The sole objective of the investigation of an accident or incident under these Regulations
shall be the prevention of accidents and incidents. It shall not be the purpose of such an
investigation to apportion blame or liablility.
© Crown Copyright 2009
Published with the permission of the Department for Transport (Air Accidents Investigation Branch).
This report contains facts which have been determined up to the time of publication. This information
is published to inform the aviation industry and the public of the general circumstances of accidents and
serious incidents.
Extracts may be published without specific permission providing that the source is duly acknowledged.
Printed in the United Kingdom for the Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Department for Transport
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Farnborough House
Berkshire Copse Road
Hampshire GU11 2HH
April 2009
I have the honour to submit the report by Mr K Conradi, an Inspector of Air Accidents, on
the circumstances of the incident to Boeing 737-3Q8, registration G-THOF, on approach to
Runway 26, Bournemouth Airport, Hampshire on 23 September 2007.
Yours sincerely
David King
Chief Inspector of Air Accidents
Synopsis............................................................................................................................. 1
1 Factual Information............................................................................................... 3
1.1 History of the flight......................................................................................... 3
1.2 Injuries to persons........................................................................................... 6
1.3 Damage to aircraft........................................................................................... 7
1.4 Other damage.................................................................................................. 7
1.5 Personnel information..................................................................................... 7
1.5.1 Commander....................................................................................... 7
1.5.2 First Officer....................................................................................... 7
1.6 Aircraft information........................................................................................ 8
1.6.1 Leading Particulars........................................................................... 8
1.6.2 Autothrottle system........................................................................... 8
1.6.3 Autothrottle disengagement............................................................ 10
1.6.4 Built-in Test Equipment (BITE) fault history................................. 11
1.6.5 Aircraft fault history....................................................................... 11
1.7 Meteorological information.......................................................................... 11
1.7.1 Forecast........................................................................................... 11
1.7.2 Meteorological information received en route................................ 11
1.8 Aids to navigation......................................................................................... 12
1.9 Communications........................................................................................... 12
1.10 Aerodrome information................................................................................. 12
1.11 Flight Recorders............................................................................................ 13
1.11.1 FDR/CVR....................................................................................... 13
1.11.2 Radar Recording............................................................................. 13
1.12 Wreckage and impact information................................................................ 13
1.13 Medical and pathological.............................................................................. 13
1.14 Fire................................................................................................................ 13
1.15 Survival aspects............................................................................................ 13
1.16 Tests and research......................................................................................... 15
1.16.1 General............................................................................................ 15
1.16.2 Autothrottle system testing............................................................. 15
1.16.3 Autothrottle computer testing......................................................... 15
1.16.4 Autothrottle operation statistics...................................................... 16
1.16.5 Aircraft manufacturer’s QAR performance analysis...................... 17
1.17 Organisational and management information............................................... 18
1.17.1 ASR processing............................................................................... 18
1.17.2 The Mandatory Occurrence Reporting Scheme.............................. 20
1.17.3 MOR scheme CAP 382 - items to be reported............................... 20
1.18 Additional information.................................................................................. 21
1.18.1 Similar events................................................................................. 21
1.18.2 EASA CS-25 certification requirements......................................... 21
1.18.3 UK CAA Paper 2004/10 Flight Crew Reliance on Automation..... 23
1.18.4 Flight crew training and manuals ................................................. 23 Operations Manual Part B . ........................................ 23 The operator’s Quick Reference Handbook (QRH)
procedure for approach to stall recovery...................... 24 The operator’s QRH procedure for upset recovery...... 24 Flight Crew Training Manual....................................... 25 ‘Airplane’ upset recovery training aid......................... 26
1.18.5 Pitch power couple.......................................................................... 27
2 Analysis.................................................................................................................. 29
2.1 Introduction................................................................................................... 29
2.1.1 Autothrottle disengagement............................................................ 29
2.1.2 Disengagement alerting requirements............................................ 30
2.2 Crew reactions............................................................................................... 31
2.3 Aircraft pitch excursion................................................................................ 32
2.4 ASR . ............................................................................................................ 35
2.5 The MOR Scheme......................................................................................... 37
3 Conclusions........................................................................................................... 39
3.1 Findings......................................................................................................... 39
3.2 Causal factors................................................................................................ 41
3.3 Contributory factors...................................................................................... 41
4 Safety Recommendations..................................................................................... 42
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Nationality British
Registration G-THOF
The Air Accidents Investigation Branch was notified by the operator on the 5 October 2007
of an unstable approach and stall during a go-around by a Boeing 737-300 aircraft,
G-THOF, at Bournemouth Airport. The event had occurred 12 days previously on the
23 September 2007.
Mr K Conradi Investigator-in-charge
Mr A Blackie Operations
Ms A Evans Engineering
Mr P Wivell Flight Data Recorders
The Boeing 737-300 was on approach to Bournemouth Airport following a routine passenger
flight from Faro, Portugal. Early in the ILS approach the auto-throttle disengaged with the
thrust levers in the idle thrust position. The disengagement was neither commanded nor
recognised by the crew and the thrust levers remained at idle throughout the approach.
Because the aircraft was fully configured for landing, the air speed decayed rapidly to a
value below that appropriate for the approach. The commander took control and initiated a
go-around. During the go-around the aircraft pitched up excessively; flight crew attempts
to reduce the aircraft’s pitch were largely ineffective. The aircraft reached a maximum pitch
of 44º nose-up and the indicated airspeed reduced to 82 kt. The flight crew, however, were
able to recover control of the aircraft and complete a subsequent approach and landing at
Bournemouth without further incident.
