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Hec HMS and Hec Ras Experiments

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To simulate the Precipitation-Runoff process in a dendritic watershed system using the HEC
HMS software.


HEC–HMS is a product of the Hydrological Engineering center within the U.S Army Corps of
Engineering. HEC-HMS is designed to simulate the complete hydrologic processes of dendritic
watershed systems (dendritic watershed means watershed contributing many streams over an
area). The software includes many traditional hydrologic analysis procedures such as event
infiltration, unit hydrographs, and hydrologic routing. The software features a completely
integrated work environment including a database, data entry utilities, computation engine, and
results reporting tools. A model of the watershed is constructed by separating the water cycle
into manageable pieces and constructing boundaries around the watershed of interest. HEC-
HMS simulates precipitation-runoff and routing processes both natural and controlled manner.
Simulation results are stored in HEC-DSS (Data Storage System). HEC-HMS can be used in
conjunction with other software for studies of water availability, urban drainage, flow
forecasting, reservoir spillway design, flood damage reduction, floodplain regulation, and
systems operation.



 Runoff is Regressed upon corresponding rainfall.

 Runoff is dependent Variable as Rainfall is Independent variable.
 Rainfall is the primary source of water for runoff generation over the land surface.
 Rainfall-runoff modeling is an integral part of water resources planning and

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 Climatic factors
 Rainfall Intensity

 Duration of Rainfall

 Rainfall Distribution

 Direction of prevailing wind


 Basin – Basin is the land contributing water to the streams, lakes , river and ponds.
Computation proceeds from upstream elements in a downstream direction.

 Losses - Different methods are available to simulate infiltration losses i:e., initial
constant, SCS curve number, exponential, Green Ampt, and Smith Parlange.
 Base flow - Five methods are included for representing base flow contributions to sub
basin outflow. Include Bounded Recession, Constant monthly, linear Reservoir,
Nonlinear boussinesq and Recession.
 Routing - A total of six hydrologic routing methods are included for simulating flow
open channels. Include kinematic wave, lag, Modified plus, Muskingum, Muskingum–
Cunge and straddle Stagger.
 Transform - Several methods are included for transforming excess precipitation into
surface runoff. Unit hydrograph methods include the Clark, Snyder, SCS techniques,
the kinematic wave and SCS unit hydrograph. Meteorologic data analysis is performed
by the meteorological model and includes precipitation, evapotranspiration, and

 Sub basin - A sub-basin is a structural geologic feature where a larger basin is divided
into a series of smaller basins with intervening intra basinal highs.
 Reach - The reach element is used to convey stream flow downstream in the basin
model. Inflow into the reach element can come from one or many upstream hydrologic
 Reservoir - Used to model the detention and attenuation of a hydrograph caused by a
reservoir or detention pond.

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 Junction - Used to combine flows from upstream reaches and sub-basins.
 Diversion - Used to model abstraction of flow from the main channel.
 Source - Used to introduce flow into the basin model (from a stream crossing the
boundary of the modeled region.
 Sink - The sink element is used to represent the outlet of the physical watershed.
Inflow into the sink element can come from one or many upstream hydrologic elements.


1.Basin Model Manager

2.Meteorological Model Manager

3.Time Series Data Manager

4.Control Specifications Manager


A watershed has the following specification


NUMBER (Minutes)
1 300 68 75 20
2 400 68 75 30
3 500 68 75 40
4 600 68 75 50
5 700 68 75 55

Calculate the Peak Discharge and Volume of Runoff through the basin.

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STEP-1: Create a new project by clicking on File → New. Fill the name of project, description,
storage location. Set the unit system to Metric.

STEP-2: Create a new basin model by clicking on Components →Basin model manager →
Click on New→ Click on Create

STEP-3: Click on the Sub basin creation tool. Then click anywhere on the white space to create
a sub basin. Like this create five sub basins.

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STEP-4: Create two junctions using the Junction creation tool by clicking on the white space.

STEP-5: Click on Sink Creation Tool and create a sink in the white space and give the name
for the sink.

STEP 6: Click on Reach Creation Tool. Drag the reach from sub basin-1 to the junction-1.

STEP 7: Click on Reach Creation Tool. Drag the reach from sub basin-2 to the junction-2.

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STEP 8: Click on Sub basin-1 and enter the data as provided. for Sub basin-1 Select
downstream as Reach-1. For Sub basin-3 Downstream as Reach-2. For Sub basin-2 Select
downstream as junction2.for Sub basin-4&5 Select downstream as junction-1.for junction-1
Select downstream as sink and for junction-2 Select downstream as sink. Select the loss method
as SCS method and the Transform method as SCS unit hydrograph.

