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B COM 01 (Business Organisation) BLOCK-I Basic Concepts and Forms of Business Organization

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B COM 01 (Business Organisation)

BLOCK-I Basic Concepts and Forms of Business Organization

UNIT-01: Nature and Scope of Business

Human activities, business, essential features of business, objectives of business, business

distinguished from profession and employment, classification of business, industry classification
of industry, commerce trade, aids to trade, organization.

UNIT-02: Forms of Business Organization-I

Sole trader organizations main features, merits and limitations, partnership from of organization
main features, classification of partners, partnership deed, merit and limitations, joint Hindu
family firm, company form of organization main features, classification of companies, merits and
limitations, cooperative form of organization main features, classification of cooperatives, merits
and limitations.

UNIT-03: Forms of Business Organization-II

Requisites of an ideal form of business organization, comparison of various forms of

organizations, criteria for the choice of organization criteria at the time of starting a business,
criteria at the time of expansion, choice of form of organization.

UNIT-04: Business Promotion-

An entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, characteristics of an entrepreneur, functions of an

entrepreneur, promotion distinction between entrepreneur and promoter, types of promotion of
different types of organization proprietary concern, partnership firm, joint stock company,
cooperative society.

BLOCK-II Finance of Business

UNIT-05: Methods of Raising Finance-

Need for and importance of finance, types of financial needs fixed capital and working capital,
long term capital and short term capital, capital structure ownership capital, borrowed capital,
meaning of capital structure, factors determining the capital structure, methods of raising capital
issue of shares, issue of debentures, loans from financial institutions, loan from commercial
banks, public deposits, retention of profits, trade credit, factoring, discounting bills of exchange,
bank overdraft and cash credit.

UNIT-06: Sources of long term finance and underwriting-

Nature and importance of long term finance, sources of long term finance capital market, special
financial institutions, leasing companies, foreign sources, retained profit, underwriting.

UNIT-07: Stock Exchanges-

What is a stock exchange?, functions of stock exchanges, method of trading on stock exchange,
types of dealing in a stock exchange, some important terms, listing of securities on a stock
exchange, speculation and stock exchange, factors affecting prices in a stock exchange,
advantages, regulation and control of stock exchanges.

BLOCK-III Marketing

UNIT-08: Advertising-

Meaning of advertising, difference between advertisement and publicity what is publicity, how
does advertisement differ from publicity? Objectives of advertisement, role of advertising in the
society arguments against advertising, arguments in support of advertisement, essentials of an
effective advertisement, features relating to the massage, features relating to consumer reach.

UNIT-09: Advertising Media-

Meaning and importance of media, types of media and their characteristics press media, radio,
television, outdoor media, direct mail, miscellaneous, requisites of an ideal medium, evaluation of
media, role of advertising agencies.

UNIT-10: Home trade and channels of distribution-

Home trade and distribution system, meaning of channels of distribution, functions of channels of
distribution, channels of distribution used channels of distribution used for consumer goods,
channels of distribution used for industrial goods, factors influencing the choice of channel, types
of middlemen functional middlemen, merchant middlemen, role of middlemen.

UNIT-11: Wholesalers and retailers-

Meaning of wholesaler, importance of wholesalers, types of wholesalers, functions of

wholesalers, manufacturers, services to retailers, elimination of wholesalers, meaning and
importance of retailing, functions of retailers, services of retailers, fixed shop retailers small scale
retail shops, large scale retail shops.

UNIT-12: Procedure for import and export trade-

Meaning of foreign trade, types of foreign trade importance of foreign trade, problems in foreign
trade, India’s foreign trade performance, regulations governing foreign trade, export trade
procedure, import trade procedure.

BLOCK-IV Business Combination

UNIT-13: Business Combinations-I-

Meaning of combination causes of business combinations, consequences of business

combinations benefits of business combinations, evils of business combinations, control of
UNIT-14: Business Combinations-II-

Types of business combinations horizontal combinations, vertical combinations, lateral

combinations, diagonal combinations, circular combinations, forms of combinations,
associations, federations, consolidations.

UNIT-15: Feasibility of Business-

Meaning of business, need for feasibility study, factors determining the feasibility of business,
feasibility reports technical feasibility, economic feasibility, financial feasibility, economic
feasibility, managerial feasibility.

BLOCK-V (Government and business)

UNIT-16: Government in Business-

Reasons underlying government control over private business, instruments of government

control, why does the government participate in business? Basic reasons, ideological reasons,
what is a public enterprise?, features and objectives of public enterprises, performance of public
enterprises, contribution of public enterprises, problems of public enterprises.

UNIT-17: Forms of organization in public enterprises-

Departmental organization features, merits, limitations, public corporation features, merits,

imitations, government company features, distinction between government and non-government
companies, merits, limitations comparison of the forms of organization.

UNIT-18: Public Utilities-

Meaning of public utility, features of public utility, organization and management of public
utilities, pricing policy of public utilities, sales policy of public utilities, public control and state
B. COM 2



Accounting - an overview – objectives of accounting, definition and scope of accounting,

book-keeping, accounting and accountancy, parties interested in accounting information,
branches of accounting, advantages of accounting, limitations of , accounting , basic
accounting concepts – concepts to be observed at the recording stage, concepts to be
observed at the reporting stage, systems of book-keeping – double entry system, single
entry systems, What is an account?, classification of accounts, rules of debit and credit,
accounting process.


Journal- transactions relating to goods, receipts and payments by cheques, transactions

relating to bad debts, ledger-posting into ledger, balancing ledger accounts, significance
of balances, trail balance, opening entry.


Sub-division of journal, cash book-single column cash book, two column cash book,
three column cash book, bank reconciliation statement- causes of difference, what is bank
reconciliation statement?, preparation of bank reconciliation statement, when there is an
overdraft?, adjusting the cash book balance, advantages of bank reconciliation statement,
petty cash book-imprest system, recording and posting the petty cash book,


Special purpose subsidiary books- purchase journal, purchases returns journal, sales
returns journal, proper


Types of instruments of credit- bill of exchange promissory note, distinction between bill
of exchange and promissory note, term and dye date of a bill, treatment of bill by the
holder and its accounting- retaining the bill, discounting the bill with the bank, endorsing
the bill, retiring the bill accommodation bills, bills sent for collection, bill book-
recording in bills receivable journal and its pisting, recording in bills payable journal and
its posting.


Basic concepts relating to final accounts- going concern concept, accounting period
concept, matching concept, conservatism concept, consistency concept, full disclosure
concept, materiality concept, bases of accounting distinction between capital and
revenue- capital and revenue- expenditure, deferred revenue expenditure, capital and
revenue receipts.


Final accounts and trial balance, trading and profit and loss account- trading accounts,
profit and loss accounts, closing entries, balance sheet, vertical presentation of final
accounts, manufacturing account.


Need for adjustments, treatment of adjustments in final accounts- closing stock,

outstanding expenses, prepaid expenses, accrued income, received in advance,
depreciation, interest on capital, interest on drawings, interest on drawings, interest of
loan, bad debtors, provision for bad debts, provision for discount on debtors, provision
for discount on creditors, manager’s commission, abnormal loss of stock, drawings of
goods by the proprietor, preparation of final accounts with adjustments, adjustments
given in trial balance.


Types of errors- location of errors, rectification of errors- rectification of one-sided

errors, rectification of two-sided errors, suspense account and rectification, effect of
rectifying entries of profits.


Concepts of consignment-meaning of consignment, parties to consignment, features of

consignment, distinction between sale and consignment, important terms in consignment,
accounting treatment- book of consignor, book of consignee.


Direct recording in the ledger, unsold stock-valuation of unsold stock accounting

treatment of unsold stock, loss of goods-normal loss, abnormal loss, where normal and
abnormal losses occur simultaneously.


Concepts of invoice price, calculation of cost price and invoice price, loading- items
which involve loading, adjustment of loading, accounting for goods sent at invoice price.


Meaning of joint venture, joint venture and consignment, joint venture and partnership,
accounting treatment-recording in the book of one co-venturer, recording in the book of
all co-venturers, memorandum joint venture account method, separate set of books.



Sub-division of ledger, how ledgers are made self-balancing - self-balancing the debtors
ledger, self-balancing the general ledger, some peculiar points, advantages of self-
balancing systems, sectional balancing, ruling of subsidiary books.


Single entry system, salient features of incomplete records, limitations, methods of

ascertaining profits, net worth method- computation of net worth, computation of profits,
partnership firms.


Conversion method- full Conversion methods, abridged Conversion method, missing

items and their ascertainment-opening capital, credit sales, credit purchases, preparation
of final accounts, ascertaining sales with gross profit rate, memorandum trading accounts.


