Asme Sec I PT PG General 2005 PDF

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GENERAL (g) Adequate safety relief valves and controls are pro-
The requirements of Part PG apply to power boilers
and high pressure, high-temperature water boilers and PG-3 REFERENCED STANDARDS
to parts and appurtenances thereto and shall be used in Specific editions of standards referenced in this Section
conjunction with the specific requirements in the applica- are shown in A-360.
ble Parts of this Section that pertain to the methods of
construction used.

Either U.S. Customary units or SI units may be used

for compliance with all requirements of this edition, but
PG-2.1 The rules of this Section are applicable to the one system shall be used consistently throughout for all
following services: phases of construction.
(a) boilers in which steam or other vapor is generated Either the U.S. Customary units or SI units that are
at a pressure of more than 15 psig (100 kPa) listed in Mandatory Appendix II are identified in the text,
(b) high-temperature water boilers intended for opera- or are identified in the nomenclature for equations, shall
tion at pressures exceeding 160 psig (1.1 MPa) and/or be used consistently for all phases of construction (e.g.,
temperatures exceeding 250°F (120°C) materials, design, fabrication, and reports). Since values
PG-2.2 For services below those specified in PG-2.1 in the two systems are not exact equivalents, each system
it is intended that rules of Section IV apply; however, shall be used independently of the other without mixing
boilers for such services may be constructed and stamped U.S. Customary units and SI units.
in accordance with this Section provided all applicable When SI units are selected, U.S. Customary values in
requirements are met. referenced specifications that do not contain SI units shall
be converted to SI values to at least three significant
PG-2.3 Coil-type hot water boilers where the water figures for use in calculations and other aspects of con-
can flash into steam when released directly to the atmo- struction.
sphere through a manually operated nozzle may be
exempted from the rules of this Section provided the
following conditions are met:
(a) There is no drum, header, or other steam space. MATERIALS
(b) No steam is generated within the coil. PG-5 GENERAL
(c) Tubing outside diameter does not exceed 1 in. PG-5.1 Material subject to stress due to pressure shall
(25 mm). conform to one of the specifications given in Section II
(d) Pipe size does not exceed NPS 3⁄4 (DN 20). and shall be limited to those that are listed in the Tables
(e) Nominal water capacity does not exceed 6 gal of Section II, Part D, except as otherwise permitted in
(23 L). PG-8.2, PG-8.3, PG-10, and PG-11. Materials shall not
(f) Water temperature does not exceed 350°F (175°C). be used at temperatures above those for which stress


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PG-5.1 2004 SECTION I PG-8.1

values are limited, for Section I construction, in the Tables of combustion, shall be of pressure vessel quality in accor-
of Section II, Part D. Specific additional requirements dance with one of the following specifications:
described in PG-5 through PG-13 shall be met as appli-
SA-202 Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Chro-
PG-5.2 Material covered by specifications in Section SA-204 Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Molyb-
II is not restricted as to the method of production unless denum
so stated in the specification, and as long as the product SA-240 (Type 405 only) Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy
complies with the requirements of the specification. Steel (Ferritic Stainless), Chromium
PG-5.3 If, in the development of the art of boiler SA-285 Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, Low-and
construction, it is desired to use materials other than those Intermediate-Tensile Strength
herein described, data should be submitted to the Boiler SA-299 Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, Manga-
and Pressure Vessel Committee in accordance with the nese-Silicon
requirements of Appendix 5 of Section II, Part D. Material SA-302 Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Manga-
not completely identified with any approved Code speci- nese-Molybdenum and Manganese-Molybdenum-
fications may be used in the construction of boilers under Nickel
the conditions outlined in PG-10. SA-387 Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, Chro-

PG-5.4 Size Limits and Tolerances SA-515 Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, for Inter-
PG-5.4.1 Materials outside the limits of size or mediate- and Higher-Temperature Service
thickness given in the title or scope clause of any specifi- SA-516 Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, for Mod-
cation in Section II may be used if the material is in erate- and Lower-Temperature Service
compliance with the other requirements of the specifica- SA/AS 1548 Steel Plates for Pressure Equipment
tion, and no similar limitation is given in the rules for SA/EN-10028-2 Flat Products Made of Steels for Pres-
construction. sure Purposes
PG-5.4.2 Pipe having a tolerance of ±1% on either SA/JIS G3118 Carbon Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels
the O.D. or the I.D., rather than the tolerance specified for Intermediate and Moderate Temperature Service
in the material specification, may be used, provided the
material complies with all other requirements of the speci-
fications. When used under external pressure, such pipe PG-7 FORGINGS
shall be limited to a maximum of 24 in. (600 mm) in PG-7.1 Seamless steel drum forgings made in accor-
diameter. The pipe shall include the designation 1% O.D. dance with SA-266 for Carbon-Steel and SA-336 for
or 1% I.D., as appropriate, in any required documentation Alloy Steel may be used for any part of a boiler for which
and marking of the material. pressure vessel quality is specified or permitted.
PG-5.5 The use of austenitic alloy steel is permitted PG-7.2 Forged flanges, fittings, nozzles, valves, and
for boiler pressure parts that are steam touched in normal other pressure parts of the boiler shall be of material that
operation. Except as specifically provided in PG-9.1.1, conforms to one of the forging specifications as listed
PG-12, and PEB-5.3, the use of such austenitic alloys for in PG-9.
boiler pressure parts that are water wetted in normal
PG-7.3 Drums, shells, or domes may be of seamless
service is prohibited.1
drawn construction, with or without integral heads, pro-
vided the material conforms to the requirements of the
PG-6 PLATE Code for shell material.
PG-6.1 Steel plates for any part of a boiler subject
to pressure, whether or not exposed to the fire or products
Austenitic alloys are susceptible to intergranular corrosion and stress PG-8.1 Except for the limited usage permitted by
corrosion cracking when used in boiler applications in water wetted PG-8.2 and PG-8.3, cast material used in the construction
service. Factors that affect the sensitivity to these metallurgical phenom-
ena are applied or residual stress and water chemistry. Susceptibility of vessels and vessel parts shall conform to one of the
to attack is usually enhanced by using the material in a stressed condition specifications listed in PG-9 for which maximum allow-
with a concentration of corrosive agents (e.g., chlorides, caustic, or able stress values are given in Tables 1A and 1B of
reduced sulfer species). For successful operation in water environments,
residual and applied stresses must be minimized and careful attention Section II, Part D. The allowable stress values shall be
must be paid to continuous control of water chemistry. multiplied by the applicable casting quality factor given

Copyright ASME International

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in PG-25 for all cast materials except cast iron. this paragraph for which maximum allowable stresses are
When cast iron is used as allowed in PG-11.1 for given in Tables 1A and 1B of Section II, Part D. The
standard pressure parts, it shall conform to one of these stress values given in these tables include the applicable
standards: joint efficiency factor for welded pipes and tubes.
ASME B16.1, Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Open-hearth, electric furnace, or basic oxygen steel
Fittings shall be used for boiler pressure parts exposed to the
ASME B16.4, Cast Iron Threaded Fittings fire or products of combustion. When used for internal
Material conforming to ASTM A 126 may be used pressure, the material stress and dimensions shall meet
subject to all requirements of the particular standard. Such the appropriate requirements of PG-27 and Part PW and
usage is subject also to all the requirements for the use be in accordance with the following:
of cast iron given in PG-8.2 and other paragraphs of this
PG-9.1 Boiler parts shall be of the following specifi-
cations only:
PG-8.2 Cast Iron
SA-53 Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe (excluding gal-
PG-8.2.1 Cast iron shall not be used for nozzles
or flanges attached directly to the boiler for any pressure
SA-105 Forgings, Carbon Steel, for Piping Components
or temperature.
SA-106 Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High-Tempera-
PG-8.2.2 Cast iron as designated in SA-278, Gray ture Service
Iron Castings for Pressure-Containing Parts for Tempera- SA-178 Electric-Resistance-Welded Carbon Steel
tures up to 650°F (345°C) may be used for boiler and Boiler Tubes
superheater connections under pressure, such as pipe fit- SA-181 Forged or Rolled Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged
tings, water columns, valves and their bonnets, for pres- Fittings, and Valves and Parts for General Service
sures up to 250 psi (1.7 MPa), provided the steam SA-182 Forged or Rolled Alloy-Steel Pipe Flanges,
temperature does not exceed 450°F (230°C). Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts for High-Tem-
PG-8.3 Cast Nodular Iron. Cast nodular iron as des- perature Service (ferritic only)
ignated in SA-395 may be used for boiler and superheater SA-192 Seamless Carbon Steel Boiler Tubes for High

connections under pressure, such as pipe fittings, water Pressure Service

columns, and valves and their bonnets, for pressures not to SA-209 Seamless Carbon-Molybdenum Alloy-Steel
exceed 350 psi (2.5 MPa), provided the steam temperature Boiler and Superheater Tubes
does not exceed 450°F (230°C). SA-210 Seamless Medium Carbon Steel Boiler and
04 PG-8.4 Nonferrous. Bronze castings shall conform Superheater Tubes
to SB-61, SB-62, and SB-148, and may be used only for SA-213 Seamless Ferritic and Austenitic Alloy-Steel
the following: Boiler, Superheater and Heat Exchanger Tubes (fer-
ritic only)
PG-8.4.1 For flanges and flanged or threaded fit- SA-216 Carbon Steel Castings Suitable for Fusion
tings complying with the pressure and temperature Welding for High-Temperature Service
requirements of ANSI B16.15 or B16.24, except that such SA-217 Alloy-Steel Castings for Pressure-Containing
fittings shall not be used where steel or other material is Parts Suitable for High-Temperature Service
specifically required. Threaded fittings shall not be used SA-234 Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and
where flanged types are specified. Alloy Steel for Moderate and Elevated Temperatures
04 PG- For valves at allowable stress values SA-250 Electric-Resistance-Welded Ferritic Alloy-
not to exceed those given in Table 1B of Section II, Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes
Part D, with maximum allowable temperatures of 550°F SA-266 Carbon Steel Seamless Drum Forgings
(290°C) for SB-61 and SB-148, and 406°F (208°C) for SA-268 Seamless and Welded Ferritic Stainless Steel
SB-62. Tubing for General Service
PG- For parts of safety valves or safety SA-335 Seamless Ferritic Alloy Steel Pipe for High-
relief valves subject to limitations of PG-67.7. Temperature Service
SA-336 Alloy Steel Seamless Drum Forgings (ferritic
PG-9 PIPES, TUBES, AND PRESSURE- SA-423 Seamless and Electric Welded Low Alloy Steel
Pipes, tubes, and pressure-containing parts used in boil- SA-660 Centrifugally Cast Carbon Steel Pipe for High-
ers shall conform to one of the specifications listed in Temperature Service

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PG-9.1 2004 SECTION I PG-9.4

SA-731 Seamless, Welded Ferritic, and Martensitic SB-166 Nickel-Chromium Iron Alloys (UNS N06600,
Stainless Steel Pipe N06601, N06690, and N06045) and Nickel-Chro-
PG-9.1.1 Boiler parts on once-through boilers shall mium-Cobalt-Molybdenum Alloy (UNS N06617)
be any of the specifications listed in PG-9.1 or any of Rod, Bar, and Wire
the following2: SB-167 Nickel-Chromium Iron Alloys (UNS N06600,
N06601, N06690, N06025, and N06045) Seamless
SB-407 Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Seamless Pipe Pipe and Tube
and Tube SB-168 Nickel-Chromium Iron Alloys (UNS N06600,
SB-408 Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Rod and Bar N06601, N06690, N06026, and N06045) and Nickel-
SB-409 Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Plate, Sheet, Chromium-Cobalt-Molybdenum Alloy (UNS N06617)
and Strip Plate, Sheet, and Strip
SB-423 Nickel-Iron-Chromium-Molybdenum Seam- SB-366 Factory-Made Wrought Nickel and Nickel
less Pipe and Tube Alloy Fittings
SB-424 Nickel-Iron-Chromium-Molybdenum-Copper SB-407 Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Seamless Pipe
Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip and Tube
SB-425 Nickel-Iron-Chromium-Molybdenum-Copper SB-408 Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Rod and Bar
Alloy Rod and Bar SB-409 Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Plate, Sheet,
SB-515 Welded Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Tubes and Strip
SB-564 Nickel Alloy Forgings SB-423 Nickel-Iron-Chromium-Molybdenum Seam-
PG-9.2 Superheater parts shall be of any one of the less Pipe and Tube
specifications listed in PG-9.1 or one of the following: SB-424 Nickel-Iron-Chromium-Molybdenum-Copper
Alloy Plate, Sheet, and Strip
SA-182 Forged or Rolled Alloy-Steel Pipe Flanges,
SB-425 Nickel-Iron-Chromium-Molybdenum-Copper
Forged Fittings, and Valves and Plates for High-Tem-
Alloy Rod and Bar
perature Service
SB-435 N06002, W06230, and R30556 Plate, Sheet,
SA-213 Seamless Ferritic and Austenitic Alloy Steel
and Strip
Boiler, Superheater and Heat Exchanger Tubes
SB-514 Welded Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Pipe
SA-240 Stainless and Heat-Resisting Chromium and
SB-515 Welded Nickel-Iron-Chromium Alloy Tubes
Chromium-Nickel Steel Plates, Sheet and Strip for
SB-516 Welded Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloy (UNS
Fusion-Welded Unfired Pressure Vessels
N06600), UNS N06025, and UNS N06045 Tubes
SA-249 Welded Austenitic Steel Boiler, Superheater,
SB-517 Welded Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloy (UNS
Heat Exchanger, and Condenser Tubes
N06600), UNS N06025, and UNS N06045 Pipe
SA-250 Electric-Resistance-Welded Ferritic Alloy-
SB-564 Nickel Alloy Forgings
Steel Boiler and Superheater Tubes
SB-572 Nickel-Molybdenum-Chromium-Iron Alloy
SA-312 Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless
Steel Pipe
SB-619 Welded Nickel and Nickel-Cobalt Alloy Pipe
SA-336 Alloy Steel Seamless Drum Forgings
SB-622 Seamless Nickel and Nickel-Cobalt Alloy Pipe
SA-351 Ferritic and Austenitic Steel Castings for High-
and Tube
Temperature Service
SB-626 Welded Nickel and Nickel-Cobalt Alloy Tube
SA-369 Ferritic Alloy Steel Forged and Bored Pipe for
High-Temperature Service PG-9.3 Copper or copper alloy pipe or tubes shall
SA-376 Seamless Austenitic Steel Pipe for High-Tem- not be used in the boiler proper for any service where the
perature Central-Station Service temperature exceeds 406°F (208°C). Copper and copper
SA-430 Austenitic Steel Forged and Bored Pipe for alloys shall be seamless, having a thickness not less than
High-Temperature Service ANSI Schedule 40 standard pipe, and shall comply to one
SA-479 Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Bars and of the following specifications: SB-42, Seamless Copper
Shapes for Use in Boilers and Other Pressure Vessels Pipe, Standard Sizes; SB-43, Seamless Red Brass Pipe,
SA-731 Seamless, Welded Ferritic, and Martensitic Standard Sizes; SB-75, Seamless Copper Tube; or
Stainless Steel Pipe SB-111, Copper and Copper-Alloy Seamless Condenser
SB-163 Seamless Nickel and Nickel Alloy Condenser Tubes and Ferrule Stock.
and Heat Exchanger Tubes
PG-9.4 Bimetallic tubes, having a core of an accept-
The maximum recommended feedwater-dissolved solids concentra- able boiler and superheater material, and having an exter-
tion for once-through boilers is 0.050 ppm. nal cladding of another metal alloy, may be used provided


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the requirements of PG- are met for establishing by the permitted specification, with documentation show-
minimum thickness of the core. The permissible variation ing the requirements to which the material was produced
in wall thickness tolerance of SA-450 or SB-163, as and purchased, and which demonstrates that there is no
applicable, shall apply to the total wall thickness. The conflict with the requirements of the permitted specifica-
thickness and over and undertolerances of the cladding tion, has been furnished to the boiler or part manufacturer.
shall be included in the ordering information. Marking of PG- A certification that the material was
the bimetallic tubular product shall meet the specification manufactured and tested in accordance with the require-
requirements of the core material, but shall also suitably ments of the specification to which the material is recerti-
identify the cladding alloy. fied, excluding the specific marking requirements, has
PG-9.5 ERW products shall be limited to a maximum been furnished to the boiler or part manufacturer, together
thickness of 1⁄2 in. (13 mm) for internal pressure applica- with copies of all documents and test reports pertinent
tions. For external pressure applications, ERW products to the demonstration of conformance to the requirements
shall be limited to a maximum thickness of 1⁄2 in. (13 mm) of the permitted specification.
and a maximum size of NPS 24 (DN 600). The thickness PG- The material, and the Certificate
and diameter limitations noted above shall be within toler- of Compliance or the Material Test Report have been
ances stated by the product material specification. identified with the designation of the specification to
04 PG-9.6 In addition to other materials permitted by which the material is recertified and with the notation
this Section, instrument wells may be fabricated from “Certified per PG-10.”
one of the following titanium alloys: PG-10.1.2 Recertification by the boiler or part man-
(a) SB-265, titanium and titanium alloy strip, sheet, ufacturer:
and plate PG- A copy of the certification by the
(b) SB-338, seamless and welded titanium and tita- material manufacturer of the chemical analysis required
nium alloy tubes for condensers and heat exchangers by the permitted specification, with documentation show-
(c) SB-348, titanium and titanium alloy bars and billets ing the requirements to which the material was produced
(d) SB-861, titanium and titanium alloy seamless pipe and purchased, which demonstrates that there is no con-
(e) SB-862, titanium and titanium alloy welded pipe flict with the requirements of the permitted specification,
is available to the Inspector.
PG-10 MATERIAL IDENTIFIED WITH OR PG- For applications in which the maxi-
PRODUCED TO A SPECIFICATION mum allowable stresses are subject to a note of Table
NOT PERMITTED BY THIS 1A of Section II, Part D, requiring the use of killed
SECTION, AND MATERIAL NOT steel, documentation is available to the Inspector that
FULLY IDENTIFIED establishes that the material is a killed steel.
PG-10.1 Identified With Complete Certification PG- Documentation is available to the
From the Material Manufacturer. Material identified Inspector that demonstrates that the metallurgical struc-
with a specification not permitted by this Section, or ture, mechanical property, and hardness requirements of
material procured to chemical composition requirements the permitted specification have been met.
and identified to a single production lot as required by a

PG- For material recertified to a permit-
permitted specification may be accepted as satisfying the ted specification that requires a fine austenitic grain size
requirements of a specification permitted by this Section or that requires that a fine grain practice be used during
provided the conditions set forth in PG-10.1.1 or melting, documentation is available to the Inspector that
PG-10.1.2 are satisfied. demonstrates that the heat treatment requirements of the
PG-10.1.1 Recertification by an organization other permitted specification have been met, or will be met
than the boiler or part manufacturer: during fabrication.
PG- All requirements, including but not PG- The material has marking, accept-
limited to, melting method, melting practice, deoxidation, able to the Inspector, for identification to the documen-
quality, and heat treatment, of the specification permitted tation.
by this Section, to which the material is to be recertified, PG- When the conformance of the mate-
have been demonstrated to have been met. rial with the permitted specification has been established,
PG- A copy of the certification by the the material has been marked as required by the permitted
material manufacturer of the chemical analysis required specification.

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PG-10.2 2004 SECTION I PG-11

PG-10.2 Material Identified to a Particular Pro- PG-10.3 Material Not Fully Identified. Material
duction Lot as Required by a Specification Permitted which cannot be qualified under the provisions of either
by This Section but That Cannot Be Qualified Under PG-10.1 or PG-10.2, such as material not fully identified
PG-10.1. Any material identified to a particular produc- as required by the permitted specification or as unidenti-
tion lot as required by a specification permitted by this fied material, may be accepted as satisfying the require-
Section, but for which the documentation required in ments of a specification permitted by this Section
PG-10.1 is not available, may be accepted as satisfying provided that the conditions set forth below are satisfied.
the requirements of the specification permitted by this PG-10.3.1 Qualification by an organization other
Section provided that the conditions set forth below are than the boiler or part manufacturer — not permitted.
PG-10.3.2 Qualification by the boiler or part manu-
PG-10.2.1 Recertification by an organization other facturer:
than the boiler or part manufacturer — not permitted.
PG- Each piece is tested to show that it
PG-10.2.2 Recertification by the boiler or part man-
meets the chemical composition for product analysis and
the mechanical properties requirements of the permitted
PG- Chemical analyses are made on dif- specification. Chemical analyses need only be made for
ferent pieces from the lot to establish a mean analysis those elements required by the permitted specification.
which is to be accepted as representative of the lot. The However, consideration shall be given to making analyses
pieces chosen for analyses shall be selected at random for elements not specified in the specification but which
from the lot. The number of pieces selected shall be at would be deleterious if present in excessive amounts. For
least 10% of the number of pieces in the lot, but not less plates, when the direction of final rolling is not known,
than three. For lots of three pieces or less, each piece shall both a transverse and a longitudinal tension test specimen
be analyzed. Each individual analysis in the permitted shall be taken from each sampling location designated in
specification and the mean for each element shall conform the permitted specification. The results of both tests shall
to the heat analysis limits of that specification. Analyses conform to the minimum requirements of the specifica-
need to be made for only those elements required by the tion, but the tensile strength of only one of the two speci-
permitted specification. However, consideration should mens need conform to the maximum requirement.
be given to making analyses for elements not specified
PG- The provisions of PG-,
in the specification but which would be deleterious if
PG-, and PG- are met.
present in excessive amounts.
PG- Mechanical property tests are made PG- When the identity of the material
in accordance with the requirements of the permitted with the permitted specification has been established in
specification and the results of the tests conform to the accordance with PG- and PG-, each piece
specified requirements. (or bundle, etc., if permitted in the specification) is
marked with a marking giving the permitted specification
PG- For applications in which the maxi- number and grade, type, or class as applicable and a
mum allowable stresses are subject to a note of Table serial number identifying the particular lot of material.
1A of Section II, Part D, requiring the use of killed A suitable report, clearly marked as being a “Report on
steel, documentation is available to the Inspector which Tests of Nonidentified Material,” shall be completed and
establishes that the material is a killed steel. certified by the boiler or part manufacturer. This report,
PG- When the requirements of the per- when accepted by the Inspector, shall constitute authority
mitted specification include metallurgical structure to use the material in lieu of material procured to the
requirements (i.e., fine austenitic grain size), tests are requirements of the permitted specification.
made and the results are sufficient to establish that those
requirements of the specification have been met.
PG- When the requirements of the per- PG-11 MISCELLANEOUS PRESSURE
mitted specification include heat treatment, the material PARTS
is heat treated in accordance with those requirements, Prefabricated or preformed pressure parts for boilers
either prior to or during fabrication. which are subject to allowable working stresses due to
PG- When the conformance of the mate- internal or external pressure in the boiler and which are
rial with the permitted specification has been established, furnished by other than the shop of the Manufacturer
the material has been marked as required by the permitted responsible for the completed boiler shall conform to all
specification. applicable requirements of the Code for the completed


Copyright ASME International

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No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale

boiler, including inspection in the shop of the parts manu- Part D, provided they are suitable for the purpose intended
facturer and the furnishing of Manufacturer’s Partial Data and meet the approval of the Inspector. The Manufacturer
Reports as provided for in PG-112.2.4 except as permitted of the completed vessel shall satisfy himself that the part
in PG-11.1, PG-11.2, and PG-11.3. is suitable for the design conditions specified for the
completed vessel.
PG-11.1 Cast, Forged, Rolled, or Die-Formed Stan-
dard Pressure Parts PG-11.2 Cast, Forged, Rolled, or Die-Formed Non-
PG-11.1.1 Pressure parts such as pipe fittings, standard Pressure Parts. Pressure parts such as shells,
valves, flanges, nozzles, welding necks, welding caps, heads, removable and access opening cover plates, that
manhole frames and covers, and casings of pumps that are wholly formed by casting, forging, rolling, or die
are part of a boiler circulating system that are wholly forming, may be supplied basically as materials. All such
formed by casting, forging, rolling, or die forming shall parts shall be made of materials permitted under this
not require inspection, mill test reports, or Partial Data Section, and the manufacturer of the part shall furnish
Reports. Standard pressure parts that comply with some mill test reports or other acceptable evidence to that effect.
ASME Standard3 shall be made of materials permitted Such parts shall be marked with the name or trademark
by this Section or of materials specifically listed in an of the parts manufacturer and with such other markings
ASME product standard listed elsewhere in this Section as will serve to identify the particular parts with accompa-
but not of materials specifically prohibited or beyond use nying material identification. The Manufacturer of the
limitations listed in this Section. Standard pressure parts completed boiler shall satisfy himself that the part is
that comply with a manufacturer’s standard4,5 shall be suitable for the design conditions specified for the com-
made of materials permitted by this Section. Such parts pleted boiler.
shall be marked with the name or trademark of the parts
PG-11.3 Welded Standard Pressure Parts for Use
manufacturer and such other markings as are required by
Other Than the Shell of a Vessel.6 Pressure parts such
the standard. Such markings shall be considered as the
as welded standard pipe fittings, caps, valves, and flanges
parts manufacturer’s certification that the product com-
that are fabricated by one of the welding processes recog-
plies with the material specifications and standards indi-
nized by this Section shall not require inspection, mill
cated and is suitable for service at the rating indicated.
test reports, or Manufacturers’ Partial Data Reports pro-
The intent of the paragraph will have been met if, in
lieu of the detailed marking on the part itself, the parts
described herein have been marked in any permanent or PG-11.3.1 Standard pressure parts that comply
temporary manner that will serve to identify the part with with some ASME product standard4 shall be made of
the parts manufacturer’s written listing of the particular materials permitted by this Section or of materials spe-

items and such listings are available for examination by cifically listed in an ASME product standard accepted
the Inspector. and listed elsewhere in this Section but not of materials
specifically prohibited or beyond use limitations listed in
PG-11.1.2 Parts of small size falling within this
this Section. Standard pressure parts that comply with a
category for which it is difficult or impossible to obtain
manufacturer’s standard4,5 shall be made of materials
identified material or that may be stocked and for which
permitted by this Section.
mill test reports or certificates cannot be economically
obtained and are not customarily furnished, and that do PG-11.3.2 Welding for pressure parts that comply
not appreciably affect the safety of the vessel, may be with a manufacturer’s standard4,5 shall comply with the
used for relatively unimportant part or parts stressed to requirements of PW-26 through PW-39. Welding for
not more than 50% of the stress value permitted by this pressure parts that comply with some ASME product
Section, and listed in Tables 1A and 1B of Section II, standard3 shall comply with the requirements of PW-26
through PW-39 or, as a minimum, may comply with
These are pressure parts that comply with some ASME product the welding requirements of SA-234. Markings where
standard accepted by reference in PG-42. The ASME product standard applicable, or certification by the parts manufacturer
establishes the basis for the pressure–temperature rating and marking. where markings are not applicable shall be accepted as
These are pressure parts that comply with a parts manufacturer’s
standard that defines the pressure–temperature rating marked on the part
and described in the parts manufacturer’s literature. The Manufacturer of
the completed vessel shall satisfy himself that the part is suitable for Fusion-welded pipe, with added filler metal, for use as the shell of
the design conditions of the completed vessel. the vessel shall be subject to the same requirements as a shell fabricated
Pressure parts may be in accordance with an ASME product standard from plate, including inspection at the point of manufacture and Manu-
not covered by footnote 4, but such parts shall satisfy the requirements facturers’ Partial Data Reports.
applicable to a parts manufacturer’s standard and footnote 6. For requirements for welded water columns, see PW-42.

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PG-11.3.2 2004 SECTION I PG-16.2.1

evidence of compliance with the above welding require- (a) the “rivet bend tests” for SA-31 Grade B, para.
ments. Such parts shall be marked as required by 6.1.2
PG-11.1.1. (b) the “rivet flattening tests” for SA-31 Grades A and
PG-11.3.3 If radiographic examination or heat B, para. 6.2
treatment is required by the applicable rules of this Sec- (c) the “bar bend tests” for SA-31 Grade B, para. 6.4.2
tion, it may be performed either in the plant of the parts PG- The following paragraphs of SA-
manufacturer or in the plant of the Manufacturer of the 31 shall be applicable to the additional mechanical proper-
completed vessel. ties tests:
If the radiographic examination is done under the con- (a) paragraph 9, Number of Tests and Retests
trol of the parts manufacturer, the completed radiographs, (b) paragraph 10, Specimen Preparation
properly identified, with a radiographic inspection report, (c) paragraph 11, Test Methods
shall be forwarded to the vessel manufacturer and shall (d) paragraph 12, Inspection
be available to the Authorized Inspector. (e) paragraph 13, Rejection and Reheating
PG-11.3.4 If heat treatment is performed at the PG-14.1.2 When rivets made from SA-36 bar are
plant of the parts manufacturer, certification by the parts substituted for those made from SA-31, the design
manufacturer that such treatment was performed shall be stresses for SA-31 Grade B shall apply.
accepted as evidence of compliance with applicable Code PG-14.2 In computing the ultimate strength of rivets
paragraphs. This certification shall be available to the in shear, the following shear stresses in ksi (MPa) of the
Authorized Inspector. The Manufacturer of the completed cross-sectional area of the rivet shank shall be used:
vessel shall satisfy himself that the part is suitable for (a) Steel rivets, SA-31 Grade A, in single shear,
the design conditions specified for the completed vessel. 44.0 (305)
(b) Steel rivets, SA-31 Grade A, in double shear,
88.0 (605)
PG-12 GAGE GLASS BODY AND (c) Steel rivets, SA-31 Grade B, in single shear,
Gage glass body and connector materials shall comply (d) Steel rivets, SA-31 Grade B, in double shear,
with a Manufacturer’s standard that defines the pressure– 104.0 (715)

temperature rating marked on the unit. The materials used The cross-sectional area used in the computations shall
may include austenitic stainless steel. be that of the rivet after driving.


Threaded stays shall be of steel complying with SA-36
PG-16.1 The design of power boilers, high-tempera-
or SA-675.
ture water boilers, and other pressure parts included
Seamless steel tubes for threaded stays shall comply
within the scope of these rules shall conform to the gen-
with SA-192 or SA-210.
eral design requirements in the following paragraphs and
Staybolts, stays, through-rods, or stays with ends for
in addition to the specific requirements for design given
attachment by fusion welding shall comply with SA-36
in the applicable Parts of this Section that pertain to the
or SA-675.
methods of construction used.
PG-16.2 When the pressure parts of a forced-flow
A05 PG-14 RIVETS steam generator with no fixed steam and waterline are
designed for different pressure levels as permitted in
PG-14.1 Rivets shall conform to SA-31, Specification
PG-21.2, the owner shall provide or cause to be provided
for Steel Rivets and Bars for Rivets, Pressure Vessels.
a boiler pressure system design diagram, certified by a
PG-14.1.1 In lieu of SA-31, it is permissible to Professional Engineer experienced in the mechanical
substitute bar which is converted to rivets from SA-36, design of power plants, which supplies the following
Specification for Carbon Structure Steel, under the condi- information.
tions specified in PG- and PG- PG-16.2.1 The relative location of the various pres-
PG- In addition to compliance with SA- sure parts within the scope of Section I, with respect to
36, the bar shall comply with the path of water-steam flow.

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PG-16.2.2 A line showing the expected maximum Maximum Allowable Working Pressure, given in A-22
sustained pressure as described in PG-21.2, indicating or in such other manner as the Committee may prescribe.
the expected variation in pressure along the path of water-
steam flow.
PG-16.2.3 The maximum allowable working pres- MATERIALS8
sure of the various pressure parts.
The cold-formed areas of pressure-retaining compo-
PG-16.2.4 The location and set pressure of the
nents manufactured of austenitic alloys shall be heat
overpressure protection devices.
treated for twenty minutes per inch of thickness or for
Copy of this diagram shall be attached to the Master
ten minutes, whichever is greater, at the temperatures
Data Report per PG-113.
given in Table PG-19 under the following conditions:
PG-16.3 Minimum Thicknesses. The minimum (a) the finishing-forming temperature is below the
thickness of any boiler plate under pressure shall be 1⁄4 in. minimum heat-treating temperature given in Table PG-19
(6 mm) except for electric boilers constructed under the (b) the design metal temperature and the forming
rules of Part PEB. The minimum thickness of plates to strains exceed the limits shown in Table PG-19. Forming
which stays may be applied in other than cylindrical outer strains shall be calculated as follows:
shell plates shall be 5⁄16 in. (8 mm). When pipe over NPS 5 (1) Cylinders formed from plate:
(DN 125) is used in lieu of plate for the shell of cylindrical
冢 冣
components under pressure, its minimum wall shall be 50t R
%Strain p 1− f
⁄4 in. (6 mm). Rf Ro

PG-16.4 Undertolerance on Plates. Plate material (2) Spherical or dished heads formed from plate
that is not more than 0.01 in. (0.3 mm) thinner than
冢 冣
75t R
that calculated from the formula may be used in Code %Strain p 1− f
Rf Ro
constructions provided the material specification permits
such plate to be furnished not more than 0.01 in. (0.3 mm) (3) Tube and pipe bends
thinner than ordered.
PG-16.5 Undertolerance on Pipe and Tubes. Pipe %Strain p
or tube material shall not be ordered thinner than that
calculated from the applicable formula of this Section. where
The ordered material shall include provision for the R p nominal bending radius to centerline of pipe
allowed manufacturing undertolerance as given in Section or tube
II in the applicable pipe or tube specification. Rf p mean radius after forming
Ro p original mean radius (equal to infinity for a
flat plate)
PG-17 FABRICATION BY A r p nominal outside radius of pipe or tube
COMBINATION OF METHODS t p nominal thickness of the plate, pipe, or tube
A boiler and parts thereof may be designed and fabri- before forming
cated by a combination of the methods of fabrication PG-19.1 When the forming strains cannot be calcu-
given in this Section, provided the rules applying to the lated as shown in PG-19, the manufacturer shall have the
respective methods of fabrication are followed and the responsibility to determine the maximum forming strain.
boiler is limited to the service permitted by the method
of fabrication having the most restrictive requirements. PG-19.2 For flares, swages, or upsets, heat treatment
in accordance with Table PG-19 shall apply, regardless
of the amount of strain.