Although the commander reported the event to the operator the following morning, his
initial Air Safety Report (ASR) contained limited information and the seriousness of the
event was not appreciated until the Quick Access Recorder (QAR) data was inspected on
4 October 2007.
2. The flight crew did not recognise the disengagement of the autothrottle
system and allowed the airspeed to decrease 20 kt below Vref before
recovery was initiated.
1 Factual Information
This section is based on information gathered during crew interviews and data
retrieved from the QAR. The Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR) and Flight Data
Recorder (FDR) recordings had been overwritten and therefore the incident
flight information was unavailable.
There was no other traffic in the area so the crew were cleared to self-position
for the ILS approach to Runway 26. At 2245 hrs the aircraft was 11 nm from
Bournemouth, level at 2500 ft, with a Calibrated Air Speed (CAS) of 180
kt and flap 5 set. The autothrottle was engaged in speed mode1, with N12
averaging approximately 60%. Autopilot B was engaged in CMD mode with
VOR-LOC and Altitude Hold modes engaged.
The aircraft was level at 2,500 ft for 90 seconds and at seven nm DME the
autopilot captured the glideslope. The PF asked for the landing gear to be
lowered, flap 15 to be selected and the landing check list. The commander
carried out the actions although neither pilot could recall who had moved the
speedbrake handle, which was placed at 12º, slightly beyond the armed setting
of 9º. The PF then selected a lower speed on the mode control panel (MCP)
and, as expected, the autothrottle retarded the thrust levers to idle to reduce to
this speed.
1 Speed mode will attempt to fly the airspeed selected by the flightcrew on the mode control panel.
2 N1 is the rotational speed of the first stage of the engine compressor. Expressed in a percentage it is used as a guide
to the amount of power the engine is producing.
was triggered and the autothrottle disengaged.3 This disengagement was not
recognised by the flight crew and no manual disconnect was recorded4; the
thrust levers remained at idle throughout the remainder of the approach.
The autopilot remained engaged and continued to track both the localiser and
the glideslope. The aircraft’s speed decayed at about one knot per second, in
line with the PF’s expectations for the approach. As the speed decreased below
150 kt, flap 25 was selected. The autopilot tracked the glideslope accurately,
gradually increasing the pitch of the aircraft to minimise glideslope deviation
and adjusting the stabiliser angle to keep the aircraft in trim. Temporary
reductions in pitch were evident during flap position transitions.
The PF increased the illumination of his maplight to check the placard speed
for the selection of flap 40, turned his light back to its previous level and called
for flap 40. The commander moved the flap lever and the PF then selected
135 kt on the MCP. The commander observed the flaps move to the flap
40 position and then completed the landing checklist by calling “flaps”. The
PF checked the flap gauge showed 40 and responded “flap 40 green light5”.
Recorded data shows the flaps had reached the flap 40 position when the
airspeed was 130 kt (Final Approach Speed -5 kt) and the aircraft was slowing
at approximately 1.5 kt per second. The commander stowed the checklist
on top of the instrument panel and when he looked down he saw an IAS of
125 kt. He called “speed”, the PF made a small forward movement with the
thrust levers and the commander called “I have control”. The commander
moved the thrust levers fully forward and called “go-around flap 15 check
Recorded data shows that, at a CAS of 110 kt and an altitude of 1,540 ft, the
autothrottle manual disconnect was pressed and the thrust levers moved forward
slightly. Within 1.5 seconds the stick-shaker (stall warning) activated and in
the following two seconds the thrust levers were advanced to the full forward
position. The autopilot mode changed from localiser and glideslope to Control
Wheel Steer (CWS) pitch and CWS roll6. The aircraft pitch attitude which had
been steadily increasing under the influence of pitch trim, reached 12º nose-up.
The automatic pitch trim stopped at 4.9º (7.9 units) of stabiliser trim.
The commander moved the control column forward to counteract the expected
3 The methods of recording these events are different and it is plausible that they occurred in the reverse order.
4 Manual disconnect of the autothrottle is sampled eight times a second.
5 Referring to the leading edge lift devices.
6 With CWS mode engaged the autopilot manoeuvres the aircraft in response to manually applied pressure on either
pilot’s control column.
pitch-up moment from the increased thrust, which arrested the increase and
reduced the pitch to 5º nose-up. The stick-shaker operation stopped and the
minimum airspeed was 101 kt. A small, apparently unintended application of
right aileron induced a right roll.
Four seconds after the thrust levers reached the fully forward position, with
airspeed increasing and N1 on both engines increasing through 81%, the TOGA
mode became active. The autopilot disengaged, the pitch attitude started to
increase again and the stick-shaker reactivated. A corrective roll input was
made to bring the aircraft wings level, and although the control column was
positioned fully forward the nose-up pitch increased to 22º.
The airspeed increased to 118 kt CAS. The pitch attitude appeared to stabilise
at 22º nose-up and the angle of attack started to decrease. Both engines were
producing 96-98% N1, which was in excess of the rated go-around thrust of
94%. The first officer selected the flaps to 15 and looked at the N1 reading
which he recalls as being 95%. The stick-shaker ceased but, as the flaps
retracted past the flap 25 position, the nose of the aircraft began to pitch up
at an increasing rate and a small continuous left rudder input started a left
roll. As the flaps reached flap 15 the pitch angle was increasing through 27º
and left roll was increasing through 7º. The stick-shaker reactivated, full
nose-down elevator was still being applied and the airspeed began to decay.
The first office called “high pitch” and the commander responded “I have
full forward stick”.
