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M.I. Lorentzou, N.D. Hatziargyriou, Senior Member, IEEE, B.C.Papadias, Fellow IEEE

Abstract analyzed and investigated. Its effect on lightning surge
In this paper, the response of windturbine grounding analysis is very important as it weakens the effect of adding
systems is calculated under fault conditions or when they more material in order to reduce grounding resistance.
are hit by lightning. The objective is their effective design For the purposes of this paper, existing software
in terms of dispersion of imposed currents and packages as CYMGRD[3], and EMTP[4], suitable for
minimization of raised potentials. Locally raised potentials grounding system analysis, have been used in order to
are calculated in terms of steady state GPR. Transferred calculate grounding resistance and touch and step potential
potentials to neighboring windturbines are also computed. values. Analysis using the software program CYMGRD is
Measures taken to reduce potentials are presented and based on finite element method, and division of the
commented. For the purposes of this paper the well-known grounding system into elementary segments. EMTP is
software packages EMTP (Electro Magnetic Transients mostly used in computation of the transient response of
Program) and CYMGRD (CYMe’s GRounDing) have been grounding arrangement. By extending its capabilities for
used. transmission lines calculations [5] it has been effectively
used for grounding systems analysis.
Index terms: wind turbines, windfarms, grounding, Particular methods followed in order to reduce
lightning strikes, EMTP-modeling, effective length. maximum voltages observed are presented. Alternative
grounding system design techniques are also presented and
discussed. Various methods to minimize touch and step
voltages are examined for their effectiveness.
1. INTRODUCTION According to current international Standards the
following definitions apply [6]:
Windturbine grounding system has to be effectively • Ground Potential Rise (GPR): The maximum voltage
designed in order to prevent excessive overvoltages and that a station grounding rid may attain relative to a
potential gradients that may cause damage to equipment or distant grounding point assumed to be at the potential
threaten human life. Fault or lightning currents to any of remote earth.
windturbine in a windfarm installation, may damage • Touch Voltage is the potential difference between the
equipment directly or indirectly as transferred potentials ground potential rise (GPR) and the surface potential at
may exceed allowed values at windturbines in the the point where a person is standing, while at the same
neighborhood of the fault. time having his hands in contact with a grounded
Windfarms are usually situated in rocky and structure.
mountainous areas where the wind potential is high[1],[2]. • Step Voltage is the difference in surface potential
In these areas soil resistivity also has high values. For this experienced by a person bridging a distance of 1 m
reason difficulties arise when designing grounding systems with his feet without contacting any other grounded
of windturbines in terms of reduction of touch and step object.
potentials and minimization of grounding system
The area that the grounding system takes is often 2. SAFETY CRITERIA
limited by topographical factors. For this reason practical
problems arise, as the area which is practically available is Safety criteria that have to be met are set according to
smaller than the one required for correct dimensioning of International Standards. There is a difference in regulations
the grounding arrangement. Installation costs also increase that apply in case of short circuit analysis [6] and in case of
for ground rods installation in highly resistive soil. (Use of analysis of lighting response [7]. More particularly it is:
special equipment). 2.a Lightning strikes
In case of extended grounding systems i.e. when Grounding resistance of WT arrangement or WT
windturbine grounds are interconnected, the effect of connected to the local transformer grounding system is
“effective length” of interconnection conductors is required to be below or equal to 10 Ohms. This is the only
requirement being suitable for lightning protection. A
1 resistance of 10Ω or less (before it is connected to any
The first author can be contacted at :
National Technical University of Athens other system) is stated in international
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, standards/recommendations. When the system is
9 Iroon Politechneiou str., Zografou Campus,
Athens 157 73, GREECE.
concentrated, or when it takes a small area, raised
potentials are equal to those produced by an AC current of Dimensions shown in figure 1 are common for
the same magnitude. windturbines in the range of 600kW as for practical reasons
2.b Short circuit grounding system dimensions depend closely on the WT
In case of short circuit the step voltage safety limits are foundation dimensions.
determined using IEEE Guide [6]. For calculations of
grounding arrangements in this paper the following
parameters values are taken: 4. INDIVIDUAL WIND TURBINE GROUNDING
Soil resistivity = 400 Ωm / 600 Ωm.
Human Weight = 50 kg Grounding resistance of WT arrangements as shown in
Shock Duration = 0.02 sec - 0.10 sec fig.1 have been calculated. These arrangements correspond
Table 1: Maximum Allowable Step Voltage to actual wind turbines installed in Greece.
Soil Resistivity
Shock ρs=400 Ωm ρs=600 Ωm Case 1
ρsoil=400 Ω-m
0.02 sec 3885 V 5273 V
0.03 sec 3172 V 4305 V
0.10 sec 1737 V 2358 V Case 2
Touch potentials safety limits are used to determine the ρsoil=600 Ω-m
area where a man in contact with the grounded structure R=19.5806
can safely stand. Practically, it is very rare for a working
person close to a WT grounding to experience high touch Figure 2.a
voltages because the area surrounding WT tower is usually
safe. It is also suggested to place a fence surrounding the
safe area. Case 1
ρsoil=400 Ω-m
Case 2
The grounding of a single wind turbine is normally ρsoil=600 Ω-m
achieved by placing a ring electrode around the foundation R=13.3449
and bonding it through the foundation to the turbine tower.
Figure 2.b

