Gosmatch: Graph-Of-Semantics Matching For Detecting Loop Closures in 3D Lidar Data

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2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)

October 25-29, 2020, Las Vegas, NV, USA (Virtual)

GOSMatch: Graph-of-Semantics Matching for Detecting Loop Closures

in 3D LiDAR data
Yachen Zhu1 , Yanyang Ma1 , Long Chen1 , Cong Liu1 , Maosheng Ye2 , and Lingxi Li3

Abstract— Detecting loop closures in 3D Light Detection and Inspired by the way humans identify places, we propose
Ranging (LiDAR) data is a challenging task since point-level a novel approach that utilizes semantic objects in the scenes
methods always suffer from instability. This paper presents a to detect loop closures. A couple of novel global and local
semantic-level approach named GOSMatch to perform reliable
place recognition. Our method leverages novel descriptors, descriptors formed by these semantic objects are introduced.
which are generated from the spatial relationship between The global descriptors are designed to efficiently seek the top
semantics, to perform frame description and data association. similar loop candidates and the local descriptors are used to
We also propose a coarse-to-fine strategy to efficiently search for calculate the one-to-one correspondences of the semantics
loop closures. Besides, GOSMatch can give an accurate 6-DOF in two point clouds. A geometric verification step is then
initial pose estimation once a loop closure is confirmed. Exten-
sive experiments have been conducted on the KITTI odometry exploited to identify loop closures.
dataset and the results show that GOSMatch can achieve robust To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that
loop closure detection performance and outperform existing leverages object-level semantics to detect loop closures in
methods. 3D laser data. The main contributions of this paper are
summarized as follows:
• We propose GOSMatch, an object-based approach for
Loop closure detection is a problem associated with iden- reliable place recognition in the urban driving environment
tifying places visited previously. It is a crucial part of Simul- based on LiDAR-only observations.
taneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). During SLAM, • New kinds of global and local descriptors are investi-
pairwise scan matching odometry inevitably accumulates gated for efficiently two-step loop searching, which encode
pose drift. Reliable loop closure detection is a key technique spatial relationship between semantic objects.
for SLAM systems to correct the drift error [1]. Though • We perform extensive experimental validation against
many vision-based methods have been proposed in recent other state-of-the-art methods on a large public dataset and
years [2]–[4], it may draw unreliable results in the cases also publish the implementation of GOSMatch at https:
of dramatic changes on illumination [5] or viewpoint [6]. //github.com/zhuyachen/GOSMatch.
LiDAR, unlike cameras [7], senses the surrounding environ- The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section II
ment by generating high resolution 3D points with accurate reviews the previous literature our work relates to. Next, we
measurements. It can work under unfavorable illumination describe the presented loop closure detection framework in
conditions but also provide more geometric information. Section III. Section IV shows the experiment results on the
Therefore, the LiDAR-based loop closure detection task has KITTI odometry dataset. Finally, we conclude in Section V.
attracted significant research attention.
Generally, traditional LiDAR-based methods use local II. RELATED WORK
keypoints [8]–[11] or other global features [12]–[18] to
extract pointwise descriptors from point clouds and sub- Although detecting loop closures from 3D point clouds
sequently compare the descriptor of the query scan with has been intensively studied in the past decades, it remains
the descriptors of historical scans to finally recognize the an open problem in SLAM systems.
previously-visited places. These types of approaches place
much emphasis on local details but ignore high-level feature A. Traditional LiDAR-based place recognition
constraints. Instead of defining revisited places by geomet- One kind of methods utilize local features for place recog-
ric points or other point-level features, humans understand nition. Bosse and Zlot [8] extract regional shape descrip-
the entire scenes from a more macro perspective [19], by tors from randomly selected keypoints in the point clouds.
recognizing objects and their relative positions in three- Subsequently, a voting strategy is used to find the nearest
dimensional space. neighbor among the keypoints to recognize places. Steder
et al. [9] extract feature description vector of each keypoint
1 Y. Zhu, Y. Ma, L. Chen, and C. Liu are with the School of Data and
in a transformed range image. Then a kd-tree is exploited to
Computer Science, Sun Yat-sen University, China. Corresponding author:
Long Chen. chenl46@mail.sysu.edu.cn process the high dimensional vectors efficiently. To achieve a
2 M. Ye is with the School of Geodesy and Geomatics, Wuhan University,
higher recognition performance, the Normal Aligned Radial
China. Feature (NARF) local descriptor and a bag-of-words (BoW)
3 L. Li is with Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue
School of Engineering and Technology, Indiana University-Purdue Univer- matching approach are employed in their extension work
sity Indianapolis, USA. [10].

978-1-7281-6211-9/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 5151




loop ...

candidates vehicle - vehicle trunk - trunk pole - vehicle


pole - vehicle pole - trunk pole - pole

Fig. 1. The block diagram of GOSMatch. First, we segment the semantics from the raw point cloud. Then, a histogram-based graph descriptor is
established for a fast nearest neighbor search. Note that we omit some edges in the undirected complete graph and we reduce it to a 2D representation for
clarity. Next, we compare the vertex descriptors of the query point cloud and the retrieved candidates, a 6D initial pose estimation and a loss value are
eventually derived from the geometric verification step.

Another kind of typical approaches focus on extracting tive descriptors like edge and planar features from ground
the global representation of point cloud, which are usually points and segmented points respectively. Then, Iterative
presented in the form of histograms, such as VFH [17], ESF Closest Point (ICP) is performed to match feature correspon-
[18] and Z-Projection [16]. An appearance-based method dences when finding a loop closure. Dube et al. propose
[12] is proposed based on the Normal Distribution Transform SegMatch [22] that match clustering segments to obtain
(NDT) algorithm. After discretizing the clouds into cubes, a more general and robust solution for place recognition.
the shape properties of each cell can be determined from the However, SegMatch takes so much computing cost that the
covariance matrix. By combining them, a surface shape his- whole loop closure detection framework can only update at
togram representing the whole cloud can be obtained. Giseop 1 Hz.
Kim [15] proposes Scan Context, a descriptor that encodes
C. Data association with graph representation
the max height of points in each divided bin into a 2D
matrix. Since matching the matrix-type descriptors requires Graph matching plays an important role in coping with
heavy computational cost, Kim extracts ring key from Scan the pairwise data association problem. Specifically, Graph
Context to build kd-tree and speed up the searching process. representation is a usual approach to describe the objects as
He et al. [14] project 3D points on multiview 2D planes and well as their topology. In this case, finding the association of
concatenate all singular vectors derived from these planes as the objects between two places is therefore transformed into
the point cloud descriptor. Rohling et al. [20] propose a 1D calculating the vertices and edges correspondences between
histogram of point range distribution as a global point cloud graphs. However, finding an exact solution to this problem is
descriptor. The Wasserstein metric is then used to compare always NP-hard. Bailey et al. [23] generate a correspondence
the histograms for place recognition. graph and then search maximum clique in it to obtain exact
correspondences between vertices and edges in two graphs.
B. Place recognition based on high-level descriptors However, this method is only suitable for matching graphs
While local descriptors always lack the overall-description with a small-sized number of vertices.
ability and global descriptors suffer from rotational variance To avoid the prohibitive computation cost, it is typical
problem easily, Shan et al. [21] instead extract more distinc- to alternatively use tolerable approximate solutions. One

attempt is to work with a graph kernel based on random one of the six parts by using the edges in E pole−trunk . We
walk technique [24]. For each node in the graph, it generates assume a constant bin count b and an interval I range from
numerous walking sequences as a node descriptor, following the shortest edge length lmin to the possible longest edge
a matching step to find the node-to-node correspondences. length lmax :
Moreover, Fisher et al. [25] use the graph kernel method I = [lmin , lmax ] (1)
proposed in [26] to compare the similarity between relation-
We divide I into mutually exclusive and separated subinter-
ship graphs for scene recognition.
vals, the size of each subinterval can be calculated by the
III. METHOD following formulation:
The block diagram of the proposed method is depicted 1
∆I = (lmax − lmin ) (2)
in Fig. 1. It consists of four main modules: semantic detec- b
tion, graph descriptor generation, vertices matching, and Therefore, each bin corresponds to one of the disjunct
geometric verification. subintervals
Ik = [lmin + k · ∆I, lmin + (k + 1) · ∆I] (3)
A. Semantic Detection
According to [27], valuable semantic features should be Then, this part of graph descriptor formed by E pole−trunk
stable, distinctive and view-independent. We focus on de- can be denoted as:
tecting parked vehicles, trunks, and poles as they are the hpole−trunk = (h0 , h1 , . . . , hb−1 ) (4)
common semantic features with such attributes in the city
road scene. Though the parked vehicle is a kind of potentially
hk = e ∈ E pole−trunk : l(e) ∈ Ik