The F/O, although he was now the Pilot Monitoring (PM)7, also held full
forward stick; both pilots reported that they had no pitch control authority.
The airspeed had decreased rapidly but neither pilot was fully aware of exactly
what the airspeed was.
As aircraft pitch increased above 36º nose-up, the TOGA mode disengaged, the
left roll increased beyond 13º and the CAS decreased below 107 kt. A small
sharp right rudder input recovered the roll from a maximum of 22º left wing
down to wings level as the aircraft stalled with a peak pitch of 44º nose‑up.
With no change in elevator position the pitch rate reversed from positive to
negative, although angle of attack continued to increase as the aircraft started
to descend. Despite reducing pitch, the airspeed continued to decrease for a
further five seconds to a minimum recorded CAS of 82 kt when the pitch was
33º nose-up.
7 This role was previously known as Pilot Not Flying (PNF). PM is now common as it more accurately describes the
The pitch angle reduced to 20º over 10 seconds, airspeed began to rise rapidly
and five seconds after the minimum recorded speed, the thrust was reduced to
86%. The pitch-down rate increased with the pitch reducing a further 15º in two
The aircraft then stabilised in a 5º nose-up attitude, the speed increased and the
commander regained control of the aircraft. The TOGA mode was re-engaged
as the CAS reached 147 kt.
After the engines were shut down on stand, the commander spoke with the
operator’s base engineer. He told the engineer that, although he thought that
the aircraft was serviceable, there had been an incident and the company
would want the flight data. No defects were entered in the technical log.
The engineer assured the captain that the Operational Flight Data Monitoring
(OFDM) information was sent from the aircraft by an automatic mobile
telephone based datalink. The commander and F/O discussed the incident
before going off duty.
The next morning the commander returned to the airfield and telephoned the
operator’s safety department to advise them of the incident. He completed
an operator Air Safety Report (ASR) using the company’s internet based
system. This ASR was not reported to the Civil Aviation Authority until
4 October 2007.
1.3 Damage to aircraft
1.5.1 Commander
The first officer had previously flown DHC Dash 8-300 aircraft for a different
company before joining the operator and converting to the Boeing 737 in 2006.
The crew, who were both based at Bournemouth, commented that flap 40
landings were not normally conducted by Bournemouth based crews as only
one of their normal destinations required it’s use for performance reasons.
Neither pilot reported any medical or fatigue issues which they considered
could have affected their performance.
Registration G-THOF
Type Boeing 737-3Q8
Serial No 26314
Year of Manufacture 1995
Airframe life at time of incident 37,061 hours on 23/9/07
Engines 2 x CFM56-3C1 (22,000lbs thrust each)
Serial Numbers L/H 858302
R/H 858245
Hours/Cycles L/H 32,621 hrs/18,465 cycles
R/H 34,842 horus/19,667 cycles
(at 16/10/07)
The aircraft weight and balance was within the prescribed limits.
selection controls. The servomechanisms (for left and right engines) are the
interface between the system and the throttle operating linkages; thrust lever
position is fed back via the synchros. The autothrottle is selected, or ARMED,
by operating a two-position, solenoid-held paddle switch located on the left
side on the glareshield panel (Figure 1). Once ARMED the switch is held in
position unless disengaged. The autothrottle can be disengaged manually
either by moving the paddle switch to the OFF position, or by pressing either
of the push buttons that are located on the outboard end of each thrust lever. A
green annunicator light beside the switch is illuminated when the autothrottle
is engaged. Disengagement extinguishes the green light and illuminates a
flashing red A/T P/RST autoflight status annunciator on the instrument panel
(Figure 2). This can be cancelled by a second press on the buttons either side
of the thrust levers, or by pressing the switch light itself.
Figure 1
Autothrottle switch
Figure 2
Autothrottle red warning of disengagement
The AT/WARN autoflight status annunciator will illuminate with a flashing
amber light (Figure 3) if the autothrottle is not holding the target speed. There
are three conditions when this light will flash; the airspeed is 10 kt above the
target speed and not decreasing, the airspeed is 5 kt below the target speed
and not increasing, or the airspeed has dropped to alpha floor (a factor of 1.3
above the stall speed) during a dual channel autopilot approach. On approach,
with the aircraft decelerating, the caption will routinely flash for extended
Figure 3
Autothrottle amber off speed caution
Flight Mode Annunciators on the primary flight display also show the
autothrottle status and mode.
6. Autopilot roll control requiring significant spoiler deployment
and thrust levers becoming separated, when flaps are less than
15º8 and the autothrottle is not in take-off or go-around mode
Autothrottle disengagement results in the ARM switch releasing to OFF and the
red autothrottle disengage lights flashing unless it has disengaged automatically
after touchdown when the lights will not illuminate.
Manual positioning of the thrust levers does not normally cause autothrottle
1.7.1 Forecast
As part of the flight brief the crew received forecast weather for Bournemouth
before departure from Faro.
The weather provided was the 1807 hrs TAF valid between 1900 hrs and
0100 hrs. It forecast a surface wind of 200°/14 kt, 6,000 m visibility with
cloud broken at 800 ft. Temporary between 1900 hrs and 0100 hrs the
visibility was expected to reduce to 2,000 m in light rain and mist with cloud
broken at 300 ft and a 40% probability that temporarily, between 1900 hrs
and 0100 hrs the surface wind would be 200°/15 kt gusting to 25 kt.
