Physics Assignment (Latest)
Physics Assignment (Latest)
Physics Assignment (Latest)
1.) Pressure
Pressure is defined as the physical force exerted on an object. The force applied is
perpendicular to the surface of objects per unit area. The basic formula for pressure is F/A
(Force per unit area). Unit of pressure is Pascals (Pa). Types of Pressures are Absolute,
Atmospheric, Differential, and Gauge Pressure. While sipping beverages from a straw, have
you noticed that you actually suck the air out of the straw? While you sip the beverage, you’re
actually applying ‘Pressure’. But, what does it mean? Let’s study more about it.
What is Pressure?
The amount of force exerted (thrust) on a surface per unit area is defined as ‘Pressure’. It
can also be defined as the ratio of the force to the area (over which the force is acting).
Types of Pressure
Atmospheric Pressure
Absolute Pressure
Differential Pressure
Gauge Pressure
Atmospheric Pressure
The earth’s atmospheric air is surrounded by a layer of gases and so this air surrounding the
earth exerts a pressure known as the ‘atmospheric pressure’. Its value at sea level
is 101325 Pa.
It is measured using a mercury barometer (hence atmospheric pressure is also known
as barometric pressure), indicating the height of a column of mercury which exactly
balances the weight of the column of atmosphere over the barometer. It can be expressed in
several different systems of units such as millimeters (or inches) of mercury, pounds per
square inch (psi), dynes per square centimeter, millibars (mb), standard atmospheres, or
The atmospheric pressure decreases near Earth’s surface, with height at a rate of about 3.5
millibars for every 30 meters (100 feet).
Gases too exert pressure on the wall of the container containing them. A gas consists of
molecules and every molecule has some kinetic energy. These molecules when colliding
with the walls of a container, apply pressure on it.
2.) Force
Contact force is defined as the force exerted when two physical objects come in direct
contact with each other. Other forces, such as gravitation and electromagnetic forces can
exert themselves even across the empty vacuum of space.
Key Takeaways: Key Terms
Units of Force
There are two types of forces in the universe: contact and noncontact. Contact forces, as
the name implies, take place when objects touch each other, such as kicking a ball: One
object (your foot) touches the other object (the ball). Noncontact forces are those where
objects do not touch each other.
3.) Motion
Motion involves a change in the position of an object over time. Motion influences when
objects move and the forces necessary to make them move. Classical mechanics is the
branch of physics that studies motion. The study of classical mechanics is quite expansive
and includes the study of motion at the nanoscale and microscopic level (protein folding,
enzymes) macroscopic level, all the way to the motion of aviation crafts, planets and
satellites in the solar system. Most of our laws concerning motion and relativity come
from the works of Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein.
4.) Energy
Energy Around Us
We use the concept of energy to help us describe how and why things behave the way
they do. We talk about solar energy, nuclear energy, electrical energy, chemical energy,
etc. If you apply a force to an object, you may change its energy. That energy must be
used to do work, or accelerate, an object. Energy is called a scalar; there is no direction
to energy (as opposed to vectors). We also speak of kinetic energy, potential energy, and
energy in springs. Energy is not something you
can hold or touch. It is just another means of
helping us to understand the world around us.
Scientists measure energy in units called joules.
Season of Springs
A rubber band can be stretched and then it is ready to do something. That stretching
involves work and increases the potential energy. You can flatten a solid rubber ball and
it will want to bounce back up. You can also pull the drawstring of a bow and the work
done stores the energy that can make the arrow go flying. Those are all examples of your
putting energy in, and then something happening when the energy comes out.
Gases? What can they do? Gases are great because they can compress and expand. They
act as if they were elastic. If the pressure increases and compresses gas molecules, the
amount of stored energy increases. It's similar to a spring, but slightly different.
Eventually that energy in the compressed gas can be let out to do something (work).
In your car, there are shock absorbers. Some shocks have compressed gas in the cylinders
rather than springs. The energy in those cylinders keeps your car from bouncing too
much in potholes. Think about wind. Wind is caused because of pressure differences in
the atmosphere. When the wind blows it can do anything - turn windmills, help birds fly,
make tornadoes, and do all types of work.
5.) Newton’s Laws
The concept of force was originally defined by Sir Isaac Newton in his three laws of
motion. He explained gravity as an attractive force between bodies that possessed mass.
However, gravity within Einstein's general relativity doesn't require force.
Newton's First Law of Motion (Law of Inertia) says that an object will continue to
move at a constant velocity unless it is acted upon by an external force. Objects in motion
remain in motion until a force acts on them. This is inertia. They won't speed up, slow
down, or change direction until something acts on them. For example, if you slide a
hockey puck, it will eventually stop because of friction on the ice.
Newton's Second Law of Motion (Law of Force and Acceleration) says that force is
directly proportional to acceleration (the rate of change of momentum) for a constant
mass. Meanwhile, acceleration is inversely proportional to mass. For example, when you
throw a ball thrown onto the ground, it exerts a downward force; the ground, in response,
exerts an upward force causing the ball to bounce. This law is useful for measuring
forces. If you know two of the factors, you can calculate the third. You also know that if
an object is accelerating, there must be a force acting on it.
Fundamental Forces
1. Gravitation: the force that acts between masses. All particles experience the force of
gravity. If you hold a ball up in the air, for example, the mass of the Earth allows the ball
to fall due to the force of gravity. Or if a baby bird crawls out of its nest, the gravity from
the Earth will pull it to the ground. While the graviton has been proposed as the particle
mediating gravity, it has not yet been observed.
2. Electromagnetic: the force that acts between electrical charges. The mediating
particle is the photon. For example, a loudspeaker uses the electromagnetic force to
propagate the sound, and a bank's door locking system uses electromagnetic forces to
help shut the vault doors tightly. Power circuits in medical instruments like magnetic
resonance imaging use electromagnetic forces, as do the magnetic rapid transit systems in
Japan and China—called "maglev" for magnetic levitation.
3. Strong nuclear: the force that holds the nucleus of the atom together, mediated by
gluons acting on quarks, antiquarks, and the gluons themselves. (A gluon is a messenger
particle that binds quarks within the protons and neutrons. Quarks are fundamental
particles that combine to form protons and neutrons, while antiquarks are identical to
quarks in mass but opposite in electric and magnetic properties.)
The gravitational force is a force that attracts any two objects with mass. We call the
gravitational force attractive because it always tries to pull masses together, it never
pushes them apart. In fact, every object, including you, is pulling on every other object in
the entire universe! This is called Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation. Admittedly,
you don't have a very large mass and so, you're not pulling on those other objects much.
And objects that are really far apart from each other don't pull on each other noticeably
either. But the force is there and we can calculate it.
This equation describes the force between any two objects in the universe:
In the equation: