Indispensable Employees?: Do The Following Tasks Below
Indispensable Employees?: Do The Following Tasks Below
Indispensable Employees?: Do The Following Tasks Below
the Article
Most employees at one time or another have experienced the department head unable to relinquish
control. He swoops in and offers assistance and advice, regardless of actual need, on a regular basis.
To executives farther up the food chain, it seems as though this individual is all important. It
appears as though the people beneath him would seriously struggle in his absence. Of course no one
would consider this an example of effective management, yet it proves difficult to detect. Even
more insidious, however, is when a department head causes problems in order to rescue the
situation. It happens far more than frequently than ever imagined.
At a clinic in Pittsburg, for example, insurance checks didn't go out as scheduled. The manager
pointed to a problem with the computer system, which she then fixed. However, a search of her
desk revealed the checks. There had never been a computer glitch, and she had simply hoped to get
recognition from her superiors. In another case in Louisiana, a manager spread rumors that
employees should expect layoffs. A few weeks later, he then told his staff that the situation had been
resolved. Thanks to him, he had saved all their jobs from the axe. Unfortunately, the story turned
out to be completely fictitious, and not a single layoff had ever been planned.
In both of the examples above, the managers acted deliberately. In many more cases, people's
actions aren't so purposeful. Some employees get bored, others just need to fix problems, and more
than a few enjoy the feeling of power. As a result, these people unconsciously start fires. They may
withhold information, fail to send out emails or schedule meetings, or even pass on tasks to people
ill-suited for the job.
This problem's prevalence requires managers to stress teamwork rather than individual
performance. Managers need to have good communication and be aware of employees' needs. The
alternative may be an "indispensable" employee.
Brainstorm with a partner(s) words and ideas associated with "indispensable" for some minutes.
Spend another minutes or less discussing the words and ideas together.
STEP TWO Discuss: Do you agree or disagree? Why?
Talk about the following questions in pairs. Remember to support your answers!
b. What would you do as a manager (or what have you done) if you oversaw someone as in the
c. How common a problem do you think this is in your home country? Please explain.
d. What kind of problems are there in your home country with regards to work? Please explain.
e. What other problems have you experienced in the professional world? Please explain.
f. What problems have you caused in your professional life? Which was the most serious?
Imagine that your boss often causes problems. To people outside the department, he looks like a
hero. To people in the department, he causes more work and stress for everyone. List three actions
you could take that would solve the problem, and the pluses and minuses of each. Present your
answers to your teacher, and decide on the best.