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Culture, Society
and Politics
Subjects of inquiry and goals of
Anthropology, Sociology, and Political


Copyright 2019


This module serves as a learning resource material in understanding the

target competency expected in the curriculum.

Subjects of inquiry and goals of anthropology, political Science, and

The rationale for studying anthropology, political science, and sociology.



Identify the subjects of inquiry and goals of Anthropology, Political Science,

and Sociology

The presented activities or exercises and texts are developed

in order to meet the following objectives:

1. Identify the inquiry and goals of sociology, anthropology, and political


2. Conduct a simple survey as a research method in studying a phenomena

in culture, society, or politics.

3. Relate the concept of sociology, anthropology, and political science on a

typical Filipino family.

PRE-TEST Score: ____________

Read the following items carefully. Write the

letter of your answer on the space provided.

_____1. Which of the following discipline in social sciences that draws and
builds upon knowledge from the social and biological sciences as well as the
humanities and physical sciences?

A. Sociology
B. Political Science
C. Anthropology
D. Philosophy

_____2. It focuses on social relationships, how these relationships influences

people’s behavior, and how societies, the sum total of these relationships,
develop and change. Which social sciences refers to the given definition?

A. Psychology
B. Anthropology
C. Ethnography
D. Sociology

_____3. It entails understanding political ideas, ideologies, institutions,

policies, processes, and behavior, as well as groups, classes, government,
diplomacy, law, strategy, and war. Which social sciences pertains to the
given definition?

A. Political Science
B. Philosophy
C. History
D. Economics

_____4. The goal of this particular discipline in social sciences is to seek

answers about man’s existence and his social experiences. Which of the
following discipline in social sciences is the concern of this goal?

A. Sociology
B. History
C. Anthropology
D. Geography

_____5. The goal of this particular discipline in social sciences is citizenship
education. It requires us to understand and appreciate the duties and
obligations of being a member of a society we are a part. What discipline in
social sciences is the focus of this goal?

A. Economy
B. History
C. Sociology
D. Political Science

_____6. Its goal is to analyze human interaction which is essential in

understanding man’s cultural make-up. Which of the following discipline in
social sciences is the focus of this goal?

A. Sociology
B. Economics
C. Anthropology
D. Political Science

_____7. As an inquiry in studying an issue, problem, or phenomena as far as

culture, society, and politics is concern, an appropriate research method in
data gathering is very important. Which research method in data gathering
is used in testing hypothesis and answering research problems that need
statistical analysis?

A. Ethnography
B. Interview
C. Survey
D. Fieldwork

_____8. Which of the following choices below refers to a qualitative research

method that asks questions to key informants and participants in the
research which also one of the research method in data gathering?

A. Survey
B. Fieldwork
C. Ethnography
D. Interview

_____9. Mixed methods are employed in ethnography as far as data
gathering is concern. One of it enables the researchers to learn about the
activities of the people under study in the natural setting through observing
and participating in those activities, this is called ________?

A. Participant-observation
B. Investigation
C. Survey
D. Interview

_____10. Sociology, anthropology, and political science provides a unique

ways of seeing and an equally unique way of zooming in on social details.
Regardless of their distinctive angles of looking, they share a common goal
which is __________?

A. To understand the “social” and to explore how it drives the

unfolding of society as we know it.
B. To analyze human interaction which is essential in
understanding man’s cultural make-up.
C. To understand and appreciate the duties and obligations of
being a member of a society we are a part. What discipline in
social sciences is the focus of this goal
D. To seek answers about man’s existence and his social



Direction. Locate and encircle the underlined words from the grid base on
the given definition, running in possible directions: horizontally, vertically,
or diagonally.

S X C Q P B N R V C A 1. Padrino is a value
system where one
gains favor,
C B Q K A E Q Y L X H promotion, or political
I O Z Y S L V Z U V C appointment through
A V J H I F H X N I H family affiliation
L P A D R I N O T S A (nepotism) or
friendship (cronyism),
as opposed to one's
R E Q X A R J V R M E 2. Change is the only
C R D T Z G K N I B Y permanent thing in
E N F M L K Y H S A T this world according to
S F F A M I L Y M Y R Heraclitus.