Case 1
ρsoil=400 Ω-m

Case 2
ρsoil=600 Ω-m

Figure 2.c
It can be observed that the area taken by the grounding
system following an inverse square law mainly reduces
grounding resistance. Furthermore, increasing the depth
Figure 1
there is no important decrease in grounding resistance.
The foundation reinforcement bar is also connected The WT grounding arrangement is usually connected to the
directly or via the turbine tower to the ring electrode and local transformer grounding. This makes use of the existing
will be effective in acting as a ground electrode since the path for the connection between the WT tower and the
surrounding concrete can be considered to have a resistivity transformer, lowering the total grounding resistance. This is
equal to that of the surrounding soil. However, in relevant shown in figure 3.a where local transformer grounding has
calculations it is normally ignored to provide a worst case been connected to WT grounding using three conductors.
analysis of the grounding system. Vertical rods or strip In order to reduce grounding resistance, a large grounding
electrodes (horizontal electrodes) are often used in arrangement has to be installed as shown in fig.3.b.
conjunction with this ring electrode to achieve a certain Step potentials along the y-axis are plotted in fig.4.a for
value of ground resistance. Furthermore, ring electrodes of the arrangement of fig.3.a and in fig.4.b for the
gradually increasing depth and diameter may be added in arrangement of fig.3.b. A serious decrease can be observed
order to reduce touch and step voltages at the edges of the
at fig.4.b and safety criteria (horizontal lines) given from In general, increasing the depth of the grounding
Table 1are met in most of the points close to WT. installation lowers the produced values of raised touch and
step potentials. Rings or closed type curves of gradually
increased depth and diameter are used to eliminate raised
Case 1
ρsoil=400 Ω-m R=8.6485
Case 2
ρsoil=600 Ω-m R=12.9726 5.a. Fault Conditions – Low Frequency Response
The individual wind turbine grounds are in some cases
connected by the metallic screen or armour of the main
power cable running between the turbines. In this case
power cable is considered as part of windfarm grounding
system. This has the effect of reducing the overall site
ground impedance to a low value, often 1-2Ω when a low
Figure 3.a frequency response is calculated or measured.
The following example of two connected WT
arrangements shows how drastically grounding resistance
and step voltages are reduced. Safety limits are met in
Case 1 almost all cases.
ρsoil=400 Ω-m R=3.9851

Case 2
ρsoil=600 Ω-m R=5.9776

Figure 3.b

Figure 5.a
(a) Grounding resistance values are:
When ρsoil=400 Ω-m R=3.5758
When ρsoil=600 Ω-m R=5.3636
Step Voltage(Volts)


Step voltages along the y-axis of WT are plotted in fig.5.b
1.0E+4 3.5E+4

5.0E+3 3.0E+4

0.0E+0 2.5E+4
-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20
Step Voltage(Volts)

-5.0E+3 2.0E+4
Υ coordinate (m )

600Ωm / 16kA 600Ωm / 7kA 400Ωm / 16kA 400Ωm / 7kA 400Ωm /100m sec 1.5E+4
400Ωm /30m sec 400Ωm /20m sec 600Ωm /100m sec 600Ωm /30m sec 600Ωm /20m sec

Figure 4.a: Step Voltage along the y-axis for injection of i) (a),(c) (a)
16 kA or ii) (b),(d) 7 kA 5.0E+3 (b)
3.5E+4 0.0E+0 (d)
-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20
3.0E+4 -5.0E+3
Υ coordinate (m)
600Ωm/ 16kA 600Ωm/ 7kA 400Ωm/ 16kA 400Ωm/ 7kA 400Ωm /100msec
400Ωm /30msec 400Ωm /20msec 600Ωm /100msec 600Ωm /30msec 600Ωm /20msec
Step Voltage(Volts)


