Chapter Iii. Limit State Design
Chapter Iii. Limit State Design
Chapter Iii. Limit State Design
3.0 Introduction
Limit state design of an engineering structure must ensure that
(1) under the worst loadings the structure is safe
(2) during normal working conditions the deformation of the members does not detract from the appearance,
durability or performance of the structure.
Three methods have been developed for design of structures.
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i) Robustness
To be robust means that the layout of the structure should be such that damage to a small area or failure of a single
element will not lead to progressive collapse.
To achieve robustness;
i) The structure must be able to resist a minimum horizontal load.
ii) The elements of the structure must be provided with ties.
H j = Vji v H fd = ( Nbc + Nba ) v/2 H j as in fig. a)
Fig.3.1 Application of the effective geometrical imperfections
Design of Ties
Detailed design information for ties is not given in Euro code II.
NAD-National Application Document recommends that the design method for BS8110 should be used.
The design of ties is given in clause 3.12.3 of BS8110.
The general stability and robustness of a building structure can be increased by providing reinforcement acting as
ties. These ties should act both vertically between roof and foundations, and horizontally around and across each
floor (figure 3.2), and all external vertical load-bearing members should be anchored to the floors and beams.
The types of ties are;
Vertical ties
Horizontal ties
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Horizontal ties
Horizontal ties should be provided for all buildings, irrespective of height, in three ways:
1. Peripheral ties.
2. Internal ties.
3. Column and Wall ties.
a) Peripheral ties.
Peripheral tie must be provided by reinforcement at each floor or roof level.
Peripheral tie must be continuous.
This reinforcement must lie within 1.2m from the edge of building or within the perimeter wall.
It should be capable of resisting a force of at least Ft .
Ft (20 4no ) Or 60 KN whichever is less.
no Number of storeys in structure.
b) Internal Ties
Internal ties should be provided at each floor in two perpendicular directions.
They should be continuous throughout their length.
They should be anchored at each end, either to the peripheral tie or to the continuous column or wall ties.
They may be located as follows;
a) Spread evenly in slabs
b) Grouped in beams
c) Grouped in walls. Where walls are used, the tie reinforcement must be within 0.5m of the top or bottom of
the floor slab.
Internal ties should be able to resist a tensile force T.
F (G Qk ) Lr
T t k Or 1.0 Ft whichever is greater.
7.5 5
Where (Gk Qk ) the characteristic load per m 2 of the floor considered.
Lr The greatest horizontal distance in the direction of the tie between the centers of vertical load-
bearing members.
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If the ties are grouped in walls or beams, their maximum spacing should be limited to 1.5Lr .
Spacing 1.5Lr
Transverse beams
4 bays @ 6.5m=26m
ii) Stability
Building structures are classified into two types.
a) Braced, and
b) Unbraced
A braced structure is one that resists lateral loads by means of bracing. Lateral loads include;
Wind loads, and
Seismic loads (earthquake loads)
Bracing in RC structures include;
Shear walls
RC lift shafts
RC stair wells
The bracing must be able to transmit the horizontal loads down to foundation.
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iii) Strength
The structure should be adequately strong to carry all applied loads without collapse.
(b) Serviceability Limit State
Generally the most important serviceability limit states are:
i) Deflection- the appearance or efficiency of any part of the structure must not be adversely affected by
deflections nor should the comfort of the building users be adversely affected.
ii) Cracking- local damage due to cracking and spalling must not affect the appearance, efficiency or durability of
iii) Durability-This must be considered in terms of the proposed life of the structure and its conditions of exposure.
This is the resistance to wear, tear and environmental effects with time. Any reinforced concrete
structure must be designed to protect the embedded steel. Thus the durability of concrete is influenced
a) Exposure conditions
b) Concrete quality and workmanship
c) Cover to reinforcement
d) Width of any crack
If durability is neglected, it will lead to increased expenditures on;
i) Inspection
ii) maintenance
iii) repair
Durability in R.C concerns the selection of the appropriate concrete grade and cover, for the conditions of;
a) Environmental exposure
b) Protection of reinforcement against a rapid rise in temperature and resultant loss of strength.
Exposure conditions are given in table 4.1 of the code and Minimum cover requirements for exposure conditions
are given in table 4.2.