Other missing items and their ascertainment- bills receivable received bills payable
accepted, cash sales and cash purchases, preparation of final accounts, ascertaining sales
with gross profit rate, memorandum trading account.




Accounting records of non-trading concerns, final accounts-receipts and payments

account, income and expenditure account, balance sheet, some peculiar items.


Preparation of incomes expenditure account and balance sheet, preparation of receipts &
payments account from income & expenditure account, preparation of balance sheets
from receipts & payments and income & expenditure accounts, final accounts of


What is depreciation?, depreciation and other related concepts, causes of depreciation,

objectives of providing depreciation, factors influencing depreciation, methods of
recording depreciation, methods of providing depreciation-fixed instalment methods,
diminishing balance method, difference between fixed instalment and diminishing
balance methods, change of method.


Annuity method, depreciation fund method, insurance policy method, revaluation

method, depletion method, machine hour method, depreciation on different assets.


Provision, Reserve, distinction between provision and reserve, types of reserves-open

reserves, secret reserves.



Concept of Management-Management as a Process, Management as a Discipline,

Management and Administration and Administration-Management and Administration as
two distinct Terms, Management and Administration as Synonyms, Definition of
Management, Nature and Scope of Management- Nature of Management, Scope of
Management, Management as a Science and Art, Management as a Profession, Levels of
Management and Skill Requirements- Hierarchical Classification of Managers,
Classification of Managerial Skills, Sill-mix for Different Levels of Managers,
Managerial functions, Social Responsibilities of Management-Reasons for Social
Responsibilities, stakeholders of the Organisation.


Evolution of Management Thought, Scientific Management, Fayol’s Administrative

Theory, Human Relations Approach, Behavioural Approach, Decision Theory, Modern
(Systems) Approach, Contingency Approach.


Process of Management-Meaning, Important Features, Management Process Approach

Management Functions, Principles of Management-Meaning and Nature, Characteristics,
Need for Management Principles, Contributions to Principles of Management,
Limitations of Management Principles, Are Management Principles Universally Valid?.


Definition of leadership, Importance of Managerial Leadership, Theories of Leadership

Styles, Functions of Leadership, Motivation and Leadership, Leadership Effectiveness-
Factors Influencing Leadership Effectiveness, Qualities of an Effective Leader, Morale-
Meaning and Significance of Morale, Factors Determining Morale, Leadership and


Definition of Communication, Nature and Characteristics of Communication, Process of

Communication, Channels of Communication-Based on Relationships, Based on
Direction of the Flow, Based on Method Used, Importance of Communication, Barriers
to Effective Communication, Principles of Communication, How to make
Communication Effective.


Definition of Coordination, Need and Significance of Coordination, Objectives of
Coordination, Coordination Vs. Cooperation, Types of Coordination, Principles of
Coordination, Management Techniques in Coordination, Problems of Coordination.


Definition of Control, Characteristics of Control. Importance of Control, Stages in the

Control Process, Requisites of Effective Control, Limitations of Control, and Areas of


Traditional Control Techniques- Budgetary Control, Standard Costing, Modern

Techniques-Break-Even Analysis, PERT (Programme Evaluation and Review
Technique), CPM (Critical Path Method), Statistical Quality Control, Management Audit.



Definition of coordination, need and significance, objectives of coordination,

coordination vs. Cooperation, types of coordination, principles of coordination,
management techniques in coordination, problems of coordination.


What is meant by communication? Nature and characteristics of communication, process

of communication, channels of communication- based on relationship, based on direction
of the flow, based on method used, importance of communication, barriers to effective
communication, principles of communication, how to make communication, effective.


Definition of control, characteristics of control, importance of control, stages in the

control process, requisites of effective control, limitations of control, and areas of control.


Traditional control techniques- budgetary control, standard costing, modern techniques-

break-even analysis, PERT (programme evaluation and review technique), CPM (Critical
Path Method), statistical quality control, management audit.
B.Com-04 ()

BLOCK-I General Law of Contract-I

UNIT-01 Essentials of a Contract-

Meaning of law, and sources of mercantile law, the law of contract, meaning of a contract
agreement, legal obligation, difference between and agreement and a contract,
classification of contracts on the basis of creation, on the basis of execution, on the basis
of enforceability, essentials of a valid contract.

UNIT-02 Offer and Acceptance-

Offer meaning of offer, how is and offer made?, to whom an offer is made? Legal rules
for a valid offer, cross offers, standing officers, acceptance what is an acceptance?, who
can accept?, how is an acceptance made?, legal rules for a valid acceptance,
communication of offer and acceptance communication of offer, communication of
acceptance, contract over telephone, revocation of offer and acceptance revocation of
offer, revocation of acceptance, communication of revocation, lapse of an offer.

UNIT-03 Capacity of parties-

Who is competent to contract? Position of a minor who is a minor?, position of

agreements by a minor, agreements by persons of unsound mind who is a person of
unsound mind? Burden of proof, position of agreements with persons of unsound mind,
persons disqualified by law.

UNIT-04 Free Consent-

Meaning of consent, concept of free consent, coercion what is coercion?, effect of

coercion, burden of proof, undue influence what is undue influence? Presumption of
domination of will, effect of undue influence, burden of proof, distinction between
coercion and undue influence, fraud what is fraud? Does silence amount to fraud?
Consequence of fraud, misrepresentation what is misrepresentation?, essentials of
misrepre sentation, effect of misrepresentation, distinction between fraud and
misrepresentation, mistake, mistake of law, mistake of fact, effect of mistake

BLOCK-II General Law of Contract-II

UNIT-05 Consideration and legality of object-

Meaning of consideration, legal rules for valid consideration, stranger to a contract and
stranger to a contract stranger to consideration, adequacy of consideration, legality of
agreements without consideration, agreements opposed to public policy.

UNIT-06 Void Agreements and Contingent Contracts-

Void agreements, agreements in restraint of marriage, agreement in restraint of trade,

agreements in restraint of legal proceedings, uncertain agreements, wagering agreements,
wagering agreements, agreements to do impossible Acts, restitution, contingent contracts
what is contingent contract?, rules regarding enforcement of contingent contracts,
difference between a contingent contract and a wagering agreement.
UNIT-07 Performance & Discharge-

Meaning of performance types of performance, kinds of tender, essentials of a valid

tender, effect of refusal to perform promise wholly, who can demand performance? Who
must perform?, time and place for performance, time as the essence of the contract,
performance of reciprocal promises types of reciprocal promises, rules for the
performance of reciprocal promises, order of performance of reciprocal promises, effect
of preventing the performance of reciprocal promise, assignment of contracts,
appropriation of payment, modes of discharge of a contract, discharge by performance,
discharge by mutual agreement, discharge by lapse of time, discharge by operation of
law, discharge by impossibility of performance, discharge by breach.

UNIT-08 Remedies for breach and quasi contracts-

Meaning of breach of contract anticipatory breach of contract, actual breach of contract,

remedies for breach of contract rescission of the contract, suit for damages, suit for
specific performance, suit for injunction, suit upon quantum merit, quasi contracts
definitions of quasi contracts, difference between quasi contracts and contracts, types of
quasi contracts, quantum merit.

BLOCK-III Specific Contracts and Arbitration

UNIT-09 Indemnity and Guarantee-

Meaning of contract of indemnity, rights of indemnity holder, commencement of

indemnifier’s liability, meaning of contract of guarantee, distinction between contract of
guarantee, distinction between contract of indemnity and contract of guarantee, extent of
surety’s liability, kinds of guarantee, revocation of continuing guarantee, rights of surety
rights against the principal debtor, rights against the creditor, rights against co-sureties,
discharge of surety from liability by revocation of contract of guarantee, by conduct of
the creditor, by invalidation of the contract.

UNIT-10 Bailment and pledge-

Meaning of bailment, kinds of bailment, duties of bailer, duties of bailee, rights of bailor,
rights of bailee, rights of bailer and bailee against wrongeoer, finder of goods rights of a
finder of goods, duties of a finder of goods, termination of bailment, meaning of pawn or
pledge, who may pledge, pledge and bailment, pledge and hypothecation, rights of
pawnee, rights and duties of paw nor rights of pawnor, duties of pawnor, pledge by non-

UNIT-11 Agency-

What is a contract of agency? Who can appoint an agent? Who may be an agent?,
consideration for agency, constitution and proof of agency, difference between agent,
servant and independent contractor, creation of agency, agency relationship between
husband and wife, classification of agents, scope and extent of authority, delegation of
authority by agent, sub agent and substituted agent, agency by ratification, rights of an
agent, duties of an agent, personal liability of an agent, liability of principal to third
parties, termination of agency, irrevocable agency.
UNIT-12 Arbitration-

What is arbitration? Arbitration agreement, essentials of an arbitration agreement, effects

of an arbitration agreement, why may refer to arbitration subject matter of reference,
modes of arbitration, provisions implied in an arbitration agreement, appointment of
arbitrator, revocation of authority revocation with the leave of court, removal by court,
power of court where, arbitrator is removed or his authority is revoked, powers of
arbitrator of umpire, duties of arbitrator or umpire, arbitrator’s remuneration, the award
modification of an award, remission of an award, setting aside of an award, arbitrators
with the intervention of court where no suit is pending, arbitration in suits.