The last weather report recorded by the crew as they approached Bournemouth
was ATIS ‘H’ recorded at 2220 hrs. It reported Runway 26 in use with wind
8 This is monitored at the flap and not at the cockpit control. Therefore it is possible for the mode to be active with the
flap lever in the Flap 15 position if the flaps have not reached 15° deployment.
220°/14 kt, 4,000 m visibility in light rain, cloud overcast at 400 ft, temperature
and dewpoint plus 17ºC. The QNH was 1011 mb. The weather at the time of
the incident was the same.
At the time of the incident the aircraft was established on the ILS to Runway 26
at Bournemouth Airport.
1.9 Communications
Following the go-around the crew informed ATC that they had conducted a
go‑around but no mention of the incident was made.
1.11 Flight Recorders
1.11.1 FDR/CVR
This incident was reported to the AAIB 12 days after it occurred. This resulted
in the loss of Flight Data Recorder (FDR) and Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR)
Pease Pottage radar recorded the aircraft track, as well as a number of transmitted
parameters, at a rate of approximately once every 6 seconds. This information
was not as comprehensive as the QAR data so it was used for checking the FDM
data only.
Details from the recorded data were used in the construction of Section 1.1,
History of the flight (see page 3).
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
1.14 Fire
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
Figure 4
Quick Access Recorder data depicting the accident
1.16 Tests and research
1.16.1 General
Both pilots reported that they had not seen the autothrottle disconnect warning.
The autothrottle system was functionally tested. The AAIB became aware that
there had been a number of other events possibly with similar precursors, ie an
autothrottle disconnect followed by a long period of warning without crew
recognition. Consequently, the efficacy of the autothrottle warning became of
interest to the investigation.
The autothrottle computer (P/N 735SUE10-12, S/N 5593) from the incident
flight was re-fitted to G-THOF and the Aircraft Maintenance Manual
(AMM) Task 22-31-00-735-060 autothrottle System Test was carried out
on 15 November 2007. The purpose of this test was to confirm the correct
functioning of the autothrottle system, including the autothrottle warnings.
No faults were found with the system during these tests. The autothrottle
computer was subsequently removed for further testing.
An internal visual inspection of the computer did not show any signs of damage
or failure. The Output Interface Card was interchanged with a serviceable card
and the analogue outputs were rechecked and were within specification. The
original card was returned to the computer but attached to an ‘extender’ card
allowing adjustment of the -10 Volt output to within the specified limits. With
the adjustment made the computer was then subject to a further ATP which it
passed successfully.
The Output Interface Card output voltage is used as a reference for the Digital
to Analogue Converter circuit, which generates the output signals to the
throttle servomechanism amplifiers and the flight director outputs. The same
reference signal is used for the autothrottle servo demand signals on both
engines. Another analogue output is used by the autothrottle itself as part of
the built-in test and if a fault is detected, would record a Digital to Analogue
Converter fault code within the fault history.
In order to have a high degree of confidence in the data it was decided that these
events should be implemented in such a way so as to ensure minimum nuisance
triggering, even at the cost of missing some genuine events. The triggered
events were broken down by phase of flight and only events associated with
the descent, approach and final approach were included in the final results,
generating a database of 5,284 sectors.
The study was a ‘first look’ and as such did not yield sufficiently robust results
to provide definitive occurrence rates.
The aircraft manufacturer was provided with the recorded data in order to
conduct an engineering simulation of the approach and go-around with various
configurations and power selections.
The simulation determined that during this event the nose-up pitching moment,
generated as the engine thrust increased and by the stabiliser’s trimmed
position, overwhelmed the elevator until the recovery after the stall.
and with engines at 98.4% N1. This showed that the elevator required to
trim the aircraft at that stage was near the maximum nose-down deflection
available for the 737-300. Therefore there was little or no nose-down pitch
capability available.
Other simulations included having the stabiliser set for the intended approach
speed or the use of the rated go-around thrust of 94% N1. Both of these
configurations allow additional pitch authority (6.1º and 1.7º of elevator
deflection respectively).
The manufacturer was asked to consider the effect of changes in the flap
setting. They confirmed that there was a nose-up pitching moment associated
with changing the flaps from flap 40 to flap 15. This pitching moment created
by the flap change would require approximately 0.1 degrees of stabiliser to
maintain a trimmed condition. The trim change due to the flap change was
therefore seen to be negligible compared with the trim change due to the thrust
The manufacturer further commented that had the flaps remained at flap 40 and
all other parameters remained as they were throughout the event, the aircraft
would still have stalled. However it may have taken slightly longer to reach
the maximum nose-up pitch.
The commander’s Air Safety Report was received by the operator’s flight safety
office the day after the event occurred. All reports received, including this
one, were initially assessed for severity by a member of the safety team. Part
of this assessment was to decide if a Mandatory Occurrence Report (MOR)
was required to be filed with the CAA. To determine if this was required the
airline safety office referred to CAP 3829 which has a list of events that require a
MOR (see 1.17.3). If additional information was required in order to assist the
decision, ASRs were flagged electronically to the OFDM analyst.
This process left the ASR file open on the safety department computer system.
The system would then automatically generate an alert if the ASR was going to
9 Civil Aviation Publication 382 – The Mandatory Occurrence Reporting Scheme.
breach the company’s internal time limit for closure. At the time of the incident
this was set at 30 days.
At the time of the incident the OFDM analyst was located in the same building as
the safety department but on a different floor. The OFDM analyst would receive
an electronic alert to analyse a specific flight, review the data and respond back
to the safety office.
The OFDM analyst was not a pilot and, when an aircrew opinion was required
he referred events to one of the company’s pilot representatives (also known
as an ‘honest broker’). This system is common UK industry practice.
