St. Helen Church: 4106 Mountain St. Beamsville, ON L0R 1B7

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Helen Church
4106 Mountain St.
Beamsville, ON L0R 1B7
Ph: 905-562-7427
Fax: 905-563-0003
Opened - October 2, 1938 Est. as a Parish - January 1, 1986
Pastor: Rev. Krzysztof Szczepanik Sunday Masses:
Office Administration: Aggie Agnino Saturday: 5:00pm
Sunday: 9:00am, 11:00am
Office hours:
Tuesday to Friday 9:30am - 12:00pm Weekday Masses:
Closed on Mondays and all Statutory holidays Tuesday to Friday: 9:00am
Website: 1st Friday of the Month:
Facebook Page: Adoration after morning Mass

Sacraments Contacts
Catholic Funeral Rites:
Baptism: When a death occurs in your family, Music Ministry:
1st & 3rd Sunday at 1:00 pm. please call the Parish Office and we Anthony van Engelen
Call parish office. will assist you in making the
necessary liturgical arrangements.
1st Communion & Confirmation Ministry Scheduling & RFM:
Contact the Parish Office. Chronic Care Facilities: Rachel Reid ~ ministryschedul-
Pastoral visits are made monthly.
Reconciliation: Reception of Holy Communion is
Every Saturday 4:00pm - 4:30pm or by available to residents. Fundraising Events:
appointment with the priest.
Marriage: Notify the Parish Office when serious Facility & Grounds Maintenance:
Arrangements six months in advance. illness occurs. When the sick, aged or Craig Luey
Marriage preparation is required. incapacitated are confined to home for
an extended time, pastoral visit can be
RCIA & RCIC: arranged. Catholic Women's League:
Contact the Parish Office. Piera Palmieri ~ contact parish office

Anointing of the Sick: Schools Knights of Columbus:

Please let us know when someone has St. Mark School Marcel VanRuyven
a serious or prolonged illness or is to Principal: Steven Ward
have surgery. This sacrament
celebrates the healing of mind and St. Edward School SVDP:
body and the forgiveness of sins. Acting Principal: John Romano Lorraine Martin ~ contact parish office

Kindly complete the following and place in the collection box.

