Review: Interventions To Improve Adherence To Self-Administered Medications For Chronic Diseases in The United States
Review: Interventions To Improve Adherence To Self-Administered Medications For Chronic Diseases in The United States
Review: Interventions To Improve Adherence To Self-Administered Medications For Chronic Diseases in The United States
Background: Suboptimum medication adherence is common in the copayments or improved prescription drug coverage. Clinical con-
United States and leads to serious negative health consequences ditions amenable to multiple approaches to improving adherence
but may respond to intervention. include hypertension, heart failure, depression, and asthma. Inter-
ventions that improve adherence across multiple clinical conditions
Purpose: To assess the comparative effectiveness of patient, pro- include policy interventions to reduce copayments or improve pre-
vider, systems, and policy interventions that aim to improve med- scription drug coverage, systems interventions to offer case man-
ication adherence for chronic health conditions in the United States. agement, and patient-level educational interventions with behav-
Data Sources: Eligible peer-reviewed publications from MEDLINE ioral support.
and the Cochrane Library indexed through 4 June 2012 and addi- Limitations: Studies were limited to adults with chronic conditions
tional studies from reference lists and technical experts. (excluding HIV, AIDS, severe mental illness, and substance abuse)
Study Selection: Randomized, controlled trials of patient, provider, in the United States. Clinical and methodological heterogeneity
or systems interventions to improve adherence to long-term med- hindered quantitative data pooling.
ications and nonrandomized studies of policy interventions to im- Conclusion: Reduced out-of-pocket expenses, case management,
prove medication adherence. and patient education with behavioral support all improved medi-
Data Extraction: Two investigators independently selected, ex- cation adherence for more than 1 condition. Evidence is limited on
tracted data from, and rated the risk of bias of relevant studies. whether these approaches are broadly applicable or affect long-
term medication adherence and health outcomes.
Data Synthesis: The evidence was synthesized separately for each
clinical condition; within each condition, the type of intervention Primary Funding Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and
was synthesized. Two reviewers graded the strength of evidence by Quality.
using established criteria. From 4124 eligible abstracts, 62 trials of
patient-, provider-, or systems-level interventions evaluated 18 Ann Intern Med. 2012;157:785-795.
types of interventions; another 4 observational studies and 1 trial of For author affiliations, see end of text.
policy interventions evaluated the effect of reduced medication This article was published at on 11 September 2012.
medication adherence? Is improved medication adherence nonadherence than the reference group of patients who
associated with improved patient outcomes? were seniors receiving social assistance in Ontario, Canada
(29). Of note, in our review of 61 excluded non-U.S. stud-
Study Eligibility ies, 7 were set in developing countries (30 –36), 1 was a
We assessed medication adherence effectiveness for multicenter trial that included developing countries (37),
studies conducted in outpatient primary and specialty care, and the remaining 53 were set in 15 advanced economies
as well as community-based and home-based settings with universal coverage of various types (38 –90). Of these,
(Appendix Table 1, available at We ex- more than half were set in the United Kingdom (17 stud-
cluded studies in institutional settings because medications ies) (38 –54) and Canada (10 studies) (55– 64).
are generally not self-administered there, interventions to As suggested by Norris and colleagues (91), we con-
improve antiretroviral adherence because comprehensive ducted a preliminary assessment of the availability of evi-
reviews of such interventions were only recently completed dence from randomized, controlled trials (RCTs) and the
(22, 23), interventions for adherence to medications for likelihood of selection bias and confounding from observa-
patients with severe mental illness (schizophrenia, other tional studies and accordingly focused on RCTs for pa-
psychoses, and bipolar disorder) and substance abuse be- tient, provider, and systems interventions. We expanded
cause the complex cognitive features of adherence for such the scope to include observational studies for policy inter-
conditions require specific interventions that are not appli- ventions because these studies allowed us to assess the ef-
cable to patients with other conditions, acute conditions fectiveness of policy innovations in practice settings that
because adherence for such disease differs from that for are not usually tested in trials.
