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Assessment Booklet: SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery

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SITXHRM001 Coach

others in job skills
SIT40516 Certificate IV in
Commercial Cookery
Ransford College Pty Ltd T/A AAAR Institute
of Business & Technology

230 Church Street

Parramatta NSW 2150

T: 1300 198 775

T: (02) 9689 2173



ABN 86 606 260 404

ACN 606 260 404
RTO Number 45178

Your Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) at Ransford College

1. It is your duty to inform staff at Ransford College if you see, hear or come across any
incident, situation or hazard that might require immediate attention
2. In case of an emergency evacuation, you are required to follow the instructions
provided by your trainer. While exiting the building, keep calm and walk alongside the
hand rails.

SITXHRM001 Coach others in job skills

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The Assessment Process
Why are assessment tasks important?

To complete your qualification, you are required to apply the ideas you have been learning from this
unit of competence.

The assessment activities are an important part of your training program as they provide an
opportunity to apply what you have been learning and they give both you and your trainer feedback
on your progress.

How will you be assessed?

You will be required to complete a variety of written and practical exercises. Instructions for how to
complete the assessments are provided within each assessment task in this booklet.

What is required for successful completion?

Please read this section carefully before commencing the assessment tasks. You must carefully
complete EVERY task in this booklet. You must achieve a ‘Satisfactory’ mark for all assessment tasks
to be deemed Competent for the unit. If you are assessed as Not Competent, you will be given some
suggestions for improvement and asked to redo your assessment.

At the successful completion of the assessment tasks, you will have demonstrated your competence
against all of the requirements of the unit.

Submission of assessments

Your trainer will advise you when to commence the assessments in this booklet.

You are required to complete the written assessments on a separate document. You have access to
computers which are equipped with 2010 Microsoft suite of products. You will also have access to
the internet at the College to assist with research and resources. Assessment responses should be
typed; however, handwritten submissions will be accepted if they are clear and legible.

On the document please include:

o Your name
o The date
o The Assessment Number and Task Number.

For example:
o John Smith
o 10 August 2015
o Assessment 1 - Question 1 (Record your answer).

Please note that some assessments require additional documentation, such as a form or a
procedure, which must be included with your submission.

Make sure you check your material before submission. You must keep a copy of all work submitted.

SITXHRM001 Coach others in job skills

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Access and equity

A student’s access to the assessment process should not be affected by restrictions placed on the
location or context of assessment beyond the requirements specified in the training package.
Reasonable adjustments can be made to ensure equity in assessment for people with disabilities,
including language and literacy. Adjustments include any changes to the assessment process or
context that meet the individual needs of the person with a disability, but do not change
competency outcomes. If you believe you have a disability that may affect the completion of these
assessment tasks please speak to your trainer.

Assessment outcomes

Your assessment submission will be assessed and you will be given feedback. Each assessment task
will be marked as either Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory and once all assessments have been marked
you will be given an outcome of Competent or Not Competent for the unit of competence.

What can you do if you don’t agree with the assessment result?

If you do not think the assessment process is valid, disagree with the assessment outcome, or
believe that you have been treated unfairly, you can appeal.

The first step is to discuss the matter with your trainer. If you still do not agree, you are able to
request a re-assessment. It is possible to have your assessment submission assessed by a different

If you remain dissatisfied after the re-assessment, you should contact your trainer. Full details of the
appeals process are contained in your Student Handbook.

Declaration of Authenticity

You are required to sign a Declaration of Authenticity for every written assessment submission. The
Declaration is a signed statement from you stating that the assessment submission is your own

Declaration of Authenticity
Student Name Niroj Adhikari
Student ID RS181125 Term 5
I declare that all work completed in this assessment is my own
Student Signature Date 9/03/2020

Trainer/Assessor Name Udit Srivastava

SITXHRM001 Coach others in job skills

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1. Assessment 1-Assignment
1. You are required to identify the coaching needs for 4 different colleagues in preparation for the
practical coaching sessions in Assessment 2, where you will be observed delivering these to the
identified colleagues.

2. Complete the table/profile for each coaching need below.

3. Complete the corresponding “Coaching Session” Plans with duration of no more than 15 minutes
for each session, and attach these for each task/colleague to be coached.

4. Answer all questions overleaf.

Part A – Identifying coaching needs and preparing for coaching

Coaching Candidate 1

Name:Niroj Adhikari Location: Mona vale road, JJ


Reason for Coaching: Hiring new staff

How was the need for coaching identified?

The hired staff does know much about the pasta. Which he needs to work in it.

Which specific coaching needs were discussed with the colleague in need of coaching?
New staff needs to be taught about the whole thing about the pasta which includes thelocation of
pasta in dry room to cooking process with types of ingredients.