BLOCK-IV Partnership

UNIT-13 Definition and Registration of Partnership-

Definition and characteristics test of partnership, partnership and co-ownership,

partnership and joint Hindu family, partnership deed, registration rights, liabilities,
position on attaining majority,

UNIT-14 Rights, Duties and Liabilities of Partners-

Mutual relations of partners rights of partners, duties of partners, property of the firm,
relation of partners with third parties, position of incoming and outgoing partners
admission of a partner, retirement of a partner, expulsion of a partner, insolvency of a
partner, death of a partner, transfer of partner’s interest.

UNIT-15 Dissolution of Partnership Firms-

Dissolution of partnership and dissolution of firm dissolution of partnership, dissolution

of firm, modes of dissolution of firm, dissolution without the order of court, dissolution
by an order of court, consequences of dissolution of firm rights of a partner on
dissolution, liabilities of a partner on dissolution.

BLOCK-V Sale of Goods

UNIT-16 Nature of Contract of Sale-

Meaning of contract of sale, essentials of a valid contract of sale, sale an agreement to

sell, sale and hire-purchase agreements, meaning and types of goods meaning of goods,
types of goods, effect of destruction of goods.

UNIT-17 Conditions and Warranties-

Meaning and definition of condition and warranty definition of condition, definition of

warranty, distinction between condition and warranty, kinds of conditions and warranties
express condition and warranties implied condition, implied warranties, when breach of a
condition is to be treated as a breach of a warranty? Doctrine of caveat emptor.

UNIT-18 Transfer of Ownership and Delivery-

Meaning of transfer of ownership, significance of transfer of ownership, rules regarding

transfer of ownership in case of specific or ascertained goods, in case of unascertained
and future goods, in case when goods are sent on approval or on sale or return basis
delivery to a carrier, reservation of right of disposal, sale by non owners, what is
delivery? Types of delivery, rules regarding delivery of goods, acceptance of delivery,
liability of the buyer.

UNIT-19 Rights of an Unpaid Seller-

Meaning of an unpaid seller, rights of an unpaid seller, rights against the goods where the
property in the goods has passed to the buyer right of lien, right of stoppage of goods in
transit, right of resale, right against the buyer personally, rights of the buyer, actions

BLOCK-VI Negotiable Instruments ACT

UNIT-20 Negotiable Instruments and its Parties-

Meaning of Negotiable instrument, essentials of a negotiable instrument, presumptions

about negotiable instrument, ambiguous instruments, inchoate instruments, capacity and
liabilities of various parties, parties to various instruments, competence of a person to be
a party to a negotiable instrument, liability of various parties, holder, holder in due course
who is a holder in due course?, Previleges of a holder in due course.

UNIT-21 Promissory Notes, Bills of Exchange and Cheques-

Promissory note essential characteristics, some illustrations, bill of exchange, essential

characteristics, some illustrations, distinction between a bill of exchange and a
promissory note, types of bills hundies cheque, distinction between a cheque and a bill of
exchange, crossing of a cheque, post dated cheque, protection to paying banker and
collecting banker, refusal of payment by bank, payment in due course, maturity of
negotiable instruments.

UNIT-22 Negotiation-

Negotiation and Assignment, modes of negotiation delivery, endorsement, negotiation

back, liability of various parties liability of the drawer of a bill, liability of the drawee of
a cheque, liability of the maker of a note and acceptor of a bill, liability of endorser,
liability of prior parties to holder in due course, lost and stolen instruments, instruments
obtained by fraud, forged instruments and forged indorsements.

UNIT-23 Presentment and Discharge-

Presentment for acceptance rules regarding presentment for acceptance, types of

acceptance, effect of non-presentment for acceptance, acceptor for honour, presentment
for payment rules regarding presentment for payment, when presentment is unnecessary?
Payment for honour, dishonor by non acceptance and non-payment, dishonor by non
acceptance, dishonor by non-payment, rules regarding notice of dishonor, noting and
protesting, discharge from liability, effect of material alteration.
B.Com-05 (Economic Theory)

BLOCK-I Fundamental Problem of Economic System and Basic Concepts

UNIT-01 Fundamental Problems of Economic System-

An economic system- scarce means and unlimited wants, and economics system of
economy, economic agents, factors of production-land, labour, capital, entrepreneurship,
fundamental problems of an economy what to produce? How to produce? For whom to
produce, the problem of growth, choice between public and private goods the problem of
merit goods production possibility curve allocation of resources resource, allocation in a
capitalist economy, resource allocation in a socialist economy, resource allocation in a
mixed economy.

UNIT-02 Basic Concepts-

Preliminary economic vocabulary, economy as a system of circular flows economic

methodology and economic laws inductive and deductive reasoning ceteris paribus
equilibrium, positive versus normative economics microeconomics and macroeconomics,
stocks and flows, statics economics and dynamic economics opportunity cost.

UNIT-03 Economic Systems-

Economic system, various economic systems, capitalism emergence of capitalism,

features of capitalism, price mechanism and the working of a capitalism, economic,
modern corporation in a capitalist economy, Socialism, building of socialism, features of
socialism, role of planning in a socialist economy, Mixed economy features of mixed
economy, a case for a mixed economy, limitations of a mixed economy.

BLOCK-II Consumer Behaviour and the demand theory

UNIT-04 Law of diminishing marginal utility and equimarginal utility-

Utility, total utility, average utility and marginal utility, law of diminishing marginal
utility, marginal utility of money diminishing marginal utility and demand for a
commodity, the law of equimarginal utility, consumer’s surplus.

UNIT-05 Indifference Curve Analysis-

Limitations of utility analysis, a scale of preferences, indifference curves, assumptions of

indifference curves, properties of indifference curves, marginal rate of substitution,
consumer’s equilibrium, income consumption curve, price consumption curve, separation
of income and substitution effects, derivation of consumer’s demand curve, consumer’s
surplus, superiority of indifference curves analysis.

UNIT-06 Consumer Demand-

The nature of demand, determinants of demand the demand schedule, the demand curve,
the explanation of the law of demand, change in demand and change in quantity
UNIT-07 Elasticity of demand-

Concept of elasticity of demand, price elasticity of demand, income elasticity of demand,

price cross elasticity of demand, measurement of price elasticity of demand, determinants
of price elasticity of demand, determinants of price elasticity of demand, importance of
price elasticity of demand.

BLOCK-III Theory of Production

UNIT-08 The production function –I-

Meaning of production, the theory of production, relevance of the theory of production,

the production function, fixed and variable inputs, the short and long run period, the law
of variable proportions, fixed and variable proportions, statement of the law of variable
proportions, total average and marginal product, three stages of production, the law of
diminishing marginal returns.

UNIT-09 The production function –II-

The laws of return to scale, statement of the laws of returns to scale, production function
and returns to scale, isoquants, marginal rate of technical substitution, properties of and
isoquant, least cost combination of factors, isoquants and laws of returns to scale,
constant returns to scale, increasing returns to scale, diminishing returns to scale,
economics and diseconomies of scale, economies of scale, diseconomies of scale.

UNIT-10 Law of Supply and Elasticity of Supply-

The concept of supply, the law of supply the supply function, the supply schedule, the
supply curve, exceptions to the law of supply, changes in supply versus changes in
quantity supplied, why supply curve shifts?, Elasticity of supply, concept and
measurement, supply curves with different elasticity of supply.

UNIT-11 Theory of Costs and Cost Curves -

Theory of costs, economic costs, short run cost curves total, fixed and variable consts,
marginal cost, cost schedule, total, fixed and variable cost curves, average, total, average
fixed, average variable cost curves and marginal cost curve, shape of average variable
cost curve? Long run cost curve, long run marginal cost, why u shaped long run average
cost curve? Other costs.

BLOCK-IV Theory of Price

UNIT-12 Equilibrium Concept and Conditions-

Terms-market, price, firm, industry, relation between output and revenue, determinants of
structure of a market, who determines price: firm structure of a market, who determines
price: firm or industry? Objectives of a firm, meaning of an industry? Objectives of a
firm, meaning and equilibrium of a firm, conditions of equilibrium of a firm, equilibrium
of industry relevance, conditions equilibrium and equality of demand and supply.

UNIT-13 Perfect Competition-

Meaning of perfect competition, characteristics, implications of the characteristics, price

determination under perfect competition, and equilibrium of the firm short run, long run,
supply curve of a firm under perfect competition short run, long run.