1.5E+4 Figure 5.b: Step Voltage along the y-axis for injection of i) (a),(c)
1.0E+4 (a)
16 kA or ii) (b),(d) 7 kA
(b) Low frequency response of windfarm grounding system
(c) shows that it is beneficial to interconnect WT grounds.
-70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30
However when the windfarm is sited in an area of high soil
Υ coordinate (m) resistivity or in mountainous area installation of an
600Ωm/ 16kA
400Ωm /30msec
600Ωm/ 7kA
400Ωm /20msec
400Ωm/ 16kA
600Ωm /100msec
400Ωm/ 7kA
600Ωm /30msec
400Ωm /100msec
600Ωm /20msec underground power cable is practically difficult. In similar
Figure 4.b: Step Voltage along the y-axis for injection of i) (a),(c) cases in Greece overhead lines are used instead of power
16 kA or ii) (b),(d) 7 kA cable.
5.b. Lightning Strikes – High Frequency Response windturbine base is equal to 24.8 Ohms. Consequently
impulse current injection at a single WT would produce a
A lighnting current that hits a single WT is dispersed in max GPR equal to 744 kV. If the reactive component is
the earth, producing a max GPR as if windturbine neglected, the same impulse current at the middle of 5
grounding system was replaced by a resistance. This is interconnected WTs would produce 150kV. In this case the
explained by the fact that single WT grounding arrangemet max GPR at the injection point is equal to 311440V.
is concentrated in a small area so its reactive component Transferred potentials to neighboring WTs in case a
can be neglected even in high frequencies. When an lightning current is injected are larger than in case of short
extended grounding system is examined, as in the case of circuit. This is due to the grounding system reactance.
windfarm with interconnected WT grounding systems the
reactive component is important at high frequencies.
Consequently the overall impedance in case of lightning is
much greater that the grounding impedance in case of short 6. CONCLUSIONS
In this paper existing software packages have been used
The effect of interconnection electrodes determines the to calculate the response of windturbine grounding system
overall impedance that sees the impulse lightning current under short circuit of lightning current injection. The scope
when it hits a WT. Their effective length value limits their of the analysis is the effective design of grounding
contribution to the reduction of the impedance to an upper arrangement in order to minimize raised potentials and total
value. Effective length is the length value above which, no system grounding resistance.
considerable reduction of the impedance of the electrode is In case a windfarm is examined, then suitable
observed, when increasing the length[8]. It is dependent on calculations are needed in order to decide if it is better to
frequency and soil characteristics. An example of this fact interconnect windturbine grounding arrangements.
is given in fig. 3.where the max. GPR produced by a 9kA
1.4/17µs impulse current strike and also by a sinusoidal
9kA*sinωt current source has been plotted using EMTP.


[1] N. Hatziargyriou, M. Lorentzou, I. Cotton, N.
Jenkins:" Windfarm Earthing", Proceedings of IEE
Colloquium on “Lightning Protection of Wind

4.0E+5 Lightning Response Turbines”, IEE Publication No, 97/303, November

3.0E+5 1997.
50 Hz Response
[2] M.Lorentzou, I.Cotton, N.D.Hatziargyriou, N.Jenkins:
‘Electromagnetic Analysis of Wind Turbines
Grounding’, EWEC’97, Dublin, Ireland, 6-9 October
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Conductor Length/m [3] CYMGRD User’s Guide and Reference Manual,
Figure 7: Max Ground Potential rise values vs. conductor length
March 1995
[4] European EMTP Users Group : “ATP-EMTP Rule
5pcxx Book”, July 1999.
[5] N.D. Hatziargyriou, M. Lorentzou: 'Grounding
WT3 Systems Design Using EMTP', 23rdEuropean EMTP
2.5E+05 Users Group Meeting, Barcelona, 9-11 November
[6] ANSI/IEEE Std. 80-1986: “Guide for Safety in AC
Voltage (V)

Substation Grounding”

[7] IEC 1024-1: 1995: “Protection of Structures against
5.0E+04 Lightning” Part I. General Principles
0.0E+00 WT5 [8] N. Hatziargyriou, M. Lorentzou, I. Cotton, N.

2 52 102 152 202 252
Jenkins:" Transferred Overvoltages in Windfarm
Time (µs)
Grounding Systems", Proceedings of ICHQP
Figure 8 Conference, 14-16 October 1998, Athens (Greece).

In figure 10 GPRs produced by the injection of 30kA

impulse current at the middle of 5 WTs connected in series
have been plotted. Grounding resistance of each

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