movable object, which means parked vehicles may move
away and new vehicles may come to stop at some point, Once the other five kinds of edges are processed, the com-
the time interval of each loop closure detection task is plete graph descriptor H graph for point cloud P can be
relatively short in practice. Therefore, in our experiment, we established by concatenating the six parts:
consider the parked vehicles to be as critical as any other H graph = hvehicle−vehicle , . . . , hpole−vehicle

semantic features and we assume that the positions of parked
vehicles in the same place does not change a lot during two graph descriptors for each historical scan are stored in
observations. a database. When coming in a query point cloud, they are
We employ RangeNet++ [28], a state-of-the-art deep learn- used to construct a kd-tree to perform the standard k-nearest
ing architecture specifically designed for the semantic seg- neighbor search algorithm for efficiently searching the top
mentation task in 3D LiDAR data. This end-to-end network similar loop candidates. Then, a list of N possible loop
can classify each point in the original point cloud. It is candidates can be obtained.
important to note that, unlike trunks and poles, it is unable C. Vertices Matching
to determine whether vehicles are parked or moving based In this section, we introduce the vertex descriptor to de-
on one point cloud, thus we utilize a front-end odometry scribe one vertex in the graph. Similar to graph descriptor,
to estimate the speed of the vehicles to simply distinguish vertex descriptor is also histogram-based. The difference is
between moving vehicles and parked vehicles. that the edges considered in vertex descriptor are no longer
Once we get the semantic labels, the Euclidean clustering of the whole graph, but the edges connected to the described
algorithm is performed to retrieve objects. For all objects, we vertex v. To build a vertex descriptor for v ∈ V pole ,
compute their centroids to represent their spatial locations in there are only three kinds of edges need to be considered
the point cloud. because one of the two endpoints that make up a edge have
B. Graph Descriptor Generation been identified to be a pole. Similar to graph descriptor,
one kind of edges can form one of the three parts of the
A single LiDAR scan P is described by an undirected vertex descriptor, which can be described as:
complete graph G =< V , E > , where V , E represents
the vertices set and the edges set respectively. We consider hpole−vehicle = (h0 , h1 , . . . , hb−1 ) (7)
the locations of semantic objects which are gained from where
the semantic detection module as vertices in G while each
hk = e ∈ E pole−vehicle : l(e) ∈ Ik , e ∈ ev

edge eij =< vi , vj > in E represents the Euclidean (8)
distance between the vertex vi and vj . Classified by semantic where ev represents the edges that connected to v. After con-
category, there are three kinds of vertices with different catenating the three parts, the vertex descriptor H vertex
semantic categories in V (vehicle, trunk and pole) and six for v can be finally obtained:
kinds of edges in E (vehicle-vehicle, trunk-trunk, pole-pole,
H vertex = hpole−vehicle , hpole−trunk , hpole−pole

vehicle-trunk, trunk-pole and pole-vehicle). (9)
The whole histogram-based graph descriptor consists of We then match the vertex descriptors in the query point
six parts, which correspond to the six edge types in E. cloud and the ones in the candidate point cloud by Euclidean
For instance, we shall introduce the procedure of calculating distance to find the correspondences.

1 1 1

0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6




0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
GOSMatch-labeled GOSMatch-labeled GOSMatch-labeled
GOSMatch GOSMatch GOSMatch GOSMatch
0.2 Z-projection 0.2 0.2 0.2
Z-projection Z-projection Z-projection
Scan context Scan context Scan context Scan context
0 0 0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Recall Recall Recall Recall
(a) KITTI 00 (b) KITTI 05 (c) KITTI 07 (d) KITTI 08