The pilot representative’s role was to view de-identified flight data safety
trends and advise the operator’s safety department. The pilot representatives
also liaised with the analyst to follow up ASRs and to place recorded data in
context with the ASR for the analyst. In events identified solely from OFDM,
they provided the link between the aircrew involved and the management.
The pilot representative role was part-time and in addition to his normal flying
commitments. At the time of the incident a pilot representative was available
in the OFDM office on average once every ten days. A pilot representative
was in the OFDM office the day following the incident but due to workload
he did not review the data downloaded from the aircraft. The next pilot
representative was on duty 11 days after the incident and he reviewed the data
and realised the severity of the event. The event was then progressed through
the safety system and the AAIB was alerted by the operator.
The company OFDM programme followed the guidance of CAP 73910 and
included an agreement (known as Schedule J) with the pilot’s union regarding
the conduct of OFDM and access to the data. Appendix 2 of that agreement
1.17.2 The Mandatory Occurrence Reporting Scheme
The CAA MOR scheme is outlined in CAP 382. The objective of the MOR
scheme is:
The Air Navigation Order (ANO) specifies the categories of persons (or
organisations) who are required to report occurrences. These include:
Under Part 1 Section 1.1 Operation of the aircraft is a list of specified conditions
which are to be reported. Of relevance to the G-THOF incident are:
A search of the CAA MOR database was conducted for the period 1 Oct 2002
to 10 Oct 2007 for “Stick Shaker” and “Stall Warning” events. This search
returned three occurrences submitted by this operator including the incident
under investigation.
A search of the operator’s ASR database for similar events returned 11 reports
in the twelve months before the incident to G-THOF.
In the twelve months following the G-THOF incident, 18 ASRs were received,
9 of which were reported by the operator as MORs. Events regarded as false,
that cause no crew difficulties, are not required to be reported to the CAA as
an MOR and this accounts for the difference in the numbers.
The original certification basis for the B737-300 was Federal Aviation Regulation
(FAR) 25 which did not require an indication for autothrottle disconnect.
for Flight Guidance Systems as proposed by Notice of Proposed Amendment
(NPA) 18/2006. It included requirements for an autopilot and autothrust
disengagement caution:
alerted that disengagement has occurred. An extended cycle of an
aural alert is not acceptable following disengagement if such an
alert can significantly interfere with flight crew coordination or
radio communication. Disengagement of the autothrust function is
considered a Caution alert.’
In 2004 the CAA published a paper relating to the use of automation. This paper
reviewed literature related to flight deck automation, and in Section 2.2.1 the
paper states:
The CAA had been funding studies by the Flight Operations Research Centre
of Excellence (FORCE) at Cranfield University into flight crew performance
and interaction with automated flight decks. These studies are being concluded
as responsibility in this area has passed to the EASA. The work that has been
completed is expected to be finalised and published as a CAA research paper
by 2010 timeframe and should produce further insights in an increasingly
important field.
Both pilots attended a Type Rating Training Organisation (TRTO) and completed
the approved syllabus. They had subsequently completed simulator renewal
checks. During the TRTO course the pilots were taught approach to stall
recovery and unusual attitudes on the Boeing 737 Full Flight Simulator (FFS).
23 The operator’s Quick Reference Handbook (QRH) procedure for approach to
stall recovery.
The operator’s QRH procedure for upset recovery is set out in Appendix B3.
The ‘upset recovery’ QRH defines an upset as unintentionally exceeding a pitch
angle greater than 25º nose-up. The procedure states:
The upset recovery procedure requires the pilot flying to carry out certain actions
●● Apply as much as full nose-down elevator
●● Reduce thrust’
The FCTM preface included the caveat that in the event of a conflict, the
procedures published in the flight crew operations manual take precedence over
information presented in the FCTM.
The FCTM defines the stall recovery in two parts. The approach to stall recovery
is intended to be accomplished at the first indication of the impending stall –
either the stick-shaker or pre-stall buffet; effectively it is a manoeuvre to be
used when the aircraft has not yet stalled. Once the aircraft has stalled, the
‘stall recovery’ is a more aggressive manoeuvre intended to return the aircraft to
controlled flight as quickly as possible. The FCTM states:
‘A stall must not be confused with the stall warning that alerts
the pilot to an approaching stall. Recovery from an approach
to a stall is not the same as recovery from an actual stall. An
approach to a stall is a controlled flight manoeuvre, a stall is an
out of control but recoverable condition’
‘To assist in pitch control, add more nose down trim as the thrust
11 The FCTM is a manufacturer produced document. It includes guidance on operating techniques that are not tailored
to a specific airline.
FCTM advice for upset recovery includes a section similar to the operator’s
QRH regarding initially recovering from the stall. However, FCTM advice also
The full FCTM advice on stall recovery and upset recovery is set out in Appendix
are trained according to requirements in early recognition and
counter measures on approaching stall in all configurations and
recovery from full stall or after activation of stall warning device
in all phases of flight, in all configurations.’
Turbofan aircraft with underslung engines will tend to pitch nose-up as the
thrust is increased as the thrust line is below the centre of gravity of the aircraft.
Conversely, as power is reduced the aircraft will pitch nose-down.
