Commitment Consultants Relevant Project
Commitment Consultants Relevant Project
Commitment Consultants Relevant Project
The proposed assignment will document the current status of plastic pollution and its value
chain (e.g. hotspots for river and marine plastic debris, waste composition,
material flow of waste plastics), regulatory gap analysis, and identification of relevant
stakeholders involved in the life-cycle of plastic and their needs, and possible recycling
technology and innovations, etc.
To assess the current information base and operating framework and status for the 8
individual countries of the region (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the
Maldives, Pakistan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka) and present a more aggregated regional
understanding of similarities and key differences, interconnections within and across the
region, and inter-connections of the regional as a whole with other parts of the world.
Both regional and country specific data and information should be collected in a consistent
way and analyzed in a comparative manner. Where relevant, sub-national and sector specific
distinctions should also be assessed.
Task 0: Inception
Engage with international team to finalize details of methodology and workplan
Remote participate in Regional workshop (Online event)
Identify key actors and establish contact
Collection relevant literature about plastic waste (research, studies, data, policies
Contribute towards inception report (Deliverable 1)
Task 1: Material flow analysis for waste plastics
Work with international team to define main plastic supply chains and waste
pathways and understand the methodology for a material flow analysis
Collect and data (secondary sources) for a material flow analysis
Work with international team to produce country specific MFA
Contribute to Deliverable 2: Material flow analysis for waste plastics
Task 2: Regulatory and policy and programs stocktaking and gap analysis
Stocktake of government policies related to plastics production and recycling
In-country workshops to support assessment of the policies and programs
Assess viability of solutions to reduce plastic waste problem
Prepare country report (Deliverable 3): on policies and regulations and potential and
recommendations for amendments
Task 3: Stakeholder and socio-economic analysis
Regional and key country stakeholders/actors identified
Stakeholder mapping and socio-economic analysis for each country
Apply questionnaires and undertake interview survey
Prepare interest-influence diagrams for each country
Prepare Deliverable 4: Stakeholder Analysis report
Task 4: Hotspots assessment for marine plastic debris
Collect and collate data for hotspot analysis
Obtain feedback from country stakeholders on potential hotspots
Obtain additional data to apply hotspot methodology
Support preparation of Deliverable 5: Hotspots methodology and assessment
Task 5: Consolidation
Second remote workshop (Remote participation)
Review draft and contribute to Final (Regional) report (Deliverable 6)
Name of the Project: GRANT-9194 BAN: Rupsha 800-Megawatt Combined Cycle Power
Plant Project - C-4 Supporting Socially Inclusive Development for Better Livelihood
Through Rupsha Power Plant Project (50161-003), funded by Asian Development Bank
Country : Bangladesh Duration of assignment: 31 Months
Location: Khalishpur, Khulna
Status: Ongoing
Name of Client: North-West Power Generation Professional Experts/Staff provided by
Company Limited (NWPGCL), Bangladesh Your Organization:
No. of Expert: 08, No of person-Months: 45
Start Date (Month/Year) : August 2019
Completion Date(Month/Year): 2021
Name of the associated Consultants, if any: Practical Action, Bangladesh (Lead firm)
Position of the senior professional experts of your firm performed in the project:
Name of the Project: Sustainable Livelihood for Indigenous people in Dinajpur (SLPID)
Country : Bangladesh Duration of assignment: 25 Days
Location: Dinajpur Status: Completed
Name of Client: Caritas Bangladesh Professional Experts/Staff provided by
Your Organization:
No. of Expert: 02
Start Date (Month/Year) : January 2020
Completion Date(Month/Year): February 2020
Name of the associated Consultants, if any: N/A
Position of the senior professional experts of your firm performed in the project:
Shafiul Azam Ahmed- Lead Evaluator
Samsun Nahar Aziz Lina- Co-Evaluator, Social and Gender
Objectives of the Project:
“Improved socio-economic situation of indigenous people through strengthening Traditional
Social Organizations (TSOs) and livelihood promotion of three upazila in three districts
under greater Dinajpur in Bangladesh.”
To strengthen TSOs in using available resources to access in social safety net facilities and mitigate
social conflicts in 60 villages by 2020.
To increase income of disadvantaged indigenous peoples through enhancing capacity in IGAs and
employment creation in project area.
