Melcs Elementary 2020-2021

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English 1



Show proper behavior when someone is Spell and read the words with sh sound Recognize rhyming words in nursery Recognize common action words in stories
speaking correctly rhymes, poems, songs heard listened to
Write one’s first name, middle initial and Use personal pronouns in dialogues Recognize sentences (telling and asking) Recognize describing words for people,
last name and non-sentences objects, things and places (color, shape,
size, height, weight, length, distance, etc.)
Spell commonly used words in introducing Use the words with wh sound in sentences Listen to short stories/poems Sort and Classify familiar words into basic
1.note important details pertaining to a. categories (colors, shapes, foods, etc)
character b. setting c. events
Show pride in belonging to a family Identify the correct use of pronouns he, 2.Give the correct sequence of three
she, they, and it events
3.Infer the character feelings and traits
Identify the initial sound of word Identify the actions of a person 4.Identify cause and effect/or effect of
5.Identify the speaker in the story or
Talk about oneself and one’s family Identify the words ch sound 6.Predict possible ending of a story
7.Relate story events to one’s
Identify ways of being polite to others Read words with initial consonant digraph experience
ch 8.Discuss, illustrate, dramatize specific
Spell words correctly Use the correct action words in simple 9.Identify the problem and solution
sentences 10.Retell a story listened to
11.Ask simple questions about the text
listened to
Complete the names of the pictures with Read with long a sound Use/Respond appropriately to polite Give the meaning of words using clues
final consonant sounds expressions: greetings, leave takings, (TPR, pictures, body movements, etc.)
expressing gratitude and apology, asking
permission, offering help
Respond appropriately to polite Use verbs in simple present tense Talk about oneself, one’s family and one’s Follow one-to-two step directions
expressions personal experiences
 Greetings, leave takings, Study the picture and write sentences that Give one-to-two step directions
expressing gratitude and apology, describe it
asking permission and offering help
Write words that have short a sound Identify the word that have the long i sound
Read short a words in CVC pattern (Cat, Read words, phrases, poems, or stories
man, bag) with long vowel e sound
Talk about one’s personal experiences Use the be-verbs (am, is, are) correctly in
pertaining to the family, one’s pets, and sentences
personal experiences
Recite rhymes, poem Identify the expression used to tell
something that happened in the past
Classify the nouns into proper or common Read and identify the words with long o
Spell words with short e sound Recognize the simple past form of verbs
Read aloud phrases, sentences, and Form and use the past tense of frequently
stories consisting of short e word with occurring regular verbs (walk-walked)
appropriate speed, accuracy, and proper
Use the plural form of regular nouns by
adding /s/ or /es/
Use the plural form frequently occurring
irregular nouns (e.g, children, feet, teeth)
Pronounce the words with short i
Tell and use a and an before words
Show understanding of the meaning of
short u words through drawings, actions,
and using them in sentences
Use demonstrative pronouns
Answer questions using this is, these are,
that is, and those are
English 2



Recognize the common terms in English Give the beginning letter of the name of Generate ideas through prewriting activities Recognize common action words in stories
relating to part of book (e.g. cover, title each picture listened to
page, etc.) book orientation
Read the alphabets of English Recognize common action words in Writing some words, a phrase, or a Recognize describing words for people,
retelling, conversation, etc. sentence about an illustration or a objects, things and places (color, shape,
character size, height, weight, length, distance, etc.)
Recognize common or proper nouns in Identify and discuss the elements of a story Discuss the illustrations on the cover and Sort and Classify familiar words into basic
simple sentences (theme, setting, characters, and events) predict what the story may be about categories (colors, shapes, foods, etc)
Recognize the use of a/an + noun Identify title, author and book illustrator and Give the meaning of words using clues
tell what they do (TPR, pictures, body movements, etc.)
Classify/Categorize sounds heard (animals, Spell words with short e, a, i, o and u Follow one-to-two step directions
mechanical, objects, musical instruments, sound in CVC pattern
environment, speech)
Activate prior knowledge based on new Identify the basic sequence of events and Give one-to-two step directions
knowledge formed make relevant predictions about stories
Use clues to answer questions, clarify
understanding and justify predictions
before, during and after reading (titles,
pictures, etc)
Create or expand word clines
Recognize that some words may have the
same (synonyms) or opposite (antonyms)
Recognize the difference between “made-
up” and “real” in texts listened to
Identify important details in expository text
Retell and/or reenact events from a story
Talk about texts identifying major points
and key themes
Participate in choral speaking and echo
reading of short poems, rhymes and stories
with repeated patterns and refrains in
Listen and respond to texts to clarify
meanings heard while drawing on personal
Read words with short e, a, i, o , and u
sound in CVC pattern
Match the picture with its sight word

