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11 SITXHRM001 Assessment Task 2 Project

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Document Title: Task 2 Project

Document Subtitle: SITXHRM001 Coach others in job skills

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document for their own or commercial use. Universal Training Solutions and validated
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Universal Training Solutions does not give
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American College staff for their consultation
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RTO Name: American College
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COMPETENCY DEMONSTRATION.................................................................................................4
STUDENT DETAILS.....................................................................................................................5
STUDENT INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROJECT.....................................................................................6
ASSESSMENT TASK 2 PROJECT BRIEF.........................................................................................7
APPENDIX 1 – How to Guide.......................................................................................................9
Section 1: Communication techniques suitable to a workplace training context.............................10
Section 2: Objectives and scope of the coaching.........................................................................11
Section 3: Factors which impact need for coaching.....................................................................12
Section 4: Key principles of training...........................................................................................13
Section 5: Legislative work health and safety and hygiene requirements......................................15
Section 6: Possible causes of performance problems or difficulties...............................................18
RECORD OF ASSESSMENT TASK 2.............................................................................................21

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This Assessment Task covers the following unit of competency:

Unit of competency: Unit Code SITXHRM001 Unit Title Coach others in job skills

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to provide on-the-job
coaching to colleagues. It requires the ability to explain and demonstrate specific skills, knowledge and
procedures and monitor the progress of colleagues until they are able to operate independently of the

The unit applies to experienced operational personnel and to supervisors and managers who informally
train other people in new workplace skills and procedures.

It applies to all tourism, hospitality and event sectors.

No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to this unit at the time of

To demonstrate your competency in this unit you will need to provide evidence of your ability to:
 Prepare for on-the-job coaching
 Coach colleagues on-the-job
 Follow-up coaching

Prerequisite units: Nil


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Please complete this declaration with the student
Unit of competency: Unit Code SITXHRM001 Unit Title Coach others in job skills

Trainer/Assessor Name:
Student Name:

Student ID:

Time Allocation Refer to Training Plan

Due date: Refer to you student program guide (training plan). Please
insert the due date as confirmed by your assessor below:

Due Date: ……………/……………. /…………….

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 Complete the readiness for assessment workbook before commencing this assessment
 You will be required to complete all parts within this task
 This assessment may consist of a number of tasks based on a simulated or real environment
 ensure all tasks are in line with your organisation relevant policies and procedures
 You may ask your assessor questions to clarify requirements of the tasks if required. However, your
assessor will not be able to show you how to complete the task
 You must receive a satisfactory result for each part of this assessment to be successful in this task
 You must not separate this document. Attachments must be as per the assessment submission
 Ensure you complete the task record sheet at the end of this assessment
 Return your assessment by the date set by your assessor and your training plan
 Do not plagiarise. Plagiarism is considered cheating. Please refer below for our policy in regards to
 Reasonable adjustment: If you require any adjustments to accommodate a need in order to
complete this assessment, please talk to your assessor. Arrangements will be put in place to
ensure a fair and flexible approach is undertaken for this assessment. Please note that the range
or nature of the adjustment will ensure that the outcomes of the unit are not compromised.
 Feedback: Your assessor will provide feedback to you after the completion of the assessment.
 The trainer assessor will explain the appeals process if applicable or alternatively refer to your
student handbook for further details
 Re-assessment: If you do not achieve the required standard, you will be given 2 more
opportunities to be re-assessed by our Assessor. Please note after 3 attempts a cost will be

Declaration: I confirm that I have read and understood the instructions, my responsibilities and
requirements for this assessment

Student signature: ……………………………………………………………. Date: ………………………………………..

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Objective of the task The purpose of this task is to demonstrate your knowledge on how to
provide on-the-job coaching to colleagues. It requires the ability to explain
and demonstrate specific skills, knowledge and procedures and monitor
the progress of colleagues until they are able to operate independently of
the coach.

Resources Learner Guide

PowerPoint Slides/Handouts
How to Guide – Template

You will be required to You must complete a ‘How to Guide’ for providing on the job coaching to
complete colleagues.

Time allocation Refer to Training Plan

Your task You are required to refer to the ‘How to Guide’ (Appendix 1).

