Candidates Are Required To Give Their Answers in Their Own Words As Far As Practicable. The Figures in The Margin Indicate Full Marks

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Level: Bachelor Semester – Fall Year : 2005

Programme: BE Full Marks: 100
Course: Electromagnetic Fields & Waves Time : 3hrs.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far
as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Attempt all the questions.

1. a) Transform the following vectors: 8

i. 3ap - Aa at Q (x = 3, Y = 4, Z = -1) into Cartesian system
ii. 5ax at a (x = 2, y = 3, z = -1) into spherical system
b) Derive the expression for the electric field intensity of a line charge 7
of density  L .
2. a) Infinite uniform line charges of 5nC/m lie along the (positive and 8
negative) x and y – axes in free space. Find E at P (0, 3, 4).
b) What is point form of Gauss Law? Prove it. 7
3. a) If E = 2  z 2 sin2 a  + 2  2 z sin2 az C/m2, find  v at P(  = 5
1,  = 1100, z = -1)
b) Show that electric field intensity is given by the negative gradient of 5
the potential.
c) Find the energy stared in free space for the region 0 <  <a, 0 <  5

<, 0 < z < 2, given the potential field V = V0 a .

4. a) Derive the point form of continuity equation. Also discuss with 8

mathematical expression, relaxation time constant.
b) By solving the Laplace equation for one dimensional problem, derive 7
the expression for parallel plate capacitor.
5. a) State Biot-Savart's Law. Use it to find the magnetic field intensity at 7
the center of a square having side L.
b) Why do we need to define a vector magnetic Potential. Write down 8
the expressions for the vector magnetic potentials for a line current
element, surface current element and volume current element.
6. a) State Faraday's law on electromagnetics. From this derive the 7
Maxwell's equation  E =- t .

b) A load ZL = 60 + j80  terminates a 60  lossless transmission line. If 8

the wavelength on the line is 18 cm.
i. How far form the load should the shortest possible short
circuited 60  stub should be located?
ii. What is the stub length?
7. Write short notes on (Any two) 25
a) Magnetic boundary condition
b) Dipole moment and polarization
c) Skin effect

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