English 3


Write sentences describing one’s drawing Use the be-verbs (am, is, are was, were) Identify commonly used possessive Write a simple story
about the stories/poems listened to correctly in sentences pronouns and use them in a sentence
Write a short descriptive paragraph about Use simple verbs (past, present, future) in Identify several effects based on a given Use the degrees of adjectives in making
the character or the setting in the story sentences cause comparisons (positive, comparative,
listened to superlative)
Write a short paragraph providing another Read words with initial and final consonant Make inferences and draw conclusions Recognize adverbs of manner
ending for a story listened to blends based on texts (pictures, title and content
Write a diary Read phrases, sentences and short stories Identify title, author and book illustrator and Interpret simple maps of unfamiliar places,
consisting of words with initial and final tell what they do signs and symbols
consonant blends
Identify an exclamatory sentence Read words, phrases, sentences and short Distinguish fact from opinion Interpret simple graphs, tables, and
stories consisting of words with consonant pictographs
digraph ch and sh and other words
previously studied
Identify an imperative sentence Spell one-to-two syllable words with initial Use different sources of information in Restate facts from informational texts
and final consonant blends (e.g. pl, tr) and reading (climate change, children’s rights, traffic
consonant digraphs (ch and sh) safety, etc.) listened to
Use different kinds of sentences in a Recognize some words represented by Read words containing vowel digraphs -ai,
dialogue (e.g. declarative, interrogative, common abbreviations (e.g. Mr. Ave., Oct.) ay, ea, ee, oo, oa
exclamatory, imperative)
Use common and proper nouns in a Homonyms (e.g. flower/flour) Read phrases, sentences and stories with
sentence vowel digraphs -ai, ay, ea, ee, oo, oa
Use plural form of regular nouns by Homographs (e.g., read-read) Read words with vowel diphthongs: oy
adding /s/ or /es/ (e.g., dog, dogs; wish, (boy), oi (boil), ou (out) ow (bow)
Use plural from of frequently occurring Hyponyms –type of (e.g. guava -type of Read phrases, sentences and short stories
irregular nouns (e.g. children, feet, teeth) fruit) consisting vowel diphthongs: oy, oi, ou, ow
Review reading and writing short e, a, i, o, Identify possible solutions to problems Recognize and read some irregularly
and u words in CVC pattern spelled words (e.g. such as enough,
through, beautiful)
Read phrases, sentences and short stories Identify the elements of an Present information in varied artistic ways
consisting of 2-syllable words and the informational/factual text hear (e.g. role playing, show and tell, radio
questions about them play/podcast/broadcast/reporting/poster
Initiate conversations with peers in a Read words with long a, i, o , u sound
variety of school settings (ending in e)
Synthesize and Restate information shared Read phrases, sentences, stories and
by others poems consisting of long a, i, o, and u
Read phrases, sentences, stories and
poems consisting of long a, i, o, and u
Ask and respond to questions about
informational texts listened to
(environment, health, how-to’s, etc.)
Compare and contrast information heard
Read word with affixes