UNIT-14 Monopoly-

Meaning of monopoly, price determination under monopoly, monopoly equilibrium short

run, long run, price discrimination under monopoly meaning, conditions of price
discrimination, equilibrium under price discrimination, comparison of perfect
competition and monopoly.

UNIT-15 Monopolistic Competition-

Meaning and characteristics, demand curve and cost curves demand of revenue curves,
cost curves, equilibrium of firm in short run introduction, equilibrium conditions,
diagrammatic representation, equilibrium of firm in the long run introduction,
equilibrium conditions, diagrammatic representation, equilibrium of firm and utilization
of capacity meaning of capacity, excess capacity in short run, excess capacity in long run,
equilibrium of firm: monopolistic competition Vs. perfect competition, equilibrium of
firm: monopolistic Vs. monopoly.

UNIT-16 Oligopoly-

Meaning and characteristics of oligopoly, non collusive oligopoly sweezy’s model

(kinked demand curve) cournot’s model, bertrand’s model, stackelbarg’s model, collusive
oligopoly what is collusion?, factors determining collusive oligopoly cartel, price

BLOCK-V Distribution of Income

UNIT-17 Theory of Distribution

Alternative approaches to distribution of income, personal distribution, functional

distribution, the classical theory of distribution rent, wages, interest, profit, the marginal
productivity theory concepts of productivity, statement of the marginal productivity
theory, assumptions of the marginal productivity theory.

UNIT-18 Distribution of Income I: Wages and Interest-

Wages competitive wages, Non-competitive wages, collective bargaining and wages

trade unions and collective bargaining, collective bargaining and elimination of
exploitation, interest functional of interest, variations among interest rates, nominal and
real rates of interest, interest as the return on capital, Theories of interest.
UNIT-19 Distribution of Income II: Rent and Profit-

Theories of rent, rent of land, Economic rent and transfer earnings, quasi rent, profits
concept of profits, sources of profits.

UNIT-20 Inequality of Income-

Income distribution some facts pertaining to income distribution, trends of inequality of

income, measuring income inequality, causes of income inequality, problems of income
inequality, income redistribution.
B.Com-06 (Elements of Statistiecs)

BLOCK-I Basic Statistical Concepts

UNIT-01 Meaning and Scope of Statistics

Meaning of statistics –statistics defined in plural sense, statistics defined in singular

sense, descriptive and inferential statistics, functions of statistics, importance of statistics,
limitations of statistics, distrust of statistics.

UNIT-02 Organizing a Statistical Survey-

Steps in statistical survey, sources of statistical data- primary data and secondary data,
methods of collecting primary data, sources of secondary data, types of enquiries factors
affecting the type of enquiry, different types of enquires, sampling methods probability
sampling methods, non probability sampling methods, law of statistical regularity, law of
inertia of large numbers, statistical unit, features of a good statistical unit, types of units,
degree of accuracy, significance of reasonable accuracy, concept of spurious accuracy.

UNIT-03 Accuracy, Approximation and Errors-

Accuracy approximation- methods of approximation, errors in statistics errors of

approximation, measurement of errors of approximation, computation with rounded
numbers, effect of mathematical operations on errors, biased and unbiased errors,
estimation of biased and unbiased errors, sampling and non-sampling errors.

UNIT-04 Ratios, percentages and rates-

Meaning of various statistical derivatives- ratio, percentage, rate purpose of statistical

derivatives, types of ratios, computation of ratios, application of ratios, caution in the use
of derivatives, logarithms meaning of logarithms, finding the log value of a number ,
computation by logarithms.

BLOCK-II Collection, Classification and Presentation of Data

UNIT-05 Collection of data-

Factors affecting choice of data, problems in collecting primary data, methods of

collection primary data observation, personal interviewing through local reports and
correspondents, questionnaire, schedule, choice of method, sources, of secondary data
published sources, unpublished sources, precautions in using secondary data, advantages
and disadvantages of secondary data.

UNIT-06 Classification of Data-

Meaning of classification, objectives of classification, methods of classification-

classification according to attributes, classification according to variables, terms relating
to frequency distribution, formation of a frequency distribution data array, steps in
constructing a frequency a frequency distribution, guidelines for selecting the class
UNIT-07 Tabular Presentation -

Meaning of tabulation, objectives of tabulation, distinction between classification and

tabulation, kinds of tables information or classifying tables, general purpose or reference
tables, construction of a statistical table parts of a statistical table, requisites of a good
statistical table, preparation of statistical tables.

UNIT-08 Diagrammatic Presentation-

Importance of visual presentation of data, principles of preparing diagrams, types of

diagrams, one dimensional diagrams simple bar diagrams, multiple bar diagrams sub
divided bar diagrams, percentage sub-divided bar diagrams, two dimensional diagrams
rectangles, sub divided rectangles, squares and circles, pie diagrams.

UNIT-09 Graphic Presentation-

Importance of graphic presentation, principles of preparing a graph, of time series

histograms, types of histograms one dependent variable histogram, more than one
dependent variable histogram, mixed graph, range graph, graphs of frequency
distribution, types of frequency distribution graphs histogram frequency polygon,
frequency curve, ogive or cumulative frequency graph

BLOCK-III Measures of central tendency

UNIT-10 Concept of Central Tendency and Mean-

Concept of central tendency, Essentials of an ideal average, objectives of averages,

different measures of central tendency, what is arithmetic mean? Computation of
arithmetic mean ungrouped data, grouped data weighted arithmetic mean computation of
weighted arithmetic mean, comparison with simple arithmetic mean, uses of weighted
arithmetic mean, properties of arithmetic mean, merits and limitations of arithmetic mean
some illustrations.

UNIT-11 Median-

What is median? Computation of median ungrouped data, grouped data, properties of

median, merits and limitations of median, partition values quartiles, deciles, percentiles,
graphic determination of median and other partition values.

UNIT-12 Mode-

What is mode?, computation of mode ungrouped data, grouped data, smooth data,
empirical method, graphical determination of mode, merits and limitations of mode,
some illustrations.

UNIT-13 Geometric Harmonic and Moving Averages-

Geometric mean- computation, weighted geometric mean, properties of geometric mean,

uses and limitations, harmonic mean computation, weighted harmonic mean, properties
of harmonic mean, uses and limitations, harmonic mean versus arithmetic mean, moving
average what is moving average? Computation, choice of a suitable average.

BLOCK-IV Measures of Dispersion and Skewness

UNIT-14 Measures of Dispersion I-

What is dispersion?, Significance of measuring dispersion, Properties of a Good measure

of Dispersion, Absolute and Relative Measures of Dispersion, Measures of Dispersion,
Range, Quartile Deviation, Mean Deviation.

UNIT-15 Measures of Dispersion II-

Standard deviation meaning, computation, properties, merits and limitations, coefficient

of variation, some illustrations, Lorenz curve, comparison of measures dispersion.

UNIT-16 Measures of Skewness -

Meaning of skewness, positive and negative skewness, difference between dispersion and
skewness, tests of skewness, measures of skewness, tests of skewness, measures of
skewness, some illustration, and properties of normal curve.
B.Com-07 (Company Law)

BLOCK-I Company and its Formation

UNIT-01 Nature and Types of Companies-

Definition of a company, main features of a company, one man company, lifting the
corporate veil under express statutory provisions, under judicial interpretations,
distinction between a company and partnership, kinds of companies on the basis of
incorporation, on the basis of liability, on the basis of control, association not for profit,
illegal association meaning, exceptions, consequences.

UNIT-02 Public and Private Companies-

Meaning of a private limited company, meaning of a public limited company, distinction

between a private limited company, privileges of a private limited company, exemptions
available to an independent private company, restrictions on a private company,
conversion of a private company into a public company, conversion of a public company.

UNIT-03 Promoters-

Promoter meaning and importance, function of a promoter, legal position of promoters,

duties of promoters, liabilities of promoters, remuneration of promoters, position of
preliminary contracts.

UNIT-04 Formation of a Company-

Stages in the formation of a company, promotion, documents to be filed with the

registrar, incorporation conclusiveness of certificate of incorporation, effects of
registration, commencement of business certificate of commencement of business,
procedure for obtaining the certificate of commencement of business.

BLOCK-II Principal Documents

UNIT-05 Memorandum of Association

Meaning and purpose of memorandum, from of memorandum, contents of memorandum

name clause, registered office clause, objects clause, liability clause, capital clause,
association clause or subscription clause, doctrine of ultra virus, alteration of different
clauses in the memorandum change of name, change of registered office, change in
objects clause, change in liability clause, change in capital clause.