Demonstrate your knowledge by conducting research to outline the points


Section 1: Communication techniques suitable to a workplace

training context
1.1 Why is effective communication important in coaching colleagues?
1.2 Explain the 5 different techniques coaches use to communicate with
their colleagues in a workplace training context

Section 2: Objectives and scope of the coaching

2.1 What is the purpose of coaching?
2.2 List three things that are encouraged from the coaching approach
2.3 What is the overall objective of workplace coaching?
2.4 Outline the scope of coaching in the workplace

Section 3: Factors which impact need for coaching

3.1 Outline the three factors below which impact the need for coaching
colleagues in the workplace

Section 4: Key principles of training

4.1 Outline the 6 key principles of training

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Section 5: Legislative work health and safety and hygiene
5.1 What is work health and safety (WHS)?
5.2 What are the benefits of WHS in your business. Provide 4 examples
5.3 Each state has its own WHS laws and a regulator to enforce them. The
WHS framework for each state includes the following: Act, regulations,
codes of practice, regulating agency (regulator)
Provide a description for each.
5.4 What are the WHS requirements in your state or territory
5.5 What is food safety governed by?
5.6 There are five standards that are particularly important for food
handlers and food safety supervisors – what are they?

Section 6: Possible causes of performance problems or difficulties

6.1 Explain the 5 possible causes of performance problems or difficulties in
relation to coaching colleagues

Appendices include 1 How to Guide

Evidence summary / ☐ How to Guide Section 1 – 6 (Appendix 1)

Submission instructions

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APPENDIX 1 – How to Guide

How to Provide on the Job Coaching

to Colleagues


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Section 1: Communication techniques suitable to a workplace
1.1 Why is context
effective communication important in coaching colleagues?
Communication is our first demonstration of communication when meeting individuals. Communication
constructs and keeps up fellowships and is the paste that ties connections together. Correspondence is
basic for us to accomplish what we truly desire. In a training or coaching relationship, open and
compelling correspondence is an absolute necessity. It is the inborn establishment whereupon the entire
relationship develops and creates.

Effective communication is a two-way process, sending just as getting. You should initially introduce
your thoughts in a structure others can comprehend and afterward tune in to others to see how your
message is being gotten. This shared comprehension is fundamental if the motivation behind any
correspondence is to be accomplished.

1.2 Explain the 5 different techniques coaches use to communicate with their colleagues in a workplace
training context
Active listening In this mode of communication , trainer listens to other staff members carefully
with all hi mind and soul . Also in this type of interaction interuuption must be
minimum and all should get an opportunity to speak freely in front of other .

Open ended These are such types of ques which cannot be answer in form of yes or no
questioning .These question can only be answered in form of elobrate answer from the
speaker .Basically such ques are meant to know the basic understanding of a
speaker . what he thinks , what are his views about certain things
For example :
Tell me about your relationship with your dad
Tell about progress report of you government .

Summarising and Pharaphrasing means repharsing text or speech in your own words without
rephrasing changing its meaning wheras summarizing is defined as cutting down its bare
essential . A speaker can use bith techniques to communicate with other fellows

Using silence
effectively The utilization of quiet is a ground-breaking instructing expertise, all piece of
your capacity to listen viably as a mentor. It is an aptitude which can require a
significant stretch of time to feel great with and to ace, frequently feeling that
quietness demonstrates that we have come up short on questions or that we
are causing our coachee to feel awkward.
Action initiation The inception of communication alludes to the nonprompted and deliberate
(i.e., purposeful) sending of a message starting with one conversational
accomplice then onto the next inside the setting of an open trade. The type of

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the message might be nonverbal (comprising of a mix of eye stare, signals, and
additionally vocalizations) or verbal (comprising of single words or word mixes).
As a rule, the person who starts the communication demonstration would be
viewed as the speaker and the person to whom the correspondence
demonstration is coordinated would be viewed as the audience. The
commencement of communication can serve the even minded capacity of
mentioning when the speaker is endeavoring to evoke help with acquiring some
instrumental objective.

Section 2: Objectives and scope of the coaching

2.1 What is the purpose of coaching?

On job training , otherwise called OJT, is a hands-on strategy for showing the aptitudes, information,
and skills required for representatives to play out a particular activity inside the work environment.
Workers learn in a domain where they should rehearse the information and abilities got during their
On job training utilizes the current work environment apparatuses, machines, records, gear, and
information to show a representative how to adequately carry out their responsibility. Therefore, no
substitutes exist that will require a worker to make the preparation move to the work environment.