Fig. 2. Precision-Recall curves for KITTI dataset

D. Geometric Verification Intel Core i7-6820HQ with 16 GB RAM and an Nvidia Titan
This step focuses on selecting a set of geometrically con- X with 12 GB RAM.
sistent correspondences for each loop candidate. A typical A. Dataset and experiment settings
RANSAC-based algorithm is used to refine the correspon- There are a total of 11 sequences with ground truth pose in
dence set [29]. In each RANSAC iteration, we use the the KITTI odometry dataset. We select sequence 00, 05, 07,
SVD method to find a closed-form 6-DOF transformation 08 to evaluate the proposed method as they have loops and
solution to the Absolute Orientation Problem [30]. If this are collected in the urban environment. Among these four
transformation matrix can lead to more inliers, we update it. sequences, 08 is the only one that can be used to test the
For each candidate, we evaluate the loop closure detection rotation-invariance performance of the algorithms because all
loss using the formulation as follows: real loops in sequence 08 are in the opposite direction.
u |C|     2 The RangeNet++ is trained by using the labeled point
c c cloud data from the SemanticKITTI dataset [33], which
T · iq − ic
t i=1 1 1 provides dense point-wise labels for each sequence in KITTI
loss = (10)
|C| odometry dataset. Specifically, For each sequence we picked,
we train one unique model of RangeNet++ by using the
where C represents the refined correspondence set between
remaining 10 sequences.
query scan and its loop candidate, T represents the trans-
There is a situation in the KITTI dataset where the car
formation matrix, ciq and cic represent the i-th 3D points
passes through the same wide crossroads twice, once in
in C that belong to the query scan and the candidate scan
the upper left corner and another time in the lower right
corner. Thus, we consider the detection is a true positive
The candidate scan with the minimum loss lossmin is
loop closure if the Euclidean distance of two places is less
picked to judge that if there exists loop closure according
than 15m. For each query, we exclude a total of 100 scans to
to a threshold β:
 prevent the query scan from matching to its time-neighbors.
true if lossmin < β Z-Projection, as well as VFH, are both surface normal-based
Lβ (Pq , Pc ) = (11) methods, both of them require a normal-computation step.
false otherwise
To facilitate the implementation of the code, we adopt the
Note that the two places are considered as a loop closure second way for Z-Projection to calculate the normals which
only if lossmin is smaller than β and vice versa. Once a loop are mentioned in [16], and the bin number in Z-Projection
closure is confirmed, we regard the transformation matrix as is set to 202. Normal radius is the only parameter for VFH,
the 6-DOF initial pose. and we set it to be 0.03m in this experiment. The candidate
IV. EXPERIMENTS number of Scan Context is set to 50 since Kim et al. [15]
illustrated that it had a better performance. For the remaining
In this section, the proposed graph-based algorithm is parameters of Scan Context, we use the default values
evaluated on the KITTI odometry dataset [31]. We perform proposed in the open-sourced code. Similar to Scan Context,
a comparison with other state-of-the-art loop closure de- we use the parameters mentioned in the available code for
tection algorithms including four global descriptors: VFH, M2DP. Considering the semantic segmentation ability in our
M2DP, Scan Context, and Z-projection. We use the C++ method, we set lmin = 0, lmax = 60, b = 60 and set N = 10
implementation of VFH in the Point Cloud Library (PCL) for all validation datasets.
[32], the open-sourced Matlab code of M2DP and Scan
Context. Moreover, the proposed GOSMatch approach and B. Loop closure detection performance
the Z-projection method are implemented by ourselves on In the first experiment, we assess the performance of
the Matlab platform. All experiments are conducted on an GOSMatch. Fig. 2 shows the precision-recall curves [34].

(a) Query Point Clouds (b) Detected Point Clouds (c) ICP without initial pose (d) Alignments from initial pose (e) ICP with initial pose

Fig. 3. The loop closure detection examples in KITTI 00 for the initial pose accuracy. (a) The frame numbers of the query point cloud are 1415 (up) and
4540 (down). (b) The frame numbers of the detected point cloud are 586 (up) and 116 (down). (c) The ICP registration results without the initial poses.
(d) Align query and detected point clouds using the initial poses. (e) The ICP registration results with the initial poses.


n=0 n=1 n=2 n=3 n=4

KITTI 00 95.36% 94.49% 92.87% 92.61% 89.13%
KITTI 05 74.51% 71.14% 67.74% 55.58% 50.61%
KITTI 07 92.01% 89.21% 87.84% 88.61% 86.14%
KITTI 08 78.44% 77.91% 76.49% 68.64% 66.90%