English 4


Recognize the parts of a simple paragraph Use context clues to find meaning of Use adverbs (adverbs of manner, place Write a short story (fiction/nonfiction) with
unfamiliar words: definition, exemplification and time) in sentences its complete elements
Get the meaning of words using a Use simple verbs (past, present, future) in Write directions using signal words Write a reaction about the story read
dictionary, thesaurus, and/or online sentences
Note significant details of various text Read words with initial and final consonant Distinguish between general and specific Distinguish fact from opinion in a narrative
types. blends statements
Identify various text types according to Read phrases, sentences and short stories Identify the main idea, key sentences, and Identify features of Journalistic Writing
structure, purpose and language features: consisting of words with initial and final supporting details from text listened to
problem and solution, description, consonant blends
procedural/ sequence
Identify meanings of unfamiliar words Read words, phrases, sentences and short Use appropriate graphic organizers in text Distinguish among types of Journalistic
through structural analysis (words and stories consisting of words with consonant read Writing (news report, opinion article,
affixes: prefixes and suffixes) digraph ch and sh and other words feature article, and sports news article)
previously studied
Identify different meanings of content Spell one-to-two syllable words with initial Infer the speaker’s tone, mood and Write a news report using the given facts
specific words (denotation and and final consonant blends (e.g. pl, tr) and purpose
connotation) consonant digraphs (ch and sh)
Get the meaning of words through word Use clear and coherent sentences Analyze a story in terms of its elements Write/compose an editorial
association (analogy) and classification. employing appropriate grammatical
structures: Kinds of Nouns –Mass Nouns
and Count Nouns, Possessive Nouns,
collective nouns
Use personal pronouns in sentences
Use adjectives (degrees of comparison,
order) in sentences
Use simple present tense of verbs in
Use correct time expressions to tell an
action in the present
Use the past form of regular and irregular

English 5

Fill-out forms accurately (school forms, Compose clear and coherent sentences Distinguish text-types according to purpose Analyze how visual and multimedia
deposit and withdrawal slips, etc.) using appropriate grammatical structures: and features: classification, explanation, elements contribute to the meaning of a
aspects of verbs, modals and conjunction enumeration and time order. text
Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words Identify point-of-view. Summarize various text types based on Write paragraphs showing: cause and
(compound, affixed, blended, clipped) elements. effect, comparison and contrast and
based on given context clues (synonyms, problem-solution relationships.
antonyms, word parts) and other strategies
Use compound and complex sentences to Determine images/ideas that are explicitly Make a stand Write a feature article.
show cause and effect and problem- used to influence viewers: Stereotypes,
solution relationship of ideas. Point of view, Propagandas.
Compose clear and coherent sentences Distinguish among various types of viewing Provide evidence to support opinion/fact. Identify features of Journalistic Writing
using appropriate grammatical structures: materials
subject-verb agreement; kinds of
adjectives; subordinate and coordinate
conjunctions; and adverbs of intensity and

English 6

Identify real or make-believe, fact or non- Distinguish various types of Present a coherent, comprehensive report Compose clear and coherent sentences
fact images. informational/factual text. on differing viewpoints on an issue. using appropriate grammatical structures
(verb tenses, conjunctions, adverbs)
Identify the values suggested in the visual Detect biases and propaganda devices Evaluate narratives based on how the Compose a persuasive essay on self-
media. used by speakers. author developed the elements. selected topic.
Make connections between information Analyze the elements used in print, non-
viewed and personal experiences print, and digital materials.