chronic illness (23), studies published before 1994 because
Data Sources and Searches
of a large systematic review that included studies up to
1994 (24), and non–English-language and non-U.S. stud- To identify relevant articles, we conducted separate
ies to ensure greater applicability of our findings to the targeted literature searches for patient, provider, systems,
unique health care setting of the United States. Other sys- and policy interventions by using MEDLINE, the Co-
tematic reviews also note that adherence studies from non– chrane Library, and the Cochrane Central Register of Con-
U.S.-based health care systems are inherently different trolled Trials from 1994 through 4 June 2012. We re-
from those in the United States because of variations in the viewed our search strategy with a panel of technical experts
ways that patients procure, pay for, and monitor medica- and supplemented it as needed according to their recom-
tions (25, 26). mendations. To avoid retrieval bias, we manually searched
Adherence is a complex multifactorial behavior that is the reference lists of pertinent reviews to identify relevant
influenced by social and economic factors (for example, citations that our searches missed.
age, race, sex, and socioeconomic status), patient-related Study Selection
factors (for example, knowledge, attitude, and beliefs), Two trained researchers independently reviewed each
condition- and treatment-related factors (for example, se- title and abstract. All titles selected by at least 1 reviewer
verity of the symptoms and disease, complexity of the med- went on to full-text review by 2 independent reviewers.
ical regimen, duration of treatment, and adverse effects), Reviewers resolved conflicts by discussion and consensus or
provider characteristics (for example, communication consultation with a third reviewer as needed.
skills, training, and resources), and setting (for example,
Data Extraction and Quality Assessment
drug coverage, cost sharing of medications, and access to
For studies meeting the inclusion criteria, a trained
medication and clinical care) (27). Such factors interact to
reviewer abstracted data into structured evidence tables
influence adherence behavior. For instance, the setting may
that were then reviewed by a second trained reviewer for
influence patient and provider behavior through appoint-
completeness and accuracy.
ments that are too short to discuss adherence, fee structures
Two independent reviewers assessed risk of bias for
that do not support reimbursement for patient counseling
each study by using predefined criteria based on those de-
and education, poor continuity of care that disrupts the
veloped by AHRQ (92) and specified in the RTI Item
patient–provider relationship, and systems that impede in-
Bank (93). We resolved disagreements between reviewers
formation sharing between providers and pharmacists on
by consulting a senior member of the team.
prescription refills (27).
Hence, patient adherence behaviors in countries or Data Analysis and Synthesis
settings without the systemic characteristics of the United To make the findings as clinically useful as possible,
States are markedly different. Residents of the United we analyzed results for each key question by both clinical
States have been found to be 2 to 3 times more likely to condition and intervention type. We specified a priori the
report cost-related nonadherence than Canadian residents data to be collected for all outcomes except biomarkers and
(28, 29), even when the results were stratified by insurance morbidity. On the basis of the recommendations of the
status. Publicly or privately insured patients in the United technical expert panel, we elected to collect a comprehen-
States were more than twice as likely to report cost-related sive set of biomarkers and morbidity outcomes, rather than
786 4 December 2012 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 157 • Number 11
judge which to collect in advance. We determined quanti- reported on RCTs and 4 reported on observational studies.
tative analysis to be inappropriate because of clinical or Sixty-two provided data on patient, provider, and systems
methodological heterogeneity, low numbers of similar interventions (95–162). One trial and 4 observational
studies, and insufficiency or in outcome reporting, so we studies provided information on policy interventions
synthesized data qualitatively. We grouped interventions (163–167).
into categories that reflected key intervention components. Most trials on patient, provider, or systems interven-
We graded the strength of evidence for medication tions provided information about 6 key characteristics: the
adherence, biomarkers (for example, systolic blood pressure targets, agents, methods, intensity, duration, and compo-
and hemoglobin A1c), morbidity (for example, depressive nents of the interventions. The characteristics provided a
symptoms and asthma symptoms), mortality, and other framework by which we could describe the interventions.