Where no rules are given and it is impossible to calcu- WORKING PRESSURE

late with a reasonable degree of accuracy the strength of
The maximum allowable working pressure is the pres-
a boiler structure or any part thereof, a full-sized sample
sure determined by employing the allowable stress values,
shall be built by the Manufacturer and tested in accor-
dance with the Standard Practice for Making a Hydro- 8
See Section II, Part D, Appendix A, para. A-460, for background
static Test on a Boiler Pressure Part to Determine the on the rules in PG-19.

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PG-21 2004 SECTION I PG-21.2

04 TABLE PG-19
Limitations in Higher Minimum Heat-
Limitations in Lower Temperature Range Temperature Range Treatment
for Design Temperature
When Design
Temperature and
Forming Strain
Limits are
For Design Exceeded
But Less Than Temperature [Notes (1) and
And Forming Forming
Exceeding or Equal to Exceeding (2)]
UNS Strains Strains
Grade Number °F °C °F °C Exceeding °F °C Exceeding °F °C

304 S30400 1,075 (580) 1,250 (675) 20% 1,250 (675) 10% 1,900 (1 040)
304H S30409 1,075 (580) 1,250 (675) 20% 1,250 (675) 10% 1,900 (1 040)
304N S30451 1,075 (580) 1,250 (675) 15% 1,250 (675) 10% 1,900 (1 040)
309S S30908 1,075 (580) 1,250 (675) 20% 1,250 (675) 10% 2,000 (1 095)
310H S31009 1,075 (580) 1,250 (675) 20% 1,250 (675) 10% 2,000 (1 095)
310S S31008 1,075 (580) 1,250 (675) 20% 1,250 (675) 10% 2,000 (1 095)
316 S31600 1,075 (580) 1,250 (675) 20% 1,250 (675) 10% 1,900 (1 040)
316H S31609 1,075 (580) 1,250 (675) 20% 1,250 (675) 10% 1,900 (1 040)
316N S31651 1,075 (580) 1,250 (675) 15% 1,250 (675) 10% 1,900 (1 040)
321 S32100 1,000 (540) 1,250 (675) 15% [Note (3)] 1,250 (675) 10% 1,900 (1 040)
321H S32109 1,000 (540) 1,250 (675) 15% [Note (3)] 1,250 (675) 10% 2,000 (1 095)
347 S34700 1,000 (540) 1,250 (675) 15% 1,250 (675) 10% 1,900 (1 040)
347H S34709 1,000 (540) 1,250 (675) 15% 1,250 (675) 10% 2,000 (1 095)
347HFG S34710 1,000 (540) 1,250 (675) 15% 1,250 (675) 10% 2,150 (1 180)
348 S34800 1,000 (540) 1,250 (675) 15% 1,250 (675) 10% 1,900 (1 040)
348H S34809 1,000 (540) 1,250 (675) 15% 1,250 (675) 10% 2,000 (1 095)
690 N06690 1,075 (580) 1,200 (650) 20% 1,200 (650) 10% 1,900 (1 040)
800 N08800 1,100 (595) 1,250 (675) 15% 1,250 (675) 10% 1,800 (980)
800H N08810 1,100 (595) 1,250 (675) 15% 1,250 (675) 10% 2,050 (1 120)
... S30815 1,075 (580) 1,250 (675) 15% 1,250 (675) 10% 1,920 (1 100)

GENERAL NOTE: The limits shown are for cylinders formed from plates, spherical or dished heads formed from plate, and tube and pipe
bends. When the forming strains cannot be calculated as shown in PG-19, the forming strain limits shall be half those tabulated in this Table
(see PG-19.1).
(1) Rate of cooling from heat-treatment temperature not subject to specific control limits.
(2) While minimum heat-treatment temperatures are specified, it is recommended that the heat-treatment temperature range be limited to 150°F
(85°C) above that minimum [250°F (140°C) temperature range for 347, 347H, 348, and 348H].
(3) For simple bends of tubes or pipes whose outside diameter is less than 3.5 in. (89 mm), this limit is 20%.

design rules, and dimensions designated in this Section. PG-21.2 In a forced-flow steam generator with no
Whenever the term maximum allowable working pres- fixed steam and waterline it is permissible to design the
sure is used in this Section of the Code, it refers to gage pressure parts for different pressure levels along the path
pressure, or the pressure above atmosphere in pounds per of water-steam flow. The maximum allowable working
square inch. pressure of any part shall be not less than that required by
the rules of Part PG for the expected maximum sustained
PG-21.1 No boiler, except a forced-flow steam gener-
conditions9 of pressure and temperature to which that part
ator with no fixed steam and water line that meets the
special provisions of PG-67, shall be operated at a pres-
sure higher than the maximum allowable working pres-
sure except when the safety valve or safety relief valve “Expected maximum sustained conditions of pressure and tempera-
or valves are discharging, at which time the maximum ture” are intended to be selected sufficiently in excess of any expected
operating conditions (not necessarily continuous) to permit satisfactory
allowable working pressure shall not be exceeded by boiler operation without operation of the overpressure protection
more than 6%. devices.


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is subjected except when one or more of the overpressure PG-22.2 Loading on structural attachments — refer
protection devices covered by PG-67.4 is in operation. to PW-43.

PG-22.1 Stresses due to hydrostatic head shall be PG-23 STRESS VALUES FOR
taken into account in determining the minimum thickness CALCULATION FORMULAS
required unless noted otherwise. Additional stresses PG-23.1 The maximum allowable stress values in
imposed by effects other than working pressure or static Tables 1A and 1B of Section II, Part D, are the unit
head that increase the average stress by more than 10% stresses to be used in the formulas of this Section to
of the allowable working stress shall also be taken into calculate the minimum required thickness or the maxi-
account. These effects include the weight of the compo- mum allowable working pressure of the pressure part (see
nent and its contents, and the method of support. Appendix 1 of Section II, Part D).


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PG-23.2 2004 SECTION I PG-

PG-23.2 The yield strength values for use in PFT-51 For ASTM E 186 [castings 2 in. to 41⁄2 in. (50 mm to
may be found in Table Y-1 of Section II, Part D. 114 mm) thickness]:
04 PG-23.3 With the publication of the 2004 Edition, Imperfection Category Severity Level
Section II Part D is published as two separate publica- A and B, Types 1 and 2 of C 2
tions. One publication contains values only in U.S. Cus- Type 3 of C 3
tomary units and the other contains values only in SI D, E, and F None acceptable
units. The selection of the version to use is dependent on
the set of units selected for analysis. PG- All surfaces of each casting, includ-
ing machined gasket seating surfaces, shall be examined
after heat treatment by the magnetic particle method in
PG-25 QUALITY FACTORS FOR STEEL accordance with PG- or by the liquid penetrant
CASTINGS method in accordance with PG-
A quality factor as specified below shall be applied to PG- The technique for magnetic
the allowable stresses for steel casting materials given in particle examination shall be in accordance with Article
Table 1A of Section II, Part D. 7 of Section V. Imperfections causing magnetic particle
PG-25.1 A factor not to exceed 80% shall be applied indications exceeding degree 1 of Type I, degree 2 of
when a casting is inspected only in accordance with the Type II, and degree 3 of Type III, and exceeding degree
minimum requirements of the specification for the mate- 1 of Types IV and V of ASTM E 125, Standard Reference
rial, except when the special methods of examination Photographs for Magnetic Particle Indications on Ferrous
prescribed by the selected specification are followed, thus Castings, are unacceptable.
permitting the use of the applicable higher factor in this PG- The technique for liquid pene-
paragraph. trant examination shall be in accordance with Article 6
PG-25.2 A factor not to exceed 100% shall be applied of Section V. Surface indications determined by liquid
when the casting meets the requirements of PG-25.2.1 penetrant examination are unacceptable if they exceed
through PG-25.2.4. the following:
(a) all cracks and hot tears.
PG-25.2.1 All steel castings 41⁄2 in. (114 mm) nomi-
(b) any group of more than six linear indications other
nal body thickness or less, other than steel flanges and
than those in (a) in any rectangular area of 11⁄2 in. ⴛ 6 in.
fittings complying with ASME B16.5, and valves comply-
(38 mm ⴛ 150 mm) or less, or any circular area having
ing with ASME B16.34, shall be inspected as specified
a diameter of 31⁄2 in. (89 mm) or less, these areas being
in PG- through PG-
taken in the most unfavorable location relative to the
PG- All critical areas, including the indications being evaluated.
junctions of all gates, risers, and abrupt changes in section (c) other linear indications more than 1⁄4 in. (6 mm)
or direction and weld-end preparations, shall be radio- long for thicknesses up to 3⁄4 in. (19 mm) inclusive, more
graphed in accordance with Article 2 of Section V, and than one-third of the thickness in length for thicknesses
the radiographs shall conform to the requirements of from 3⁄4 in. to 21⁄4 in. (19 mm to 57 mm), and more than
ASTM E 446, Standard Reference Radiographs for Steel 3
⁄4 in. (19 mm) long for thicknesses over 21⁄4 in. (57 mm).
Castings Up to 2 in. (50 mm) in Thickness, or ASTM E (Aligned acceptable indications separated from one
186, Standard Reference Radiographs for Heavy Walled another by a distance equal to the length of the longer
[2 in. to 41⁄2 in. (50 mm to 114 mm)] Steel Castings, indication are acceptable.)
depending upon the section thickness. The maximum (d) all indications of nonlinear imperfections that have
acceptable severity level for 100% quality factor shall be: any dimension exceeding 3⁄16 in. (5 mm).
For ASTM E 446 [castings up to 2 in. (50 mm)
PG- Where more than one casting of a
particular design is produced, each of the first five castings
Severity Level shall be inspected as above. Where more than five castings
Up to and Greater Than are being produced, the examination shall be performed
Including 1 in. (25 mm) on the first five plus one additional casting to represent
Imperfection Category 1 in. (25 mm) Thick Thick each five additional castings. If this additional casting
A 1 2 proves to be unacceptable, each of the remaining castings
B 2 3 in the group shall be inspected.
C Types 1, 2, 3, and 4 1 3
D, E, F, and G None None PG- Any indications in excess of the
acceptable acceptable maximum permitted in PG- and PG- shall



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be cause for rejection unless the casting is repaired by be examined by magnetic particle or dye penetrant inspec-
welding after the base metal has been inspected to ensure tion of the first layer, of each 1⁄4 in. (6 mm) thickness of
that the imperfection has been removed or reduced to an deposited weld metal and of the finished weld surface.
acceptable size. The completed repair shall be subject to Magnetic particle or dye penetrant testing of the finished
reinspection by the same method as was used in the weld surface shall be done after postweld heat treatment.
original inspection and the repaired casting shall be post- PG- When repair welding is done after
weld heat treated. heat treatment of the casting, the casting shall be postweld
PG- All welding shall be performed heat treated.
using welding procedures qualified in accordance with PG- All welding shall be performed
Section IX. The procedure qualification shall be per- using welding procedures qualified in accordance with
formed on test specimens of cast material of the same Section IX. The procedure qualification shall be per-
specification and subjected to the same heat treatment formed on test specimens of cast material of the same
before and after welding as will be applied to the work. specification and subjected to the same heat treatment
All welders and operators performing this welding shall before and after welding as will be applied to the work.
also be qualified in accordance with Section IX. All welders and operators performing this welding shall
PG-25.2.2 All steel castings having a body greater also be qualified in accordance with Section IX.
than 4 1 ⁄2 in. (114 mm) nominal thickness shall be PG-25.2.3 Identification and Marking. Each cast-
inspected as specified in PG- through PG- ing to which a quality factor greater than 80% is applied shall be marked with the name, trademark, or other trace-
PG- All surfaces of each casting, includ- able identification of the manufacturer and the casting
ing machined gasket seating surfaces, shall be examined identification, including the casting quality factor and
after heat treatment by the magnetic particle method in material designation.
accordance with PG- or liquid penetrant method PG-25.2.4 Personnel performing radiographic,
in accordance with PG- magnetic particle, or liquid penetrant examinations under
PG- All parts of castings shall be sub- this paragraph shall be qualified in accordance with their
jected to complete radiographic inspection in accordance employer’s written practice. SNT-TC-1A10 or CP-189
with Article 2 of Section V, and the radiographs shall shall be used as a guideline for employers to establish
conform to the requirements of ASTM E 280, Standard their written practice for qualification and certification of
Reference Radiographs for Heavy Walled [41⁄2 in. to 12 in. their personnel.
(114 mm to 300 mm)] Steel Castings. When personnel have been certified according to their
The maximum acceptable severity level for a 100% employer’s written practice based upon an edition of
quality factor shall be: SNT-TC-1A or CP-189 earlier than that referenced in
A-360, their certification shall be valid for performing
Imperfection Category Severity Level
nondestructive examination required by this Section until
their next scheduled recertification. Any recertifications,
A, B, and Types 1, 2, and 3 of C 2
D, E, and F None acceptable
reexaminations, or new examinations shall be performed
to the employer’s written practice based on the edition
PG- Any indications in excess of the of SNT-TC-1A or CP-189 referenced in A-360.
maximum permitted in PG- and PG- are
unacceptable. The casting may be repaired by welding
after the base metal has been magnetic particle or dye PG-27 CYLINDRICAL COMPONENTS
penetrant inspected to ensure that the imperfection has UNDER INTERNAL PRESSURE
been removed or reduced to an acceptable size. PG-27.1 General. The formulas under this paragraph
shall be used to determine the minimum required thick-
PG- All weld repairs of depth exceeding
ness or the maximum allowable working pressure of pip-
1 in. (25 mm) or 20% of the section thickness, whichever
ing, tubes, drums, and headers in accordance with the
is less, shall be inspected by radiography in accordance
appropriate dimensional categories as given in PG-27.2.1,
with PG- and by magnetic particle or dye pene-
PG-27.2.2, and PG-27.2.3 for temperatures not exceeding
trant inspection of the finished weld surface. All weld
repairs of depth less than 20% of the section thickness, 10
SNT-TC-1A and CP-189 are published by the American Society
or 1 in. (25 mm), whichever is less, and all weld repairs for Nondestructive Testing, 1711 Arlingate Lane, P.O. Box 28518,
of sections which cannot be effectively radiographed shall Columbus, OH 43228-0518.



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PG-27.1 2004 SECTION I PG-27.4

those given for the various materials listed in Tables 1A PD PR

tp +C or +C
and 1B of Section II, Part D. 2SE + 2yP SE − (1 − y)P
The calculated and ordered thickness of material must
include the requirements of PG-16.2, PG-16.3, and 2SE(t − C) SE( t − C)
P p or
PG-16.4. Stress calculations must include the loadings D − 2y (t − C) R + (1 − y)( t− C)
as defined in PG-22 unless the formula is noted otherwise. See PG-27.4, Notes 1, 3, and 5 through 9.
When required by the provisions of this Code, allow-
PG-27.2.3 Thickness Greater Than One-Half the
ance must be provided in material thickness for threading
Inside Radius of the Component. The maximum allow-
and minimum structural stability. (See PWT-9.2; and
able working pressure for parts of boilers of cylindrical
PG-27.4, Notes 3 and 5.)
cross section, designed for temperatures up to that of
PG-27.2 Formulas for Calculation saturated steam at critical pressure [705.4°F (374.1°C)],
PG-27.2.1 Tubing — Up to and Including 5 in. shall be determined by the formulas in A-125.
(125 mm) Outside Diameter PG-27.3 Symbols. Symbols used in the preceding for-
PD mulas are defined as follows:
tp + 0.005D + e
2S + P C p minimum allowance for threading and structural
stability (see PG-27.4, Note 3)

冤 D − (t − 0.005D − e)冥
2t − 0.01D − 2e D p outside diameter of cylinder
E p efficiency (see PG-27.4, Note 1)
e p thickness factor for expanded tube ends (see
See PG-27.4, Notes 2, 4, 8, and 10.
PG-27.4, Note 4)
PG- For tubes of the materials listed in P p maximum allowable working pressure (see
its title, Table PWT-10 may be used in lieu of the formula PG-21)
for determining the minimum wall thickness of tubes R p inside radius of cylinder
where expanded into drums or headers, provided the max- S p maximum allowable stress value at the design
imum mean wall temperature does not exceed 700°F temperature of the metal, as listed in the tables
(370°C). specified in PG-23 (see PG-27.4, Note 2)
PG- The wall thickness of the ends of t p minimum required thickness (see PG-27.4,
tubes strength-welded to headers or drums need not be Note 7)
made greater than the run of the tube as determined by y p temperature coefficient (see PG-27.4, Note 6)
this formula. PG-27.4 Notes. Notes referenced in the preceding for- 04
PG- The wall thickness of the ends of mulas are as follows:
tubes permitted to be attached by threading under the Note 1:
limitations of PWT-9.2 shall be not less than t as deter- E p 1.00 for seamless or welded cylinders
mined by this formula, plus 0.8 /n (20 /n), where n equals p the efficiency from PG-52 or PG-53 for liga-
the number of threads per inch (per mm). ments between openings
PG- A tube in which a fusible plug is Note 2:
to be installed shall be not less than 0.22 in. (5.6 mm) The temperature of the metal to be used in selecting
in thickness at the plug in order to secure four full threads the S value for tubes shall not be less than the maximum
for the plug (see also A-20). expected mean wall temperature, i.e., the sum of the
PG- Bimetallic tubes meeting the outside and inside tube surface temperatures divided by
requirements of PG-9.4 shall use as an outside diameter 2. For tubes that do not absorb heat, the metal temperature
D in the equation in PG-27.2.1 no less than the calculated may be taken as the temperature of the fluid within the
outside diameter of the core material. The outside diame- tube but not less than the saturation temperature.
ter of the core material shall be determined by subtracting Note 3:
the minimum thickness of the cladding from the outside Any additive thickness represented by the general term
diameter of the bimetallic tube, including the maximum C may be considered to be applied on the outside, the
plus tolerance. The minimum required thickness, t, shall inside, or both. It is the responsibility of the designer
apply only to the core material. using these formulas to make the appropriate selection
PG-27.2.2 Piping, Drums, and Headers. (Based of diameter or radius to correspond to the intended loca-
on strength of weakest course) tion and magnitude of this added thickness. The pressure-



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or stress-related terms in the formula should be evaluated (d) 0.135 in. (3.43 mm) for tubes above 3 in.
using the diameter (or radius) and the remaining thickness (76 mm) O.D. and up to 4 in. (100 mm) O.D.,
which would exist if the “additive” thickness had not been incl.
applied or is imagined to have been entirely removed. (e) 0.150 in. (3.81 mm) for tubes above 4 in.
The values of C below do not include any allowance (100 mm) O.D. and up to 5 in. (125 mm)
for corrosion and/or erosion, and additional thickness O.D., incl.
should be provided where they are expected. Likewise, p 0 for tubes strength-welded to headers and drums
this allowance for threading and minimum structural sta- Note 5:
bility is not intended to provide for conditions of misap- While the thickness given by the formula is theoreti-
plied external loads or for mechanical abuse. cally ample to take care of both bursting pressure and
Type of Pipe Value of C b, in. (mm) material removed in threading, when steel pipe is threaded
and used for steam pressures of 250 psi (1.7 MPa) and
Threaded steel, or nonferrous pipea
3 over, it shall be seamless and of a weight at least equal
⁄4 in. (19 mm) nominal, and smaller 0.065 (1.65)
1 in. (25 mm) nominal and larger Depth of thread hc to Schedule 80 in order to furnish added mechanical
Plain endd steel, or nonferrous pipe strength.

31 / 2 in. (89 mm), nominal and smaller 0.065 (1.65)
4 in. (100 mm), nominal and larger 0 Note 6:
y p a coefficient having values as follows:
(a) Steel or nonferrous pipe lighter than Schedule 40
of ASME B36.10M, Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel
Temperature, °F (°C)
Pipe, shall not be threaded.
900 1,250
(b) The values of C stipulated above are such that the (480) 950 1,000 1,050 1,100 1,150 1,200 (675)
actual stress due to internal pressure in the wall of the and (510) (540) (565) (595) (620) (650) and
pipe is no greater than the values of S given in Table 1A below above
of Section II, Part D, as applicable in the formulas. Ferritic 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
(c) The depth of thread h in in. (mm) may be deter- Austenitic 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.7
Alloy 800 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.7
mined from the formula h p 0.8 /n (h p 20 /n), where
800H, 800HT 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.7
n is the number of threads per inch (25 mm) or from the 825 0.4 0.4 0.4 ... ... ... ... ...
following: 230 Alloy 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.7
N06045 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.7
n h
N06690 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.7 ...
8 0.100 (2.5) Alloy 617 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.7
111⁄2 0.0696 (1.77)
Values of y between temperatures listed may be deter-
(d) Plain-end pipe includes pipe jointed by flared com- mined by interpolation. For nonferrous materials, y p 0.4.
pression couplings, lap (Van Stone) joints, and by weld-
ing, i.e., by any method that does not reduce the wall Note 7:
thickness of pipe at the joint. If pipe is ordered by its nominal wall thickness, as is
customary in trade practice, the manufacturing tolerance
Note 4: on wall thickness must be taken into account. After the
e p 0.04 (1.0) over a length at least equal to the minimum pipe wall thickness t is determined by the for-
length of the seat plus 1 in. (25 mm) for tubes mula, this minimum thickness shall be increased by an
expanded into tube seats, except amount sufficient to provide the manufacturing tolerance
p 0 for tubes expanded into tube seats provided allowed in the applicable pipe specification. The next
the thickness of the tube ends over a length of heavier commercial wall thickness may then be selected
the seat plus 1 in. (25 mm) is not less than the from Standard thickness schedules as contained in ASME
B36.10M. The manufacturing tolerances are given in the
several pipe specifications listed in PG-9.
(a) 0.095 in. (2.41 mm) for tubes 1 1 ⁄4 in.
(32 mm) O.D. and smaller Note 8:
(b) 0.105 in. (2.67 mm) for tubes above 11⁄4 in. When computing the allowable pressure for a pipe of
(32 mm) O.D. and up to 2 in. (50 mm) O.D., incl. a definite minimum wall thickness, the value obtained
(c) 0.120 in. (3.05 mm) for tubes above 2 in. by the formulas may be rounded up to the next higher
(50 mm) O.D. and up to 3 in. (75 mm) O.D., incl. unit of 10 psi (0.1 MPa).


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PG-27.4 2004 SECTION I PG-29.3

GENERAL NOTE: For other acceptable weld configurations, see Fig. PW-16.1.



Note 9: D p a2 / b
Inside backing strips, when used at longitudinal welded
joints, shall be removed and the weld surface prepared
for radiographic examination as required. Inside backing a p outside major axis of the ellipse
rings may remain at circumferential welded seams of b p outside minor axis of the ellipse
cylinders provided such construction complies with This provision does not apply to flanged in manholes
requirements of PW-41. covered by PG-29.3, PG-29.7, and PG-29.12.
Note 10:
The maximum allowable working pressure P need not PG-29 DISHED HEADS
include the hydrostatic head loading, PG-22, when used PG-29.1 The thickness of a blank unstayed dished
in this formula. head with the pressure on the concave side, when it is a
segment of a sphere, shall be calculated by the following


The maximum allowable working pressure for welded L p radius to which the head is dished, measured on
access or inspection openings, with inward projections the concave side of the head
subjected to external pressure (such as manhole or hand- P p maximum allowable working pressure (hydro-
hole rings with internal covers), may be determined in static head loading need not be included)
accordance with the rules of PG-27 when the following S p maximum allowable working stress, using val-
requirements are met. The length of the internal projection ues given in Table 1A of Section II, Part D
of the ring extending past the toe of the attachment weld t p minimum thickness of head
on the ring, shall not exceed the thickness of the ring.
PG-29.2 The radius to which a head is dished shall
The length past the toe of the weld is measured at the
be not greater than the outside diameter of flanged portion
location of the shortest ring projection into the vessel
of the head. Where two radii are used the longer shall
(see Fig. PG-28). For elliptical rings the value of D to
be taken as the value of L in the formula.
be used in the procedures of PG-27 shall be determined
in accordance with the following equation for elliptical PG-29.3 When a head dished to a segment of a sphere
rings: has a flanged-in manhole or access opening that exceeds


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6 in. (150 mm) in any dimension, the thickness shall be exceed 0.0125 times the inside diameter of the head.
increased by not less than 15% of the required thickness
PG-29.9 Unstayed dished heads with the pressure on
for a blank head computed by the above formula, but in
the convex side shall have a maximum allowable working
no case less than 1⁄8 in. (3 mm) additional thickness over
pressure equal to 60% of that for heads of the same
a blank head. Where such a dished head has a flanged
dimensions with the pressure on the concave side.
opening supported by an attached flue, an increase in
Head thicknesses obtained by using the formulas in
thickness over that for a blank head is not required. If
PG-29.11 for hemispherical heads and PG-29.7 for blank
more than one manhole is inserted in a head, the thickness
semiellipsoidal heads do not apply to heads with pressure
of which is calculated by this rule, the minimum distance
on the convex side.
between the openings shall be not less than one-fourth
of the outside diameter of the head. PG-29.11 The thickness of a blank unstayed full-
hemispherical head with the pressure on the concave side
PG-29.4 Except as otherwise provided for in PG-29.3,
shall be calculated by the following formula:
PG-29.7, and PG-29.12, all openings which require rein-
forcement, placed in a head dished to a segment of a PL
sphere, or in an ellipsoidal head, or in a full-hemispherical 2S − 0.2P
head, including all types of manholes except those of the
integral flanged-in type, shall be reinforced in accordance where
with the rules in PG-33. L p radius to which the head was formed, measured
When so reinforced, the thickness of such a head may on the concave side of the head
be the same as for a blank unstayed head. P p maximum allowable working pressure
S p maximum allowable working stress, using val-
PG-29.5 Where the radius L to which the head is
ues given in Table 1A of Section II, Part D
dished is less than 80% of the diameter of the shell, the
t p minimum thickness of head
thickness of a head with a flanged-in manhole opening
shall be at least that found by making L equal to 80% of The above formula shall not be used when the required
the diameter of the shell and with the added thickness thickness of the head given by this formula exceeds 35.6%
for the manhole. This thickness shall be the minimum of the inside radius, and instead, the following formula
thickness of a head with a flanged-in manhole opening shall be used:
for any form of head and the maximum allowable working 1
stress shall not exceed the values given in Table 1A of t p L(Y ⁄3 − 1)
Section II, Part D. where
PG-29.6 No head, except a full-hemispherical head,
2(S + P )
shall be of a lesser thickness than that required for a Yp
2S − P
seamless shell of the same diameter.
Joints in full-hemispherical heads including the joint
PG-29.7 A blank head of a semiellipsoidal form in
to the shell shall be governed by and meet all the require-
which half the minor axis or the depth of the head is at
ments for longitudinal joints in cylindrical shells, except
least equal to one-quarter of the inside diameter of the
that in a buttwelded joint attaching a head to a shell
head shall be made at least as thick as the required thick-
the middle lines of the plate thicknesses need not be in
ness of a seamless shell of the same diameter as provided
in PG-27.2.2. If a flanged-in manhole that meets the Code
requirements is placed in an ellipsoidal head, the thick- PG-29.12 If a flanged-in manhole that meets the Code
ness of the head shall be the same as for a head dished requirements is placed in a full-hemispherical head, the
to a segment of a sphere (see PG-29.1 and PG-29.5) with thickness of the head shall be the same as for a head dished
a dish radius equal to eight-tenths the diameter of the to a segment of a sphere (see PG-29.1 and PG-29.5), with
shell and with the added thickness for the manhole as a dish radius equal to eight-tenths the diameter of the
specified in PG-29.3. shell and with the added thickness for the manhole as
specified in PG-29.3.
PG-29.8 When heads are made to an approximate
ellipsoidal shape, the inner surface of such heads must PG-29.13 The corner radius of an unstayed dished
lie outside and not inside of a true ellipse drawn with the head measured on the concave side of the head shall be
major axis equal to the inside diameter of the head and not less than three times the thickness of the material in
one-half the minor axis equal to the depth of the head. the head; but in no case less than 6% of the diameter of
The maximum variation from this true ellipse shall not the shell. In no case shall the thinning-down due to the



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PG-29.13 2004 SECTION I PG-31.2

process of forming, of the knuckle portion of any dished PG-31.2 The notations used in this paragraph and in A05
head consisting of a segment of a sphere encircled by a Fig. PG-31 are defined as follows:
part of a torus constituting the knuckle portion (torispheri-
cal), exceed 10% of the thickness required by the formula C p a factor depending on the method of attachment
in PG-29.1. Other types of heads shall have a thickness of head and on the shell, pipe, or header dimen-
after forming of not less than that required by the applica- sions, and other items as listed in PG-31.4 below,
ble formula. dimensionless. The factors for welded covers
also include a factor of 0.667 that effectively
increases the allowable stress for such construc-
tions to 1.5S.
D p long span of noncircular heads or covers mea-
PG-30.1 When dished heads are of a thickness less sured perpendicular to short span
than called for by PG-29, they shall be stayed as flat d p diameter, or short span, measured as indicated
surfaces, no allowance being made in such staying for in Fig. PG-31
the holding power due to the spherical form unless all
of the following conditions are met: hg p gasket moment arm, equal to the radial distance
from the center line of the bolts to the line of
PG-30.1.1 That they be at least two-thirds as thick the gasket reaction, as shown in Fig. PG-31,
as called for by the rules for unstayed dished heads. illustrations (j) and (k)
PG-30.1.2 That they be at least 7⁄8 in. (22 mm) in L p perimeter of noncircular bolted head measured
thickness. along the centers of the bolt holes
l p length of flange of flanged heads, measured from
PG-30.1.3 That through-stays be used attached to
the tangent line of knuckle, as indicated in Fig.
the dished head by outside and inside nuts.
PG-31, illustrations (a) and (c)
PG-30.1.4 That the maximum allowable working m p the ratio tr /ts, dimensionless
pressure shall not exceed that calculated by the rules for
P p maximum allowable working pressure
an unstayed dished head plus the pressure corresponding
to the strength of the stays or braces secured by the r p inside corner radius on a head formed by flan-
formula for braced or stayed surfaces given in PG-46, ging or forging
using 1.3 for the value of C. S p maximum allowable stress value, psi (kPa),
using values given in Table 1A of Section II,
PG-30.2 If a dished head concave to pressure is Part D
formed with a flattened spot or surface, the diameter of
t p minimum required thickness of flat head or cover
the flat spot shall not exceed that allowable for flat heads
as given by the formula in PG-31, using C p 0.25. tf p actual thickness of the flange on a forged head,
at the large end, as indicated in Fig. PG-31,
illustration (b)
th p actual thickness of flat head or cover
COVERS tr p thickness required for pressure of seamless shell,
pipe, or header
A05 PG-31.1 The minimum thickness of unstayed flat
ts p minimum specified thickness of shell, pipe, or
heads, cover plates, and blind flanges shall conform to the
requirements given in this paragraph. These requirements header
apply to both circular and noncircular11 heads and covers. tw p thickness through the weld joining the edge of
Some acceptable types of flat heads and covers are shown a head to the inside of a drum, pipe, or header,
in Fig. PG-31. In this figure, the dimensions of the welds as indicated in Fig. PG-31, illustration (g)
are exclusive of extra metal required for corrosion t1 p throat dimension of the closure weld, as indi-
allowance. cated in Fig. PG-31, illustration (r)
W p total bolt load, as further defined in PG-31.3.2
Z p a factor for noncircular heads and covers that
Special consideration shall be given to the design of shells, nozzle depends on the ratio of short span to long span,
necks, or flanges to which noncircular heads or covers are attached
(see Preamble, second paragraph). as given in PG-31.3, dimensionless


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Center of Lap
Center of weld
tf min. = 2ts
ts t Tangent line
ts tf

r = 3t min.
r = 3t min. r = 3tf min. d t
d d t
Taper t t

C = 0.17 C = 0.30
(a) (b) (c)
tw = 2 tr min. not less than 1.25 ts
t but need not be greater than t
0.7 ts 0.7 ts
Projection beyond
weld is optional
r = 1/4 t min.
0.7 ts
ts ts ts Bevel optional
d Continuation
t d t d t d t
of shell 45 deg max.
C = 0.13 See Note (1) See Note (1) See Note (1)
(d) (e) (f) (g-1)
Not less than the smaller Min. included angle
of ts or 1/4 in. (6 mm)

30 deg with a min. of

Min. gap 1/8 in. (3 mm) 15 deg on the head
tw = 2 tr min. not less than 1.25 ts Min. included angle 30 deg with
but need not be greater than t a min. of 15 deg on the head Min. 1/8 in. (3 mm)
Projection beyond
weld is optional ts

ts Bevel optional 0.7 ts 1.25 tr

d t t d t d min.
45 deg max. Min. 0 in. (0 mm)

C = 0.33 C = 0.33 m C min. = 0.20 C = 0.33

(g-2) (i-1) (i-2)
hG hG

d d ring d Threaded d
t d t t t ring t

C = 0.3 (Use Eq. 2 or 5) C = 0.30 (Use Eq. 2 or 5) C = 0.30 C = 0.30 C = 0.30

(j) (k) (m) (n) (o)
t1 30 deg min. Seal weld 3/ t min.
ts 4
d 45 deg max.
0.8 ts min.

t t
d d Min. t1 = t or ts
t t whichever or
is greater d ts
C = 0.25 C = 0.75 C = 0.33 C = 0.33
See Note (2)
(p) (q) (r) (s)

GENERAL NOTE: The above illustrations are diagrammatic only. Other designs that meet the requirements of PG-31 will be acceptable.
(1) For illustrations (e), (f), and (g-1) circular covers, C p 0.33m, C min. p 0.20; noncircular covers, C p 0.33.
(2) When pipe threads are used, see Table PG-39.



