Answer Key: Chapter 07 Individual & Group Decision Making: How Managers Make Things Happen
Answer Key: Chapter 07 Individual & Group Decision Making: How Managers Make Things Happen
Answer Key: Chapter 07 Individual & Group Decision Making: How Managers Make Things Happen
* When a manager makes a decision based on the strong beliefs she already has, she is guilty of a prior-
hypothesis bias. True
* The process of identifying and choosing between alternative courses of action is known as option
evaluation. False
* The rational model of decision making assumes that managers will choose the available alternative that best
supports their existing beliefs. False
* The first step in the rational decision making process is to think up alternative solutions. False
* The final step in the rational decision-making process is to implement and evaluate the chosen solution.
* Opportunities should be identified in the alternative evaluation stage of the decision-making process. False
* Middle and supervisory managers may be a source of resistance in participatory management. True
* Brainstorming is a technique used to help groups generate multiple ideas and alternatives for solving
problems. True
* Heuristics is a technique in which members of a group come together over a computer network to generate
ideas and alternatives. False
127. The ______ a group is, the ______ the quality of the decision.
A. more diverse; lower
B. larger; lower
C. more confident; higher
D. more knowledgeable; lower
E. more creative, lower
132. The process of involving employees in setting goals, making decisions, solving problems, and making
changes is called
A. conjoint management.
B. escalation of commitment.
C. satisficing.
D. goal displacement.
E. participative management.
133. Research on the effects of participative management (PM) on employees' performance and satisfaction
indicates that
A. PM has no effect on either.
B. PM has a small positive effect on both.
C. PM has a large effect on satisfaction, but a small effect on performance.
D. PM has a large positive effect on both.
E. PM has a large effect on performance, but no significant effect on satisfaction.
134. Which of the following is a factor that helps participative management work?
A. Top management is occasionally involved.
B. Employees trust managers.
C. PM is implemented without interference from TQM.
D. Employees work in interdependent jobs.
E. Employees need more training.
135. Which of the following is NOT a rule for brainstorming suggested by IDEO?
A. Go for quality over quantity.
B. Defer judgment.
C. Stay focused on the topic.
D. Encourage wild ideas.
E. Be visual.