Subs For Calculation of Earthing Within MEGER
Subs For Calculation of Earthing Within MEGER
Subs For Calculation of Earthing Within MEGER
(Md. Dara Abdus Satter)
Assistant Professor& Associate Head
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Assistant Proctor
Daffodil International University
Prepared By
Name: ID:
Md. Kawsar Ahmed 112-33-622
Vobotosh Ray 112-33-643
This is to certify that this project is my original work. No part of this work has
been submitted elsewhere partially or fully for the award of any other degree or
diploma. Any material reproduced in this project has been properly
Md. Kawsar Ahmed
Vobotosh Ray
The Project titled ―“Load calculation & sub-station design for academic
building-4, DIU, Ashulia campus” has been submitted to the following
respected members of the Faculty of Engineering, Department of Electrical &
Electronic Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of Bachelor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering on by the
following students and has been accepted as satisfactory.
(Md. Dara Abdus Satter)
Assistant Professor & Associate Head
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Assistant Proctor
Daffodil International University
At first I would like to thank the Almighty who has helped me for
completing the project. Then I must thank the people whose names are not
included in the list of acknowledgement but helped me to survey and
collect valuable information.
We want to pay our utmost respect to our honorable project Co-Supervisor,
Engr. Sheikh Mohammad Mostafa, Assistant Engineer (Senior Admin
Officer) Electrical, P&D, Daffodil International University who has given
me chance to work on our idea and taken care of every issues of
development that I will make possible with this concept.
This is to certify that this project and thesis entitled “LOAD CALCULATION & SUB-
done by the following students under my direct supervision and this work has been carried
out by them in the laboratories of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
under the Faculty of Engineering of Daffodil International University in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic
Engineering. The presentation of the work was held on 29 January 2019.
Vobotosh Ray
The project and thesis entitled “LOAD CALCULATION & SUB-STATION DESIGN
Ahmed, ID No:112-33-622, Session: Summer 2019 has been accepted as satisfactory in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Electrical
and Electronic Engineering on 19 January 2019.
Department of EEE, DIU
Department of EEE, DIU
Fig 5.8.a: Bus-bar connection on the side and customer connection on the bottom…… 93
Fig 5.8.b: Bus-bar connection on the side and customer connection on the side………… 93
Fig 5.8.c: Bus-bar connection on the top and customer connection on the bottom…… 93
Fig 5.9.3a: Tap-off unit with switch disconnector with fuses up to 250 A and 400 A ….. 96
Fig 5.13: End cap with hook, End cap with bolt, End Cap…………………………… 99
Table 5.14.4 Rated Current and short Circuit current of standard transformers……… 104
5.15.4 The following tables show typical parameters of the BTS present on the market… 108
5.17.1 Resistance and reactance per unit of length of copper cables………………… 111
5.17.3 Specific Voltage drop at cosƟ= 0.9 for copper cables:(cosƟ = 0.9. 0.85)……… 112
6.6.1 Short Circuit Current for XLPE and PVC Insulated Cables…………………… 132
DECLARATION………………………………………………………………………….. iii
APPROVAL......................................................................................................................... iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.................................................................................................... v
ABSTRACT.......................................................................................................................... vi
CERTIFICATION……………………………………………………………………….... vii
BOARD OF EXAMINERS……………………………………………………………….. vii
LIST OF FIGURES............................................................................................................... ix
LIST OF TABLE…………………………………………………………………………. x
TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................................... xii
3.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………………… 43-66
3.2 What is Switchgear? ................................................................................................. 43
3.3 Essential Features of Switchgear ………………………………………………….. 43
3.4 Classification of Switchgear ………………………………………………………. 44
3.5 Switchgear Equipment …………………………………………………………….. 45
3.5.1 Circuit Breaker……………………………………………………………… 45-46 What is Circuit Breaker? …………………………………….….…...... 45 Types of Circuit Breakers……………………………………….……... 46
3.5.2 Current Transformer (CT) ……………………………………………..…… 55-59 Definition………………………………………………………………. 55 Construction……………………………………………………………. 55 Working principle………………………………………………………. 55 CTR (CURRENT TRANSFORMER RATIO)………………………… 56
Chapter 6 .
1.1 Introduction
Basically an electrical substation consists of number of incoming ckt. And outgoing ckt.
Connected to common Bus-bar systems. A substation receives electrical power from
generating station via incoming transmission lines and delivers elect. Power via the outgoing
transmission lines.
The substations apart from the distribution of the electricity have many other functions as
1. Step up and step down of the voltage for transmission and distribution: As for the
same power transmitted at a higher voltage the current is lower it results in lower
transmission losses, hence is the need of stepping up and stepping down the voltage.
2. Switching and isolating the circuits for maintenance: Switching is also an important
function of substations. Closing down a feeder circuit when the load demands are high
needs to be done for the safety of the generating plants. Switching high voltages is a
dangerous work, and special circuit breakers like air circuit breakers and oil circuit
breakers for quenching the arcs have to be used.
3. Load shedding: When the power demand is more than the supply, the substations do
load shedding on distribution circuits to maintain balance.
The single line diagram of the 33kv substation is depicted in the figure below. The
connection of the substation is divided as
On the incoming 33kv incoming feeder line side, the transformer is connected to the bus bar
and the lightning or surge arresters are connected as a phase to the ground as the initial
connection equipment. A circuit breaker is connected between the 11kv bus-bar and each
incoming and outgoing circuit with the support of the isolator being provided on each side of
the circuit breaker.
There are numerous types of electrical substations depending on its nature and power
tackling capacities. Classification of Substations broadly falls under the following 4
categories based on various aspects
1) Step-up Substation:
The step-up substations are linked to generating stations directly as generation is achieved in
lower voltages. Hence, these voltages are needed to be stepped-up for economical
transmission of electrical energy over greater distance. The step-up substation may have
circuit breakers which are utilized for transmission and generation circuits in the case when
required to be shut down. The specified voltages which are leaving the step-up transmission
are to be analyzed through customer‘s needs.
2) Step-down Substation:
The step-down substations are linked with load centers as there is a requirement of different
voltage levels for various loads. The step-down substations are capable to change the voltage
levels of transmission to usually 69kv. The lines of the substation are then serving as a source
to that of the distribution substation. Moreover, some of the power is tapped from the
substation line to be used for industrial purposes in the way.
3) Primary Substation:
The primary grid substations are linked with bulk load centers alongside primary lines of
transmissions. The voltages are stepped-down at various voltage ranges for purpose of
secondary transmission.
4) Secondary Substation:
The secondary substations are lined alongside secondary transmission lines adjacent to loads.
The voltages here are further stepped-down for purpose of distribution.
5) Distribution Substation:
The distribution substations are located at the lace where voltages of primary distribution are
being stepped-down. These voltages are for consumers to use for their actual loads. These
substations are having high-voltage bearable wires and conductors having one neutral to
ground and 4 live wires. The 3 phased voltage is of 34500 volts amid conductors and wires
and the voltage is about 19920 volts in single phase when it is considered amid neutral to
ground and conductor. Depending on the type of equipment used / Configuration, the
substations could be classified as
The mobile substations are only for a dedicated purpose and are temporary in nature i.e.
mainly for giant constructions. A mobile substation is supposed to fulfill power requirements
of the under-construction structures. These substations are a source of temporary electrical
supply and its maintenance is very easy. It has vibrant protection from blackouts, fires,
weather disturbance, and sabotage etc.
Mobile Substation
7) Industrial Substation:
The industrial substations are also known as bulk substations and are traditionally referred to
as distributive substation, however, these are for dedicated consumers only e.g. industries
requiring bulk power to be supplied.
Converter Substations–
As the name suggests, Converter substations contain equipment that changes the frequency of
current from higher to lower and can also convert AC to DC or the reverse also.
Switching Substations–
A key function of this switching station includes switching the power line without altering the
voltages as they are placed in between the transmission lines. It also isolates the faulted
portion of the systems and de-energizes faulted equipment which helps the grid operate with
These substations are primarily used in distributed power generation projects like wind farms,
hydroelectric projects etc. where power flow from multiple power sources can be collected
and distributed to the grid by stepping up the transmission voltage.
The substations classification below is based on the voltage levels they operate and may vary
from region to region
Outdoor Substation: The outdoor substations are constructed in the open air. These
are also known as a 66KV substation, 132KV substation, 220KV substation, and
400KV substation etc. These days gas insulated substations are built for high voltage
Indoor Substation: The indoor substations are generally of lower voltages and are
built under a roof or closed compartment. These substations are also known as 11KV
substations and 33KV substations etc.
Pole Mounted Substation: The pole mounted substations are majorly distribution
substations which are constructed on the structure of two, four, or sometimes six or
more poles. In such substations, there is a need of mounting distribution transformers
over poles alongside isolator switches. The single pole is also known as H pole and 4
pole structures are more relevant which are operating at 25KVA, 125KVA, and
A "surge" on an electrical system results from energy being impressed on the system at some
point, which can result from lightning strikes or system operations. Photo: Schnider
Each type of surge can affect the surge arrester and insulation system in a different manner.
Lightning results in a fast rate of rise because it's a true source of coulomb energy, while
switching operations result in a relatively slow rate of rise because it's energy is stored in the
magnetic fields of the system.
Along with surge phenomena, a system can also experience a longer term overvoltage from
electrical faults. Depending on the configuration and grounding of the system, a single line-
to-ground fault will cause system voltage on the unaffected phases to escalate.
1. Station Class
Station class arrestors are typically used in electrical power stations or substations and
other high voltage structures and areas.
These arrestors protect against both lightning and over-voltages, when the electrical
device has more current in the system than it is designed to handle.
These arrestors are designed to protect equipment above the 20 mVA range.
2. Intermediate Class
Like station class arrestors, intermediate class arrestors protect against surges from
lightning and over-voltages, but are designed to be used in medium voltage equipment
areas, such as electrical utility stations, substations, transformers or other substation
These arrestors are designed for use on equipment in the range of 1 to 20 mVA.