Envelopes will be on the round table in the foyer the following weekend.
☐ New Parishioner* ☐ Change of address ☐ Moving
Name________________________ Phone_________________ E-mail___________________
Address______________________________________________ City_____________________
☐ I would like to use offertory envelopes* Postal Code______________
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A
Sunday November 15, 2020
Mass Intentions
November 17 - November 22, 2020 This week, the Sanctuary Lamp burns in
As we gather, let us remember and pray for . . . memory of:
Tues. ~ ………St. Elizabeth of Hungary..…. Nov. 17 + SERAFINO FRACCHIONI
9:00 am + Teresa Baruzza The Sanctuary Lamp burns to remind us of
(by Lino & Tommasina Giancarlo) Christ’s presence in the Blessed Sacrament of the
Wed. ~ ………………………………………. Nov. 18th altar.
9:00 am + Dora Geczy & + Elizabeth Barna If you wish to sponsor the sanctuary lamp for one
(by Alex Geczy) week, the stipend is $35.00
Thurs. ~ ………………………………………. Nov. 19th
9:00 am + Michael & Olga D’Alessio &
+ Pietro & Ursula Elia
our parish prayer
Jesus, open our hearts, enabling us to embrace
(by Connie & Louis Elia)
your teachings and to love one another. Holy
Fri. ~ ………………………………………. Nov. 20th Spirit, lift us and lead us, deepening our desire to
9:00 am + Deanna Sampson serve God through serving each other. Amen.
(by Betty & Mike Sampson)
Sat. ~ ………………………………………. Nov. 21st ANNUAL OFFENCE DECLARATIONS
5:00 pm For the People of St. Helen Parish It’s that time of the year again… your friendly
Responsible Faith Ministry reminder! Even though due
Sun. ~ …………Christ the King.…………. Nov. 22nd to Covid-19, much of the usual volunteering through
9:00 am + Maria Bettencourt our parish has not happened for most of this year,
(by Maria da Silva) nonetheless, all volunteers with a police clearance
through St. Helen must complete the annual offence
11:00 am + Members of Luppino Family declaration form.
(by John & Rose Luppino) It is very easy to complete – simply print the form,
complete the top section, sign and date it. You can
MINISTRY FOR THE SICK AND either scan it to the office email or hand it in directly at
HOMEBOUND the office. Please do this as soon as possible, since the
We are grateful to those who give of office needs all the forms by end of November 2020.
their time and care to bring Holy By doing this, you will maintain the validity of your
Communion to our parishioners who cannot make it to current police check clearance moving forward. This
church due to sickness or infirmity. If you know of means we will be able to seamlessly resume activities
anyone who would like to receive communion in their once restrictions for volunteering are lifted.
home or while hospitalized at West Lincoln Hospital,
please contact the parish office. Catholic Women’s Leadership Foundation Program
Are you called to join other Canadian Catholic women
MEETINGS & EVENTS learning how your leadership has the power to
At this time and until further notice, parish meetings, transform where you work, volunteer and live?
bingo and other events are cancelled. It is suggested Applications are now available for the 2021-2022
that groups find alternate meeting places should you Catholic Women’s Leadership Foundation Program.
wish to meet with your group. The in-person and online program, facilitated by the
Providence School of Transformational Leadership and
MASS INTENTIONS 2021 Spirituality at Saint Paul University (Ottawa) runs from
If you would like to have a Mass offered for someone, April/2021 to May/2022. Visit
contact the parish office. The Mass stipend or offering Application deadline November 20, 2020.
given is $10.00. Mass cards are $2.00.
(PAD) is offered for your donations. If you are We meet every second and fourth Monday at Mt.
interested in using this convenient way to make your Carmel Spiritual Centre. Next session will be
offerings to the church, please contact the parish office. Monday, Nov. 23rd @ 7:00 to 9:00 pm - Topic -
Donations are processed once a month, on or about the Sadness and Depression. For more info, call 905-356-
15th. 4113, or e-mail:
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time POPE FRANCIS’ PRAYER INTENTION FOR
She works with willing hands. (Proverbs 31) THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER
Do not let the day of the Lord surprise you like a thief. Universal Prayer Intention - We pray that the progress
(1 Thessalonians) of robotics and artificial intelligence may always serve
You have been trustworthy in a few things. I will put humankind. (Apostleship of Prayer)
you in charge of many things. (Matthew 25)
Whatever degree of
talent, ability and “All things have their
wealth we possess season, and in their
have been “entrusted” times all things pass
to us by the under heaven.
“Master.” Jesus A time to be born and a
teaches that our place time to die.
in the reign of God A time to plant, and a
will depend on our stewardship of those talents God has time to pluck up
given us: whether we “bury” them in fear or selfishness that which is planted.”
or use them readily to reveal God in our midst. Ecclesiastes 3:1-2
Each one of us is given many opportunities to “reap
and gather.” The challenge of the Gospel is to be ready LITURGICAL YEAR: DID YOU KNOW?
and willing to respond to those opportunities joyfully We are currently in Ordinary Time II of the Liturgical
and generously for the sakes of others, to build the year, preparing for the season of Advent. Here’s a
kingdom of God in own time and place. little explanation of what that means:
Jesus urges us not to “bury” our talents in the safe
ground of self-interest and passivity but to “invest” ORDINARY TIME II - Liturgical color is green
them for the benefit of all. Christ calls us to a faith that Beginning on the Monday following Pentecost
is willing take the risk of investing what we have in the Sunday (mid-May to mid-June) until the Saturday
greater good, and he promises us the grace to work to before the 1st Sunday of Advent, Ordinary Time II is
enable others to realize a return on the investment of celebrated. The Sundays of this season do not celebrate
their own talents in God’s kingdom in our midst. any specific aspect of the mystery of Christ. Instead
they are devoted to the mystery of Christ in all its
CATHOLIC WOMEN ADVENT - Liturgical color is Purple and represents
Join retreat facilitator, Terri Pauco from the Family and penance, purification and expectation
Youth Office, from the comfort of your own home, for Advent is the Season that includes four Sundays
A Virtual Advent Retreat for Busy Catholic Women preceding Christmas. The Advent Season marks the
being held through ZOOM on Dec. 12, 2020 from beginning of the Liturgical Calendar. It always begins
9:00am to 11:30am. Women of all ages are invited to in late November or early December. On November
join online to pray and explore the idea of finding peace 30th or on the Sunday that is the closest to this date, the
in the seasonal preparations and busyness of life Catholic Church begins the Liturgical Season of
complicated by the pandemic. Bishop Bergie will lead a Advent. Advent ends on December 24th before the
portion of this sacred time. This event is free. Register evening prayer of Christmas.
by Dec. 9th using the link on the diocesan website, The word "advent" is derived from the Latin word or call 905-684-0154. “adventus,” which means "coming" or "arrival." During
this time the faithful are admonished to prepare
themselves for the coming of the Lord Jesus in three
Parents of students who are in grade 2 and 8 who have
contacted the parish office with regards to the reception
1. to prepare themselves for the coming of the Lord as
of the sacraments in the school year 2020/2021 are
the Judge, either at death or at the end of this world,
asked to bring in your registration forms to the church
whichever may come first.
by November 22nd.
2. to prepare themselves to receive the Real Presence
of our Redeemer at Christmas through the Sacrament of
the Holy Eucharist.
Though we were unable to hold our annual Ham Roll in
the spring due to Covid-19, we will still be drawing for 3. to prepare themselves for the coming of Christmas,
the birthday anniversary of the Lord's coming into this
the raffle tickets that were purchased. Raffle tickets are
world as God incarnate.
still available, cost is $5.00 each. Draw will be on
Saturday November 21st after the 5:00 p.m. Mass.
If you wish to purchase tickets, you can email the office
Missals are available for purchase at the office or after
and we will make those arrangements.
Mass - cost is $5.00. Limited number available.
Advertise your
business or service
in this space.
For more info email:

