Equilibrium Diagram proximately 6 at.% were reported in solid (It) and (Pd) [81Loe].
Thus, the solubility of Li in (Ru) is in all probability very small,
No Li-Ru phase diagram is available. According to [81Loe], Li but there is no real evidence to say that it is negligible.
and Ru react completely at 450 *C at compositions above 70 at.%
Ru in a slow, single-stage reaction. This was taken to indicate that Crystal Structures and Lattice
only one intermediate phase exists, possibly LiRu3, analogous to Parameters
Lilr3 and LiRh3 in other Li-Pt group systems. The actual prepara-
tion method is unclear from the article of [81Loe]. X-ray diffrac-
tion and metallography were unsuccessfui because of the reac- Li-Ru crystal structure and lattice parameter data are given in
tivity of the alloys with air. In the Li-Rh system, the existence of Table 1.
two compounds, LiRh and LiRh3, is fairly well established Cited References
[91San], as is the existence of Lilr and Lilr3 in the Li-Ir system
[92San]. In the Li-Os system, no compounds were observed 76Don:H.C. Donkerslootand J.H.N. Van Vucht,"The Crystal Structure
[81Loe], whereas in the Li-Pt and Li-Pd systems, several com- of IrLi, Ir3Li and LiRh3," J. Less-Common Met., 50(2), 279-282
pounds were observed [81Loe]. On the basis of the observations (1976). (Equi Diagram; Experimental)
of [81Loe], it is probable that at least one compound exists in the *81Loe: O. Loebich and C.J. Rauh, "Reactions Between Some Alkali
Li-Ru system, but no conclusions can be drawn regarding its and Pt Group Metals," Platinum Met. Rev., 25(3), 113-120 (1981).
stoichiometry, and the existence of other compounds cannot be (Equi Diagram;Review)
ruled out. 91San: J. Sangster and A.D. Pelton, "The I_J-Rh (Lithium-Rhodium)
System,"./.PhaseEquilibria, 12(6),681-683 (1991). (Equi Diagram;
Differential thermal analysis experiments were carried out under Review)
inert gas atmospheres [81Loe]. No detectable shift in the melting 92San: J. Sangster and A.D. Pelton, "The Ir-I_J (Iridium-Lithium)Sys-
point of Li was observed, thereby indicating negligible solubility tem," J. Phase Equilibria, to be published (1992). (Equi Diagram;
of Ru in liquid or solid Li. Review)
According to [81Loe], the solubility of Li in solid (Ru) is negli- *Indicateskey paper.
gible, but it does not appear that any measurements were actually
performed. The solubility of Li in solid Or) was shown by X-ray *Permanent address: Sangster Research Laboratories, Suite M-3,
studies to be very small [76Don], but Li solubilities of ap- 1270 Sherbrooke St. W., Montr6al, Qu6bec, Canada, H3G 1H7.