3. Distribution Class
Distribution class arrestors are most commonly found on transformers, both dry-type
and liquid-filled.
These arrestors are found on equipment rated at 1000 kVA or less.
These arrestors are sometimes found on exposed lines that have direct connections to
rotating machines.
Secondary class lightning arrestors are designed to protect most homes and businesses
from lightning strikes, and are required by most electrical codes, according to, Inc., an
electrical power protection company.
These arrestors cause high voltage overages to ground, though they do not short all
the over voltage from a surge. Secondary class arrestors offer the least amount of
protection to electrical systems, and typically do not protect solid state technology, or
anything that has a microprocessor.
AC power surge protectors are designed to cover all possible configurations in low voltage
installations. They are available in many versions, which differ in:
The surge protection selection must be done following the local electrical code requirements
(i.e. minimum rating for In) and specific conditions (i.e. high lightning density).
There are also other ratings like maximum impulse spark over voltage, residual or discharge
voltage, maximum discharge current etc
Fuses are the protectors; these are the safety devices which are used to protect the home
appliances like televisions, refrigerators, computers with damage by high voltage. The fuse is
made up of thin strip or strand of metal, whenever the heavy amount of current or an
excessive current flow is there in an electrical circuit, the fuse melts and it opens the circuit
and disconnects it from the power supply. Also, it works as a circuit breaker or stabilizer
which protects the device from damage. In the market, many types, features, and design of
fuses are available nowadays. Their strips are made up of aluminum, copper, zinc & it is
always connected in series with the circuit to protect from overcurrent in the running
cables. Here is the basic circuit diagram & symbol of the fuse.
Fuses are used for the prevention of home appliances from the short circuit and damage by
overload or high current etc. If we don‘t use fuses, electrical faults occur in the wiring and it
burns the wire and electric appliances and may starts fire at home. The lives of television,
computers, radios and other home appliances may also put at risk. When the fuse goes, a
sudden spark occurs which may lead to turning your home into sudden darkness by
disconnecting the power supply which saves any further mishappenings. That‘s why we need
fuses to protect our home appliances from harm.
The fuses work on the principle of the heating effect of the current. It‘s made up of thin
strip or strand of metallic wire with noncombustible material. This is connected between the
ends of the terminals. Fuse is always connected in series with the electrical circuit.
When the excessive current or heat is generated due to heavy current flows in the circuit, the
fuse melts down due to the low melting point of the element and it opens the circuit. The
excessive flow may lead to the breakdown of wire and stops the flow of current. The fuse can
be replaced or changed with the new one with suitable ratings. The fuse can be made up of
the element like zinc, copper, silver &aluminum. They also act as a circuit breaker which is
used to break the circuit when the sudden fault occurs in the circuit. This is not only a
protector but it is also used as a safety measure to prevent humans from hazards. So, this is
how the fuse operates. Here is the figure is shown fuse operation, fuse barrel(container), fuse
There are some of the important characteristics of the fuses in the electrical and electronic
system which is as follows:-
Current Rating: The continuously conducting maximum amount of current holds the
fuse without melting it is termed as current ratings. It is the current carrying capacity,
which is measured in Amperes. This is the thermal characteristics.
Current(Cin)=75%Current (rating)
I2t Rating: This is the amount of energy which is carried by fuse element when there
is an electrical fault or some short circuit happens. It measures the heat energy(energy
due to current flow) of fuse & it is generated when fuse has blown.
Voltage Drop: When excessive current flows, the fuse element melts and opens the
circuit. Due to this resistance change and the voltage drop will become lesser.
Temperature: In this, the operating temperature will be higher , therefore the current
rating will be lesser, so the fuse melts.
This graph shows the temperature versus the current carrying capacity of the fuse. In this
process, at the point where three lines meet at 25 degrees Celsius, the current carrying
capacity of the fuse will be 100% and after some time the current capacity decreases at slow
blow fuse, it will also decrease up to 82% at 65 degrees C. This results that, increase in
temperature will decrease the current carrying capacity of the fuse.
Now we are discussing about different types of fuses. They are divided into two parts AC
Fuses & DC Fuses. Further, they are divided into many categories given in the flowchart
Fuses are invented first by ―Thomas Alva Edison‖ but nowadays many types of fuses are
available in the market. Generally, there are two types of fuses:-
DC Fuses: DC fuses have larger in size. DC supply has constant value above 0V so it
is hard to neglect and turn off the circuit and there is a chance of an electric arc
between melted wires. To overcome this, electrodes placed at larger distances and
because of this the size of DC fuses get increased.
AC fuses are further categorized into two parts, i.e., Low voltage fuses and High voltage
Cartridge Type Fuses: It is the type of fuses in which they have totally closed
containers & has the contact i.e., metal besides.
1. D-Type Cartridge Fuses:- It is composed of the cartridge, fuse base, cap & adapter
ring. The fuse base has the fuse cap, which is fitted with the fuse element with
cartridge through adapter ring. The circuit is completed when the tip of the cartridge
makes contact with the conductor.
2. Link Type Or HRC(High Rupturing Capacity) Fuses:- In this type of fuse, the flow
of current by fuse element is given under normal condition. To control the arc which
is produced by fuse blown we use the fuse which is made up of porcelain, silver
&ceramic. The fuse element container filled with silica sand. The HRC type is again
divided into two parts that are:-
Blade Type/Plug-in Type:- The body of this fuse is made up of plastic and it is easily
replaceable in the circuit without any load.
Rewireable/ Kit-Kat Type:- In this type of fuse, the main advantage is that the fuse
carrier is easier to remove without having any electrical shock or injury. The fuse base
acts as an incoming and outgoing terminal which is made up of porcelain & fuse
carrier is used to hold the fuse element which is made up of tin, copper, aluminum,
lead, etc. This is used in domestic wiring, small industries etc.
Striker Type Fuses:- In this type of fuse, it is used for closing and tripping the
circuit. They are having enough force and displacement.
Switch Type Fuses:- In this type of fuse, basically metal enclosed of a switch and a
fuse and is far used for low and medium voltage level.
Drop Out Fuses:- In this type of fuse, the melting of fuse causes the element to drop
under gravity about its lower support. They are made for the protection of outdoor
All types of high voltage fuses are used upon the rated voltage up to 1.5 Kv to 138 Kv. High
voltage fuses are used to protect the instrument transformers & small transformers. It is made
up of silver, copper & tin. When heat generated, the arc produces which causes the boric acid
to evolve high amount of gases. That‘s why these are used in outdoor places.
Cartridge Type HRC Fuses:- It is similar to low voltage type, only some designing features are
Liquid Type HRC Fuses:- These are used for circuit up to 100A rated current&
systems up to 132Kv. These fuses have the glass tube filled with carbon tetrachloride.
The one end of the tube is packed and another is fixed by phosphorous bronze wire.
When fuse operation starts, the liquid uses in the fuse extinguish the arc. This increase
the short circuit capacity.
Expulsion Type HRC Fuses:- It is the escapable fuse, in which expulsion effect of
gases produced by internal arcing. In this, the fuse link chamber is filled with boric
acid for expulsion of gases.
Resettable Fuses
Circuit breaker always trip the circuit but open contacts of breaker cannot be visible
physically from outside of the breaker and that is why it is recommended not to touch any
electrical circuit just by switching off the circuit breaker. So for better safety, there must be
some arrangement so that one can see the open condition of the section of the circuit before
touching it. The isolator is a mechanical switch which isolates a part of the circuit from the
system as when required. Electrical isolators separate a part of the system from rest for safe
maintenance works. So the definition of isolator can be rewritten as an isolator is a manually
operated mechanical switch which separates a part of the electrical power. Isolators are used
to open a circuit under no load. Its main purpose is to isolate one portion of the circuit from
the other and is not intended to be opened while current is flowing in the line. Isolators are
generally used on both ends of the breaker so that repair or replacement of circuit breaker can
be done without any danger.
There are different types of isolators available depending upon system requirement such as
Depending upon the position in the power system, the isolators can be categorized as
1. Bus side isolator – the isolator is directly connected with main bus
2. Line side isolator – the isolator is situated at line side of any feeder
3. Transfer bus side isolator – the isolator is directly connected with transfer bus.
Let's discuss constructional features of Double Break Isolators. These have three stacks of
post insulators as shown in the figure. The central post insulator carries a tubular or flat male
The female type contacts are fixed on the top of the other post insulators which fitted at both
sides of the central post insulator. The female contacts are generally in the form of spring-
loaded figure contacts. The rotational movement of male contact causes to come itself into
female contacts and isolators becomes closed. The rotation of male contact in the opposite
direction makes to it out from female contacts and isolator becomes open.
Rotation of the central post insulator is done by a driving lever mechanism at the base of the
post insulator, and it is connected to operating handle (in case of hand operation) or motor (in
case of motorized operation) of the isolator through a mechanical tie rod.
The contact arm is divided into two parts one carries male contact and other carries female
contact. The contact arm moves due to rotation of the post insulator upon which the contact
arms are fitted. Rotation of both post insulators stacks in opposite to each other causes to
2.4.1Electrical Transformer
Definition: The transformer is the static device which works on the principle of
electromagnetic induction. It is used for transferring the electrical power from one circuit to
another without any variation in their frequency. In electromagnetic induction, the transfer of
energy from one circuit to another takes places by the help of the mutual induction. i.e the
flux induced in the primary winding is linked with the secondary winding.
Below are the more types of transformer derived via different functions and operation etc.
Distribution Transformer
Instrument Transformer
Oil Immersed, Self Cooled (OISC) or ONAN (Oil natural, Air natural)
Current Transformer
Potential Transformer
Auto Transformer
2.4.4Working principle:
This alternating flux links with the other winding (secondary winding) inducing emf E2 in
this winding at the same frequency as that of the supply. This emf is known as emf of mutual
induction. If N1 and N2 are number of turns of primary and secondary winding then the ratio
is known as transformation ratio of transformer. If a load is connected across secondary
winding, a current flows in both the windings. Thus electrical power is transferred
magnetically from primary coil to secondary coil.