UNIT-06 Articles of Association-

Meaning and purpose of articles, registration of articles, contents of articles, alteration of

articles, relationship between memorandum and articles, distinction between
memorandum and articles, effect of memorandum and articles, constructive notice of
memorandum and articles, doctrine of indoor management.

UNIT-07 Prospectus-
Meaning and importance, contents of prospectus matters to be specified in the prospectus,
reports to be set out in the prospectus, registration of prospectus with registrar of
companies, statement in lieu of prospectus, minimum subscription, misrepresentation in
the prospectus and its consequences remedies against the company, remedies against
promoters and directors of the company, remedies against experts, criminal liability for
misstatements in the prospectus.

BLOCK-III Capital and Management

UNIT-08 Share and Loan Capital

Meaning and types of share capital, meaning and types of shares meaning of a share,
types of share, meaning of stock, meaning and types of debentures meaning and
characteristics, types of debentures, difference between shares and debentures, public
deposits meaning of deposits, deposits and loan, deposits and debentures, rules regarding
acceptance of deposits.

UNIT-09 Allotment of Shares-

Allotment of shares notice of allotment, rules regarding allotment of shares, procedure of

allotment, return as to allotment, irregular allotment and its consequences, issue of shares
at a discount, issue of share at a premium share certificate, issues of share certificates
effects of a share certificate, duplicate share certificate share warrant, calls on shares
essentials of a valid call, payment of calls in advance, forfeiture of share, re issue of
forfeited shares, surrender of share.

UNIT-10 Membership of a company-

Membership and shareholders definition of a member, distinction between member and

shareholder, who can become a member?, number of members, modes of becoming a
member, termination of membership, rights of members, liability of members, transfer of
shares procedure of transfer of shares, bland transfer, forged transfer, transmission of
shares, Distinction between transfer and transmission, register of members- index of
members and transmission, register of members index of members, foreign register,
inspection of register, closure of register, rectification of register.

UNIT-11 Directors-

Definition of a director, position of directors, number of directors and directorships,

qualification of a director, disqualifications of directors, appointment of directors,
vacation of office by directors retirement of a director, resignation by a director, removal
of directors, powers of directors, duties of directors statutory duties, general duties
liabilities of directors, meetings of director.

BLOCK-IV Meeting and Winding UP

UNIT-12 Company Secretary-
Meaning of a company secretary, qualifications of a company secretary, secretary in
whole-time practice, appointment of secretary, removal of secretary, position of
company secretary, duties of a secretary statutory duties, general duties, liabilities of a
secretary, rights of a secretary, role of a secretary.

UNIT-13 Meetings and Resolutions-

Meaning of meeting and its importance, kinds of meetings and their importance, statutory
meeting purpose of statutory meeting, notice of statutory meeting, statutory report, annual
general meeting, extraordinary general meeting, requisites of a valid meeting, notice of
meetings, quorum for meetings, proxies, voting, chairman, resolutions ordinary
resolution, special resolution, resolution requiring special notice, minutes.

UNIT-14 Winding UP-

Meaning of winding up, winding up and dissolution, modes of winding up, compulsory
winding up grounds for compulsory winding up, who can file a petition?, commencement
of winding up consequences of the winding up order, conduct of winding up, voluntary
winding up member’s voluntary winding up, creditor’s voluntary winding up,
consequences of voluntary winding up, distinction between members’ and creditors’
voluntary winding up, winding up under supervision of the court.
B.Com-08 (Money Banking and Financial Institutions)

BLOCK-I Monetary Theory

UNIT-01 Money: Nature, Functions and Significance-

Problems of barter system, evolution and kinds of money, meaning and nature of money,
functions of money, significance of money, evils of money.

UNIT-02 Demand for and Supply of Money-

Meaning of demand for money, theories of demand for money the classical approach, the
neo classical theory, Keynesian theory, the supply of money what is supply of money?,
agencies influencing money supply, the velocity of money.

UNIT-03 Money and Prices-

Quantity theory of money cash transactions approach, cash balances approach,

comparison of cash balances approach and cash transactions approach keynes’ theory of
money and prices, Milton friendman’s quantity theory of money.

UNIT-04 Inflation-

Meaning of inflation, types of inflation demand-pull inflation, cost push inflation, effects
of inflation control of inflation.

BLOCK-II Banking Theory and Practice

UNIT-05 Commercial Banking-

Evaluation of banking evolution of banking in England evolution of banking of India,

brief structure of bands branch banking, unit banking, group banking, chain banking,
functions of commercial banks definition of a bank, primary functions, secondary
functions, economic significance of banking, creation of credit principles of portfolio
management, credit creation.

UNIT-06 Commercial Banking in India-

Banking structure in India, role of state bank of India Establishment, Objective, progress
nationalization of commercial bank arguments for nationalization, arguments against
nationalization, objectives of bank nationalization, banking development since
nationalization, problems of commercial banks in India.

UNIT-07 Central Banking-

Meaning of central bank, functions of a central bank traditional functions, promotional

functions role of a central bank as controller of money supply and credit, control of credit
quantitative methods, qualitative methods.
UNIT-08 Reserve Bank of India-

Functions of the reserve bank of India traditional functions developmental and

promotional functions, note issue system of note issue, principle of note issue, control of
credit objectives of monetary policy, techniques of general credit control, direct credit
regulation, appraisal of the monetary policy of the RBI.

UNIT-09 Indian Money Market-

Meaning of money market, structure of the Indian money market, characteristics of

Indian money market features of a developed money market, nature of Indian money
market, Problems of Indian money market nature of problems, role of RBI in tacking the
problems, suggestions for improvement.

BLOCK-III Non Banking Financial Institutions in India

UNIT-10 Non Bank Financial Intermediation –

An overview non bank financial intermediation what is non banking financial

intermediation role of non bank financial intermediaries, types of non bank financial
intermediaries, life insurance corporation of India (LIC), General insurance companies,
unit trust of India (UTI), other non banking financial institutions in India.

UNIT-11 Term Lending financial Institutions All India Level-

What is a development bank?, Functions of development banks, origin of development

banks, industrial finance corporation of India (IFCI), industrial credit and investment
corporation of India (ICICI), Industrial development bank of India (IDBI), other
development banking institutions industrial reconstruction bank of India (IRBI), small
industrial development bank of India (SIDBI), Evaluation of development banks in India.

UNIT-12 Term Lending financial Institutions State Level-

Need for state level term lending institutions, state finance corporation (SFCs), state
industrial development corporations (SIDCs), technical consultancy organizations.

UNIT-13 Agricultural Finance in India-

Importance of agricultural finance, cooperative credit societies and banks primary

agricultural cooperative credit societies, central cooperative banks, state cooperative
bank, land development banks, commercial banks types of agricultural finance limitations
of commercial banks as a source of rural credit, regional rural banks as a source of rural
credit, regional rural banks, national bank for agriculture and rural development
(NABARD) functions, performance.

BLOCK-IV International Financial System

UNIT-14 International Finance System an Introduction-
Need for international finance, short term flow of funds, long term capital flows, foreign
exchange market, composition of the foreign exchange market, spot and forward markets,
exchange rate regimes, international money and capital markets money markets, capital
markets, international financial institutions the international monetary fund, the world
bank, the affiliates of the world bank.

UNIT-15 International Monetary Fund-

Objectives of the IMF, determination of quotas, determination of par values of exchange

rates, borrowings from the IMF, exchange rate stability versus managed float, adjustable
peg system, failure of the IMF, the system of managed float, the IMF and international
liquidity the problem of international liquidity, proposals for raising international
liquidity, role of special drawisng rights.

UNIT-16 World Banks-

Objectives of the World Bank, functions of the World Bank lending and guaranteeing
private loans, technical assistance, stimulating private foreign investment, operations of
the World Bank general lending principles, structural adjustment loans, local currency
expenditures and other problems evaluation of the performance of the World Bank the
World Bank’s contribution, failures of the World Bank.
B.Com-09 (Elements of Costing)

BLOCK-I Basic Concepts

UNIT-01 Nature and Scope-

Need for costing limitation of financial accounting, costing and the economy, definitions
of costing and cost accounting, objects of cost accounting, difference between cost
accounting and accounting, difference between cost accounting and financial accounting,
advantages of cost accounting, installation of a costing system possible difficulties,
factors to be considered, success of the system.

UNIT-02 Concept of Cost and its Ascertainment-

Meaning of cost, classification of costs functional classification, on the basis of

identifiability with products, on the basis of variability, cost of unit, cost centre, elements
of cost materials, labour, expenses, components of total cost, cost sheet, methods of
costing, and types of costing.

BLOCK-II Material and Labour

UNIT-03 Procurement, Storage and Issue-

Direct and indirect materials, material control definition, objective, advantages, basic
requirements, purchase procedure centralized purchasing, decentralized purchasing, steps
involved in purchase, storage of materials functions of storekeeping, location and layout
of stores, issue of materials, treatment of surplus materials.