3. Social Forces refers to any human being created ways of doing things
that influence, pressure, or force people to behave, interact with others, and
think in specified ways.
4. In social science and politics, power refers to the capacity of an individual
to influence the conduct (behaviour) of others.
5. Family is the smallest unit of the society.
6. Istambay is a phenomena which refers to people or group of people who
are too lazy to get a job.
7. Selfie refers to a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one
taken with a smartphone or webcam and shared via social media.
8. Volunteerism refers to the use or involvement of volunteer labor,
especially in community services.
9. Taboo is another term for prohibition or restriction by social custom.


From the previous module, you were able to discover the intersection
of anthropology, sociology, and political science with respect to phenomenon
of change. In this module you are going to identify the subjects of inquiry
and goals of anthropology, sociology, and political science.

The subject Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics is a

multi/disciplinary course that integrates and combines the contents,
methods, and theories of Anthropology, Sociology, and Political Science. The
said disciplines are all under the Social Sciences. Social Sciences deal with
the study of people within the context of their social relationship within
institutions and natural environment, political systems and cultures.

In this part of the module, you are going to encounter the definition of
each of these Social Sciences and its areas of interest before you understand
the subjects of inquiry and goals of each of these.

Anthropology is the “study of humans, past and present”, in order “to

understand the full sweep and complexity of cultures across all of human
history, it draws and builds upon knowledge from the social and biological
sciences as well as the humanities and physical sciences”. (What is

The fields of study and areas of interests of Anthropology are:

Social Anthropology, studies how social patterns and practices and

cultural variations develop across different societies.

Cultural Anthropology, studies cultural variations develop across

different societies and examines the need to understand each culture
in its own context.

Linguistic Anthropology, studies language discourse and how they

reflect and shape different aspects of human.

Biological and Physical Anthropology, studies origins of humans
as well as the interplay between social factors and process of human
evolution, adaptation, and variations over time.

Archaeology, deals with prehistoric societies by studying their tools

and environment.

Sociology meanwhile is the “systematic study of social behavior and

human groups. It focuses on social relationships, how these relationships
influences people’s behavior, and how societies, the sum total of these
relationships, develop and change”. (Schaefer, 2005, p.3)

Political Science is “the study of politics and power from domestic,

international, and comparative perspectives. It entails understanding
political ideas, ideologies, institutions, policies, processes, and behavior, as
well as groups, classes, government, diplomacy, law, strategy, and war.
(What is Political Science?).

The areas of interests of Political Science are:

Public Administration, examines how the government functions and

how decisions and politics are made.

Political Economy, evaluates the interplay between economics,

politics, and law and its implications to various institutions within

Comparative Politics, compares domestic politics and governance

systems across different sovereign states.

Contents of the course refer to the topics or subject matters being studied.
Let’s take a look at these topics or subject matters per discipline.

Anthropology Sociology Political Science

- Genetics and Evolution - Culture and society - Ideologies
- Cultural Variations - Socialization - States & constitutions
- Concept of culture - Groups & organizations - Regimes & political
- Communication and - Social inequality culture
language - Gender stratification - Political
- Social stratification - Race & ethnicity communication
-Sex, gender & culture - Social institutions - Interest groups
- Associations & interest (families, religion, - Elections
groups education, government) - Legislatives,

- Religion - Social change executives, judiciaries
-The arts - Political economy
- Cultural change - International relations
Ember, Ember &
Peregrine (2002, pp. iii- Macionis (2010, p. vii) Roskin et. al (2014)

In this table above, you will see the commonalities of the three
academic disciplines, the topics common only to anthropology & sociology,
and the topics only be found in each respective discipline.


Direction. In this activity you are going to identify the concept of Sociology,
Anthropology, and Political Science on a typical Filipino family. Draw or cut
out a family picture of yours and answer each questions that pertains to the
systematic studies of each discipline in social sciences.


What concept of culture What type of authority
How does
does your family practice does your parents had on
“socialization” through
at your home that are you? Does your parents
interaction with your
unique from the other authoritarian or are they
family shaped you to be
Filipino family? How this permissive which let you
the person you are at
concept of culture affects decide on your own?
this point in time?
you as an individual? Explain your answer.
____________________ ______________________ ____________________
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____________________ ______________________ ____________________



What do you think is the reason why according to Sociologists, family is a

small unit of a society? Does family constitute the concept of society? Why
and how? Explain your standpoint on the space provided.