Vector Groups are the IEC method of categorizing the primary and secondary winding
configurations of 3-phase transformers. Windings can be connected as delta, star, or
interconnected-star (zigzag). Winding polarity is also important, since reversing the
connections across a set of windings affects the phase-shift between primary and secondary.
Vector groups identify the winding connections and polarities of the primary and secondary.
From a vector group one can determine the phase-shift between primary and secondary.
When the hour hand is at 1O‘Clockposition, the phase shift is -30 deg. Anti-clock wise
direction is negative. A connection designated by Dy 11 is delta-star transformer in which the
lv line voltage pharos is at 11 O‘ clock position that is a phase advance of +30deg. On the
corresponding line voltage on hv side.
2. Parallel operations: All the transformers should have same vector group &
polarity of the winding.
3. Earth fault Relay: A Dd transformer does not have neutral. to restrict the
earth faults in such systems, we may use zig zag wound transformer to create a
neutral along with the earth fault relay..
4. Type of Non Liner Load: systems having different types of harmonics & non
linear Types of loads e.g. furnace heaters ,VFDS etc for that we may use
Dyn11, Dyn21, Dyn31 configuration, wherein, 30 deg. shifts of voltages
nullifies the 3rd harmonics to zero in the supply system.
There are a number of factors associated with transformer connections and may be useful in
designing a system, and the application of the factors therefore determines the best selection
of transformers.
For example:
A star connection presents a neutral. If the transformer also includes a delta winding, that
neutral will be stable and can be grounded to become a reference for the system. A
transformer with a star winding that does NOT include a delta does not present a stable
Star-star transformers are used if there is a requirement to avoid a 30deg phase shift, if there
is a desire to construct the three-phase transformer bank from single-phase transformers, or if
the transformer is going to be switched on a single-pole basis (ie, one phase at a time),
perhaps using manual switches.
Delta-star transformers are the most common and most generally useful transformers.
Delta-delta transformers may be chosen if there is no need for a stable neutral, or if
there is a requirement to avoid a 30 electrical degree phase shift. The most common
application of a delta-delta transformer is as tan isolation transformer for a power
Provision of a neutral earth point or points, where the neutral is referred to earth either
directly or through impedance. Transformers are used to give the neutral point in the majority
of systems. The star or interconnected star (Z) winding configurations give a neutral location.
If for various reasons, only delta windings are used at a particular voltage level on a
particular system, a neutral point can still be provided by a purpose-made transformer called
a ‗neutral earthing.
The first criterion to consider in choosing a vector group for a distribution transformer for a
facility is to know whether we want a delta-star or star-star. Utilities often prefer star-star
transformers, but these require 4-wire input feeders and 4-wire output feeders (i.e. incoming
and outgoing neutral conductors).
For distribution transformers within a facility, often delta-star are chosen because these
transformers do not require 4-wire input; a 3-wire primary feeder circuit suffices to supply a
4-wire secondary circuit. That is because any zero sequence current required by the
secondary to supply earth faults or unbalanced loads is supplied by the delta primary
winding, and is not required from the upstream power source. The method of earthing on the
secondary is independent of the primary for delta-star transformers.
If we are paralleling transformers, then you want them to have the same the same vector
group. If you are replacing a transformer, use the same vector group for the new transformer,
otherwise the existing VTs and CTs used for protection and metering will not work properly.
There is no technical difference between the one vector groups (i.e. Yd1) or another vector
group (i.e. Yd11) in terms of performance. The only factor affecting the choice between one
or the other is system phasing, ie whether parts of the network fed from the transformer need
to operate in parallel with another source. It also matters if you have an auxiliary transformer
connected to generator terminals. Vector matching at the auxiliary bus bar.
These connections are employed where delta connections are weak. Interconnection
of phases in zigzag winding effects a reduction of third harmonic voltages and at the
same time permits unbalanced loading.
6.) Yd5
Mainly used for machine and main Transformer in large Power Station and
Transmission Substation.
The Neutral point can be loaded with rated Current.
Why 30°phase shift occur in star-delta transformer between primary and secondary?
The phase shift is a natural consequence of the delta connection. The currents entering or
leaving the star winding of the transformer are in phase with the currents in the star windings.
Therefore, the currents in the delta windings are also in phase with the currents in the star
windings and obviously, the three currents are 120 electrical degrees apart.
When you add together two currents that are 120 electrical degrees apart, the sum is
inevitably shifted by 30 degrees.
The Main reason for this phenomenon is that the phase voltage lags line current by
30degrees.consider a delta/star transformer. The phase voltages in three phases of both
primary and secondary. you will find that in primary the phase voltage and line voltages are
same, let it be VRY (take one phase). But, the corresponding secondary will have the phase
voltage only in its phase winding as it is star connected. The line voltage of star connected
secondary and delta connected primary won‘t have any phase differences between them. So
this can be summarized that ―the phase shift is associated with the wave forms of the three
phase windings.
This is the HV Side or the Switchyard side of the Generator Transformer is connected in
Delta and the LV Side or the generator side of the GT is connected in Star, with the Star side
neutral brought out.
The LV side voltage will ―lag‖ the HV side voltage by 30 degrees. Thus, in a generating
station we create a 30 degrees lagging voltage for transmission, with respect to the generator
There is magnetic coupling between HT and LT. When the load side (LT) suffers some dip
the LT current try to go out of phase with HT current, so 30 degree phase shift in Dyn-11
keeps the two currents in phase when there is dip.
So the vector group at the generating station is important while selecting distribution
Generating TC is Yd1 transmitted power at 400KV, for 400KV to 220KV Yy is used and by
using Yd between e.g. 220 and 66 kV, then Dy from 66 to 11 kV so that their phase shifts can
be cancelled out. And for LV (400/230V) supplies at 50 Hz are usually 3 phase, earthed
neutral, so a ―Dyn‖ LV winding is needed. Here GT side -30lag (Yd1) can be nullify +30 by
using distribution Transformer of Dy11.
A reason for using Yd between e.g. 220 and 66 kV, then Dy from 66 to 11 kV is that their
phase shifts can cancel out and It is then also possible to parallel a 220/11 kV YY
transformer, at 11 kV, with the 66/11 kV (a YY transformer often has a third, delta, winding
to reduce harmonics).
If one went Dy11 – Dy11 from 220 to 11 kV, there would be a 60 degree shift, which is not
possible in one transformer. The ―standard‖ transformer groups in distribution avoid that kind
of limitation, as a result of thought and experience leading to lowest cost over many years.
With regards to theory, there are no special advantages of Dyn11 over Dyn5.
In Parallel Connection: – Practically, the relative places of the phases remain same in
Dyn11 compared to Dyn5.
If we use Yd1 Transformer on Generating Side and Distribution side Dy11 transformer than -
30 lag of generating side (Yd1) is nullify by +30 Lead at Receiving side Dy11) so no phase
difference respect to generating Side and if we are on the HV side of the Transformer, and if
we denote the phases as R- Y-B from left to right, the same phases on the LV side will be R-
Y -B, but from left to Right.
This will make the Transmission lines have same color (for identification) whether it is input
to or output from the Transformer.
This will make the Transmission lines have No same color (for identification) whether it is
input to or output from the Transformer. The difference in output between the Dyn11 and
Dny5 and is therefore 180 degrees.
Earth Fault (51N): The relay operates instantly when the fault current exceeds the limit set
in the relay. The relay used is CAG 14.
Transformer Differential (87T): The transformer feeder is protected from any faults that
occur in the primary side of the transformer by using this relay. The relay used is DTH 31.
This type of protection is used only in 11/6.6KV transformers.
WTI (49WTX/49WAX): The transformer is protected against increase in winding
temperature. The relay is activated by WTI, which gives alarm and also trips the breaker, if it
exceeds the limit. The relay used is VAA 34.
OTI (49TX/49AX):The transformer is protected against increase in oil temperature. The
relay is activated by OTI, which gives alarm and also trips the breaker, if it exceeds the limit.
The relay used is VAA 34.
Buchholz (63TX/63AX): The transformer is protected against internal faults by providing
Buchholz inside. The relay used is VAA 34.
The transformer can be switched on if it trips on over current, WTI and OTI after some
interval. If it trips on earth fault, the IR value of the transformer to be checked
The over current protection required for transformers is consider for Protection of
Transformer only. Such over current protection will not necessarily protect the primary or
secondary conductors or equipment connected on the secondary side of the transformer.
This results in a large inrush current which is greatest during the first half cycle
(approximately 0.01 second) and becomes progressively less severe over the next several
cycles (approximately 1 second) until the transformer reaches its normal magnetizing
current. To accommodate this inrush current, fuses are often selected which have time-current
withstand values of at least 12 times transformer primary rated current for 0.1 second and 25
times for 0.01 second. Some small dry-type transformers may have substantially greater
inrush currents.
To avoid using oversized conductors, over current devices should be selected at about 110 to
125 percent of the transformer full-load current rating. And when using such smaller over
current protection, devices should be of the time-delay type (on the primary side) to
compensate for inrush currents which reach 8 to 10 times the full-load primary current of the
transformer for about 0.1 s when energized initially.
Protection of secondary conductors has to be provided completely separately from any
primary-side protection.
A supervised location is a location where conditions of maintenance and supervision ensure
that only qualified persons will monitor and service the transformer installation. Over current
protection for a transformer on the primary side is typically a circuit breaker. In some
instances where there is not a high voltage panel, there is a fused disconnect instead.
It is important to note that the over current device on the primary side must be sized
based on the transformer KVA rating and not sized based on the secondary load to the
Rating of Pri. Fuse at Point A= 300% of Pri. Full Load Current or Next higher
Standard size. or
Rating of Pri. Circuit Breaker at Point A= 600% of Pri. Full Load Current or Next
higher Standard size.
OverCurrent Protection at Secondary Side (Secondary Voltage <=600V):
Rating of Sec. Fuse / Circuit Breaker at Point B= 125% of Sec. Full Load Current or
Next higher Standard size.