Visualizes and represents numbers from 0 illustrates addition as “putting together or counts groups of equal quantity using tells the days in a week; months in a year
to 100 using a variety of materials. combining or joining sets” concrete objects up to 50 and writes an in the right order.
equivalent expression. e.g. 2 groups of 5
Identifies the number that is one more or visualizes and adds the following numbers visualizes, represents, and separates determines the day or the month using a
one less from a given number using appropriate techniques: objects into groups of equal quantity using calendar.
a. two one-digit numbers with sums up to concrete objects up to 50. e.g. 10 grouped
18 by 5s
b. three one-digit numbers
c. numbers with sums through 99 without
and with regrouping
regroups sets of ones into sets of tens and visualizes and solves one-step routine and visualizes, represents, divides a whole into tells and writes time by hour, half-hour and
sets of tens into hundreds using objects. non-routine problems involving addition of halves and fourths and identifies ½ and ¼ quarter-hour using analog clock
whole numbers including money with sums of a whole object.
up to 99 using appropriate problem solving
compares two sets using the expressions illustrates subtraction as “taking away” or visualizes, represents and divides the solves problems involving time (days in a
“less than,” “more than,” and “as many as” “comparing” elements of sets. elements of sets into two groups of equal week, months in a year, hour, half-hour,
and orders sets from least to greatest and quantities to show halves and four groups and quarter-hour
vice versa. of equal quantities to show fourths
reads and writes numbers up to 100 in illustrates that addition and subtraction are visualizes and draws the whole region or compares objects using comparative
symbols and in words inverse operations set given its ½ and/or ¼ words: short, shorter, shortest; long, longer,
longest; heavy, heavier, heaviest; light,
lighter, lightest
Identify different meanings of content visualizes, represents, and subtracts the identifies, names, and describes the four estimates and measures length, mass and
specific words (denotation and following numbers: basic shapes (square, rectangle, triangle capacity using non-standard units of
connotation) a. one-digit numbers with minuends and circle) in 2-dimensional (flat/plane) and measures.
through 18 (basic facts) 3-dimensional (solid) objects.
b. one-to two-digit numbers with minuends
up to 99 without regrouping
c. one-to two-digit numbers with minuends
up to 99 with regrouping
visualizes and gives the place value and subtracts mentally one-digit numbers from draws the four basic shapes. infers and interprets data presented in a
value of a digit in one-and two-digit two-digit minuends without regrouping pictograph without scales.e.g. finding out
numbers. using appropriate strategies. from the title what the pictograph is all
about, comparing which has the least or
greatest ...
renames numbers into tens and ones. visualizes, represents, and solves routine constructs three dimensional objects (solid) solves routine and non-routine problems
and non-routine problems involving using manipulative materials. using data presented in pictograph without
subtraction of whole numbers including scales
money with minuends up to 99 with and
without regrouping using appropriate
problem solving strategies and tools.
compares numbers up to 100 using relation determines the missing term/s using one
symbol and orders them in increasing or attribute in a given continuous pattern
decreasing order. (letters/ numbers/events) and in a given
repeating pattern (letters, numbers, colors,
figures, sizes, etc.).
identifies, reads and writes ordinal constructs equivalent number expression
numbers: 1st , 2nd, 3rd, up to10th object in using addition and subtraction. e.g. 6 + 5 =
a given set from a given point of reference. 12 -1
recognizes and compares coins and bills identifies and creates patterns to compose
up to PhP100 and their notations. and decompose using addition.e.g. 7 = 0 +
7, 1 + 6, 2 + 5, 3 + 4, 4 + 3, 5 + 2, 6 + 1, 7
Visualizes and finds the missing number in
an addition or subtraction sentence using a
variety of ways e.g. n + 2 = 55 –n = 3