Table 3-1 (Table 4.1 of Euro code II) Exposure classes related to environmental conditions
Exposure class Example of environmental conditions
dry environment interior of buildings for normal habitation or offices a
2 a - interior of buildings where humidity is high (e.g. laundries)
without - exterior components
humid frost - components in non-aggressive soil and/or water
environment b - exterior components exposed to frost
With frost - components in non-aggressive soil and/or water and exposed to frost
- interior components when the humidity is high and exposed to frost
humid environment with frost and Interior and exterior components to frost and de-icing agents
de-icing salts
4 a - components completely or partially submerged in seawater, or in the
without splash
frost - components in saturated salt air (coastal area)
seawater environment b - components partially submerged in seawater or in the splash zone and
With frost exposed to frost
- components in saturated salt air and exposed to frost
The following classes may occur alone or in combination with the above classes:
5 a - slightly aggressive chemical environment (gas, liquid or solid)
aggressive chemical - aggressive industrial atmosphere
environment b b moderately aggressive chemical environment (gas, liquid or solid)
c highly aggressive chemical environment (gas, liquid or solid)
This exposure class is valid only as long as during construction the structure or some of its components is not
exposed to more severe conditions over a prolonged period of time.
Chemically aggressive environments are classified in ISO/DP 9690. The following equivalent exposure
conditions may be assumed:
Exposure class 5a: ISO classification A1G,A1L,A1S
Exposure class 5b: ISO classification A2G,A2L,A2S
Exposure class 5c: ISO classification A3G,A3L,A3S
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Table 3-2 (Table 4.2 of Euro code II) Minimum cover requirement for normal weight concrete 1)
Exposure class, according to Table 4.1
1 2a 2b 3 4a 4b 5a 5b 5c
Reinforcement 15 20 25 40 40 40 25 30 40
Minimum cover (mm)
Prestressing steel 25 30 35 50 50 50 35 40 50
1. In order to satisfy the provisions of P(3), these minimum values for cover should be associated with
particular concrete qualities, to be determined from Table 3 in ENV 206.
2. For slab elements, a reduction of 5mm may be made for exposure classes 2-5.
3. A reduction of 5mm may be made where concrete of strength class C40/50 and above is used for reinforced
concrete in exposure classes 2a-5b, and for pre-stressed concrete in exposure classes 1-5b. However, the minimum
cover should be less than that for Exposure Class 1 in Table 4.2.
4. For exposure class 5c, the use of a protective barrier, to prevent direct contact with the aggressive media, should
be provided.
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Nominal Cover
This is the cover used in design and specify on drawing and nominal cover is given by nominal cover which is
equal to minimum cover + h .
Where h is Tolerance on cover to reinforcement and given by; 5mm h 10mm .
h Depends on;
i) Type and size of structural element/member.
ii) Type of construction.
iii) Standards of workmanship.
iv) Quality control
v) Detailing practice.
f m Mean strength, f m
f =values of cube strength
n = number of cubes tested.
Standard deviation, is a measure of quality control
( f fm )2
1/ 2
The relationship between characteristic and mean values accounts for variations in results of test specimens and
will, therefore, reflect the method and control of manufacture, quality of constructions, and nature of the material.
Mean strength ( fm )
strength ( f k )
number of
test specimens
Fig.3-4 Normal frequency distribution of strengths
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Table 3-3 shows the actual strength classes commonly used in reinforced concrete design.
Table 3-3 Concrete strength classes, characteristic compressive strength f ck (cylinders), mean tensile strength f ctm ,
and characteristic tensile strength f ctk of the concrete (in N / mm2 ) (based Table 3.1, EC 2)
Strength Class of
C12/15 C16/20 C20/25 C25/30 C30/37 C35/45 C40/50 C45/55 C50/60
f ck 12 16 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
f ck ,cube 15 20 25 30 37 45 50 55 60
f ctm 1.6 1.9 2.2 2.6 2.9 3.2 3.5 3.8 4.1
f ctk 0.05 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.5 2.7 2.9
f ctk 0.95 2.0 2.5 2.9 3.3 3.8 4.2 4.6 4.9 5.3
BS 8110 recommends that design should be based on the characteristic strength of the reinforcement ( f y ) and
gives typical values for mild steel and high yield steel reinforcement, the two reinforcement types available in the
UK, of 250 Nmm2 and 500 Nmm2 respectively. High-yield reinforcement is mostly used in practice nowadays.
In Euro Code II, Grade 500 ( 500 N / mm2 characteristic strength) has replaced Grade 250 and Grade 460
reinforcing steel throughout Europe.
Grade 250 bars are hot-rolled mild-steel bars which usually have a smooth surface so that the bond with concrete
is by adhesion only. This type of bar can be more readily bent, so they have in the past been used where small
radius bends are necessary, such as links in narrow beams or columns, but plain bars are not now recognized in the
European Union and they are no longer available for general use in the UK.
