Phase Difference Between Input and Output Signal On Lissajous Figures

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Science and Technology Research Journal

2020, Volume – 01, Issue – 01

Phase Difference between Input and Output

Signal on Lissajous Figures
Daw Cho Cho Hsan Daw Shwe Sin Aye

Department of Physics Department of Physics

Technological University( Hpa-an) Technological University( Hpa-an)
Hpa-an , Myanmar Hpa-an , Myanmar

Abstract— The Lissajous1 figures of the system which high input impedance, low output impedance, and
features a phase difference between input and output are virtually any arbitrary gain. they're also usually easier to
measured with an oscilloscope in dual mode. The Lissajous style than passive filters. Active filters will generate
figures are studied by employing a phase shifter. A phase
noise thanks to the amplifying circuitry, but this will be
shifter circuit consists of a single-section RC network 2 and
therefore the noninverting operational amplifier (op-amp 3)
minimized by the utilization of low-noise amplifiers and
configuration. The phase variation 4 on the input and the careful circuit design. Filters with orders of 4 or greater
output of the circuit is studied by using signal generator are often built, by cascading two or more of the circuits.
and oscilloscope. The output of the phase-shifter 5 is The input RC circuit causes an increasing phase shift
maximized by adjusting the rheostat to urge the phase shift through an amplifier with decreasing frequency. At
0° to 180°. midrange frequency, the phase shift through the input
Keywords - Lissajous, RC network, op-amp, phase RC circuit is approximately zero because XC ≈ 0 Ω. At
variation, phase-shifter low frequencies, higher value of XC causes phase shift
to be introduced, and therefore the output voltage of the
RC circuit leads the input voltage.
In ac circuit theory, the phase angle in an RC circuit
Lissajous figure is that the pattern which is displayed is expressed as, θ=tan -1 Xc/R
on the screen, when sinusoidal signals are applied to
both horizontal and vertical deflection plates of beam For midrange frequencies X C ≈ 0 Ω, so θ=0
oscilloscope (CRO). These patterns will vary supported At the critical frequency X C = R in, so
the amplitudes, frequencies and phase differences of the θ = tan -11 = 45°
sinusoidal signals, which are applied to both horizontal
and vertical deflection plates of beam oscilloscope. A continuous analysis will show that the phase shift
Many electronics system both linear and non-linear, are through the input RC circuit approaches 90°as frequency
constructed with operational amplifier (op-amp) or approaches zero. A plot of phase shift angle versus
differential amplifier because the basic building block. frequency is shown in Fig. 1.
Op-amps can be used primarily to perform mathematical
process like subtraction addition and calculus. In the
analogue computer operates the primary applications of
op- amp. The power to perform mathematical operations
was the results of combining high gain with feedback.
Filters are circuits that are able to passing signals with
certain selected frequencies while rejecting signals with
other frequencies. Filters are very important to the
operation of most electronic circuits. The passive filters
were made from passive components: resistors,
capacitors, and inductors. Input impedances are often
less than desirable, and output impedances are often
higher the optimum for a few applications, so buffer
Fig.1 Phase angle versus frequency for the input RC
amplifiers could also be needed. Active filters can have

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Science and Technology Research Journal
2020, Volume – 01, Issue – 01


The phase (ϕ)of an operational amplifier are often
measured employing a wave and oscilloscope. In one
version of this test, an X-Y oscilloscope (or a dual-
channel model with an X-Y capability) is employed. The
input is applied to the vertical channel of the CRO and
therefore the operational amplifier output is applied to
the horizontal input channel. The gains of the 2 channels
are set to supply equal beam deflections. the purpose
marked Y1 through Y4 (Fig. 2.a) are measured and
therefore the phase shift is calculated from ϕ=sin -1 [(Y1-
Y2)/(Y4-Y3 )]. (b)
A. Measuring Phase Shift with Lissajous Figures
An alternative approach uses dual-trace beam
oscilloscope in dual mode during which the input is
applied to at least one channel and therefore the output Fig. 2(e) Measuring Phase Shift in DUAL Mode
is applied to the opposite channel. The beam
oscilloscope channel gains are often adjusted to
identical, and traces are superimposed (Fig. 2.b) III. OPERATING ARRANGEMENT
A complete circuit diagram of the phase-shifter circuit
is shown in Fig. 3.
+Y A. Phase shift circuit
The phase-shifter circuit consists of a single-section
Y4 RC network and therefore the non-inverting op-amp
Y1 configuration. The phase shifter is uncalibrated, and
indeed instead of non-linear, but an inexperience set of
-X +X phase differences between 0° and 180° is achieved. The
phase difference between the input and therefore the
output are displayed by oscilloscope. The output of the
phase-shifter is maximized by adjusting the phase shifter
-Y until 0° to 180°.
0° 45°
2(a) 2(b) R2
10 kΩ

Vin 10 kΩ
2 _
1 Vout
3 +
100 kΩ RL
3 C+1 100 kΩ
90° 180˚ 0.1 μF
2(c) 2(d)
Fig.2 (a), (b), (c) and (d) Measuring phase shift with Lissajous figures
Fig.3 Phase-Shift Circuit

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IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Fig.5 Input and output waveforms for a phase difference ф =45°

The waveform of the system which features a phase

difference between input and output measuring of phase
with an oscilloscope in DUAL mode are shown in Figs. 4 ,
5,6,7,8 and Figs. 9,10,11,12 and 13, show the Lissajous
figures of measuring phase shift between input and output
using with an oscilloscope. In the result, in the Lissajous
figures 9 and 13, 10 and 12, the same characteristic but
they are opposite. This means that their phase difference
between input and output are 90°.

Fig.6 Input and output waveforms for a phase difference ф =90°

Fig.4 Input and output waveformsfor a phase difference ф =0°

Fig.7 Input and output waveforms for a phase difference ф =135°

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2020, Volume – 01, Issue – 01

Fig.8 Input and output waveforms for a phase difference ф =180° Fig.11 Input and output waveforms for a phase difference ф =0°

Fig.12 Input and output waveforms for a phase difference ф =0°

Fig.9 Input and output waveforms for a phase difference ф =0°

Fig.10 Input and output waveforms for a phase difference ф =0° Fig.13 Input and output waveforms for a phase difference ф =0°

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input and therefore the output is measured with

oscilloscope in DUAL mode base on the Lissajous figures.
For greatest accuracy adjust not far more than one period
and approximately an equivalent high of both signals on
V. CONCLUSIONS the screen. The variable controls for amplitude, time base
and level knob are used for the adjustment without
A reasonable set of phase differences between 0° and influence on the result.
180° is achieved by Fig. 3 using with RC network and
operational amplifier. The phase difference between the

I would like to thank Dr Aung Zaw Latt Pro-Rector in

Technological university (Hpa-an) for his kind permission
to carry out this work.


[1] Boylestad R and Nashelsky L, “Electronic Devices and Circuit

Theory”, Seventh Edition Prentice Hall, New Jersey, Pdf.

[2] Floyd T L, “Electronic Devices”, Seventh Edition, Prentice

Hall, New Jersey, 2005.

[3] Horowitz P, “Art of Electronics”, Second Edition, Cambridge

University Press, , 1990.

[4] JosephJC,Integrated “Electronics,Operational amplifiers and

Linear ICs with Applications”, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers
Orlando, Florida. 1990.

[5] Rumakant A G, “Op Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits”,

Second Edition, Prentice Hall. 1988.

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