OverCurrent Protection at Secondary Side (Secondary Voltage >600V):
Rating of Sec. Fuse at Point B= 250% of Sec. Full Load Current or Next higher
Standard size. or
Rating of Sec. Circuit Breaker at Point B= 300% of Sec. Full Load Current.
The switchboard and switchgear are two important systems that control how power is
delivered to electrical circuits. The two terms are sometimes used interchangeably. However,
it is important to note that they perform different functions and usually designed to work
together in series so as to provide the maximum coordination and protection.
Since the two have different functions and capabilities, they are suited for different types of
installations or at different stages of an electrical network. Whether to use switchgear, a
switchboard, or both, depends largely on the design and requirements of the power system.
To understand where each fits, we will have a look at their functions and differences.
The apparatus used for switching, controlling and protecting the electrical circuits and
equipment is known as switchgear.
The term ‗switchgear‘ is a generic term encompassing a wide range of products like circuit
breakers, switches, switch fuse units, off-load isolators, HRC fuses, contactors, earth leakage
circuit breakers (ELCBs), etc…
1. Complete reliability: With the continued trend of interconnection and the increasing
capacity of generating stations, the need for reliable switchgear has become of
paramount importance. This is not surprising because it is added to the power system
to improve the reliability. When fault occurs on any part of the power system, they
must operate to isolate the faulty section from the remainder circuit.
They includes low voltage circuit breakers, switches, off load electrical isolators, HRC fuses,
earth leakage circuit breaker, Residual Current Protective Devices (RCCB &
RCBO), miniature circuit breakers (MCB) and molded case circuit breakers (MCCB) etc i.e.
all the accessories required to protect the LV system.
The most common use of this is in LV distribution board.
The power system deals with voltage above 36kV, is referred as high voltage.
As the voltage level is high the arcing produced during switching operation is also very high.
So, special care to be taken during designing of high voltage switchgear.
High voltage circuit breaker, is the main component of HV switchgear, hence high voltage
circuit breaker should have special features for safe and reliable operation.
Faulty tripping and switching operation of high voltage circuit are very rear. Most of the time
these circuit breakers remain, at ON condition, and may be operated after a long period of
time. So CBs must be reliable enough to ensure safe operation, as when required.
A circuit breaker is a switching device that interrupts the abnormal or fault current. It is a
mechanical device that disturbs the flow of high magnitude (fault) current and in additions
performs the function of a switch. The circuit breaker is mainly designed for closing or
opening of an electrical circuit, thus protects the electrical system from damage.
Circuit breakers are classified into different types based on the following criteria.
A low – voltage circuit breaker is one which is suited for circuits rated at 1000 volts or lower.
The characteristics of low-voltage circuit breakers are given by international standards such
as IEC 947. These circuit breakers are often installed in draw-out enclosures that allow
removal and interchange without dismantling the switchgear.
The characteristics of MV breakers are given by international standards such as IEC 62271.
The definition of high voltage varies but in power transmission work is usually thought to be
72.5 kV or higher, according to a recent definition by the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC).
Another very important category is where to use the circuit breaker. This may seem a bit
weird at first, but when installing a breaker, you must have to take care if it will be used
inside your home or any other building or it has to be installed somewhere outdoors. This is
because the outer mechanical body of the breaker has to be designed accordingly for it to be
tough and protective to prevent the internal circuitry from damaging. So two more types can
Indoor Circuit breakers are designed for use only inside buildings or weather-resistant
enclosures. Generally, indoor circuit breakers are operated at a medium voltage with a metal
clad switchgear enclosure.
Outdoor Circuit breakers are designed to use at outside without any roof. So these breakers
external enclosure arrangement will be strong compared to indoor breakers to withstand wear
and tear.
There is another category which is based on the mechanism used to actuate the circuit
breaker, which specifies the mechanism of operation of the breaker, there are three further
A hydraulic-operated mechanism uses pressurized gas to direct the flow of oil, thus actuating
the linkage(s) connected to the interrupter(s).
A pneumatic-operated mechanism uses compressed air as the energy source for closing and
1. Oil circuit breaker which employs some insulating oil (eg., transformer oil) for arc
2. Air Blast circuit breaker in which high-pressure air-blast is used for extinguishing the
3. SF6 circuit breaker in which sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) gas is used for arc extinction.
4. Vacuum circuit breaker in which vacuum is used for arc extinction.
A breaker which has its enclosed tank at ground potential is called as dead tank circuit
A Breaker which has its tank housing the interrupter is at potential above the ground is called
as a live tank circuit breaker.
The following are some other types of circuit breakers classified based on various criteria.
Interrupting medium– Air, Air blast, Magnetic blast, Vacuum, Oil circuit breaker, Gas
insulated circuit breaker (GIS)
Way of operation– Gravity opened, gravity closed and horizontal break circuit breaker
Way of mounting– Panel mounted rear of panel or remote from panel type.
Here is a brief description of the most important types of circuit breakers used in different
The micro processor protection unit meets the requirement of the IEC 947.2 standard.
This unit is powered by the current transformers & performs all the
necessary three or four pole overcurrent protection.
Standard Protection:
ACB Auxiliary:
Shunt opening, Shunt closing Release, Under Voltage Release and Gear Motor.
Air blast circuit breakers employ a high-pressure air blast as an arc quenching medium.
Under normal condition, the contacts are closed. When a fault occurs contacts are opened and
an arc is struck between them. The opening of contacts is done by a flow of air blast
established by the opening of blast valve (located between air reservoir and arcing chamber ).
The circuit breakers are classified on the basis the direction of air blast to the arc. They are
classified into:
1. Axial Blast Type – air blast is directed along the arc path.
2. Cross Blast Type – air blast is directed at right angles to the arc path.
In SF6 Circuit Breakers, sulfur hexafluoride gas (SF6) is used as the arc quenching medium.
The sulfur hexafluoride gas (SF6) is an electronegative gas and has a strong tendency to
absorb free electrons. The contacts of the breaker are opened in a high high-pressure sulfur
hexafluoride (SF6) gas and an arc is struck between them. The gas captures the conducting
free electrons in the arc to form relatively immobile negative ions.
This loss of conducting electrons in the arc quickly builds up enough insulation strength to
extinguish the arc. The sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) circuit breakers have been found to be very
effective for high power and high voltage service.
The medium voltage switchgear panel shall be used for secondary distri-
regulations by standards. All cubicles are fitted with security interlocks and
earthing switch.
The erection of the panel can be done directly on the leveled floor. Cable
trenches are necessary. Cables can easily installed from the bottom side
of the panel.
In vacuum circuit breakers, the vacuum is used as the arc quenching medium. Vacuum offers
the highest insulating strength. So it has far superior arc quenching properties than any other
For example, when contacts of a breaker are opened in the vacuum, the interruption occurs at
first current zero with dielectric strength between the contacts building up at a rate thousands
of times higher than that obtained with other circuit breakers.
The technology is suitable for mainly medium voltage application. For higher voltage
vacuum technology has been developed but not commercially viable. Definition–A current transformer is a device that is used to produce low ac current in
the secondary winding which is proportional to the high ac current in the primary winding.
It is used for both metering & protection system. So, with the help of CT, high value of
current can be measured easily by using low value meters. Construction –
It consist of a primary winding & secondary winding. The primary winding may be a
conductor, strip etc whose current is to be reduced. The secondary winding is wounded on a
core. The number of turns of secondary winding depends on the primary current & output of
secondary current. Standard secondary output current is either 1A or 5A.
It works on the principle of transformer; It is just like a small step-up transformer which
reduces the current in secondary winding & increases the secondary voltage. In CT, primary
winding has few turns only such as either one turn or two turn etc.
CTR stands for Current Transformer Ratio. It is the ratio between primary & secondary
current of a CT. For example, a CT is available of 100/5A where 100A represents maximum
value of primary current & 5A represents maximum value of secondary current. Value of
secondary current varies in proportion to the primary current. So, here CTR is 20 (100/5 =
20). It means primary current is 20 times greater than the secondary current.
For CT 400/5A, CTR = 80 (which is 400/5 = 80), it means primary current is 80 times greater
than secondary current. As CT is just like any other transformer, it must satisfy following
equation –
There are three types of Current Transformer available – a) Wound CT, b) Toroidal CT & c)
Bar-type CT –
CT Burden – The burden of a CT is defined by the load of the device which is connected
with CT and impedance offered by the secondary winding of CT. It is represented by the
VA.The rated VA indicates the load that transformer can take.
The CT should never be 100% loaded as the burden of CT can increase with age due to
increase of resistance of connecting wires, change in temperature, loosening of connections
Accuracy of CTs – Accuracy defines the highest permissible percentage error at the rated
current. CTs are classified into two categories –a) metering CTs & protection CTs.
Metering CT – High accuracy CTs are used for metering as they have low saturation point.
CTs are available in following accuracy class – 0.1, 0.2, 0.5,1,3,5. These values indicate
percentage error at the rated primary current. It means a CT of 50/5A with 0.1 accuracy will
have a max error of 0.1 when 50A current passes through the primary.
Metering CTs are designed in such a way that CT is not damaged by high current during
fault. During fault, CT gets saturated & output stays in the range of measuring instruments.
Protection CT – Protection CTs have different characteristics than metering CT. Protection
CTs have high saturation point as it has to continuously sense fault current even during fault
also. These CTs have low accuracy & are classified as 5P10, 10P10 etc.
Example – CT with class 10P10 – Where first letter 10P indicates the maximum(10%)
percentage error & last number 10 indicates the number of times the rated current.
Let us understand this by this method – An AC voltage applied to the secondary of the CT
with primary open, when voltage increased by 10% which causes 50% increase in
magnetizing current. This happens because E2άØ (magnetic flux) as E2= 4.44 ØfT2 where Ø
is produced by exciting current (Ie). There is a nonlinear relationship between Ø &Ie, after a
certain period of exciting current, flux will not increase so rapidly further as the core of CT is
made up of CRGO steel material which has its own saturation level.
It is an important factor for protection CTs & protection CTs are also termed as PS
(Protection Class). This is related with the saturation of core. Knee point is very important for
differential & restricted earth fault protection schemes because there should not be
tripping of transformer when fault occurs outside the protection zone. Even If normal CTs are
provided with high accuracy (not PS rated) & fault occurs outside the protection zone, the
fault current will travel towards protected zone (from secondary side) then due to different
Knee point saturation voltage of both normal CTs, Power transformer may trip. That is whyit
is very important that for differential & REF protection only same PS rated should be used.
It is not an easy way to measure the high voltage and currents associated with power
transmission and distribution systems, hence instrument transformers are often used to step-
down these values to a safer level to measure. This is because measuring meters or
instruments and protective relays are low voltage devices, thereby cannot be connected
directly to high voltage circuit for the purpose of measurement and protection of the system.
In addition to the reduction of voltage and current levels, these transformers isolate the
measuring or protective circuit from the main circuit which is operating at high power levels.
The current transformers reduce the level of current to the instrument or relay operating
range, whereas potential transformers transforms the high voltage to a circuit operating low
voltage. In this article we are going to discuss in detail about the potential transformers.
Potential transformer is a voltage step-down transformer which reduces the voltage of a high
voltage circuit to a lower level for the purpose of measurement. These are connected across
or parallel to the line which is to be monitored.
The basic principle of operation and construction of this transformer is similar to the standard
power transformer. In common, the potential transformers are abbreviated as PT.
The primary winding consists of a large number of turns which is connected across the high
voltage side or the line in which measurements have to be taken or to be protected. The
secondary winding has lesser number of turns which is connected to the voltmeters, or
potential coils of wattmeter and energy meters, relays and other control devices. These can be
single phase or three phase potential transformers. Irrespective of the primary voltage rating,
these are designed to have the secondary output voltage of 110 V.
Since the voltmeters and potential coils of other meters have high impedance, a small current
flows through the secondary of PT. Therefore, PT behaves as an ordinary two winding
transformer operating on no load. Due to this low load (or burden) on the PT, the VA ratings
of PTs are low and in the range of 50 to 200 VA. On the secondary side, one end is connected
to the ground for safety reasons as shown in figure.
V1/V2 = N1/N2
From the above equation, if the voltmeter reading and transformation ratio are known, then
high voltage side voltage can be determined. Construction
Compared to the conventional transformer, potential transformers or PTs use larger conductor
sizes and core. PTs designed for ensuring the greater accuracy and hence, at the time of
designing economy of the material is not considered as main aspect.
PTs are made with special high quality core operating at lower flux densities in order to have
small magnetizing current so that no load losses are minimized. Both core and shell type
constructions are preferred for PTs. For high voltages, core type PTs are used while shell type
is preferred for low voltages.
To reduce the leakage reactance, co-axial windings are used for both primary and secondary.
For reducing the insulation cost, low voltage secondary winding is placed next to the core.
And for high voltage PTs, high voltage primary is divided into sections of coils to reduce the
insulation between coil layers. For these windings, vanished cambric and cotton tape are used
as laminations. In between the coils, hard fiber separators are used.
These are carefully designed to have minimum phase shift between the input and output
voltages and also to maintain a minimum voltage ratio with variation in load. Oil filled PTs
are used for high voltage levels (above the range of 7KV). In such PTs, oil filled bushings are
provided to connect the main lines.
Majorly these are classified into outdoor and indoor potential transformers.
These can be single or three phase voltage transformers available for different range of
operating voltages that are used for outdoor relaying and metering applications. Up to 33KV,
These are similar to the conventional oil filled wire wound transformers. The figure below
shows the electromagnetic type of PT wherein tap tank is connected to the line terminal. A
plug is provided on the tank to fill the oil and this tank is mounted on an insulator support.
At the base, ground terminal and oil drain plug is provided. In this, primary is connected
between the two phases or between one phase and ground. So one end of the primary is
connected to main line at the top and the other end is brought out at the bottom and is
grounded with other ground terminals.
The secondary terminals including earth terminal are located in the terminal box at the
bottom, further these are connected to the metering and relay circuits. These are used up to or
below 132 KV operating voltages due to insulation aspects.
It is a capacitive potential divider connected between the phase of main line and ground.
These can be coupling capacitor or bushing type CVTs. These two types are electrically less
or more similar, but the difference is that the formation of capacitance which further decides
their rated burden (or load).
A coupling capacitor type consists of a stack of series connected capacitors which are made
up of oil-impregnated paper and aluminum foil. For desired primary and secondary voltages,
primary and secondary terminals are connected across the capacitors.
The bushing type CVT uses condenser type bushings provided with tapping. CVTs are also
used for power line carrier communication and hence more economical.
2.IndoorPotential Transformers
These are also available as single or three phase PTs which are of moulded, magnetic type.
The mounting mechanism can be fixed or drawout type. In this type of PTs, all parts of
Based on the function, PT or voltage transformers are classified into metering voltage
transformers and protection voltage transformers.
For an ideal voltage transformer, the voltage produced in the secondary winding is an exact
proportion to the primary voltage and are exactly in phase opposition. But in actual PTs this
is not so because of the presence of voltage drops in primary and secondary resistance and
also due the power factor of the burden on secondary. This causes to occurrence of ratio and
phase angle errors in voltage transformers. Let us know in detail.
Io = No load current
The primary induced voltage or EMF Ep is derived by subtracting the primary resistive
(IpRp) and reactive drop (IpXp) from the primary voltage Vp. And also, secondary terminal
voltage Vs is derived by subtracting secondary winding resistance drop (IsRs) and reactance
Ratio Error
The ratio error of the potential transformer is defined as the variation in actual ratio of
transformation from nominal ratio.
In ideal PT, there should not exist any phase angle between the primary voltage and reversed
secondary voltage. But in practice, there exist a phase difference between Vp and Vs reversed
(as we can observe in above figure), thereby, introduces phase angle error. It is defined as the
phase difference between the primary voltage and reversed secondary voltage.
In order to reduce these errors such that the accuracy is improved by designing the
transformers in such a way that they windings have appropriate magnitudes of internal
resistance and reactances. In addition to this, the core should require minimum magnetizing
and core loss components of exciting current.
To connect the metallic (conductive) Parts of an Electric appliance or installations to the earth
(ground) is called Earthing orGrounding.
In other words, to connect the metallic parts of electric machinery and devices to the earth
plate or earth electrode (which is buried in the moisture earth) through a thick conductor wire
(which has very low resistance) for safety purpose is known as Earthing or grounding.
To earth or earthing rather, means to connect the part of electrical apparatus such as metallic
covering of metals, earth terminal of socket cables, stay wires that do not carry current to the
earth. Earthing can be said as the connection of the neutral point of a power supply system to
the earth so as to avoid or minimize danger during discharge of electrical energy.
Earthing and Grounding is the same terms used for earthing. Grounding is the commonly
word used for earthing in the North American standards like IEEE, NEC, ANSI and UL etc
while, Earthing is used in European, Common wealth countries and Britain standards like IS
and IEC etc.The word Bonding used for jointing two wires (as well as conductors, pipes or
appliances together. Bonding is known as connecting the metallic parts of different machines
which is not considered to be carrying electric current during normal operation of the
machines to bring them at the same level of electric potential.
To save human life from danger of electricalshock or death by blowing a fuse i.e. To
provide an alternative path for the fault current to flow so that it will not endanger the
To ensure that all exposed conductive parts do not reach a dangerous potential.
Lightning, line surges or unintentional contact with higher voltage lines can cause
dangerously high voltages to the electrical distribution system. Earthing provides an
alternative path around the electrical system to minimize damages in the System.
3. Voltage stabilization
There are many sources of electricity. Every transformer can be considered a separate source.
If there were not a common reference point for all these voltage sources it would be
extremely difficult to calculate their relationships to each other.
The earth is the most omnipresent conductive surface, and so it was adopted in the very
beginnings of electrical distribution systems as a nearly universal standard for all electric
That part of the earthing system which interconnects the overall metallic parts of electrical
installation e.g. conduit, ducts, boxes, metallic shells of the switches, distribution boards,
Switches, fuses, Regulating and controlling devices, metallic parts of electrical machines
such as, motors, generators, transformers and the metallic framework where electrical devices
and components are installed is known as earth wire or earth continuity conductor as shown
in the above fig.
The resistance of the earth continuity conductor is very low. According to IEEE rules,
resistance between consumer earth terminal and earth Continuity conductor (at the end)
should not be increased than 1Ω. In simple words, resistance of earth wire should be less
than 1Ω.
Size of the Earth Continuity Conductor or Earth Wire depends on the cable size used in the
wiring circuit.
The cross sectional area of the Earth Continuity Conductor should not be less than the half
of the cross sectional area of the thickest wire used in the electrical wiring installation.
Generally, the size of the bare copper wire used as earth continuity conductor is 3SWG. But
keep in mind that, don‘t use less than 14SWG as earth wire. Copper strip is also can be used
as earth continuity conductor instead of bare copper wire but don‘t go for it until manufacture
recommend it.
The size or area of earthing lead should not be less than the half of the thickest wire used in
the installation.
The largest size for earthing lead is 3SWG and the minimum size should not be less than
8SWG. If 37/.083 wire is used or the load current is 200A from the supply voltage, then it is
recommended to use copper strip instead of double earthing lead. The earth lead connection
methods is shown in the above fig.
Note: We will post additional article about Earth Plate size with simple calculations… Stay
A metallic electrode or plate which is buried in the earth (underground) and it is the last part
of the electrical earthing system. In simple words, the final underground metallic (plate) part
of the earthing system which is connected with earthing lead is called earth plate or earth
A metallic plate, pipe or rode can be used as an earth electrode which has very low resistance
and carry the fault current safely towards ground (earth).
2×2 (two foot wide as well as in length) and 1/8 inch thickness.. I.e. 2‘ x 2‘ x 1/8‖.
(600x600x300 mm)
In case of Iron
2‘ x2‘ x ¼‖ = 600x600x6 mm
It is recommended to bury the earth electrode in the moisture earth. If it is not possible, then
put water in the GI (Galvanized Iron) pipe to make possible the moisture condition.