Maneuvering in Pitch
Tail lift
Tail distance Thrust
Wing distance Engine
(Moment) + (Moment) + (Moment) + (Moment) = pitching
Tail Lift Thrust Wing-body moment
(Moment) Total
* distance + Wing
* distance + Thrust
+ Wing-body = pitching
Figure 3-B.47
The application of go-around thrust on the Boeing 737-300 will cause a
nose‑up pitching moment. This is counteracted by applying nose-down
elevator. The stabiliser on the Boeing 737, as is common on large transport
aircraft, is a moveable surface, the position of which is selected by the trim
system. When the autopilot is engaged it automatically trims the aircraft for
the present speed using the stabiliser. As the aircraft decelerates, the autopilot
applies more nose-up trim to keep the aircraft in a trimmed state. However
as the elevator is attached to the trailing edge of the stabiliser, this increasing
trim effectively reduces the amount of pitch authority available. The size of
the elevator is carefully calculated to be as small as possible while still giving
sufficient control authority at go-around thrust.
The Boeing 737-300 engines are not thrust limited; if a pilot selects the thrust
levers to the forward stop the engine will produce the maximum thrust available
given the altitude and temperature. On days colder than standard12 this could
be in excess of the maximum rated thrust of the engine. The N1 to generate
rated thrust is automatically calculated and displayed on the N1 gauges; during
a go-around pilots are expected to select that N1.
12 International Standard Atmosphere Sea Level Temperature +15C Pressure 1013 millibars.
2 Analysis
2.1 Introduction
The autothrottle disengaged during the approach. There are six possible
conditions where the autothrottle system would disengage as detailed in
paragraph 1.6.3 (page 10). The QAR information showed that there was no
split between the thrust levers. The aircraft had not touched down. The crew
did not report disconnecting the autothrottle at this stage and the QAR did not
record a manual disconnect. The only condition that remained was an internal
fault within the autothrottle computer.
The data gathering exercise carried out by the AAIB identified that 0.3% of
Boeing 737 sectors had a combination of no recorded manual disconnection
of the autothrottle and a warning lasting over nine seconds. The purpose of
this limited study was to examine anecdotal and other information in order
to establish the efficacy or otherwise of the autothrottle warning. The data
gathering, although limited in scope, returned results which appear to justify
the need for a much larger study of the autothrottle warning system on the
Boeing 737. Therefore:
The autothrottle warning on G-THOF was typical of its era. Many later
generation aircraft incorporate an autothrottle warning, including an audio
alert, into an Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System (EICAS). Aircraft
in general and automation technology specifically has advanced rapidly in
reliability. Pilots familiar with operating older aircraft, which had more
variable reliability, are nearing the end of their careers and there is a generation
of pilots whose only experience is of operating aircraft with highly reliable
automated systems. With this increasing reliability there is concern about
flight crew encountering the issues outlined by the CAA paper 10/2004: that
of a normally reliable system failing.
An illuminated warning should be distinct and gain the crew’s attention. The
use of a multifunction caption whereby it flashes one colour (amber) for one
reason and then another colour (red) for a different reason may reduce the crew’s
awareness of the caption. The autothrottle warning on the Boeing 737‑300
flashes amber routinely for extended periods during the approach phase of
flight. It is likely that flight crews are subconsciously filtering out what is
perceived as a nuisance message. This combined with the general high levels
of reliability of modern automation could lead to a lack of awareness of
autoflight modes.
The EASA Certification Standards (CS) set the standards for new aircraft
designs. The current CS-25.1329 requirements treat autothrottle disconnection
as a caution requiring immediate crew awareness but not immediate crew
action as set out in 1.18.2. The regulators rationale for this was that although
the flight crew needs to be made continually aware of the autothrust system
status, including disengagement, normal disengagement of the autothrust
would not require immediate thrust control changes. A less specific indication,
rather than a warning, is therefore allowable. The system fitted to the 737-300
would meet the current CS for a newly designed aircraft.
This incident, along with those in 1.18.1 (page 21) and the OFDM study highlight
the limitations of the Boeing 737-300 alerting system despite it meeting current
certification standards. Therefore:
Both pilots were qualified to operate the flight in accordance with company and
national requirements. There is no reason to believe the crew’s performance
was degraded by fatigue or for medical reasons. There is no evidence that the
aircraft or flight crew were affected by any external factor during the approach.
There also appears to be no technical failure of the autothrottle warnings or
any of the aircraft’s engine or airspeed indications.
The aircraft was on target to be configured for landing by 1,400 ft aal, within
the operator’s requirement to be stabilised1 by 1,000 ft aal, and there is no
evidence that the crew were rushing the approach.
The use of flap 40 was not common for crews operating out of the Bournemouth
base. The F/O needed to increase the brightness of his map light to ensure he
was below the flap limiting speed for flap 40 before asking for it to be selected.
This activity surrounding the selection of flap 40 was the only point where the
reported flight deck activity appeared to vary from what was usual.
Regardless of the status of the autothrottle and its warnings, both pilots appear
to have been distracted at a critical phase of flight. This lack of effective
monitoring of automated systems allowed the aircraft to enter a low energy
state following disconnection of the autothrottle.
1 Landing gear down, flaps in the landing position, on approach speed and engines spooled up.
The CAA funded studies by the Flight Operations Research Centre of
Excellence (FORCE) at Cranfield University into flight crew performance
and interaction with automated flight decks (section 1.18.3, page 23). It has
completed its study phase and the report into its findings is expected to be
available in the public domain in due course.
Go-around execution
The execution of a go-around involves both crew members carrying out specific
tasks. The commander advanced the thrust levers to the forward limit of their
travel. He called “go-around, flap 15 check thrust” and, in accordance with
his training, applied forward column to counteract the expected nose-up pitch.
When the commander took control, the F/O became the PM. It is the role of
the PM to position the flap lever and adjust the N1.