health outcomes (94). These grades incorporate 4 key con- For example, for the targets, slightly more than 50% of the
siderations when the strength of a stated effect is being interventions were aimed at various combinations of mul-
evaluated: risk of bias (including study design and aggre- tiple targets, whereas nearly 40% targeted only patients.
gate quality), consistency, directness, and precision (see Similarly, for delivery, a pharmacist, physician, or nurse
Appendix Table 2, available at, for defi- delivered approximately 50% of interventions. About half
nitions of strength-of-evidence grades). We excluded stud- of interventions involved at least some face-to-face delivery
ies with high risk of bias and found no variation in direct- of the program. Supplement 2 (available at www.annals
ness. As a result, consistency and precision were key drivers .org) presents information about each study’s intervention,
of the strength-of-evidence grades in this body of studies including its description, type, dose, and method of
with medium and low risk of bias. delivery.
Role of the Funding Source
Included trials of patient, policy, and systems interven-
tions focus on hypertension (18 trials, 9691 patients), de-
The AHRQ funded the systematic review. The key
pression (13 trials, 11 445 patients), hyperlipidemia (9 tri-
questions, protocol, and draft report were reviewed by the
als, 19 228 patients), asthma (8 trials, 4423 patients),
funder, the peer reviewers, the technical expert panel mem-
diabetes (6 trials, 1056 patients), heart failure (5 trials, 719
bers, and the public. Approval from AHRQ was required
before the manuscript could be submitted for publication, patients), multiple or unspecified chronic conditions (4 tri-
but the authors are solely responsible for its content and als, 3403 patients), musculoskeletal diseases (4 trials, 2559
the decision to submit it for publication. patients), myocardial infarction (1 trial, 907 patients),
multiple sclerosis (1 trial, 435 patients), and glaucoma (1
trial, 66 patients). Of these, 7 studies examine more than 1
RESULTS clinical condition. Fifteen studies (24%) were powered for
First, we present the results from our literature search adherence as a primary outcome (98, 107, 108, 124, 129,
and a summary of the characteristics of our included stud- 131–133, 135, 139, 153–156, 159). Of note, we found no
ies. We then present our results for patient, provider, and eligible studies for cancer, probably because we restricted
systems interventions by clinical condition and interven- this review to patient-administered medications in outpa-
tion type. Supplement 1 and Appendix Table 3 (available tient settings.
at summarize our findings and give the Included studies on policy interventions focus on car-
strength-of-evidence grade for each intervention. Although diovascular disease (5 studies, ⬎70 000 patients), diabetes
we present our results separately by clinical condition and (3 studies, approximately 20 000 patients), and respiratory
intervention type, the close correlation between these 2 conditions (1 study, number of patients not reported).
factors requires that results synthesized by clinical condi-
Effect of Patient, Provider, or Systems Interventions on
tion specify intervention type. Similarly, results synthesized
Medication Adherence and Other Outcomes
by intervention type specify clinical condition. Finally, we
Overall, the evidence from 62 trials (68 articles) sug-
present results for policy interventions and summarize the
gests that many pathways provide opportunities to improve
findings in Appendix Table 4 (available at www.annals
medication adherence across clinical conditions. These ap-
.org). We generally highlight evidence of moderate or low
proaches range from low-cost, low-intensity interventions,
such as 1-time mailings, to intensive interventions, such as
Characteristics of Included Studies case management, care coordination, and collaborative
Of the 4124 citations identified (Appendix Figure, care.
