Uni/Tersity The Pui/Jab: Llo :'J ' 'J:'J
Uni/Tersity The Pui/Jab: Llo :'J ' 'J:'J
Uni/Tersity The Pui/Jab: Llo :'J ' 'J:'J
Section I
(b) Show that the effective mass of an electron, in a crystal depends on the curvature of energy ,
band. Discuss the physical basis for the effective rnass of an electron in a crystal. (6.5)
(c) PIot the distribution of probability p in the lattice for ry'2 and y*2 and for a pure travelling
wave. (3)
Q.3 (a) Differentiate between Paramagnetic, Ferromagnetic and diamagnetic materials. (3)
(b) Explain the quantum theory of Paramagnetic susceptibility of a substance in an external
magnetic field B, under the following condition. (9.5)
Q.a (a) What is meant by energy gap and why energy gaps appear due to brag reflection at zone
boundary. (5.5)
(b) Define acceptors. Write down two impurities added as acceptors. (Z)
(c) State Fermi Dirac distribution function and describe how it is affected by change in
temperature. Use graphs to illustrate your answer. (S)
Section - 11
Q.5 (a) Differentiate between direct and indirect band gap materials. How does the optical
absorption process diflfer between them. (4)
(b) Derive an expression for intrinsic canier concentration in a semiconductor. (6)
Roil No. .............
a a a a a aa oo oa
aa ooo ot a o
Subjec t: Physics PAPER: II (Statistical Physics) Time: 3 Hrs. Marks: 50
NOTE: Attempt FOaR questions, in all by selecting at least ONE questionfrom each section.
Try to befocused and give only precise onswers, of the asked questions.
Q.No.1 (a) Write down classical and quantum canonical partition function. Derive Seckur-
Tetrode formula for a perfect gas by making use of classical canonical partition function.
(6.5 )
(b) Define Helmholtz free energy and enthalpy. Find Helmholtz free energy for a perfect gas
from classical canonical partition function. Express result in terms of therma! de Broglie
wavelength. (3)
(c) The volume of a perfeci gas of N atoms is doubled, the energy being held constant. What
is the change of entropy? (3)
(b) Show that for a simple harmonic oscillator, the orbit in phase space is
an ellipse. Also mention
values of semi major and semi minor axes. (3.5)
(c) How can we understand general tendency for the entropy of a closed system to
increase? (3)
(d) Give a brief compaiison of various ensembles. (3)
log[N!/(N/2;t1=1en(2N/e)N/2 (3)
Q'No.4 write a short note on each of the following: .
fluctuation in a
e.No.s (a) What is meant by Fluctuation? Find an expression of energy
canonical ensemble. (5)
with energies E
(b) Write down the partition function for a non-degenerate two level system
at constant volume'
and -E, then (i) find expression for entropy (ii) evaluate heat capacity
(c) The average kinetic energy of hydrogen atoms in a certain steller atmosphere
in kelvinsZ (3)
to be in thermal equilibrium) is 1 eV. What is temperature of atmosphere
e.No.6 (a) Discuss.Maxwell-Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac,statistics'
mention their significance. (6.5)
,. (b) Ttae therr^noclynar"nic entropy'of a closed, systern is given by S=( 1/kB)CV"oU"o' Use
(c) The partltion funetion of a system is given Z=exp(aT3V1, where a is'constant'
Calculate enetropy and internal energy of system' (3)
by using Bose-Einstein
Q.No.7'(a) Define cavity radiation. Derive Planck's radiation law
distribution function. (6)
NOTE: Attempt FOUR questions selecting ot least oNE from each
of the quantiti c2t2 -x2 in relativity? Use K-calculus to show that
el.(a) What is the physical signi{icance
c, t, is inclepenclent of the relative velocity of the particle.
