SUB Code Knowledge/Skill Required Standards 1.04 Extraction & Brewing
SUB Code Knowledge/Skill Required Standards 1.04 Extraction & Brewing
SUB Code Knowledge/Skill Required Standards 1.04 Extraction & Brewing
1.04.1 Identification and naming of main parts of an espresso
Understanding of how to turn the espresso machine on and
prepare it for use.
Uses correct terminology: group head, group
handle, filter basket, shower, seal, steam
wand, steam nozzle on-off controls (steam,
extraction, hot water), gauges (pressure,
temperature, water level), drip tray, cup
Checks that boiler pressure is up to 1 bar
before use.
Warms group handles and seasons groups
Stacks cups on cup warmer; stacks saucers
and spoons etc. next to the espresso
1.04.2 Demonstration of steps for preparing espresso. Dry wipes filter basket before dosing.
Has acceptable spillage/waste when dosing
and grinding.
Uses consistent and effective dosing,
distribution and tamping (consistent dosing,
well distributed to avoid channeling, flat tamp
without tapping filter).
Cleans rim of filter before inserting.
Flushes group head before attaching
Immediately brews when portafilter inserted.
1.04.3 Understanding of basic sensory qualities of under-extracted
espresso (thin body, unbalanced flavour with high acidity,
poor crema), over-extracted espresso (unbalanced flavour
with high bitterness, poor crema) and a good espresso
(good body round and smooth, well balanced flavour
(acidity, sweetness, bitterness), good visual crema (in line
with coffee used)
(It is expected that students will control this by aiming
extraction time at 20-30 seconds, at this level)
Recognises differences between underextraction,
over-extraction and good
1.04.4 Demonstration of good technique for making a microadjustment
to the grind to improve the quality of poorly
extracted espresso – aiming for an extraction time of 20-30
seconds, at this stage.
Extracts espresso in 20 - 30 seconds. Visual
look of the espresso is consistent to desired
1.05.1 Understanding of the importance of freshness of milk. Uses fresh milk to maintain foam quality.
Discards older or "off" milk.
1.05.2 Understanding of why it is important to use milk
Minimises time milk is left out of the
refrigerator, rotate stock, empties and cleans
jug before use, and milk is never re-foamed.
1.05.3 Demonstration of techniques required to produce correct
milk texture (micro-foam).
Produces milk with consistently dense
texture, with no visible bubbles and a shiny
surface. (See CDS Foam Quality Guide).
1.05.4 Demonstration of good techniques for producing the
correct milk temperature.
Desirable range 55c-65c (Maximum
temperature 70c, Minimum of 50c).
1.05.5 Demonstration of efficient steps when foaming milk. Empty and clean jug before use
Purges steam wand before foaming
Wipes steam wand after use
Purges steam wand after wiping
Minimise milk waste.
1.05.6 Understands the pouring techniques required to produce a
cappuccino and caffe latte.
Can pour drinks to the required composition
and visual requirements.
1.06.1 Demonstration of good techniques for preparing and
serving an espresso.
Prepares an espresso to the desired size,
taste and visual parameters (as per CDS
. )drink definitions