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PG-31.3 2004 SECTION I PG-31.4

PG-31.3 The thickness of flat unstayed heads, covers, 2.4d

Z p 3.4 − (4)
and blind flanges shall conform to one of the following D
three requirements.12
with the limitation that Z need not be greater than 21⁄2.
PG-31.3.1 Circular blind flanges of ferrous materi- Formula (3) does not apply to noncircular heads, cov-
als conforming to ANSI B16.5-1981 shall be acceptable ers, or blind flanges attached by bolts causing a bolt
for the diameters and pressure–temperature ratings in edge moment [Fig. PG-31, illustrations (j) and (k)]. For
Table 2 of that Standard when of the types shown in Fig. noncircular heads of this type, the required thickness shall
PG-31, illustrations (j) and (k). be calculated by the following formula:
PG-31.3.2 The minimum required thickness of flat
t p d 冪 (ZCP/S) + (6 Whg / SLd 2) (5)
unstayed circular heads, covers, and blind flanges shall
be calculated by the following equation: When using Formula (5), the thickness t shall be calcu-
lated in the same way as specified above for Formula (2).
t p d 冪 CP/S (1)
PG-31.4 For the types of construction shown in Fig. A05
except when the head, cover, or blind flange is attached PG-31, the minimum values of C to be used in Formulas
by bolts causing an edge moment [Fig. PG-31, illustra- (1), (2), (3) and (5) are:14
tions (j) and (k)] in which case the thickness shall be Fig. PG-31, illustration (a): C p 0.17 for flanged circu-
calculated by the following equation: lar and noncircular heads forged integral with or butt-
welded to the shell, pipe, or header, with an inside corner
t p d 冪 (CP/S) + (1.9 Whg / Sd 3) (2) radius not less than three times the required head thick-
ness, with no special requirement with regard to length
When using Eq. (2) the thickness t shall be calculated
of flange, and where the welding meets all the require-
for both design conditions and gasket seating, and the
ments for circumferential joints given in Part PW.
greater of the two values shall be used. For design condi-
C p 0.10 for circular heads, where the flange length
tions, the value of P shall be the maximum allowable
for heads of the above design is not less than
working pressure, the value of S at design temperature

冢 冣 冪 dt
shall be used, and W shall be the sum of the bolt loads t s2
l p 1.1 − 0.8 h (6)
required to resist the end pressure load and to maintain th2
tightness of the gasket.13 For gasket seating, P equals
zero, the value of S at atmospheric temperature shall be When C p 0.10 is used, the slope of the tapered
used, and W shall be the average of the required bolt load sections shall be no greater than 1:3.
and the load available from the bolt area actually used. Fig. PG-31, illustration (b): C p 0.17 for circular and
noncircular heads forged integral with or buttwelded to
PG-31.3.3 Flat unstayed heads, covers, or blind the shell, pipe, or header, where the corner radius on the
flanges may be square, rectangular, elliptical, obround, inside is not less than three times the thickness of the
segmental, or otherwise noncircular. Their required thick- flange and where the welding meets all the requirements
ness shall be calculated by the following formula: for circumferential joints given in Part PW.
Fig. PG-31, illustration (c): C p 0.30 for circular
t p d 冪 ZCP/S (3)
flanged plates screwed over the end of the shell, pipe, or
header, with inside corner radius not less than 3t, in which
where the design of the threaded joint against failure by shear,
tension, or compression, resulting from the end force due
to pressure, is based on a factor of safety of at least 4,
The formulas provide safe construction as far as stress is concerned.
Greater thicknesses may be necessary if deflection would cause leakage and the threaded parts are at least as strong as the threads
at threaded or gasketed joints. for standard piping of the same diameter. Seal welding
Equations for W may be found in any of several references, such may be used, if desired.
as the following: Fig. PG-31, illustration (d): C p 0.13 for integral flat
“Modern Flange Design,” Bulletin 502, 7th Edition; G+W Taylor-
Bonney Division, Southfield, Michigan. circular heads when the dimension d does not exceed
Jawad, M. H. and Farr, J. R., Structural Analysis and Design of 24 in. (600 mm); the ratio of thickness of the head to the
Process Equipment, Second Edition; John Wiley & Sons. dimension d is not less than 0.05 nor greater than 0.25;
ASME BPVC, Section VIII, Division 1, “Rules for Construction of
Pressure Vessels,” Appendix 2, “Rules for Bolted Flange Connection the head thickness th is not less than the shell thickness
with Risk Type Gaskets”; The American Society of Mechanical Engi-

neers (ASME International), Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016; Radiographic examination is not required for any of the weld joints
Order Dept.: 22 Law Drive, Box 2300, Fairfield, NJ 07007-2300. shown in Fig. PG-31, illustrations (e), (f), (g-1), (g-2), (i), (r), and (s).


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ts , the inside corner radius is not less than 0.25t; and the whichever is smaller. The inside fillet weld may be omit-
construction is obtained by special techniques of upsetting ted, providing ts is not less than 1.25tr and the factor C
and spinning the end of the shell, pipe, or header, such is taken as 0.33.
as are employed in closing header ends. Fig. PG-31, illustrations (j) and (k): C p 0.3 for circu-
Fig. PG-31, illustrations (e), (f), and (g-1): C p 0.33m lar and noncircular heads and covers bolted to the shell,
but not less than 0.20 for circular plates and C p 0.33 flange, or side plate as indicated in the figures. Note that
for noncircular plates welded to the inside of a drum, Eq. (2) or (5) shall be used because of the extra moment
pipe, or header, and otherwise meeting the requirements applied to the cover by the bolting. When the cover plate
for the respective types of welded boiler drums, including is grooved for a peripheral gasket, as shown in illustration
postweld heat treatment when required for the drum, but (k) the net cover plate thickness under the groove or
omitting radiographic examination. If a value of m less between the groove and the outer edge of the cover plate
than 1 is used in calculating t, the shell thickness, ts, shall shall be not less than
be maintained along a distance inwardly from the inside
d 冪 1.9 Whg / Sd 3
face of the head equal to at least 2冪 dts. The throat thick-
ness of the fillet welds in illustrations (e) and (f) shall for circular heads and covers, not less than
be at least 0.7 ts. The size of the weld tw in illustration
(g-1) shall be not less than 2 times the required thickness d 冪 6 Whg / SLd 2
of a seamless shell nor less than 1.25 times the nominal
shell thickness but need not be greater than the head for noncircular heads and covers.
thickness; the weld shall be deposited in a welding groove Fig. PG-31, illustrations (m), (n), and (o): C p 0.3 for
with the root of the weld at the inner face of the head as a circular plate inserted into the end of a shell, pipe, or
shown in the figure. header and held in place by a positive mechanical locking
Fig. PG-31, illustration (g-2): C p 0.33 for circular arrangement, and when all possible means of failure either
plates, welded to the inside of a drum, pipe, or header, by shear, tension, compression, or radial deformation,
and otherwise meeting the requirements for the respective including flaring, resulting from pressure and differential
types of welded boiler drums, including postweld heat thermal expansion, are resisted with a factor of safety of
treatment when required for the drum, but omitting radio- at least 4. Seal welding may be used, if desired.
graphic examination. When the weld is not deposited at Fig. PG-31, illustration (p): C p 0.25 for circular and
the inner face of the header, the thickness of the head noncircular covers bolted with a full-face gasket to shell,
that remains unwelded shall be in addition to the thickness flanges, or side plates.
of the head calculated per PG-31.3.2. The drum or header Fig. PG-31, illustration (q): C p 0.75 for circular plates
shall be limited to NPS 4 or less. screwed into the end of a shell, pipe, or header having
an inside diameter d not exceeding 12 in. (300 mm); or
C p 0.33 for noncircular plates, welded to the
for heads having an integral flange screwed over the end
inside of a drum, pipe, or header, and otherwise meeting
of a shell, pipe, or header having an inside diameter d
the requirements for the respective types of welded boiler
not exceeding 12 in. (300 mm); and when the design
drums, including postweld heat treatment when required
of the threaded joint against failure by shear, tension,
for the drum, but omitting radiographic examination. The compression, or radial deformation, including flaring,
throat thickness of the fillet welds in Fig. 31, illustrations resulting from pressure and differential thermal expan-
(e) and (f) shall be at least 0.7ts. The size of the weld tw sion, is based on a factor of safety of at least 4. If a
in illustration (g-1) shall be not less than 2 times the tapered pipe thread is used, the requirements of Table

required thickness of a seamless shell nor less than 1.25 PG-39 shall be met. Seal welding may be used, if desired.
times the nominal shell thickness but need not be greater Fig. PG-31, illustration (r): C p 0.33 for circular plates
than the head thickness; the weld shall be deposited in a having a dimension d not exceeding 18 in. (450 mm)
welding groove with the root of the weld at the inner inserted into the shell, pipe, or header and welded as
face of the head as shown in the figure. shown, and otherwise meeting the requirements for
Fig. PG-31, illustration (i): C p 0.33m but not less welded boiler drums including postweld heat treatment
than 0.20 for circular plates welded to the end of the but omitting radiographic examination. The end of the
drum, pipe, or header, when an inside weld with minimum shell, pipe, or header shall be crimped over at least 30 deg,
throat thickness of 0.7ts is used. The width at the bottom but not more than 45 deg. The crimping may be done
of the welding groove shall be not less than 1⁄8 in. (3 mm) cold only when this operation will not injure the metal.
and the exposed edge not less than ts or 1⁄4 in. (6 mm), The throat of the weld shall be not less than the thickness


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PG-31.4 2004 SECTION I PG-

of the flat head or the shell, pipe, or header, whichever PG-32.1.3 Single Openings. Single openings are
is greater. defined as openings that have a minimum center-to-center
Fig. PG-31, illustration (s): C p 0.33 for circular bev- distance between adjacent openings not less than Lh or
eled plates having a diameter, d, not exceeding 18 in. Ls, where
(450 mm) inserted into a shell, pipe, or header, the end
of which is crimped over at least 30 deg, but not more Lh p and Ls p 2X
2(1 − K)
than 45 deg, and when the undercutting for seating leaves
at least 80% of the shell thickness. The beveling shall be and where
not less than 75% of the head thickness. The crimping A, B p the outside diameter of each opening respec-
shall be done when the entire circumference of the cylin- tively
der is uniformly heated to the proper forging temperature D p the outside diameter of the formed head
for the material used. For this construction, the ratio ts /d K p PD /1.82 St
shall be not less than the ratio P /S nor less than 0.05. Lh p the distance between centers of the two openings
The maximum allowable working pressure for this con- measured on the surface of the formed head
struction shall not exceed Pp5S /d (Pp125S/d). Ls p the distance between centers of the two openings
measured on the surface of the shell or header
P p the maximum allowable working pressure
OPENINGS AND COMPENSATION15 S p the maximum allowable stress value, taken from
Tables 1A and 1B of Section II, Part D
PG-32 OPENINGS IN SHELLS, HEADERS, t p the nominal thickness of the head, shell, or
AND HEADS header
A05 PG-32.1 Scope X p the limits of compensation parallel to the vessel
wall determined in accordance with PG-36.2
PG-32.1.1 The rules for openings and compensa-
tion in PG-32 through PG-39 shall apply to all openings PG- Openings in Shells and Headers.
in shells, headers, and heads except as otherwise provided No calculation need be made to determine the availability
in PG-29.3, PG-29.7, PG-29.12, PG-32.1.2, PG-, of compensation for a single opening, not covered by
PG-32.1.4, and PFT-40. PG-38 or PG-52, in shells or headers whose inside diame-
ter is not less than four times the diameter of the opening
PG-32.1.2 Multiple Openings. Openings in a and which satisfies the following conditions:

definite pattern, such as tube holes, may be designed in
accordance with the rules for ligaments in PG-52, pro- PG- Welded connections not larger
vided the diameter of the largest hole in the group does than NPS 2 (DN 50) attached in accordance with the
not exceed that permitted by the chart in Fig. PG-32. applicable rules.
Multiple openings that are not designed as ligaments shall PG- Threaded, studded, or
comply with PG-38. expanded connections in which the diameter of the hole
The notation used in Fig. PG-32 is defined as follows: in the vessel wall is not greater than NPS 2 (DN 50).
D outer diameter of the shell
p PG- Any opening where the diame-
d maximum allowable diameter of openings
p ter of the opening in the shell or header does not exceed
P maximum allowable working pressure
p that permitted in Fig. PG-32.
S maximum allowable stress value, taken from
p PG-32.1.4 Openings in Formed Heads. No calcu-
Tables 1A and 1B of Section II, Part D lation need be made to determine the availability of com-
t p actual thickness of the shell pensation for a single opening in formed heads under the
same conditions stipulated for openings in shells and
PD headers in PG-, provided the following additional
requirements are met.
PG- The openings shall be located com-
The rules governing openings as given in this Code are based on pletely within the center portion of a dished head bounded
the stress intensification created by the existence of a hole in an otherwise
symmetrical section. They are based on experience with vessels by the tangent line between the spherically dished portion
designed with safety factors of 4 and 5 applied to the specified minimum and the knuckle radius, but not closer than the thickness
tensile strength of the shell material. External loadings such as those of the head to the edge of this circle or to a flanged-in
due to thermal expansion or to unsupported weight of connecting piping
have not been evaluated. These factors should be given attention in manway. For a 2:1 ellipsoidal head, the opening shall be
unusual designs or under conditions of cyclic loading. located completely within the center portion of the head


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bounded by a circle equal to 80% of the inside diameter, outside diameter as the outside diameter of the flange of
but not closer than the thickness of the head to the edge the head; and of the same maximum allowable working
of this circle. pressure as the head.
PG- The maximum allowable diameter
PG- The maximum allowable diameter of any opening in a full-hemispherical head shall comply
of any opening in a formed head, except in a full-hemi- with the requirements in PG- except that the value
spherical head, shall not exceed that permitted in of K used in PG- and the chart in Fig. PG-32
PG- for an equivalent shell. The equivalent shell shall be one-half the value given by the equation in
shall be of the same material as the head; of the same PG-


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K = 0.60 K = 0.65
K = 0.55 K = 0.70
K = 0.50 K = 0.75 K = 0.80
8 (200)
=0 0
K 0.9 .95
7 (175) K=0

K = 0.9

6 (150)
K = 0.98
Maximum diameter of opening (d ), in. (mm)

5 (125)

and over
K = 0.99

4 (100)

3 (75)

Not for Resale

2 (50)

1 (25)

0 100 200 300 400 500 600
(62 500) (125 000) (188 000) (250 000) (313 000) (375 000)
Drum diameter × thickness (Dt ), in.2 (mm2)

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(a) The equation is provided for the user’s option. Three significant figures shall be employed for the variables in the equation and in the resulting value of d . Additional significant figures are permitted but not required.
Use of the equation beyond the range of the abscissa and ordinate shown in the diagram is prohibited. K as used in the equation is limited to 0.990.
(b) K-lines are shown only for 50% and higher. By the provisions of PG-33 an opening is fully compensated for K less than 0.5.
1 1
(c) d = 2.75 [Dt (1 − K )] /3 in U.S. Customary units; d = 8.08 [Dt (1 − K)] /3 in SI units. A05

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Maximum Permissible Diameter of Opening Is 8 in. (200 mm)

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PG-32.2 Shape of Openings16 openings approaching full vessel diameter, openings of

PG-32.2.1 Openings in cylindrical portions of ves- unusual shape, etc.
sels or in formed heads shall preferably be circular, ellip-
tical, or obround.17
When the long dimension of an elliptical or obround PG-33 COMPENSATION REQUIRED
opening exceeds twice the short dimension, the compen- FOR OPENINGS IN SHELLS
sation across the short dimension shall be increased as AND FORMED HEADS
necessary to provide against excessive distortion due to PG-33.1 General. The rules in this subparagraph
twisting moment. apply to all openings other than flanged-in openings in
PG-32.2.2 Openings may be of other shapes than formed heads covered by PG-29.3, PG-29.7, and
those given in PG-32.2.1, and all corners shall be provided PG-29.12; openings in flat heads covered by PG-35; and
with a suitable radius. When the openings are of such openings covered within PG-32.1.2, PG-,
proportions that their strength cannot be computed with PG-, PG-32.1.4, and PG-32.1.5.
assurance of accuracy, or when doubt exists as to the Compensation shall be provided in such amount and
safety of a vessel with such openings, the part of the distribution that the requirements for area of compensa-
vessel affected shall be subjected to a proof hydrostatic tion are satisfied for all planes through the center of the
test as prescribed in PG-100. opening and normal to the vessel surface. For a circular
opening in a cylindrical shell, the plane containing the
PG-32.3 Size of Openings axis of the shell is the plane of greatest loading due to
PG-32.3.1 Properly reinforced openings in cylin- pressure.
drical and spherical shells are not limited as to size and
PG-33.2 Area Required. The total cross-sectional
shall comply with the provisions that follow, and with
area of compensation required in any given plane for a
the additional provisions given under PG-32.3.2.
vessel under internal pressure shall be not less than A,
04 PG-32.3.2 The rules given herein for compensation as defined in Fig. PG-33.1.
apply to openings not exceeding the following dimen-
sions: PG-33.3 The notation used in this paragraph is
defined as follows:
(a) for vessels 60 in. (1 500 mm) in diameter and less,
1 t p thickness of the vessel wall
⁄2 the vessel diameter but not over 20 in. (500 mm)
(b) for vessels over 60 in. (1 500 mm) in diameter, 1⁄3 te p thickness of attached reinforcing pad or height

the vessel diameter but not over 40 in. (1 000 mm) of the largest 60 deg right triangle supported by
the vessel and nozzle outside diameter projected
PG-32.3.3 Larger openings should be given special
surfaces and lying completely within the area of
attention and may be provided with compensation in any
integral reinforcement (see Fig. PG-33.2)
suitable manner that complies with the intent of the Code
tn p nominal thickness of nozzle wall
rules. It is recommended that the compensation provided
tr p required thickness of a seamless shell or head
be distributed close to the opening. (A provision of about
computed by the rules of the Code for the desig-
two-thirds of the required compensation within a distance
nated pressure, except when
of one-fourth of the nozzle diameter on each side of
(a) the opening and its compensation are in
the finished opening is suggested.) Special consideration
a torispherical head and are entirely within the
should be given to the fabrication details used and the
spherical portion, tr is the thickness required for
inspection employed on critical openings; compensation
a seamless hemispherical head of the same
often may be advantageously obtained by use of a thicker
radius as that of the spherical portion
shell plate for a vessel course or inserted locally around
the opening; welds may be ground to concave contour (b) the opening and its compensation are in
and the inside corners of the opening rounded to a gener- an ellipsoidal head in which one-half of the
ous radius to reduce stress concentrations. Appropriate minor axis is equal to one-fourth of the inside
proof testing may be advisable in extreme cases of large diameter, and are located entirely within a circle
the center of which coincides with the center of
the head and the diameter of which is equal to
The opening made by a pipe or a circular nozzle, the axis of which 80% of the shell inside diameter, tr is the thick-
is not perpendicular to the vessel wall or head, may be considered an
elliptical opening for design purposes.
ness required for a seamless hemispherical head
An obround opening is one which is formed by two parallel sides of radius equal to 90% of the inside diameter
and semicircular ends. of the shell


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tn Rn

WL1 te
2.5t or 2.5tn + te
Use smaller value WL2

See PG-36
2.5t or 2.5tn h for limits of
Use smaller value WL3 d reinforcement

d or Rn + tn + t d or Rn + tn + t

Use larger value Use larger value

For nozzle wall inserted through the vessel wall For nozzle wall abutting the vessel wall
Notes for set through nozzles, A
extends to the nozzle O.D.

Area required = A = (d + 2tn)trF A = dt r F


Area available in shell: = (d – 2tn)(t – Ftr ) = d (t – Ftr )

= A1 A1
use larger value = 2(t + tn)(t – Ftr )
= 2t (t – Ftr )
Area available in nozzle = 2(tn – trn)(21/2tfr 1)
projecting outward; use = 2(tn – trn)(21/2tfr 1)
= A2 A2
smaller value = 2(tn – trn)(21/2tn + te)fr 1 = 2(tn – trn)(21/2tn + te)fr 1
Area available in nozzle = A3 = 2tnfr 1h A3 = 0
projecting inward

Area available in outward = A41 = (WL1)2fr2 A41 = (WL1)2fr2

nozzle weld

Area available in inward = A43 = (WL3)2fr1 A43 = 0

nozzle weld
If A1 +A2 + A3 + A41 + A43 A Opening is adequately reinforced

If A1 +A2 + A3 + A41 + A43 A Opening is not adequately reinforced so

reinforcing elements must be added
and /or thickness must be increased
With reinforcing element added:

Area available in = A42 = (WL2)2fr3 A42 = (WL2)2fr3

outer element weld

Area available in = A5 = (Dp – d – 2tn)tefr3 A5 = (Dp – d – 2tn )te fr3

element [Note (1)]

If A1 +A2 + A3 + A41 + A42 + A43 + A5 A Opening is adequately reinforced

(a) This figure illustrates common nozzle configurations and is not intended to prohibit other configurations permitted by the Code.
(b) See PG-33.3 and PG-36 for definitions of nomenclature.
(1) This formula is applicable for a rectangular cross-sectional element that falls within the limits of reinforcement.



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te 30 deg min.
h te
t t
t d
h t
tn = 0 d
60 deg

(a) (b) (c) (d)

d tn
L 30 deg 3 d
te = 0 1

t t t te

(e) (e–1) (e–2) (f)

tn tn
d tn
45 deg max.
3/ in (19 mm)
te te
R min.
t d t
30 60 deg
t deg max.
60 deg
te = 0.732 R d
(g) (h) (i)

GENERAL NOTES: Use illustration (e) to determine whether illustration (e-1) or (e-2) applies:
(a) If L < 2.5 tx, use illustration (e-1).
(b) If L ≥ 2.5 tx, use illustration (e-2).


trn p required thickness of seamless nozzle wall; Dp p outside diameter of reinforcing element (actual
found by the formula used for tr for the shell, size of reinforcing element may exceed the limits
omitting the C factor (the value of S used in of reinforcement established by PG-36; how-
determining t rn shall be based on the nozzle ever, credit cannot be taken for any material
material). The value of trn shall be taken as zero outside these limits)
for the entire wall of manhole and handhole rings d p diameter in the plane under consideration of the
projecting internally with the cover on the inside. finished opening (see Fig. PG-33.2)


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PG-33.3 2004 SECTION I PG-35.3

1.00 Sv p allowable stress in vessel (see S above)

fr p strength reduction factor, not greater than 1.0
0.95 (see Fig. PG-33.1)
fr1 p Sn /Sv for nozzle wall inserted through the ves-
sel wall
0.90 fr2 p (lesser of Sn or Sp) /Sv
fr3 p SP /Sv


PG-34.1 All openings in torispherical, ellipsoidal, and
Value of F

0.75 hemispherical heads shall be provided with reinforcement

in accordance with PG-33, except for heads that meet
the requirements in PG-34.2 and PG-29.3, PG-29.7, and
0.70 PG-29.12.
PG-34.2 A flanged-in manhole opening in a dished
0.65 head shall be flanged to a depth of not less than three
times the required thickness of the head for plate up to
11⁄2 in. (38 mm) in thickness. For plate exceeding 11⁄2 in.
(38 mm) in thickness, the depth shall be the thickness of
the plate plus 3 in. (75 mm). The depth of flange shall be
0.55 determined by placing a straight edge across the outside
opening along the major axis and measuring from the
straight edge to the edge of the flanged opening. A man-
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 hole opening may be compensated by a manhole ring or
Angle with plane with longitudinal axis, deg other attachment in place of flanging in accordance with
d p the maximum diameter of the threads, in the HEADS AND FLAT STAYED
plane under consideration, in the finished open- PLATES
ing, for inside tapped NPT fittings
PG-35.1 General. The rules in this paragraph apply
F p factor from PG-33 and Fig. PG-33.3, which
to all openings other than small openings covered by
compensates for the variation in pressure
stresses on different planes with respect to the
longitudinal axis of a cylindrical shell. F p 1.0 PG-35.2 Flat unstayed heads that have an opening
for formed or flat heads. with a diameter that does not exceed one-half of the head
h p distance nozzle projects inward from the outer diameter or shortest span, as defined in PG-31, shall have
surface of the vessel wall (extension of the noz- a total cross-sectional area of compensation not less than
zle beyond the inside surface of the vessel wall 0.5 times the required area specified in PG-33.2.
is not limited; however, for reinforcement calcu- As an alternative, the thickness may be increased to
lations, credit shall not be taken for material provide the necessary openings compensation as follows:
outside the limits of reinforcement established PG-35.2.1 By using 2C or 0.75 in place of C,
by PG-36) whichever is less, in Formula (1) or (3) for calculating
Rn p inside radius of the nozzle under consideration head thickness in PG-31.3; or
S p allowable stress value in tension (from Tables
PG-35.2.2 In Formula (2) or (5) by doubling the
1A and 1B of Section II, Part D)
quantity under the square root sign.
Sn p allowable stress in nozzle (see S above)
SP p allowable stress in reinforcing element (plate) PG-35.3 Flat unstayed heads that have an opening
(see S above) with a diameter that exceeds one-half of the head diameter



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or shortest span, as defined in PG-31.3, shall be designed extending outside the vessel wall. The maximum area in
as a flange in accordance with accepted Rules for Bolted the nozzle wall available as compensation is the smaller
Flange Connections. of the values of A2 given by the formulas shown in Fig.
PG-35.4 Openings in flat stayed plates such as PG-33.1.
waterlegs and tubesheets of firetube boilers shall have a All metal in the nozzle wall extending inside the vessel
total cross-sectional area of compensation not less than wall may be included. No allowance shall be taken for the
0.5dt, where: fact that a differential pressure on an inwardly extending
nozzle may cause opposing stress to that of the stress in
d p for circular openings, the diameter of the fini- the shell around the opening.
shed opening; for elliptical openings, the major
axis of the finished opening; or for other shapes, PG-36.4.3 Metal added as compensation (continu-
the maximum span ously about the nozzle) when welded to both the vessel
t p the required thickness for the stayed surface cal- and nozzle, and metal provided in attachment welds.
culated in accordance with PG-46 using the max- PG-36.5 Typical examples of the application of the
imum distance between stays, tubes, or other above rules are presented in A-65 through A-69.
support in the area where the opening resides


FOR COMPENSATION PG-37.1 Material used for compensation shall have
PG-36.1 The boundaries of the cross-sectional area an allowable stress value equal to or greater than that of
in any plane normal to the vessel wall and passing through the material in the vessel wall, except that material of
the center of the opening within which area metal must lower strength may be used provided the area of compen-
be located in order to have value as compensation are sation is increased in inverse proportion to the ratio of
designated as the limits of compensation for that plane. the allowable stress values of the two materials to com-
(See Fig. PG-33.1.) pensate for the lower allowable stress value of the com-
PG-36.2 The limits of compensation, measured paral- pensation. No credit may be taken for the additional
lel to the vessel wall, shall be at a distance, on each side strength of any compensation having a higher allowable
of the axis of the opening, equal to the greater of the stress value than that of the vessel wall. Deposited weld
following: metal outside of either the vessel wall or any reinforcing
pad used as reinforcement shall be credited with an allow-
PG-36.2.1 The diameter of the finished opening.
able stress value equivalent to the weaker of the materials
PG-36.2.2 The radius of the finished opening plus

connected by the weld. Vessel-to-nozzle or pad-to-nozzle
the thickness of the vessel wall, plus the thickness of the attachment weld metal within the vessel wall or within
nozzle wall. the pad may be credited with a stress value equal to that
PG-36.3 The limits of compensation, measured nor- of the vessel wall or pad, respectively.
mal to the vessel wall, shall conform to the contour of
PG-37.2 The welds that attach elements of compensa-
the surface at a distance from each surface equal to the
tion that are not an integral part of the vessel wall shall
smaller of the following:
have a strength, W, not less than the load carried by those
PG-36.3.1 21⁄2 times the nominal shell thickness. elements defined as follows:
PG-36.3.2 21⁄2 times the nozzle-wall thickness plus
the thickness of any added compensation, exclusive of
W p (A − A1) Sv
weld metal on the side of the shell under consideration.
PG-36.4 Metal within the limits of reinforcement that where A, A1, and Sv are defined in PG-33.3 and Fig.
may be considered to have reinforcing value shall include PG-33.1.
the following:
PG-37.3 When a reinforcing pad is required by the 04
PG-36.4.1 Metal in the vessel wall over and above rules of PG-33, the welds attaching the nozzle to the pad
the thickness required to resist pressure. The area of the and shell shall be checked independently to assure that
vessel wall available as compensation is the larger of the the loads carried by the individual elements can be trans-
values of A1 given by the formulas shown in Fig. PG-33.1. mitted by the attaching welds. For detailed requirements
PG-36.4.2 Metal over and above the thickness and examples of calculating the strength of welds, see
required to resist pressure in that part of a nozzle wall PW-15.


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PG-37.4 2004 SECTION I PG-37.5

PG-37.4 Welds attaching elements of compensation (c) openings with elements of compensation attached
need not satisfy the weld strength requirements of by full penetration welds as listed in PW-15.1.6.
PG-37.2 under the following circumstances:
PG-37.5 The minimum weld sizes shall not be smaller
(a) openings that are exempt in PG-32 from compensa-
than the minimum required by PW-16.
tion calculations;
(b) openings designed by ligaments rules of PG-52
and PG-53; and/or


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PG-38 2004 SECTION I PG-39.5.1


t 1 2
PG-38.1 When any two adjacent openings that require tr
4 3
compensation are spaced at less than two times the dis-
tance defined in PG-36.2 and PG-36.3 so that their limits 8 7
of compensation overlap, the two openings (or similarly
for any larger group of openings) shall be compensated
in accordance with PG-33 with a compensation that has
an area equal to the combined area of the compensation 6
required for the separate openings. No portion of the
t 1 2
cross section shall be considered as applying to more tr
4 3
than one opening, or be evaluated more than once in a
combined area. 8 7
PG-38.2 Two adjacent openings shall have a distance
between centers not less than 11⁄3 times their average
PG-38.3 When a group of openings is provided with 5
compensation by a thicker section buttwelded into the t 1 2
shell or head, the edges of the inserted section shall be 4 3
tapered as prescribed in PW-9.3.
8 7
PG-38.4 When a shell or drum has a series of holes GENERAL NOTE: The cross-sectional area represented by 5, 6, 7,
in a definite pattern, the net cross-sectional area between and 8 shall be at least equal to the area of the rectangle represented
any two finished openings within the limits of the actual by 1, 2, 3, and 4 multiplied by 0.7F, in which F is a value from Fig.
shell wall, excluding the portion of the compensation not PG-33.3 and tr is the required thickness of a seamless shell.
fused to the shell wall, shall equal at least 0.7F of the
cross-sectional area obtained by multiplying the center- FIG. PG-38 ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE RULE GIVEN
to-center distance of the openings by the required thick- IN PG-38.4
ness of a seamless shell, where the factor F is taken from
Fig. PG-33.3 for the plane under consideration. (See Fig. shall engage the stud for a length not less than the larger
PG-38.) of ds or
Maximum allowable stress value of
PG-39 METHODS OF ATTACHMENT OF stud material at design temperature
0.75ds ⴛ
PIPE AND NOZZLE NECKS TO Maximum allowable stress value of
VESSEL WALLS tapped material at design temperature
PG-39.1 General. Except as limited in PG-32, nozzles in which ds is the diameter of the stud, except that the
may be attached to the shell or head of a vessel by any thread engagement need not exceed 11⁄2 ds. Studded con-
of the methods of attachment given in this paragraph. nections shall meet the requirements for compensation.
PG-39.2 Welded Connections. Attachment by weld- No credit for compensation shall be allowed for any areas
ing shall be in accordance with the requirements of PW-15 attached by studs only.
and PW-16. PG-39.5 Threaded Connections
PG-39.4 Studded Connections. Connections may be PG-39.5.1 Where a threaded connection is to be
made by means of bolt studs. The vessel shall have a flat made to a boiler component it shall be into a threaded
surface machined on the shell, or on a built-up pad, or hole. The threads shall conform to the requirements of
on a properly attached plate or fitting. Drilled holes to ANSI B1.20.1 and provide for the pipe to engage the
be tapped for straight threads shall not penetrate within minimum number of threads specified in Table PG-39
one-fourth of the wall thickness from the inside surface after allowance has been made for curvature of the vessel
of the vessel, unless at least the minimum thickness wall. A built-up pad or properly attached plate or fitting
required as above is maintained by adding metal to the may be used to provide the metal thickness and number
inside surface of the vessel. Where tapped holes are pro- of threads required in Table PG-39, or to furnish compen-
vided for studs, the threads shall be full and clean and sation when required.