UNIT-04 Inventory Control-

Meaning and objectives of inventory control meaning, objectives, techniques of inventory

control ABC analysis, stock levels, re-order quantity, stores records, perpetual inventory
system, inventory turnover ratio.

UNIT-05 Pricing the Issue of Materials-

Ascertaining the cost of materials, problem in pricing the issue of materials, methods of
pricing first in first out method, last in first out method, weighted average price method,
pricing of materials returned to vendors, pricing of materials returned to stores, treatment
of shores, treatment of shortage of materials.

UNIT-06 Labour-

Direct and indirect labour direct labour, indirect labour, time keeping forms of time
keeping, purpose of time keeping, methods of time keeping, importance of time keeping,
time booking purpose of time booking, methods of time booking, payroll accounting
computation of wages, preparation of wages sheet, purposes of payroll accounting, idle
time, causes of idle time, control of idle time, treatment of idle time cost, overtime,
labour turnover causes of labour turnover effects of labour turnover, control of labour
turnover, methods of wage payment time wage system, piece wage system, balance of
debt system, incentive plans halsey premium plan, rowan premium plan, differential
piece rate system, group bonus scheme.

BLOCK-III Overheads
UNIT-07 Classification and Distribution of Overheads-

Concept of overheads, classification of overheads, elements wise classification, function

wise classification, behavior wise classification, collection of factory overheads standing
order numbers, sources, allocation and apportionment of factor overheads allocation,
apportionment, preparation of overheads distribution summary.

UNIT-08 Absorption of Factory Over Heads-

Meaning of absorption, methods of absorption production units method, direct material

cost method, direct wages method, prime cost method, direct labour hour method,
machine hour method, requisites of a good method of absorption, computation of
machine hour rate, over absorption and under absorption or factory overheads causes of
under or over absorption, disposal of under and over absorption.

UNIT-09 Treatment of Other Overheads-

Office and administration overheads, selling and distribution overheads classification,

distribution, treatment of certain items in cost accounts interest on capital, depreciation,
research and development costs, royalties and patent fees, drawing office expenses, fringe
benefits, costing office expense, defective/spoiled work, packaging expenses, patterns
and dies, idle capacity, cash discount, items excluded from cost accounts.

BLOCK-IV Methods of Costing

UNIT-10 Unit Costing-

Meaning and applicability, preparation of statement of cost/cost sheet ascertainment of

cost of direct materials, ascertainment of cost of direct labour, ascertainment of cost of
other direct expenses/chargeable expenses, ascertainment of prime cost ascertainment of
factory/works cost, ascertainment of cost of production, ascertainment of total cost/cost
of sales, treatment of items of expenses and losses of purely financial nature, preparation
of production account, special points to be noted, value of scrap/wastage, opening and
closing work in progress, opening and closing stocks of finished goods, selling and
distribution overheads, computation of recovery rates for overheads, preparation of
statement of quotation/ tendering price, comprehensive illustrations.

UNIT-11 Reconciliation of Cost and Financial Accounts-

Methods of cost accounting integral accounting, non integral accounting, need for
reconciliation of cost and financial accounts, causes of difference, proparation of
reconciliation statement, memorandum reconciliation account, comprehensive
UNIT-12 Job and Contract Costing-

Job costing definition and characteristics, applicability, procedure, evaluation, practical

problems, contract costing definition and characteristics, difference between job and
contract costing, the procedure, treatment of important items, profit on uncompleted
contracts, contractee’s account, work in progress, comprehensive illustrations.

UNIT-13 Process Costing-

Meaning and application, difference between job costing and process costing, main
characteristics, costing procedure, process losses normal process loss, abnormal process
loss, abnormal effectiveness, comprehensive illustrations.
B.Com-10 (Elements of Income Tax )

BLOCK-I Fundamentals
UNIT-01 Basic Concept- I-

Broad mechanism of income tax in India, concept of income definition of income, basic
principles definition, basic principles definition of person, definition of assessee,
permanent account number, assessment year, previous year, taxation of previous year’s
income during the same year, concept of total income, account method.

UNIT-02 Basic Concept- II-

Agricultural income definition of agricultural income, kinds of agricultural income,

instances of non agricultural income, partly agricultural income, taxation of agricultural
income, concept of casual income definition of casual income, casual income or personal
gift?, chargeability of casual income, a few examples, capital and revenue receipts
importance of distinction distinguishing tests, examples of capital and revenue receipts.

UNIT-03 Residential Status and Tax Liability

Importance of residential status, categories of residential status, rules for determining

residential status individual, non company plural entities, companies, every other person,
scope of total income on the basis of residence resident. Non ordinarily resident,
nonresident, kinds of incomes income received in India, income deemed to be received in
India, income accruing or arising in India, income deemed to accrue or arise in India,
incidence of tax.

UNIT-04 Exempted Income Under Section-

Meaning of exempted income, list of exempted incomes, certain exempted incomes in the
hands of an individual, incomes of charitable and religious trusts and political parties
income of charitable and religious trust, income of political parties.

BLOCK-II Salaries
UNIT-05 Salaries- I

Meaning of Salary (Some Important points regarding salary, definition of salary for
different purposes.) Main items included in salary (Salary or wages, encashment of
earned leave on retirement, bonus, pension, annuity, gratuity, advance salary,

UNIT-06 Salaries- II

Perquisites, valuation of perquisites-All employees, valuation of perquisites-specified

employees (motor-car, free lodging and boarding to hotel employees, free supply of gas,
electricity and water-rule 3(d) Free education-rule 3(e) conveyance facility by transport
undertaking-rule 3(f) free sweeper, watchman, gardener etc. medical benefits, other
perquisites ) fully, exempted perquisites, deduction from ‘Salaries’ (standard deduction-
section 16(i) entertainment allowance-section 16(ii) tax on employment)

UNIT-07 Salaries- III

Provident fund schemes (statutory provident fund, recognized provident fund,

unrecognized provident fund, public provident fund, approved superannuation fund), tax
treatment of provident fund, certain other aspects of taxable salary, deduction under
section 80C (gross qualifying amount, net qualifying amount, net qualifying amount,
amount of deduction, system of rebate of rebate from assessment year 1991-92), some

BLOCK-III Other Heads of Income

UNIT-08 Income from House Property

Income from house property (buildings or land appurtenant thereto, assessee to pay tax
on annual value, asscssee should be the owner of the house property, the house property
should not be used for assessee’s business of profession. ), income from house property,
Exempt from tax, some important points, annual value, computation of annual value (let
out house, self-occupied house), deductions from annual value, computation of income
from house property.

UNIT-09 Capital Gains

Meaning of capital gains (Concept of capital Asset, Transfer of capital Asset.),

computation of capital gains, capital gains exempt from tax, deductions allowed from
long-term capital gains computation of taxable income from capital gains.

UNIT-10 Income from Other Source

Income chargeable under the head ‘income from other sources’, deductions allowed,
dividends (rules for taxation of dividends, grossing up of dividends), winnings from
lotteries, crossword puzzles, horse races, card games, etc., interest on securities (basic of
charge, kinds of securities, grossing up of interest on securities, bond washing
transactions, interest on securities exempt from tax), set-off and carry forward of losses
(inter-source adjustment, inter-head adjustment, set-off)

BLOCK-IV Assessment of Individual

UNIT-11 Deductions from Gross Total Income

Deductions form gross total income, deductions to encourage savings, deductions for
certain personal expenditure, deductions for certain personal expenditure, Deductions for
encouraging voluntary participation in charitable and socially desirable activities,
Deductions for Economic Growth, Deductions in respect of earnings in foreign exchange,
deductions in case of totally blind or physically handicapped resident persons

UNIT-12 Computation of Total Income

Steps in Computation of Total Income, head wise computation of income, computation of
gross total income, deductions under chapter VIA, Some Illustrations.

UNIT-13 Filing of Return and Tax Authorities

Return of Income (Selection of correct form of return, due dates for filing the return,
correct and complete information), self-assessment, consequences of delay in filing
return, consequences of incorrect information, processing of returns, re-assessment of
income, tax authorities.
B.Com-11 (Elements of Auditing)

BLOCK-I Fundamentals of Auditing-

UNIT-01 Concept of auditing origin of auditing, definition of auditing, difference between
accountancy and auditing, difference between auditing and investigation, objectives and
advantages of audit primary objectives, secondary objectives, advantages, different
classes of audit, modes of audit continuous audit, periodical or final audit, interim audit,
qualities of an auditor.