available at, 758 published articles met Despite evidence for promising approaches to improv-
inclusion criteria at the title and abstract review. Of these, ing medication adherence, we found relatively little evi-
661 articles did not meet inclusion criteria on review of the dence linking higher adherence to improvements in other
full text. We excluded 24 additional articles with high risk outcomes, such as biomarkers, morbidity, mortality, qual-
of bias during data extraction. Of the 73 included articles ity of life, patient satisfaction, health care use, or costs. Of
(comprising 67 studies of low or medium risk of bias), 69 the 62 trials, 33 (53%) reported improvement in medica- 4 December 2012 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 157 • Number 11 787
tion adherence. Of these 33 trials, 18 (29%) reported im- its and improved patient satisfaction (129). Among pa-
provements in at least 1 health outcome, 8 (13%) reported tients with depression, case management reduced symp-
no improvements in health outcomes, and 7 (11%) did not toms of depression (95, 111, 140 –142), and collaborative
evaluate changes in health outcomes. The remaining 29 care improved depression symptoms, patient satisfaction
trials (47%) showed no improvement in medication with medications, and quality of care (144 –147). Finally,
adherence. among patients with asthma, shared decision making im-
proved symptoms, pulmonary function, health care use,
and quality of life (137). We generally graded these inter-
Findings Related to Clinical Conditions ventions as beneficial, with low to moderate strength of
Medication Adherence. We found evidence supporting evidence, depending on the specific type of intervention.
multiple effective interventions to improve medication ad- We found very little evidence supporting a relationship
herence for the following conditions: hypertension (blister between improved medication adherence and adverse
packaging, case management, education with behavioral events (data not shown).
support) (109 –112, 116, 117, 122–124), heart failure
(reminder calls; pharmacist-led, multicomponent interven-
tions; education with behavioral support; case manage-
Findings Related to Interventions
ment) (127–130), depression (case management, collabor-
Of the 18 intervention approaches, 7 had been tested
ative care) (95, 111, 140 –142, 144 –147, 152), and
across different clinical conditions (Appendix Table 3 and
asthma (self-management, shared decision making) (132–
Supplement 2): education; case management; reminders;
137). Not all interventions in these clinical areas, however,
pharmacist-led, multicomponent approaches; collaborative
provided evidence of benefit. We graded the strength of
evidence for some interventions as insufficient because of care; telephone-based counseling, care management, and
inconsistent or statistically nonsignificant results (98, 125, reminders; and decision aids. Of these, educational inter-
126, 149, 150). In addition, we found evidence of no ventions with behavioral support through continued pa-
benefit of collaborative care for hypertension (97, 114, tient contact over several weeks or months (effective for
115) or patient or provider access to patient adherence data hypertension [122–124], hyperlipidemia [104 –108], heart
for asthma (138, 139). failure [128], and myocardial infarction [131]) and case
With respect to diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and muscu- management (effective for diabetes [95–97], hypertension
loskeletal diseases, we found evidence of 1 effective inter- [111, 112], heart failure [127], and depression [95, 96,
vention for each condition. These included care coordina- 111, 140 –142]) offer the most voluminous and consist-
tion and collaborative care for diabetes (95), education ent evidence of improvements in medication adherence
with behavioral support for hyperlipidemia (104 –108), and other health outcomes across varied clinical condi-
and virtual clinic for osteoporosis (157). All other interven- tions. We also found moderate-strength evidence for self-
tion types studied for these clinical conditions had insuffi- management interventions for asthma, which generally
cient evidence of benefit, generally due to results that were include strong educational components. Other promising
inconsistent or not statistically significant (98, 99, 101– approaches found to be effective in more than 1 clinical
103, 109, 155, 156). area include reminders (heart failure, depression) (130,
The least evidence of improvement in medication ad- 152) and pharmacist-led, multicomponent approaches
herence, despite multiple trials testing 2 approaches, (heart failure, glaucoma) (129, 153), but this evidence is
pertained to patients with multiple chronic conditions. limited to single studies in each clinical area.
Three trials testing 1 approach—pharmacist-led case Certain intervention types may provide the most ben-
management—resulted in no benefit for medication adher- efit for patients with a specific clinical condition. Collab-
ence (159 –161). In addition, we judged evidence from orative care with in-person patient visits for education and
another trial, which tested intensive interdisciplinary as- counseling seemed to be effective primarily for patients
sessment followed by nurse-led case management, to be with depression or with depression and diabetes; for other
insufficient because the results were not statistically signif- clinical conditions (hyperlipidemia and hypertension), the
icant (162). evidence was insufficient.