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U.S. Customary Units

Pressure up to and including 300 psi

Size of pipe connection (NPS) 1 & 11⁄4 11⁄2 & 2 21⁄2 to 4 5&6 8 10 12
Threads engaged 4 5 7 8 10 12 13
Min. plate thickness required, in. 0.348 0.435 0.875 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.625

Pressures above 300 psi

Size of pipe connection, (NPS) ⁄2 & 3⁄4 1 to 11⁄2 2 21⁄2 & 3 4 to 6 8 10 12
Threads engaged 6 7 8 8 10 12 13 14
Min. plate thickness, required, in. 0.43 0.61 0.70 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.62 1.75

SI Units

Pressure up to and including 2 MPa

Size of pipe connection (DN) 25 & 32 40 & 50 65 to 100 125 & 150 200 250 300
Threads engaged 4 5 7 8 10 12 13
Min. plate thickness required (mm) 9 11 22 25 32 38 41

Pressures above 2 MPa

Size of pipe connection (DN) 15 & 20 25 to 40 50 65 & 80 100 to 150 200 250 300
Threads engaged 6 7 8 8 10 12 13 14

Min. plate thickness, required (mm) 11 16 18 25 32 38 41 44

PG-39.5.2 Threaded joints for boiler connections PG-39.7 All welded connections shall be postweld
for external piping shall be in accordance with the follow- heat treated after attachment unless specifically allowed
ing size and pressure limitations and shall not be used otherwise.
where the temperature exceeds 925°F (495°C).
Maximum Maximum
3 (80) 400 (3)
2 (50) 600 (4) PG-42.1 Applicable ASME Standards. Except when 04
1 (25) 1,200 (8) supplied as miscellaneous pressure parts under the provi-
⁄4 (20) and smaller 1,500 (10) sions of PG-11, all fittings, flanges, and valves shall meet
the requirements of the following ASME Standards,
PG-39.5.3 Threaded connections for plug closures including the restrictions contained within the standards,
used for inspection openings, end closures, and similar and any noted as part of this Code. The product standard
purposes may be used within the size and pressure limita- establishes the basis for pressure–temperature rating and
tions of Table PG-39. marking.
PG-39.6 Expanded Connections. Provided the PG-42.1.1 ASME B16.1, Cast Iron Pipe Flanges
requirements for compensation are met, a pipe, tube, or and Flanged Fittings18
forging not exceeding 6 in. (150 mm) in outside diameter PG-42.1.3 ASME B16.3, Malleable Iron Threaded
may be attached to shells, heads, headers, or fittings by Fittings, Classes 150 (PN 20) and 300 (PN 50)
inserting through an opening and expanding in accor-
PG-42.1.4 ASME B16.4, Gray Iron Threaded Fit-
dance with the rules for tube attachment in Parts PWT
and PFT, whichever is applicable.
The sharp edges left in drilling tube holes shall be PG-42.1.5 ASME B16.5, Pipe Flanges and Flanged
removed on both sides of the plate with a file or other Fittings (see PG-42.2)
tool. The inner surface of the tube hole in any form of
attachment may be grooved or chamfered. Classes 25 and 800 are not applicable to Section I.


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PG- 2004 SECTION I PG-42.4.2

PG- Pressure–Temperature Ratings per specifically listed in the applicable product standards
Table 2 listed in PG-42.1, but not of materials specifically prohib-
PG- Facing Dimensions (other than ited or beyond the use limitations listed in this Section.
ring-joint) per Table 4 Rolled or forged flanges may be made from material
conforming to any forging specification among these per-
PG- Facing Dimensions for Ring-Joint
mitted materials, except that SA-181 shall not be used
Flanges per Table 5
for flanges whose pressure rating is higher than Class
PG- Dimensions of Flanges for Pressure 300 (PN 50). Hub-type flanges shall not be cut or
Rating Classes per Tables 8 through 28 machined from plate material.
PG-42.1.6 ASME B16.9, Factory-Made Wrought PG-42.4 Additional Requirements. Flanges made of
Steel Buttwelding Fittings other materials permitted under this Section shall be at
When pressure ratings are established under the provi- least equal to the strength requirements, and the facing
sions of para. 2.1 of ASME B16.9 they shall be calculated dimensions and bolt circles shall agree with the Standard
as for straight seamless pipe in accordance with ASME otherwise required.
PG-42.4.1 The thickness of all fitting and valve
PG-42.1.7 ASME B16.11, Forged Fittings, Socket- bodies subject to pressure shall be not less than that
Welding and Threaded (see PG-42.2) required by the applicable ASME Standard listed in
A05 PG-42.1.8 ASME B16.15, Cast Bronze Threaded PG-42.1 for the corresponding maximum allowable
Fittings, Classes 125 (PN 20) and 250 (PN 50) (see working pressure and temperature for the material used.
PG-8.4 and PG-42.4.11) The cylindrical ends of cast steel welding end valves and
PG-42.1.9 ASME B16.20, Ring-Joint Gaskets and fittings conforming to ASME B16.5 or B16.34 may be
Grooves for Steel Pipe Flanges proportioned with a casting quality factor of 100% pro-
vided these areas are finish-machined both inside and
PG-42.1.10 ASME B16.24, Cast Copper Alloy
outside, are carefully inspected, and that the contour of
Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings (see PG-8.4)
the welding end transition complies with PG-42.4.2.
PG-42.1.11 ASME B16.25, Buttwelding Ends
PG-42.4.2 The welding ends of component bodies
PG-42.1.12 ASME B16.34, Valves — Flanged, such as fittings and valves, whether constructed of cast
Threaded, and Welding End (see PG-42.2 and PG-42.4.3) products, wrought products, or any other fabrication pro-
PG-42.1.14 ASME B16.42, Ductile Iron Pipe cess acceptable under the Code, shall provide a gradual
Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Classes 150 (PN 20) and change in thickness from that of the adjoining pipe to
300 (PN 50) (see PG-8.3) that of the component body. Any configuration of weld
end transition that lies entirely within the envelope shown

PG-42.2 Marking. All valves and fittings shall be
marked with the name, trademark, or other identification in Fig. PG-42.1 is acceptable, provided that
of the manufacturer and the primary service pressure (a) the wall thickness in the transition region is not
rating except that the pressure rating marking may be less than the smaller of the fitting or valve thickness
omitted from: required by PG-42.4.1 or the minimum value of the pipe
thickness tmin defined under Fig. PG-42.1.
PG-42.2.1 Cast iron threaded fittings for Class 125
(b) the transition region including the weld joint shall
(PN 20) working pressure
avoid sharp reentrant angles and abrupt changes in slope.
PG-42.2.2 Malleable iron threaded fittings for When the included angle between any two adjoining sur-
Class 150 (PN 20) working pressure faces of a taper transition is less than 150 deg., the inter-
PG-42.2.3 Nonferrous threaded fittings for Classes section or corner (except for the weld reinforcement)
125 (PN 20) and 250 (PN 50) working pressure shall be provided with a radius of at least 0.05tmin.
PG-42.2.4 Cast iron and nonferrous companion The configurations and tolerances suggested by such
flanges weld end standards as ASME B16.9 and ASME B16.25
are acceptable only to the extent that the resulting product
PG-42.2.5 Additional markings for buttwelding and weld joint will comply with these requirements of
fittings, as called for by several Code Standards for all PG-42.4.2. In Fig. PG-42.1 the thickness in the plane at
valves and fittings, are recommended if the size and shape the end of the fitting or valve shall not be less than tmin
of the valve or fitting permit. and shall not exceed a maximum of either: the greater
PG-42.3 Flange Materials. Flanges shall be made of [tmin + 0.15 in. (4 mm)] or 1.15tmin when ordered on
of materials permitted by this Section or of materials a minimum wall basis, or the greater of [tmin + 0.15 in.


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2 11/2 tmin.
Radius of at least 0.05tmin.

Radius not mandatory

45 deg maximum

30 deg maximum

Component or Fitting
Maximum–See Note (2)
t nom. t min. Minimum–1.0t min.

30 deg maximum

Maximum slope See Note (1)


Radius of at least 0.05t min.

Inside 2tmin.
Transition Region

(a) Weld bevel is shown for illustration only.
(b) The weld reinforcement permitted by PW-35 may be outside the maximum envelope.

(1) The value of t min. is whichever of the following is applicable:
(a) the minimum ordered wall thickness of the pipe; or
(b) the minimum ordered wall thickness of the tube; or
(c) 0.875 times the nominal wall thickness of pipe ordered to a pipe schedule wall
thickness that has an undertolerance of 12.5°; or
(d) the minimum ordered wall thickness of the cylindrical welding end of a component or
fitting (or the thinner of the two) when the joint is between two components.
(2) The maximum thickness at the end of the component is:
(a) the greater of [t min.+ 0.15 in. (4mm)] or 1.15t min. when ordered on a minimum wall basis;
(b) the greater of [t min.+ 0.15 in. (4mm)] or 1.10t nom. when ordered on a nominal wall basis.



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PG-42.4.2 2004 SECTION I PG-44.1

(4 mm)] or 1.10tnom when ordered on a nominal wall basis. whose dimensions and ratings are incorporated in the
PG-42.4.3 Fittings in which there are minor Code.
changes in the center-to-face dimensions or in which the Bronze threaded or flanged type fittings or valves may
angles of elbows differ from those given in an ASME be used provided they are at least equal to the strength
Standard in PG-42.1 may be considered to fall within the requirements of ASME B16.1 cast iron fittings that would
scope of the standard provided the other requirements for otherwise be required. Bronze threaded fittings may be
materials, dimensions, and thickness are met. used if they comply with ASME B16.15. The material
shall comply with PG-8.4 and the allowable working
PG-42.4.4 Flanges and flanged fittings meeting the stresses are not to exceed the values given in Table 1B
requirements of ASME B16.5 or valves meeting the of Section II, Part D, except as provided in PG-67.7.
requirements of ASME B16.34 may be used at the pres- Bronze shall not be used where steel or other material is
sure–temperature ratings established by those standards. specifically required. Threaded type fittings shall not be
Standard Class, Special Class, or Limited Class valves used where flanged types are specified.
may be used, provided that all parts of the valves are
suitable for the pressure–temperature conditions at which
they are to be used. Valves of intermediate rating or class,
as described in ASME B16.34, are permitted.
PG-42.4.5 When the service requirements exceed The minimum thickness of a nozzle neck (including
the permissible values given in ASME B16.5 or ASME access openings and openings for inspection) shall not
B16.34, the requirements of the Code will be met if the be less than the thickness required for the applicable
bolting material, flange thickness, and/or body thickness loadings. Additionally, the minimum thickness of a noz-
are increased so that the deflection limits are no greater zle neck (except for access openings and openings for
and the factor of safety is no less than that of the nearest inspection) shall be not less than the smaller of the fol-
Pressure Rating Class in ASME B16.5 or ASME B16.34. lowing:

PG-42.4.6 Steel buttwelding fittings may be used PG-43.1 The minimum required thickness of a seam-
provided they are at least equal to the requirements of less shell or head to which it is attached.
ASME B16.9. PG-43.2 The minimum wall thickness of standard-
PG-42.4.7 ASME Standard slip-on flanges shall wall pipe listed in Table 2 of ASME B36.10M.
not exceed NPS 4 (DN 100). Attachment of slip-on
flanges shall be by double fillet welds. The throats of the
fillet welds shall not be less than 0.7 times the thickness PG-44 INSPECTION OPENINGS
of the part to which the flange is attached. PG-44.1 All boilers or parts thereof shall be provided A05
PG-42.4.8 ASME Standard socket welded flanges with suitable manhole, handhole, or other inspection
may be used in piping or boiler nozzles provided the openings for examination or cleaning, except for special
dimensions do not exceed NPS 3 (DN 80) for Class 600 types of boilers where such openings are manifestly not
(PN 110) and lower, and NPS 21⁄2 (DN 65) in Classes 900 needed or used.
(PN 150) and 1,500 (PN 260). Specific requirements for access openings in certain
PG-42.4.9 Threaded fittings of cast iron or mallea- types of boilers appear in other paragraphs.
ble iron conforming to the requirements of the ASME An elliptical manhole opening shall be not less than
Standards for Classes 125 (PN 20), 150 (PN 20), 250 12 in. ⴛ 16 in. (300 mm ⴛ 400 mm) in size.
(PN 50), and 300 (PN 50) pressure may be used except A circular manhole opening shall be not less than 15 in.
where otherwise specifically prohibited or where flanged (380 mm) in diameter.
fittings are specifically required. They shall not be used A handhole opening in a boiler drum or shell shall be
for temperatures over 450°F (230°C). not less than 23⁄4 in. ⴛ 31⁄2 in. (70 mm ⴛ 89 mm), but it
is recommended that, where possible, larger sizes be used.
PG-42.4.10 Cast- or forged-steel threaded fittings Manhole, handhole, inspection, and washout openings
or valves that are at least equal to the strength require- in a shell or unstayed head shall be designed in accordance
ments of the ASME Standard fittings that would otherwise with the rules of PG-32 to PG-42.
be required may be used in all cases except where flanged When a threaded opening is to be used for inspection
fittings are specifically required. or washout purposes, it shall be not less than 1 in. (25 mm)
PG-42.4.11 The casting quality factors given in pipe size. The closing plug or cap shall be of nonferrous
PG-25 do not apply to ASME Standard cast steel fittings material except for pressures of over 250 psi (1.7 MPa).



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The thread shall be a standard tapered pipe thread,

except that a straight thread of equal strength may be used 1.0
if other sealing surfaces to prevent leakage are provided. Not less than 21/2 diameters of
bolt as measured on the outside of
PG-44.2 Manhole and handhole cover plates shall be the threaded portion, but must be
of rolled, forged or cast steel except that for pressures 0.4 pitch of stays if C = 3.2
not exceeding 250 psi (1.7 MPa), and /or temperatures
not exceeding 450°F (230°C), handhole cover plates may Not less than 1/2t if C = 2.8 or less, t
be made of cast iron complying with SA-278. Yokes, if and not less than t if C = 3.2
used, shall be made of rolled, forged, or cast steel.
The strength of all such parts together with the bolts FIG. PG-46.2 ACCEPTABLE PROPORTIONS FOR
and yokes, if any, shall be proportioned for the service ENDS OF THROUGH-STAYS
for which they are used.
PG-44.3 The minimum width of bearing surface for P p maximum allowable working pressure, psi
a gasket on a manhole opening shall be 11⁄16 in. (17 mm). (MPa)
No gasket for use on a manhole or handhole of any boiler p p maximum pitch measured between straight lines
shall have a thickness greater than 1⁄4 in. (6 mm), when passing through the centers of the staybolts in
compressed. the different rows, which lines may be horizontal
and vertical, or radial and circumferential, in.
PG-46 STAYED SURFACES S p maximum allowable stress given in Table 1A of
PG-46.1 The minimum thickness and maximum Section II, Part D, psi (MPa)
allowable working pressure for stayed flat plates and t p minimum thickness of plate, in. (mm)
those parts that, by these rules, require staying as flat
PG-46.2 The minimum thickness of plates to which
plates with stays or staybolts of uniform diameter sym-
stays may be applied, in other than cylindrical or spherical
metrically spaced, shall be calculated by the following
outer shell plates, shall be 5⁄16 in. (8 mm), except for
welded construction covered by PW-19.
冪 SCP (1) PG-46.3 When two plates are connected by stays and
only one of these plates requires staying, the value of C
t 2 SC shall be governed by the thickness of the plate requiring
Pp (2) staying.

where PG-46.4 Acceptable proportions for the ends of

through-stays with washers are indicated in Fig. PG-46.2.
C p 2.1 for welded stays or stays screwed through
plates not over 7⁄16 in. (11 mm) in thickness with PG-46.5 The maximum pitch shall be 8 1 ⁄2 in.
ends riveted over (215 mm) except that for welded-in staybolts the pitch
C p 2.2 for welded stays or stays screwed through may be greater provided it does not exceed 15 times the
plates over 7⁄16 in. (11 mm) in thickness with diameter of the staybolt.
ends riveted over For the application of PG-48 and PFT-26, see Fig. A-8.
C p 2.5 for stays screwed through plates and fitted PG-46.6 Where the staybolting of shells is unsymmet-
with single nuts outside of plate, or with inside rical by reason of interference with butt straps or other
and outside nuts, omitting washers construction, it is permissible to consider the load carried
C p 2.8 for stays with heads not less than 1.3 times by each staybolt as the area calculated by taking the
the diameter of the stays screwed through plates distance from the center of the spacing on one side of
or made a taper fit and having the heads formed the bolt to the center of the spacing on the other side.
on the stay before installing them, and not riv-
PG-46.7 The ends of stays fitted with nuts shall not
eted over, said heads being made to have a true
be exposed to the direct radiant heat of the fire.
bearing on the plate
C p 3.2 for stays fitted with inside and outside nuts PG-46.8 Stays exceeding 120 diameters in length
and outside washers where the diameter of wash- shall be supported at intervals not exceeding 120 diame-
ers is not less than 0.4p and thickness not less ters, or the cross-sectional area of the stay shall be
than t increased by not less than 15% of its required area.


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PG-47 2004 SECTION I PG-52.3

PG-47 STAYBOLTS PG-49.2 The diameter of a screw stay shall be taken

PG-47.1 The ends of staybolts or stays screwed at the bottom of the thread or wherever it is of the least
through the plate shall extend beyond the plate not less diameter.
than two threads when installed, after which they shall
be riveted over or upset by an equivalent process without
excessive scoring of the plates; or they shall be fitted PG-52 LIGAMENTS
with threaded nuts through which the bolt or stay shall PG-52.1 The rules of this paragraph apply to groups
extend. The outside ends of solid staybolts 8 in. (200 mm) of openings that form a definite pattern in pressure parts.
and less in length, if of uniform diameter throughout their (For patterns not definite, see PG-53.) The efficiency of
length, shall be drilled with telltale holes at least 3⁄16 in. the ligament between the tube holes shall be determined
(5 mm) in diameter to a depth extending at least 1⁄2 in. as follows. (See Fig. PG-52.1.)
(13 mm) beyond the inside of the plate. If such staybolts
PG-52.2 Openings Parallel to Vessel Axis
are reduced in section between their ends below their
diameter at the root of the thread, the telltale holes shall PG-52.2.1 When the pitch of the tubes on every
extend at least 1⁄2 in. (13 mm) beyond the point where tube row is equal (as in Fig. PG-52.2), the formula is:
the reduction in section commences. Hollow staybolts p−d
may be used in place of solid staybolts with drilled ends. p
Solid staybolts over 8 in. (200 mm) long and flexible
staybolts of either the jointed or ball-and-socket type need Example: Pitch of tube holes in the drum as shown in Fig.
not be drilled. Staybolts used in waterlegs of watertube PG-52.2 p 51⁄4 in. Diameter of tube p 31⁄4 in. Diameter of
boilers shall be hollow or drilled at both ends, in accor- tube holes p 39⁄32 in.
dance with the requirements above stated, irrespective of p−d 5.25 − 3.281
their length. All threaded staybolts not normal to the p 5.25
stayed surface shall have not less than three engaging
threads of which at least one shall be a full thread, but
p 0.375 efficiency of ligament
if the thickness of the material in the boiler is not sufficient
to give one full engaging thread, the plates shall be suffi- PG-52.2.2 When the pitch of the tube holes on any
ciently reinforced on the inside by a steel plate welded one row is unequal (as in Fig. PG-52.3 or Fig. PG-52.4),
thereto. Telltale holes are not required in staybolts the formula is:
attached by welding. p1 − nd
PG-47.2 The ends of steel stays upset for threading p1
shall be fully annealed after upsetting. Example: Spacing shown in Fig. PG-52.3. Diameter of
PG-47.3 Requirements for welded-in staybolts are tube holes p 39⁄32 in.
given in PW-19. p1 − nd 12 − 2 ⴛ 3.281
p1 12


p 0.453 efficiency of ligament

PG-48.2 When the edge of a flat stayed plate is

flanged, the distance from the center of the outermost Example: Spacing shown in Fig. PG-52.4. Diameter of
stays to the inside of the supporting flange shall not be tube holes p 39⁄32 in.
greater than the pitch of the stays plus the inside radius p1 − nd 29.25 − 5 ⴛ 3.281
of the flange. p1

PG-49 DIMENSIONS OF STAYBOLTS p 0.439 efficiency of ligament

PG-49.1 The required area of a staybolt at its mini- PG-52.3 Openings Transverse to Vessel Axis. The
mum cross section shall be obtained by dividing the load strength of those ligaments between the tube holes that
on the staybolt, computed in accordance with PFT-26, are subjected to a longitudinal stress shall be at least one-
by the allowable stress value in accordance with Table half the required strength of those ligaments that come
1A of Section II, Part D, and multiplying the results between the tube holes that are subjected to a circumferen-
by 1.10. tial stress.


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PG-52.4 2004 SECTION I PG-52.4

51/4 51/4 51/4 51/4 51/4 51/4 51/4

in. in. in. in. in. in. in.
(133 (133 (133 (133 (133 (133 (133
mm) mm) mm) mm) mm) mm) mm)

Longitudinal Line


6.42 in. (163 mm)
(146 mm)
51/4 63/4 51/4 63/4 51/4 63/4 51/4 Longitudinal Line
in. in. in. in. in. in. in.
(133 (171 (133 (171 (133 (171 (133
mm) mm) mm) mm) mm) mm) mm) FIG. PG-52.5 EXAMPLE OF TUBE SPACING WITH

will be the weaker, in which case the efficiency is com-

puted from the following equation:

12 in. (305 mm)

Longitudinal Line
FIG. PG-52.3 EXAMPLE OF TUBE SPACING WITH (1) Diagonal pitch of tube holes in drum as shown
PITCH OF HOLES UNEQUAL IN EVERY SECOND ROW in Fig. PG-52.5 p 6.42 in. Diameter of holes p 41⁄32 in.
Longitudinal pitch of tube holes p 111⁄2 in.
p−d 11.5 − 4.031
51/4 63/4 51/4 51/4 63/4 51/4 63/4 51/4 51/4 p p 0.649 (2)
p 11.5
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in.
(133 (171 (133 (133 (171 (133 (171 (133 (133
mm) mm) mm) mm) mm) mm) mm) mm) mm) p′ 6.42
p p 0.558 (3)
p 11.5

The point corresponding to these values is shown at A

on the diagram in Fig. PG-52.1, and the corresponding
efficiency is 37.0%. As the point falls below the curve
291/4 in. (743 mm)
of equal efficiency for the diagonal and longitudinal liga-
Longitudinal Line ments, the diagonal ligament is the weaker.
(2) Diagonal pitch of tube holes in drum p 635⁄64
FIG. PG-52.4 EXAMPLE OF TUBE SPACING WITH in. Diameter of tube holes p 41⁄64 in. Longitudinal pitch
p−d 7 − 4.0156
p p 0.426 (4)
p 7
PG-52.4 Holes Along a Diagonal. When a shell or
p′ 6.547
drum is drilled for tube holes as shown in Fig. PG-52.5, p p 0.935
p 7
the efficiency of these ligaments shall be that given by
the diagram in Fig. PG-52.1. The abscissa (p − d) /p and The point corresponding to these values is shown at B
the ratio p′ /p shall be computed. With these values the on the diagram in Fig. PG-52.1, and it will be seen that
efficiency may be read off the ordinate. Should the point it falls above the line of equal efficiency for the diagonal

fall above the curve of equal efficiency for the diagonal and longitudinal ligaments, in which case the efficiency
and longitudinal ligaments, the longitudinal ligaments is computed from Eq. (1). Applying Eq. (1), we have:


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7 − 4.0156 PG-53.3 For holes placed longitudinally along a drum

p 0.426, efficiency of ligament, or 42.6%
7 but that do not come in a straight line, the above rules for
PG-52.5 When tubes or holes are arranged in a drum calculating efficiency shall hold except that the equivalent
or shell in symmetrical groups along lines parallel to the longitudinal width of a diagonal ligament shall be used.
axis and the same spacing is used for each group, the To obtain the equivalent width the longitudinal pitch of
efficiency for one of the groups shall be not less than the two holes having a diagonal ligament shall be
the efficiency on which the maximum allowable working multiplied by the efficiency of the diagonal ligament. The
pressure is based. efficiency to be used for the diagonal ligaments is given
in Fig. PG-52.6.
PG-52.6 The symbols defined below are used in the
formulas of this paragraph:
d diameter of openings, in. (mm)
E efficiency of ligament
p longitudinal pitch of adjacent openings, in. (mm)
p PG-55.1 Lugs or hangers when used to support a
p′ diagonal pitch of adjacent openings, in. (mm)
p boiler of any type shall be properly fitted to the surfaces
p1 pitch between corresponding openings in a series
p to which they are attached.
of symmetrical groups of openings, in. (mm) PG-55.2 Lugs, hangers, or brackets may be attached
n p number of openings in length p1 by fusion welding provided the welding meets the require-
The pitch shall be measured either on the flat plate before ments of Part PW, including stress relieving but omitting
rolling or on the median surface after rolling. radiographic examination and provided they are attached
by full penetration welds, combination groove and fillet
welds, or by fillet welds along the entire periphery or
PG-53 LIGAMENTS contact edges. Some acceptable forms of welds for lugs,
hangers, or brackets are shown in Fig. PW-16.2. The
PG-53.1 The rules in this paragraph apply to groups
materials for lugs, hangers, or brackets are not limited to
of openings that do not form a definite pattern in pressure
those listed in Tables 1A and 1B of Section II, Part D,
parts. (For definite patterns see PG-52.) The efficiency
but shall be of weldable quality. The allowable load on
of the ligament between tube holes shall be determined
the fillet welds shall equal the product of the weld area
as follows:
based on minimum leg dimension, the allowable stress
PG-53.2 When tubes or holes are unsymmetrically value in tension of the material being welded, and the
spaced, the average ligament efficiency shall be not less factor 0.55. When using welded pipe, the stress values
than that given by the following rules, which apply to given in Table 1A of Section II, Part D, may be increased
ligaments between tube holes, and not to single openings. to that of the basic material by eliminating the stated
This procedure may give lower efficiencies in some cases weld efficiencies.
than those for symmetrical groups which extend a dis-
tance greater than the inside diameter of the shell as
covered under PG-52. When this occurs, the efficiencies BOILER EXTERNAL PIPING
computed by the rules under PG-52 shall be used. AND BOILER PROPER

PG-53.2.1 For a length equal to the inside diameter

of the drum for the position that gives the minimum PG-58 OUTLETS AND EXTERNAL PIPING
efficiency, the efficiency shall be not less than that on
PG-58.1 General. The rules of this subparagraph
which the maximum allowable working pressure is based.
apply to the boiler external piping as defined in the Pre-
When the diameter of the drum exceeds 60 in.
(1 500 mm), the length shall be taken as 60 in. (1 500 mm)
in applying this rule. PG-58.2 Boiler External Piping Connections to
Boilers. All boiler external piping connected to a boiler
PG-53.2.2 For a length equal to the inside radius
for any purpose shall be attached to one of the types of
of the drum for the position that gives the minimum
joints listed in PG-, PG-, and
efficiency, the efficiency shall be not less than 80% of
that on which the maximum allowable working pressure
is based. When the radius of the drum exceeds 30 in. PG-58.3 Boiler External Piping. The following
(750 mm), the length shall be taken as 30 in. (750 mm) defines the Code Jurisdictional Limits of the boiler exter-
in applying this rule. nal piping systems, including general requirements,


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Equivalent longitudinal efficiency of diagonal ligament, %






40 1.6



θ p′ axis
p′ d
= 1.2
p ′ = diagonal pitch
d = diameter of tube hole
s = p ′ cos θ
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Angle of diagonal with longitudinal, θ, deg

(a) The equation in Note (b) below is provided for the user’s option. The use of the equation is
prohibited beyond the range of the abscissa and ordinate shown.
(b) Equivalent longitudinal efficiency,
sec θ
sec2θ + 1 − 3 + sec2 θ
p ′/d
0.015 + 0.005 sec2 θ





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valves, and inspection. The limits are also shown in Figs. boiler and prime mover installation, the stop valve
PG-58.3.1 and PG-58.3.2. The materials, design, fabrica- required herein may be omitted provided the prime mover
tion, installation, and testing shall be in accordance with throttle valve is equipped with an indicator to show
ASME B31.1, Power Piping. whether the valve is open or closed and is designed to
PG-58.3.1 The steam piping connected to the boiler withstand the required hydrostatic pressure test of the
drum or to the superheater outlet header shall extend up boiler.
to and including the first stop valve in each connection, For an isolable or separately fired superheater which
except as required by PG-58.3.2. In the case of a single discharges steam directly to a process stream, the stop



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PG-58.3.1 2004 SECTION I PG-58.3.1



valve required by this paragraph and the safety valve(s) the superheater to exceed that permitted by PG-67.2, with
required by PG-68 may be omitted provided the following maximum steam flow from the boiler to the superheater.
conditions are satisfied: Flow and pressure calculations demonstrating that the
(a) The boiler is a drum-type boiler in a single-boiler superheater will not be overpressurized under any steam
installation. flow conditions shall be documented and made available
(b) The steam discharge passes through the process to the Inspector. These calculations shall be certified by
stream to the atmosphere with no intervening valves. a Professional Engineer experienced in the mechanical
(c) The system shall be designed so that the process design of power plants.
stream through which the steam discharge passes cannot (d) There is no valve on the discharge side of the
be obstructed in such a way as to cause the pressure in superheater.


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(e) Section I jurisdiction shall include the pressure PG-58.3.6 The blowoff piping for all boilers,
parts between the superheater inlet and the outlet at: except forced-flow steam generators with no fixed steam
(1) the first circumferential joint for welding end and waterline, high-temperature water boilers, and those
connections; or used for traction and/or portable purposes, when the max-
(2) the face of the first flange in bolted flange con- imum allowable working pressure exceeds 100 psi
nections; or (700 kPa) shall extend through and including the second
(3) the first threaded joint in that type of connection. valve. The blowoff piping for all traction and /or portable
boilers and for forced circulation and electric boilers hav-

PG-58.3.2 When two or more boilers are connected ing a normal water content not exceeding 100 gal (380 L)
to a common steam header, or when a single boiler is are required to extend through only one valve.
connected to a header having another steam source (e.g.,
a turbine extraction line), the connection from each boiler PG-58.3.7 The miscellaneous piping shall include
having a manhole opening shall be fitted with two stop the piping for such items as drains, vents, surface-blow-
valves having an ample free-blow drain between them. off, steam and water piping for water columns, gage
The boiler external piping includes all piping from the glasses and pressure gages, and the recirculation return
boiler proper up to and including the second stop valve line for a high-temperature water boiler. When a drain
and the free-blow drain valve. is not intended for blowoff purposes (when the boiler is
under pressure) a single valve is acceptable, otherwise
PG-58.3.3 The feedwater piping for all boilers, two valves in series are required except as permitted by
except high-temperature water boilers and forced-flow PG-58.3.6.
steam generators complying with PG-58.3.5, shall extend
through the required stop valve and up to and including PG-58.3.8 Welded piping in PG-58.3.1, PG-58.3.2,
the check valve except as required by PG-58.3.4. On a PG-58.3.3, PG-58.3.4, PG-58.3.5, PG-58.3.6, and
single boiler-turbine unit installation the boiler feed shut- PG-58.3.7 is also subject to the requirements of PG-104
off valve may be located upstream from the boiler feed for proper Code certification.
check valve.
If a feedwater heater or heaters meeting the require-
ments of Part PFH are installed between the required stop PG-59 APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS
valve and the boiler, and are fitted with isolation and FOR THE BOILER PROPER
bypass valves, provisions must be made to prevent the PG-59.1 Common to Steam, Feedwater, Blowoff,
feedwater pressure from exceeding the maximum allow- and Drain Systems
able working pressure of the piping or feedwater heater, PG-59.1.1 Outlets of a boiler to which piping is
whichever is less. Control and interlock systems are per- to be attached for any purpose, and which piping comes
mitted in order to prevent overpressure. within the Code requirements, shall meet the require-
PG-58.3.4 When two or more boilers are fed from ments of PG-39 and shall be:
a common source, the piping shall be up to and including PG- A tapped opening.
a globe or regulating valve located between the check
PG- Bolted flanged joints including
valve required in PG-58.3.3 and the source of supply. If
those of the Van Stone type.
the regulating valve is equipped with an isolation valve
and a bypass valve, the piping shall be up to and including PG- Welding ends of the butt or socket
both the isolation valve downstream from the regulating welding type.
valve and the shutoff valve in the bypass. PG- Piping within the boiler proper may
PG-58.3.5 The feedwater piping for a forced-flow be expanded into grooved holes, seal welded if desired.
steam generator with no fixed steam and waterline may Blowoff piping of firetube boilers shall be attached by
terminate up to and including the stop valve near the threading into a tapped opening with a threaded fitting
boiler and omitting the check valve near the boiler, pro- or valve at the other end if exposed to products of combus-
vided that a check valve having a pressure rating no less tion, or by PG- or PG- if not so exposed
than the boiler inlet design pressure is installed at the (see PFT-49).
discharge of the boiler feed pump or elsewhere in the PG-59.1.2 Steam Mains. Provisions shall be made
feedline between the feed pump and the feed stop valve. If for the expansion and contraction of steam mains con-
the feedwater heater(s) is fitted with isolation and bypass nected to boilers, by providing substantial anchorage at
valves, the applicable requirements of PG-58.3.3 must suitable points, so that there shall be no undue strain
be met. transmitted to the boiler. Steam reservoirs shall be used on


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PG-59.1.2 2004 SECTION I PG-59.3.3


steam mains when heavy pulsations of the steam currents external piping through which the water in the boiler may
cause vibration of the boiler shell plates. be blown out under pressure, excepting drains such as
PG-59.1.3 Figure PG-59.1 illustrates a typical form are used on water columns, gage glasses, or piping to
of connection for use on boiler shells for passing through feedwater regulators, etc., used for the purpose of
piping such as feed, surface blowoff connections, etc., determining the operating condition of such equipment.
and which permits the pipes’ being threaded in solid from Piping connections used primarily for continuous opera-
both sides in addition to the reinforcing of the opening tion, such as deconcentrators on continuous blowdown
of the shell. The pipes shall be attached as provided in systems, are not classed as blowoffs but the pipe connec-
PG-59.1.1. tions and all fittings up to and including the first shutoff
In these and other types of boilers where both internal valve shall be equal at least to the pressure requirements
and external pipes making a continuous passage are for the lowest set pressure of any safety valve on the
employed, the boiler bushing or its equivalent shall be boiler drum and with the corresponding saturated-steam
used. temperature.