High-yield bars are manufactured with a ribbed surface or in the form of a twisted square surface. Square twisted
bars have inferior bond characteristics and have been used in the past, although they are now obsolete. Deformed
bars have a mechanical bond with the concrete. The bending of high-yield bars through a small radius is liable to
cause tension cracking of the steel, and to avoid this the radius of the bend should not be less than two times the
nominal bar size for small bars( 16mm ). Ribbed high yield bars may be classified as:
Class A- which is normally associated with small diameter ( 12mm ) cold-worked bars used in mesh and fabric.
This is the lowest ductility category and will include limits on moment redistribution which can be
applied and higher quantities for fire resistance.
Class B- which is most commonly used for reinforcing bars.
Class C- high ductility which may be used in earthquake design or similar situation.
Table 3-5(Table 5, Eurocode II): Differences between current British Standards and EN10080
Property BS4449 and BS4483 EN10080
Grade 460 N / mm 500 N / mm2
Specific characteristic yield strength
Grade 250 N / mm2 Not included
Bond strength for;
i) Ribbed bars/wires Deformed type 2 High bond
ii) Twisted bars Deformed type 1 Not included
iii) Plain bars Round plain bars Not included
Table 3-6
CP110 BS8110 EC2
High yield 460 Ribbed –T
410 High bond 500
425 Y 460 Twisted Y
Mild steel 460-R 250-R N/A
However in the UK, they still design using EC 2 but use T and Y bars.
Table 3-7 Tensile and other properties of steel for the reinforcement of concrete
Ductility Class
Characteristic yield strength, f yk ( Nmm ) 500
Young’s modulus KNmm2 200
Characteristic strain at ultimate force, uk (%) 2.5 5.0 7.5
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characteriatic strength f
Design strength k
partial factor of safety m
Figure 3-5 shows a beam supported on foundations at A and B. The loads supported by the beam are its own
uniformly distributed permanent weight of 20 KN / m and a 170KN variable load concentrated at end C.
Determine the weight of foundation required at A in order to resist uplift:
(a) By applying a factor of safety of 2.0 to the reaction calculated for the working loads.
(b) By using an ultimate limit state approach with partial factors of safety of G 1.10 or 0.9 for the permanent
action and Q 1.5 for the variable action.
Investigate the effect on these design of a 7 per cent increase in the variable action.
170KN variable load
permanent load 20 KN/m
(a) 6m 2m
1.1 permanent
0.9 permanent load load
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A 7 per cent increase in the variable action will not endanger the structure, since the actual uplift will only be 7.3
KN as calculated previously. In fact in this case it would require an increase of 61 per cent in the load before the
uplift would exceed the weight of a 38 KN foundation.
Parts (a) and (b) of example 3.3 illustrate how the limit state method of design can ensure a safer result when the
stability or strength of a structure is sensitive to a small numerical difference between the effects of two opposing
action of a similar magnitude.
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Tables 3.13 and 3.14 show the recommended values of partial safety factor for permanent, G , and variable
actions, Q , for the ultimate limit states of equilibrium (EQU) and strength (STR). It can be seen that the maximum
values of G and Q are 1.35 and 1.5 respectively. The comparable values in BS 8110 are 1.4 and 1.6. It can also
be seen that the partial safety factors for actions depend on a number of other aspects including the category of
limit state as well as the effect of the action on the design situation under consideration. For example, when
checking for the limit states of equilibrium and strength, the maximum values of G are 1.1 and 1.35, respectively.
However, when checking for equilibrium alone, G is taken to be 1.1 if the action increases the risk of instability
(unfavourable action) or 0.9 if the action reduces the risk of instability (favourable action). For a given limit state
several combinations of loading may have to be considered in order to arrive at the value of the design action on
the structure (see Table 3.13).
In equation 3.1, Frep may be the characteristic value of a permanent or leading variable action ( Fk ), or the
accompanying value (Ψ Fk ) of a variable action. In turn, the accompanying value of a variable action may be the
combination value ( o Fk ), the frequent value ( 1 Fk ) or the quasi-permanent value ( 2 Fk ). The frequent
value and the quasi permanent values are used to determine values of accidental actions, e.g. impact and
explosions, and to check serviceability criteria (deflection and cracking). The combination value is given by
Combination value = o Fk (3.2); where o is the combination factor obtained from Table 3.12 and is a function
of the type of variable action.
The factor o has been introduced to take account of the fact that where a structure is subject to, say, two
independent variable actions, it is unlikely that both will reach their maximum value simultaneously. Under these
circumstances, it is assumed that the ‘leading’ variable action (i.e. Qk .1 ) is at its maximum value and any
‘accompanying’ variable actions will attain a reduced value, i.e. oQk ,i , where i > 1. Leading and accompanying
variable actions are assigned by trial and error as discussed below.