Preparing happens inside the representative's typical activity condition and may happen as the person
plays out their real work. Or then again it might happen somewhere else inside the work environment
utilizing committed preparing rooms, workstations, or gear.

2.2 List three things that are encouraged from the coaching approach
1 . On job coaching helps the staff member to become aware of skills required to perform an activity in
the workplace
2 .Also On job coaching uses real time secaniro of using apparatus , workplace to make staff member
aware of various day to day technologies and real time asses their performance .
On job coachin provides staff member normal workplace in which they have to work for entire life

2.3 What is the overall objective of workplace coaching?

Working environment training is the procedure of furnishing individuals with the devices, information,
and openings they have to completely create themselves to be powerful in their duty to themselves, the
organization, and their work.A "structured collusion" concentrated on building up a person to turn into
their "best self" and to contribute their "best fit" and talents.An personality less procedure in which
coachable minutes are made to draw out qualifications and advance movements in deduction and
behaviour.Many associations, specialists and pioneers have recognized instructing as a basic authority
and the executives competency. Also, representatives are approaching increasingly more for instructing.
Genuine training improves representative and hierarchical versatility and adequacy in change.

We characterize working environment instructing as the aptitudes, procedures and information through
which individuals include themselves in having the most extreme effect and continually restoring
themselves and their associations as they experience ceaseless change.

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2.4 Outline the scope of coaching in the workplace
Content anlysies and comparative analysies of instructing definitions uncovered the watchwords that
portray the point of training, they are to improve, to encourage, to make and to help. Assistance was
characterized as an essential point of training. To accomplish maintainable change, associations should
have the option to perceive openings and build up a culture that encourages change. Training as
encouraging practice can add to people's experiential learning and self-coordinated learning and in this
way build up their capacity to perceive openings and to discover new business arrangements and bits of

Meanings of training and specialists' answers exhibited a fundamental understanding in the execution of
instructing. The two sources thought about that instructing is valuable for an individual and for a
customer's association since training is alluded to as the action that engages top pioneers and workers
to accomplish the outcomes. Accomplished outcomes and self-awareness was considered as the key
anticipated instructing results.

Section 3: Factors which impact need for coaching

3.1 Outline the three factors below which impact the need for coaching colleagues in the workplace
Direction from Following recommendation by the manager or other administrative member
colleagues department to conduct on job training as need has been felt by admistrative
department on evaluating the performance of staff member .

Own observation and With own experience of person you come to observe that your staff member
workplace experience need on job traning inorder to perform better and efficiently , you conduct
certain on job coaching classes in actual work environment .

Request for coaching When other staff member on seeing the performance of their colleagues as well
from colleagues to be their in ability to complete certain work within certain time frame can result into
coached appeal for on job coaching by colleagues .

Section 4: Key principles of training

4.1 Outline the 6 key principles of training

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explanation An elaborate explanation is to be given by trainer to its trainee so that each and
every minute aspect of the process is being taught to the staff members .
certain communication media such as inerative vedio demonstration shoulb be
used in order to let them grab things efficiently .

demonstration Two way demonstration means involving the staff as well as coaching trainer
with the actual learning process a improve the effieciency of staff member .
Secondly it will let them to built trust with their teacher and will ask about their
doubts openly .

review Real time assessment of the performance by giving staff members actual task to
be completed within certain time frame could help teacher to analysie the effect
of coaching on staff members . A detailed report submitte cam help in
identifying ncertain areas of drawback in firm

listening to trainee Active listening during on job coaching can greatly help in grabbing every and
explanation minute details of the lecture being delivered . general aspect of active listening
includes minute interruption as well as two way communication
observing and ON job test should be given to staff member after trainig to firm evaluate whats
evaluating trainee effect coaching has brought among staff member .Also real time mistake
demonstration correction can be undertaken by the trainer . Followed by detailed report . it
could help firm to evaluate certain drawbacks .

providing feedback After training a detailed feedback to staff member as well as higher authority is
to be handed over so that they can analysie their drawback as well their
strong points . Thus report can further help firm to analysie where they need
to invest more in their firm.