According to anthropologists, families are different from the other families as

far as culture is concerned. In general, what are the unique characteristics
of a Filipino family and how makes it different from the other foreign family?

Rules and regulations at home are imposed on us by our parents as part of

their discipline. Do you think that conforming with the rules and regulations
at home could be similar in conforming with the constitutional law in the
society? How could that be possible? Explain your thoughts.


Subjects of Inquiry and Goals of Anthropology, Sociology, and

Political Science


Look at the picture above. What is the significant idea that it wants to
convey? Does it show something about man and society? It is very clear that
early forms of art show something about man’s social experience vis-a-vis
man’s relationship to his environment which is essential in analyzing his
way of life. Hence, anthropology as a subject is very important, its goal is
to seek answers about man’s existence and his social experiences. It
provides insights into strange aspects of past or even present societies
which historians and sociologists find difficult to comprehend and
explain. Examples of these “strange aspects” are superstition and
witchcraft, myths and legends, human sacrifice, rituals, etc. (Banaag, 2012
p. 6).

Political Science

Political Science is a systematic study of a state and its government,

with the relationships of men in the community, with relations of men and

groups to the state itself, and with the relations of a state with other
sovereign states abroad (Palispis, 2009 p. 14). According to Ricardo Lazo,
the primary goal of Political Science is citizenship education. It
requires us to understand and appreciate the duties and obligations
of being a member of a society we are a part.


According to Joseph Fichter, sociology is the scientific study of

patterned, shared human behavior. Its goal is to analyze human
interaction which is essential in understanding man’s cultural make-
up. It may focus its attention on all kinds of social interactions:
social arts, social relationships, social organization, social structures,
and social processes (Palispis, 2009 p. 3). It broadens the experience
of individuals as they learn to discard prejudices and become more
understanding of the customs of other people and realize that truth is
relative “good” or “bad” behavior depends upon the norms of conduct
of the society in which behavior takes place (Panopio, 1994 p. 2).

Each discipline provides a unique ways of seeing and an equally unique

way of zooming in on social details. Regardless of their distinctive angles of
looking, they share a common goal: to understand the “social” and to
explore how it drives the unfolding of society as we know it.
Social means relating to society or to the way society is organized. In order
for us to answer inquiries or questions regarding “social”, these three
disciplines of social sciences as a systematic studies requires research
methods. Method pertains to procedures or steps to undertake in doing
research. In your science classes when you were still a junior high school, if
you remember, scientific method is a rigorous process that involves the
following steps: make an observation, propose a hypothesis, design an
experiment to test the hypothesis, take and analyze data, test the
hypothesis, lastly, accept of reject the hypothesis (Scientific method steps,

Most social science disciplines share similar research methods that

could answer inquiries or questions to understand the “social”, which may
include any of the following:

Survey Method, used in testing hypothesis and answering research

problems that need statistical analysis. Sample population is determined

and the administration of survey questionnaires proceeds to get responses
and answers from respondents.

Interview, a qualitative research method that asks questions to key

informants and participants in the research.

Focus Group Discussions (FGD), a group interview of respondents on a

specific topic for discussions. Proceedings can be audio recorded or

Field Work, literally it means going out to the field to do research. This
method may employ a combination of observation, data collection through
interviews or surveys.

Ethnography, usually used by anthropologists, this is oftentimes referred

to as qualitative approach in doing cultural research. Mixed methods are
employed here, under this type of research method, it also includes
participant-observation wherein you are not just simply a researcher, but
also transforming yourself to be part of the situation unknowingly by the
people or group of people you talk with that you are observing things around
you to get the data needed for your inquiries or questions but at the same
time experiencing the situation. In short, participant observation is the
process enabling researchers to learn about the activities of the people
under study in the natural setting through observing and participating in
those activities. The researcher must immerse himself within the culture of
the people he is studying. Interview, FGD, observation can also be employed




Direction. In this activity, you are going to act as a Junior Researcher in

the discipline of social sciences. You are going to do a survey by interviewing
a maximum of 15 senior high school students by answering these questions
below who are in the same strand as yours. Get their demographic
information such as: name, gender, age. Use you notebook or smart phone
to record the data you needed.