The project approach is Asset Based Community-driven Development (ABCD) in implementing and
strengthening Traditional Social Organization (TSOs) and indigenous Communities. The
TSOs leaders of the Indigenous community reform the structure for inclusion of women and youths
and creating alternative livelihood in the socio-economic changes among indigenous community. The
long term development objective envisions improved Socio-economic situation through
strengthening and capacity building of TSOs skills.
Detail Description of Actual Services will be provided by CC‟s Experts and Staff:
Meetings with Caritas Bangladesh to precise framework and field visit schedule
Desk review of relevant documentation: proposals, reports, baseline surveys, etc.
Drafting of Evaluation Plan with evaluation questions; indicators to be measured and sources to
be used;
An Evaluation Plan with evaluation questions and methodologies to be determined together with
Caritas staff and evaluators
Submission of a draft evaluation report plus annexes to be submitted to Caritas Australia and
Caritas Bangladesh for comments and review.
A PowerPoint presentation, setting out the main evaluation’s conclusions and Recommendations.
Assignment name: “Feasibility Study For Approx. value of the contract (in current
Development of an Integrated and US$):US$ 8,664
Sustainable Community Based Waste
Management Program, Patuakhali
Municipality”, Bangladesh
Country: Bangladesh Duration of assignment (months):45 Days
Name of the Project: Urban Public and Environmental Health Sector Development
Project (UPEHSDP)
Country : Bangladesh Duration of assignment: 50 (Fifty ) months
Name of the Assignment: Program Support Assignment Location: Dhaka, Chittagong,
Consultancy (PSC) of Urban Public and Rajshahi, Khulna, Sylhet and Barisal. (Seven
Environmental Health Sector Development City Corporation of Bangladesh)
Project (UPEHSDP) Status: Completed
Name of Client: Government of Bangladesh Professional Experts/Staff provided by
(GOB)and Asian Development Bank ( ADB) Your Organization:
No. of Expert: 02
No of person-Months: 28
Start Date (Month/Year) : October 2012
Completion Date(Month/Year): June 2017
Name of the associated Consultants, if any: IPE Global (Pvt.) Ltd. & Commitment
Consultants, Bangladesh
Position of the senior professional experts of your firm performed in the project:
Urban Public and Environmental Health (UPEH) Program Reform Expert (International )
Behaviour Change Communications (BCC)/Community Participation Specialist
Objectives of the Project:
The overall objective of Urban Public and Environmental Health Sector Development Program
(UPEHSDP) is to improve the public and environmental health conditions in the urban
areas of Bangladesh. The ensuing program will improve the health status of the citizen and poor
community in urban areas and help the country to make progress on the Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs)relating to child and maternal health care communicable diseases
(MDGs 4, 5, and6); and improve urban sanitation (MDG7). Municipal solid waste management
(SWM) in these cities are deficient in all components i.e. source segregation, primary collection,
waste treatment, scientific disposal of waste, etc. The existing SWM also lack adequate MSW
infrastructure facilities to meet the norms stipulated in The Local Government (Paurashava) Act,
Detail Description of Actual Services Provided by CC‟s Experts and Staff:
Assist UPEHU to implement the following policy reform areas of the program: (a)
strengthening institutional arrangements; (b) improving urban and environmental
health public service delivery and (c) strengthening governance and management;
Review existing policies and programs for urban public and environmental health;
prepare and promulgate a national policy framework and guideline for solid waste
management and sanitary slaughter houses, including strategies, activities, programs and
policies for managing solid waste management and food safety;
Review the proposed system for solid and medical waste collection, transfer and disposal;
food and water safety and hygiene; supervise implementation of the reforms;
Assist LGD and MOEF develop a national solid waste management strategy, and
prepare action plans for solid waste management;
Assist LGD and city corporations in the development of policies related to municipal and solid
waste management, medical waste management, and food safety;
Develop and conduct various training program for the city corporation and project staffs
Develop BCC strategy and number of BCC materials (printing leaflet, calendar,
sticker, etc)
Develop 3R documentary and training module, etc
Name of the Project: „Urban Public and Environmental Health Sector Development
Country : Bangladesh Duration of assignment : 11(eleven)
Assignment Location: All six cities of Bangladesh months
Status: Completed
Name of the assignment: Supplementary TA on Professional Experts/Staff
Urban Public and Environmental Health Sector provided by Your Organization:
Development Program No of Experts: 03
No of Staff: 10
Name of Client: Asian Development Bank (ADB) No of person-Months: 15
Start Date(Month/Year) : November, 2009
Completion Date(Month/Year): September,
Name of the associated Consultants, if any: IPE Global (Pvt.) Ltd. India. and Commitment
Position of the senior professional experts of your firm performed in the project:
Team Leader
Solid Waste Management Expert
Civil works Expert
Objectives of the Project:
Bangladesh government signed a contract with ADB to develop a program on urban public
health and environment sector development with the budget of $ 130 million.