Section 5: Legislative work health and safety and hygiene

requirements Refer to
https://www.business.gov.au/risk-management/health-and-safety/work-health-and-safety and
answer the following questions 5.1 – 5.4:

5.1 What is work health and safety (WHS)?

The Act is intended to give an expansive system to improving principles of work environment wellbeing
and security to diminish business related injury and ailment. It permits obligation holders to decide their
way to deal with accomplishing consistence with the Act. The Act points to:secure the wellbeing,
security and government assistance of representatives and others at work; shield people in general from
the wellbeing and dangers of business exercises; wipe out work environment dangers at the source; and
include businesses, workers and the associations that speak to them in the plan and usage of wellbeing,
security and government assistance norms. All through the Act, the significance of wellbeing

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incorporates mental wellbeing just as physical wellbeing.
5.2 What are the benefits of WHS in your business. Provide 4 examples
The five main goals of any whs management system
Comply with Australian legislative requirements and standards
Create a safe workplace
Improve worker safety and happiness
Increase productivity
Improve the business bottom line
Following are examples :
1 . policies and procedures of firm
2. Audits and inspection
3. safety and training management
4. Risk management

5.3 Each state has its own WHS laws and a regulator to enforce them. The WHS framework for each
state includes the following: Act, regulations, codes of practice, regulating agency (regulator)

Provide a description for each.

Act  The main object of the Act is to provide for a balanced and nationally
consistent framework to secure the health and safety of workers and
workplaces. It does this by:

 protecting workers and other persons from harm by requiring duty

holders to eliminate or minimise risk
 providing for fair and effective representation, consultation and
 encouraging unions and employer organisations to take a constructive
role in promoting improvements in WHS practices

Regulations  The model WHS Regulations set out detailed requirements to support the

duties in the model WHS Act. They also prescribe procedural or
administrative requirements to support the model WHS Act (for example
requiring licences for specific activities and keeping records).

We have published some additional documents that complement the model

WHS Regulations.

Codes of practice  Model Codes of Practice are practical guides to achieving the standards of

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health and safety required under the model WHS Act and Regulations.

To have legal effect in a jurisdiction, a model Code of Practice must be

approved as a code of practice there. To determine if a model Code of
Practice has been approved in a particular jurisdiction, check with your
local WHS regulator.

An approved code of practice applies to anyone who has a duty of care in the
circumstances described in the code. In most cases, following an approved
code of practice would achieve compliance with the health and safety duties
in a jurisdiction’s WHS Act and Regulations.

Regulating agency WHS Ministers have agreed to the National compliance and enforcement

(regulator) – policy to support the model WHS laws by ensuring a nationally consistent
approach to compliance and enforcement.
The policy sets out the aims of compliance and enforcement as well as the
principles underpinning the approach WHS regulators will take to monitoring
and enforcing compliance with WHS laws.
The National compliance and enforcement policy was endorsed by
our Members on 29 July 2011 and by the Workplace Relations Ministers’
Council on 10 August 201

5.4 What are the WHS requirements in your state or territory

You must put health and safety practices in place as soon as you start your business. Under Australian
WHS laws your business must ensure the health and safety of your workers and not put the health and
safety of other people at risk. To do this you must:

provide a safe work environment

provide and maintain safe machinery and structures
provide safe ways of working
ensure safe use, handling and storage of machinery, structures and substances
provide and maintain adequate facilities
provide any information, training, instruction or supervision needed for safety
monitor the health of workers and conditions at the workplace

5.5 What is food safety governed by?

In Australia , food standard Australia new Zealand (fsanz ) devolps and manages the food standards
code , which documents legal requirements for additives ,storage , labelling and gm foods
State and territory :

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5.6 There are five standards that are particularly important for food handlers and food safety supervisors
– what are they?
 Understanding the hazards associated with the main types of food and the conditions to prevent the
growth of bacteria which can cause food poisoning and to prevent illness.
 Potential problems associated with product packaging such as leaks in vacuum packs, damage to
packaging or pest infestation, as well as problems and diseases spread by pests.
 Safe food handling. This includes safe procedures for each process such as receiving, re-packing,
food storage, preparation and cooking, cooling and re-heating, displaying products, handling products
when serving customers, packaging, cleaning and sanitizing, pest control, transport and delivery. Also
covers potential causes of cross contamination.
 Catering for customers who are particularly at risk of food-borne illness, as well as those with allergies
or intolerance.
 Correct cleaning and sanitizing procedures, cleaning products and their correct use, and the storage
of cleaning items such as brushes, mops and cloths.
 Personal hygiene, hand washing, illness, and protective clothing.

