4 - Transient Conduction Update - 2

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Steady state vs Transient

Heat Transfer
• Phase of heating and cooling process when
the temperature is changing with time
• Steady state:
– Temperature varies only with location
• Transient
– Temperature changes as a function of both
location and time
Application of Transient Heat
• In the initial unsteady-state period, many important
reactions in the food may take place.
• With thermal processes, the unsteady-state phase
may even dominate the entire process:
– Heating
– Cooling
– Pasteurization
– Sterilization
Heat Transfer
• Temperature is a
function of two
independent variables: Thermal diffusivity ()
– Time T : temperature (°C)
– Location t : time (s)
• Following partial r : distance from center location (m)
differential equation is n= 0 for a slab
the governing n =1 for a cylinder
equation for a one- n = 2 for a sphere
dimensional case:
T : temperature (°C)
t : time (s)
r : distance from center location (m)
n= 0 for a slab
n =1 for a cylinder
n = 2 for a sphere
Temperature profiles as
function of time in an
infinitely long cylinder
If the rate of heat transfer at the surface is due to convection:

h : the convective heat transfer coefficient (W/[m 2 °C])

Ta: the temperature of heating or cooling medium far away from the surface (°C)
Ts : the temperature at the surface (°C)
External vs Internal Resistance
to Heat Transfer

Ratio of internal conductive

resistance to external
convective resistance
➔ Biot Number (NBi)

➔ Conductive resistance
➔ Convective resistance inside solid
in fluid layer
External vs Internal Resistance
to Heat Transfer

dc ➔ a characteristic dimension
(shortest distance from the center)
Three cases for unsteady-state heat
• NBi < 0.1 : negligible internal resistance to
heat transfer
• 0.1 < NBi < 40 : finite internal and surface
resistance to heat transfer
• NBi > 40 : negligible surface resistance to
heat transfer
Negligible internal resistance to heat
NBi < 0.1
A Lumped System Analysis
(NBi < 0 .1): Example 1

Calculate the temperature of

tomato juice (=980 kg/m3) in a
steam jacketed hemispherical
kettle after 5 min of heating. The
radius of the kettle is 0.5 m.
The convective heat-transfer
coefficient in the steam jacket is
5000 W/(m2.°C). The inside surface
temperature of the kettle is 90°C.
Initial temperature of tomato juice
is 20°C. Assume specific heat of
tomato juice is 3.95 kJ/(kg °C).
A Lumped System Analysis (NBi < 0 .1):
Example 2
Negligible Internal Resistance to Heat Transfer
(NBi < 0 .1) —A Lumped System Analysis

• High thermal conductivity of solid; placed in a

medium that is poor conducted of heat, e.g.
motionless air
– Temperature is nearly uniform throughout the interior
– This case is also referred to as a “ lumped ” system.
– In these cases heat is transferred instantaneously into the
object, thus avoiding temperature gradients with location.
– Another way to obtain such a condition is a well-stirred
liquid food in a container.
Negligible Internal Resistance to Heat Transfer
(NBi < 0 .1) —A Lumped System Analysis
Negligible Internal Resistance to Heat Transfer
(NBi < 0 .1) —A Lumped System Analysis
Negligible Internal Resistance to Heat Transfer
(NBi < 0 .1) —A Lumped System Analysis
A Lumped System Analysis
(NBi < 0 .1): Example 1

Calculate the temperature of

tomato juice (=980 kg/m3) in a
steam jacketed hemispherical
kettle after 5 min of heating. The
radius of the kettle is 0.5 m.
The convective heat-transfer
coefficient in the steam jacket is
5000 W/(m2.°C). The inside surface
temperature of the kettle is 90°C.
Initial temperature of tomato juice
is 20°C. Assume specific heat of
tomato juice is 3.95 kJ/(kg °C).
A Lumped System Analysis (NBi < 0 .1):
Problem Example
A Lumped System Analysis (NBi < 0 .1):
Example 2
Finite internal and surface resistance
to heat transfer
0.1 <NBi < 40
Estimate the time when temperature at
the geometric center of a 6 cm diameter
apple held in 2C water stream reaches
3C. The initial uniform temperature of
the apple is 15C.

Example 3 The convective heat transfer coefficient in

water surrounding the apple is 50
W/m2C. The properties of the apple are
thermal conductivity k = 0.355 W/mC,
specific heat Cp = 3.6 kJ/kgC, and density
= 820 kg/m3.
• Temperature-time charts
– Dimensionless number
K t t
Fourier number = NFo = = 2
Cp D 2 D
NBi = D/k = hD
1/h k
= temperature ratio
(Ta–Ti) 1/NBi

NFo = t / D2


NFo = t / D2
(Ta–Ti) 1/NBi

NFo = t / D2
Example 3
Estimate the time when temperature at the geometric
center of a 6 cm diameter apple held in 2C water
stream reaches 3C. The initial uniform temperature
of the apple is 15C.

The convective heat transfer coefficient in water

surrounding the apple is 50 W/m2C. The properties
of the apple are thermal conductivity k = 0.355
W/mC, specific heat Cp = 3.6 kJ/kgC, and density
= 820 kg/m3.
(Ta–Ti) 1/NBi

TR =

NFo = t / D2
1/NBi = 0.237
Negligible surface resistance to heat
NBi > 40
• Use temperature-time chart.
• The lines for k/hD or 1/NBi = 0 represent
negligible surface resistance to heat transfer
(Ta–Ti) 1/NBi

NFo = t / D2
Example 4
Estimate the temperature at the geometric center of a food
product contained in a 303 x 406 can exposed to boiling
water at 100C for 30 min. The product is assumed to heat
and cool by conduction. The initial uniform temperature of
product is 35C. The properties of the food are thermal
conductivity k = 0.34 W/mC, specific heat Cp = 3.5 kJ/kgC,
and density  = 900 kg/m3. The convective heat transfer
coefficient for boiling water is estimated to be 2000 W/m2C.
Example 4
Estimate the temperature at the geometric center of a food product
contained in a 303 x 406 can exposed to boiling water at 100C for 30
min. The product is assumed to heat and cool by conduction. The initial
uniform temperature of product is 35C. The properties of the food are
thermal conductivity k = 0.34 W/mC, specific heat Cp = 3.5 kJ/kgC, and
density  = 900 kg/m3. The convective heat transfer coefficient for
boiling water is estimated to be 2000 W/m2C.

Finite objects
Finite objects
Example 4
Estimate the temperature at the geometric center of a food product
contained in a 303 x 406 can exposed to boiling water at 100C for 30
min. The product is assumed to heat and cool by conduction. The initial
uniform temperature of product is 35C. The properties of the food are
thermal conductivity k = 0.34 W/mC, specific heat Cp = 3.5 kJ/kgC, and
density  = 900 kg/m3. The convective heat transfer coefficient for
boiling water is estimated to be 2000 W/m2C.
A Can ➔ finite cylinder


1/NBi = 0.004 NFo = t / D2

NFO = 0.118
(Ta–Ti) 1/NBi

N = t / D2
1/NBi = 0.03Fo
NFO = 0.064
• For calculation of temperature at any
position of the object, Gurney-Lurie Chart
can be used.
Gurney-Lurie Chart
• The chart shows how four different
dimensionless groups depend on each other.

• For any given values of three of the groups

the fourth can be read of the chart.
• As stated earlier the X term the time (t) and the thermal
diffusivity (α) is being divided by the radius (r) squared.
• In short n stands for the "depth", that is the length (x) divided
by the total length (x0) or for cylinders and spheres the radius

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