Description of task(s) to be coached:

New staff work include the process of docket reading to making the pasta accordingly,because
there are many types of pasta sold . For eg: prawn pasta, calamari pasta, pasta with
no chilly or cheese, etc.
WHS and legal requirements for each task identified:
In work place everything need to go side by side. Every place do have work, health, safetyissues
and legal requirement. Which is based on the country regulation and some are samein everyplace.

SITXHRM001 Coach others in job skills

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If new staff need to made aware of this thing at the first so we will not haveissues regarding these
thing later.
Potential gaps in WHS provisions which must be adhered to/trained before coaching can begin:
Kitchen is very sensitive workplace. Accident might happen at any time. Health and Safety
measures with respect to work, knowledge about first aid tools and medicine are the most
important thing.
Session Plan 1 completed with details and attached
Introduction with all the staff is also the basic part of working to avoid shyness. Discussion with
the members about the work is the final task

Coaching Candidate 2

Name: Milan magar Location: salsas, westfield


Reason for Coaching: hiring new staff

How was the need for coaching identified?

The hired staff does know much about the dishwashing, cleaning and the place for dishes. Which
he needs to work in it.

Which specific coaching needs were discussed with the colleague in need of coaching?
He need to give training about how to setup, shutdown and clean the dishwasher.

Description of task(s) to be coached:

New staff work include the process of receiving the dishes, organize the space for dishes,and try to
make the place tidy at any time and proper use of dishwashing liquids
WHS and legal requirements for each task identified:
In work place everything need to go side by side. Every place do have work, health, safetyissues
and legal requirement. Which is based on the country regulation and some are samein everyplace.
If new staff need to made aware of this thing at the first so we will not haveissues regarding these
thing later.
Potential gaps in WHS provisions which must be adhered to/trained before coaching can begin:
Kitchen is very sensitive workplace. Accident might happen at any time. Health and Safety
measures with respect to work, knowledge about first aid tools and medicine are the most
important thing.
Session Plan 2 completed with details and attached
Introduction with all the staff is also the basic part of working to avoid shyness. Discussion with
the members about the work is the final task

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Coaching Candidate 3

Name: ishan rai Location: Front of house

Reason for Coaching: New comer

How was the need for coaching identified?

As he is new in the company and every company runs on its own rules and regulations so it is
essential to let him know about company’s rules and regulation.

Which specific coaching needs were discussed with the colleague in need of coaching?

 Company’s policy
 Safety procedures

Description of task(s) to be coached:

 Interaction with customers
 Safety measure at workplace

WHS and legal requirements for each task identified:

Wear PPE equipment for the safety measures.

Potential gaps in WHS provisions which must be adhered to/trained before coaching can begin:
Check the uniform of an individual before entering the workplace.

Session Plan 3 completed with details and attached

Date: __13/03/2020______ Time: ___6.00 pm______ Duration: _____15 minutes_______

Location: Kitchen by Mike ___________________

Coaching Session 4 (maximum Duration 15 minutes)

SITXHRM001 Coach others in job skills

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Training Objective Resources Time Activities
(What is to be
60 seconds Explained the reasons to use
gloves properly like some
The objective of this people do not eat and touch
training is to provide non- veg for religious purpose
food safely to ----------- or it could be because of any
customer without any allergy.
kind of

Silent Demonstration:
1 minute Staff member observed for
around 2 hours when he again
starts work after 2 hours.
Demonstration and

5 minutes Gloves may only be used as a

single use item and must have
to change gloves before
taking different kind of food
or on customer’s request.

Avoiding request of consumer

can effect company image.

Trainee question:
1 minutes  Trainee asks that can
40 seconds He serve customer
without gloves in
these kinds of cases?

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Coaching Candidate 4

Name:Smith Location:Barista

Kitchen by Mike

Reason for Coaching:

He came to company as a trainee.

How was the need for coaching identified?

As he is a trainee for barista it is essential for him to get coaching.

Which specific coaching needs were discussed with the colleague in need of coaching?
 How different latte arts are made.
 How to work in fast pace environment.

Description of task(s) to be coached:

Especially latte arts are coached.

WHS and legal requirements for each task identified:

Wear safety boots and aprons while at workplace.

Potential gaps in WHS provisions which must be adhered to/trained before coaching can begin:
Check whether he is wearing aprons or not while at workplace.

Session Plan 4 completed with details and attached

Training Objective Resources Time Activities
(What is to be
1 minutes 60  Explained briefly how to
seconds take food order and
present in front of
The mission of Order book Silent Demonstration:
coaching is to get 1 minute  Eye contact with customer
satisfactory feedback  Dressing sense
from customer for

SITXHRM001 Coach others in job skills

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customer service by Demonstration and Explanation:
waiters. Provided instruction to use food
order book.
5 minutes We should welcome customers
with smiley face and request for
order if they are ready. Here we
need to observe this by their
reactions and ask for if they need
any help. Listen order carefully
and write down everything, which
they order, do not try to
memories. Provide order details to
chefs with table number.

