Cover Focus I - The Secret To A Satisfied Patient
Cover Focus I - The Secret To A Satisfied Patient
Cover Focus I - The Secret To A Satisfied Patient
Cover Focus I—
The Secret to a
Satisfied Patient
Walter Bethke, Managing Editor
W ith technical skill ean-P aul S artre once w rote, Medical Group Management Asso
seen as a given,
com m u nicatio n
J “Hell is other people,” and the ciation, so we have a large database
patients who fill out satisfaction of patient responses,” she says. “After
surveys would agree. Despite medidoing a regression analysis of our sur
cine’s cutting-edge technology and vey data, we identified the key driv
excellent technical outcomes, time ers for both overall satisfaction with a
skills c o m e to the and again its the practice as well as
personal interac the likelihood of
tion with doctors recommending a
an d sta ff— th e F e e lin g lis te n e d -
doctor to others.
o th er p eo p le— to c o r r e la te s h ig h ly The number-one
that patients fa cto r was th e
d e f i n e as t he w it h a w illin g n e s s .
provider listen
deciding factor to r e c o m m e n d a £ ing to the patient.
influencing their S | j k e c' Patients feeling
satisfaction with p r a c tic e .” l l l i S listened-to cor
their care. When relates especially
a staff member is highly with a will
brusque, things ingness to recom
aren’t explained properly or wait times mend a practice. The second-highest
seem long, patients take note. To find factor is ‘The doctor had respect for
out what surveys have identified as what the patient had to say.’ ” Mrs.
key factors influencing satisfaction, Luallin has distilled her learnings
and how some practices may be able about ways to improve the patient ex
to improve satisfaction, read on. perience into the acronym CLEAR,
or Connect, Listen, Explain, Ask and
Communication Arts Reconnect. (Specific actions that fall
under the CLEAR subject areas ap
Meryl Luallin, a partner at the Sul- pear in Table 1, pp. 22.)
livanLuallin Group, a firm that helps Jeff Machat, MD, an anterior seg
practices improve the patient experi ment surgeon in Toronto, says listen
ence, says that analyzing the 20 years ing to patients is key during an initial
of surveying has taught her some les consultation about LASIK. “People
sons. “We’re the preferred vendor who are nearsighted will tell you that
for patient satisfaction surveys for the they don’t have a problem with read-
S u rg ic a l S a tis fa c tio n