Provided Statement of the Problem:

1. What is the socio-demographic profile of the students in terms of age and

gender watching Korean dramas?
2. What are the factors that influence the Filipino teenagers specifically the
Senior High School students to watch Korean dramas?
3. What are the impacts of Korean dramas among the Senior High School
students from your school with the same strand as yours in terms of
lifestyle and behaviors.

Interview Questionnaire per respondent: Put a check mark on the

space provided.

Gender: M ___
F ___
Socio Demographic Profile?
LGBTQ (specify) ____
Age: ____
___ Legend of the Blue Sea
___ Goblin
“Popular” Korean dramas that you ___ Boys over Flowers
have watched? ___ Love in the Moonlight
___ Weightlifting Fairy
___ Others (specify)

___ 1 hour
___ 2 hours
Average time span of watching
___ 3 hours
Korean dramas per day?
___ 4 hours
___ More than 5 hours
___ Entertainment
Main reasons/factors why Senior
___ Favorite Korean actors/actresses
High School Student is attracted
___ Learning another culture
to watch Korean dramas?
___ Others (specify)
___ Drama/Romance
___ Comedy/Romance Comedy
Favorite Genre of Korean dramas? ___ Horror/Suspense/Thrill
___ Action
___ Others (specify)
___ Language
Behaviors or Lifestyle that are ___ Manners
adapted by watching Korean ___ Fashion
dramas? ___ Make up
___ Others (specify)
___ Skipping meal
___ Assignments/Projects/Study
Often sacrifices when watching Habits
Korean dramas? ___ Family Bonding
___ Sleep
___ Others (specify)

Analyzing the data:

Direction. Interpret the data you gathered by answering these set of

questions that will answer your statement of the problem. Answer each
question on a sentence form.

In terms of the socio-demographic profile of your respondents: (a) What

majority and minority of age bracket watched a Korean dramas, and (b)
What majority and minority of gender watched a Korean dramas?

On Age:

On Gender:

What is their most “popular” Korean dramas they have watched?

Arrange your data from Top 1 up to the least Korean drama.

What majority and minority time/hours does your respondents

watched a Korean dramas?

What are the two main reasons why your respondents are attracted to
watch a Korean dramas? Explain each reason.

What is their most “favorite genre” of Korean dramas they have

watched? Arrange your data from Top 1 up to the least Korean drama.

What are the two commonly behaviors they acquired when watching
Korean dramas base from your data?

In your previous activity, you were able to experience how it’s like
to be a junior researcher. You used a research method called
survey as an inquiry for a systematic way of studying a particular
issue, problem, or phenomena which is the same concern of
Sociology, Anthropology, and Political Science as a systematic
way of studying culture, society, and politics.

IDENTIFICATION Score: ____________

Direction. Identify which discipline in social sciences pertains the given

goals of Sociology, Anthropology, and Political Science. Write “S” if pertains
to Sociology, “A” if pertains to Anthropology, and “PS” if pertains to Political

___1. To seek answers about man’s existence and his social experiences.

___2. To understand and appreciate the duties and obligations of being a

member of a society we are a part.

___3. To analyze human interaction which is essential in understanding

man’s cultural make-up.

___4. It broadens the experience of individuals as they learn to discard

prejudices and become more understanding of the customs of other people
and realize that truth is relative “good” or “bad” behavior depends upon the
norms of conduct of the society in which behavior takes place

___5. It provides insights into strange aspects of past or even present

societies which historians and sociologists find difficult to comprehend and

POST TEST Score: ____________

Read the following items carefully. Write the

letter of your answer.

_____1. As an inquiry in studying an issue, problem, or phenomena as far as

culture, society, and politics is concern, an appropriate research method in
data gathering is very important. Which research method in data gathering
is used in testing hypothesis and answering research problems that need
statistical analysis?

A. Ethnography
B. Interview
C. Survey
D. Fieldwork

_____2. Mixed methods are employed in ethnography as far as data

gathering is concern. One of it enables the researchers to learn about the
activities of the people under study in the natural setting through observing
and participating in those activities, this is called ________?

A. Participant-observation
B. Investigation
C. Survey
D. Interview

_____3. Sociology, anthropology, and political science provides a unique

ways of seeing and an equally unique way of zooming in on social details.
Regardless of their distinctive angles of looking, they share a common goal
which is __________?