In the earthing system, put the earth electrode in vertical position (underground) as shown in
the above fig. Also, put a 1 foot (about 30cm) layer of powdered charcoal and lime
mixture around the earth plate (don‘t confuse with earth electrode and earth plate as both are
the same thing).
This action makes the possible increase in the size of the earth electrode which leads a better
continuity in the earth (earthing system) and also helps to maintain the moisture condition
around earth plate.
P.S: We will post Example calculation about Earth Electrode Sizing… Stay tune.
Don’t use coke (after burning coal in the furnace to emit all the gases and other
components, the remaining 88% carbon is called coke) or stone coal instead of
charcoal (wood coal) because it causes to corrosion in the earth plate.
Since, the water level is different in the different areas; therefore, the depth for earth
electrode installation is also different in various areas. But, the depth for earth
electrode installation should not be less than 10ft (3 meter) and should below 1 foot
(304.8mm) from the constant water level.
In small installation, use metallic rod (diameter = 25mm (1inch) and length = 2m (6ft) instead
of earth plate for earthing system. The metallic pipe should be 2 meter below from the
surface of ground. To maintain the moister condition, put 25mm (1inch) coal and lime
mixture around the earth plate.
For effectiveness and convenience, you may use the copper rods 12.5mm (0.5 inch) to 25mm
(1 inch) diameter and 4m (12ft) length. We will discuss the installation method of rod
earthing latter.
Earthing can be done in many ways. The various methods employed in earthing (in house
wiring or factory and other connected electrical equipment and machines) are discussed as
In plate earthing system, a plate made up of either copper with dimensions 60cm x 60cm x
3.18mm (i.e. 2ft x 2ft x 1/8 in) or galvanized iron (GI) of dimensions 60cm x 60cm x 6.35
For proper earthing system, follow the above mentioned steps in the (Earth Plate
introduction) to maintain the moisture condition around the earth electrode or earth plate.
A galvanized steel and a perforated pipe of approved length and diameter is placed vertically
in a wet soil in this kind of system of earthing. It is the most common system of earthing.
The size of pipe to use depends on the magnitude of current and the type of soil. The
dimension of the pipe is usually 40mm (1.5in) in diameter and 2.75m (9ft) in length for
ordinary soil or greater for dry and rocky soil. The moisture of the soil will determine the
length of the pipe to be buried but usually it should be 4.75m (15.5ft)
it is the same method as pipe earthing. A copper rod of 12.5mm (1/2 inch) diameter or 16mm
(0.6in) diameter of galvanized steel or hollow section 25mm (1inch) of GI pipe of length
above 2.5m (8.2 ft) are buried upright in the earth manually or with the help of a pneumatic
hammer. The length of embedded electrodes in the soil reduces earth resistance to a desired
In this method of earthing, the waterman (Galvanized GI) pipes are used for earthing purpose.
Make sure to check the resistance of GI pipes and use earthing clamps to minimize the
resistance for proper earthing connection.
If stranded conductor is used as earth wire, then clean the end of the strands of the wire and
make sure it is in the straight and parallel position which is possible then to connect tightly to
the waterman pipe.
In this method of earthing, strip electrodes of cross-section not less than 25mm x 1.6mm (1in
x 0.06in) is buried in a horizontal trenches of a minimum depth of 0.5m. If copper with a
cross-section of 25mm x 4mm (1in x 0.15in) is used and a dimension of 3.0mm 2 if it‘s a
galvanized iron or steel.
If at all round conductors are used, their cross-section area should not be too small, say less
than 6.0mm2 if it‘s a galvanized iron or steel. The length of the conductor buried in the
ground would give a sufficient earth resistance and this length should not be less than 15m.
The usual method of earthing of electric equipments, devices and appliances are as follow:
1. First of all, dig a 5x5ft (1.5×1.5m) pit about 20-30ft (6-9 meters) in the ground. (Note
that, depth and width depends on the nature and structure of the ground)
2. Bury an appropriate (usually 2‘ x 2‘ x 1/8‖ (600x600x300 mm) copper plate in that pit
in vertical position.
3. Tight earth lead through nut bolts from two different places on earth plate.
4. Use two earth leads with each earth plate (in case of two earth plates) and tight them.
6. Collect all the wires in a metallic pipe from the earth electrode(s). Make sure the pipe
is 1ft (30cm) above the surface of the ground.
7. To maintain the moisture condition around the earth plate, put a 1ft (30cm) layer of
powdered charcoal (powdered wood coal) and lime mixture around the earth plate of
around the earth plate.
8. Use thimble and nut bolts to connect tightly wires to the bed plates of machines. Each
machine should be earthed from two different places. The minimum distance between
two earth electrodes should be 10 ft (3m).
10. At last (but not least), test the overall earthing system through earth tester. If
everything is going about the planning, then fill the pit with soil. The maximum
allowable resistance for earthing is 1Ω. If it is more than 1 ohm, then increase the size
(not length) of earth lead and earth continuity conductors. Keep the external ends of
the pipes open and put the water time to time to maintain the moisture condition
around the earth electrode which is important for the better earthing system.
An earthing electrode should not be situated (installed) close to the building whose
installation system is being earthed at least more than 1.5m away.
The earth resistance should be low enough to cause the flow of current sufficient to
operate the protective relays or blow fuses. It‘s value is not constant as it varies with
weather because it depends on moisture (but should not be less than 1 Ohm).
The earth wire and earth electrode will be the same material.
The earthing electrode should always be placed in a vertical position inside the earth
or pit so that it may be in contact with all the different earth layers.
For measuring soil resistivity Earth Tester is used. It is also called the “MEGGER”.
n this method earth tester terminal C1 and P1 are shorted to each other and connected to the
earth electrode (pipe) under test. Terminals P2 and C2 are connected to the two separate
spikes driven in earth. These two spikes are kept in same line at the distance of 25 meters
and 50 meters due to which there will not be mutual interference in the field of individual
Normally, the length of wires should be 10 and 15 meters or in proportion of 62% of „D‟.
Suppose, the distance of Current Spike from Earth Electrode D = 60 ft, Then, distance of
Potential Spike would be 62 % of D = 0.62D i.e. 0.62 x 60 ft = 37 ft.
In this method 4 spikes are driven in earth in same line at the equal distance. Outer two
spikes are connected to C1 & C2 terminals of earth tester. Similarly inner two spikes are
connected to P1 & P2 terminals. Now if we rotate generator handle with specific speed, we
get earth resistance value of that place.
In this method error due to polarization effect is eliminated and earth tester can be operated
directly on A.C.
As per IS 3043, the resistance of Plate electrode to earth (R) = (r/A) X under
Where r = Resistivity of Soil Ohm-meter.
A=Area of Earthing Plate m3.
The resistance of Pipe electrode to earth (R) = (100r/2πL) X loge (4L/d).
Where L= Length of Pipe/Rod in cm
d=Diameter of Pipe/Rod in cm.
The resistivity of the soil and the physical dimensions of the electrode play important
role of resistance of Rod with earth.
The material resistivity is not considered important role in earth resistivity.
Any material of given dimensions would offer the same resistance to earth. Except the
sizing and number of the earthing conductor or the protective conductor.
Suppose Copper Plate having of size 1.2m x 1.2m x 3.15mm thick. soil resistivity of
100 ohm-m,
The resistance of Plate electrode to earth (R)=( r/A)X under root(π/A) =
(100/2.88)X(3.14/2.88)=36.27 ohm
Now, consider a GI Pipe Electrode of 50 mm Diameter and 3 m Long. soil resistivity
of 100 Ohm-m,
The resistance of Pipe electrode to earth (R) = (100r/2πL) X loge (4L/d) =
(100X100/2X3.14X300) X loge (4X300/5) =29.09 Ohm.
Coupling: electrical and mechanical connecting elements for different elements;
Straight elements: base elements of the line for carrying energy from the source to the loads;
Routing elements: flexible joints for the creation of curves or overcoming Obstacles,
horizontal and vertical angles, tee joints and cross elements to Create any type of route;
Pull boxes: elements that enable lamps or operating machines to be supplied Directly with
integrated protection (fuses or circuit breakers);
Suspensions/accessories: hanging and fixing elements for BTS and for any Support required
for special loads (lighting components, etc),
To dimension a BTS, the load current must be determined using the following data:
Power supply
BTS geometry
Type of installation:
NOTE: BTSs shall be placed at a distance from the walls and the ceilings in such a way as to
enable visual inspection of connections during assembly and to facilitate insertion of the
branch units.
If possible, it is preferable to install the BTS edge-on so as to improve mechanical resistance
and reduce any possible deposit of powder and polluting substances that might affect the
level of internal insulate
supplying moving equipment (bridge cranes),
The LD busbar trunking system is used for both power transmission and distribution. The
system offers a high short-circuit rating and is particularly suited for the connection of
transformers to low-voltage main distribution boards and sub-distribution boards.In
applications where high powers are required, conventional systems frequently require the use
of parallel cables. The LD system offers optimal power distribution for both horizontal and
vertical busbar runs. Coded plug-in tap-off units up to 1250 A that meet extremely high
safety standards are available for this purpose.
The nominal mounting position of the busbar trunking system is horizontal and edgewise for
The busbars. In very rare cases, due to a specific trunking run or the option of connecting
tap-off units on the side, the busbars might have to be laid flat. The resulting increase in the
Internal heat rise of the system necessitates a reduction in rated current. The same applies to
vertical height rises > 1.3 m (see the table in the chapter "Type code (Page 108)").
The LD busbar trunking system is a ventilated system. When the degree of protection is
Increased from IP34 to IP54 (enclosed system), the rated current must be derated as
Specified in the tables in the next chapter
Selection example
A rated current of 2500 A is calculated for a project. Aluminum shall be used as the
conductor material, and Mylar as the insulation material. A 5-pole system has to be used.
The cross section of the neutral conductor needs to be equal to the cross section of the
phase conductor.
