Purposive Reviewer
Purposive Reviewer
Purposive Reviewer
What is Communication?
-Communication is both an art and a science. It often Encompasses acts of speaking and listening reading and writing.
Effective communication
- may involve the transfer of morals, principles and Judgments from one person to another.
The sender will initiate the Communication process by developing an idea into a message.
The message then interchanges through the channel to the receiver, who finalizes the communication
process by interpreting and Assigning meaning to the message.
There are many reasons why a message flops to create a collective comprehension or meaning, one of
which is noise.
Psychological noise- It can be any personal opinions, typecasts, or standpoints that get in the way of you
accepting what the sender is saying.
Physical noise – This pertains to the physical sounds that make it difficult to hear someone’s message
such as the uncontrolled sounds of an air- conditioning unit, sounds of the moving vehicles, chirping of
the birds much like when you are to give to someone your number at the bar with that music pounding
in your ears.
Physiological noise-This refers to things like hunger, fatigue, headache, Stress or really anything that
prevents you from giving your full attention to Someone sharing his thoughts
Semantic noise- This occurs when the communicator finds a hard time to Sympathetically understand
the words, language, dialects, vernaculars or even Grammatical structure of a message.
Factual noise- This is a form of interference caused by efforts to recall small Details and in the process,
missing and omitting the main points of the Information shared during discussion.
Senders and Receivers - A person who sends a message is called the sender. A person who gets the
message is called the receiver.
Messages- are the thoughts and moods that create the Content of communication
Nonverbal-- symbols such as Gestures, body stance, tone Of voice, facial expressions, Paralanguage and
etc. are Messages sent without Words.
Channels - or media are the sound and light waves, human senses (e.g. aural, visual, tactile, olfactory and
gustatory) by which messages are sent.
Feedback- consists of the verbal and nonverbal responses/reactions of the receivers to the messages they
received from the senders.
Communication is a two-way process of openhandedly giving and receiving pieces of
information through a number of channels. Whether a person speaks offhandedly to
another person, conducting lecture to a conference or meeting, writing an article or
preparing an official report, the following basic principles are deemed necessary to
The term “register” was first used by the linguist THOMAS BERTRAM REID in
1956, and brought into general currency in the 1960’s by a group of linguists who wanted
to distinguish among variations in language according to the user (defined by variables
such as social background, geography, sex and age), and variations according to use, “in
the sense that each speaker has a range of varieties and choices between them at
different times” (Halliday, et. Al, 1964).
In one prominent model MARTIN JOOS (1961) describes five styles in spoken
language registers, they are as follows:
1. PRINT. Brochures, fliers, ads, catalogs, reports, memos or letters are the typical examples of print that are commonly
used in presenting the ideas to the target audience. Print media have an advantage over electronic communication for
you don’t have to worry about how the message looks on devices and computers with diverse display settings.
2. FACE-TO-FACE. Face-to-face meetings allow you to get more personal and peculiar intimacy with the target audience
for you can easily assess the body language of your listeners, you can demonstrate what y u are presenting
and you can use visual aids. Feedback is readily available after the face-to-face meeting.
3. TELECONFERENCE. If you cannot accommodate a big number in the same room, teleconferencing is quite advisable
for it gives you many of the same benefits of face-to-face communications without sacrificing your time and your
listener’s time too.
4. VISUAL AIDS. Using visual aids will better engage the target audience and make your ideas clear to them. Charts and
graphs give visual importance and intellectual impact to the ideas you are presenting to your defined audience.
Messages are formed through the use of verbal and nonverbal symbols. Verbal language is a system of spoken and
written words while nonverbal language is a communication without words.
Verbal language is a system of sounds and symbols which are utilized to communicate ideas and feelings.
1. LANGUAGE IS A SYSTEM. System is a group of elements or parts that move or work together. A language system
consists of three sub-systems, namely sounds, words and the manner these sounds and words are organized. All three
must be intermingled together to form a language.
