Health and Safety Protocols: Dr. Michael Bautista Dr. Ethyl Salvador-Cayetano

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Health and SAFETY


■ Dr. Michael Bautista

■ Dr. Ethyl Salvador-Cayetano
Learning Objectives
■ Background on COVID-19
■ Duties and Responsibilities of Health and Safety Officers (HSO)
■ Guidelines on Medical Services at MDS Clinic
■ Appropriate Screening Procedure
■ Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
■ Hand Washing
■ Social Distancing
■ Disinfection / Sanitation
■ Waste Management
What is COVID-19?
■ A disease caused by new strain of Corona virus
 CO - Corona (crown-like appearance)
 VI - Virus (size: 0.06-0.14 microns)
 D - Disease

 Sensitive to heat but resistant to cold

■ Formerly referred to as “2019 Novel Corona Virus” or 2019 nCoV

■ New virus linked to the family of viruses as Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and common colds
I. Background on COVID-19

■ 3 C’s of COVID-19
 CLOSED Spaces with Insufficient Ventilation
(small floor area without windows or exhaust fans)
I. Background on COVID-19

 CROWDED Conditions with People (social gatherings)

 CONVERSATIONS in short distance (chitchats)

How does it Spread?
1. Droplet Infection

According to Center for Disease Control

• Breathing - 20 VP/min.
• Talking – 200 VP/min.
• Coughing/Sneezing – 200 million VP/min
How does it Spread?
2. Contact Infection via Hands

■ Average Duration of Stay of Viral Particles

Surface Time

Metals (Doorknobs / Jewelry) 5 Days

Wood (Furniture / Decking) 4 Days

Plastics (Bottles / Elevator Button) 2 to 3 Days

Stainless Steel (Refrigerator / Pots / Pans) 2 to 3 Days

Card Board (Shipping Boxes) 24 hours

Glass (Drinking Glass / Mirrors/ Windows) Up to 5 days

Paper (Mail / Newspaper) Few minutes

Signs and Symptoms of Covid-19 Infection
• Fever or chills
• Cough
• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
• Fatigue
• Muscle or body aches
• Headache
• Loss of taste or smell
• Neurological symptoms(impaired consciousness, stroke)
• Sore throat
• Congestion or runny nose 
• Sore eyes
• Nausea or vomiting
• Diarrhea
• Cutaneous (skin) manifestations/lesion especially in children
Diagnostic Tests
1.Real-time Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction
(r RT-PCR)
 Gold standard for the diagnosis of Covid-19
 Sample : Nasopharyngeal/Oropharyngeal swab
 Detects the presence of viral particles

2. Rapid Antibody Test (RAT)

 Cannot be used as standalone test to definitely
diagnose COVID-19
 Sample : Blood specimen
 Detects the presence of antibodies against the
Classification of Covid-19 patients

A. If you have covid-19 symptoms plus any of the following:

1. history of travel (local transmission) within 14 days before
onset of symptoms
2. close contact with probable/confirmed Covid-19 case

B. If you are symptomatic plus any of the following:

1. 60 y/o and above
2. with comorbidity
3. Health worker
4. High-risk pregnancy

C. Sudden onset of severe respiratory symptoms that require hospital

Classification of Covid-19 patients


 Suspect case whose results of Covid-19 test are

inconclusive or whose tests were done in non-DOH-
accredited laboratories.


 Individuals (symptomatic/asymptomatic carriers) with RT-

PCR positive results done at a DOH-certified laboratory
testing facility.
 No definite treatment/cure
 Symptomatic treatment is being done
 Boost immunity to fight against the virus
 ON-GOING clinical trials (Phase 3) for development of an effective


II. Duties and Responsibilities of Health and Safety Officers

a) Require employees to submit electronically filled-out Health Declaration forms

before they proceed to the office.

b) Evaluate the entries in the HDF and pre-screen if employee should be allowed to
physically report for work

c) Electronically submit the names of the pre-screened employees to the Office of

the Sergeant-at-Arms (OSAA) or the Legislative Security Bureau (LSB)
SAA Ramon Colet Apolinario at 09176221962;
LSB Exec. Dir. Isabelito P. Flores at 09175441388;
Dir. Belinda C. Bello at 09158884715

d) Monitor employees allowed to physically report for work for possible

manifestation of Covid-19 symptoms while at work
II. Duties and Responsibilities of Health and
Safety Officers (HSO)
f.) Inform the employee’s supervisor and MDS, if an employee
develops symptoms of Covid-19 while at work.
 Employee will be directed to Isolation Room (North steel
 Evaluated by MDS personnel for proper disposition
 Referred to BHERT for case monitoring, if necessary

g.) Determine who among their staff were exposed to a

CONFIRMED Covid-19 case, and report it to MDS
II. Duties and Responsibilities of Health and
Safety Officers (HSO)
h.) Remind everyone to observe Health and Safety protocols and
call their attention for any breach of these protocols

i.) Electronically submit to the Office of the Secretary General at

09184056513 or, violations of
the guidelines, observations and recommendations.