Table 3-13 Load combinations and partial safety/combination factors for the ultimate limit state of strength
Load Type
Limit state Permanent, G k Variable, Qk Wind, Wk
Unfavourable Favourable Unfavourable Favourable Unfavourable
Equilibrium 1.10 0.9 1.5 0 1.5 0
Table 3-14 Load combinations and partial safety/combination factors for the ultimate limit state of strength
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Load Type
Limit state/Load combination Permanent, G k Variable, Qk Wind,
Unfavorable Favorable Unfavorable Favorable Wk
Table 3-15 Load Combinations and Partial Safety Factors f at Serviceability Limit State
Load Combination Permanent Load, Gk Variable Load, Qk Wind Load, Wk
Permanent + Variable 1.0 1.0 -
Permanent + Wind 1.0 - 1.0
Permanent + Variable + Wind 1.0 0.9 0.9
The design value of action effects, E d , assuming the structure is subjected to both permanent and a single
variable action (e.g. dead load plus imposed load or dead load plus wind load) can be assessed using the following
Ed G , jGk , j Q,1Qk ,1
j 1
Using the partial safety factors given in Table 3.14, the design value of the action effect is given by
E d 1.35Gk 1.5Qk
(Load combinations 1 and 2, Table 3.14)
The design value of an action effect due to permanent and two (or more) variable actions, e.g. dead plus imposed
and wind load, is obtained from equation 3.4.
j 1
Ed G , jGk , j Q,1Qk ,1 Q,i 0,i Qk ,i
i 1
Note that this expression yields two (or more) estimates of design actions and the most onerous should be selected
for design. For example, if a structure is subjected to permanent, office and wind loads of Gk , Qk and Wk the
values of the design actions are:
Ed 1.35Gk , j 1.5Qk 1.5 0.5Wk
(Load combinations 3(b), Table 3.14)
Ed 1.35Gk , j 1.5 0.7Qk 1.5Wk
(Load combinations 3(c), Table 3.14)
Figure 3.6 illustrates how the factors in table 3-10 and 3-12 can be applied when considering the stability of the
office building shown for overturning about point B. Figure 3-6(a) treats the wind load ( Wk ) as the leading
variable action and the live load ( Qk ) on the roof as the accompanying variable action. Figure 3-6(b) considers the
live load as the leading variable action and the wind as the accompanying variable action.
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(a) (b)
Figure 3.6 Wind and imposed load acting on an office building-stability check
Equations 3.3 and 3.4 are based on expression 6.10 in EN 1990. This document also includes two alternative
expressions, namely 6.10a and 6.10b (reproduced as equations 3.5 and 3.6 respectively) for calculating the design
values of actions, use of which may improve structural efficiency, particularly for heavier structural materials such
as concrete.
j 1
Ed G , jGk , j Q,1 0,1Qk ,1 Q,i 0,i Qk ,i
i 1
Wind Loads
The following factors are considered;
i) The basic wind speed, V which depends on the location in the country.
ii) The design wind speed Vs VS1 S 2 S 3
S1 Topography factor normally taken as in UK.
S 2 Depends on ground roughness, building size and height above the ground.
S 3 Statistical factor normally taken as 1.
Ground roughness is given in four categories e.g. category 3 is the location in the suburbs of the city.
The building size is in three classes e.g. a, b and c.
The height refers to the height of the building.
The wind load increases with height.
iii) The Dynamic pressure q 0.613Vs2 N / mm2 is the pressure on the surface normal to the wind. It is
modified by the dimensions of the building and openings in the building.
iv) Pressure coefficient
The pressure coefficients are given as;
External pressure coefficients denoted by C pe . This depends on the dimensions and roof angle.
Internal pressure coefficients which accounts for suctions inside the building C pi .
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Example 3.4 Design actions for simply supported beam (EN 1990)
A simply supported beam for an office building has a span of 6 m. Calculate the values of the design bending
moments, M E ,d , assuming
(a) The beam supports uniformly distributed permanent and variable actions of 5 kNm 1 and 6 kNm 1 respectively
(b) In addition to the actions described in (a) the beam also supports an independent variable concentrated load of
20 kN at mid-span.
g k =5KN/m ; q k =6KN/m
Since the beam is subjected to only one variable action use equation 3.3 to determine E d where
Ed G , jGk , j Q,1Qk ,1
j 1
Qk =20KN
g k =5KN/m ; q k =6KN/m
The extra complication here is that it is not clear if q k or Qk is the leading variable action. This can only be
determined by trial and error. This time use equation 3.4 to evaluate E d , since there are two independent variable
actions are present.
Assuming q k is the leading variable action gives
Ed G , jGk , j Q,1Qk ,1 Q,i 0,i Qk ,i
j 1 i 1
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