Other Health Outcomes. We found the most consistent Some effective interventions, such as shared decision
evidence for improved health outcomes attributable to bet- making (137) and blister packaging (110), that were tested
ter medication adherence for patients with hypertension, in only a single clinical area with a single trial may hold
heart failure, depression, and asthma. For hypertension, promise, but without additional evidence, their widespread
both case management (96, 111, 112) and face-to-face ed- applicability is difficult to judge. Telephone counseling,
ucation by pharmacists (109, 116, 117) led to enhanced care management, and monitoring, tested under 4 clinical
adherence that decreased systolic and diastolic blood pres- conditions (diabetes [100], multiple sclerosis [154], depres-
sure. For heart failure, a pharmacist-led, multicomponent sion [149 –151], and musculoskeletal disease [158]), failed
adherence intervention reduced emergency department vis- to show statistically significant benefit for medication ad-
788 4 December 2012 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 157 • Number 11
herence, except in 1 trial for patients with multiple sclerosis total patient spending but no change in total insurer pay-
(154). ments. We concluded that evidence is insufficient to draw
conclusions about the effect of policy interventions on clin-
Effect of Policy Interventions on Medication Adherence ical and economic outcomes (Appendix Table 4).
and Other Outcomes
Five studies evaluated effects of policy interventions on
adherence to medications; all 5 addressed medications used DISCUSSION
to treat cardiovascular disease (Appendix Table 4) (163– In this systematic review of patient, provider, systems,
167). Three of the 5 studies (163, 165, 167) also assessed and policy interventions to improve medication adherence,
adherence to medications used to treat diabetes, and 1 of we found evidence of effective interventions for many
the 5 studies (163) assessed adherence to medications used chronic conditions. Among interventions to improve med-
to treat respiratory conditions. One of the 5 studies was an ication adherence at the patient, provider, or systems level,
RCT (166), whereas the other 4 were cohort studies. All 5 we found the strongest evidence for improving medication
studies measured medication adherence by using insurance adherence for self-management of asthma (in the short
claims data as either the medication possession ratio or term) and case management or collaborative care with in-
proportion of days covered. All 5 policy change interven- person patient education visits for depression. Among inter-
tions reduced patients’ out-of-pocket expenses for prescrip- ventions to improve medication adherence at the policy
tion medications through either reduced medication co- level, we found robust evidence that reduced out-of-pocket
payments or improved prescription drug coverage. expenses improved medication adherence across clinical
All 5 studies found statistically significant between- conditions. With regard to clinical outcomes, we found the
group differences in adherence to medications for cardio- strongest evidence that improved medication adherence
vascular conditions, favoring patients whose medication was accompanied by improved clinical outcomes with
copayments were reduced (163–166) or whose coverage pharmacist-led hypertension management interventions for
improved (167). In 2 of the cohort studies (163, 164), systolic blood pressure improvement and case management
however, medication adherence to cardiovascular medi- interventions for depression symptoms. We also found ev-
cines decreased over time in all groups, although the mag- idence that education with behavioral support; reminders;
nitudes of between-group differences were similar to those and pharmacist-led, multicomponent interventions en-
reported in the RCT (166). Together, these results provide hanced adherence across more than 1 clinical area.
