Appendix 1: Lesson Plan (Template)
Appendix 1: Lesson Plan (Template)
Appendix 1: Lesson Plan (Template)
Lesson Focus
Lesson Outcomes
Students will be able to enhance the following skills : (1) Critical thinking and problem solving, (2)
Communication and collaboration, (3) Initiative and self-direction, (4) productivity and accountability.
Key vocabulary
Students may be confused between the old Use arrays and visual aids to help students understand
lesson addition and multiplication. how to model repeated addition
Resources/equipment needed
Power Point
Microsoft teams
& Time
Teacher will:
In the begging teacher will tell the class rules which is display in her screen.
After that teacher will start to check student’s prior knowledge by ask them about multiplication
strategies. Teacher will to review whole week lesson which is represent in the power point.
Array, column, rows, grouping, repeated addition equal groups and skip counting
Main activities
& Time
The teacher puts some questions on the screen and asked the students to bring a paper and pen and
solve all the questions with different strategies and after the time finish, they have to send a photo the
papers and attach them to the Teams program. Some of the question teacher will let them turn on
their camera the show how to do skip counting
& Time Plenary/Conclusion
Will start to answer the problem. Teacher will share quizezz link for the students.
Homework -
Assessment Use thumbs up and thumbs down strategy.