Trainee question:
40 seconds
No question from trainee

Trainee practice:
Trainee showed perfectly that how
6 minutes to treat customer in same way and
took food order from coach as a

Feedback from coach-

1 minutes Trainee performed the task
effectively because she had
experience in this field.

Reporting Requirements:
Who? Reported to Supervisor
Why? It was the requirement of training to provide report to supervisor.

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Part B

Your task: Answer the following questions. Each question must be completed.

1. How will you deal with, and accordingly overcome, the following performance problems or
difficulties by providing applied examples or scenarios:

a. Breakdown in communication
b. Inappropriate circumstances for coaching
c. Insufficient opportunity to practise
d. Language or cultural barriers
e. Shyness or lack of confidence

a. Breakdown in communication
We all know that managers have a lots of tasks to complete, but they must have to
make an effective work flow to organize time to communicate with employees. If
manager is really busy for any reason so still they should find out alternative way to
communicate such as email and messages etc.

During the conversation with employees, Manager should pay attention to non-
verbal messages, without letting staff be distracted. H/She should notice body
language and non-verbal cues to allow for a richer understanding of the speaker’s

b. Shyness or lack of confidence

Manager should make some effort to involve employees in conversation and ask
questions but don’t interrogate. Manager can talk regarding their interest, hobbies,
family etc.

Manager should identify the employee’s strengths and capitalize on them. They
should also identify the employee’s weaknesses and work on them.

c. Insufficient opportunity to practice

To deal with insufficient opportunity to practice, manager should make effort to
provide better opportunities to do practice such as good budget planning and time

d. Inappropriate circumstances for coaching

If there are not good circumstances for coaching then manager must have to make
decisions carefully. For example, they should use different strategy to when hiring a
new employee.

SITXHRM001 Coach others in job skills

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e. Lack of experience
Training is good way to deal with lack of experience’s issues. If the training is not
enough so give opportunity to work under senior or experienced staff to learn things
and provide all instruction slowly. Give opportunity to demonstrate tasks.

2. How will you ensure that your colleagues will be able to apply the learnt skills to other tasks or
situations and how can you provide for this? Provide examples for each task you have
delivered in your 4 coaching sessions.
Coaching session 1.
Learnt skill of trainee can be observed by their confidence and way of handling food safely.
Coaching session 2.
It is very easy to observe employee’s learnt skill when H/She do not have experience in
particular task. It can be ensured by getting report from their colleagues and feedback from
consumer about food. For example, we can ask consumer to fill out a feedback form for product
Coaching session 3.
Barista skill can be observed by customer satisfaction survey and get feedback from the same
consumer who complaint her if possible, and can be observed how she is listening to consumer
and taking order carefully. For example, we can compare her performance and behavior before
and after coaching.
Coaching session 4.
This learnt skill could be observed by work performance and accepting consumer’s specific
request when serving food. For example, we can ensure if trainee is working according as per
the instructions given like changing gloves after handling raw meat and non-veg food after
holding coaching session.

3. How will you provide for ongoing coaching processes, given that you work in a very busy
Once the session has been conducted, it is essential to monitor and reinforce the coaching in the
work situation. Do the participants apply the skills learned? Have their skills improved? Has the
coaching improved their confidence? Try to gain direct feedback on the session from the
participants, including how they feel about the new skills learnt.

Conduct weekly, fortnightly or monthly performance discussions, depending on your

SITXHRM001 Coach others in job skills

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organization’s procedures. Let staff members know how they are progressing. To do this, you
may need to seek the opinion of their colleagues or supervisors as to how they are performing
post-coaching. If any performance problems are identified, then more coaching may need to be
scheduled. Monitoring staff members will also help you identify whether aspects of skills need
to be practiced. Having the staff member practice the skill may be enough to bring them up to
the required level. If that fails, then further coaching should be conducted.

Keeping an accurate record of the coaching sessions is necessary. You should keep a copy of the
result for yourself and provide one to HR for the employee records. These records can be used
as evidence for future employee appraisals and when new coaching is required. Many
organizations keep registers of staff training as part of their quality and risk management
strategies. This helps businesses ensure that their staff area adequately trained to operate
machinery, use equipment and apply correct WHS practices in the workplace. You may also
need to report to another staff member on the successful completion of staff coaching sessions.
If you identify that a staff member requires further coaching, you can supply a written comment
for the employee’s records outlining what coaching is necessary. Once competence has been
achieved, the results can be updated.