Immediately after the go-around was commenced the stall warning activated.
At this point responding to the stall warning became the highest priority, but
the commander initiated a large increase in thrust as required by both the
‘approach to stall recovery’ and the ‘go-around’ procedures. The ‘approach
to stall recovery’ calls for maximum thrust as opposed to ‘sufficient’ thrust
for the go-around. The crew had maximum thrust selected. The commander
attempted to control the pitch using the control column but, as shown by the
manufacturer’s analysis, there was insufficient elevator authority available to
counteract the thrust/pitch couple in the as-trimmed condition.
As the rate of pitch-up decayed briefly around 22º nose-up, the crew had
maximum thrust selected. They had not yet changed configuration and were
adhering to the ‘approach to stall recovery’ drill. It is therefore probable that,
whatever decision the commander made at the point he took control, the aircraft
was going to pitch-up to at least 22º. The only way to avoid this would have
been either to select a lower thrust setting or to trim forward during the thrust
The FCTM includes advice on trimming in both the ‘approach to stall recovery’
and the ‘stall recovery’ sections. This was available to both pilots but it is
a generic document and not tailored to a particular airline. The company
operations manuals, including the QRH, were the primary documents referred
to by the flight crew for aircraft operation. Pilots are required to follow drills
and procedures outlined in the operator’s QRH and deviation from these drills
is discouraged. The FCTM itself states that in the event of a conflict, the
procedures published in the flight crew operations manual take precedence
over information presented in the FCTM. Therefore;
Flap retraction
Approximately 11 seconds after the thrust increased, the flaps were retracted
to flap 15 even though the stall recovery checklist specifically states not to
change the configuration. The manufacturer’s opinion is that on this occasion
it made little difference to the outcome.
Once the nose-up pitch angle exceeded 25º, the aircraft was outside the
normal flying regime and an upset, as defined by the QRH, had occurred. At
this stage, regardless of their initial actions, the crew needed to use ‘upset
recovery’ techniques.
Upset recovery is defined in both the QRH and the FCTM. There is a caveat
The definition of a stall:
By this definition the aircraft was recognisably stalled and the crew needed to
effect a stall recovery.
Apart from holding the control column fully forward, the flight crew made
no other pitch control actions throughout the 44º nose-up excursion until the
aircraft had stalled and the nose had dropped towards the horizon. At this
stage the thrust was reduced to go-around thrust. This thrust reduction allowed
sufficient control authority to recover the aircraft and all three upset training
documents include reducing thrust as one of their techniques. The techniques
outlined in the manufacturer’s FCTM, the upset recovery training aid and
the operator’s operations manual deal with this type of upset. Had these
actions been carried out the aircraft was unlikely to have reached the extreme
angles and speeds encountered and would have recovered to controlled flight
2.4 ASR
Company response
The initial reviewer decided not to file the ASR as an MOR. Although the
ASR included a number of factors such that an MOR would have been
appropriate, he decided to get more information from OFDM. This decision
to seek additional information from the OFDM system was an optional
company procedure. However once the event passed out of sight of the safety
department there was no process in place to ensure a timely follow-up of the
incident. Although the company’s system would have provided a backstop of
30 days for the incident to be highlighted, there was a risk, borne out by this
incident, that the processing of safety-critical information could be delayed
between the two office locations.
The OFDM review policy was biased to dealing with ‘de-identified’ events
where only a pilot representative reviewed the data. At the time of the incident
the pilot representative workload did not allow for timely review of the data
and when the 72 hour time limit for MOR submission was reached, there was
no alert. When the next pilot representative came on duty 11 days after the
event it was identified and appropriate action was taken.
2.5 The MOR Scheme
The ASR filed to the company by the captain stated ‘…..Speed decreased to
110 ……stick-shaker during initial part of G/A….’ Following the guidance
of CAP 382 this would suggest that an MOR be filed under condition
G (Go‑around producing a hazardous or potentially hazardous situation.) The
loss of at least 25 kt below the target speed of 135 kt should be reported under
section H (Unintentional significant deviation from airspeed). The activation
of the stick-shaker is covered by section X (Operation of any primary warning
system associated with manoeuvring the aircraft eg config warning, stall
warning (stick-shaker), over-speed warning etc.)
The search of the CAA MOR database showed that the operator had only
filed two previous reports under the scheme for stick-shaker events in the
five years prior to this incident. This contrasts with 11 ASRs received in the
twelve months before this incident. The purpose of the MOR scheme is to
collate statistical information to be used by regulators, designers and accident
investigators. Significant under-reporting of events reduces the availability of
safety trend analysis information to assist the industry to improve its safety
standards. The step change in reporting levels from the operator following
this incident is indicative that the company had reviewed its MOR submission
policy throughout its organisation.
Following the incident the operator conducted an internal review of the incident
and their response to it. The following actions have been taken or are planned:
Pilot training
Pilot information
ASR and data handling
The operator moved its OFDM office to a secure office within the safety
management team. This improved communication and integrated OFDM
within the safety department while still protecting the flight crew from
unreasonable monitoring.
The company also increased its establishment to two full-time data analysts
and now has a pilot representative available in the data office daily.
The operator notified the AAIB of their intent of carrying out a general audit
to review operational standards across all fleets by the end of 2008.
Operator comment
The operator commented that the commander should have telephoned the
duty pilot manager as soon as he landed following the incident. While, in
their view, the ASR system was robust and quick enough for routine events
it is their belief that an event as serious as this should have been notified to
the management by telephone immediately. The operator also commented
that the initial ASR submitted by the commander did not accurately report
the speed loss and did not address the degradation of pitch control. In the
operator’s opinion, had either of the above procedures been followed, it would
have prevented the issues surrounding the ASR processing.