-. x' 16%l
([r) Stutc postulatcs of Spccial Relativity. Use Maxwell equations to ]rrove the postulate of Special
in wavelength is given by
e3. (a) [Jse the four-momentum conservation to show that the Compton shift
l;.=l:' 1!.'\ri,,,[q), whe rc g is angle with the photon is scattererl by an electron. l6t/rl
\m<' ) \2)
(b) Use variational principle to clerive the equation of geodesic on a manifoltl. t6l
Q4'(a) Show that the covariant derivative of
a contravariant vector fierd is non-tensoriar.
the detinition of affine connection Arso prove that
makes the derivative y,Xu
= A."X,, + r;"X/, tensoriat.
(b) Fincl the Christoffel symbols Igl
t"ro anct / lr, atso find the equations
of geocresic corres,oncling to f;
antl r'*n for the rnetric ds) =rtt? -,,rtlyi;,r) +r2d02 *rrrir,',t,pr!. 14.51
Q5.(a) Show that the covariant derivative of
a (O ,Z) tensor is An,, = O nA1,,, _ f i,,,A^, __
r, r.:,t,A.u, .
(b) Show that if the metric is
ttiagonat then : r,;" =#(;,or,,)
Q6- (a) show that the Ricci scarar is R 2 forthe
(b) what is the counterpart of gravitational unit 2_sphere. 14%l
potential in General retativity?
for gravit-ational poientiar teads to the Logically explain how
lffi':irl;;reQuation Einsrein,, nlra equations in Generar
Q7. Write notes on the following:
16% ,61
(i) of B.ig Bang Theory in Cenerat Retativity
(ii) I:,:l:l:.s
o o ooooolao aoooa o oa o a oo
Find the roots of the equation x2 2 x 2 using Newton Raphsorr 08 '/z *4
method using xo = 2. Write C++ program to inrplement the method
cot'rect to 3dp
Write C-.+ progrant which read in a hunrber lrorii the Lrser anrJ prints
out table of that nLlmber. lrnplentent f,or'5 iter-ations
The ternperature values per day for two citiei'R and B are given in 7 +5 t/z
the table. Write prograrn to determine: (i) nLtmber of: times the
tenrperature of A is less tlran that of B rvith da),,(ii) tertrp. of B not
equal to that o1'A with day (iii) temp. of A &" B > 57 with days (iv)
flnd out the day with two temperatLtres are very close or apafi from
each other and (v) find average telnperature per day and per week.
Q4 Write down the MATLAB synta.\ rvith exanrple fbr: .lif ()'
A 8+04 '/z
polyderQ, polyvalQ and e.xpandQ.
(A) Write general syntax lor a Ltser dellned fr,ction i, MA-|LAB.
a progrant to irnplenrent a functiclrr circle to calcur late area
circurnfbrence of a circle for r such that r is l0J. I
write a program with function to calculare /(x). given by:
(,r) = 8x' - 42xr + 5r + 3
(B) "f .
Calculate, and plot values for x and J@. Also flpcl our suffr,
gl1gg9, IninirnLrrll of{x) values fbr ten ditferenl. values of'
Write a program to show the c
circuit' How yoll can change the program to irnplenrent firll-wave
rectifier circuit?
Write MATLAB program to calculate and print out lactorial
of, a
nutn ber taken fioln the :ruSer. Irnplernent your
program using
(A) vtAl.LA
Yrite FrM) 8+4
of 'a ntass attached with a spring using Euler.
r\"'rr\"vv rrtE nn nllti,^,1(r . '/ .--rl o '^^'r-I
vvrrt.rrLruIls. :--r^. o,
fts-y.o fll/S , lnltlal pOSlttOn ZefO and VelOCity
T:ll<g, damping coefficient :0.5 N/nrs, rr.r -0.01 s'r anc1 flu: I.5N.).