Advertise your
business or service
in this space.
For more info email:

Advertise your
business or service
in this space.
For more info email:
1. Pre-Authorized giving (monthly automatic withdrawal): contact the office

2. E-transfer: use our business email address with your

If you would like to use this convenient method through your bank, please follow these
instructions (some banks charge a fee):
Go online and log into your bank account. Select Interac e-transfer and select a
recipient – the first time you will have to add recipient by putting in (after the first time it will then stay on your list of
recipients). Input amount to send and complete the transaction. Note in the memo area
what your donation is for; Sunday Offertory (SO), Facility Maintenance (FM) and
Building Fund (BF). (Please include your ID# in the memo - contact the office if you
do not have a parish ID.)
Example - SO $20 One transaction can be made for all three if you wish. Such a
notation could look like this: SO $xx, FM $xx, BF $xx. If your transaction does not
work the first time, please try the next day as the Diocese can only receive a set amount
of donations in a 24-hour period. If you have any questions, please email or call the

3. Regular mail: send your weekly offertory envelope or cheque payable to St. Helen
Church to:
St. Helen Church
4106 Mountain St.
Beamsville, ON L0R 1B7

4. Drop off: This option is not encouraged during the COVID 19 pandemic.
If absolutely necessary, you may drop off your envelope by calling the office to arrange a

5. Credit card or Paypal (Canada Helps link):
(tax receipt is issued by Canada Helps, they retain a nominal percentage as fee)

COVID 19 pandemic
Thank you for considering the financial needs of our parish during the COVID 19 pandemic. We
understand and appreciate that financial pressure on families is different today than it was even a
few months ago. We are also carefully managing the expenses at the parish and are deeply
grateful for any help you can provide. Thank you and be assured of our continued prayers and
best wishes.

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