The Student Believes That The Frog Comes Directly From The Eggs
The Student Believes That The Frog Comes Directly From The Eggs
The Student Believes That The Frog Comes Directly From The Eggs
Lesson 2
21st Century Skills: Students will be able to enhance the following skills: (1) Critical thinking and
problem solving, (2) Communication and collaboration, (3) Initiative and self-direction, (4)
productivity and accountability.
Key vocabulary: life cycle, frog, froglet, eggs, tadpole.
In the beginning, the teacher will check the student’s prior knowledge by
asking them:
Tr: what do you remember about butterfly life cycle stage?”
Chart paper Tr: will give the students 1 minute to turn and talk with a partner then raise
your hand if they know the answer.
Key Vocabulary Tr: choose the students randomly.
Ss will answer and say the first, second, third, fourth stage of butterfly life
Emergent activity:
Students will work individually. The teacher will give the students instruction
and give them example about the activity. After that, the students will match
the picture cards with the right vocabulary cards.
Development Activity:
The students will work individually. The teacher will give the students
instruction and give them example about the activity.
Tr will give the students plate, frog pictures, colours and glues.
Students will draw and glue the frog life cycle in the plate by using the colours
and glue.
Master activity:
Students will work in individually. The teacher will give the students
instruction and give them example about the activity. Students will arrange the
frog life cycle in the khoot and write and draw the frog life cycle in the
Tr will rise a poster about frog life cycle and explain each stage.
After that, teacher will ask the students: who will come and explain for us the
frog life cycle?
Ss will come and explain each stage for the other students.
Tr will draw lines in the whiteboard. And put the frog life cycle pictures and
the vocabulary.
Homework Worksheet.
Learning styles catered for in the main activities (✓):