Calculate and print values for tinre., position, velocitl,
acceler-ation. I-lorv )'ou can change the same progr.apr
brced M. The
';\r rH.r.rvr. r rrv ilYvs))cuy
necess ary trtlLlauolls
eq uariions are as Iollows:
A * (-1, x-b v * focos(wt) )/m, x=x* v h, v= v *a h, t =t*h,
Xote: Plor estirnare graplr il,any. ii
L_-^ I
J___.-- t!
aa aaoaoaaaoa
UNI\TERSITY OF THE PUNJAB aa a a a a oo ao
NOTE: Attempt any FIW questions, at least TWO questions from each section,
All questions carry equal morks,
Q. I . (a) Show that the electric rnultipoles are used to approximate the potential of a charge distribution. .
(b) By an exaurple of a point cltarge placed near a condurcting plane of infinite extent, demonstrate
Q.2. (a) Find the following expression for the electric field outside of a dielectric medium, where o, and p,
are polariz.ation charge densities:
*neog -, tr-;'iicta'* I ,rff-',to;l
(b) Evaluate expressions for the electric field and polarizaLior't for a point chargc in a diclectric fluid.
Also calculate the total surface polarization charge and the total charge. I 0, l0
Q.3. (a) Calculate the electrostatic energy of a charge distribution with volume density p, surface density o.
Also assume charge distribrrtion includes conductors.
(b) Derive equation of continuity for cltarge conservation. 12, 8
Q.4. (a) Discuss Biot-Savart law. Also show that for magnetic induction fields V . B = 0 i.e. there are no
isolated rnagnetic poles.
(b) Find rnagnetic field ol'a lorrg, straight current carrying wire. 12,8
Q..5. (a) Calculate nragnetic vector Jrotential and rrragnetic induction due to a distant circuit.
(b) Wtrat is rrragnetic scalar potcrrtial? Discuss briefly. 14,6
Q.6. (a) what is Faraday's law? Derive its integral and differential
(b) Derive the wave equatiorts for H and E in a linear and charge
free medium. 10, l0
Q.7 (a) What is skin depth? Show that a plane monochromatic wave propagating
in a conclucting mediurn
is darnped exponentially.
(b) Discuss skin depth for poor and good conductors.
12, g
Q.8. (a) Discuss electric neutrality in plasma and also find the expressicin
for Debye ,s shielding distance.
(b) What are plastna oscillations? Show that plasrna frequency is given by
op : (ezno/iomu)r/2.10, l0
o ROII NO.........o.r.....
M.A.l[V[.Sc. Part -.II Annual Ex?m - 2019 o
-r r o oo oa ooo. aa a o ot o o o a
NOTE: Attempt any FOUR questions selecting at least ONEfrom each section,
All questions carry equal marks. Please read question carefully and answer accordingly.
Section I
Question 1: (B+12+5:=25)
(a): What is nrtr,gur:tic ciipolcr ntorueiut? Esta.blish tr lelatiorr lbr nuclear.ina,grrel;ou.
(b)t Fot'tr tlucleus i;f cha,tge ttturber', Z, ancl rnass nuurl)t:1, A. write clgrvn its serli-
enrpirical ruilss fblntr-la, and identit\, its clift'erent [errns. Explti,in horv it ca.u be userl
1>r'etlict the isobar. rvirich cloes rrot tuiclergo l>el,a clecay. This isoba,r urill hirve the least
ntass ofall possible isobarrs. Cau evenness or oddness of "A" trflect this precliction?
(c): Using the predictiou establisliecl above, find the most stable isobar fbr A: 100.
Questio,2: (12+g+5:2I)
(a): Discuss the rvorkirig of Cyclotr.on. Wh1, it cnnnot acceler.ate particles to very higir
errr-:r'git-rs (> 25 t'{ev)? ILr*,c[r-r \\re ovel(iol,e biris 1>r.ol:leu i, s;r,16;]116c),clotr.o,.i
(b): Horv does a f'a,sb urovirrg elechrou lose energy while pa,ssing through matter? Compar.e
it rvith a, heavv cha,r'gecl pi'rrticle ptrssi.g trrrough tire sa,me mer,terial.
(c): Expla'r,in the Deacl Time of a gti.s crouuter.