A. To understand the “social” and to explore how it drives the

unfolding of society as we know it.
B. To analyze human interaction which is essential in understanding
man’s cultural make-up.
C. To understand and appreciate the duties and obligations of being a
member of a society we are a part.
D. To seek answers about man’s existence and his social experiences.

_____4. It entails understanding political ideas, ideologies, institutions,
policies, processes, and behavior, as well as groups, classes, government,
diplomacy, law, strategy, and war. Which social sciences pertains to the
given definition?

A. Political Science
B. Philosophy
C. History
D. Economics

_____5. It focuses on social relationships, how these relationships influences

people’s behavior, and how societies, the sum total of these relationships,
develop and change. Which social sciences refers to the given definition?

A. Psychology
B. Anthropology
C. Ethnography
D. Sociology

_____6. The goal of this particular discipline in social sciences is citizenship

education. It requires us to understand and appreciate the duties and
obligations of being a member of a society we are a part. What discipline in
social sciences is the focus of this goal?

A. Economy
B. History
C. Sociology
D. Political Science

_____7. Its goal is to analyze human interaction which is essential in

understanding man’s cultural make-up. Which of the following discipline in
social sciences is the focus of this goal?

A. Sociology
B. Economics
C. Anthropology
D. Political Science

_____8. Which of the following choices below refers to a qualitative research
method that asks questions to key informants and participants in the
research which also one of the research method in data gathering?

A. Survey
B. Fieldwork
C. Ethnography
D. Interview

_____9. Which of the following discipline in social sciences that draws and
builds upon knowledge from the social and biological sciences as well as the
humanities and physical sciences?

A. Sociology
B. Political Science
C. Anthropology
D. Philosophy

_____10. The goal of this particular discipline in social sciences is to seek

answers about man’s existence and his social experiences. Which of the
following discipline in social sciences is the concern of this goal?

A. Sociology
B. History
C. Anthropology
D. Geography


Sociology is the study of human social life,groups, and society.

(Giddens,1989). It is the science of society, social institutions, and social
relationships; specifically: the systematic study of the development,
structure,interaction, and collective behavior of organized groups of human
beings. Generally, its goals is to provide a deeper assessment of individual
and group behavior, as well as social phenomena, by examining the
interplay between economic, political,and social factors. Seeks to explain the
bases of social order and social change.Improvements in social policy and

Anthropology is the systematic study of the biological, cultural, and

social aspects of man. It derived from two Greek words, anthropos, which
means “man”, and logos, which means “study” or “inquiry”. Generally, its
goal is to integrate elements from biological sciences and humanities to fully
comprehend the complex human species,including their past practices and
social patterns, across diverse cultures.

However, Political Science is the systematic study of politics, which

Andrew Heywood describes as, “the activity through which people make,
preserve, and amend the general rules under which they live”. It focuses on
the fundamental values of equality, freedom, and justice and its processes
are linked to the dynamics of conflict, resolution, and cooperation. Generally,
its goals is to understand the nature and characteristics of authority and
power distribution and how it shapes the way society is organized. To
analyze wide array of topics including systems of governance, political
theories,the lawmaking process, political behavior and ethics, policies and
their implications, political organization, and the electoral process.


Understanding Culture, Society, & Politics by Antonio P. Contreras, PhD,

Arleigh Ross D. Dela Cruz, PhD, Dennis S. Erasga, PhD, Cecile C. Fadrigon,
PhD Cand.

Society, Culture and Politics: An Introduction Text for Senior High School by
Maria Virginia G. Aguilar, Ph.D., Luis Carmelo L. Buenaventura, Ph.D.,
Josephine R. Lejos-Cruz, M.A., Ma. Melinda C. Santos-Delmonte, Llb

Understanding Culture, Society and Politics for Senior High School by

Ederlina D. Baleña, Dolores M. Lucero, Arnel M. Peralta

Praxis: Understanding Society, Culture and Politics for Senior High School
by Rhoderick V. Nuncio, PhD, Elizabeth Morales-Nuncio, PhD, Raychelle R.
Artuz, MA

This module maybe adopted, modified and
reproduced for educational purposes with appropriate
credit to the author.
For inquiries, feedback and suggestions, please
contact the author through the Division Learning
resource Supervisor at Tel. No. _________________ and/or
email address ________________


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