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STEP 9: Now go to loss and enter the values of curve number and the imperviousness for all
the sub basins.

STEP 10: Now go to transform and input lag time. Select the graph as Standard.

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STEP 11: Click on Junction 1 and give downstream as sink 1 and also similarly for Junction 2
and then Click on Reach-1 and select the routing method as Muskingum routing. Enter the
values of K and X from the given data. For reach 1 downstream is Junction 1 and for reach 2
downstream is junction 2.

STEP 12: Go to Components → Time series → Create new gage.

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STEP 13: Click on gage → Enter the units as incremental millimeters and entry type as manual.
Select the time interval as required (1 hour is considered here).

STEP 14: Enter the dates in the rainfall gage tables. The values of the incremental rainfall are
to be input. The graph is obtained after entering the values.

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STEP 15: Go to components → Meteorological Model Manager → Enter the data as specified
hyetograph →Go to basins and include the sub basins.

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STEP 16: Click on Specified Hyetograph. Change the gages to gage-1 for all the sub basins.

STEP 17: Go to Components →Control Specifications manager and create a new one. Enter
the same dates and time as provided in the hyetograph.

STEP18: Go to Compute Create Compute Simulation Run.

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STEP 19: Right click on run, Then click on compute.

STEP 20: Go to results and you can get the analysis for all the elements.

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Fig 1.1: Graph for Sub basin-1

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Fig 1.2: Summary Table for Sub basin-1

Fig 1.3: Outflow, Cumulative precipitation, Direct Runoff for Sub basin-1


Fig 1.4: Graph for Sub basin-2

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Fig 1.5: Summary Table for Sub basin-2

Fig 1.6: Outflow, Cumulative precipitation, Direct Runoff for Sub basin-2


Fig 1.7: Graph for Sub basin-3

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Fig 1.8: Summary Table for Sub basin-3

Fig 1.9: Outflow, Cumulative precipitation, Direct Runoff for Sub basin-3


Fig 1.10: Graph for Sub basin-4

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Fig 1.11: Summary Table for Sub basin-4

Fig 1.12: Outflow, Cumulative precipitation, Direct Runoff for Sub basin-4


Fig 1.13: Graph for Sub basin-5

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Fig 1.14: Summary Table for Sub basin-5

Fig 1.15: Outflow, Cumulative precipitation, Direct Runoff for Sub basin-5

REACH 1 & 2

Fig 1.16: Combined Inflow for Reach-1 & 2

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Fig 1.17: Combined Inflow for Junction-1 & 2


Fig 1.18: Combined Inflow for Sink-1

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Fig 1.19: Graph for Sink-1


From the results obtained and the analysis, we have obtained the runoff through the given
watershed. The rainfall runoff simulation was carried out using the HEC HMS software. The
obtained runoff valued were calculated using SCS Curve Number method. The routing method
used was Muskingum method with the given Muskingum parameters.

We can say from the above result that amount of runoff decreases while the value of rainfall
decreases. The outflow from the reach 1 & 2 is less than the sink 1. The hydrograph obtained
at the outlet sink of the catchment shows that the resultant runoff is the sum of individual runoff
from the sub basins. In hydrograph base flow will not be considered.

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HEC-RAS (Hydrologic Engineering Center-River Analysis System)


To analyse the water surface profiles for a steady flow condition for the given values of
discharge and a known cross section, and analyse the routing of a river reach using HEC-RAS.


The Hydrologic Engineering Center’s River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) software allows the
user to perform one-dimensional steady flow, one and two-dimensional unsteady flow
calculations, sediment transport/mobile bed computations, and water temperature/water quality
modeling. The program was developed by the United States Army Corps of Engineers in order
to manage the rivers, harbors, and other public works under their jurisdiction; it has found wide
acceptance by many others. It includes numerous data entry capabilities, hydraulic analysis
components, data storage and management capabilities, and graphing and reporting

Features of HEC RAS

HEC-RAS is designed to perform one and two-dimensional hydraulic calculations for a full
network of natural and constructed channels. The following is a description of the major
capabilities of HEC-RAS.

1. User Interface

2. Hydraulic Analysis Components

3. Data Storage and Management

4. Graphics and Reporting

5. RAS Mapper

User Interface

The main focus in the design of the interface was to make it easy to use the software, while
still maintaining a high level of efficiency for the user. The interface provides for the following

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1. File Management

2. Data Entry and Editing

3. Hydraulic Analyses

4. Tabulation and Graphical Displays of Input and Output Data

5. Inundation mapping and animations of water propagation

6. Reporting Facilities

7. Context Sensitive Help

Components of HEC-RAS

The HEC-RAS system contains several river analysis components for:

(1) Steady flow water surface profile computations;

(2) one- and two-dimensional unsteady flow simulation;

(3) Movable boundary sediment transport computations;

(4) Water quality analysis.