Section II
Question 3:
("): Ca,lculate the cliff'erential clecay probe-ubility (dA) for the beta clecay
in terms of
IIloIIleIltLlm clistribtrtiorts P" of betel pit,r'ticles a,s
G2 I\,T7
d^:- E,)'dp,
rrsing the Fermi theor.},, of ltetzr clec.ay. Where G
M'i, are tlte constilnts. Provicling
that p(86) as tiie nunrl-rel of mourentum sta,[es per unit energy at E: Es o! final state
Ibr sortte assuurecl voiurne I/ tr,nrl &-. is the end point errergy in bett'r, deca,y.
(b): Irr ga,mrna ctecay'process: clescribe the rnultipole radiations on the btrsis of angular
tnontetttutn carriecl off l-ry gaulnla ray photons and t-r,lso by using the pariby selection rule
expltr,in tht+ electr:ic and magnetic urultipole rt'rdiations.
Question 4:
(a): Describe the vtrrious types of potentials, suggestecl to urrdelsttrncl the strong inter-
t-t.ct,ion alllong the trucieorrs irrsirlcr the nrrcleris and explaiu, cloes the strong rlncletrr folce'
clcrpeutl ultotr chtr,rge? Al.sr., explzrin. ri,htrh clo .y,ou uuclersti-rnd about bhe singlet t-lnd triplet
st',r,les of one proton arrci cne rreutr-on sl,stem'?
(b): What u'e the bzr^sic: trsstrutpti<.rns of ,sheli moclel arrd c:ollective urodel? Define Lhe
ntagic trurnber uuclei, exlrlain horv tl're shell rnoclel is applied to unclerstand the nuclear'
energy levels irrsicle nuclerts tr.nd mzr,gic numbers r.urcter the spin-orbit tr,ngula,r mourentuurs
interaction of uucleons?
(c): Describe trny two orrtcouLes of each nrotlel: Iiquicl dlop rroclel, shell moclcl and col-
lective urodel.
Section III
Question 5:
(u): Sta,te the sa,lierl[, fea,tttl'es of clirect lerl,ctions ancl crorllpountl nttcletrt' t'ea,ctions in
(b): How a, beatn of cleutrons calt be producecl to be usecl as tr, projectile in deutron-
inducecl reactiotts'/ Expla.il (d,p),(/,n) and (/,4) reactioris i1 detail with the help of
(.): Calculate the Q-rrtr,h-re a,ntl thresholcl energy for the following rea,ctiott
Question 6:
(.)r In neutron slolv clown process; the scattering of fast tteutrons fronr the atoms of
moclerator is obscrrvecl i.u Laboratory fi-ame (L-ti'ame) tr,nd Center of mass frtrme (C-
fra.rne) . Let 0 trnd @ trre scattering angles of neutron trfter collision to the original direction
of neutron in L-fram tr,nd C-fram respectively. Then show that the ratio of neutron energy
E after collision to initial energy Es measured in C-fram can be expressed in terns of @.
E +r* !-r"o16
rvitir r : (ii+)' trncl A: & rvhele -/1y' ancl ???. ar(j the uta"sses of tttoclera,tor atoms aucl
neutron respectively. Also shou, that which mrrterial ca,u be used eus best rnoderator ma,cle
of light element or lteavy element at p : 139.
(b): Describe in cletail the practical problems involvecl in the construction of a controllecl
nuclear fusion reactor. Wliich type of fusion reactions is more favorable, to be usecl iu
srrch rea,ctors a,ncl urhy?
Question 7:
(a): In a fission process a compound nucleus splits into intermediate nuclei with release
of ener.gy, cliscuss in cletail mass and energy clistribution'of the fission products when
fissiorr is incluced by theuna,l and fast treutlotrs.
(b): Explain irr tlela,il hor,v u)a.r{r neutlorrs ale eurittecl in a fissiotl evetrt ancl lvhy? Also
clift'ereuL iate bc+trveen prornpt a ttcl dela,.yed neutrons
(c): Colsicler a gi1,s of 108 atoms undergoing fusion. Ca,lculate the ternperatnre required
to overcome the coulorlb btrrrier anci the fusion enerBy rlleas_ed.
o oaot! raao aooot oa a ooa-
M.A.llVLSc. Part - I[ Aqlqlral Exam - 2019 !tt Roll No. ................ :
aa a a a o a aooa o o a a ar ao a
Subject: Physics PAPER: VII (Solid State Physics-t) Time:3 Hrs. Marks: 100
NOTE: Attempt any FOUR questions. All questions corry equal marks.
