Tutorial 0 - Part B Modelling Groundwater Flow Using Freewat
Tutorial 0 - Part B Modelling Groundwater Flow Using Freewat
Tutorial 0 - Part B Modelling Groundwater Flow Using Freewat
FREEWAT - Free and Open Source Software Tools for Water Resource Management
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant
agreement No 642224
Before starting with this second part of the tutorial, please recall that its
general aim is to introduce some capabilities of the GIS-integrated
FREEWAT platform, by developing a numerical model inspired to a
synthetic case study.
The estimated time required to perform this part of the tutorial is about
three hours.
Previous steps/1
In the first part of the tutorial (Part A) the model was run over two Stress
Periods (SPs) to achieve the following specific objectives.
Previous steps/2
Previous steps/3
Several QGIS tools were used as well to handle and represent data and
features. In this regard, coupling the use of relevant free and open
source codes for hydrological modelling and the potentialities of QGIS
makes the FREEWAT platform powerful and easily accessible.
This second part of the tutorial has three specific objectives.
There are a couple of assumptions underlying this tutorial.
1) During the simulations we will not be changing the specified-head values at the
western boundary. However, by means of the IP we will create a groundwater mound.
In the real world, this would change the head at the western boundary. We will then
assume that no change in head is caused by the presence of such IP.
2) We set two no-flow boundaries at the northern and southern boundaries of the model
domain for all the simulations. In reality, this will not hold true and in fact it will prevent
flow from the groundwater mound to move out through these two boundaries.
Because of this, the analysis on head distributions and of the water budget have to be
considered cautiously. We set here these considerations just to show the kind of analysis
that can be performed.
In a next release, the tutorial will be expanded in space in order to skip these issues.
Time discretisation
Taking step from the previously implemented model, we will add
and run a 3rd SP, deactivating the abstraction wells and activating
the IP.
Stress Period From (sec) To (sec) Length State Time step Stresses
(days) involved
1* 0 86400 1 Steady-state 1 None
• Just to recall what is the state of your model, use the following menu
to check which Model Data Objects (MDOs) are stored in the Database
Database -> DB Manager -> DB Manager
- Expand SpatiaLite
- Expand t0.sqlite
Preliminary steps/2
• All these MDOs should also be listed in the Layers Panel (LP) and
(some of them) eventually displayed in the Map canvas.
The infiltration pond
We will now simulate the presence of an infiltration pond at the
center of the domain (Fig.18) as Managed Aquifer Recharge
scheme infiltrating 12 l/s:
Add stress period/2
You will see that the table ‘timetable_t0 ’ is updated and contains three
records with information about the SPs defined so far.
Boundary conditions and source term
We will now specify boundary conditions and the source term
defined during SP 3 (Fig.19):
Fig.19 Representation of boundary conditions and the source term during SP 3 (vertical
cross-section along the profile GH; modified after McDonald et al., 1992). 13
The User must define, for each SP, the recharge flux to be applied to the
map area, in units of length per time [L/T]. This recharge flux is then
internally multiplied by the area of each cell, to get the recharge flow rate
at each cell, then expressed as a fluid volume per unit time [L3/T].
The User must also specify if the areal recharge has to be applied (irch
(1) to the upper model layer,
(2) to the uppermost variable-head cell in each vertical column, or
(3) to the model layer specified by irch .
RCH source term/1
• First of all, define the RCH source term by activating the RCH
Package with the menu:
FREEWAT -> MODFLOW Boundary Conditions -> Create RCH Layer
- Model Name : t0
- Grid Layer : grid_grid
- Name of new layer : recharge_3sp
- Click OK
The Attribute Table of this MDO contains several records (one for each
grid cell) and data for each SP:
RCH source term/3
• Open the Attribute Table of the MDO ‘recharge_3sp_rch ’,
activate the editing mode and use the expression bar to set:
- sp_1_rech = 0 m/s
- sp_2_rech = 0 m/s
- sp_3_rech = 0 m/s
- Each time click on Update All (this means that a null recharge flux
is applied at each grid cell and for each SP)
RCH source term/6
• Open the Attribute Table of the MDO ‘recharge_3sp_rch ’
• Select Show Selected Features (just 6 blue records should
be displayed) to apply the recharge flux just to the selected cells
• Then, in editing mode, select the field sp_3_rech and:
- In the expression bar, type 2e-7 m/s (such recharge flux is applied
at each of these six cells during SP 3)
- Click Update Selected
- Click Save Edits
- Deactivate the Toggle editing mode
- Close the Attribute Table and deselect all cells with
Update RIV boundary condition
• Before running the model
you must update the RIV
boundary condition, defining
river parameters for the 3rd SP.