UNIT-02 Internal Control-

Internal control objectives of internal control, forms of internal control, internal control
and auditor, requisites of a good internal control system, internal audit objectives of
internal audit, internal audit vs. statutory audit, internal check objectives of internal
check, essentials of good internal check system, internal check as regards cash sales,
internal check as regards purchase, internal wage payment, internal check system and

UNIT-03 Audit Planning-

Audit planning process of planning, purpose of planning, considerations in audit

planning, importance of audit planning, audit flow chart, preparations before audit
preparatory procedures, considerations prior to commencement, audit programme main
features of audit programme, parts of audit programme, major aspects of audit
programme, objectives of audit programme, factors for consideration, contents of audit
programme, advantages of audit programme, limitations of audit programme, audit note
book contents of audit note book, usefulness of audit note book, audit working papers
allocation of audit working papers, contents of current file, contents of permanent file,
importance of audit working papers, routine checking areas of checking, guiding factors
in audit checks, extent of checking, main features of routine checking, test checking,
relevance of test checking, precautions in test checking, auditor’s responsibility, balanced
approach in checking.

BLOCK-II Vouching and Verification

UNIT-04 Vouching and Cash Transactions-
Meaning, objectives and importance of vouching definition of vouching, objectives of
vouching, importance of vouching, voucher what is a voucher?, types of vouchers, points
to be notes in a voucher, vouching of cash receipts, cash sales, receipt from debtors, sale
of investments, interest and dividends, rent received, sale of fixed assets, commission
received, vouching of cash payments cash purchases, cash paid to creditors, wages,
salaries, rent paid, capital expenditure, travelling expenses, petty cash, postage.

UNIT-05 Vouching of Trading Transactions and Impersonal Ledger-

Credit purchases, purchases returns, credit sales, sales returns, goods sent on
consignment, packages and empties, journal vouching of impersonal ledger, outstanding
assets and liabilities outstanding assets, outstanding liabilities, contingent liabilities,
apportionment of expenditure between capital and revenue.

UNIT-06 Verification and Valuation of Assets and Liabilities-I-

Verification meaning, purpose, process, valuation of assets basis of valuation, effect on
profit, modes of valuation, auditor’s position in respect of valuation of assets,
verification and valuation of specific assts goodwill, freehold property, leasehold
property, plant and machinery, furniture and fixtures, motor vehicles, patents, trademarks
and copyrights, assets acquired and hire purchase.

UNIT-07 Verification and Valuation of Assets and Liabilities -II-

Verification and valuation of investments, verification and valuation of current assets
cash in hand, cash at bank, book debts, bills receivable, loan and advances, verification
and valuation of stock in trade method of stock taking, basis of valuation, auditor’s duty,
verification of specific liabilities trade creditors, bills payable, outstanding expenses,
income received in advance, loans contingent liabilities.

BLOCK-III Company Audit

UNIT-08 Company Auditor-
Need for a company auditor, qualifications of a company auditor, disqualifications of a
company auditor, appointment of an auditor first auditor of a company, reappointment of
auditors, removal of an auditor, status of the auditor, rights and duties of a company
auditor rights, duties, some legal decisions, auditing standards.

UNIT-09 Company Audit-I-

Difference between partnership audit and company audit, commencement of audit letter
of engagement, preliminaries, role of company, audit of share capital shares issued for
cash, shares issued for consideration other than cash, shares issued at a premium, shares
issued at a discount, audit of calls, calls in arrears, calls in advance, forfeiture and reissue
of shares, issue and redemption of preference share, issue of bonus shares, alteration of
share capital, reduction of share capital, issue of share certificates, share transfer audit,
presentation and disclosure of share capital.

UNIT-10 Company Audit-II-

Objectives, meaning of profit, divisible profits and dividends, provisions of the
companies Act, 1956 for dividends sources of dividends, procedural/legal requirements,
significant legal cases, distribution of capital profit, auditor’s duty regarding dividends,
provisions relating to depreciation provisions of the Act, auditor’s duty, audit of reserves.

BLOCK-IV Auditor’s Report and Cost Audit

UNIT-11 Auditor’s Report
Definition, need and importance, reporting responsibility, report vs. certificate, qualities
of a good report, forms and contents, MAOCARO applicability, matters to be included,
relevance of in our opinion, true and fair concept, clean report and qualified report, some
guiding decisions.
UNIT-12 Cost and Management Audit-
Meaning of cost audit, forms of cost audit propriety audit, efficiency audit, objectives of
cost audit, difference between financial audit and cost audit advantages of cost audit cost
audit and management, cost audit and shareholders, cost audit and society, cost audit and
government, limitations of cost audit, statutory provisions, cost audit programme,
commencement considerations points for special attention, cost audit planning, cost audit
report, meaning and objectives of management audit, importance of management audit
and limitations, distinctive features, preliminary considerations and audit programme,
management audit report.
B.Com-12 (Business Environment)

BLOCK-I Introduction to Business Environment

UNIT-01 Nature and dimensions of Business Environment-

Meaning and significance of business environment, components of business environment

economic environment of business, non economic environment of business, interaction
between economic and non- economic environment, business environment at various
levels regional level, national level, international level, business and environment

UNIT-02 Economic Environment: An Overview-

Mixed economy in India, Economic planning, basic elements of the strategy followed
during 1956-90 (Nehru-Mahalanobis Strategy of Development) contemporary economic

UNIT-03 Social and Cultural Environments-

Evolving social institutions, demographic changes quantitative aspects, qualitative

aspects, cultural factors, technology and social change, changing value system, social
responsibilities of business views against social responsibility of business, case for social
responsibility of business, dimensions of social responsibilities, ecological issues.

BLOCK-II Business and Government

UNIT-04 Structure of Indian Economy-

Trends in national income meaning of real national income, tends in real national income,
economic growth meaning of economic growth, trends in the rate of growth, economic
development meaning of economic development, goals of development, trends in per
capital real income, trends in poverty, trends in inequalities of income, other indicators of
development, growth in lobour force work participation rate, occupational structure
agriculture vs. non-agricultural, economic system pattern of ownership and organization
India a mixed economy, public sector, private sector, joint sector, cooperative sector.

UNIT-05 Role of Government in Business-

Fourfold role of government, regulatory role, entrepreneurial role, promotional role,

planning role, regulatory framework, redefined role of government.

UNIT-06 Macro Economic Policies-

Meaning of macroeconomic policy, meaning of fiscal policy, instruments of fiscal policy

in India ways of raising money tax revenue, non-tax revenue, capital receipts, ways of
spending money plan expenditure, revenue expenditure, budgetary framework in Inida
summary format of budget measures of deficit revenue deficit, budgetary deficit, gross
fiscal deficit, objectives of fiscal policy, meaning of monetary policy, instruments of
monetary policy in India, qualitative (or selective) instruments, objectives of monetary
policy, roles of reserve bank of India.

UNIT-07 Consumer Protection-

Evolution of consumer movement including consumer protection laws, consumer rights

and responsibilities consumer rights, some other rights, duties and responsibilities of
consumers, consumer protection Act, 1986 introduction, salient features of the consumer
protection Act, 1986, definitions of certain expressions used in the Act, no relief to
consumers in the case of unfair and restrictive trade practices, person who can file a
complaint under the Act, monopolistic and restrictive trade practices (MRTP) Act, 1969
monopolistic trade practices (MTP), restrictive trade practices (RTP), unfair trade
practices (UTP), competition Act.

BLOCK-III Economic Policy and Framework

UNIT-08 Industrial Policy-

Evolution of industrial policy, industrial policy resolution (IPR)1956 change since IPR
1948, objective of the IPR 1956, basic features of the IPR 1956, industrial licensing,
review of industrial policy, new industrial policy 1991 objectives, policy measures,
evaluation of the new industrial policy, public sector reforms and privatization meaning
of privatization, arguments for privatization, gains from privatization, move towards
privatization, restructuring of PSUs.

UNIT-09 Industrial Sickness-

Nature of industrial sickness, indication of sickness limitations of financial indicators of

sickness, predictability of sickness based on early warning, use of financial ratios as early
warning signals, causes of industrial sickness, government policy takeover of
management of and nationalization, recourse to institutional agencies, policy guidelines
and framework, sick industrial companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985, role of board
for industrial and financial reconstruction (BIFR).

UNIT-10 Industrial Relations-

Industrial relations scenario, causes of industrial disputes, prevention and settlement of

disputes statutory measures, non statutory measures, collective bargaining the concept,
types of collective bargaining agreements, collective bargaining process, prerequisites for
collective bargaining, workers’ participation in management (WPM) the concept,
schemes of WPM in India

UNIT-11 Small Scale Sector-

Significance and growth of small scale sector definition, significance, growth, problems
of small scale sector, institutional framework for small scale industry national level
institutions, state level infrastructure, district level centers, government policy towards
small scale industries industrial policy for small scale industry, programmes for
promotion of small scale industry.