The following type is obtained:
Fig 1: Elbow LI
Length System
X = 0.48… 1.90m LI-A.0800… LI-A.2500
FY= 0.27m LI-C.1000 … LI-C.3200
Y = 0.48… 1.90m
FY = 0.27 m
X = 0.74… 1.90m LI-A.3200… LI-A.5000
FY= 0.525m LI-C.4000… LI-C.6300
Y = 0.74… 1.90m
FY = 0.525 m
Length System
X/Y min = 0.40m LI-A.0800… LI-A.2500
Z min. = 0.38 m LI-C.1000 … LI-C.3200
X/Y min = 0.50m LI-A.3200… LI-A.5000
Z min. = 0.63 m LI-C.4000 … LI-C.6300
Max. X + Y + Z = 2800mm
Max. Z = 1200mm
Straight trunking units for horizontal and vertical installation without tap points and
joint unit:
Straight trunking units for Straight trunking units to Straight trunking units to
horizontal and vertical adapt to LI systems for adapt to LD systems for
installation without tap points indoor applications indoor applications
and joint unit
The busbar connection unit in the distribution board must be copper-plated by the board
manufacturer or in compliance with that manufacturer's specifications. The board
manufacturer must ensure that the required short-circuit strength is achieved and the
permissible temperature limit of the busbar connection unit for distribution boards is not
The wide variety of transformer types reflects the variety of rated currents and the different
phase sequences and clearances. This type variety requires high flexibility as regards
transformer connection in busbar trunking systems.You can also use the universal connection
unit for connecting distribution boards.For LI busbar trunking systems up to 6300 A,
Fig 5.8.a: Bus-bar connection on the side and customer connection on the bottom.
Fig5.8.b: Bus-bar connection on the side and customer connection on the side.
Fig5.8.c: Bus-bar connection on the top and customer connection on the bottom.
The total length is calculated from the phase clearances of the connection units to be
Degree of protection
The tap-off units have IP54 degree of protection.
Cable connection
On the load side, the outgoing cables are routed directly via the circuit breaker. The PE/PEN
conductor is fixed to a bolted connection as appropriate for the cross section. Single-core or
multi-core cables can be fed in from the side or via the front face. The sectional flange plate
facilitates the laying of the cables.
Cable entry
You can insert the cables optionally from the side or the front. Integrated flange with cable
grommets facilitates multi-core cable entry. Aluminium plates are used for single-core cable
entry; you have to fit these with cable glands locally. Blanking plates are attached at the side
for delivery.
Rated currents
Plug-in tap-off units in four sizes are available for selection:
● For 160 A
● For 250 A
● For 400 A
● For 630 A
Tap-off unit with circuit breaker up to 400 A Tap-off unit with circuit breaker up to 630
There are four different transformer connection pieces (LD.....-AS.) available for all rated
current ranges to connect various transformers to a busbar trunking system:
We recommend a maximum clearance of 200 mm between the tags on the connection unit.
The universal connection unit can also be used to connect distribution boards.
5.12Coupling units:
Coupling units are used if devices or sections of the power supply need to be disconnected
or connected accordingly. To adapt the busbar trunking system to the actual load, the busbar
cross section can be reduced and protected against short circuits and overloads with a
coupling unit.
Coupling units can be fitted with switch disconnectors or circuit breakers as appropriate for
their application. Coupling units resistant to accidental arcs can be supplied as an option
Rated currents
Rated currents adapted to the systems between 1100 and 3000 A can be supplied as
appropriate for the application.
Operator control
The coupling units can be operated using a handle or even a motor drive.
The installation length in the busbar trunking run is 1600 mm.
The dimensions are dependent on the device type and the current size and must be
obtained project-specifically.
5.13Additional equipment:
End cap:
If a busbar run is not to continue to another distribution board, you will need to fit an end cap.
You will need to install an end cap with a hook or a bolt at the end of a busbar run depending
on the version of the trunking unit.
Fig5.13: End cap with hook, End cap with bolt, End Cap
Fixing brackets for horizontal installation Fixing brackets for vertical installation
Joint block :
The joint block is used for the trunking units' electrical and mechanical connections. LR
trunking units are usually supplied without joint units (junction blocks or monoblocks, as
are also known). Accordingly, you need to make provision to plan and order joint blocks
separately as appropriate for the number of trunking unit connections.
Once the electrical link with the joint block has been established, it needs to be cast with
epoxy resin. For this purpose, moulding casts, cast resin mix, separators and various tools
are provided as accessories.
With long trunking runs it may be necessary to calculate the Voltage drop:
∴V = K. 3.Ib.l.(R1.cos+X1.sin).10-3
Where, V = Voltage drop (V)
Ib = Rated current (A)
l = Total length of the system
K = Total distribution factor
R1 = ohmic resistance (m/m) with busbar final heating
Where, a is the current distribution factor, which depends on the circuit supply and the
arrangement of the electric loads along the BTS, Table:
For the distribution of the three phase shown is the fig, the Voltage drop can be calculated by
the following formula if the BTS has a constant cross section (as usual):
3rt I i Li cos i x I i Li sin i
u= [v ]
Where, rt = is the phase resistance per unit of length of BTS, measured under thermal steady-
state conditions (m/m)
x = is the phase reactance per unit of the length of BTS (m/m)
cosi = is average power factor of the i th load.
Ii = is the i-th load current (A)
Li = is the distance of the i-th load from the beginning of the BTS (m).
Transformer short circuit AC current: I ( A)
IUK 100
400V : K = 1.45
690V : K = 0.84
1 KVA =? current
1.732 400
3150 KVA = 3150 × 1.45
= 4567 A
Table 5.14.5 Technical data for LD System:
1. Rated operating voltage Ue AC 1000V
2. Standard degree of protection IP4.IP54
3. Rated current InA A 1100-5000
4. Rated short time withstand current Icw (1s) KA 55-116KA
5. Conditional circuit rating Ice for TU 800A and 100kA
6. Dimensions width×hight for copper mm x mm (240×180)
7. Fire load per tap-off point kwh/m 7.8-10.8
8. Voltage drop (V) mv/m/A 0.03
9. Magnetic fields T 14.4
10. Max. fixing distance m 2-3
11. Top off unit can be plugged into tap-off points at units
3m intervals
315A-630A 3
800A-1250A 2
In accordance with the system Selection criteria based technical data and areas of application.
The LI high voltage system is used in the planning for the example power distribution in
multi-story buildings with primarily vertical trunking Layout.
Combining the assessment criteria and calculation results an LI-A busbar system being
selected with 5 conductor and full neutral conductor cross section, a current carrying capacity
of 1600 A and a short circuit rating Icw (t=1s) = 65 KA
Selected busbar system LI-A.1600
aperature 15 20 25 35 40 45 50
Kt 1.2 1.17 1.08 1.05 1 0.95 0.85
5.15.4 The following tables show typical parameters of the BTS present on the market:
Generic Type Number of Izo rph Xph Vr (V)
conductors (A) (m/m) (m/m)
5000A Cu 4 5000 0.008 0.005 1000
5000A Cu 5 5000 0.008 0.023 1000
Rated Current (A) 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3200 4000 5000
Casting Dimension lateral 85 85 130 160 200 266 326 406
Height of the bar 50 75 120 150 190 120 150 190
Verall dismension (mm) 140× 140× 140× 140× 140× 140× 140× 140×
85 85 130 160 200 266 326 406
** and Nutral cross section 300 450 720 900 1140 1440 1800 2280
**cross section (mmFe) 1071 1071 1206 1416 1966 1794 2100 2280
** between Pt/phase 45% 30% 21% 20% 17% 16% 15% 13%
**/Insulation Voltage 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
** resistance 200C (m/m) 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
** resistance @ 50% load 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01
c (m/m)
** resistance @ thermal 0.07 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.00
conditions (m/m)
** reatance (m/m) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
** @ 200C and 50% load 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01
**Sistance of protective 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.06
conductor (m/m)
** Short time current ** 24 30 33 36 48 60 60 72
Phase nutral fault (1s) KA
** Short-time current ** 24 30 33 36 48 60 60 72
Phase-PE fault (1s) KA
** Peak current for ** 88 110 121 132 176 220 220 264
Phase fault (KA)
** Peak Peak current for 53 66 73 79 106 132 132 158
Phase-PE fault (KA)
**/Insulation Voltage 53 66 73 79 106 132 132 158
5.16BTS Testing:
1. Insulation/Megar test by applying 2.5KV for 1 minute
2. Temperature rise test
3. High voltage test-3.5 KV
4. Voltage withstand test.
Example 1:
To calculated a voltage drop on a three-phase cable with the following specification:
* Rated voltage: 400V
* Cable length: 25 m
* Cable formation: Single-core copper cable, 3×50 mm2
* Load current: 100 A
* Power factor: cos = 0.9
From the table, 50 mm2 = 0.81
U = Ux.Ib.L Ib = 100 A
= 0.81×100×0.025 Ux = 0.81
= 2.03 V 25
L = 25 m = km
= 0.025 km
= 100
= 0.51 %
= 100
= 0.65%
Pu 35000
Load current Ib = = 56 A
3V cos 3 40 0.9
1.732 × 11 × 0.06
= 𝟐𝟕𝟓𝟓. 𝟔𝟏𝟔 𝑨
165 of 125%
= 165 × 1.25
= 206 A
∴ 𝑅𝑚 =
=26.455 Ka(Short CRK Current of 185mm2 cable) t = Fault clearing time in Second (1 sec)
System Current=165×2=330A
330 of 125%
= 330 × 1.25
= 413 A
∴ Rm = = 𝟐𝟓𝟖 𝒎𝒎𝟐 𝑺𝒐,𝒘𝒆𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒕𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒄𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆
There is no cable in this rating. That‟s why next higher rating cable has to be select
∴ 𝟑𝟎𝟎 𝒎𝒎𝟐
Correction Factors= 𝑲𝟐 × 𝑲𝟑 × 𝑲𝟒
= 𝟎. 𝟎𝟒𝟓𝟖𝟕%
∴ 𝑃𝐹𝐿𝐶 = 𝟏𝟔𝟓 𝑨
P FLC= Primary Full Load Current
Circuit Breaker Rating= PFLC×3 = 165× 3
Since the arrestor is connected from phase to ground, phase voltage is used rather than line to
line voltage:
𝑉𝑃 = = 𝟔. 𝟑𝟓𝟏𝒌𝒗 (𝑹𝑴𝑺)
𝑉𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑘 = 𝑉𝑟𝑚𝑠 × 2
= 6.351 × 1.414
= 𝟖. 𝟗𝟖 𝑲𝑽
However, the maximum overvoltage permitted isn‘t necessarily the nominal voltage rating-it could be
up to 5–10% over that, so:
= 8.98 × 1.1
= 𝟗. 𝟖𝟕𝟖 𝑲𝑽
1.732 × 415 × 0.06
= 𝟕𝟑𝟎𝟒𝟎. 𝟒 𝑨
∴ 𝑅𝑚 =
=3424 mm2
= 6.848 𝑅𝑢𝑛𝑠
IFLC= 4382.425 A
4382.425 A of 125%
= 4382.4 A × 1.25
= 5478 A
Therefore, there is no ACB in this rating. So, we have to select next higher rating ACB
is 6300 A.
