions of Aluminum Oxide," Zh. Neorg. Khim., 4(6), 68Pie: J.M. Pierard, "Analysis of Solids by Determination of
1260-1269 (1959) in Russian; TR: Russ. J. Inorg. Chem., 4(6), Properties Related to Their State of Aggregation," Ind. Chtm.
568-573 (1959). (Crys Structure; Review, Experimental) Belge, 33(Spec. No.), 151-154 (1968) in French; Chem. A bst , 70.
60Swa: H.E. Swanson, M.I. Cook, T. Isaacs, and E.H. Evans, 31184n (1969). (Meta Phases; Experimental)
Nat. Bur. Stand. Circular 539, 2, 20-23 (1960). (Crys Structure; 68Yan: H. Yanagida and F. A. KrSger, "The System AI-O," J. Am.
Review, Compilation) Ceram. Soc., 51(12), 700-706 (1968). (Equi Diagram, Crys
62Das: E.M. DaSilva and P. White, "Electrical Properties of Structure, Thermo; Experimental; #)
Evaporated Aluminum Oxide Films," J. Electrochem. Soc., 70Lip: B. C. Lippens and J.J. Steggerda, Physical and Chemical
109(1), 12-15 (1962). (Crys Structure; Experimental) Aspects of Adsorbents and Catalysts, B.G. Linsen, Ed., Aca-
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perimental) Appl. Phys., 45(7), 3207-3208 (1974). (Crys Structure, Meta
638ch: S.J. Schneider, "Compilation of the Melting Points of the Phases; Experimental)
Metal Oxides," Nat. Bur. Stand. Monograph 68, 6-9 (1963). 76Got: V. Gotovac and B. Lovre~ek, "Electrical Properties of Non-
(Equi Diagram; Compilation) stoichiometric A12+.O3,"Fiz~ka Yugosl., 8 (Suppl.), 63-64 (1976).
63Torl: K. Torkar, "Investigations of Aluminum Hydroxides and (Meta Phases; Experimental)
Oxides, 12th Rep.: Final Results, Especially in the Field of the 78Cha: M. W. Chase, Jr., J. L. Curnutt, R. A. McDonald, and A. N.
Gamma Oxide," Monatsh. Chem., 94, 110-123 (1963) in Syverud, "JANAF Thermochemical Tables, 1978 Supplement,"
German. (Crys Structure; Review, Experimental) J. Phys. Chem. R e f Data, 7(3), 793-940 (1978). (Thermo; Com-
63Tor2: N. A. Toropov and V. P. Barzakovskii, High Temperature pilation)
Chemistry of Silicates and Other Oxide Systems, Izv. Akad. 78Sri: R. D. Srivastava and M. Farber, "Thermodynamic Proper-
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A1-O evaluation contributed by H.A. Wriedt, 148 Washington Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15218. This work was supported by Amerman Society for Metals.
Literature searched through 1983. Part of the bibliographic search was provided by ASM. Dr. Wrmdt is the ASM/NBS Data Program Category Editor for
binary oxygen alloys.
By H. A. Wriedt