3 Conclusions
3.1 Findings
Flight operations
1. The flight crew were properly licensed and qualified to conduct the flight.
They were medically fit and there was no evidence of fatigue. Their
training was in accordance with national regulations and the operator’s
3. The mass and centre of gravity of the aircraft were within the prescribed
10. No external factors degraded the flight crew’s ability to monitor the
11. The pilots were distracted at a critical phase of flight and did not properly
monitor the airspeed.
12. The aircraft stalled and descended in a nose-up attitude and slowed to a
minimum airspeed of 82 kt.
13. The thrust levers remained at full thrust for 26 seconds and N1 exceeded
the target N1 for 31 seconds.
14. The flaps retraction did not materially affect the event.
16. Forward trim was not used during the stall recovery.
18. The speeds and pitch angles were outside the flight test envelope and
outside the validated flight modelling envelope.
Flight procedures
2. The ‘go-around’ drill and ‘approach to stall’ drill in the QRH do not
mention trimming the aircraft.
3. The upset recovery techniques outlined in the QRH, FCTM and the
manufacturer’s training aid are effective and would have resulted in earlier
recovery of the aircraft.
Safety management
1. The Air Safety Report (ASR) as filed by the commander did not depict the
event accurately.
2. The ASR was received at the operator’s offices the morning after the event
but was not initially filed as an Mandatory Occurrence Report (MOR).
3. The ASR was passed to the Operational Flight Data Monitoring (OFDM)
analyst on the day after the event and was reviewed that day when the
OFDM analyst flagged the event for a pilot representative.
4. The flight data was not viewed by a pilot representative until 11 days
after the event. This delay in reviewing the data resulted in the loss of
information of value to the investigation.
5. The delay in reviewing the data allowed both the aircraft and the crew to
continue operating without the incident being reviewed.
7. The operator has undertaken significant changes in their OFDM and safety
management system following this event.
2. The flight crew did not recognise the disengagement of the autothrottle
system and allowed the airspeed to decrease 20 kt below Vref before
recovery was initiated.
4 Safety Recommendations
K Conradi
Principal Inspector of Air Accidents
Air Accidents Investigation Branch
Department for Transport
April 2009
Appendix A
Thrust lever stagger (up to one complete throttle knob width) when
setting T/O thrust causing asymmetry problem
Autothrottle rigging and range checked SATIS, unable to fault
Further reports of 2% N1 throttle stagger on 4/1/07 – Range and
rigging checks carried out – unable to fault system
Fault History
Appendix B
Normal Procedures -
Amplified Procedures
B737-300/500 Operations Manual
Operator Procedures
Appendix B
Note: *At high altitudes it may be necessary to decrease pitch attitude below the
horizon to achieve acceleration.
Appendix B
Maneuvers -
Non-Normal Maneuvers
Continued from previous page
Pilot Flying Pilot Monitoring
If maneuvering is required, disengage
the autopilot and autothrottle.
Smoothly adjust pitch and thrust to
satisfy the RA command. Follow the
planned lateral flight path unless visual
contact with the conflicting traffic
requires other action.
Attempt to establish visual contact. Call out any conflicting traffic.
Upset Recovery
An upset can generally be defined as unintentionally exceeding the following
• Pitch attitude greater than 25 degrees nose up, or
• Pitch attitude greater than 10 degrees nose down, or
• Bank angle greater than 45 degrees, or
• Within above parameters but flying at airspeeds inappropriate for the
Appendix B
Stall Recovery
The objective of the approach to stall recovery maneuver is to familiarize the pilot
with the stall warning and correct recovery techniques. Recovery from a fully
developed stall is discussed later in this section.
Approach to Stall Recovery
The following discussion and maneuvers are for an approach to a stall as opposed
to a fully developed stall. An approach to a stall is a controlled flight maneuver; a
stall is an out-of-control, but recoverable, condition.
Approach to Stall Recovery
Appendix B
Appendix B
Appendix B
Upset Recovery
For detailed information regarding the nature of upsets, aerodynamic principles,
recommended training and other related information, refer to the Airplane Upset
Recovery Training Aid available through your operator.
An upset can generally be defined as unintentionally exceeding the following
• pitch attitude greater than 25 degrees nose up, or
• pitch attitude greater than 10 degrees nose down, or
• bank angle greater than 45 degrees, or
• within above parameters but flying at airspeeds inappropriate for the
Though flight crews in line operation rarely, if ever, encounter an upset situation,
understanding how to apply aerodynamic fundamentals in such a situation helps
them control the airplane. Several techniques are available for recovering from an
upset. In most situations, if a technique is effective, it is not recommended that
pilots use additional techniques. Several of these techniques are discussed in the
example scenarios below:
• stall recovery
• nose high, wings level
• nose low, wings level
• high bank angles
Appendix C
Airplane Upset Recovery Briefing
Page 3-B.65
Airplane Upset Recovery Briefing
Page 3-B.66
Figure 3-B.66
Appendix C
Airplane Upset Recovery Briefing
Page 3-B.67
Figure 3-B.67
Appendix C
Airplane Upset Recovery Briefing
Page 3-B.68
Figure 3-B.68
Appendix C
Airplane Upset Recovery Briefing
Page 3-B.69
Figure 3-B.69
Appendix C
Airplane Upset Recovery Briefing
Page 3-B.70
Figure 3-B.68