j.) Keep updated on current Covid-19 guidelines and

II. Duties and Responsibilities of Health and
Safety Officers (HSO)
 MDS – tasked to train HSO and help in exercise of their functions

 Heads of Office - designate how many HSOs will be assigned based on their work
arrangements; design a system that is best suited to their circumstances.
Health Declaration Form
III. Guidelines on Medical Services
at MDS Clinic
■ Medical Services are strictly on Appointment basis except for emergency cases
(threat to ABC - airway, breathing, circulation)
III. Guidelines on Medical Services
at MDS Clinic
■ Telemedicine is advised for those with other illnesses.
 Limitations

 MDS Direct Line – 8931-65-88

 Local numbers – 7093/7086/7087 (Medical)
– 7043 (Dental)
– 7089 (HMO)
III. Guidelines on Medical Services
at MDS Clinic
■ What is considered close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case?
 Face to face conversation, within 1 meter for MORE THAN 15

 Direct physical contact

What is considered close contact with a probable or confirmed COVID-19

 Direct care for a patient with

COVID-19 without using proper

 Household contact

 Spending more than 2 hours in the

same enclosed space with
inadequate ventilation
Isolation vs Quarantine
■ Isolation is when you separate sick people with a contagious disease from
people who are not sick.

■ Quarantine separates and restricts the movement of people who were exposed to a
contagious disease to see if they become sick. These people may have been exposed
to a disease and do not know it, or they may have the disease but do not show
III. Guidelines on Medical Services
at MDS Clinic
■ What to do if you suspect to have COVID-19 infection while
at home?
 Inform/Notify Head of Office and MDS
 Inform BHERT for case monitoring
 If mild : undergo at least 14 days of home
quarantine/temporary monitoring facility
 If severe: get hospitalized or consult ER
III. Guidelines on Medical Services
at MDS Clinic
■ What to do if employee is confirmed to be COVID-19
 Call/Inform MDS for possible contact tracing
 Inform Barangay Health Emergency Response Team (BHERT)
for contact tracing and case monitoring
– If asymptomatic or with mild symptoms:
■ Self isolate for at least 14 days (at home/Health care

– If with moderate to severe symptoms:

■ Consult ER to determine the need for hospitalization
III. Guidelines on Medical Services
at MDS Clinic

■ Before going back to work, the CONFIRMED COVID-19

POSITIVE employee must:
 Have completed at least 14 days of quarantine or is symptom-
free for at least 3 days (whichever is longer)
 Get Certification of Quarantine Completion (CQC) from
Barangay to be endorsed to Municipal or City Health Office
for issuance of medical certificate, to be presented to MDS
 If admitted, medical certificate will be issued by the hospital,
to be presented to MDS
III. Guidelines on Medical Services
at MDS Clinic
■ Before going back to work, the employee who was
considered a SUSPECT, a CLOSE CONTACT, or a
RESULT must:
 Be Asymptomatic
 Present the official negative result of RT-PCR
to MDS
 Have completed at least 14 days of Quarantine
(with Certificate of Quarantine Completion
from barangay), to be presented to MDS

■ Physically report for work when experiencing or have

experienced any COVID-19 symptoms within the last 14 days
■ Physically report for work when directly exposed within 14 days
to a suspect, probable, or confirmed COVID-19 case
■ Eat together or share food
■ Chitchat
■ Stay in a poorly ventilated area
■ Forget to take extra precaution whenever there is physical
IV. Appropriate Screening Procedure

■ All employees shall fill up a Health Declaration

Form daily before reporting physically for work
■ All employees are subjected to thermal scanning
 If more than 37.5 °C - ENTRY DENIED!
■ All entrances are provided with alcohol or sanitizers


Policy is STRICTLY imposed

■ Foot Wear Disinfection Mats

V. Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment
*How to Protect Yourself?
■ Wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) PROPERLY
– Face mask
– Face shield
– Goggles
– Gown
– Gloves
– Rubber boots
V. Appropriate PPE: Face mask
■ Purpose:
 Protect against Droplet Infection

■ Proper Wearing of Face Mask

 Wash hands before wearing your mask

 Cover both the nose and mouth

 Touch only the elastic loop when wearing and
removing it
 Never touch the front/exposed part of the
 Never pull down the mask to the level of the
V. Appropriate PPE: Face mask
■ When to discard?

– If it gets wet with secretion

– Maximum of 8 hour used
– Should not be reused or washed
– Don't forget to wash hands after discarding your face mask


V. Appropriate PPE: Face shields
■ Purpose: Offers a second layer of protection from droplets
■ The shield should extend below the chin and to the ears, and there
should be no exposed gap between the forehead and the shield's
■ Should be cleaned and disinfected regularly

• Acrylic barriers/Plastic

• All should be cleaned

and disinfected daily
Observing Cough Etiquette

■ Cover mouth and nose with either

flexed elbow or tissue when coughing
or sneezing

■ Dispose tissue immediately and


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