Section 6: Possible causes of performance problems or difficulties

6.1 Explain the 5 possible causes of performance problems or difficulties in relation to coaching


circumstances for 1 POOR HEALTH OF THE TRAINER
practice DIFFICULT TO PERFORM DURING ACTUAL TASK . also if they make mistake
then at that time no one will be there to correct them.

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language or cultural Sometime the trainer need to be cautious to not use such word which offend
barriers certain religious sentiments of the staff member . For example in a Chinese
restaurant it would be difficult to make staff agree for using spoon , fork as in
their culture they basically use chop sticks for eating .

shyness or lack of When you are training shy trainee then sometimes it is difficult to have an open
confidence. conversation with them .As shy trainee tend to remain inactive and non
participatin in class. As a trainer you should be awaere that these type of
problems are being dealt at initial level so that it doesnot affect the working of

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Assessor to complete
ASSESSORS NOTE: Before making a final judgement on this assessment task, you must determine if
the student is able to satisfactorily apply and perform the following criteria. This checklist is a guide to
satisfactory performance of this task. The criteria below are directly linked to the performance measures
required throughout the task and therefore there are no model answers required as the criterion below
is underpinned by this assessment task. All criterion listed must be satisfactory to achieve a satisfactory
outcome for this task. If a NS is provided for any of the criterion below then the task outcome should be
treated as NS and the reassessment process should be applied.
IF a NS (not satisfactory) outcome is applied then you must inform the student in detail as to “why” this
outcome was provided. Record your reasons in the section labelled “NS outcomes”
Task requirements - In your professional opinion has the student demonstrated the required skills when
performing the routine task above related to this unit of competency. Is the student able to?
Item Knowledge Evidence – Task requirements S NS
In your professional opinion has the student performed the required
knowledge when explaining routine tasks related to this unit of
competency? Is the student able to:
1 communication techniques suitable to a workplace training context ☐ ☐

2 objectives and scope of the coaching ☐ ☐

3 factors which impact need for coaching: ☐ ☐

direction from colleagues
own observation and workplace experience
request for coaching from colleagues to be coached

4 key principles of training: ☐ ☐

listening to trainee explanation
observing and evaluating trainee demonstration
providing feedback

5 legislative work health and safety and hygiene requirements ☐ ☐

6 possible causes of performance problems or difficulties: ☐ ☐
breakdown in communication
inappropriate circumstances for coaching
insufficient opportunity to practice
language or cultural barriers
shyness or lack of confidence.

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NS Outcomes
Item Record in detail the reason for the NS outcome applied

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To be completed by the trainer/assessor
Learner details Assessor details
Name Name

Unit SITXHRM001 Unit Title Coach others in job skills Date

Record of assessment results (please tick appropriate box)

Assessment activity Satisfactory Date More Date

Task 2 – Project - How to Guide Section 1 – 6 ☐ ☐
(Appendix 1)

Outcome - The learner has completed all the Satisfactory ☐ Not ☐

assessments requirements for this unit of Satisfactory
competency and has been deemed
Context Detail (Assessor to record)

Attempt 1 ……../………/…….. Attempt 2 ……../………/…….. Attempt 3 ……../………/……..
Appeals – refer to the complaints and appeals policy and procedure
If you receive a Not Satisfactory assessment result you have the right to appeal. You have three
assessment attempts. After the third attempt arrangements for payment will be made for reassessment
purposes. Refer to your student hand book for more details on the complaints and appeals process.

Assessor Feedback to learner: The assessor must write full feedback to the learner that is constructive
and not generic

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Reasonable Adjustment (if applicable) explain why reasonable adjustment has been applied and the tasks
it was applied to

Assessor Intervention (if applicable) - did you need to assist the student in this assessment. If so please

Assessor Name Assessor Date

Student declaration - I hereby certify that this assessment is my own work, based on my personal
study and/or research. I have acknowledged all material and resources used in the presentation of this
assessment whether they are books, articles, reports, internet searched or any other document or
personal communication. I also certify that the assessment has not previously been submitted for
assessment in any other subject or any other time in the same subject and that I have not copied in part
or whole or otherwise plagiarised the work of other learning and/or other persons. I confirm that I
understand that I must complete this assessment on my own. I confirm that I will not cheat or plagiarise,
or copy from another student during the completion of this assessment.
Student name Student Date

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