BLOCK-IV External Sector and Economic Reforms

UNIT-12 Foreign Investment and MNCs-

Foreign capital, types of foreign capital, foreign direct investment, portfolio investment,
role of foreign capital, government policy, joint ventures meaning, types of joint
ventures, advantage, disadvantages, Indian joint ventures, multinational corporations
(MNCs) Definition, characteristics of MNCs, merits, demerits.

UNIT-13 India’s Foreign Trade-

Importance of foreign trade, trends in India’s foreign trade, composition of foreign trade
composition of exports, composition of imports, direction of foreign trade direction of
exports, direction of foreign trade, direction of exports, direction of imports, regulation
of foreign trade, export promotion measures facilities for creation of production base,
facilities by creating special status, fiscal incentives, market development assistance.

UNIT-14 Balance of Payments and Exim Policy-

Concepts of balance of trade (BOT) and balance of payments (BOP) current account and
capital account, balance of payment, trends in India’s balance of payments, causes of
BOP deficits, measures adopted to solve the problem, concept of the rate of exchange
foreign exchange rates, current rate and par of exchange, mechanism of exchange rates
determination demand and supply, exchange rate determination in India, export-import
policy (1997-2002) role of Exim bank genesis of Exim bank, Exim bank’s lending

UNIT-15 International Trade Relations

Bilateral trade relations, multilateral trading system advantages of free trade,

disadvantages of free trade, arguments for protection, instruments of protection, general
agreement on trade and tariffs (GATT) objectives of GATT, role of GATT, world trade
organization (WTO) functions of the WTO, WTO agreements and evaluation.

UNIT-16 New Economic Policy-

Need for new economic policy, nature and scope of new economic policy liberalization,
reform of the public sector, privatization, globalization, progress and problems in the
implementation of new economic policy, an assessment of new economic policy.
B.Com-13 (Accountancy-II )

BLOCK-I Branch and Departmental Accounts

UNIT-01 Branch Accounts –I-

Need for branch accounting, types of branches, accounting for dependent branches,
debtors system cost price method, invoice price method, final account system, stock and
debtors system.

UNIT-02 Branch Accounts –II-

Accounting system of an independent branch, some peculiar items goods in transit, cash
in transit, heads office expenses chargeable to branch, depreciation on branch fixed
assets, accounts maintained by head office, interbranch transactions, incorporation,
closing entries in branch books, a comprehensive illustration.

UNIT-03 Departmental Accounts-

Meaning and purpose of departmental accounts, importance of departmental accounts,

recording of transactions, allocation of expenses, inter departmental transfers.

BLOCK-II Hire Purchase Accounts

UNIT-04 Hire Purchase Accounts –I-

Nature of hire purchase agreement, legal position definition, characteristics of hire

purchase agreement, rights of hires, ascertaining the interest/cash price ascertainment of
interest, ascertainment of total cash price, accounting records in the books of the
purchaser when the asset is recorded at full cash price, when the asset is recorded at cash
price actually paid, accounting records in the books of vendor.

UNIT-05 Hire Purchase Accounts –II-

Default and repossession rights of the hire vendor, restrictions on the owner, accounting
for default and repossession complete repossession, partial repossession, installment
payment system, accounting for installment payment system books of the buyer, books of
the vendor.

UNIT-06 Hire Purchase Accounts –III-

Basic record for goods of small value sold on hire purchase, relevant terms,
ascertainment of profit treatment of goods repossessed, calculation of missing figures,
stock and debtors system.

BLOCK-III Partnership Accounts

UNIT-07 General Introduction and Distribution of Profits-

Meaning of partnership, partnership deed, provisions affecting partnership accounts,

distribution of profits profit and loss appropriation account, calculation of interest on
capital, calculation of interest on drawings, guarantee of minimum profit to partner, past
adjustments, fixed and fluctuating capital, and final accounts.

UNIT-08 Admission of a Partner-

Admission of a partner list of adjustments, calculation of new profit sharing ratio,

calculation of sacrificing ratio, goodwill meaning of goodwill, factors affecting the value
of goodwill, need for valuation of goodwill, methods of valuation of goodwill, treatment
of goodwill on admission of a partner, revaluation of assets and liabilities, adjustment of
accumulated profits or losses, adjustment of capitals, change in the profit sharing ratio.

UNIT-09 Retirement or death of a partner-

New profit sharing ratio, gaining ratio, treatment of goodwill when goodwill does not
appear in the books when goodwill does not appear in the books, when goodwill appears
in the books adjustment for accumulated profits/losses, adjustment for revaluation of
assets and liabilities, adjustment for unrecorded assts and liabilities payment to the
retiring partner payment of full amount due, payment of the amount due in equal
installments at fixed intervals and the unpaid balance earning interest, payment of the
amount due in equal installments plus interest on outstanding balance, payment of the
amount due in equal installments including interest, death of partner accounting
implications ascertainment of share of profits (losses) upto the date of retirement/death,
settlement of executor’s account’s account, joint life policy, comprehensive illustrations.

UNIT-10 Dissolution of a Partnership Firm-

Meaning of dissolution, dissolution of partnership, dissolution of a firm, modes of

dissolution, settlement of accounts, accounting treatment simple dissolution, dissolution
on account of insolvency of partners, dissolution on sale to a company.

BLOCK-IV Company Account-I-

UNIT-11 General Introduction

Meaning of company special features of a company, special features of a company, kinds

of companies, distinction between a company and a partnership, formation of a company
filing of basic documents, certificate of incorporation, allotment of shares, statutory
books, books of account, share capital categories of share capital, classes of shares.

UNIT-12 Record of Share Capital Transactions-

Procedure and accounting entries for issue of shares procedure for issue of shares, basic
accounting entries for issue of shares, issue of shares for consideration other than cash,
issue of shares for cash issue of shares for cash at a premium, issue of share for cash at a
discount, oversubscription of shares full allotment, prorate allotment, calls in arrears,
calls in advance, forfeiture of shares, reissue of forfeited shares, issue and redemption of
preference shares issue of preference shares issue of preference shares, redemption of
preference shares.
UNIT-13 Issue and Redemption of Debentures-

What is a debenture? Difference between shares and debentures, types of debentures,

issue of debentures when debentures are issue for consideration other than cash, when
debentures are issued for cash, issue of debentures as a collateral security, debentures
issued at different terms, writing off loss on issue of debentures, redemption of
debentures redemption of maturity, redemption in installments, redemption by purchase
from the market, redemption by conversion.

UNIT-14 Purchase of Business and Profits Prior to Incorporation-

Meaning and need, purchase consideration, goodwill or capital reserve, accounting

entries, interest to vendors, debtors and creditors taken over for collection and payment
on behalf of the vendors, profits prior to incorporation, some comprehensive illustrations.

BLOCK-V Company Account-II-

UNIT-15 Final Account-I-

Company final accounts, legal requirements as to profit and loss account (Schedule VI
Part II) income, expenses and provisional, appropriation of profit, forms of profit and
loss account, special features of company profit and loss account, legal requirements as to
company balance sheet (Schedule VI Part I) proforma of balance sheet, liabilities, assets,
summarized balance sheet (Vertical From).

UNIT-16 Final Account-II-

Treatment of special items relevant to company final accounts preliminary expenses,

expenses on issue of shares and debentures, premium on issue of shares, calls in arrears
and calls in advance, forfeited shares, depreciation on fixed assets, provision for
taxation, dividends, interest on debentures, transfer to reserves, balance of profit and loss
account, preparation of final accounts.

UNIT-17 Analysis of Financial State

Nature of financial statement, uses and limitations of financial statements uses,

limitations, financial analysis, and its techniques, meaning of ratio analysis, objectives of
ratio analysis, classification of ratios, ratios to assess financial soundness liquidity ratios,
long term solvency ratios, long term solvency ratios, ratios to assess profitability
profitability in relation to sales, profitability in relation to capital employed (Investment),
A comprehensive illustration, standards for comparison, usefulness of ratio analysis,
limitations of ratio analysis.

UNIT-18 Statement of Changes in Financial Position-I-

What is statement of changes in financial position?, meaning of fund, flow of funds,

sources and uses of funds, steps involved in preparation of fund flow statement, schedule
of changes in working capital, funds from operations depreciation, profit or loss on sale
of fixed asset, profit or loss on sale of long term investments, amortization of expenses
and writing off intangible assets, provision for taxation, proposed dividends, provision for
doubtful debts, items representing appropriation of profits, statement of funds from

UNIT-19 Statement of Changes in Financial Position-II-

Preparation of fund flow statement, importance of fund flow statement, cash flow
statement sources and uses of cash, ascertaining cash from operations, preparation of cash
flow statement, uses of cash flow statement, distinction between cash flow analysis and
fund flow analysis.

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