All four components use a common geometric data representation and common geometric and
hydraulic computation routines. In addition to these river analysis components, the system
contains several hydraulic design features that can be used once the basic water surface profiles
are computed.

Usage of HEC- RAS

• It is a software used for water modelling and determining the water

profiles of open channel flow.

• Commercial application used in flood management studies to evaluate

floodway limits.

• Can also be used for bridge and culvert design and analysis, dam breach

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Problem Statement

Calculate water surface profiles for the channel having following specifications-

1. Rectangular channel with width= 28m and depth= 8m

2. Total length of channel is 800m.

3. Discharge values are 300,400,500 m3/s

4. Manning’s (n) = 0.0014, 0.0096.

Outputs: Water surface profiles, cross section, rating curve, profile summary table, Water


STEP-1: HEC RAS Software was started and unit system was changed to metric system.

STEP-2: Click on File→New project and enter the title of the project.

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STEP-3: A single river reach was created using geometric data tab. The river reach was
generated using “river reach” option from downstream to upstream and double clicked to end
the reach and the name of reach and river was given.

STEP-4: Cross section option was clicked and adding a new cross section from option menu
of cross section data.

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STEP-5: Upstream station was named as 0 and downstream as 800m and enter the coordinates
of the cross section given along with Manning’s coefficient values (n) for both the banks and
channel. Then click on apply data.

STEP-6: Go to options →copy cross section and create similar section as upstream. This time
enter the station as 800. Then enter “Downstream” in the description box.

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STEP-7: Now go to Tools→XS Interpolation→Between 2XS’s.A new dialog box appears.
Enter the maximum distance as 20m and click on Interpolate NewX’s. Then you can find
additional points on the river reach where the newly interpolated points have been placed.

STEP-8: The geometry and cross-sectional data were saved. Go to Edit→Steady flow data.

Then change the number of profiles to 3. Give the 3 peak flood values in m3/s.

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STEP-9: Click on “reach boundary conditions” and select critical depth for all the peak flood
values, both upstream and downstream.

STEP-10: Then perform steady flow analysis by going to Run→ Steady flow analysis. A new
command window asks for a short ID. Enter any character and click on compute.

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1. Go to View → Water surface profiles and you can find the GVF profile along the
length of the given river.

2. Go to View →Cross sections. The water surface elevation will be visible.

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3. Go to View →Rating curve. The plot of discharge vs. water surface elevation will be
visible. This is the rating curve for the river channel.

4. Go to View →Profile Summary Tables. Then go to Options → profiles and select all
the three peak floods and click OK.

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The cross section is suitable for carrying the discharge of 300m3/s, 400m3/s & 500m3/s. This
channel is safe for discharge of 500m3/s, hence suitable for flood regions. The critical depth
for profile 1 is 3.60m. Similarly, critical depths for profile 2 and 3 are 4.2250m and 4.2390m.
Though Froude’s No. is less than 1 for profile 1 and 2 which indicate that the flow is subcritical
and economical.

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HEC-RAS (Hydrologic Engineering Center-River Analysis System)


To analyse the water surface profiles for an unsteady flow condition for the given values of
discharge and a known cross section, and analyse the routing of a river reach using HECRAS


The Hydrologic Engineering Center’s River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) software allows the
user to perform one-dimensional steady flow, one and two-dimensional unsteady flow
calculations, sediment transport/mobile bed computations, and water temperature/water quality
modeling. The program was developed by the United States Army Corps of Engineers in order
to manage the rivers, harbors, and other public works under their jurisdiction; it has found wide
acceptance by many others. It includes numerous data entry capabilities, hydraulic analysis
components, data storage and management capabilities, and graphing and reporting

Features of HEC RAS

HEC-RAS is designed to perform one and two-dimensional hydraulic calculations for a full
network of natural and constructed channels. The following is a description of the major
capabilities of HEC-RAS.

1. User Interface

2. Hydraulic Analysis Components

3. Data Storage and Management

4. Graphics and Reporting

5. RAS Mapper

714CE4030 34
User Interface

The main focus in the design of the interface was to make it easy to use the software, while
still maintaining a high level of efficiency for the user. The interface provides for the following

1. File Management

2. Data Entry and Editing

3. Hydraulic Analyses

4. Tabulation and Graphical Displays of Input and Output Data

5. Inundation mapping and animations of water propagation

6. Reporting Facilities

7. Context Sensitive Help

Components of HEC-RAS

The HEC-RAS system contains several river analysis components for:

(1) Steady flow water surface profile computations;

(2) one- and two-dimensional unsteady flow simulation;

(3) Movable boundary sediment transport computations;

(4) Water quality analysis.