moderate-strength evidence that policy interventions that Our review is consistent with previous medication ad-
reduce patient out-of-pocket expenses have a beneficial ef- herence reviews. A meta-analysis of intervention studies on
fect on adherence to cardiovascular medications (Appendix medication adherence published through 1994 showed
Table 4). small to moderate effects of a broad range of behavioral
All 3 studies that assessed adherence to medications interventions on medication adherence across multiple
used to treat diabetes found statistically significant conditions (24), although the reviewers identified only 3
between-group differences in adherence to those medicines broad categories of intervention types (behavioral, educa-
favoring the group that had reduced out-of-pocket ex- tional, and “affective”) and found no differences in out-
penses (163, 165, 167). In 2 of the 3 studies, medication comes by intervention type. The investigators did report
adherence decreased over time in all groups. However, the that multidimensional approaches were more effective than
magnitude of between-group differences was similar to that unidimensional approaches (24). A Cochrane review of
in the third study, which found an increase in adherence studies through 2007 also showed that medication adher-
among those with some prior coverage for prescription ence interventions can have moderate effects on adher-
medications after implementation of Medicare Part D ence and health outcomes for several common chronic (as
(167). Therefore, we found moderate-strength evidence for well as acute) medical conditions, although this review
policy interventions that reduced patient out-of-pocket ex- included only adherence studies that also assessed health
penses to improve adherence to medications used to treat outcomes (6).
diabetes (Appendix Table 4). Our review sought to broaden understanding of the
One study found no effect of a policy intervention on effect of interventions on adherence. It included studies
adherence to inhaled corticosteroids, which are usually from 1994 through 4 June 2012 with adherence interven-
used to treat reactive airway disease conditions (163). tion trials, even if they did not assess other health out-
Therefore, we concluded that evidence is insufficient to comes. Unlike other reviews, it examined intervention ef-
draw conclusions for the effectiveness of policy interven- fects for specific clinical conditions and across conditions
tions in this clinical area. in relation to intervention type to identify those programs
One trial examined the effect of policy interventions with the strongest evidence. It also included studies that
on clinical outcomes (166). It found a 14% reduction in assessed the effects of policy interventions.
the rate of first vascular events after hospital discharge for Poor medication adherence produces large down-
myocardial infarction. It also found a 26% reduction in stream health care costs. Thus, policymakers contemplat- 4 December 2012 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 157 • Number 11 789
ing changes in health policy should take note of our dren and adolescents, and non-U.S. populations—limit its
assessment, from 5 consistent studies (moderate-strength generalizability.
evidence), that reducing patients’ out-of-pocket costs im- Although many studies were relatively small, they were
proves medication adherence. Compared with other effec- conducted across many common chronic conditions affect-
tive interventions, such as case management and collabor- ing adults. Findings from this diverse set of clinical condi-
ative care, which are relatively complex and labor-intensive, tions and interventions have not been replicated in trials
reducing copayments can potentially improve adherence with larger patient populations or multiple study sites, in
for large numbers of geographically diverse patients. groups with different sociodemographic characteristics, or
Clinicians may be encouraged that the best evidence over longer follow-up periods. These gaps in the evidence
for improved medication adherence was present for several base limit the applicability of our results.
common conditions, including depression, hypertension, We also limited our pool of included interventions to
diabetes, asthma, and hyperlipidemia. However, it is also those designed specifically to address medication adherence
noteworthy that we found no studies that directly ad- as a primary or secondary outcome. We excluded clinical
dressed polypharmacy and that we found either insufficient trials of drugs that assessed adherence to aid in the inter-
evidence or evidence of no benefit for studies of popula- pretation of safety and efficacy data. Thus, we did not
tions with multiple chronic conditions. Hence, caution address the comparative effectiveness of specific drug for-
must be used in extrapolating findings for 1 condition to mulations in improving adherence.
patients with multiple comorbid conditions. We categorized patient, provider, and systems inter-
The 18 intervention clusters and characteristics we ventions by assigning labels based on short intervention
identified provide a starting framework by which practitio- descriptions that do not fully account for heterogeneity
ners and researchers may develop, test, and report their within and across clinical conditions or patient popula-
adherence programs more explicitly and consistently. The tions. Doing so allowed us to make comparisons across
interventions we analyzed ranged from simple to complex. conditions but limited our ability to make definitive state-
Decision-makers should be cautious in trying to pick com- ments about intervention effectiveness across clinical areas.
ponents of complex interventions to enhance medication We believe our categories provide useful heuristics, but
adherence. In our judgment, and as noted in a prior ad- users should regard them more as hypothesis-generating
herence review by Simoni and colleagues (22), sufficient than as an established system of classification.