Note that GOSMatch-labeled uses the point cloud data with benefits from stable descriptors formed by valuable
labels as input while the other five methods use the raw semantics. Such descriptors will not be greatly affected even
point cloud data as input. Methods that are not object- if the viewpoint changes a lot, thus we can perform reliable
based, especially Z-Projection and VFH, have shown poor place recognition.
performance. The reason is that these descriptors heavily
depends on the accuracy of the normal estimation step. C. Noise sensitivity
Besides, these types of descriptors only care about the angles This section focus on evaluating the robustness of GOS-
formed by the normal with the centroid of the point cloud or Match against noise. In this experiment, we choose to
with z-axis direction vectors but ignore the geometric space extract segments directly from the labeled point cloud data
information. In this case, if the probability distribution of provided by SemanticKITTI for avoiding classification noise
normal vectors is similar between two different places, these interference. We randomly remove X objects in each scan to
methods easily derive non-distinctive descriptors. simulate changes in the vehicle positions (e.g. the previously
Scan Context and M2DP perform a comparatively good parked vehicles have driven away) and some misidentifica-
result in our experiment. However, they are unable to handle tions, X is a random variable and X ∼ B(n, 21 ), where n
the challenging KITTI 08 dataset where all loops are gen- means the maximum number of objects that can be removed
erated when the car revisits the same place in the opposite in each scan. We test the effect of different n values on the
direction. Only the rotational invariant algorithms can detect four sequences and we perform 100 runs for each n value
loop closures in this sequence with high performance. M2DP in each sequence. The average recall at 100% precision are
can not successfully detect loop closures in KITTI 08 and presented in TABLE I.
the precision-recall curve of Scan Context also decreases
dramatically. D. Initial pose accuracy
Overall, GOSMatch performs slightly worse than The goal of this section is to evaluate the initial pose
GOSMatch-labeled as the effect of the point classification obtained from GOSMatch. To get more reliable registration
errors from RangeNet++. Even so, both of them exhibit results, the initial pose can be provided to ICP. Some
significant robustness and competitive rotation-invariance examples from KITTI 00 are depicted in Fig. 3. In Fig. 3 (e),
performance comparing with other methods. Our approach the results show that query and detected point clouds can be

(a) KITTI 00 (b) KITTI 05 (c) KITTI 07 (d) KITTI 08

Fig. 4. Computation time for each KITTI sequence

(a) KITTI 00 (b) KITTI 05 (c) KITTI 07 (d) KITTI 08

Fig. 5. ICP point-to-point RMSE for each KITTI sequence

detection step, so we separately show the time of calculating
the two graphical descriptors and the time of semantic
Descriptors Loop Total time detection. In addition, only the semantic detection module
calculation searching per scan in our method is performed on the GPU, all the other
Scan Context 0.0424 0.0514 0.0938
M2DP 0.2461 0.0220 0.2681 experiments are conducted on the CPU. The searching time
Z-Projection 0.4045 0.0201 0.4246 of GOSMatch consists of searching k-nearest neighbors,
VFH 0.5625 0.0379 0.6004 matching vertex descriptors and verifying the geometric
GOSMatch 0.0183 +0.1892* 0.0278 0.2353
*semantic detection execution time consistency. It is important to note that the time GOSMatch
takes depends heavily on the semantic detection module,
therefore a faster object detection algorithm can significantly
successfully registered using the initial poses. However, in improve the execution efficiency of GOSMatch.
Fig. 3 (c), we can see that without the provided initial poses,
the registration procedures of ICP can easily fail. Besides, V. CONCLUSIONS
the initial poses obtained from GOSMatch are shown in In this paper, we propose GOSMatch, an algorithm for
Fig. 3 (d). The alignment results using the initial poses are detecting loop closures in 3D point clouds based on two
close to results which are optimized by the ICP algorithm, graphical descriptors. One is designed for efficiently search-
revealing the high accuracy of the estimated initial pose. ing the similar loop candidates from the historical point
The experimental results indicate that GOSMatch is able to clouds, the other one is for further meticulous matching to
predict a precise initial pose when detecting a loop closure. give a solution to vertex-to-vertex correspondences between
In our experiment, we also test and verify the effect of two places. Unlike the previous works, our method performs
the initial pose on the performance of ICP. The computation at a semantic level which is not only robust to environment
time and point-to-point RMSE of ICP with and without the changes but also able to give an accurate 6D initial pose esti-
initial pose is given in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 respectively. The mation. The results of the exhaustive evaluation experiments
ICP registration procedure benefits a lot from the initial pose show the potential of using relative position relationship
GOSMatch provided. between objects, which is significantly helpful for reliable
E. Computational complexity loop closure detection.
The computational requirements for different methods
are evaluated on KITTI 00 and the concrete results are
shown in Table II. Because our method is different from This work is supported by National Key R&D Program of
traditional methods in that GOSMatch requires a semantic China under Grant 2018YFB1305002.

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