All four components use a common geometric data representation and common geometric and
hydraulic computation routines. In addition to these river analysis components, the system
contains several hydraulic design features that can be used once the basic water surface profiles
are computed.

Application of HEC- RAS

• It is a software used for water modelling and determining the water profiles of open
channel flow.

• Commercial application used in flood management studies to evaluate floodway limits.

• Can also be used for bridge and culvert design and analysis, dam breach analysis.

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Unsteady Flow Water Surface Profiles:

This component of the HEC-RAS modelling system is capable of simulating one-dimensional,

two-dimensional and combined one/two-dimensional unsteady flow through a full network of
open channels, floodplains, and alluvial fans. Special features of the unsteady flow component

1. extensive hydraulic structure capabilities

2. Dam break analysis

3. levee breaching and overtopping

4. Pumping stations

5. pressurized pipe systems

6. automated calibration features

7. Combined one and two-dimensional unsteady flow modeling.

Problem Statement

Calculate water surface profiles for the channel having following specifications-

1. Straight Channel Reach = 460 m

2. Bed Slope = 0.0024

3. Manning’s “n” for flood plain = 0.0034

4. Manning’s “n” for main channel = 0.0024

5. Upstream boundary condition:

Flow Hydrograph (12 Hrs. Interval)

6. Downstream boundary condition:

Normal Depth (Frictional Slope=0.047)

7. Initial condition =2.24 elevation at upstream.

Outputs: Water surface profiles, cross section, rating curve, profile summary table

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STEP-1: HEC RAS Software was started and unit system was changed to metric system.

STEP-2: Click on File → New project and enter the title of the project.

STEP-3: A single river reach was created using geometric data tab. The river reach was
generated using “River Reach” option from downstream to upstream and double clicked
to end the reach and the names of reach and river were given.

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STEP-4: Cross section option was clicked and a new cross section was added from option
menu of cross section data.

STEP-5: Upstream station was named as 0. Enter the coordinates of the cross section
given along with Manning’s coefficient values(n) for both the banks and channel. Then
click on apply data. Graphical cross section editor → Set the bank stations.

STEP-6: Go to options →copy cross section and create similar section as upstream. This
time enter the station as 466. Then enter “Downstream” in the description box.

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STEP-7: Now go to Tools → XS Interpolation → Between 2XS’s. A new dialog box
appears. Enter the maximum distance as 20m and click on Interpolate NewX’s. Then you
can find additional points on the river reach where the newly interpolated points have
been placed.

STEP-8: The geometry and cross-sectional data were saved. Go to File → Save geometric
data. Give the title name for saving the data.

STEP-9: Go to Edit → Unsteady Flow Data

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STEP-10: Now set the boundary conditions for downstream. The boundary condition is
Flow hydrograph. A dialog box appears. Set the time interval to 12 hours. Click on fixed
time interval and set the date and time. Give some flow values and interpolate the missing

STEP-11: Set the upstream boundary condition as Normal Depth. A dialog box appears.

Give friction slope and click on ok.

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STEP-12: Unsteady flow data → Initial conditions. Set the initial elevation as 2.24m at
upstream. Click on apply data.

STEP-13: Go to file → Save unsteady flow data by giving a title name. Click on ok.

STEP-14: Go to main frame. Run → Unsteady flow analysis. A new command window
asks for a short ID. Enter any character. Tick all programs to run except sediment. Edit
time and date.

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STEP-15: Click on compute. The computation is finished after some time.

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1. Go to View → Water surface profiles and you can find the GVF profile along the length
of the given river.

2. Go to View →Cross sections. The water surface elevation will be visible.

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3. Go to View →Rating curve. The plot of discharge vs. water surface elevation will be
visible. This is the rating curve for the river channel.

4. Go to View →Profile Summary Tables. Then go to Options → profiles and select all
the three peak floods and click OK.

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An unsteady flow hydraulic model is designed to aid hydraulic engineers in channel flow
analysis and flood plain determination. The result of the model can be applied in flood
plain management and flood insurance studies. In unsteady flow discharge changes that
may result to cause flood in particular location in this case channel is not allowed to
flooding. The cross section profile obtained in this experiment indicates that for the given
discharge values the water surface profile obtained is below the critical line which indicate
that the cross section is suitable for practical use. The maximum discharge obtained is
178.95 m3/s for maximum water surface elevation of 86.37m. The critical water surface is
82.94m. The Froude no. is 0.85

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