To do so, you must create a
new MDO (‘river_3sp_riv ’),
exactly as done before, but
using the file riv_par_3sp.csv
in the folder
Please notice that specified-head and no-flow boundary conditions will not be
updated: while the no-flow boundary is a default setting in MODFLOW, when non-
boundary is specified, the specified-head was defined by editing the fields ACTIVE
and STRT in the Attribute Table of each model layer. 21
Update WEL sink term
• Before running the model you must update also the WEL sink
term. To do so, select the ‘grid_grid ’ layer in the LP and use
Select features by area or single click to select cells (5;6) and (10;5)
• Then create a new MDO (‘pumping_3sp_well ’) exactly as done in
Tutorial 0 - Part A and edit the Attribute Table of this new MDO as in
the figure below. Remember that the wells are active just during SP 2!
Run the model/1
• Now we can run the model. In the Run Model window you must
check the RIV Package (and the corresponding MDO created
‘river_3sp_riv ’), the WEL Package (and the corresponding MDO created
‘pumping_3sp_well’ ) and the RCH Package (and the corresponding
MDO created ‘recharge_3sp_rch ’)
• Among the Rch Options, select ‘Recharge to top grid ’ in the drop-down
menu to apply recharge to model layer 1.
As already stated before, other two Rch Options are available:
- ‘Recharge layer defined in irch ’ (if you want to apply recharge to
selected model layers in selected cells, you must modify irch in
the Attribute Table of the rch MDO, as needed)
- ‘Recharge to highest active cell ’ (if you want to apply recharge to the
uppermost active cell, which is not necessarily in model layer 1)
Run the model/2
View model output
Head and contour at the end of SP 3
Model layer 3
Fig.20 Hydraulic head simulated at the end of SP 3, represented
as color maps and contour lines (values in meters msl). 26
MODFLOW input and output files
MODFLOW input and output files are updated and the input file
t0.rch is created, as you can also verify within the t0.nam file.
As done before, you can check the model balance at the end of SP 3 in
the t0.list file (Fig.21).
Fig.21 Model balance report at the end of SP 3 (content of the t0.list file). 27
Check model balance
With reference to Fig.21, and with respect to Fig.12 in Tutorial 0 –
Part A, a new flow term is now involved in the model balance at the
end of the 3rd SP: the source term due to the presence of the IP
(RECHARGE - IN). This term is worth 1.20*10-2 m3/s (1036.80 m3/day).
Due to the head increase at the location of the IP, both inflow and outflow
occur through the western boundary (CONSTANT HEAD – IN and
Raster analysis/1
We will now evaluate such head increase due to recharge to the top layer.
In order to get this result, use the Raster Calculator tool to subtract
the head calculated for each model layer at the end SP 3 minus the
head calculated for each model layer at the end of SP 1.
Raster analysis/2
Model layer 3
Fig.22 Difference between hydraulic heads simulated at the end of SPs 1 and 3,
represented as color maps and contour lines (values in meters). 30
Add stress period/1
We will now simulate the presence of the infiltration pond and the
two pumping wells at the same time (Fig.23).
The infiltration pond and pumping wells will be active at the same
time for a period of 30 days. So we will define one more SP 30 days long.
While defining the SP length, remember that time unit of this model is
Add stress period/3
You will see that the table ‘timetable_t0 ’ is updated and contains four
records with information about the SPs defined so far.
Boundary conditions and
source/sink terms
We have now to specify boundary conditions and source/sink
terms defined during SP 4:
* Please notice that specified-head and no-flow boundary conditions will not be
updated: while the no-flow boundary is a default setting in MODFLOW, when
non-boundary is specified, the specified-head was defined by editing the fields
ACTIVE and STRT in the Attribute Table of each model layer. 34
Update RIV boundary conditions
Update WEL sink term
• Before running the model you must update also the WEL sink
term. To do so, select the ‘grid_grid ’ layer in the LP and use
Select features by area or single click to select cells (5;6) and (10;5)
• Then create a new MDO (‘pumping_4sp_well ’) exactly as done before
and edit the Attribute Table of this new MDO as in the figure below.