2. LANGUAGE IS SYMBOLIC. A symbol is an action, event or something that expresses, represents or stands for
something else or a particular idea or quality. Words are symbols for notions, actuations, bits and pieces and feelings.
3. LANGUAGE IS CONVENTIONAL. Conventional means accepted or used by most
people or of a kind that has been around for a long time and is considered to be usual
and typical.
4. LANGUAGE IS LEARNED. Children learn and absorb the language of their culture.
The process of learning the language follows general guidelines and principles.
5. LANGUAGE CHANGES. The English language is continually varying. The connotations of words change and new
meanings are given to words. Nonetheless, variations usually happen gradually so that most speakers of the language
can adjust to the changes as they arise.
1. LANGUAGE SYNTAX. Every language has a set of rules that governs its structure. These structural rules are called as
language syntax. In addition, each language has guidelines for merging sounds into words
and words into sentences.
The established of rules that explain how words are used in a language is called grammar.
2. LANGUAGE SEMANTICS. Semantics deals with the study of the meanings of words and phrases in language or the
meanings of words and phrases in a particular context. Each word has its own specific
meaning. Meaning is communicated through both a word’s denotation and its connotation.
Denotation of a word is its dictionary or lexical meaning. Similar word may have diverse denotations. It is also the
orthodox meaning that most people in a culture approve to use when they encounter a particular
Connotation of a word is its hidden meaning, the often prevailing feelings and associations that the word arouses. It
refers to the expressive element of the symbol’s meaning.
1. USE WORDS SENSIBLY. If you are not certain about the meaning of the word, search for the meaning of the word in
the dictionary before you use it in speaking or in writing.
2. COMPREHEND THE CONNOTATIONS OF WORDS. Knowing the lexical or dictionary meaning of the word is not
enough, it is necessary that you are familiar with what it operationally suggests-the feelings and associations. Use words
that may solicit the feedback you want from your listeners.
FRAMEWORK. As speaker, it is your responsibility to know and respond to the expectations of your listeners. In formal
situations, use standard language. In specialized or occupational situations, use jargon or technical term when your
listeners understand it. In informal situations, informal / slang and dialects/vernacular may be suitable than standard
4. ENRICH YOUR LANGUAGE. Use your verbal and nonverbal language skills to study the various ways used by the
effective speakers and writers when they communicate.
Comprises of codes such as letters, words and other signs that you need to subject to language or grammar rules for
intelligible or systematized ways of understanding or conveying ideas.
Spoken Language, Oral Language, Natural Language and Oral Communication are the others terminologies that are used
to refer to verbal language.
1.PHONOLOGY. It is a branch of linguistics concerned with the orderly association of sounds in a language.
Phonology also includes the study of equivalent organizational systems in sign language.
2. SEMANTICS. It comes from the Greek word semantikos which means significant and primarily in linguistic refers to the
study of meaning in language, programming languages, formal logics and semiotics.
It focuses on the relationship between signifiers- like words, phrases, signs and symbols- and what they represent for,
their denotation. In international scientific vocabulary, semantics is also called semasiology.
• It has been a common observation that you can find people from different cultures using nonverbal language in
expressing their ideas and feelings toward others. Intentionally, they convey messages through signals called
cues such as body language, appearance and gestures to name a few.
• Nonverbal language is considered as communication without the use of language and is symbolic and
representational. It is a second kind of language which is also called as Artificial Language which uses all elements
of communication except words.
4. BODY LANGUAGE AND POSTURE. Body language is a nonverbal form of communication which is executed by means
of facial expression, eye behaviour, gestures, and posture; often thought to be involuntary while posture pertains to the
way a person holds and positions his body.
5. PROXEMICS. Proxemics as may refer to space and territory in layman’s term pertains to the study of the effects of
physical distance between people in different cultures and societies.