PG-59.2 Requirements for Feedwater Connections. PG-59.3.2 A surface blowoff connection shall not

The feedwater shall be introduced into a boiler in such

exceed NPS 21⁄2 (DN 65), and the internal pipe and the
a manner that the water will not be discharged directly
terminal connection for the external pipe, when used,
against surfaces exposed to gases of high temperature or
shall form a continuous passage, but with clearance
to direct radiation from the fire. For pressures of 400 psi
between their ends and arranged so that the removal of
(3 MPa) or over, the feedwater inlet through the drum
either will not disturb the other. A properly designed steel
shall be fitted with shields, sleeves, or other suitable
bushing, similar to or the equivalent of those shown in
means to reduce the effects of temperature differentials
Fig. PG-59.1, or a flanged connection shall be used.
in the shell or head. Feedwater, other than condensate
returns as provided for in PG-59.3.6, shall not be intro-
duced through the blowoff. PG-59.3.3 Each boiler except forced-flow steam
generators with no fixed steam and waterline and high-
PG-59.3 Requirements for Blowoffs temperature water boilers shall have a bottom blowoff
PG-59.3.1 A blowoff as required herein is defined outlet in direct connection with the lowest water space
as a pipe connection provided with valves located in the practicable for external piping conforming to PG-58.3.6.


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PG-59.3.4 All waterwalls and water screens that PG-67.2 and PG-70, except as provided for in
do not drain back into the boiler, and all integral econo- PG-, no credit being taken for the safety valve
mizers, shall be equipped with outlet connections for a on the superheater, and the superheater must be equipped
blowoff or drain line and conform to the requirements with safety valve capacity as required by PG-68. A stop
of PG-58.3.6 or PG-58.3.7. valve is not required at the inlet or the outlet of a reheater
A05 PG-59.3.5 Except as permitted for miniature boil- or separately fired superheater.
ers in Part PMB and for boilers with 100 ft2 (9.3 m2) of PG- When stop valves are installed in
heating surface or less, the minimum size of blowoff the water-steam flow path between any two sections of
connections shall be NPS 1 (DN 25) and the maximum a forced-flow steam generator with no fixed steam and
size shall be NPS 21⁄2 (DN 65). Boilers with 100 ft2 waterline, the safety valves shall satisfy the requirements
(9.3 m2) or less but more than 20 ft2 (1.9 m2) of heating of PG-67.4.4.
surface may have a minimum size blowoff connection
of NPS 3⁄4 (DN 20). Boilers with 20 ft2 (1.9 m2) or less DESIGN AND APPLICATION
of heating surface may have a minimum size blowoff PG-60 REQUIREMENTS FOR
connection of NPS 1⁄2 (DN 15). MISCELLANEOUS PIPE,
PG-59.3.6 Condensate return connections of the VALVES, AND FITTINGS
same size or larger than the size herein specified may be Piping referred to in this paragraph shall be designed
used, and the blowoff may be connected to them. In such in accordance with the applicable requirements of ASME
case the blowoff shall be so located that the connection B31.1.
may be completely drained.
PG-60.1 Water Level Indicators. All boilers having
PG-59.3.7 A bottom blowoff pipe when exposed a fixed water level (steam and water interface) shall have
to direct furnace heat shall be protected by firebrick or at least one gage glass (a transparent device that permits
other heat resisting material that is so arranged that the visual determination of the water level). Boilers not hav-
pipe may be inspected. ing a fixed water level, such as forced-flow steam genera-
PG-59.3.8 An opening in the boiler setting for a tors and high-temperature water boilers of the forced
blowoff pipe shall be arranged to provide free expansion circulation type, are not required to have a gage glass.
and contraction. The lowest visible water level in a gage glass shall be at
least 2 in. (50 mm) above the lowest permissible water
PG-59.4 Requirements for Drains level, as determined by the boiler Manufacturer. Elec-
PG-59.4.1 Ample drain connections shall be pro- trode-type electric boilers are required to have only one
vided where required to permit complete drainage of all gage glass, regardless of MAWP.
piping, superheaters, waterwalls, water screens, integral Gage glasses having multiple tubular sections shall
economizers, high-temperature water boilers, and all have a minimum of 1 in. (25 mm) overlap of the sections
other boiler components in which water may collect. Pip- in which the water level may be visible. Segmented gage
ing shall conform to the requirements of PG-58.3.6 or glasses, such as ported or end-connected strip gages, shall
PG-58.3.7. be equipped to provide obvious visual discrimination
PG- Each superheater shall be equipped between water and vapor in the individual sections.
with at least one drain connection so located as to most PG-60.1.1 Boilers having a maximum allowable
effectively provide for the proper operation of the appa- working pressure exceeding 400 psi (3 MPa) shall have
ratus. two gage glasses. Instead of one of the two required gage
PG- Each high-temperature water boiler glasses, two independent remote water level indicators
shall have a bottom drain connection of at least NPS 1 (two discrete systems that continuously measure, trans-
(DN 25) in direct connection with the lowest water space mit, and display water level) may be provided.
practical for external piping conforming to PG-58.3.7. PG- When the water level in at least one
gage glass is not readily visible to the operator in the
PG-59.5 Requirements for Valves and Fittings. The
area where control actions are initiated, either a fiber
following requirements apply to the use of valves and
optic cable (with no electrical modification of the optical
fittings in the boiler proper. signal) or mirrors shall be provided to transfer the optical
PG-59.5.1 Steam Stop Valves image of the water level to the control area. Alternatively,
PG- If a shutoff valve is used between any combination of two of the following shall be pro-
the boiler and its superheater, the safety valve capacity vided:
on the boiler shall comply with the requirements of (a) an independent remote water level indicator



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PG- 2004 SECTION I PG-60.3.7

(b) an independent continuous transmission and dis- glass. There shall be no sag or offset in the piping that
play of an image of the water level in a gage glass will permit the accumulation of water.
PG- When two independent remote PG-60.3.3 The upper edge of the water connection
water level indicators are in reliable operation (continu- between a water column or gage glass and the boiler shall
ously indicating water level), the one required gage glass not be above the lowest visible water level in the gage
may be shut off, but shall be maintained in the serviceable glass. No part of this pipe connection shall be above the
condition. point of connection at the water column.
PG- The display of a remote water level PG-60.3.4 Connections from the boiler to the water
indicator shall have a clearly marked minimum water column shall be at least NPS 1 (DN 25). Connections for
level reference at least 2 in. (50 mm) above the lowest gage glasses connected directly to the boiler or to an
permissible water level, as determined by the Manufac- intervening water column shall be at least NPS 1 ⁄2
turer. (DN 15). Connections from the boiler to the remote level
indicator shall be at least NPS 3⁄4 (DN 20) to and including
PG-60.1.6 Each gage glass shall be fitted with a
the isolation valve and from there to the remote level
drain cock or valve having an unrestricted drain opening
indicator at least 1⁄2 in. (13 mm) O.D. tubing.
of not less than 1⁄4 in. (6 mm) diameter to facilitate clean-
ing. When the boiler MAWP exceeds 100 psi (700 kPa), PG-60.3.5 When the boiler MAWP exceeds 400 psi
the gage glass shall be furnished with a connection to (3 MPa), lower connections to drums for water columns
install a valved drain to a point of safe discharge. and remote level indicators shall be provided with shields,
Each gage glass shall be equipped with a top and a sleeves, or other suitable means to reduce the effect of
bottom shutoff valve of such through-flow construction temperature differentials in the shells or heads.
as to prevent stoppage by deposits of sediments. If the PG-60.3.6 The steam and water connections to a
bottom valve is more than 7 ft (2 m) above the floor or water column or a gage glass shall be readily accessible
platform from which it is operated, the operating mecha- for internal inspection and cleaning. Some acceptable
nism shall indicate by its position whether the valve is methods of meeting this requirement are by providing a
open or closed. The pressure–temperature rating of cross or fitting with a back outlet at each right-angle turn
valves, fittings, and piping shall be at least equal to the to permit inspection and cleaning in both directions, or
boiler MAWP and the corresponding saturated-steam by using pipe bends or fittings of a type that does not
temperature. leave an internal shoulder or pocket in the pipe connection
Straight-run globe valves shall not be used on such and with a radius of curvature that will permit the passage
connections. Automatic shutoff valves, if permitted to be of a rotary cleaner. Screwed plug closures using threaded
used, shall conform to the requirements given in A-18. connections as allowed by PG-39.5.3 are acceptable

means of access for this inspection and cleaning. When

PG-60.2 Water Columns the boiler MAWP exceeds 400 psig (3 MPa), socket-
PG-60.2.1 A water column shall be so mounted welded plugs may be used for this purpose in lieu of
that it will be correctly positioned, relative to the normal screwed plugs. If the water connection to the water col-
water level under operating conditions. umn has a rising bend or pocket that cannot be drained
PG-60.2.3 Each water column shall be furnished by means of the water-column drain, an additional drain
with a connection of at least NPS 3⁄4 (DN 20) to install a shall be placed on this connection so that it may be blown
valved drain to a safe point of discharge. off to clear any sediment from the pipe.
PG-60.2.4 The design and material of a water col- PG-60.3.7 Shutoff valves, if provided in the pipe
umn shall comply with the requirements of PG-8.2, connections between a boiler and a water column or
PG-8.3, and PG-42. between a boiler and the shutoff valves required for the
gage glass (PG-60.1.6), shall be of such through-flow
PG-60.3 Connections construction as to prevent stoppage by deposits of sedi-
PG-60.3.1 Gage glasses that are required by ment and shall indicate whether they are in open or closed
PG-60.1 shall be connected directly to the shell or drum position of the operating mechanism.
of the boiler or to an intervening water column. When Some examples of acceptable valves are:
two gage glasses are required, both may be connected to (a) outside-screw-and-yoke type gate valve
a single water column. (b) lever-lifting-type gate valve with permanently fas-
PG-60.3.2 The lower edge of the steam connection tened lever
between a water column or gage glass in the boiler shall (c) stopcock with the plug held in place by a guard
not be below the highest visible water level in the gage or gland


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PG-60.5 Water Fronts. Each boiler fitted with a water

jacketed boiler-furnace mouth protector, or similar appli-
ance having valves on the pipes connecting them to the
boiler shall have these valves locked or sealed open. Such
valves, when used, shall be of the straightway type.
PG-60.6 Pressure Gages
PG-60.6.1 Each boiler shall have a pressure gage
so located that it is easily readable. The pressure gage
shall be installed so that it shall at all times indicate the
pressure in the boiler. Each steam boiler shall have the
pressure gage connected to the steam space or to the
water column or its steam connection. A valve or cock
shall be placed in the gage connection adjacent to the
gage. An additional valve or cock may be located near
the boiler providing it is locked or sealed in the open
position. No other shutoff valves shall be located between
the gage and the boiler. The pipe connection shall be of
ample size and arranged so that it may be cleared by
blowing out. For a steam boiler the gage or connection
FIG. PG-60 TYPICAL ARRANGEMENT OF STEAM shall contain a syphon or equivalent device that will
AND WATER CONNECTIONS FOR A WATER develop and maintain a water seal that will prevent steam
from entering the gage tube. Pressure gage connections
shall be suitable for the maximum allowable working
pressure and temperature, but if the temperature exceeds
406°F (208°C), brass or copper pipe or tubing shall not
(d) ball valve
be used. The connections to the boiler, except the syphon,
Such valves shall be locked or sealed open except
if used, shall not be less than NPS 1⁄4 (DN 8) but where
under the following additional conditions:
steel or wrought iron pipe or tubing is used, they shall
(1) The boiler MAWP shall not exceed 250 psig not be less than 1⁄2 in. (13 mm) inside diameter. The
(1.7 MPa).
minimum size of a syphon, if used, shall be 1⁄4 in. (6 mm)
(2) The boiler shall not be hand fired or fired with inside diameter. The dial of the pressure gage shall be
solid fuel not in suspension. graduated to approximately double the pressure at which
(3) Interlocks between the valve and the burner con- the safety valve is set, but in no case to less than 11⁄2

trol system shall stop fuel supply and prevent firing when- times this pressure.
ever the valve between the drum and the water column
is not in the fully open position. PG-60.6.2 Each forced-flow steam generator with
(4) The minimum valve size shall be NPS 1 no fixed steam and waterline shall be equipped with pres-
(DN 25). sure gages or other pressure measuring devices located
as follows:
PG-60.3.8 Except for control devices such as
damper regulators and feedwater regulators, drains, steam PG- At the boiler or superheater outlet
pressure gages, or apparatus of such form as does not (following the last section which involves absorption of
permit the escape of an appreciable amount of steam or heat), and
water therefrom, no outlet connections shall be placed PG- At the boiler or economizer inlet
on the piping connecting a water column or gage glass (preceding any section that involves absorption of heat),
to a boiler. No outlet connections shall be placed on the and
piping connecting a remote level indicator to the boiler
PG- Upstream of any shutoff valve that
or to a water column for any function other than water
may be used between any two sections of the heat
level indication.
absorbing surface.
PG-60.3.9 An acceptable arrangement is shown in
PG-60.6.3 Each boiler shall be provided with a
Fig. PG-60.
valve connection at least NPS 1⁄4 (DN 8) for the exclusive
PG-60.4 Gage Cocks. Not required. purpose of attaching a test gage when the boiler is in


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PG-60.6.3 2004 SECTION I PG-67.2.2

service, so that the accuracy of the boiler pressure gage SAFETY VALVES AND SAFETY
can be ascertained. RELIEF VALVES19
PG-60.6.4 Each high-temperature water boiler
shall have a temperature gage so located and connected
that it shall be easily readable. The temperature gage shall
be installed so that it at all times indicates the temperature PG-67.1 Each boiler shall have at least one safety
in degrees Fahrenheit (Celcius) of the water in the boiler, valve or safety relief valve and if it has more than 500 ft2
at or near the outlet connection. (47 m2) of bare tube water-heating surface, or if an electric
boiler has a power input more than 1,100 kW, it shall
have two or more safety valves or safety relief valves.
PG-61 FEEDWATER SUPPLY For a boiler with combined bare tube and extended water-
PG-61.1 Except as provided for in PG-61.2 and heating surface exceeding 500 ft2 (47 m2), two or more
PG-61.4, boilers having more than 500 ft2 (47 m2) of safety valves or safety relief valves are required only if
water-heating surface shall have at least two means of the design steam generating capacity of the boiler exceeds
feeding water. Except as provided for in PG-61.3, 4,000 lb /hr (1 800 kg/hr). Organic fluid vaporizer genera-
PG-61.4, and PG-61.5, each source of feeding shall be tors require special consideration as given in Part PVG.
capable of supplying water to the boiler at a pressure of
3% higher than the highest setting of any safety valve PG-67.2 The safety valve or safety relief valve capac-
on the boiler. For boilers that are fired with solid fuel ity for each boiler (except as noted in PG-67.4) shall be
not in suspension, and for boilers whose setting or heat such that the safety valve, or valves will discharge all
source can continue to supply sufficient heat to cause the steam that can be generated by the boiler without
damage to the boiler if the feed supply is interrupted, allowing the pressure to rise more than 6% above the
one such means of feeding shall not be susceptible to the highest pressure at which any valve is set and in no case
to more than 6% above the maximum allowable working

same interruption as the other, and each shall provide

sufficient water to prevent damage to the boiler. pressure.
PG-61.2 Except as provided for in PG-61.1, a boiler PG-67.2.1 The minimum required relieving capac- 04
fired by gaseous, liquid, or solid fuel in suspension, or ity of the safety valves or safety relief valves for all types
heated by combustion turbine engine exhaust, may be of boilers shall be not less than the maximum designed
equipped with a single means of feeding water, provided steaming capacity at the MAWP of the boiler, as deter-
means are furnished for the shutting off of its heat input mined by the Manufacturer and shall be based on the
prior to the water level reaching the lowest permissible capacity of all the fuel burning equipment as limited by
level established by PG-60. other boiler functions.
A05 PG-61.3 For boilers having a water-heating surface PG-67.2.2 The minimum required relieving capac-
of more than 100 ft2 (9.3 m2), the feed water connection ity for a waste heat boiler shall be determined by the
to the boiler shall be not less than NPS 3⁄4 (DN 20). Manufacturer. When auxiliary firing is to be used in
For boilers having a water-heating surface of 100 ft2 combination with waste heat recovery, the maximum out-
(9.3 m2) or less, the feed water connection to the boiler put as determined by the boiler Manufacturer shall include
shall be not less than NPS 1⁄2 (DN 15). the effect of such firing in the total required capacity.
Boilers with 20 ft2 (1.9 m2) or less of water heating When auxiliary firing is to be used in place of waste heat
surface may have the feed water delivered through the recovery, the minimum required relieving capacity shall
blowoff opening. be based on auxiliary firing or waste heat recovery, which-
ever is higher.
PG-61.4 High-temperature water boilers shall be pro-
vided with means of adding water to the boiler or system 19
Safety Valve: An automatic pressure relieving device actuated by
while under pressure. the static pressure upstream of the valve and characterized by full-
opening pop action. It is used for gas or vapor service.
PG-61.5 A forced-flow steam generator with no fixed Relief Valve: An automatic pressure relieving device actuated by
steam and waterline shall be provided with a source of the static pressure upstream of the valve which opens further with the
feeding capable of supplying water to the boiler at a increase in pressure over the opening pressure. It is used primarily for
liquid service.
pressure not less than the expected maximum sustained Safety Relief Valve: An automatic pressure-actuated relieving device
pressure at the boiler inlet, as determined by the boiler suitable for use either as a safety valve or relief valve, depending on
Manufacturer, corresponding to operation at maximum application.
Unless otherwise defined, the definitions relating to pressure relief
designed steaming capacity with maximum allowable devices in Appendix I of ASME PTC 25-1994, Pressure Relief Devices,
working pressure at the superheater outlet. shall apply.


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PG-67.2.3 The minimum required relieving capac- and shall receive a control impulse to open when the
ity for electric boilers shall be in accordance with PEB-15. maximum allowable working pressure at the superheater
PG-67.2.4 The minimum required relieving capac- outlet, as shown in the master stamping (PG-106.3), is
ity in lb /hr (kg/hr) for a high-temperature water boiler exceeded. The total combined relieving capacity of the
shall be determined by dividing the maximum output in power-actuated relieving valves shall be not less than
Btu /hr (W) at the boiler nozzle, produced by the highest 10% of the maximum design steaming capacity of the
heating value fuel for which the boiler is designed, by boiler under any operating condition as determined by
1,000 (1.6). the Manufacturer. The valve or valves shall be located
PG-67.2.5 The minimum required relieving capac- in the pressure part system where they will relieve the
ity for organic fluid vaporizers shall be in accordance overpressure.
with PVG-12. An isolating stop valve of the outside-screw-and-yoke
or ball type may be installed between the power-actuated
PG-67.2.6 Any economizer that may be shut off
pressure relieving valve and the boiler to permit repairs
from the boiler, thereby permitting the economizer to
provided an alternate power-actuated pressure relieving
become a fired pressure vessel, shall have one or more
valve of the same capacity is so installed as to be in direct
safety relief valves with a total discharge capacity, in
communication with the boiler in accordance with the
lb /hr (kg/hr), calculated from the maximum expected
requirements of this paragraph.
heat absorption in Btu /hr (W), as determined by the
The isolating stop valve port area shall at least equal the
Manufacturer, divided by 1,000 (1.6). This absorption
area of the inlet of the power-actuated pressure relieving
shall be stated in the stamping (PG-106.4).
valve. If the isolating stop valve is of the ball type, the
PG-67.3 One or more safety valves on the boiler valve shall include a means to clearly identify whether
proper shall be set at or below the maximum allowable the valve is in the open or closed position. If the isolating
working pressure (except as noted in PG-67.4). If addi- stop valve is power actuated (air, motor, hydraulic, etc.),
tional valves are used the highest pressure setting shall a manual override mechanism shall be provided.
not exceed the maximum allowable working pressure by Power-actuated pressure relieving valves discharging
more than 3%. The complete range of pressure settings to intermediate pressure and incorporated into bypass
of all the saturated-steam safety valves on a boiler shall and /or startup circuits by the boiler Manufacturer need
not exceed 10% of the highest pressure to which any not be capacity certified. Instead, they shall be marked

valve is set. Pressure setting of safety relief valves on by the valve manufacturer with a capacity rating at a set
high-temperature water boilers20 may exceed this 10% of specified inlet pressure and temperature conditions.
range. Power-actuated pressure relieving valves discharging
PG-67.4 For a forced-flow steam generator with no directly to atmosphere shall be capacity certified. This
fixed steam and waterline (Fig. PG-67.4), equipped with capacity certification shall be conducted in accordance
automatic controls and protective interlocks responsive with the provisions of PG-69.3. The valves shall be
to steam pressure, safety valves may be provided in accor- marked in accordance with the provisions of PG-69.4.
dance with the above paragraphs or the following protec-
PG-67.4.2 Spring-loaded safety valves shall be
tion against overpressure shall be provided:
provided, having a total combined relieving capacity,
PG-67.4.1 One or more power-actuated pressure including that of the power-actuated pressure relieving
relieving valves21 shall be provided in direct communica- capacity installed under PG-67.4.1, of not less than 100%
tion with the boiler when the boiler is under pressure of the maximum designed steaming capacity of the boiler,
20 as determined by the Manufacturer, except the alternate
Safety relief valves in hot water service are more susceptible to
damage and subsequent leakage, than safety valves relieving steam. It provisions of PG-67.4.3 are satisfied. In this total, no
is recommended that the maximum allowable working pressure of the credit in excess of 30% of the total required relieving
boiler and the safety relief valve setting for high-temperature water
boilers be selected substantially higher than the desired operating pres-
capacity shall be allowed for the power-actuated pressure
sure so as to minimize the times the safety relief valve must lift. relieving valves actually installed. Any or all of the
The power-actuated pressure relieving valve is one whose move- spring-loaded safety valves may be set above the maxi-
ments to open or close are fully controlled by a source of power mum allowable working pressure of the parts to which
(electricity, air, steam, or hydraulic). The valve may discharge to atmo-
sphere or to a container at lower pressure. The discharge capacity may they are connected, but the set pressures shall be such
be affected by the downstream conditions, and such effects shall be that when all of these valves (together with the power-
taken into account. If the power-actuated pressure relieving valves are actuated pressure relieving valves) are in operation the
also positioned in response to other control signals, the control impulse
to prevent overpressure shall be responsive only to pressure and shall pressure will not rise more than 20% above the maximum
override any other control function. allowable working pressure of any part of the boiler,


Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale




Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale

except for the steam piping between the boiler and the the trip action. One power source shall be a continuously charged DC
prime mover. battery. The second source shall be an AC-to-DC converter connected
to the DC system to charge the battery and capable of performing
PG-67.4.3 The total installed capacity of spring- the trip action. The trip circuits shall be continuously monitored for
loaded safety valves may be less than the requirements availability.
of PG-67.4.2 provided all of the following conditions It is not mandatory to duplicate the mechanism that actually stops
the flow of fuel and feedwater.
are met. (b) De-energize to trip: If the circuits are arranged in such a way
PG- The boiler shall be of no less steam- that a continuous supply of power is required to keep the circuits closed
ing capacity than 1,000,000 lb /hr (450 000 kg/hr) and and operating and such that any interruption of power supply will
actuate the trip mechanism, then a single trip circuit and single power
installed in a unit system for power generation (i.e., a supply will be enough to meet the requirements of this subparagraph.
single boiler supplying a single turbine-generator unit).
PG- The power supply for all controls
PG- The boiler shall be provided with
and devices required by PG-67.4.3 shall include at least
automatic devices, responsive to variations in steam pres-
one source contained within the same plant as the boiler
sure, which include not less than all the following:
and which is arranged to actuate the controls and devices
PG- A control capable of main- continuously in the event of failure or interruption of any
taining steam pressure at the desired operating level and other power sources.
of modulating firing rates and feedwater flow in propor-
PG-67.4.4 When stop valves are installed in the
tion to a variable steam output; and
water-steam flow path between any two sections of a
PG- A control that overrides PG- forced-flow steam generator with no fixed steam and by reducing the fuel rate and feedwater flow waterline:
when the steam pressure exceeds the maximum allowable
working pressure as shown in the master stamping PG- The power-actuated pressure reliev-

(PG-106.3) by 10%; and ing valve(s) required by PG-67.4.1 shall also receive a
control impulse to open when the maximum allowable
PG- A direct-acting overpressure- working pressure of the component, having the lowest
trip-actuating mechanism, using an independent pressure pressure level upstream to the stop valve, is exceeded;
sensing device, that will stop the flow of fuel and feedwa- and
ter to the boiler, at a pressure higher than the set pressure
of PG-, but less than 20% above the maximum PG- The spring-loaded safety valves
allowable working pressure as shown in the master stamp- shall be located to provide the pressure protection require-
ing (PG-106.3). ments in PG-67.4.2 or PG-67.4.3.
PG- There shall be not less than two PG-67.4.5 A reliable pressure-recording device
spring-loaded safety valves and the total rated relieving shall always be in service and records kept to provide
capacity of the spring-loaded safety valves shall be not evidence of conformity to the above requirements.
less than 10% of the maximum designed steaming capac- PG-67.5 All safety valves or safety relief valves shall
ity of the boiler as determined by the Manufacturer. These be so constructed that the failure of any part cannot
spring-loaded safety valves may be set above the maxi- obstruct the free and full discharge of steam and water
mum allowable working pressure of the parts to which from the valve. Safety valves shall be of the direct spring-
they are connected but shall be set such that the valves loaded pop type, with seat inclined at any angle between
will lift at a pressure no higher than 20% above the 45 deg and 90 deg, inclusive, to the center line of the
maximum allowable working pressure as shown in the
spindle. The coefficient of discharge of safety valves shall
master stamping (PG-106.3).
be determined by actual steam flow measurements at a
PG- At least two of these spring-loaded pressure not more than 3% above the pressure at which
safety valves shall be equipped with a device that directly the valve is set to blow and when adjusted for blowdown
transmits the valve stem lift action to controls that will in accordance with PG-69.1.4. The valves shall be cred-
stop the flow of fuel and feedwater to the boiler. The ited with capacities as determined by the provisions of
control circuitry to accomplish this shall be arranged in PG-69.2.
a “fail-safe” manner (see Note). Safety valves or safety relief valves may be used that
give any opening up to the full discharge capacity of the
NOTE: “Fail-safe” shall mean a circuitry arranged as either of the
following: area of the opening of the inlet of the valve, provided
(a) Energize to trip: There shall be at least two separate and indepen- the movement of the steam safety valve is such as not
dent trip circuits served by two power sources, to initiate and perform to induce lifting of water in the boiler.


Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
PG-67.5 2004 SECTION I PG-68.7

Deadweight or weighted lever safety valves or safety between the superheater safety valve and the boiler, and
relief valves shall not be used. provided the discharge capacity of the safety valve, or
For high-temperature water boilers safety relief valves valves, on the boiler, as distinct from the superheater is
shall be used. Such valves shall have a closed bonnet. at least 75% of the aggregate valve capacity required.
For purposes of selection the capacity rating of such
PG-68.3 Every separately fired superheater which
safety relief valves shall be expressed in terms of actual
may be shut off from the boiler and permit the superheater
steam flow determined on the same basis as for safety
to become a fired pressure vessel shall have one or more
valves. In addition the safety relief valves shall be capable
safety valves having a discharge capacity equal to 6 lb
of satisfactory operation when relieving water at the satu-
(29 kg/hr) of steam per hour per square foot (square meter)
ration temperature corresponding to the pressure at which
of superheater surface measured on the side exposed to
the valve is set to blow.
the hot gases. As an alternative the Manufacturer may also
PG-67.6 A safety valve or safety relief valve over calculate the minimum safety valve discharge capacity in
NPS 3 (DN 80), used for pressures greater than 15 psig lb (kg) of steam per hour from the maximum expected
(100 kPa), shall have a flanged inlet connection or a weld- heat absorption (as determined by the Manufacturer) in
end inlet connection. The dimensions of flanges subjected Btu /hr (W), divided by 1,000 (1.6). In the case of electri-
to boiler pressure shall conform to the applicable ASME cally heated superheaters, the safety valve capacity shall
Standards as given in PG-42. The facing shall be similar be based upon 31⁄2 lb (1.6 kg) /hr /kW input. The number
to those illustrated in the Standard. of safety valves installed shall be such that the total
capacity is at least equal to that required.
04 PG-67.7 Safety valves or safety relief valves may
have bronze parts complying with either SB-61, SB-62, PG-68.4 Every reheater shall have one or more safety
or SB-148, provided the maximum allowable stresses and valves, such that the total relieving capacity is at least
temperatures do not exceed the values given in Table 1B equal to the maximum steam flow for which the heater
of Section II, Part D, and shall be marked to indicate the is designed. The capacity of the reheater safety valves
class of material used. Such valves shall not be used on shall not be included in the required relieving capacity
superheaters delivering steam at a temperature over 450°F for the boiler and superheater.
(230°C) for SB-61 and SB-148, and 306°F (150°C) for One or more valves with a combined relieving capacity
SB-62, and shall not be used for high-temperature water not less than 15% of the required total shall be located
boilers. along the steam flow path between the reheater outlet
and the first stop valve. The pressure drop upstream of
the valves on the outlet side of the reheater shall be
PG-68 SUPERHEATER AND REHEATER considered in determining their set pressure.
PG-68.5 A soot blower connection may be attached
PG-68.1 Except as permitted in PG-58.3.1, every to the same outlet from the superheater or reheater that
attached superheater shall have one or more safety valves is used for the safety valve connection.
in the steam flow path between the superheater outlet and
the first stop valve. The location shall be suitable for PG-68.6 Every safety valve used on a superheater or
the service intended and shall provide the overpressure reheater discharging superheated steam at a temperature
protection required. The pressure drop upstream of each over 450°F (230°C) shall have a casing, including the
safety valve shall be considered in the determination of base, body, and bonnet and spindle, of steel, steel alloy,
set pressure and relieving capacity of that valve. If the or equivalent heat-resisting material.
superheater outlet header has a full, free steam passage The valve shall have a flanged inlet connection, or a
from end to end and is so constructed that steam is sup- weld-end inlet connection. It shall have the seat and disk
plied to it at practically equal intervals throughout its of suitable heat erosive and corrosive resisting material,
length so that there is a uniform flow of steam through and the spring fully exposed outside of the valve casing
the superheater tubes and the header, the safety valve, or so that it shall be protected from contact with the escaping
valves, may be located anywhere in the length of the steam.
PG-68.7 The capacity of a safety valve on super- 04
PG-68.2 The discharge capacity of the safety valve, heated steam shall be calculated by multiplying the capac-

or valves, on an attached superheater may be included ity determined in accordance with PG-69.2 by the
in determining the number and size of the safety valves appropriate superheat correction factor Ksh, from Table
for the boiler, provided there are no intervening valves PG-68.7.


Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale

TABLE PG-68.7 04
Flowing Superheat Correction Factor, Ksh, Total Temperature, °F, of Superheated Steam
(psia) 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200

50 0.987 0.957 0.930 0.905 0.882 0.861 0.841 0.823 0.805 0.789 0.774 0.759 0.745 0.732 0.719 0.708 0.696
100 0.998 0.963 0.935 0.909 0.885 0.864 0.843 0.825 0.807 0.790 0.775 0.760 0.746 0.733 0.720 0.708 0.697
150 0.984 0.970 0.940 0.913 0.888 0.866 0.846 0.826 0.808 0.792 0.776 0.761 0.747 0.733 0.721 0.709 0.697
200 0.979 0.977 0.945 0.917 0.892 0.869 0.848 0.828 0.810 0.793 0.777 0.762 0.748 0.734 0.721 0.709 0.698
250 ... 0.972 0.951 0.921 0.895 0.871 0.850 0.830 0.812 0.794 0.778 0.763 0.749 0.735 0.722 0.710 0.698
300 ... 0.968 0.957 0.926 0.898 0.874 0.852 0.832 0.813 0.796 0.780 0.764 0.750 0.736 0.723 0.710 0.699
350 ... 0.968 0.963 0.930 0.902 0.877 0.854 0.834 0.815 0.797 0.781 0.765 0.750 0.736 0.723 0.711 0.699
400 ... ... 0.963 0.935 0.906 0.880 0.857 0.836 0.816 0.798 0.782 0.766 0.751 0.737 0.724 0.712 0.700
450 ... ... 0.961 0.940 0.909 0.883 0.859 0.838 0.818 0.800 0.783 0.767 0.752 0.738 0.725 0.712 0.700
500 ... ... 0.961 0.946 0.914 0.886 0.862 0.840 0.820 0.801 0.784 0.768 0.753 0.739 0.725 0.713 0.701
550 ... ... 0.962 0.952 0.918 0.889 0.864 0.842 0.822 0.803 0.785 0.769 0.754 0.740 0.726 0.713 0.701
600 ... ... 0.964 0.958 0.922 0.892 0.867 0.844 0.823 0.804 0.787 0.770 0.755 0.740 0.727 0.714 0.702
650 ... ... 0.968 0.958 0.927 0.896 0.869 0.846 0.825 0.806 0.788 0.771 0.756 0.741 0.728 0.715 0.702
700 ... ... ... 0.958 0.931 0.899 0.872 0.848 0.827 0.807 0.789 0.772 0.757 0.742 0.728 0.715 0.703
750 ... ... ... 0.958 0.936 0.903 0.875 0.850 0.828 0.809 0.790 0.774 0.758 0.743 0.729 0.716 0.703
800 ... ... ... 0.960 0.942 0.906 0.878 0.852 0.830 0.810 0.792 0.774 0.759 0.744 0.730 0.716 0.704
850 ... ... ... 0.962 0.947 0.910 0.880 0.855 0.832 0.812 0.793 0.776 0.760 0.744 0.730 0.717 0.704
900 ... ... ... 0.965 0.953 0.914 0.883 0.857 0.834 0.813 0.794 0.777 0.760 0.745 0.731 0.718 0.705
950 ... ... ... 0.969 0.958 0.918 0.886 0.860 0.836 0.815 0.796 0.778 0.761 0.746 0.732 0.718 0.705
1000 ... ... ... 0.974 0.959 0.923 0.890 0.862 0.838 0.816 0.797 0.779 0.762 0.747 0.732 0.719 0.706
1050 ... ... ... ... 0.960 0.927 0.893 0.864 0.840 0.818 0.798 0.780 0.763 0.748 0.733 0.719 0.707
1100 ... ... ... ... 0.962 0.931 0.896 0.867 0.842 0.820 0.800 0.781 0.764 0.749 0.734 0.720 0.707
1150 ... ... ... ... 0.964 0.936 0.899 0.870 0.844 0.821 0.801 0.782 0.765 0.749 0.735 0.721 0.708
1200 ... ... ... ... 0.966 0.941 0.903 0.872 0.846 0.823 0.802 0.784 0.766 0.750 0.735 0.721 0.708
1250 ... ... ... ... 0.969 0.946 0.906 0.875 0.848 0.825 0.804 0.785 0.767 0.751 0.736 0.722 0.709
1300 ... ... ... ... 0.973 0.952 0.910 0.878 0.850 0.826 0.805 0.786 0.768 0.752 0.737 0.723 0.709
1350 ... ... ... ... 0.977 0.958 0.914 0.880 0.852 0.828 0.807 0.787 0.769 0.753 0.737 0.723 0.710
1400 ... ... ... ... 0.982 0.963 0.918 0.883 0.854 0.830 0.808 0.788 0.770 0.754 0.738 0.724 0.710
1450 ... ... ... ... 0.987 0.968 0.922 0.886 0.857 0.832 0.809 0.790 0.771 0.754 0.739 0.724 0.711
1500 ... ... ... ... 0.993 0.970 0.926 0.889 0.859 0.833 0.811 0.791 0.772 0.755 0.740 0.725 0.711
1550 ... ... ... ... ... 0.972 0.930 0.892 0.861 0.835 0.812 0.792 0.773 0.756 0.740 0.726 0.712
1600 ... ... ... ... ... 0.973 0.934 0.894 0.863 0.836 0.813 0.792 0.774 0.756 0.740 0.726 0.712
1650 ... ... ... ... ... 0.973 0.936 0.895 0.863 0.836 0.812 0.791 0.772 0.755 0.739 0.724 0.710
1700 ... ... ... ... ... 0.973 0.938 0.895 0.863 0.835 0.811 0.790 0.771 0.754 0.738 0.723 0.709
1750 ... ... ... ... ... 0.974 0.940 0.896 0.862 0.835 0.810 0.789 0.770 0.752 0.736 0.721 0.707
1800 ... ... ... ... ... 0.975 0.942 0.897 0.862 0.834 0.810 0.788 0.768 0.751 0.735 0.720 0.705
1850 ... ... ... ... ... 0.976 0.944 0.897 0.862 0.833 0.809 0.787 0.767 0.749 0.733 0.718 0.704
1900 ... ... ... ... ... 0.977 0.946 0.898 0.862 0.832 0.807 0.785 0.766 0.748 0.731 0.716 0.702
1950 ... ... ... ... ... 0.979 0.949 0.898 0.861 0.832 0.806 0.784 0.764 0.746 0.729 0.714 0.700
2000 ... ... ... ... ... 0.982 0.952 0.899 0.861 0.831 0.805 0.782 0.762 0.744 0.728 0.712 0.698
2050 ... ... ... ... ... 0.985 0.954 0.899 0.860 0.830 0.804 0.781 0.761 0.742 0.726 0.710 0.696
2100 ... ... ... ... ... 0.988 0.956 0.900 0.860 0.828 0.802 0.779 0.759 0.740 0.724 0.708 0.694
2150 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.956 0.900 0.859 0.827 0.801 0.778 0.757 0.738 0.722 0.706 0.692
2200 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.955 0.901 0.859 0.826 0.799 0.776 0.755 0.736 0.720 0.704 0.690
2250 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.954 0.901 0.858 0.825 0.797 0.774 0.753 0.734 0.717 0.702 0.687
2300 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.953 0.901 0.857 0.823 0.795 0.772 0.751 0.732 0.715 0.699 0.685
2350 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.952 0.902 0.856 0.822 0.794 0.769 0.748 0.729 0.712 0.697 0.682
2400 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.952 0.902 0.855 0.820 0.791 0.767 0.746 0.727 0.710 0.694 0.679
2450 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.951 0.902 0.854 0.818 0.789 0.765 0.743 0.724 0.707 0.691 0.677
2500 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.951 0.902 0.852 0.816 0.787 0.762 0.740 0.721 0.704 0.688 0.674
2550 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.951 0.902 0.851 0.814 0.784 0.759 0.738 0.718 0.701 0.685 0.671
2600 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.951 0.903 0.849 0.812 0.782 0.756 0.735 0.715 0.698 0.682 0.664
2650 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.952 0.903 0.848 0.809 0.779 0.754 0.731 0.712 0.695 0.679 0.664
2700 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.952 0.903 0.846 0.807 0.776 0.750 0.728 0.708 0.691 0.675 0.661
2750 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.953 0.903 0.844 0.804 0.773 0.747 0.724 0.705 0.687 0.671 0.657
2800 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.956 0.903 0.842 0.801 0.769 0.743 0.721 0.701 0.684 0.668 0.653
2850 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.959 0.902 0.839 0.798 0.766 0.739 0.717 0.697 0.679 0.663 0.649
2900 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.963 0.902 0.836 0.794 0.762 0.735 0.713 0.693 0.675 0.659 0.645
2950 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.902 0.834 0.790 0.758 0.731 0.708 0.688 0.671 0.655 0.640
3000 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.901 0.831 0.786 0.753 0.726 0.704 0.684 0.666 0.650 0.635
3050 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.899 0.827 0.782 0.749 0.722 0.699 0.679 0.661 0.645 0.630
3100 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.896 0.823 0.777 0.744 0.716 0.693 0.673 0.656 0.640 0.625
3150 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.894 0.819 0.772 0.738 0.711 0.688 0.668 0.650 0.634 0.620
3200 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.889 0.815 0.767 0.733 0.705 0.682 0.662 0.644 0.628 0.614


Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale

04 TABLE PG-68.7M
Flowing Superheat Correction Factor, Ksh, Total Temperature, °C, of Superheated Steam
(MPa) 205 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500 525 550 575 600 625

0.50 0.991 0.968 0.942 0.919 0.896 0.876 0.857 0.839 0.823 0.807 0.792 0.778 0.765 0.752 0.74 0.728 0.717 0.706
0.75 0.995 0.972 0.946 0.922 0.899 0.878 0.859 0.841 0.824 0.808 0.793 0.779 0.766 0.753 0.74 0.729 0.717 0.707
1.00 0.985 0.973 0.95 0.925 0.902 0.88 0.861 0.843 0.825 0.809 0.794 0.78 0.766 0.753 0.741 0.729 0.718 0.707
1.25 0.981 0.976 0.954 0.928 0.905 0.883 0.863 0.844 0.827 0.81 0.795 0.781 0.767 0.754 0.741 0.729 0.718 0.707
1.50 ... ... 0.957 0.932 0.907 0.885 0.865 0.846 0.828 0.812 0.796 0.782 0.768 0.755 0.742 0.73 0.718 0.708
1.75 ... ... 0.959 0.935 0.91 0.887 0.866 0.847 0.829 0.813 0.797 0.782 0.769 0.756 0.743 0.731 0.719 0.708
2.00 ... ... 0.96 0.939 0.913 0.889 0.868 0.849 0.831 0.814 0.798 0.784 0.769 0.756 0.744 0.731 0.72 0.708
2.25 ... ... 0.963 0.943 0.916 0.892 0.87 0.85 0.832 0.815 0.799 0.785 0.77 0.757 0.744 0.732 0.72 0.709
2.50 ... ... ... 0.946 0.919 0.894 0.872 0.852 0.834 0.816 0.8 0.785 0.771 0.757 0.744 0.732 0.72 0.71
2.75 ... ... ... 0.948 0.922 0.897 0.874 0.854 0.835 0.817 0.801 0.786 0.772 0.758 0.745 0.733 0.721 0.71
3.00 ... ... ... 0.949 0.925 0.899 0.876 0.855 0.837 0.819 0.802 0.787 0.772 0.759 0.746 0.733 0.722 0.71
3.25 ... ... ... 0.951 0.929 0.902 0.879 0.857 0.838 0.82 0.803 0.788 0.773 0.759 0.746 0.734 0.722 0.711
3.50 ... ... ... 0.953 0.933 0.905 0.881 0.859 0.84 0.822 0.804 0.789 0.774 0.76 0.747 0.734 0.722 0.711
3.75 ... ... ... 0.956 0.936 0.908 0.883 0.861 0.841 0.823 0.806 0.79 0.775 0.761 0.748 0.735 0.723 0.711
4.00 ... ... ... 0.959 0.94 0.91 0.885 0.863 0.842 0.824 0.807 0.791 0.776 0.762 0.748 0.735 0.723 0.712
4.25 ... ... ... 0.961 0.943 0.913 0.887 0.864 0.844 0.825 0.808 0.792 0.776 0.762 0.749 0.736 0.724 0.713
4.50 ... ... ... ... 0.944 0.917 0.89 0.866 0.845 0.826 0.809 0.793 0.777 0.763 0.749 0.737 0.725 0.713
4.75 ... ... ... ... 0.946 0.919 0.892 0.868 0.847 0.828 0.81 0.793 0.778 0.764 0.75 0.737 0.725 0.713
5.00 ... ... ... ... 0.947 0.922 0.894 0.87 0.848 0.829 0.811 0.794 0.779 0.765 0.751 0.738 0.725 0.714

5.25 ... ... ... ... 0.949 0.926 0.897 0.872 0.85 0.83 0.812 0.795 0.78 0.765 0.752 0.738 0.726 0.714
5.50 ... ... ... ... 0.952 0.93 0.899 0.874 0.851 0.831 0.813 0.797 0.78 0.766 0.752 0.739 0.727 0.714
5.75 ... ... ... ... 0.954 0.933 0.902 0.876 0.853 0.833 0.815 0.798 0.782 0.767 0.753 0.739 0.727 0.715
6.00 ... ... ... ... 0.957 0.937 0.904 0.878 0.855 0.834 0.816 0.798 0.783 0.768 0.753 0.74 0.727 0.716
6.25 ... ... ... ... 0.96 0.94 0.907 0.88 0.856 0.836 0.817 0.799 0.783 0.768 0.754 0.74 0.728 0.716
6.50 ... ... ... ... 0.964 0.944 0.91 0.882 0.859 0.837 0.818 0.801 0.784 0.769 0.754 0.741 0.729 0.716
6.75 ... ... ... ... 0.966 0.946 0.913 0.885 0.86 0.839 0.819 0.802 0.785 0.769 0.755 0.742 0.729 0.717
7.00 ... ... ... ... ... 0.947 0.916 0.887 0.862 0.84 0.82 0.802 0.786 0.77 0.756 0.742 0.729 0.717
7.25 ... ... ... ... ... 0.949 0.919 0.889 0.863 0.842 0.822 0.803 0.787 0.771 0.756 0.743 0.73 0.717
7.50 ... ... ... ... ... 0.951 0.922 0.891 0.865 0.843 0.823 0.805 0.788 0.772 0.757 0.744 0.73 0.718
7.75 ... ... ... ... ... 0.953 0.925 0.893 0.867 0.844 0.824 0.806 0.788 0.772 0.758 0.744 0.731 0.719
8.00 ... ... ... ... ... 0.955 0.928 0.896 0.869 0.846 0.825 0.806 0.789 0.773 0.758 0.744 0.732 0.719
8.25 ... ... ... ... ... 0.957 0.932 0.898 0.871 0.847 0.827 0.807 0.79 0.774 0.759 0.745 0.732 0.719
8.50 ... ... ... ... ... 0.96 0.935 0.901 0.873 0.849 0.828 0.809 0.791 0.775 0.76 0.746 0.732 0.72
8.75 ... ... ... ... ... 0.963 0.939 0.903 0.875 0.85 0.829 0.81 0.792 0.776 0.76 0.746 0.733 0.721
9.00 ... ... ... ... ... 0.966 0.943 0.906 0.877 0.852 0.83 0.811 0.793 0.776 0.761 0.747 0.734 0.721
9.25 ... ... ... ... ... 0.97 0.947 0.909 0.879 0.853 0.832 0.812 0.794 0.777 0.762 0.747 0.734 0.721
9.50 ... ... ... ... ... 0.973 0.95 0.911 0.881 0.855 0.833 0.813 0.795 0.778 0.763 0.748 0.734 0.722
9.75 ... ... ... ... ... 0.977 0.954 0.914 0.883 0.857 0.834 0.814 0.796 0.779 0.763 0.749 0.735 0.722
10.00 ... ... ... ... ... 0.981 0.957 0.917 0.885 0.859 0.836 0.815 0.797 0.78 0.764 0.749 0.735 0.722
10.25 ... ... ... ... ... 0.984 0.959 0.92 0.887 0.86 0.837 0.816 0.798 0.78 0.764 0.75 0.736 0.723
10.50 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.961 0.923 0.889 0.862 0.838 0.817 0.799 0.781 0.765 0.75 0.737 0.723
10.75 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.962 0.925 0.891 0.863 0.839 0.818 0.799 0.782 0.766 0.751 0.737 0.724
11.00 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.963 0.928 0.893 0.865 0.84 0.819 0.8 0.782 0.766 0.751 0.737 0.724
11.25 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.964 0.93 0.893 0.865 0.84 0.819 0.799 0.781 0.765 0.75 0.736 0.723
11.50 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.964 0.931 0.894 0.865 0.84 0.818 0.798 0.78 0.764 0.749 0.735 0.722
11.75 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.965 0.932 0.894 0.865 0.839 0.817 0.797 0.78 0.763 0.748 0.734 0.721
12.00 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.966 0.933 0.894 0.864 0.839 0.817 0.797 0.779 0.762 0.747 0.733 0.719
12.25 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.967 0.935 0.895 0.864 0.839 0.816 0.796 0.778 0.761 0.746 0.732 0.718
12.50 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.967 0.936 0.896 0.864 0.838 0.816 0.796 0.777 0.76 0.745 0.731 0.717
12.75 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.968 0.937 0.896 0.864 0.838 0.815 0.795 0.776 0.759 0.744 0.729 0.716
13.00 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.969 0.939 0.896 0.864 0.837 0.814 0.794 0.775 0.758 0.743 0.728 0.715
13.25 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.971 0.94 0.897 0.864 0.837 0.813 0.792 0.774 0.757 0.741 0.727 0.713
13.50 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.972 0.942 0.897 0.863 0.837 0.813 0.792 0.773 0.756 0.74 0.725 0.712
14.00 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.976 0.946 0.897 0.863 0.835 0.811 0.79 0.771 0.753 0.737 0.723 0.709
14.25 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.978 0.947 0.898 0.862 0.834 0.81 0.789 0.77 0.752 0.736 0.721 0.707
14.50 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.948 0.898 0.862 0.833 0.809 0.787 0.768 0.751 0.734 0.72 0.706
14.75 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.948 0.898 0.862 0.832 0.808 0.786 0.767 0.749 0.733 0.719 0.704
15.00 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.948 0.899 0.861 0.832 0.807 0.785 0.766 0.748 0.732 0.717 0.703
15.25 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.947 0.899 0.861 0.831 0.806 0.784 0.764 0.746 0.73 0.716 0.702
15.50 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.947 0.899 0.861 0.83 0.804 0.782 0.763 0.745 0.728 0.714 0.7
15.75 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.946 0.899 0.86 0.829 0.803 0.781 0.761 0.743 0.727 0.712 0.698
16.00 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.945 0.9 0.859 0.828 0.802 0.779 0.759 0.741 0.725 0.71 0.696
16.25 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.945 0.9 0.859 0.827 0.801 0.778 0.757 0.739 0.723 0.708 0.694
16.50 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.945 0.9 0.858 0.826 0.799 0.776 0.756 0.738 0.721 0.706 0.692
16.75 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.944 0.9 0.857 0.825 0.797 0.774 0.754 0.736 0.719 0.704 0.69


Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale

Flowing Superheat Correction Factor, Ksh Total Temperature, °C, of Superheated Steam
(MPa) 205 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 500 525 550 575 600 625

17.00 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.944 0.9 0.856 0.823 0.796 0.773 0.752 0.734 0.717 0.702 0.688
17.25 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.944 0.9 0.855 0.822 0.794 0.771 0.75 0.732 0.715 0.7 0.686
17.50 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.944 0.9 0.854 0.82 0.792 0.769 0.748 0.73 0.713 0.698 0.684
17.75 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.944 0.9 0.853 0.819 0.791 0.767 0.746 0.728 0.711 0.696 0.681
18.00 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.944 0.901 0.852 0.817 0.789 0.765 0.744 0.725 0.709 0.694 0.679
18.25 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.945 0.901 0.851 0.815 0.787 0.763 0.742 0.723 0.706 0.691 0.677
18.50 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.945 0.901 0.85 0.814 0.785 0.761 0.739 0.72 0.704 0.689 0.674
18.75 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.945 0.901 0.849 0.812 0.783 0.758 0.737 0.718 0.701 0.686 0.671
19.00 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.946 0.901 0.847 0.81 0.781 0.756 0.734 0.715 0.698 0.683 0.669
19.25 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.948 0.901 0.846 0.808 0.778 0.753 0.732 0.713 0.696 0.681 0.666
19.50 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.95 0.9 0.844 0.806 0.776 0.75 0.729 0.71 0.693 0.677 0.663
19.75 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.952 0.899 0.842 0.803 0.773 0.748 0.726 0.707 0.69 0.674 0.66
20.00 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.899 0.84 0.801 0.77 0.745 0.723 0.704 0.687 0.671 0.657
20.25 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.899 0.839 0.798 0.767 0.742 0.72 0.701 0.683 0.668 0.654
20.50 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.899 0.837 0.795 0.764 0.738 0.717 0.697 0.68 0.665 0.651
20.75 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.898 0.834 0.792 0.761 0.735 0.713 0.694 0.677 0.661 0.647
21.00 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.896 0.832 0.79 0.758 0.732 0.71 0.691 0.673 0.658 0.643
21.25 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.894 0.829 0.786 0.754 0.728 0.706 0.686 0.669 0.654 0.64
21.50 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.892 0.826 0.783 0.75 0.724 0.702 0.682 0.665 0.65 0.636
21.75 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.891 0.823 0.779 0.746 0.72 0.698 0.679 0.661 0.646 0.631
22.00 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0.887 0.82 0.776 0.743 0.716 0.694 0.674 0.657 0.641 0.627

PG-69 CERTIFICATION OF CAPACITY OF used on forced-flow steam generators with no fixed steam
SAFETY AND SAFETY RELIEF and waterline, and safety relief valves used on high-
VALVES temperature water boilers shall be adjusted so that the

PG-69.1 Before the Code symbol is applied to any blowdown does not exceed 10% of the set pressure. The
safety or safety relief valve, the valve manufacturer shall reseating pressure shall be noted and recorded.
have the relieving capacity of his valves certified in accor-
PG-69.2 Relieving capacities shall be determined
dance with the provisions of this paragraph.
using one of the following methods.
PG-69.1.1 Capacity certification tests shall be con-
ducted using dry saturated steam. The limits for test pur- PG-69.2.1 Three Valve Method. A capacity certi-
poses shall be 98% minimum quality and 20°F (10°C) fication test is required on a set of three valves for each
maximum superheat. Correction from within these limits combination of size, design, and pressure setting. The
may be made to the dry saturated condition. capacity of each valve of the set shall fall within a range
of ±5% of the average capacity. If one of the three valves
PG-69.1.2 Tests shall be conducted at a place that tested falls outside this range, it shall be replaced by two
meets the requirements of A-312. valves, and a new average shall be calculated based on
PG-69.1.3 Capacity test data reports for each valve all four valves, excluding the replaced valve. Failure of
design and size, signed by the manufacturer and Author- any of the four capacities to fall within a range of ±5%
ized Observer witnessing the tests, together with drawings of the new average shall be cause to refuse certification
showing the valve construction, shall be submitted to the of that particular valve design.
ASME designee for review and acceptance.22 The rated relieving capacity for each combination of
PG-69.1.4 Capacity certification tests shall be con- design, size, and test pressure shall be 90% of the average
ducted at a pressure that does not exceed the set pressure capacity.
by 3% or 2 psi (15 kPa), whichever is greater. Safety and PG-69.2.2 Slope Method. If a Manufacturer wishes
safety relief valves shall be adjusted so that the blowdown to apply the Code Symbol to a design of pressure relief
does not exceed 4% of the set pressure. For valves set valves, four valves of each combination of pipe size and
at or below 100 psi (700 kPa), the blowdown shall be orifice size shall be tested. These four valves shall be set
adjusted so as not to exceed 4 psi (30 kPa). Safety valves at pressures that cover the approximate range of pressures
for which the valve will be used or covering the range
Valve capacities are published in “Pressure Relief Device Certifica- available at the certified test facility that shall conduct
tions.” This publication may be obtained from the National Board of
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, 1055 Crupper Ave., Columbus, the tests. The capacities based on these four tests shall
OH 43299. be as follows:


Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
PG-69.2.2 2004 SECTION I PG-69.2.3

(a) The slope W/P of the actual measured capacity For 45 deg seat
versus the flow pressure for each test point shall be calcu-
lated and averaged: (U.S. Customary Units)
W measured capacity WT p 51.5 ⴛ ␲ DLP ⴛ 0.707
slope p p
P absolute flow rating pressure
(SI Units)
All values derived from the testing must fall within WT p 5.25 ⴛ ␲ DLP ⴛ 0.707
±5% of the average value:
For flat seat
minimum slope p 0.95 ⴛ average slope
(U.S. Customary Units)
maximum slope p 1.05 ⴛ average slope
WT p 51.5 ⴛ ␲ DLP
If the values derived from the testing do not fall
between the minimum and maximum slope values, the (SI Units)
Authorized Observer shall require that additional valves WT p 5.25 ⴛ ␲ DLP
be tested at the rate of two for each valve beyond the For nozzle
maximum and minimum values with a limit of four addi-
tional valves. (U.S. Customary Units)
The relieving capacity to be stamped on the valve shall
WT p 51.5 AP

not exceed 90% of the average slope times the absolute

accumulation pressure: (SI Units)
WT p 5.25 AP
rated slope p 0.90 ⴛ average slope
(U.S. Customary Units)
A nozzle throat area, in.2 (mm2)
stamped capacity ≤ rated slope (1.03 ⴛ set pressure + D seat diameter, in. (mm)
14.7) or (set pressure + 2 psi + 14.7), whichever is greater L lift at pressure P, in. (mm)
(SI Units) P (1.03 ⴛ set pressure + 14.7), psia, or
(set pressure + 2 + 14.7), psia, whichever is
stamped capacity ≤ rated slope (1.03 ⴛ set pressure + greater
0.101) or (set pressure + 0.015 MPa + 0.101), whichever P p (1.03 ⴛ set pressure + 0.101), MPa, or
is greater p (set pressure + 0.014 + 0.101), MPa, whichever
PG-69.2.3 Coefficient of Discharge Method. A is greater
coefficient of discharge for the design, K, may be estab- WT p theoretical flow, lb /hr (kg /hr)
lished for a specific valve design according to the follow- The average of the coefficients K D of the nine tests
ing procedure: required shall be multiplied by 0.90, and this product
(a) For each design, the safety or safety relief valve shall be taken as the coefficient K of that design. All
manufacturer shall submit for test at least three valves individual coefficients of discharge, KD, shall fall within
for each of three different sizes (a total of nine valves). a range of ±5% of the average coefficient found. If a
Each valve of a given size shall be set at a different valve fails to meet this requirement, the Authorized
pressure, covering the range of pressures for which the Observer shall require two additional valves to be tested
valve will be used or the range available at the facility as replacements for each valve having an individual coef-
where the tests are conducted. ficient, KD, outside the ±5% range, with a limit of four
(b) Tests shall be made on each safety or safety relief additional valves. Failure of a coefficient, KD, to fall
valve to determine its lift at capacity, popping, and blow- within ±5% of the new average value, excluding the
down pressures, and actual relieving capacity. An individ- replaced valve(s), shall be cause to refuse certification of
ual coefficient, KD, shall be established for each valve as that particular valve design.
follows: The rated relieving capacity of all sizes and set pres-
actual flow sures of a given design, for which K has been established
KD p p individual coefficient of discharge
theoretical flow under the provision of this paragraph, shall be determined
by the equation:
Where actual flow is determined by test and theoretical
flow, WT is calculated by one of the following equations: W ≤ WT ⴛ K


Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale

where dW /dP p rate of change of measured capacity with

K p coefficient of discharge for the design respect to absolute pressure
W p rated relieving capacity, lb /hr (kg/hr) P p absolute inlet pressure, psia (MPa)
WT p theoretical flow, defined by the same equation W p capacity, lb of steam /hr (kg/hr)
used to determine KD, lb /hr (kg/hr) v p inlet specific volume, ft3 /lb (m3/kg)
The coefficient of discharge for the design shall be not NOTE: The constant 1,135.8 is based on a ␥ factor of 1.30, which is
greater than 0.878 (the product of 0.9 ⴛ 0.975). The accurate for superheated steam at temperature above approximately
800°F (430°C). In interest of accuracy, other methods of capacity com-
coefficient shall not be applied to valves whose beta ratio
putations must be used at temperatures below 800°F (430°C) at super-
(ratio of valve throat to inlet diameter) lies outside the critical pressures.
range of 0.15 to 0.75, unless tests have demonstrated that
the individual coefficient of discharge, KD, for valves at PG-69.4 Power-actuated pressure relieving valves,
the extreme ends of a larger range, is within ±5% of the having capacities certified in accordance with the provi-
average coefficient, KD. sion of PG-69.3 and computed in accordance with the
For designs where the lift is used to determine the flow formula contained therein, shall be marked as required
area, all valves shall have the same nominal lift to seat by PG-110 with the computed capacity, corresponding to
diameter ratio (L / D). 3% above the full load operating pressure and temperature
For pressures over 1,500 psig (10.3 MPa) and up to conditions at the valve inlet when the valve is operated
3,200 psig (22.1 MPa), the value of W shall be multiplied by the controller, and they shall also be stamped with
by the correction factor: the set pressure of the controller. When the valve is
marked as required by this paragraph, it shall be the
(U.S. Customary Units) guarantee by the manufacturer that the valve also con-
0.1906P − 1,000 forms to the details of construction herein specified.
0.2292P − 1,061
PG-69.6 When changes are made in the design of a
(SI Units) safety or safety relief valve in such a manner as to affect
27.6P − 1 000
the flow path, lift, or performance characteristics of the
33.2P − 1 061 valve, new tests in accordance with this Section shall be
PG-69.3 If a manufacturer wishes to apply the Code
symbol to a power-actuated pressure relieving valve
under PG-67.4.1, one valve of each combination of inlet PG-70 CAPACITY OF SAFETY VALVES
pipe size and orifice size to be used with that inlet pipe
PG-70.1 Subject to the minimum number required
size shall be tested. The valve shall be capacity tested at
by PG-67.1, the number of safety valves or safety relief
four different pressures approximately covering the range
valves required shall be determined on the basis of the
of the certified test facility on which the tests are con-
maximum designed steaming capacity, as determined by
ducted. The capacities, as determined by these four tests,
the boiler Manufacturer, and the relieving capacity

shall be plotted against the absolute flow test pressure

marked on the valves by the manufacturer.
and a line drawn through these four test points. All points
must lie within ±5% in capacity value of the plotted line
and must pass through 0-0. From the plotted line, the
slope of the line dW/dP shall be determined and a factor
of (0.90/51.45)ⴛ (dW /dP) shall be applied to capacity PG-71.1 When two or more safety valves are used
computations in the supercritical region at elevated pres- on a boiler, they may be mounted either separately or as
sures by means of the isentropic flow equation. twin valves made by placing individual valves on
Y-bases, or duplex valves having two valves in the same
(U.S. Customary Units) body casing. Twin valves made by placing individual
valves on Y-bases, or duplex valves having two valves in
冪 Pv
0.90 dW
W p 1,135.8 ⴛ the same body, shall be of approximately equal capacity.
51.45 dP
When not more than two valves of different sizes are
(SI Units) mounted singly the relieving capacity of the smaller valve

冪 Pv
0.95 dW shall be not less than 50% of that of the larger valve.
W p 1 135.8 ⴛ
5.25 dP
PG-71.2 The safety valve or safety relief valve or
where valves shall be connected to the boiler independent of


Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
PG-71.2 2004 SECTION I PG-72.2

any other connection, and attached as close as possible arranged to permit servicing and normal operation of the
to the boiler or the normal steam flow path, without any valve.
unnecessary intervening pipe or fitting. Such intervening
PG-71.5 When a boiler is fitted with two or more
pipe or fitting shall be not longer than the face-to-face
safety valves or safety relief valves on one connection,
dimension of the corresponding tee fitting of the same
this connection to the boiler shall have a cross-sectional
diameter and pressure under the applicable ASME Stan-
area not less than the combined areas of inlet connections
dard listed in PG-42 and shall also comply with PG-8
of all the safety valves or safety relief valves with which it
and PG-39. Every safety valve or safety relief valve shall
connects and shall also meet the requirements of PG-71.3.
be connected so as to stand in an upright position, with
spindle vertical. On high-temperature water boilers of PG-71.6 Safety valves may be attached to drums
the watertube forced-circulation type, the valve shall be or headers by welding provided the welding is done in
located at the boiler outlet. accordance with Code requirements.
PG-71.3 The opening or connection between the PG-71.7 Every boiler shall have proper outlet connec-
boiler and the safety valve or safety relief valve shall tions for the required safety valve, or safety relief valve,
have at least the area of the valve inlet. No valve of any or valves, independent of any other outside steam connec-
description shall be placed between the required safety tion, the area of opening to be at least equal to the aggre-
valve or safety relief valve or valves and the boiler, nor gate areas of inlet connections of all of the safety valves
on the discharge pipe between the safety valve or safety or safety relief valves to be attached thereto. An internal
relief valve and the atmosphere. When a discharge pipe collecting pipe, splash plate, or pan may be used, provided
is used, the cross-sectional area shall be not less than the the total area for inlet of steam thereto is not less than
full area of the valve outlet or of the total of the areas twice the aggregate areas of the inlet connections of the
of the valve outlets, discharging thereinto. It shall be as attached safety valves. The holes in such collecting pipes
short and straight as possible and so arranged as to avoid shall be at least 1⁄4 in. (6 mm) in diameter and the least
undue stresses on the valve or valves. dimension in any other form of opening for inlet of steam
All safety valve or safety relief valve discharges shall shall be 1⁄4 in. (6 mm).
be so located or piped as to be carried clear from running Such dimensional limitations to operation for steam
boards or platforms. Ample provision for gravity drain need not apply to steam scrubbers or driers provided the

shall be made in the discharge pipe at or near each safety net free steam inlet area of the scrubber or drier is at
valve or safety relief valve, and where water of condensa- least 10 times the total area of the boiler outlets for the
tion may collect. Each valve shall have an open gravity safety valves.
drain through the casing below the level of the valve
seat. For iron- and steel-bodied valves exceeding NPS 21⁄2 PG-71.8 If safety valves are attached to a separate
(DN 65), the drain hole shall be tapped not less than steam drum or dome, the opening between the boiler
NPS 3⁄8 (DN 10). proper and the steam drum or dome shall be not less than
Discharge piping from safety relief valves on high- required by PG-71.7.
temperature water boilers shall be provided with adequate
provisions for water drainage as well as the steam venting.
The installation of cast iron bodied safety relief valves PG-72 OPERATION
for high-temperature water boilers is prohibited. PG-72.1 Safety valves and safety relief valves shall A05
be designed and constructed to operate without chattering,
PG-71.4 If a muffler is used on a safety valve or
with a minimum blowdown of 2 psi (15 kPa) or 2% of
safety relief valve, it shall have sufficient outlet area to
the set pressure, whichever is greater, and to attain full
prevent back pressure from interfering with the proper
lift at a pressure not greater than 3% above their set
operation and discharge capacity of the valve. The muffler
plates or other devices shall be so constructed as to avoid
Safety valves used on forced-flow steam generators
a possibility of restriction of the steam passages due to
with no fixed steam and waterline, and safety relief valves
deposit. Mufflers shall not be used on high-temperature
used on high-temperature water boilers must be marked
water boiler safety relief valves.
for these special services by the valve Manufacturer or
When a safety valve or safety relief valve is exposed Assembler.
to outdoor elements that may affect operation of the valve,
it is permissible to shield the valve with a satisfactory PG-72.2 The popping point tolerance plus or minus
cover. The shield or cover shall be properly vented and shall not exceed that specified in the following table:


Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale

Tolerance, Plus or Minus be lifted while the temperature of the water exceeds 200°F
Set Pressure, psi (MPa) From Set Pressure
(93°C). If it is desired to lift the valve disk to assure that
≤ 70 (500) 2 psi (15 kPa) it is free, this shall be done when the valve is subjected
> 70 (500) and ≤ 300 (2 100) 3% of set pressure to a pressure of at least 75% of the set pressure. For high-
> 300 (2 100) and ≤ 1,000 (7 000) 10 psi (70 kPa)
temperature water boilers, the lifting mechanism shall be
> 1,000 (7 000) 1% of set pressure
sealed against leakage.
PG-72.3 The spring in a safety valve or safety relief PG-73.1.4 The seat of a safety valve shall be fas-
valve shall not be reset for any pressure more than 5% tened to the body of the valve in such a way that there
above or below that for which the valve is marked unless is no possibility of the seat lifting.
the new setting is within the spring design range estab- PG-73.1.5 A body drain below seat level shall be
lished by the manufacturer or is determined to be accept- provided in the valve and this drain shall not be plugged
able to the manufacturer. during or after field installation. For valves exceeding
If the set pressure is to be adjusted within the limits NPS 21⁄2 (DN 65), the drain hole or holes shall be tapped
specified above, the adjustment shall be performed by not less than NPS 3⁄8 (DN 10). For valves of NPS 21⁄2
the manufacturer, his authorized representative, or an (DN 65) or smaller, the drain hole shall not be less than
assembler. An additional valve data tag identifying the 1
⁄4 in. (6 mm) in diameter.
new set pressure, capacity, and date shall be furnished
PG-73.1.6 In the design of the body of the valve,
and installed, and the valve shall be resealed.
consideration shall be given to minimizing the effects of
PG-72.4 If the set pressure of a valve is changed so water deposits.
as to require a new spring, the spring shall be acceptable PG-73.1.7 Valves having screwed inlet or outlet
to the manufacturer. The spring installation and valve connections shall be provided with wrenching surfaces
adjustment shall be performed by the manufacturer, his to allow for normal installation without damaging
authorized representative, or an assembler. A new name- operating parts.
plate as described in PG-110 shall be furnished and
PG-73.1.8 Means shall be provided in the design
installed, and the valve shall be resealed.
of all valves for use under this Section, for sealing all
external adjustments. Seals shall be installed by the manu-
04 PG-73 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS facturer, his authorized representative, or an assembler
FOR SAFETY AND SAFETY at the time of the initial adjustment. After spring replace-
RELIEF VALVES ment and /or subsequent adjustment, the valve shall be
resealed. Seals shall be installed in such a manner as to
PG-73.1 Mechanical Requirements
prevent changing the adjustment without breaking the
PG-73.1.1 The design shall incorporate guiding seal and, in addition, shall serve as a means of identifying
arrangements necessary to insure consistent operation and the manufacturer, his authorized representative, or the
tightness. assembler making the adjustment.
PG-73.1.2 The spring shall be designed so that the PG-73.2 Material Selections
full lift spring compression shall be no greater than 80%
PG-73.2.1 Cast iron seats and disks are not per-
of the nominal solid deflection. The permanent set of the
spring (defined as the difference between the free height
and height measured 10 min after the spring has been PG-73.2.2 Adjacent sliding surfaces such as guides
compressed solid three additional times after presetting and disks or disk holders shall both be of corrosion-
at room temperature) shall not exceed 0.5% of the free resistant material. Springs of corrosion-resistant material
height. or having a corrosion-resistant coating are required. The
seats and disks of safety valves or safety relief valves
PG-73.1.3 To provide a means for verifying
shall be of suitable material to resist corrosion by the
whether it is free, each safety valve or safety relief valve
lading fluid.
shall have a substantial lifting device, which when acti-
vated will release the seating force on the disk when the NOTE: The degree of corrosion resistance, appropriate to the intended
valve is subjected to pressure of at least 75% of the set service, shall be a matter of agreement between the manufacturer and
pressure. The lifting device shall be such that it cannot the purchaser.
lock or hold the valve disk in lifted position when the PG-73.2.3 Materials used in bodies and bonnets 04
exterior lifting force is released. Disks of safety relief or yokes shall be listed in Section II, Parts A and B, and A05
valves used on high-temperature water boilers shall not identified in Tables 1A and 1B of Section II Part D, as



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PG-73.2.3 2004 SECTION I PG-73.3.4

permitted for Section I construction. Materials used in shall be notified of the time of the test and may have
body to bonnet or body to yoke bolting shall be listed in representatives present to witness the test.
ASME B16.34. Materials used in all other parts required (c) Should any valve fail to relieve at or above its
for the pressure relieving or retaining function shall be certified capacity or should it fail to meet performance
(a) listed in ASME Section II; or requirements in PG-72, the test shall be repeated at the
(b) listed in ASTM Specifications (see Note below); or rate of two replacement valves, selected in accordance
(c) controlled by the manufacturer of the safety or with PG-73.3.3(1), for each valve that failed.
safety relief valve by a specification ensuring control (d) Failure of any of the replacement valves to meet
of chemical and physical properties and quality at least capacity or the performance requirements of this Section
equivalent to ASTM Standards (see Note below). shall be cause for revocation within 60 days of the authori-
zation to use the Code symbol on that particular type of
NOTE: It shall be the manufacturer’s responsibility to ensure that the
valve. During this period, the Manufacturer or assembler
allowable stresses at temperature meet the requirements of Section II,
Part D, Appendix 1, Mandatory Basis for Establishing Stress Values shall demonstrate the cause of such deficiency and the
in Tables 1A and 1B. action taken to guard against future occurrence, and the
requirements of PG-73.3.3 above shall apply.
PG-73.3 Inspection of Manufacturing and / or
Assembly PG-73.3.4 Use of the Code Symbol Stamp by an A05

PG-73.3.1 A manufacturer shall demonstrate to the assembler indicates the use of original unmodified parts
satisfaction of an ASME designee that his manufacturing, in strict accordance with the instructions of the manufac-
production, and test facilities and quality control proce- turer of the valve.
dures will ensure close agreement between the perform- (a) An assembler may transfer original and unmodified
ance of random production samples and the performance pressure relief parts produced by the Manufacturer to
of those valves submitted for capacity certification. other Assemblers, provided the following conditions
are met:
PG-73.3.2 Manufacturing, assembly, inspection,
(1) both Assemblers have been granted permission
and test operations including capacity, are subject to
to apply the V or UV Code Symbol to the specific valve
inspections at any time by an ASME designee.
type in which the parts are to be used
04 PG-73.3.3 A Manufacturer or Assembler may be (2) the Quality Control System of the Assembler
granted permission to apply the V Code Symbol to pro- receiving the pressure relief valve parts shall define the
duction pressure relief valves capacity-certified in accor- controls for the procurement and acceptance of those parts
dance with PG-69, provided the following tests are

(3) the pressure relief valve parts are appropriately

successfully completed. This permission shall expire on packaged, marked, or sealed by the Manufacturer to
the fifth anniversary of the date it is initially granted. ensure that the parts are
This permission may be extended for 5-year periods if (a) produced by the Manufacturer
the following tests are successfully repeated within the (b) the parts are original and unmodified
6-month period before expiration. (b) However, an assembler may convert original fini-
A05 (a) Two sample production pressure relief valves of shed parts by machining to another finished part for a
a size and capacity within the capability of an ASME- specific application under the following conditions:
accepted laboratory shall be selected by an ASME desig- (1) Conversions shall be specified by the Manufac-
nee. The maximum blowdown for these samples shall turer. Drawings and/or written instructions used for part
not exceed the value specified in the following table: conversion shall be obtained from the Manufacturer and
Set Pressure, psi (kPa) Maximum Blowdown shall include a drawing or description of the converted
< 67 (500) 4 psi (30 kPa) part before and after machining.
≥ 67 (500) and ≤ 250 (1 700) 6% of set pressure (2) The Assembler’s quality control system, as
> 250 (1 700) and < 375 (2 500) 15 psi (100 kPa) accepted by a representative from an ASME-designated
≥ 375 (2 500) 4% of set pressure
organization, must describe in detail the conversion of
The blowdown for sample valves designed for use on original parts, provisions for inspection and acceptance,
forced flow steam generators with no fixed steam and personnel training, and control of current Manufacturer’s
waterline or high-temperature water boilers shall not drawings and/or written instructions.
exceed 10% of the set pressure. (3) The Assembler must document each use of a
(b) Operational and capacity tests shall be conducted converted part.
in the presence of an ASME designee at an ASME- (4) The Assembler must demonstrate to the Manu-
accepted laboratory. The valve manufacturer or assembler facturer the ability to perform each type of conversion.


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The Manufacturer shall document all authorizations (c) the valve lift has been mechanically verified to
granted to perform part conversions. The Manufacturer meet or exceed the required lift
and Assembler shall maintain a file of such authorizations. (d) the blowdown control elements of the safety valve A05
(5) At least annually a review shall be performed are set to the valve manufacturer’s specification
by the Manufacturer of an Assembler’s system and (e) the valve design is compatible with the alternative
machining capabilities. The Manufacturer shall document test method selected
the results of these reviews. A copy of this documentation
PG- The valve, with its lift tempo-
shall be kept on file by the Assembler. The review results
rarily restricted during the test, if required to prevent
shall be made available to a representative from an ASME
valve damage, shall be tested on steam to demonstrate
designated organization.
popping pressure.
NOTE: Within the requirements of PG-73.3 and PG-73.4, a manufac- PG- The valve may be fitted with a
turer is defined as a person or organization who is completely responsi-
ble for design, material selection, capacity certification, manufacture
hydraulic or pneumatic lift assist device and tested on
of all component parts, assembly, testing, sealing, and shipping of safety steam at a pressure less than the valve set pressure. The
and safety relief valves certified under this Section. lift assist device and test procedure shall be calibrated to
An assembler is defined as a person or organization who purchases provide the set pressure setting within the tolerance of
or receives from a manufacturer the necessary component parts or PG-72.2.
valves and assembles, adjusts, tests, seals, and ships safety or safety
relief valves certified under this Section at a geographical location other PG-73.4.3 A seat tightness test shall be conducted
than and using facilities other than those used by the manufacturer. at maximum expected operating pressure, but at a pres-
PG-73.4 Testing by Manufacturers or Assemblers sure not exceeding the reseating pressure of the valve.
When being tested, a valve exhibiting no visible signs of
PG-73.4.1 Valves exceeding 1 in. (DN 25) inlet
leakage shall be considered adequately tight.
size or 300 psig (2 MPa) set pressure shall meet the
following requirements. Primary pressure containing cast PG-73.4.4 A manufacturer or assembler shall have
and welded parts of pressure relief valves shall be tested a documented program for the application, calibration,
at a pressure at 1.5 times the design pressure of the and maintenance of test gages.
parts. These tests shall be conducted after all machining
PG-73.4.5 Testing time on steam valves shall be
operations to the parts have been completed. There shall
sufficient to assure that test results are repeatable and
be no visible signs of leakage.
representative of field performance.
Closed bonnet pressure relief valves designed for dis-
charge to a closed system shall be tested with a minimum PG-73.4.6 Test fixtures and test drums, where
of 30 psig (200 kPa) air or other gas in the secondary applicable, shall be of adequate size and capacity to assure
pressure zone. There shall be no visible signs of leakage. that the observed set pressure is consistent with the
stamped set pressure within the tolerance required by
A05 PG-73.4.2 Every valve shall be tested with steam
by the manufacturer or assembler to demonstrate its pop-
ping point and pressure-containing integrity. The blow- PG-73.5 Design Requirements. At the time of sub-
down control elements of the safety valve shall be set to mission of valves for capacity certification or testing in
the Manufacturer’s specifications. accordance with PG-69, the ASME designee has the
A05 PG- Tests shall be conducted either on authority to review design for conformity with the
equipment that meets the requirements of PG-73.4.6, or requirements of this Section and to reject or require modi-
on the boiler, by raising the pressure to demonstrate the fication of designs that do not conform, prior to capacity
popping pressure. testing.
PG- When the valve is beyond the pro- PG-73.6 Code Symbol “V” Stamp. Each safety valve
duction test equipment capabilities, an alternative test or safety relief valve to which the Code “V” symbol (see
method presented in PG- or PG- may Fig. PG-105.4) will be applied shall have been fabricated
be used, provided all of the following conditions are met: or assembled by a manufacturer or assembler holding a
(a) testing the valve at full pressure may cause damage valid Certificate of Authorization (PG-105.2) and capac-
to the valve, or testing of the valve is impractical due to ity certified in accordance with the requirements of this

boiler system operational safety considerations Section. A Certified Individual (CI) shall provide over-
(b) the boiler owner, and for new boiler construction sight to assure that each use of the Code “V” symbol on
the boiler Manufacturer, has accepted the use of the alter- a safety valve or safety relief valve is in accordance with
native test method the requirements of this Section, and that each use of


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PG-73.6 2004 SECTION I PG-77.4

the Code “V” symbol is documented on a Certificate of PG-76 CUTTING PLATES AND OTHER
Conformance, Form P-8. STOCK
PG-73.6.1 Requirements for the Certified Indi- PG-76.1 Plates may be cut by machining, punching,
vidual (CI). The CI shall shearing, or cutting by the electric arc or gas process,
(a) be an employee of the manufacturer or assembler providing enough metal is left at any unfinished edges
(b) be qualified and certified by the manufacturer or to meet the requirements of PG-79.
assembler. Qualifications shall include as a minimum PG-76.2 When end faces of nozzle or manhole necks
(1) knowledge of the requirements of this Section are to remain unwelded in the completed vessel, these
for the application of the Code “V” symbol end faces shall not be cut by shearing unless at least 1⁄8 in.
(2) knowledge of the manufacturer’s or assembler’s (3 mm) of additional metal is removed by any method
quality program that will produce a smooth finish.
(3) training commensurate with the scope, complex-
ity, or special nature of the activities to which oversight
is to be provided


(c) have a record, maintained and certified by the man-
ufacturer or assembler, containing objective evidence of PG-77.1 When the boiler is completed, there shall
the qualifications of the CI and the training program remain visible on shell plates, furnace sheets, and heads,
provided one group of the plate manufacturer’s stamps, consisting
of the manufacturer’s name, plate identification number,
PG-73.6.2 Duties of the Certified Individual (CI). material specification number with grade, class, and type
The CI shall as appropriate, except that heads containing tube holes
(a) verify that each item to which the Code “V” symbol and buttstraps shall have visible at least a sufficient por-
is applied has a current capacity certification and meets tion of such stamps for identification.
all applicable requirements of this Section
(b) review documentation for each lot of items to be PG-77.2 It is permissible for an authorized representa-
stamped to verify, for the lot, that requirements of this tive of the boiler Manufacturer to transfer the markings
Section have been completed on the plate provided a record is made of such transfer.
(c) sign the Certificate of Conformance, Form P-8, In lieu of the above and PG-77.1, identification may be
prior to release of control of the safety or safety relief by applying a coded marking traceable to the original
valves required markings or by recording the required markings
using methods such as material tabulations or as built
PG-73.6.3 Certificate of Conformance, Form P-8
illustration which ensure identification of each piece of
(a) The Certificate of Conformance, Form P-8, shall
material during fabrication and subsequent identification
be filled out by the manufacturer or assembler and signed
in the completed boiler. Such transfers of markings shall
by the Certified Individual. Multiple duplicate safety
be made prior to cutting, except that the Manufacturer
valves or safety relief valves may be recorded as a single
may transfer markings immediately after cutting, pro-
entry, provided the valves are identical and are produced
vided the control of these transfers is described in his
in the same lot.
written Quality Control System (A-300). The procedure
(b) The manufacturer’s or assembler’s written quality for making such transfer shall be acceptable to the Author-
control program shall include requirements for comple- ized Inspector.
tion of Certificates of Conformance, Form P-8, and reten-
tion, by the manufacturer or assembler, for a minimum PG-77.3 An authorized representative of the plate
of 5 years. manufacturer may duplicate the required stamping on any
material wherever located.
PG-77.4 When plate specification heat treatments are
FABRICATION not performed by the mill, they shall be performed by or
under the control of the fabricator, who shall then place
the letter “T” following the letter “G” in the mill plate
The fabrication of boilers and parts thereof shall con- marking (see SA-20) to indicate that the material spe-
form to the general fabrication requirements in the follow- cification heat treatments have been performed. The fabri-
ing paragraphs and in addition to the specific requirements cator shall also show by a supplement to the appropriate
for fabrication in the Parts of this Section that pertain to Mill Test Report that the specified heat treatment has
the methods of construction used. been performed.


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PG-78 REPAIRS OF DEFECTS IN (b) For components equal to or less than 24 in.
MATERIALS (600 mm) O.D., the maximum deviation shall not exceed
1% of the O.D.
Defects in material may be repaired by the boiler Manu-
facturer provided acceptance by the Inspector is first
obtained for the method and extent of repairs. Material
that cannot be satisfactorily repaired shall be rejected. PG-81 TOLERANCE FOR FORMED HEADS
When heads are made to an approximate ellipsoidal
shape, the inner surface of such heads must lie outside
and not inside of a true ellipse drawn with the major axis
Tube holes shall be drilled full size from the solid equal to the inside diameter of the head and one-half the
plate, or they may be punched at least 1⁄2 in. (13 mm) minor axis equal to the depth of the head. The maximum
smaller in diameter than full size, and then drilled, variation from this true ellipse shall not exceed 0.0125
reamed, or finished full size with a rotating cutter. The times the inside diameter of the head.
thermal- or plasma-arc cut holes, when made, shall be
sufficiently smaller in diameter than full size, such that
subsequent machining to full size shall completely PG-82 HOLES FOR STAYS
remove all metal whose mechanical and metallurgical
PG-82.1 Holes for threaded stays shall be drilled
properties have been affected as a result of the thermal-
full size or punched and subsequently drilled or reamed.
or plasma-arc cutting. Tube holes may be counterbored
Punched holes shall not exceed 1⁄4 in. (6 mm) less than
where the metal is thicker than that required to get a full diameter for plates over 5⁄16 in. (8 mm) or 1⁄8 in.

proper bearing by expanding, so as to form narrow seats

(3.2 mm) less than full diameter for plates not exceeding
into which the tube ends can be properly expanded, pro- 5
⁄16 in. (8 mm) thickness prior to finished drilling or ream-
vided there is space available to permit a proper amount
ing. Threaded holes shall be tapped fair and true with a
of flare of the tube end.
full thread.
The sharp edges of tube holes shall be taken off on
both sides of the plate with a file or other tool. PG-82.2 Holes for welded stays shall be cut and
prepared in accordance with PW-29.


PG-80.1 Internal Pressure. The cylinder or barrel of
a drum or shell shall be circular at any section within a
limit of 1% of the mean diameter, based on the differences PG-90.1 Each boiler, superheater, waterwall, or steel
between the maximum and minimum mean diameters at economizer shall be inspected during construction and
any section, and if necessary to meet this requirement after completion by an Authorized Inspector (AI). The
shall be reheated, rerolled, or reformed. To determine the AI may perform inspections at other stages of the work
difference in diameters, measurements may be made on as he may designate (PW-46.2). Each Manufacturer or
the inside or the outside, and when the cylinder or barrel is Assembler is required to arrange for the services of
made of plates of unequal thicknesses, the measurements Authorized Inspectors (see Foreword and PG-91) to per-
shall be corrected for the plate thicknesses as they may form inspections on all of his work within the scope of
apply, to determine the diameters at the middle line of this Section, whether performed in the shop or in the
the plate thickness. field. Duties of the AI are described elsewhere in this
Section and include the following.
PG-80.2 External Pressure. Welded cylindrical fur-
naces and other cylindrical parts subjected to external PG-90.1.1 Verifying that the Manufacturer or
pressure shall be rolled to practically a true circle with Assembler has a valid ASME Certificate of Authorization
a maximum plus or minus deviation not to exceed the covering the scope of his Code activities (PG-104.2.1,
following: PG-105.5).
(a) For components greater than 24 in. (600 mm) O.D., PG-90.1.2 Monitoring compliance with the
the maximum permissible deviation, e, shall be obtained accepted Quality Control Program and verifying that any
from Fig. PG-80. The symbols L, DO, and tS are as defined changes meet the requirements of this Section (PG-105.4,
in PFT-51.1.1. PEB-18, A-300).


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PG-90.1.3 2004 SECTION I PG-90.1.12


Outside Diameter ÷ Thickness, Do /t

300 1.0
200 t

150 0.6
90 e=
80 t
50 t
40 0.2
30 0.2
0.05 0.10 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Design Length ÷ Outside Diameter, L /Do

(a) The above chart applies to cylinders over 24 in. (600 mm) O.D.
(b) Use the curves e = 1.0ts or e = 0.2ts , respectively, for points falling above or below those curves.


PG-90.1.3 Verifying that the Certificate Holder has PG-90.1.8 Verifying that the Certificate Holder’s
the necessary Code books, Addenda, and Code Cases to personnel are examining cut edges before welding
cover the work being performed. (PW-29.3).
PG-90.1.4 Reviewing a selected number of the PG-90.1.9 Verifying that all welding procedure
Manufacturer’s design calculations to verify compliance specifications, procedure qualification records, welder
with Section I (PG-90.3). and welding operator qualification records conform to the
PG-90.1.5 Witnessing and approving proof tests requirements of this Section (PW-1.2, PW-28, PW-40.2,
to establish Maximum Allowable Working Pressure PW-47, PW-48, PW-53).
(MAWP) (A-22).
PG-90.1.10 If welded repairs are necessary,
PG-90.1.6 Verifying that the Certificate Holder has accepting the method and extent of repairs and verifying
sufficient material control to assure that material used for that only qualified welding procedures, welders, and
construction complies with the applicable requirements welding operators are used (PG-78, PW-40.2, PW-54.2).
of this Section (PG-10, PG-11, PG-105.4, A-302.4).
PG-90.1.11 Verifying that all required heat treat-
PG-90.1.7 When cutting plate material into two or
ments have been performed and are properly documented
more pieces is necessary, verifying that the Certificate
(PW-11.3.4, PW-39, PW-49).
Holder’s controls provide a positive means of identifica-
tion to maintain traceability of materials (PG-77.2, PG-90.1.12 Verifying that required nondestructive
A-302.4). examinations and tests have been performed by qualified



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personnel and that the results are properly documented edges and any remaining exposed surface of the weld
(PG-25.2, PW-11, PW-51, PW-52). joint preparation shall be examined after welding by either
PG-90.1.13 Performing the required inspections the magnetic particle or liquid penetrant method. When
and witnessing hydrostatic tests (PG-99, PW-54). the plate is nonmagnetic, only the liquid penetrant method
shall be used. The requirements of this paragraph shall
PG-90.1.14 Verifying that the responsible repre- not apply to those joints when 80% or more of the pressure
sentative of the Certificate Holder has signed the Data load is carried by tubes, stays, or braces, or when the
Report and that it is correct before being signed (PG-104, exposed edges of the plate are farther from the edge of
PG-112, PG-113, PW-1.2.5). the weld than a distance equal to the thickness of the plate.
PG-90.1.15 Prior to stamping, verifying that the
PG-93.2 Laminations, cracks, or other imperfections
item is in compliance with the requirements of this Sec-
found during the examination required by PG-93.1 that
tion. After stamping, verifying that the stamping is correct
would affect the safety of the vessel shall be repaired
and that the nameplate, if used, has been properly attached
in accordance with PG-78. The imperfection(s) may be
(PG-106, PG-108, PG-109, PW-1.2.5).
pursued by any suitable method (grinding, chipping, etc.).
PG-90.3 The Manufacturer is responsible for the The repaired area shall be subjected to the same examina-
preparation of design calculations to show compliance tion that first revealed the imperfection.
with the rules of Section I and his signature on the Manu-
PG-93.3 Methods and acceptance criteria for mag-
facturers’ Data Report Form shall be considered to
netic particle and liquid penetrant examination shall be
include certification that has been done. The Manufac-
in accordance with A-260 or A-270, respectively.
turer shall make available such design calculations as
the Authorized Inspector may request. The Authorized
Inspector has the duty to review a selected number of the PG-99 HYDROSTATIC TEST 04
Manufacturer’s design calculations to verify compliance A05
with Section I. Hydrostatic testing of the completed boiler unit shall
be conducted in accordance with the following require-
PG-91 QUALIFICATION OF INSPECTORS After a boiler has been completed (see PG-104), it
shall be subjected to pressure tests using water at not less
The inspection required by this Section shall be by an than ambient temperature, but in no case less than 70°F
Inspector employed by an ASME accredited Authorized (20°C). Where required test pressures are specified in
Inspection Agency,23 that is, the inspection organization this paragraph, whether minimum or maximum pressures,
of a state or municipality of the United States, a Canadian they apply to the highest point of the boiler system. When
province, or of an insurance company authorized to write the boiler is completed in the Manufacturer’s shop with-
boiler and pressure vessel insurance. These Inspectors out boiler external piping, subsequent hydrostatic testing
shall have been qualified by written examination under of the boiler external piping shall be the responsibility
the rules of any state of the United States or province of of any holder of a valid “S,” “A,” or “PP” stamp. The
Canada which has adopted the Code. safety valves need not be included in the hydrostatic test.
The tests shall be made in two stages in the following
FLAT PLATE IN CORNER JOINTS PG-99.1 Hydrostatic pressure tests shall be applied 04
04 PG-93.1 When flat plate greater than 1⁄2 in. (13 mm) by raising the pressure gradually to not less than 11⁄2 times
thickness is welded to other pressure parts to form a the maximum allowable working pressure as shown on
corner joint, such as in flat heads [Fig. PG-31, illustrations the data report to be stamped on the boiler. No part of
(g), (i-1), and (i-2)], waterlegs of firebox boilers or com- the boiler shall be subjected to a general membrane stress
bustion chambers of wetback boilers [Fig. A-8, illustra- greater than 90% of its yield strength (0.2% offset) at
tions (l), (m), (n), and (p)], and the exposed edges of the test temperature. The primary membrane stress to which
plate are closer to the edge of the weld than a distance boiler components are subjected during hydrostatic test
equal to the thickness of the plate, the peripheral plate shall be taken into account when designing the compo-
nents. Close visual inspection for leakage is not required
Whenever Authorized Inspection Agency or AIA is used in this during this stage.
Code, it shall mean an Authorized Inspection Agency accredited by
ASME in accordance with the requirements in the latest edition of PG-99.2 The hydrostatic test pressure may then be
ASME QAI-1, Qualification for Authorized Inspection. reduced to the maximum allowable working pressure, as



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PG-99.2 2004 SECTION I PG-104.1

shown on the Data Report, to be stamped on the boiler and CERTIFICATION BY STAMPING AND
maintained at this pressure while the boiler is carefully DATA REPORTS
examined. The metal temperature shall not exceed 120°F
(50°C) during the close examination.
PG-99.3 A completed forced-flow steam generator PG-101.1 For the stamping required by PG-106, the
with no fixed steam and waterline, having pressure parts heating surface shall be computed as specified in PG-
designed for different pressure levels along the path of 101.1.1 through PG-101.1.3.
water-steam flow, shall be subjected to a hydrostatic pres- PG-101.1.1 Heating surface, as part of a circulating
sure test by the above procedure (PG-99.1 and PG-99.2) system in contact on one side with water or wet steam
based upon: being heated and on the other side with gas or refractory
PG-99.3.1 For the first stage test (PG-99.1) a being cooled, shall be measured on the side receiving heat.
hydrostatic test pressure of not less than 11⁄2 times the PG-101.1.2 Boiler heating surface and other equiv-
maximum allowable working pressure at the superheater alent surface outside the furnace shall be measured cir-
outlet as shown in the master stamping (PG-106.3) but cumferentially plus any extended surface.
no less than 11⁄4 times the maximum allowable working PG-101.1.3 Waterwall heating surface and other
pressure of any part of the boiler, excluding the boiler equivalent surface within the furnace shall be measured
external piping. as the projected tube area (diameter ⴛ length) plus any
PG-99.3.2 For the second stage test (PG-99.2) the extended surface on the furnace side. In computing the
hydrostatic test pressure may be reduced to not less than heating surface for this purpose, only the tubes, fireboxes,
the maximum allowable working pressure at the super- shells, tubesheets, and the projected area of headers need
heater outlet. to be considered, except that for vertical firetube steam
boilers only that portion of the tube surface up to the
PG-99.4 Test Gages
middle of the gage glass is to be computed.
PG-99.4.1 An indicating gage, visible to the opera-
tor controlling the pressure applied, shall be connected

to the pressure parts. Hydrostatic head on the gage shall PG-104 GENERAL
be considered such that the required test pressure is PG-104.1 The completed boiler unit includes all pip- A05
achieved at the top of the boiler. ing and piping components as defined in the Preamble.
PG-99.4.2 Dial pressure gages used in testing shall The Manufacturer [see Note (1) below] of any complete
preferably have dials graduated over their entire range of boiler unit to be stamped with the Code symbol has the
about double the intended maximum test pressure, but in responsibility of assuring through proper Code certifi-
no case shall the range be less than 11⁄2 times that pressure. cation that all work performed by him or others responsi-
The spacing between graduations shall be such that the ble to him complies with all requirements of the Code,
inspector and the operator controlling the test shall be including design, construction, materials, and workman-
able to determine when the required test pressure has ship. With the exception of field installed boiler external
been applied. Digital pressure gages having a wider range piping, when some portions of a complete boiler unit are
of pressure readings may be used provided the readings supplied by, or Code work is performed by others not
give the same or greater degree of accuracy as obtained responsible to the Manufacturer, the Manufacturer has
with dial pressure gages. the duty of obtaining from these other organizations their
proper Code certification, covering such portions of work.
When the Manufacturer furnishes a shop assembled
boiler that is complete except for boiler external piping,
and the boiler has been hydrostatically tested in the shop
and properly stamped with the Manufacturer’s “S” sym-
Where no rules are given and it is impossible to calcu- bol, the subsequent installation in the field of the external
late with a reasonable degree of accuracy the strength of piping within the scope of Section I is not by itself consid-
a boiler structure or any part thereof, a full-sized sample ered “field assembly of the boiler” [see Note (2) below].
shall be built by the Manufacturer and tested in accor- No Manufacturer or assembler may accept Code
dance with the Standard Practice for Making a Hydro- responsibility for work that falls within the scope of the
static Test on a Boiler Pressure Part to Determine the Code, that is performed by workmen employed by any
Maximum Allowable Working Pressure, given in A-22 other organization, except through proper Code certifica-
or in such other manner as the Committee may prescribe. tion. The responsibilities set forth herein relate only to


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Code compliance and are not to be construed as involving DENOTE THE AMERICAN
contractual relations or legal liabilities. SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL
(1) Boiler Manufacturer or Manufacturer as used in PG-104 or other
paragraphs referenced to this Note may also be an Engineering-
Contractor organization with or without fabricating facilities, but
having the capability of providing a design specification that estab-
lishes the pressure and temperature conditions for each component SYMBOL FOR STAMP TO
of a complete boiler unit and of assembling the fabricated parts in DENOTE THE AMERICAN
the field with authorization from the Society to use the Code symbol SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL
stamp “S” in accordance with the Code provisions in PG-105.3. ENGINEERS’ STANDARD
(2) When boiler external piping within the scope of Section I is fur- FOR SAFETY VALVES
nished by other than the boiler Manufacturer, the boiler Manufac-
turer is not responsible for the Code certification of such piping.
The organizations that furnish and that install such external piping

by welding shall furnish proper Code certification (PG-104.2) for
(b) M — miniature boiler symbol stamp (see Fig. PG-
such piping including Manufacturers’ Data Report Form P-4A as 105.1)
required by PG-112.2.5 and PG-112.3. (c) E — electric boiler symbol stamp (see Fig. PG-
PG-104.2 Proper Code certification refers to the fur-
nishing of stamping and Data Reports as evidence to (d) A — boiler assembly symbol stamp (see Fig. PG-
establish the following. 105.2)
(e) PP — pressure piping symbol stamp (see Fig. PG-
PG-104.2.1 The organization that performed that 105.3)
portion of the work held an appropriate Certificate of (f) V — safety valve symbol stamp (see Fig. PG-
Authorization. 105.4)
PG-104.2.2 By signing and furnishing the appro- Stamps for applying the Code symbol shall be obtained
priate data report, that organization certified compliance from the Society. Each boiler, superheater, waterwall,
with Code rules for that portion of the work. economizer, or boiler part to which a Code symbol is to
PG-104.2.3 By proper use of the Code symbol be applied shall be fabricated by a Manufacturer who is
stamp, that organization identified the portions of the in possession of an appropriate Code symbol stamp. A
work covered by its Data Report Form. Certificate of Authorization to use the Code symbol “S,”
“M,” “E,” “A,” “PP,” or “V” stamp will be granted by
PG-104.2.4 By countersignature on the same Data
the Society pursuant to the provisions of these paragraphs.
Report a qualified Inspector confirmed that portion of the
work complied with applicable Code rules. PG-105.2 Application for Certificate of Authoriza-
tion. Any organization desiring a Certificate of Authori-
zation shall apply to the Boiler and Pressure Vessel
PG-105 CODE SYMBOL STAMPS Committee of the Society, on forms issued by the Society,
04 PG-105.1 Authorization. Except as permitted in specifying the stamp desired and the scope of Code activi-
PG-105.5, no organization may assume responsibility for ties to be performed. When an organization intends to
Code construction without having first received from the build Code items in plants in more than one geographical
ASME a Certificate of Authorization to use one of the area, separate applications for each plant or a single appli-
Code symbol stamps shown in Figs. PG-105.1 through cation listing the addresses of all such plants may be
PG-105.4. There are six such stamps, defined as follows: submitted. Each application shall identify the Authorized
(a) S — power boiler symbol stamp (see Fig. PG- Inspection Agency providing Code inspection at each
105.1) plant. A separate Certificate of Authorization will be


