The Tourismo K. The Tourismo RH.: Technical Information
The Tourismo K. The Tourismo RH.: Technical Information
The Tourismo K. The Tourismo RH.: Technical Information
Technical information.
Model designations
Tourismo K (C 632.460-13)
Tourismo RH (C 632.420-13)
Tourismo RH M (C 632.440-13)
Dimensions and weights
Turning circle
Drive train/Technology
Output (kW)
90 Tourismo K
Engine (Euro VI D) OM 936
Displacement 7,700 cm³
Output (standard) 260 kW
1800 Cylinders/arrangement 6/in-line
Max. torque 1,400 Nm at 1,200-1,600 rpm
Torque (Nm)
Transmission Mercedes-Benz GO 190
1000 Steering ZF 8098 Servocom
600 Axles
Spec. consumption
Engine OM 470 (Euro VI D)
Output (kW)
Tourismo RH, Tourismo RH M
Engine (Euro VI D) OM 470
190 Displacement 10,677 cm³
Transmission Mercedes-Benz GO 210
Steering ZF 8098 Servocom
Spec. consumption
Seating variants
Tourismo K
(C 632.460-13)
Number of seats: 41 Number of seats: 32
Galley: no Galley: no
Toilet: no Toilet: yes
Tourismo RH
(C 632.420 -13)
Number of seats: 51 Number of seats: 49
Galley: no Galley: yes
Toilet: no Toilet: yes
Tourismo RH M
(C 632.440-13)
Number of seats: 55 Number of seats: 57
Galley: no Galley: no
Toilet: no Toilet: no
Standard and special equipment (selected)
Driver’s area Tourismo K Tourismo RH/RH M
Driver's seat GRAMMER Tourea MSG 90.6 ● ●
Steering column with height and tilt adjustment, steering wheel lock ● ●
Cruise control ● ●
Bluetooth hands-free ❍ ❍
Central locking system for luggage compartment doors, doors and filler caps via radio remote control ❍ ❍
Heated windscreen ❍ ❍
Fire detection system with detection line for engine compartment monitoring ● ●
Rear-view camera ❍ ❍
Rain-light sensor ❍ ❍
Interior Tourismo K Tourismo RH/RH M
Seating TravelStarEco (TSE 2), rigid backrest, integrated aisle-side grab handles, bag hook, 2-point seat belt ● ❍
Seating InterStarEco (ISE), attached handle, aisle-side corner handle, 2-point seat belt ●
Armrests on aisle-side ❍ ❍
Galley ❍ ❍
Tour guide’s seat Tourismo K Tourismo RH/RH M
Tour guide's seat, single (on aisle side) with armrest,
● ●
3-point seat belt, foldup seat cushion
Audio and video system, Professional Line 3, incl. DVD and CD player ❍ ❍
Climate control Tourismo K Tourismo RH/RH M
Roof-mounted air conditioner, 32 kW cooling capacity, climate control ● ❍
depending on the installed air-conditioning model: Evo Cool Basic, Evo Cool Comfort or Evo Cool Comfort Plus 2
depending on the installed refrigerator model and placement
Acceleration slip regulation (ASR): Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC): Cataphoretic dip priming (KTL in German):
ASR prevents wheelspin when driving away on a slippery The Adaptive Cruise Control ACC relieves the driver on trunk Cataphoretic dip priming is an electro-chemical process for
surface. It provides no more power than the drive wheels roads and motorways. If the ACC proximity sensor detects coating the complete body shell in an immersion bath. It is
are able to transfer to the road surface. Wheelspin by one a slower moving vehicle ahead, the ACC brakes the coach ideal for painting intricate structures and large numbers of
wheel — e.g. on an icy roadside — is prevented by metered automatically until a distance, preselected by the driver, is units. Water-based paint protects the bus so perfectly
braking. attained which it can then keep constant. For this purpose against corrosion because the paint coat is applied to every
a proximity sensor scans the area ahead of the coach every part of the body. Currently, cataphoretic dip priming is
AAdvanced Emergency Braking System (AEBS): 50 milliseconds. demonstrably the best protection available against corrosion
Most accidents begin long before a collision. For example, in vehicle construction.