Q.l.(a) Derive Harhee Fock equation using variational principles, for independent electrons (10+6)
and apply to free electron gas to find the expression for energy.
O) What is Bom Oppen Heimer approximation? Describe briefly how the dynamics of Q+7)
electrons and ion.s in solids can be decoupled based on this approximation.
Q.2.(a) What do you understand by the phenomenon of superconductivity? Give few Q+5+
. examples. How do you diferentiate between Types I and II materials? Explain very /.+r\t
comprehensively the intermediate state in type I and vortex state in t)?e II materials. '
' )
(b) Describe comprehensively what is coherence length in superconductors? What do you (5+5)
understand by the energy gap in superconductors with regards to BCS theory?
Q.4.(a) What is an Exciton? Describe the difference between Wannier Mott and Frenkel (5+8)
excitons with help of diagram. Consider a ID chain of atoms and evaluate the Eigen
energy of Frenkel excitons.
(b) Evaluate comprehensively the energy loss of fast particles, such as photons and (t2)
elechons, in solids.
Describe comprehensively the phenomenon of Normal tunneling/single particle
tunneling for u rup.r.onducting junction with help of schematic diagrams.
Discuss in detail thermodynamics of superconductors with regards to free energy,
9r entropy and specific heat.
plane (7+8)
Q.6.(a) Describe the concept of Pseudo potentials. Discuss in detail Orthogonalised
wave method with regards to energy band structures in solids.
potential? Evaluate the Eigen energy expression for electrons (2+8)
@) What is the muffin tin
using Augmented plane wave method.
Q.7. Write notes on any two of the following: +r2%)
a) Polarization catastrophe in ferroelectrics
b) Meissner Effect
c) Tight binding aPProximation
D ROII No. .."..'..'t.."' o
NOTE: Afrempt any FOUR questions. All questions catry equal marles'
. , , (b) Show that tf,"*a of magnoni leadsio Bloih T32 law. (12'5+12,5)
q.:':1a; Deduce Madelung energy term from'th$iotal lutti*" "n;rgy'of an'ionic
quantized at eitremely low
(b)I Show ,t tt rn"Tsureii{all
' resistance tlepQin-is
: -
,' :
"t "
temperatui"t-*a *gh magnetic frelas, (12'5+12:5)
e.5 (a) Why magnetic moment of a metalbiciiiates witii the pnlie{ magnetic 1"19? .
-' , .ti) O"rir. Bioch equation of motions and'differbntiat6 transverse and longitudinal
. relaxation times.
Explain the'technique that employs the diffracti6-4 phenomenon to reveal the magnetic
structure of antiferromagnets. :i . : ,
Differentiate chemical aid magnetic,unit'eell and bhow thhi magnetic susceptibility
below Neel temperature (fx) extribits anisotropy. (12'5+12'5)
' Section I
.- -,: t- . .
(a): Give the classification of all types of particles attd elen:entarv particles with exa'm-
ples. Also mention the types of interactions in which they participa'te.
(b): Whtr,t arr: cluarks'/ Explain the quark mr-rdcrl. Also givc tr,vo [a,ctor.'s which do not,
supporl, the existence of quarks.
(c):, Kr:cping irr view thc conservation laws, choose tr,ppropriate tvpc of ncutrino/antincutrino
in the following proc:esses:
rnarr diagrarns.