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PG-105.2 2004 SECTION I PG-105.4

prepared and a separate fee charged by the Society for capacity certified in accordance with the requirements of
each plant. this Section.
Each applicant must agree that each Certificate of
Authorization and each Code symbol stamp are at all PG-105.4 Quality Control System. Any Manufac-
times the property of the Society, that they will be used turer or Assembler holding or applying for a Certificate
according to the rules and regulations of this Section of of Authorization to use the “S,” “M,” “E,” “A,” “PP,” or
the Code, and that they will be promptly returned to the “V” stamp shall have, and demonstrate, a quality control
Society upon demand, or when the applicant discontinues system to establish that all Code requirements including
the Code activities covered by his certificate, or when material, design, fabrication, examination (by the Manu-
the Certificate of Authorization has expired and no new facturer), and inspection for boilers and boiler parts (by
certificate has been issued. The holder of a Code symbol the Authorized Inspector) will be met. The quality control
stamp shall not allow any other organization to use it. system shall be in accordance with the requirements of
Authorization to use Code symbol stamps may be
granted or withheld by the Society in its absolute discre- Before issuance or renewal of a Certificate of Authori-
tion. If authorization is granted, and the proper adminis- zation for use of the “S,” “M,” “E,” “A,” or “PP” stamps,
trative fee paid, a Certificate of Authorization evidencing the Manufacturer’s facilities and organization are subject
permission to use any such symbol, expiring on the trien- to a joint review by a representative of his inspection
nial anniversary date thereafter, will be forwarded to the agency and an individual certified as an ASME designeee
applicant. Each such certificate will identify the Code who is selected by the concerned legal jurisdiction. When
symbol to be used, and the type of shop and/or field the jurisdiction assumes responsibility for leading the
operations for which authorization is granted. (See A- review, it shall have certified that its representative has
370.) The certificate will be signed by the Chairman of the met ASME criteria. A written description or checklist of
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee and the Director of the quality control system which identifies what docu-
Accreditation. Six months prior to the date of expiration ments and what procedures the Manufacturer will use to
of any such certificate, the applicant must apply for a produce a Code item shall be available for review. The
renewal of such authorization and the issuance of a new purpose of the review is to evaluate the applicant’s quality
certificate. The Society reserves the absolute right to can- control system and its implementation. The applicant
cel or refuse to renew such authorization returning pro shall demonstrate sufficient administrative and fabrica-
rata, fees paid for the unexpired term. tion functions of the system to show that he has the
knowledge and ability to produce the Code items covered
PG-105.3 Agreement With Authorized Inspection by his quality control system. Fabrication functions may
Agency. As a condition of obtaining and maintaining a be demonstrated using current work, a mock-up, or a
Certificate of Authorization to use the “S,” “M,” “E,” combination of the two. A written report to the Society
“A,” or “PP” Code symbol stamps, the Manufacturer or shall be made jointly by the jurisdiction and the inspection
Assembler must have in force at all times, an inspection agency employed by the Manufacturer to do his Code
contract or agreement with an Authorized Inspection inspection. This report is then reviewed by the Subcom-
Agency as defined in PG-91 to provide inspection ser- mittee on Boiler and Pressure Vessel Accreditation,
vices. This inspection contract is a written agreement which will either issue a Certificate of Authorization or
between the Manufacturer or Assembler and the inspec- notify the applicant of deficiencies revealed by the review.
tion agency that specifies the terms and conditions under In such a case, the applicant will be given an opportunity
which the inspection services are to be furnished and that to explain or correct these deficiencies.
states the mutual responsibilities of the Manufacturer or Certificates of Authorization will be endorsed to indi-
Assembler and the Authorized Inspectors. The certificate cate the scope of activity authorized. Authorization may
holder shall notify the Society whenever its agreement include field operations if the review team determines that
with an Authorized Inspection Agency is cancelled or these operations are adequately described in the quality
changed to another Authorized Inspection Agency. control manual, and this determination is accepted by the
Manufacturers or assemblers of safety valves are not Society.
required to have an inspection agreement with an Author- Before issuance or renewal of a Certificate of Authori-
ized Inspection Agency. A Certificate of Authorization zation for use of the “V” stamp, the valve manufacturer’s
may be granted to a manufacturer or assembler of safety or assembler’s facilities and organization are subject to
valves to use the safety valve symbol stamp providing a review by an ASME designee. A written description
such stamp is applied only to safety valves that have been or checklist of the quality control system, which identifies


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the documents and procedures the manufacturer or assem- proper stamping shall be applied at the shop and the data
bler will use to produce Code safety and safety relief reports required in PG-112 and PG-113 shall be signed
valves, shall be available for review. The ASME designee by the same or different Inspectors who shall indicate
shall make a written report to the Society, where the the portions of the inspections made at the shop and the
Subcommittee on Boiler and Pressure Vessel Accredita- field. The stamping shall consist of the appropriate Code
tion will act on it as described above. symbol shown in Fig. PG-105.1, which shall be put on
The Manufacturer may at any time make changes in each piece of equipment listed above in the locations
the quality control system concerning the methods of specified in PG-111, except as provided in PG-106.2.
achieving results subject to acceptance by the Authorized
Inspector. For manufacturers and assemblers of “V” PG-106.2 When the watertube boiler is arranged inte-
stamped safety or safety relief valves, such acceptance grally with its economizer, superheater and / or
shall be by the ASME designee. waterwalls, the stamping required in PG-106.1 for such
For those areas where there is no jurisdiction or where parts as are fabricated by the Manufacturer of the boiler
a jurisdiction does not choose to select an ASME designee may be combined into a single stamping located as speci-
to review a vessel or vessel parts manufacturer’s facility, fied in PG-111.5. Identifying marks shall be placed on
that function shall be performed by an ASME designee all headers as required in PG-111.10, PG-111.11, and
selected by ASME. In either case, the ASME designee PG-111.12.

shall certify its representative has met ASME criteria.

Where the jurisdiction is the Manufacturer’s inspection PG-106.3 For forced-flow steam generators with no
agency, the joint review and joint report shall be made fixed steam and waterline, consisting of groups of pres-
by the jurisdiction and another representative designated sure parts or components designed at several different
by the Society. levels of maximum allowable working pressures (PG-21),
the stamping, required in PG-106.1 for such parts as are
PG-105.5 Code Construction Before Receipt of fabricated by the Manufacturer of the boiler, shall be
Certificate of Authorization. When used to demonstrate combined into a single stamping. In addition, whichever
his quality control system, a Manufacturer may start fabri- Manufacturer [see PG-104, Note (1)] has the responsibil-
cating Code items before receipt of a Certificate of Autho- ity for assurance of Code certification for a completed
rization to use a Code symbol stamp under the following boiler unit, that Manufacturer shall provide a master
conditions: stamping for the complete unit which shall show the
(a) The fabrication is done with the participation of maximum allowable working (minimum design) pressure
the Authorized Inspector and is subject to his acceptance. at the superheater outlet as determined by the Manufac-
(b) The activity shall have been performed in confor- turer as item PG-106.4.1(c). In no case shall the master
mance with the applicant’s accepted quality control stamping pressure be more than the maximum allowable
system. working pressure of any part of the unit, excluding the
(c) The item is stamped with the appropriate Code steam piping between the boiler and the prime mover.
symbol and certified once the applicant receives his Cer- The master stamping shall be located as required in
tificate of Authorization from the Society. PG-111.5.2.
PG-105.6 Regulations on Use of Code Symbol
PG-106.4 In addition to the symbol, the following
Stamps. The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee may
items shall also be stamped with letters and figures at
at any time make such regulations concerning the issuance
least 5⁄16 in. (8 mm) high [ 5⁄32 in. (4 mm) on miniature
and use of Code symbol stamps as it deems appropriate,
and all such regulations shall become binding upon the boilers if necessary], arranged as shown in Fig. PG-106.
holders of any valid Certificates of Authorization. PG-106.4.1 Items on Boilers 04
(a) Manufacturer’s serial number
(b) Certified by (Name of Manufacturer)
(c) Maximum allowable working pressure when built
PG-106.1 The Manufacturer shall stamp each boiler,
superheater, waterwall, or steel economizer constructed (d) Heating surface (or kilowatt power input for elec-
in compliance with this Section in the presence of the tric boilers)
Authorized Inspector, after the hydrostatic test, in the (e) Year built
shop of the Manufacturer, except that in cases where (f) Maximum designed steaming capacity, lb/hr (kg/
boilers, superheaters, waterwalls, or steel economizers are hr) [or, for high-temperature water boilers, maximum
not completed and hydrostatically tested before shipment, designed output, Btu/hr (W)]


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PG-106.4.2 2004 SECTION I PG-106.8.1

shall witness the stamping of the Code symbol and verify

that the nameplate has been attached.
PG-106.6 Each Manufacturer shall furnish, in addi-
tion, a metallic plate or plates on which the above data
are reproduced for all the items manufactured by him,
except when the original stampings are so located on the
completed (or assembled) boiler unit that all will be
readily visible from one place on the operating floor or
platform. These plates, if used, shall be located as speci-
fied in PG-111.13. All data on such additional plates,
including the Code symbol, shall be cast, etched, or
stamped and this marking need not be witnessed by an
Authorized Inspector. The letters and figures on these
nameplates shall be not less than 5⁄32 in. (4 mm) high.
PG-106.7 When the Manufacturer is an Engineering
Contractor [see PG-104, Note (1)], the Engineering Con-
tractor shall provide a metallic master stamping plate or
plates. The letters and figures on this plate shall be not
less than 5⁄32 in. (4 mm) high. This plate shall include, in
addition to the Code symbol, all the data required by
PG-106.4. Such data, except the Code symbol, may be
cast, etched, or stamped on this plate. The Code symbol
shall be stamped. The stamping of the master stamping
plate with the Code symbol shall be in the presence of
the Authorized Inspector after the Inspector has examined
the Design Specification for the complete boiler unit,
A05 FIG. PG-106M FORM OF STAMPING verified the plate data, and is satisfied that the Engineering
Contractor has provided for the construction of a complete
boiler unit. The Inspector shall then sign the Certification
04 PG-106.4.2 Items on Waterwalls, Superheaters, of Engineering Contractor portion of Form P-3A.
or Steel Economizers The master stamping plate shall be located on the boiler
(a) Manufacturer’s serial number as specified in PG-111.13 by the boiler Assembler in the
(b) Certified by (Name of Manufacturer) presence of and when authorized by the field Inspector
(c) Maximum allowable working pressure when built after the required inspections and the hydrostatic test of
(d) Heating surface in square feet (not required for the completed unit. The Certificate of Field Assembly
integral superheaters) (rated Btu per hour absorption for Inspection portion of Form P-3A shall then be signed by
an isolable economizer) the field Inspector.
(e) For independently fired superheaters, heating sur- PG-106.8 Stamping and Marking of Parts
face in square feet or the minimum safety valve discharge PG-106.8.1 When only a part of the boiler is sup- 04
capacity in pounds of steam per hour calculated from the plied and the data are recorded on Form P-4, Manufactur-
maximum expected heat absorption (as determined by ers’ Partial Data Report (see PG-112.2.4), the part shall
the Manufacturer) in Btu/hr (W), divided by 1,000 (644) be stamped with:
PG-106.5 For boilers with no pressure retaining part (a) ASME Code Symbol above the word “part”
larger than 16 in. (400 mm) O.D., or for equipment (b) Certified by (Name of Manufacturer)
operating at temperatures above 800°F (425°C), a cast, (c) Manufacturer’s serial number of the part
etched, or stamped metallic nameplate may be used to (d) Year built
provide the data required by PG-106 instead of stamping Parts may be stamped with the ASME Code Symbol
directly on the pressure retaining material. This plate without being pressure tested prior to shipment. (See
shall be securely attached to the item it describes. If the PG-112 for requirements for documentation and stamping
attachment is by welding, the welding shall meet the of pressure parts that do not contain pressure retaining
requirements of this Section. The Authorized Inspector welds.)



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PG-106.8.2 In lieu of such stamping, small parts shall be stamped on this plate and shall be witnessed by
[5 in. (125 mm) O.D. and under] may be marked with an Authorized Inspector. The letter and figures on these
an identification acceptable to the Inspector (e.g., bar nameplates shall be not less than 5⁄32 in. (4 mm) high.
coding, etching, paint stencil, etc.) and traceable to the
Form P-4, Manufacturers’ Partial Data Report. Such
marking shall be of a type that will remain visible until the PG-107 FIELD ASSEMBLY
part is installed. The Code symbol stamp is not required.
Code responsibility for a completed boiler unit that is
04 PG-106.8.3 Manufacturers with multiple locations, field assembled [excluding the shop assembled boiler
each with its own Certificate of Authorization, may trans- with field installed piping, see PG-104, Note (2)] may
fer boiler parts from one location to another without be assumed only under the following conditions:
Partial Data Reports, provided the Quality Control Sys-
tem describes the method of identification, transfer, and PG-107.1 By the boiler Manufacturer [see PG-104,
receipt of the parts. Note (1)], provided:
PG-107.1.1 Assembly work is performed by work-
PG-106.9 No accessory or part of a boiler may be
men employed by the boiler Manufacturer.
marked “ASME” or “ASME Std.” unless so specified in
the Code. PG-107.1.2 Any work performed by others, such
as erection of piping, that falls within the scope of the
PG-106.10 Shell plates, furnace sheets, and heads Code, is handled by proper Code certification.
shall have identification stamping in conformance with
PG-77. PG-107.1.3 The completed boiler unit is properly
stamped with the Manufacturer’s “S” symbol in accor-
PG-106.11 The American Society of Mechanical dance with PG-108.1.
Engineers’ standard symbols and the boiler builder’s
stamps shall not be covered permanently by insulating PG-107.1.4 Data Reports are prepared in accor-
or other material. dance with PG-113.1.

PG-106.12 Multiple Pressure Steam Generators con- PG-107.2 Jointly by the boiler Manufacturer and the 04

sisting of several sections of heat exchange surface assembler responsible for performing the hydrostatic test
designed for different pressure levels may be considered of the completed boiler, signing of the Certificate of Field
as a single boiler and the Manufacturer’s stamping Assembly Compliance on the Master Data Report, and
required by PG-106.1 combined into a single stamping for providing the supplemental stamping in accordance
provided: with PG-108.2, provided:
PG-106.12.1 The different circuits of the boiler are PG-107.2.1 Assembly work is performed by work-
not intended to be operated separately or independently. men employed by the assembler.
PG-106.12.2 The extent and design of the boiler PG-107.2.2 The assembler uses his own properly

external piping for each circuit shall be established in qualified welding procedures, welders and/or welding
accordance with PG-58.3. operators.
PG-106.12.3 The various circuits shall be separated PG-107.2.3 Any work performed in the field by 04
from each other by providing a stop valve and a check others, such as erection of boiler external piping or partial
valve in the feedwater piping leading to each circuit, in assembly of the boiler proper, that falls within the scope
accordance with PG-58.3.3. of the Code, is handled by proper Code certification.
(a) Code certification of boiler external piping
PG-106.12.4 Each circuit shall be given a hydro-
installed by an organization other than the boiler Manu-
static test corresponding to its MAWP, as required by
facturer or assembler shall be provided in accordance
with PG-109.
PG-106.12.5 Each circuit shall be stamped with (b) Code certification of work performed by an organi-
the information required by PG-106.4. The stamping shall zation responsible for partial field assembly of a boiler
be located in accordance with PG-111. shall be provided as follows:
PG-106.12.6 The Manufacturer shall furnish, in (1) The work performed shall be described on a
addition, a single metallic plate on which the above data Form P-3. The form shall be marked as not being the
are reproduced for all of the circuits. This plate shall be Master Data Report. Lines 1 through 5 of the form shall
located in accordance with PG-111.13. All data on such be completed by the assembler responsible for partial
plates shall be cast, etched or stamped. The Code symbol field assembly of the boiler, except that the words “partial


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PG-107.2.3 2004 SECTION I PG-109.3

field assembly” are to be inserted on Line 4 instead of PG-109 STAMPING OF PRESSURE PIPING
the unit identification and ID numbers. The portion of PG-109.1 Boiler external piping, as defined in the A05
partial field assembly completed by the assembler and Preamble, may be fabricated by a manufacturer other
the location of the stamping required by PG-107.2.3(b)(3) than the Manufacturer of the boiler, provided that the
shall be described on Line 15, Remarks. manufacturer has been issued a Certificate of Authoriza-
(2) The Certificate of Field Assembly Compliance tion to use the “S” or “PP” symbol stamp. Boiler external
on the form shall be completed and signed by the assem- piping may be installed by welding by a manufacturer
bler. The Certificate of Field Assembly Inspection on the or contractor other than the Manufacturer of the boiler,
form shall be completed and signed by the assembler’s provided such an organization has been issued a Certifi-
Authorized Inspector. cate of Authorization to use the “S,” “PP,” or “A” symbol
(3) When authorized by the Authorized Inspector, stamp. When boiler external piping is installed by weld-
the assembler’s Code symbol together with the assem- ing, the welding, including the qualification of welding
bler’s name, or an acceptable abbreviation, and the words procedures, welders, and welding operators, shall be done
“partial field assembly” shall be stamped by the assembler in accordance with the applicable rules of ASME B31.1.
on a major pressure part assembled as part of the work
The welding shall be inspected by an Authorized Inspec-
covered by the Code certification. If limited space pre-
tor at such stages of the work as he may elect. The
vents this, the stamping shall be applied near the Manufac-
organizations which fabricate or install such piping shall
turer’s stamping required by PG-106.
furnish proper code certification (PG-104.2) for it includ-
04 PG-107.2.4 The completed boiler unit is properly ing a Manufacturers’ Data Report Form P-4A as required
stamped with the Manufacturer’s “S” symbol and the by PG-112.2.5 and PG-112.3.
assembler’s Code symbol in accordance with PG-108.2.
PG-109.2 Welded boiler external piping included
PG-107.2.5 Data Reports are prepared in accor-
within the scope of this Code, over NPS 2 (DN 50), shall
dance with PG-113.2 and such Data Reports clearly define
be stamped with a Code symbol, together with the manu-
the work completed by the Manufacturer and the
facturer’s or contractor’s name and serial number. Such
stamping shall be on the pipe, valve, or fitting adjacent
to the welded joint farthest from the boiler. For piping
operating at temperatures above 800°F (425°C) the sym-
PG-108 STAMPING FOR FIELD- bol may be stamped on a nameplate that is irremovably
ASSEMBLED BOILERS attached by welding, provided such welding is postweld

Field assembly of a completed boiler unit may be made heat treated, or on a circular metal band at least 1⁄4 in.
by anyone possessing a valid Certificate of Authorization (6 mm) thick. This band around the pipe shall be secured
for a power boiler stamp or an assembly stamp provided in such a manner as to prevent it from slipping off during
responsibility is assumed in accordance with the require- handling and installation.
ments of PG-107. Stamping for field assembled boiler Welded piping NPS 2 (DN 50) or less included within
units shall be completed as specified in PG-108.1 and the scope of this Code shall be marked with an identifi-
PG-108.2. cation acceptable to the Inspector and traceable to the
required Data Report. Such marking shall be of a type
PG-108.1 When responsibility for the completed
that will remain visible until the piping has been installed.
boiler unit is assumed under PG-107.1, no additional
stamping beyond that required by PG-106 is necessary. PG-109.3 A manufacturer in possession of the pres- A05

PG-108.2 When responsibility for the completed sure piping symbol stamp may
boiler unit is assumed under PG-107.2, the Manufactur- (a) design and fabricate welded piping. Such fabrica-
er’s [see PG-104, Note (1)] stamping shall be supple- tions shall be stamped and reported on a Form P-4A,
mented with the assembler’s stamp, together with the Manufacturers’ Data Report for Fabricated Piping, as
name of the assembler or an acceptable abbreviation. This called for in PG-112.2.5.
supplementary stamping shall be applied in the field on (b) fabricate other parts of boilers, such as superheater,
the boiler near the stamping called for by PG-106 when waterwall, or economizer headers, where complete design
authorized by the field Inspector after the required inspec- requirements are provided by others. Such parts shall be
tions and the hydrostatic test of the completed boiler unit. stamped or marked as required by PG-106.8 and reported
This supplementary stamping shall also be reproduced on a Form P-4, Manufacturers’ Partial Data Report, as
on a nameplate as required by PG-106.6 or PG-106.7. called for in PG-112.2.4.


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PG-109.4 Mechanically assembled boiler external PG-111.4 Vertical firetube and vertical submerged
piping which contains no pressure boundary welds does tube boilers — on the shell above the firedoor and hand-
not require stamping, and as such may be assembled hole opening.
by a non-stamp holder. Note that the responsibility for
PG-111.5 Watertube Boilers
documentation and hydrostatic testing of a mechanically
assembled boiler external piping must be assumed by a PG-111.5.1 Drum type — on a head of the steam
holder of a valid “S,” “A,” or “PP” stamp (see outlet drum near and above the manhole.
PG-112.2.5). PG-111.5.2 Forced-flow steam generator with no
fixed steam and waterline — the master stamping
04 PG-110 STAMPING OF SAFETY VALVES (PG-106.3) shall be located on a major pressure part,
Each safety valve shall be plainly marked with the located near the main operating floor where readily visi-
required data by the Manufacturer or Assembler (see ble. The Data Report Form shall record the location of
PG-73.3.4) in such a way that the marking will not be the master stamping.
obliterated in service. The marking shall be placed on PG-111.6 Scotch marine boilers — on either side of
the valve or on a nameplate securely fastened to the valve. the shell near the normal water level line and as near as
The Code “V” symbol shall be stamped on the valve or practical to the front tubesheet.
nameplate by the Manufacturer or Assembler, as applica-
ble. The other required data may be stamped, etched, PG-111.7 Economic boilers — on the front head,
impressed, or cast on the valve or nameplate. The marking above the center row of tubes.
shall include the following: PG-111.8 Miniature and electric boilers — on some
(a) the name (or an acceptable abbreviation) of the conspicuous and accessible place on the boiler proper,
Manufacturer and Assembler, as applicable or on a stamping plate at least 3⁄64 in. (1.2 mm) thick,
(b) Manufacturer’s design or type number permanently fastened (adhesives prohibited) to the boiler.
(c) NPS (DN) (the nominal pipe size of the valve inlet)
(d) set pressure psi (MPa) PG-111.9 On any of the above types where there is
A05 (e) Capacity not sufficient space in the place designated, and for other
(1) capacity lb/hr (kg/hr) (for saturated steam types and new designs — in a conspicuous place on the
service in accordance with PG-69.2; or boiler proper. The Data Report Form shall record the
(2) capacity lb/hr (kg/hr) at °F (°C) (for location of the required stamping.
superheated steam service in accordance with PG-68.7 PG-111.10 Superheaters — on superheater header
(f) year built, or alternatively, a coding may be marked near the outlet. Other headers shall carry identifying
on the valve such that the valve Manufacturer or Assem- marks.
bler can identify the year the valve was assembled and
tested PG-111.11 Economizers — at a handy location on
(g) ASME symbol as shown in Fig. PG-105.4 water inlet header or drums. Other headers shall carry
identifying marks.
PG-111 LOCATION OF STAMPINGS PG-111.12 Waterwalls — on one end of a lower
The location of the required stampings shall be as listed header. Other headers shall carry identifying marks.
below. These stampings shall be left uncovered or an
PG-111.13 When required by PG-106.6 and
easily removable marked cover may be provided over
PG-106.7, the Manufacturer [see PG-104, Note (1)] shall
the stamping when a boiler is covered with insulation,
or jacketed. No piping, boiler appliance, or other obstruc- furnish a nameplate or plates on which the appropriate
tions shall interfere with reading of the stamping. Code Symbol and design data for the scope of his respon-
sibility are permanently imprinted. The nameplate shall
PG-111.1 Horizontal-return tubular boilers — on the be securely attached to the front of the boiler, its setting
front head above the central rows of tubes. or casing, at a place readily visible from the operating
PG-111.2 Horizontal-flue boilers — on the front head floor or platform.
above the flues.
PG-111.3 Traction, portable, or stationary boilers of
the locomotive type or Star watertube boilers — on the PG-112 MANUFACTURERS’ DATA REPORT
furnace end above the handhole. Or on traction boilers FORMS
of the locomotive type — on the left wrapper sheet for- PG-112.1 Ten types of Manufacturers’ Data Report 04
ward of the driving wheel. Forms are shown in the Appendix under the heading


Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
PG-112.1 2004 SECTION I PG-112.2.6

“Data Report Forms and Guides” at the end of this Sec- PG-112.2.3 Form P-3A, Engineering-Contractor
tion. These forms shall be used by the Manufacturer [see Data Report for a Complete Boiler Unit, shall be used
PG-104, Note (1)] to record all the items of a complete when such an organization assumes the Manufacturer’s
boiler unit, in accordance with the provisions of Code responsibility as provided for by PG-104, Note (1).
PG-112.2. When the certification of the complete boiler This form shall be used to certify Code responsibility for
unit is accomplished by more than one Data Report, the the design specification of the complete boiler unit, of
principal Data Report (P-2, P-2A, P-3, or P-3A) shall be which the components are individually certified by their
designated as the Master Data Report (see PG-113). individual manufacturers in accordance with the Code
For forced-flow steam generators with no fixed steam rules. This form also provides for field assembly certifi-
and waterline consisting of groups of pressure parts or cation.
components designed at several different pressure levels, PG-112.2.4 Form P-4, Manufacturers’ Partial Data
a separate Manufacturers’ Data Report shall clearly iden- Report, shall be used to record boiler parts requiring
tify the pressure parts at each pressure level and show inspection and stamping under this Section which are
the maximum allowable working pressure. These several furnished by other than the Manufacturer responsible for
Data Reports shall be attached to a Master Data Report the completed boiler, superheater, waterwall, or econo-
(PG-113) that shall clearly identify each component as mizer.
part of the complete unit. (a) Except as provided in PG-112.2.4(b), Form P-4
PG-112.2 Types of Data Report Forms. The types shall be used only to provide supporting data for the
of Data Report Forms and the purposes for which they information given on the Master Data Report (see
are to be used are specified in PG-112.2.1 through PG- PG-113) or on the Form P-3 used to record a superheater,
112.2.8. waterwall, or economizer.
(b) When used to record parts furnished to the user
PG-112.2.1 Form P-2, Manufacturers’ Data Report
of an existing boiler as replacement or repair parts, Form
for All Types of Boilers Except Watertube and Electric,
P-4 is sufficient and need not support a Master Data
shall be used to record all types of boilers other than
Report. A copy of the parts Manufacturers’ Form P-4
watertube boiler units and parts thereof, which are
shall be forwarded to the purchaser.
included under Form P-3.
(c) The parts manufacturer shall indicate under
PG- Form P-2A, Manufacturers’ Data “remarks” the extent to which he has performed the design
Report for All Types of Electric Boilers, shall be used functions. When the parts manufacturer performed only
to record all types of electric boilers. a portion of the design, he shall state which portion of
04 PG- Form P-2B, Manufacturers’ Data the design he has performed.
Report for Electric Superheaters and Reheaters, shall be PG-112.2.5 Form P-4A, Manufacturers’ Data
used to record electric superheaters and reheaters installed Report for Fabricated Piping, shall be used to record all

external to the boiler setting. shop or field-welded piping that falls within the scope of
04 PG-112.2.2 Form P-3, Manufacturers’ Data Report this Section but is not furnished by the boiler Manufac-
for Watertube Boilers, Superheaters (except electric), turer. Form P-4B, Manufacturers’ Data Report for Field
Waterwalls, and Economizers, shall be used to record all Installed Mechanically Assembled Piping, shall be used
of the items comprising a watertube boiler. to record all field installed mechanically assembled boiler
The Form P-3 shall also be used to record a superheater, external piping. Form P-4B shall be used only for piping
waterwall, or economizer when the design of such an that contains no joints brazed or welded by the field
item is certified by a manufacturer other than the boiler installer.
Manufacturer, or when such an item is to be added to an PG-112.2.6 Form P-5, Summary Data Report for 04
existing boiler. The item shall be stamped with the ASME Process Steam Generators, may be used by the Manufac-
“S” symbol and the additional information, as applicable, turer [see PG-104, Note (1)] to record all items of field-
shown in PG-106.4.2. assembled process steam generators of the waste heat or
Item 10 on Form P-3 shall be used to record other heat recovery type, comprising one or more drums and
parts connected at the openings listed in Item 11 if such one or more arrays of heat exchange surface designed
parts are fabricated of materials or by processes that for different pressure levels. All such component items
require Code inspection. If such parts have not been shall be constructed to the applicable rules of the Code
connected prior to the hydrostatic test, a notation shall and shall be certified by individual Data Report Forms
be made under Item 10 reading: “No parts connected to executed by the component manufacturer and the Author-
the openings listed in Item 11 except as noted.” ized Inspector. When used, the Summary Data Report


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Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale

Form P-5 shall list all the properly executed data report data report forms for the items comprising the complete
forms for components comprising the complete process steam generator unit.
steam generator and shall be attached to the Manufactur- PG-112.5.2 Other forms such as P-3, P-4, P-4A, 04
ers’ Data Report. P-5, P-6, and P-7 shall be used as necessary to provide
PG-112.2.7 Form P-6, Manufacturers’ Data Report and summarize supporting information for the Master
Supplementary Sheet, shall be used to record additional Data Report.
data where space was insufficient on a Data Report Form. PG-112.6 Manufacturer’s Partial Data Report Form
This Manufacturers’ Data Report Supplementary Sheet P-4 and stamping in accordance with PG-106 are neither
will be attached to the Manufacturers’ Data Report Form required nor prohibited for pressure parts that do not
where used. contain pressure retaining welds (e.g., boiler furnace
04 PG-112.2.8 Form P-7, Manufacturers’ Data Report walls, floor panel assemblies, tubes with support or hanger
for Safety Valves, shall be used to record required safety lugs). However, the Manufacturer shall certify that the
valves. Form P-7 shall be used as supporting data for material and construction are in accordance with the
Form P-2, P-3, or P-3A. Form P-7 is not required for requirements of this Section.
boilers certified on Form P-2A, or for boilers with a single PG-112.6.1 Certification may be supplied in the
safety valve when the safety valve size, set pressure, and form of bills of material and drawings with a statement
capacity [lb/hr (kg/hr)] are included in the remarks section of compliance or Certificate of Compliance from the Man-
of Form P-2 or P-3. ufacturer.
04 PG-112.3 Manufacturers’ Data Reports and all asso- PG-112.6.2 The Certification shall state what mate-
A05 ciated Partial Data Reports shall be furnished to the pur- rials were used including size (O.D. and wall thickness)
chaser, the inspection agency, and the state, municipal, and which edition and addenda of the Code were used
or provincial authority at the place of installation. Partial to construct the parts.
Data Reports for pressure parts requiring inspection under PG-112.6.3 The parts shall be clearly identified
this Section, and which are furnished by other than the with markings traceable to the certification. The markings
Manufacturer having Code responsibility for the boiler may be in the form of labels, tags, stamping, paint, or
or the superheater, waterwall, or economizer, shall be coded identification.
executed by the parts manufacturer and the Inspector in
accordance with the requirements of this Section.
Except as provided in PG-112.2.4(b), the Partial Data PG-113 MASTER DATA REPORT FORM
Reports shall be forwarded, in duplicate, to the Manufac- PG-113.1 The Master Data Report (using Manufac- 04
turer of the boiler or the superheater, waterwall, or econo- turers’ Data Report Forms P-2, P-2A, P-3, or P-3A, as
mizer. These Partial Data Reports, together with his own applicable) shall be used by the boiler Manufacturer [see
inspection, shall be the final Inspector’s authority to wit- PG-104, Note (1)] to fully document all parts of a com-
ness the application of the Code symbol to the boiler or plete boiler unit [excluding boiler external piping; see
the superheater, waterwall, or economizer. The Partial PG-104, Note (2)] as having Code certification in accor-
Data Reports shall be attached to the associated Form P- dance with the Code requirements for design, construc-
2, P-2A, P-3, P-3A, or P-5 by the Manufacturer having tion, and workmanship.
Code responsibility for the boiler or the superheater,
PG-113.2 When a field-assembled boiler unit is docu-
waterwall, or economizer.

mented by Data Forms from manufacturers other than
PG-112.4 A-350 includes nonmandatory guides to aid the Manufacturer [see PG-104, Note (1)] responsible for
in the completion and certification of the Manufacturers’ the complete boiler unit, the boiler Manufacturer shall
Data Report Forms. complete the applicable Master Data Report Form by
recording the required data from all supporting Data
PG-112.5 Multiple Pressure Steam Generators shall
Report Forms that are required for the complete boiler
be documented as indicated in PG-112.5.1 and PG-
unit. All Data Forms shall be securely attached to the
Master Data Report. The Data Reports shall clearly sepa-
04 PG-112.5.1 Data Report Form P-3 or P-3A shall rate shop fabrication from field assembly and in the case
be used by the Manufacturer as the Master Data Report of large units, supplemental sheets may be used to record
to record all items comprising a multiple pressure steam the information. The certificate of shop inspection block
generator of the waste heat or heat recovery type. The and the certificate of field assembly block shall clearly
Master Data Report shall list all of the properly executed designate the items to be certified by the Inspector in the


Copyright ASME International

Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale
PG-113.2 2004 SECTION I PG-113.4

shop and those to be certified by the Inspector in the authorities. The Manufacturer’s written quality control
field. The certified Data Reports furnished by the several system shall include requirements for completion of
manufacturers shall be the shop or field Inspector’s Manufacturer’s Data Reports. The Manufacturer shall
authority to accept the components fabricated by the other retain the Manufacturer’s Data Reports for a minimum
manufacturers and included in the construction of the of 5 years.
complete boiler unit. PG-113.4 When boiler external piping is furnished
by an organization not contractually responsible to the
04 PG-113.3 The boiler Manufacturer [see PG-104, Note Manufacturer [see PG-104, Note (1)], the organization
(1)] shall have the responsibility for distributing copies responsible for the fabrication and installation of this
of the complete Master Data Report Form (Data Report piping shall have the responsibility for distributing copies
Form P-2, P-2A, P-3, or P-3A, as applicable) to the of Form P-4A to the inspection agency and proper author-
inspection agency and the required number of proper ities.



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Provided by IHS under license with ASME
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale

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