with poor visibility or unforeseen hazards. While the Lane Anti-lock Braking System (ABS):
Departure Warning system (LDW) warns the driver of an The braking forces acting on the individual wheels are Continuous braking limiter (DBL):
unintentional crossing of the road marking by a pulsation in distributed by the ABS so that even in an emergency braking The DBL ensures the vehicle maintains a steady speed. For
the seat, the AEBS reduces the risk of a rear-end collision situation no wheel is blocked for any length of time and the buses and coaches a top speed of 65 mph (100 km/h) is
with slower vehicles or stationary objects ahead. When steering performance of the bus is largely maintained. specified by law. On prolonged downhill runs the legal top
danger threatens, it independently performs full or partial speed may be unintentionally exceeded if the driver fails to
braking, within a cascade of warnings, to avoid a rear-end Brake Assist (BAS): use the brakes. In these cases, the DBL stabilises the speed
collision or reduce accident damage. It therefore reliably The BAS electronics are able to detect emergency braking by using the retarder and thus assists in the prevention of
meets the European regulations for automatic emergency situations and automatically build up maximum braking speeding.
braking. power within fractions of a second. This shortens the
stopping distance of the bus by a measurable amount.
Cornering lights/steering-dependent headlamps: Electronic Stability Program (ESP®): Lane Departure Warning System (LDW):
Cornering lights ensure much greater safety when turning at In situations where the driving dynamics are critical, ESP® If the driver is momentarily distracted, there is a risk that
night at poorly lit intersections. When turning, the fog lamp selectively controls engine output and the braking forces the bus or coach will unintentionally depart from its lane.
on the inside of the bend is steered so that this area is much at each wheel individually. Within the boundaries of physics, LDW was developed with these situations in mind. A small
better illuminated. The cornering light switches on automati- finely regulating the braking of the vehicle in this way pre- camera fitted behind the windscreen records the lane area
cally up to a speed of 40 km/h if the main headlamps are vents any possible "breakaway" by the bus. ESP® therefore up to 30 m ahead of the vehicle. In this area the camera
switched on and the turn indicator is set or the steering contributes noticeably to a reduction in the tendency to tracks the lane markings, as a result of which a computer
wheel turned. understeer and risk of skidding during cornering or evasive determines the position of the vehicle in the lane. If the
manoeuvres. driver departs from the lane without indicating, the LDW
Eco Driver Feedback (EDF): presumes that the change of lane is unintentional. It alerts
Eco Driver Feedback provides the driver with individual feed- Electropneumatic-Braking-System (EBS): the driver with a noticeable vibration of the driver’s seat on
back on his or her personal driving behaviour. The objective EBS is a further development of the conventional air brake the side corresponding to the lane marking that has been
is to exploit every potential in terms of fuel saving. and offers numerous advantages. When braking, the control crossed. In this way the driver instinctively steers the vehicle
unit first activates the retarder. If greater deceleration is back to the centre of the lane. This vehicle assist system
Electronic level control: required, the control unit uses the information in the data serves solely as a precautionary warning to the driver and
Passengers and luggage are not always evenly distributed in network to determine the optimum braking pressure for does not actively intervene in the steering.
the vehicle. As a result, the height of the vehicle varies from every axle. The Electropneumatic-Braking-System thus
wheel to wheel. The electronic level control automatically results in much shorter stopping distances and significantly
regulates the vehicle height at each wheel so that the step less wear on brake linings and discs.
height is always the same.
Important for you. Important for us. Technical data stored in the vehicle.
Electronic vehicle components (e.g. Engine Control Unit) contain data storage for vehicle Technical Data, including but not limited to Diagnostic Trouble Codes in the
event of a malfunction, vehicle speed, braking force, or operating conditions of the Restraint System and Driver Assistance Systems in case of an accident (no audio and
no video data recording). This data is either stored volatile, punctual as snapshot e.g. Diagnostic Trouble Codes, over a short period of time (a few seconds only) e.g. in
case of an accident or in aggregated form e.g. for component load evaluation. The data can be read using interfaces connected to the vehicle. Trained technicians can
process and utilize the data to diagnose and repair possible malfunctions. The manufacturer can use the data to analyze and improve vehicle functions. When requested
by the customer, Technical Data can form the basis of additional optional services. In general, data from the vehicle is transferred to the manufacturer or a third party
only according to legal allowance, or based on a contractual customer consent in accordance with data protection laws. Further information regarding storage of vehicle
Technical Data is provided in the vehicle Owner’s Manual. Mercedes-Benz Buses and Coaches naturally handles customer data confidentially.