Health and Safety Protocols: Dr. Michael Bautista Dr. Ethyl Salvador-Cayetano
Health and Safety Protocols: Dr. Michael Bautista Dr. Ethyl Salvador-Cayetano
Health and Safety Protocols: Dr. Michael Bautista Dr. Ethyl Salvador-Cayetano
■ 3 C’s of COVID-19
CLOSED Spaces with Insufficient Ventilation
(small floor area without windows or exhaust fans)
I. Background on COVID-19
b) Evaluate the entries in the HDF and pre-screen if employee should be allowed to
physically report for work
Heads of Office - designate how many HSOs will be assigned based on their work
arrangements; design a system that is best suited to their circumstances.
Health Declaration Form
III. Guidelines on Medical Services
at MDS Clinic
■ Medical Services are strictly on Appointment basis except for emergency cases
(threat to ABC - airway, breathing, circulation)
III. Guidelines on Medical Services
at MDS Clinic
■ Telemedicine is advised for those with other illnesses.
Household contact
■ Quarantine separates and restricts the movement of people who were exposed to a
contagious disease to see if they become sick. These people may have been exposed
to a disease and do not know it, or they may have the disease but do not show
III. Guidelines on Medical Services
at MDS Clinic
■ What to do if you suspect to have COVID-19 infection while
at home?
Inform/Notify Head of Office and MDS
Inform BHERT for case monitoring
If mild : undergo at least 14 days of home
quarantine/temporary monitoring facility
If severe: get hospitalized or consult ER
III. Guidelines on Medical Services
at MDS Clinic
■ What to do if employee is confirmed to be COVID-19
Call/Inform MDS for possible contact tracing
Inform Barangay Health Emergency Response Team (BHERT)
for contact tracing and case monitoring
– If asymptomatic or with mild symptoms:
■ Self isolate for at least 14 days (at home/Health care
• Acrylic barriers/Plastic