Maximum portion of the budget allocation has been kept for solid and health care waste
management. Commitment Consultants, as a partner organization of IPE (India), was assigned to
provide its expert input on the planned components of the project
CC in association with IPE provided Technical Assistance to ADB for UPEHSD program.
Following were the main activities:
Name of the Project: “Climate Resilient Agriculture: transforming the livelihoods
of poor women, men and children in marginalized rural areas of Bangladesh”
Country : Bangladesh Duration of assignment : 03 months
Status: Completed
Name of the Assignment: Baseline Survey
of the project on “Climate Resilient
Agriculture: transforming the
livelihoods of poor women, men and
children in marginalized rural areas of
Assignment Location: Sunamganj, Rajshahi,
Dinajpur, Khulna and Jessore.
Name of Client: CAFOD UK. Professional Experts/Staff provided by
Your Organization:
No. of Expert: 05
No of Staff: 4
No of person-Months: 03
Start Date (Month/Year) : November 2015
Completion Date(Month/Year): January 2016
Name of the associated Consultants, if any: Commitment Consultants
Position of the senior professional experts of your firm performed in the project:
Team Leader
Statistician and Econometric Expert
Agro Economist
Data Analyst
Research Associate
Objectives of the Project:
To support the ‘Climate Resilient Agriculture’ project, this consultancy will focus on a
baseline study for collecting information on the actual situation in the community locations and
information related to the challenges in terms of multiple variables. Base measurement of the key
indicators of the project; Develop measurable benchmarks on the overall goal of the project to
measure changes; Suggest simple monitoring tools in line with log frame for measuring
progresses towards the achievements of project’s goals and objectives.
Detail Description of Actual Services Provided by CC‟s Experts and Staff:
Literature review and secondary data collection
Designing the study (survey instrument preparation & piloting)
Quality and quantitative survey
FGDs and key informant Interviews
Ensuring quality assurance of the entire survey process including coding, data cleaning
and analysis Designing the data analysis frame work
Workshop/stakeholder meeting
Submission of Final report
Other Project Experience with the World Bank:
Name of the Project: Bangladesh Health, Nutrition and Population Sector Program
Country : Bangladesh Duration of assignment : 10(ten) months
Status: Completed
Assignment Location: All over Bangladesh
Name of the assignment: Performance Professional Experts/Staff provided by
evaluation of civil works investment of Your Organization:
Bangladesh Health Nutrition and Population No of Expert: 01
Sector Program(HNSP) No of Staff: 09
No of person-Months: 10
Name of Client: Ministry of Health and
Family welfare and World Bank
Bangladesh Health, Nutrition and Population Program (HNPSP, 2005 to 2011) is a USD 4.2
billion Government led program that supports the implementation of the Ministry of Health and
Family Welfare’s (MOHFW) Strategic Investment Plan (SIP, 2003–2011). HNPSP seeks to deliver
the Health Sector's contribution to the Government's Poverty Reduction Strategy. Out of the total
fund of 4.2 billion, USD 684 million is pooled funds, which comprises of World Bank credit of
USD 300 million and trust fund of USD 384 million of seven development partners. Health
Engineering Department (HED) of MOHFW and Public Works Department (PWD) undertake
civil works in the health sector across the country. In every year the Government and Donors
carry out an Annual Program Review (APR) of HNPSP. A key recommendation made during the
APR of 2009 was to carry out a survey of the civil works constructed and/or upgraded to better
understand the process – planning, implementation, contract management, utilization,
maintenance, etc. Commitment Consultants, as a partner organization of IPE (India), was
assigned to provide its management expert input on the planned components of the project.
Construction quality
Planning, implementation, contract management, utilization, maintenance, etc.
Enrolment of IPD and OPD and quality of services