Title: Estimation The Volume Flow Rate Using Venturi-Meter Apparatus

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Title: Estimation The Volume Flow Rate Using

Venturi-meter Apparatus


Mohammed Adalat Rashid

Group. B
Report No. EXP 4
Subject: unit operation
Date of the lecture 10/11/2020
Delivery date. 17/11/2020

1. To teach the students how to measure the volume flow rate using principle Bernoulli theorem.

2. To understand how to measure the volume flow rate by traditional method using collected tank and stop

3. And how to estimate the coefficient of discharge (Cd) for ventui-meter apparatus.

The volume flow rate of a fluid is defined to be the volume of fluid that is passing through a given cross
sectional area per unit time. The term cross sectional area is just a fancy term often used to describe the area
through which something is flowing, e.g., the circular area inside the dashed line in the diagram below
Flow rate may refer to:
Flow measurement, a quantification of bulk fluid movement
Mass flow rate, the mass of a substance which passes per unit of time
Volumetric flow rate, the volume of fluid which passes per unit time
Discharge (hydrology), volume rate of water flow that is transported through a given cross-sectional area,
such as a river
Venturi Meter are used to measure the velocity of flow of fluids in a pipe. They consist of a short length of
pipe shaped like a vena contracta, or the portion with the least cross-sectional area, which fits into a normal
pipe-line. The obstruction caused to the flow of liquid at the throat of the venturi produces a local pressure
drop in the region that is proportional to the rate of discharge. This phenomenon, using Bernoullis equation,
is used to calculate the rate of flow of the fluid flowing through the pipe.
Venturi meters are flow measurement instruments which use a converging section of pipe to give an
increase in the flow velocity and a corresponding pressure drop from which the flowrate can be deduced.
They have been in common use for many years, especially in the water supply industry. A venturi meter is a
measuring or also considered as a meter device that is usually used to measure the flow of a fluid in the pipe.
A Venturi meter may also be used 11/12/2020 Page 2 to increase the velocity of any type fluid in a pipe at
any particular point. It basically works on the principle of Bernoulli's Theorem. The pressure in a fluid
moving through a small cross section drops suddenly leading to an increase in velocity of the flow. The fluid
of the characteristics of high pressure and low velocity gets converted to the low pressure and high velocity
at a particular point and again reaches to high pressure and low velocity. The point where the characteristics
become low pressure and high velocity is the place where the venturi flow meter is used .

1.We are running the centrifugal pump by push the on switch button.
2.Measure the pipe diameter (d1) and throat diameter (d2) of venturi-meter tube.
3.Observe the flow and adjust the flowrate using a control valve in pipeline for maximum discharge.
4.Measure the pressure difference (∆h) across the venturi by using piezometer.

5.Measure volume flow rate i.e. actual discharge (Qac) through venture using knowable tank volume to
collect specified quantity of water and measuring the time required to collect this volume.
6.Calculate the theoretical discharge (Qth) through orifices using Bernoulli equation.
7.Estimate the discharge coefficient Cd from theoretical and practical volume flow rate results.
8.Decrease the flow rate by adjusting the control valve and repeat the above processes at least five times.

Result and calculation:

H1 = 18.5 cm ρWater =1000 kg/m3 g = 9.81 m/s2
H2 = 6.5 cm d1=24 mm =0.024 m d2=16 mm=0.016 m

∆H = H1-H2 18.5-6.5 = 12cm =0.12 m

π π
A1= d 21 ⟹ A1=¿ (0.024)2❑ =0.000452 m2
4 4
π π
A2= d 22 ⟹ A2= (0.016)❑2 =0.0002 m2
4 4

2( g)×( ∆ h)
Qth= A 2 ×

√[ ( )]
1− 2

2(9.81) ×( 0.12)
Qth=¿0.0002 ×

√[ (


=3.42 ×10-4 m3/s

L= 59 cm= 0.59m W= 49 cm =0.49m H= 3 cm=0.03m time = 29.67s
Tank volume = L × W × H = 0.59 ×0.49×0.03 = 0.00867 m3

WaterVolume 0 . 00867
Qactual= Qactual=
time 29 . 67 Q actual = 2.92 × 10-4 m3/s

Qactual 0. 000292
C d= C d=
Qtheoretical 0. 000342 Cd = 0.853

∆ P=¿ ∆ H ∆ P=9810 ×0.12

∆P = 1177.2 N\m2
Result :
Pressure Time QRota Qact Qth Cd
3 3 3
N\m 2 H1 H2 ∆H require (m /s) (m /s) (m /s) Eq.6.12
(cm) (cm) (cm) (sec) Eq. 6.13 Eq. 6.11
1177.2 18.5 6.5 12 36.67 0.00036 2.92 × 3.42 ×10-4 0.853

Discussion and conclusion:

why we measure flow rate by using venturi meter?
A Venturi Meter is a device that allows flow rates through pipes to be calculated by measuring the
difference in pressure created by a contraction in a pipe. When the flow goes through the contraction it
must speed up, and so the pressure must drop. ... Remember that for a pipe without energy losses, H is
How is Venturi meter used for flow measuring?
Venturi meters are flow measurement instruments which use a converging section of pipe to give an
increase in the flow velocity and a corresponding pressure drop from which the flowrate can be deduced.
They have been in common use for many years, especially in the water supply industry
flow rate is quantity of a gas or liquid moving through a pipe which passes per unit time; usually
represented by the symbol Q. The SI unit is m3 /s (cubic metres per second). In this experiment, flow rate
was measured by using orifice meter, venturi meter and the rotameter. This measuring technique
operation and characteristics are to be determined by comparing pressure drop that will be calculated that
related to the velocity of the fluid in the pipe using the Bernoulli and Continuity equations. For the venturi
meter, the value obtained were closer to the actual flow rate this this is due to lower pressure drop that
results from its streamlined shape and almost eliminates boundary-layer separation and thus form drag is
assumed negligible. It has a converging and a diverging part, Although, there may be some pressure loss in
the converging part of the venturi meter but in a properly designed Venturi meter some percentage of
pressure loss is attained back in the diverging part of the meter. This meter is good for high pressure and
energy recovery. To be concluded, venture meter was more accurate compared to orifice meter and

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