(b): Discuss the variation of stroug coupling constant as afunction of clistance or energy
. of int,eractipg pa,rticles. Also explain phenornena of rmypp66tic lreedoru ancl quark con-
(c): Give the ranges, force carriers, relative strengths ancl typical lifetirnes for decays of
stloug, weak a,ud clectrornagnetic irrtcractions, Draw the primitivc vertices lbr quarks
ancf,leptotrs and also give one representative example for ea,ch.ir:teractil
Section II
Question 3: (10+ l0 +b:Zb)
(a): Considering the capture of negative pions into cleuterium explain in cletail how its
intrinsic parity was .ureasurecl'?
(b): Using Isospin symmetry prove the following result.
l(A+ -+'pno) o
l(A+ + nr+)
(c): \,Vrite down ihe relation fcr r* cleca), ancl drrrw the corresponcJing Feynrnan diagrzr,m.
,Alsr: comnre+t; on which type of process is this'l : , .t
Qtrestion 4:
("): Define helicit,y. floSv,doqs lielicity of neutrino implies pariby
(b): Sho',v tha,t the four Maxwel] equations a,re equiva,lent to the friilowing fielcl equa,-
nAt, _ 0t,(a,A,y: .iu.
(c): Show tha* homogeneity of spa,ce leads bo the conservation of linea,r rnomentum.
Section III
Question 5: (10+10+g:zS)
(,) : Disclrss irr rlet,ail Dirac l{ole theor.y aurl Feynrnau Stuclielber g irrl,er.pr.etation to
explain the negative energy solutions.
(b): The cova,t'iar:t fot'trt of the trtrusition arrrplitude , Ty.i, fi'our i)lr initial state ,i to final
state .f is given by
T.fo : -i, d,na Qi@)v(*),b,@)
lr*se this expr.essi.r:n [o c[er.ive Ferrui's Golclen rule.
(.): Show that IH o, f,,,1 * 0
Question 6: (10+12+3*25)
("): Deveioli l(lein Gordon equation usilg relativistic expression
of energy. AIso prove
that the Klein Gordon .qquation rernains invariant under Loren
tz t,t ansforma,tion provided
that the 'state firnctio! is Loren tz scalar.
(b): Solve the Dira,c equation and interpret a,ll its 1bur solutions.
(.)t Show that (ou'''l -- To otu,rtn
Question T: (15+1Q - 25)
Prove that the following Dirac bilinears
NOTE: Attempt ony FIW questions selec'ting at least ONE from eoch section.
Section I
jfi' Show ttrat
f,,, i* transitkxr arnplitrrcle fin orra transitio* c*rrc*t
ifi: e& I|{ti
muon scattering' show that for very
Q6. For the case of spinless electron
higlr cner-gv (a' : i-e-, eurrl 0 is the scattenng angle)
rl,o I
a2 (3.+ r:oso\2 (20)
AnlcM 4s \ t - cos? f
Section III
# e- lt,-. La,bel the
FeYturtfl'rt cliagrarn for tlrc pr'ocess e- lt,-
Q7. I)ra'n' process. Strow that
arnplittrcle for the
cliagram and wribe dowtr the invariant
ltxl2 : ^
NOM: Attempt any FIW questions, AII questions carry equal marlc.
e.1. a). Discuss the designing of differential operational amplifier and discuss its main features, (12,8)
b). Determine Verrl fo'r inverting amplifier, lf Rp =7 KCl, Rr =2KQ ard Vin= 25 mV
e.2. Design and Draw Ihe,circuits of RS, D, JK, T and Master slave flip flops by using truth'tables and
timing diagram. (20)
Q.3. Describe the construction, working and characteristics of the Magnetron tube. (20)
b). What is the basic difference between combinational and sequentiaI circuits? Give circuit analysis
of both techniques.
Q.5l a). Differ:entiate between clock and pulse. Design 4-bit Asynchronous counter. (10,10)
Q.6. a). What is the term ntodulation? Drawthe radio broadcasting receiver. (10,10)
a.7. a). Discuss the main features of Radio Communication? How Radar system works. (10,10)
Q.8. a). What is the difference between CPLD and SPLD? Differential between PAL and PLA togics.(10,10)
b). What is the basic role of Execution unit and Bus lnterface unit in