6. EYE GAZE. Eye gaze is lexically defined as the condition or action of looking at another human or animal in the eye.
The eyes play a vital role in nonverbal communication and such things as looking, staring, and blinking are important
nonverbal behaviors. People can use eye gaze as means to determine if someone is being honest or not.
7. HAPTICS. Haptics pertains to the study of sense of touch. Communicating through touch is another important
nonverbal behaviour. Touch can be used to communicate affection, familiarity, sympathy, and other emotions.
Wood (2010) posited that touch is also often used as a means to communicate both prestige and authority.
8. APPEARANCE. Appearance refers to the act of appearing or coming into sight, the act of becoming visible to the eye.
Our choice of color, clothing, hairstyles, and other factors affecting appearance are also considered a means of
nonverbal communication.
9. ARTIFACTS. It refers to objects and images that are used to communicate nonverbally. The things or objects
people wear, use or associated with their cultures are the typical examples of artifacts.
TO ENTERTAIN. Whether in oral or written discourse, a communicator’s purpose may be to entertain which
means to provide someone with amusement or enjoyment. Looking into the needs, gender, age and culture of
the audience, a writer or a speaker should have a thorough understanding of the words to use and organization,
as well as the manner and timing of delivery if communicated orally.
1. Consider the situation. Ask yourself the topic, your purpose, your audience, and the
action you want your audience to take.
2. Clarify your thinking. Know what you try to prove, why you feel the way you do, what
kind of proof you have, and who will be affected by your argument.
3. Construct a claim (thesis statement). A claim is the position statement or the key point of
your argument. There are three types of claim namely:
-Claim of fact-state something which is true on not true
-Claim of value-state something which has or doesn’t have worth
-Claim of policy- assert something which should or shouldn’t be done.
4. Collect evidence. Evidence takes the form of facts, examples, definitions,
comparison, statistics, experience, analysis, prediction, demonstration, expert
opinions, anecdotes, reflections, observations and quotations.
5. Consider key objections and develop counter arguments. You can do this by
pointing out flaws and weaknesses in arguments on the other side or arguments
you don’t accept, listing objections, and recognizing or conceding another viewpoint
when claim has true weaknesses.
6. Craft your argument. Use logical appeals—facts, statistics, expert opinions,
anecdotes, and examples. Avoid appeals to fear or ignorance. Use levels of
evidence—minimum of two pieces of evidence to support each reason.
7. Confirm your claim. Conclude with a coherent restatement of main arguments
and use a call to action.
As a communicator who reads and listens, you should be able to recognize and analyse how writers and
speakers employ rhetorical appeals in their efforts to transact their messages whether their goal is to persuade or
to argue. Rhetorical appeals are devices in rhetoric (the art of effective speaking or writing) which were
conceptualized by Aristotle, a towering intellect in human philosophy, who classified a speaker’s or a writer’s
appeal to an audience.
1. ETHOS. It refers to a person’s authority and credibility. In this appeal, writers or speakers
convince their audience of their goodwill and present themselves as credible and trustworthy.
To determine whether a writer or speaker is credible or not, you can ask yourself the
following questions as you evaluate a communicator’s ethos:
Has the writer or speaker cited his sources or in some way made it possible for the
audience to access further information on the issue?
-Does he demonstrate familiarity with different opinions and perspectives?
-Does he provide complete and accurate information about the issue?
-Does he use the evidence fairly? Does he avoid selective use of evidence or other
types of manipulation of data?
-Does he use unbiased language?
2. LOGOS. This appeal refers to logic through which speakers or writers use reasoning and rationality to
convince the audience of their perspectives. To evaluate an appeal to logos, consider how logical the argument
is and how pieces of evidence well support it.
3. PATHOS. This persuasive appeal invokes and appeals to the emotions of the audience. Contrary to logos,
pathos presents arguments without using logic or reasoning. It relies on strong emotional factors like love, bliss,
empathy, fear and anger which can move the audience to accept the point raised.