Just as you evaluated your staff member’s performance, it is equally important that your
performance as a
and the coaching session itself is assessed. Gathering information and feedback from everyone
involved, e.g. the staff member, their colleagues, supervisors and external sources, enables you
to fine tune or rework parts of your session or your delivery. Evaluation should be viewed as an
ongoing and integral part of the coaching process. This allows for continuous improvement.
There are various methods that you can use to evaluate your coaching sessions. Examples
include:-direct observation of the staff member in a work environment
-interviews with related parties

Marking Criteria Part A, Part B S NYS S NYS Feedback

Preparation for on-the-job coaching

Identifies the need for coaching according to relevant

Provides a clear overview of the identified training

SITXHRM001 Coach others in job skills

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Identifies specific skills to be trained
Considers specific requirements for coaching
relevant to person to be coached (special needs,
adjustments etc)
Provides realistic details for time and location of
coaching considering workplace policies or
Identifies resource requirements correctly
according to coaching requirements
Identifies stakeholders and communication
requirements correctly

Preparation of coaching session

Identifies underpinning knowledge required for task
to be coached including organisational
requirements for workplace specific tasks
Identifies all WHS requirements relevant for the
task to be coached
Identifies gap training required to meet WHS
aspects where relevant
Identifies gap training required to meet the
underpinning knowledge and skills requirements
where relevant
Clearly defines the practical skills to be coached
Clearly defines the objectives of the coaching
Provides a clear and logical overview of the
coaching strategies
Applies logical sequencing of coaching events
Provides opportunity provision for practising learnt
Provides opportunity provision for questions and
Suggests a clear approach for providing feedback on

Follow-up coaching (Part B)

Suggests a realistic process for monitoring
progression on coaching session
Identifies opportunities for further practice relevant
to the workplace context and tasks undertaken
Identifies relevant personnel for reporting

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Identifies the requirements for reporting
Provides a detailed overview of reasons for the
following potential problems which may occur
during coaching and appropriate suggestions how
to help to overcomes these pro-actively:
a. Breakdown in communication

b. Shyness or lack of confidence

c. Insufficient opportunity to practise

d. Inappropriate circumstances for


e. Lack of experience

Outcome S NYS
Is resubmission required Yes No
Trainer signature
Student signature

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Trainer Comments

2. Assessment 2-Observations
1. You will be observed coaching colleagues in tasks over 4 instances as identified in
Assessment 1.
2. Each session is limited to 15 minutes or as detailed in your sessions plans you have
established in assessment 1.

SITXHRM001 Coach others in job skills

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3. The marking criteria below provide a guideline of what will be observed during your
coaching sessions.

Instance Date Duration from ... to... Task to be coached

Instance 1:

Instance 2:

Instance 3:

Instance 4:

SITXHRM001 Coach others in job skills

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Criteria 1.Instance 2.Instance 3.Instance 4.Instance
Coaching session
Establishes rapport with the
Communicates the requirements for
the coaching session
The specific skill is explained
The workplace is prepared in a
hygienic manner
The workplace is prepared to meet
WHS requirements
The WHS requirements are
instructed and confirmed
Gaps in WHS are explained and

The task is broken into steps

The individual steps are explained
Individual steps are demonstrated
The required knowledge is
communicated and checked
Colleague is provided with
opportunity to practice each task
Active questioning is employed to
invite questions and answers from
Constructible feedback is employed
at all times
Where corrective action is required
colleague is instructed accordingly
WHS is maintained throughout
Hygiene is maintained throughout
coaching as applicable
Colleague manages to perform new
Identifies shyness/communication
problems and takes pro-active

Communication employed during

coaching provides for friendly
interaction/promotes engaged
Motivates colleague to achieve
further tasks through supportive
actions and constructive feedback
Applications for new skill(s) are
Opportunities for further practice
are explained
Timeframe for monitoring is
Provisions for further monitoring
and communication are established
Outlines the reporting requirements
for coaching session as relevant
/according to organisational

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Evaluates own performance and
suggests ways for improvement
Coaching methods employed
improve over the course of the
instances delivered

List additional criteria as


Outcome S NYS
Is resubmission required Yes No
Trainer signature
Student signature

SITXHRM001 Coach others in job skills

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Version 1.0
Trainer Comments

Assessment Outcome

Student Name Niroj Adhikari

Student ID RS181125 Date 9/03/2020

SITXHRM001 Coach others in job skills

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Student Signature

Tasks Satisfactory Not yet satisfactory Date

Assessment 1
Assessment 2
Outcome Competent Not Competent


I have been provided with feedback on the evidence I have submitted. I have been informed
of the assessment result and the reasons for the decision.

Student signature

The student has been provided with feedback and informed of the assessment result and
the reasons for the decision.

Trainer/Assessor signature Date

SITXHRM001 Coach others in job skills

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Version 1.0

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