information is not yet available to guide choices among the Several reviews published over the past 2 decades, now
considerable array of program components. In our review, complemented by our systematic review, confirm that a
a lack of data about mediating relationships through which wide range of interventions can improve medication
interventions affected adherence limited the conclusions adherence. At this stage, new studies need to ask, “What
that we could draw about the effectiveness of specific in- specific elements of multicomponent interventions work
tervention components. Therefore, future studies should best for improving medication adherence?” and, “How can
strive to more clearly describe each intervention compo- we further enhance medication adherence interventions
nent, and studies should be designed to identify which to increase adherence and ultimately improve health
components are driving the effects of the intervention. For outcomes?”
instance, more studies with factorial designs would help to
assess both additive and multiplicative effects of interven- From RTI International, Durham, and University of North Carolina at
tion components. At a minimum, using guidelines from Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
the Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excel-
Note: RTI International is a trade name of Research Triangle Institute.
lence group ( will
improve the quality of reporting so that future studies of
Disclaimer: The findings and conclusions in this article are those of the
complex interventions routinely clarify the mechanisms by
authors, who are responsible for its contents; they do not necessarily
which intervention components are expected to cause represent the view of AHRQ or the Veterans Health Administration.
change, the course of the implementation, and the success Therefore, no statement in this report should be construed as an official
of tests of the mechanism of action (168). position of these entities, the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Diverse interventions and varied adherence measures Services, or the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
across studies limited our ability to pool results quantita-
tively. The identification and use of standardized, objective Acknowledgment: The authors thank the Evidence-based Practice Cen-
adherence measures and definitions in future research ter (EPC) team staff at RTI International and the University of North
should enable investigators to pool data from such studies. Carolina at Chapel Hill for their considerable support, commitment, and
contributions; Timothy S. Carey, MD, MPH, Director of the Cecil G.
In addition to the heterogeneity of outcome measures
Sheps Center for Health Services Research at the University of North
noted, our review process and the evidence base both limit Carolina; Christiane Voisin, MSLS, EPC Librarian; Audrey R. Holland,
interpretations of our findings. The constraints for popu- MPH, and Elizabeth Harden, MPH, EPC Project Managers; Catherine
lations and settings that we imposed on the systematic A. Grodensky, MPH, and Andrea Yuen, BS, abstractors; Laura Small,
review—such as excluding interventions for HIV, chil- BA, EPC editor; and Loraine Monroe, EPC publications specialist.
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794 4 December 2012 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 157 • Number 11
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Grade Definition
High High confidence that the evidence reflects the true effect.
Further research is very unlikely to change our
confidence in the estimate of effect.
Moderate Moderate confidence that the evidence reflects the true
effect. Further research may change our confidence in
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W-286 4 December 2012 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 157 • Number 11
Intervention Type Diabetes Hyperlipidemia Hypertension Heart Myocardial Asthma Depression Glaucoma Multiple Musculoskeletal Multiple or
Failure Infarction Sclerosis Diseases Unspecified
Blister packaging MA, persistence†:
L (⫹)
Case management MA: L (⫹) MA: L (⫹) MA: L (⫹) MA: M (⫹) MA: I Persistence†: L (⫺)
I ⫽ insufficient; L (⫺) ⫽ low strength of evidence of no benefit; L (⫹) ⫽ low strength of evidence of benefit; M (⫹) ⫽ moderate strength of evidence of benefit; MA ⫽ medication adherence (with respect to timing, dosage,
or frequency as prescribed).
* Blank cells indicate no evidence.
† In continuing treatment for the prescribed duration.
IQR ⫽ interquartile range; MPR ⫽ medication possession ratio; NR ⫽ not reported; PDC ⫽ proportion of days covered.
* Includes all policy-level interventions that reduced patient out-of-pocket expenses for prescription drugs.
† Usually used to treat reactive airway disease conditions, such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Appendix Figure. Summary of evidence search and selection.
Screened records
(n = 4124) 4 December 2012 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 157 • Number 11 W-289