Remember that the wells are active just during SPs 2 and 4!
Update RCH source term
• Before running the model you must update also the RCH recharge
term. To do so, create a new MDO (‘recharge_4sp_rch ’) exactly as
done before and set to zero the recharge flux at all cells and for each
• Then select the cells intersected by the infiltration pond, by using
Select features by polygon , edit the selected records in the
Attribute Table of this new MDO as
in the figure and deselect all cells.
Remember that the recharge is
active just during SPs 3 and 4!
Run the model/1
• Now you can run the model. In the Run Model window you must check
the RIV Package (and the corresponding MDO created ‘river_4sp_riv ’),
the WEL Package (and the corresponding MDO created
‘pumping_4sp_well ’) and the RCH Package (and the corresponding
MDO created ‘recharge_4sp_rch ’).
• Among the Rch Options, select ‘Recharge to top grid ’ in the drop-
down menu to apply recharge to model layer 1.
Run the model/2
View model output
Head and contour at the end of SP 4
Model layer 3
Fig.24 Hydraulic head simulated at the end of SP 4, represented
as color maps and contour lines (values in meters msl). 41
MODFLOW input and output files
As done before, you can check the model balance at the end of SP
4 in the t0.list file (Fig.25).
Fig.25 Model balance report at the end of SP 4 (content of the t0.list file).
Check model balance
Both inflow and outflow occur through the western boundary (CONSTANT
Raster analysis/1
We will now evaluate the impact of the infiltration pond in contrasting the
head decrease at the location of pumping wells.
In order to get this result, use the Raster Calculator tool to subtract the
head calculated for each model layer at the end SP 4 minus the head
calculated for each model layer at the end of SP 2.
You can use the Identity Features tool to query the rasters at the pumping
wells location.
Raster analysis/2
• Set the Transparency of the three rasters obtained to 30% and make
sure the vector layer ‘wells’ in the LP is checked, so that you can easily
identify the pumping wells location
• Now, select the raster you want to query, click on Identity Features
and then click within the cells where the wells are located, one by
• The Identify Results Panel will appear below the LP, where the value
of the head difference between SPs 2 and 4 is displayed. See Fig.26 for
Raster analysis/3
head difference ≈ 1.86 m head difference ≈ 1.84 m
Model layer 3
Fig.26 Difference between hydraulic heads simulated at the end of SPs 4 and 2,
represented as color maps and contour lines (values in meters). 46
If you need any assistance, please contact
1. Hydrological part was developed starting from the project SID&GRID, funded by Regione Toscana through EU POR-FSE 2007-2013
(sidgrid.isti.cnr.it) (2010-2013)
2. Porting of SID&GRID under QGIS has been performed through funds provided by Regione Toscana to Scuola Superiore S.Anna -
Project Evoluzione del sistema open source SID&GRID di elaborazione dei dati geografici vettoriali e raster per il porting negli
ambienti QGis e Spatialite in uso presso la Regione Toscana (CIG: ZA50E4058A) (2015)
3. Saturated zone solute transport simulation capability has been developed within the EU FP7-ENV-2013-WATER-INNO-DEMO
MARSOL. MARSOL project received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for Research, Technological
Development and Demonstration under grant agreement n. 619120 (www.marsol.eu) (2014-2017)
4. FREEWAT was developed within the EU H2020 project FREEWAT - Free and Open Source Software Tools for Water Resource
Management. FREEWAT project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
under grant agreement n. 642224 (www.freewat.eu) (2015-2017)
5. Integration of SFT (StreamFlow Transport) and LKT (Lake Transport) packages of MT3D-USGS is being performed at Scuola
Superiore Sant'Anna within the project SMAQua (SMart ICT tools per l'utilizzo efficiente dell'AcQua) - co-financed by Regione Toscana,
ASA S.p.A. and ERM Italia S.p.A. (2018-2020)