We know that, height (H) is multiplied with copper width (w) to select bus-bar copper.
P = 3150 KVA
= 3150 × 60%
= 945 KVAR.
(945+945) KVAR.
P = 3VIsin sin = 1
P = 1 KVAR
3V sin = 1000 VAR
1.732 415 1
1 KVAR = 1.39=1.4 A
1890×1.4 = 2646 A.
∴ IFLC= 2646 A
2646 A of 150%
= 2646 A × 1.5
= 3969A
3 Runs (120×10) mm2 copper Busbar will be need for P.F.I panel
∴ IFLC= 2646 A
Safety factor 150% of full load current
2646 A of 150%
= 2646 × 1.5
= 3969A
∴ 𝐶𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑆𝑖𝑑𝑒 =
= 2480 mm2
=4.96 Runs
KVA = [ Angle between Total power and Apparent power. cos = 0.8]
KW = KVA × cos
= 3150×0.8
= 2520 KW
Therefore, our load line is four (4). So, we will distribution three load line,
1st load line = 1010 KW
Current I = 1756 A
Sqmm = [ 1mm = 1.8A copper]
= 976 sqmm
300 mm2 Cable can be current Carrying Capacity 475A So, If we Select 300 mm2 Cable we
will have to 4 run.
4 = run
5 = TPN + PE
1c = Single core.
* 500 KW load:
500000 V = 415 V
1.7324150.8 3 = 1.732
500000 cos = 0.8
= 870 A
Circuit Breaker:
Current I = 870 A
Cable Selection: =484 Sqmm [ 1mm2 = 1.8 A copper)
1 .8
2 = run
5 = TPN + PE
1c = Single core.
6.6.1 Short Circuit Current for XLPE and PVC Insulated Cables:
0.143 A(mm 2 )
XLPE Cable I =
0.115 A(mm 2 )
PVC Cable I = for equal and less than 300 mm2
0.103 A(mm 2 )
I= for A greater than 400 mm2
The medium voltage switchgear panel shall be used for secondary distri-
ibution sub – station up to 12KV and suitable for an ambient temperature
of 45 Deg. C and rated rupture capacity of 350 MVA complete with all
accessories , diagrams, levels, wiring & terminals.
Impulse withstand voltage 1.2 / 50 micro – sec (Peak)
Power frequency withstand voltage / 1 min. : 28KV rms.
1– Panel heater.
2- Set Cooling fan with filter.
1– set TP busbar suitably sized & air insulated.
The boards are factory assembled complete with all wiring, metal parts
bonded grounded points & finished with two coats of powder coated paint.
Busbars and other live parts are spaced and insulated in accordance with
European standards IEC158, UTE C20 – 040, VDE –C110 for 660V.
All MCCB units & panel boards shall fully comply regulations of the 15th
edition IEE wiring regulation for isolation & switching.
The micro processor protection unit meets the requirement of the IEC 947.2 standard.
This unit is powered by the current transformers & performs all the
necessary three or four pole overcurrent protection.
Standard Protection:
ACB Auxiliary:
Shunt opening, Shunt closing Release, Under Voltage Release and Gear Motor
Origin : ABB fo Italy.
- Current transformer ratio : 5000/5A with suitable accuracy & burden.
2- Disital Ammeter scaled (0-5000A) with selector switch.
2- Disital Voltmeter scaled ( 0 – 500V) with selector switch.
6- Phase indicating lamp RED /YELLOW/ BLUE.
2- Set control fuse.
2- ON Indicating Lamp
2- OFF Indicating Lamp
2- ON/OFF push switch
4– Set (120X10)MM Copper Busbar with Tube insulated for ACB terminal.
4– Set (120X10)MM Copper Busbar for Nutural
1– Set (100X10)MM Copper Busbar for Earthing
2– Set (2100X900x1000)MM Powder Coated Panel
Specification of generator:
4 units power generator sets - engine 4 stroke water cooled diesel engines close coupled to
brushless single bearing, AVR. controlled self excited alternator and droop kit, rated @
specific kVA, 400/230V, 3 Ph, 0.8PF, 1500 RPM, 50Hz Prime duty Prime rating allows
continuous operation with 10% overload for any one hour in twelve.
Each engine is water cooled with tropicalied radiator with fan guard/stone guard and dry
charged 24V DC lead acid battery system.
Each genset is mounted on a steel welded baseframe with inbuilt fuel tank including fuel feed
and return lines, fill, vent and drain points and a contents gauge. Heavy duty compressed
rubber anti-vibration mounts are supplied inbuilt.
Specification of Alternator:
Alternator of single bearing design close-coupled to the engine to provide accurate alignment.
Brushless, self or magnet exciting, self regulating and solid state AVR controlled. Regulation
under full load is maintained to +/- 0.5 - 1.5% depending upon AVR type. Enclosed in
fabricated steel shell with drip-proof air ducts.
Tropically insulated windings to class ‗H‘, built in accordance with BS 5000, VDE 0530, IEC
34, UTE 5100 and NEMA MG1-22 regulations.
Specification of Synchronization:
1 x Battery voltmeter
3 x Ammeters
1 x Genset voltmeter with selector switch - phase to phase and phase to neutral
1 x Frequency meter
1 x Mains fed 3 Amp battery charger with on/off switch and ammeter / voltmeter
LCD display for: - Oil Pressure / Engine Temperature / Hours Run / Battery Volts /
LCD and LED display for: - Fail to Start / Reverse Power / Low Oil Pressure /High
Engine Temperature / Overspeed / Auto mode / Manual mode / Low water level /
1 x Automatic synchronising relay / Load share relay c/w reverse power protection
1 x Set of protection circuit mcb‘s, terminations, relays and transformers (as appropriate)
1 x Output rated 3-pole motorised circuit breaker with thermal and magnetic overload trips
1 x LED type synchroscope with inbuilt check synch relay and on/off switch
1 x TP &N (half size neutral) hard drawn high conductivity air insulated copper bus / cable
Mains on Load
Generator Available
Generator on Load
1 x Set of protection circuit mcb‘s, terminations, relays and transformers (as appropriate)
1 x Pair of output rated Amp rated motorised circuit breakers with electrical and
mechanical safety interlocking and including thermal and magnetic overload trips,
The boards are factory assembled complete with all wiring, metal parts
bonded grounded points & finished with two coats of powder coated paint.
Busbars and other live parts are spaced and insulated in accordance with
European standards IEC158, UTE C20 – 040, VDE –C110 for 660V.
All MCCB units & panel boards shall fully comply regulations of the 15th
edition IEE wiring regulation for isolation & switching.
The micro processor protection unit meets the requirement of the IEC 947.2 standard.
This unit is powered by the current transformers & performs all the
necessary three or four pole overcurrent protection.
Standard Protection:
ACB Auxiliary:
Shunt opening, Shunt closing Release, Under Voltage Release and Gear Motor
Origin : ABB of Italy.
The micro processor protection unit meets the requirement of the IEC 947.2 standard.
This unit is powered by the current transformers & performs all the
necessary three or four pole overcurrent protection.
Standard Protection:
ACB Auxiliary:
Shunt opening, Shunt closing Release, Under Voltage Release and Gear Motor
Origin : ABB of Italy.
The boards are factory assembled complete with all wiring, metal parts
bonded grounded points & finished with two coats of powder coated paint.
Busbars & other live parts are spaced & insulated in accordance with
European standards IEC158, UTE, C20 – 040, VDE –C110 for 660V.
7- MC- 460A
Capacitor Switching Magnetic Contactor for 200( 4X50)KVAR capacitor.
Origin : ABB of India.
1- MC-370A
Capacitor Switching Magnetic Contactor for 150(3×50)KVAR capacitor.
Origin : ABB of India.
1- MC-265A
Capacitor Switching Magnetic Contactor for 100(2×50)KVAR capacitor.
Origin : ABB of India.
1- MC-116A
Capacitor Switching Magnetic Contactor for 50KVAR capacitor.
Origin : ABB of India.
1- MC-32A
Capacitor Switching Magnetic Contactor for 12.5KVAR capacitor.
Origin : ABB of India.
This is one and only company in Bangladesh which work with power transmission.PGCV is
an established company and has a good repution.Here Engineers play great role.This
attachment makes our theoritical knowledge strong.We are learn practicaly how a sub- station
is protected equipment.We also learn about bus bar arrangement.A sub-station takes power
from a power generation company or from a grid and then according to the consumer demand
They step down the power and supply the power.Between the taking and distribution of
power there are a lot of procedure to do all the pwe procedure.Within the short time we have
tried my best to acquire knowledge about the transmission system,system protection planning
of sub-station.We have also learnt about the sub-station and the working principle of all sub-
station equipments.Bo th Engineer and suprvisor in all sectors were helpful to us.We hope
that the practical experience whice we have gained from PGCB will be helpful for my future
job sector.