Assignment Submission and Assessment: SMQL5103 Six Sigma Assignment Semester September 2020

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1. Answer in ENGLISH.

2. Number of words: Total 3000 – 3500 words excluding references. (1500 – 1750 words for each

3. Submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE file.

4. Submit your assignment ONLINE.

5. Submission date: 16 NOVEMBER 2020

1. This assignment accounts for 60% of the total marks for the course divided by 30% for Part
1 and 30% for Part 2



Six Sigma (6σ) at many organisations simply means a measure of quality that strives for near
perfection. Six Sigma is a disciplined, data-driven approach and methodology for eliminating defects
(driving toward six standard deviations between the mean and the nearest specification limit) in any
process – from manufacturing to transactional and from product to service. The Six Sigma DMAIC
processes (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control) is an improvement system for existing
processes falling below specification and looking for incremental improvement. Many frameworks
exist for implementing the Six Sigma methodology through DMAIC. Six Sigma implementations all
over the world have developed proprietary methodologies for implementing Six Sigma quality, based
on the similar change management philosophies and applications of tools.

The purpose of this assignment is to enable the students to enhance their knowledge on the
application of Six Sigma (6σ) and adaptation of the quality tools in Six Sigma methodology.

As Six Sigma practitioner, write the research paper with the title of “Development of the framework
of Six Sigma methodology”
1. Introduction of the Six Sigma
2. Review and synthesis the published articles (minimum 10 articles) related with Six Sigma and
write the literature review according to an assigned title.
3. Develop the methodology of Six Sigma by using DMAIC model by adaptation of suitable
quality tools of each phase in DMAIC phases.
4. Discuss the advantages of developed model by comparing with findings in literature review.
5. Discuss the impacts and benefits of implementation Six Sigma toward manufacturing or
services industries.

[30 marks]



The purpose of this assignment is to enable the students to apply their knowledge on the application
of Six Sigma (6σ) by solving the quality issue in selected case study industry.

As developed framework in Part 1, you are required to verify that framework by solving the selected
quality issue in selected case study industry.

1. Define phase: Define the quality issue in selected case study industry by introducing the
selected company, review the selected process and quality issue and application of the tools
as developed in Part 1.
2. Measure phase: Measure the quality issue by application of the selected tools as developed
in Part 1.
3. Analyse phase: Analysing the quality issue by application of the selected tools as developed
in Part 1.
4. Improve phase: Improving the quality issue by application of the selected tools as developed
in Part 1 and compare the result of improvement.
5. Control phase: Discuss how to control the improvement program by application of the
selected tools as developed in Part 1 and highlighted the lesson-learned.

[30 marks]





Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsatisfactory Max

QN CLO Criteria Weight
4 3 2 1 0 Marks

Clear and detailed Clear and somewhat Adequately clear but

Poor introduction of the No
1 1 Introduction of the Six Sigma 1 introduction of the Six detailed introduction of brief introduction of the 4
Six Sigma introduction
Sigma the Six Sigma Six Sigma

Excellent review and Clear and somewhat Brief review and

Weak review and
synthesis of 10 or more detailed review and synthesis of less than 10
Review and synthesis the published synthesis of 10 articles
articles related with Six synthesis of 10 articles articles related with Six
articles (minimum 10 articles) related related with Six Sigma
Sigma and write the related with Six Sigma Sigma and write the
1 1 with Six Sigma and write the 1.5 and write the literature Not available 6
literature review and write the literature literature review
literature review according to an review according to an
according to an assigned review according to an according to an assigned
assigned title. assigned title.
title. assigned title. title.

Excellent development of Good development of Brief development of the Poor development of

the methodology of Six the methodology of Six methodology of Six the methodology of Six
Develop the methodology of Six
Sigma by using DMAIC Sigma by using DMAIC Sigma by using DMAIC Sigma by using DMAIC
Sigma by using DMAIC model by
1 1 1.5 model by adaptation of model by adaptation of model by adaptation of model by adaptation of Not available 6
adaptation of suitable quality tools of
suitable quality tools of suitable quality tools of suitable quality tools of suitable quality tools of
each phase in DMAIC phases.
each phase in DMAIC each phase in DMAIC each phase in DMAIC each phase in DMAIC
phases. phases. phases. phases.

Excellent discussion on the Good discussion on the Fair discussion on the Poor discussion on the
Discuss the advantages of developed advantages of developed advantages of developed advantages of developed advantages of developed
1 1 model by comparing with findings in 1.5 model by comparing with model by comparing model by comparing model by comparing No discussion 6
literature review. findings in literature with findings in with findings in with findings in
review. literature review. literature review. literature review.


Good discussion Poor discussion

Excellent discussion Fair discussion regarding
regarding the impacts regarding the impacts
regarding the impacts and the impacts and benefits
Discuss the impacts and benefits of and benefits of and benefits of
benefits of of implementation Six
implementation Six Sigma toward 1.5 implementation Six implementation Six No discussion 6
implementation Six Sigma Sigma toward
manufacturing or services industries. Sigma toward Sigma toward
toward manufacturing or manufacturing or
manufacturing or manufacturing or
services industries. services industries.
services industries. services industries.

Sufficient journals and Less relevant journals

Some journals and Few journals and articles
articles were referred and and articles were
articles were referred were referred and cited
cited based on APA referred and cited based
1 1 Mechanics of writing 0.5 and cited based on APA based on APA format. No reference 2
format. Very few or no on APA format. High
format. Minor spelling Minor spelling and
spelling and grammatical spelling and grammatical
and grammatical error grammatical error
error error

Total 7.5 30



Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsatisfactory Max

QN CLO Criteria Weight
4 3 2 1 0 Marks
Define phase: Define the quality
issue in selected case study industry
Clear and detailed Adequately clear but
by introducing the selected Good description of the Poor description of the
description of the Define brief description of the
2 2 company, review the selected 1 Define Phase Define Phase Not available 4
Phase Define Phase
process and quality issue and
application of the tools as developed
in Part 1.

Measure phase: Measure the quality

Excellent explanation of Good explanation of the Brief explanation of the Weak explanation of the Not available
2 2 issue by application of the selected 1.5 6
the Measure Phase Measure Phase Measure Phase Measure Phase
tools as developed in Part 1.

Analyse phase: Analysing the quality Clear and somewhat Clear but brief
Excellent explanation of Poor explanation of the
2 2 issue by application of the selected 1.5 detailed explanation of explanation of the Not available 6
the Analyse Phase Analyse Phase
tools as developed in Part 1. the Analyse Phase Analyse Phase

Improve phase: Improving the

quality issue by application of the
Excellent explanation of Good explanation of the Fair explanation of the Weak explanation of the
2 2 selected tools as developed in Part 1 1.5 No available 6
the Improve Phase Improve Phase Improve Phase Improve Phase
and compare the result of

Control phase: Discuss how to

control the improvement program by Excellent discussion Good discussion Poor discussion
Fair discussion regarding
application of the selected tools as 1.5 regarding the Control regarding the Control regarding the Control No available 6
the Control Phase
developed in Part 1 and highlighted Phase Phase Phase
the lesson-learned.


Sufficient journals and Less relevant journals

Some journals and Few journals and articles
articles were referred and and articles were
articles were referred were referred and cited
cited based on APA referred and cited based
2 2 Mechanics of writing 0.5 and cited based on APA based on APA format. No reference 2
format. Very few or no on APA format. High
format. Minor spelling Minor spelling and
spelling and grammatical spelling and grammatical
and grammatical error grammatical error
error error

Total 7.5 30

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