visualizes and represents numbers from 0- visualizes, represents, and subtracts 2-to visualizes, represents and identifies unit tells and writes time in minutes including
1000 with emphasis on numbers 101 –1 3-digit numbers with minuends up to 999 fractions with denominators of 10 and a.m. and p.m. using analog and digital
000 using a variety of materials. without and with regrouping. below. clocks.
gives the place value and finds the value of subtracts mentally the following numbers reads and writes unit fractions. visualizes, represents, and solves
a digit in three-digit numbers. without regrouping using appropriate problems involving time (minutes including
strategies: a.m. and p.m. and elapsed time in days)
a. 1-digit numbers from 1-to 3-digit
b. 3-digit numbers by tens and by hundreds
visualizes and counts numbers by 10s, solves routine and non-routine problems compares using relation symbol and compares the following unit of measures:
50s, and 100s. involving subtraction of whole numbers arranges in increasing or decreasing order a. length in meters or centimeters
including money with minuends up to 1000 the unit fractions. b. mass in gramsor kilograms
using appropriate problem solving c. capacity in mL or L
strategies and tools.
reads and writes numbers up to 1 000 in performs orders of operations involving identifies other fractions less than one with measures objects using appropriate
symbols and in words addition and subtractions of small numbers denominators 10 and below measuring tools and unit of length in m or
visualizes and writes three-digit numbers in solves multi-step routine and non-routine visualizes (using group of objects and estimates and measures length using
expanded form. problems involving addition and subtraction number line), reads and writes similar meter or centimeter
of 2-to 3-digit numbers including money fractions
using appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools.
compares numbers up using relation illustrates and writes a related equation for compares similar fractions using relation solves routine and non-routine problems
symbols and orders numbers up to 1 000 in each type of multiplication: repeated symbols. involving length.
increasing or decreasing order. addition, array, counting by multiples, and
equal jumps on the number line
Identifies, reads and writes ordinal illustrates the following properties of arranges similar fractions in increasing or measures objects using appropriate
numbers from 1st through the 20th object multiplication and apply each in relevant decreasing order. measuring tools and measuring units in g
in a given set from a given point of situation: (a) identity,(b) zero, and, (c) or kg.
reference. commutative.
reads and writes money in symbols and in visualizes multiplication of numbers 1 to 10 constructs squares, rectangles, triangles, solves routine and non-routine problems
words through PhP100. by 2,3,4,5 and10. circles, half-circles, and quarter circles using data presented in pictograph without
using cut-outs and square grids. scales
counts the value of a set of bills or a set of multiplies mentally 2,3,4,5 and 10 using identifies straight lines and curves, flat and estimates and measures mass using gram
coins through PhP100 (peso-coins only; appropriate strategies. curved surfaces in a 3-dimensional object. or kilogram
centavo-coins only; peso-bills only and
combined peso-coins and peso-bills).
compares values of different solves routine and non-routine problems determines the missing term/s in a given solves routine and non-routine problems
denominations of coins and paper bills using appropriate problem solving continuous pattern using two attributes involving mass
through PhP100 using relation symbols. strategies and tools: (any two of the following: figures, numbers,
a. multiplication of whole numbers colors, sizes, and orientations, etc.) e.g. 1,
including money A, 2,B,3,C,__,__
b. multiplication and addition or subtraction
of whole numbers including money
illustrates the properties of addition measures objects using appropriate
(commutative, associative, identity) and measuring tools in mL or L
applies each in appropriate and relevant
visualizes, represents, and adds the finds the area of a given figure using
following numbers with sums up to 1000 square-tile units i.e. number of square-tiles
without and with regrouping: needed
a. 2-digit by 3-digit numbers
b. 3-digit by 3-digit numbers
adds mentally the folllowiig numbers using estimates the area of a given figure using
appropriate strategies: any shape.
a. 1-to 2-digit numbers with sums up to 50
b. 3-digit numbers and 1-digit numbers
c. three -digit numbers and tens (multiples solves routine and non-routine problems
of 10 up to 90) involving any figure using square tiles.
d. 3-digit numbers and hundreds (multiples
of 100 up to 900)
solves routine and non-routine problems infers and interprets data presented in a
involving addition of whole numbers pictograph without and with scales.
including money with sums up to 1000
using appropriate problem solving solves routine and non-routine problems
strategies and tools using data presented in a pictograph
without and with scales


visualizes numbers up to 10 000 with visualizes multiplication of numbers 1 to 10 identifies odd and even numbers. visualizes, represents, and converts time
emphasis on numbers 1001 -10000. by 6,7,8 and 9. measure:
a. from seconds to minutes, minutes to
hours, and hours to a day and vice versa
b. days to week, month and year and vice
c. weeks to months and year and vice
d. months to year and vice versa.
gives the place value and value of a digit in visualizes and states basic multiplication visualizes and represents fractions that are solves problems involving conversion of
4-to 5-digit numbers facts for numbers up to 10 equal to one and greater than one using time measure
regions,, sets and number line..
reads and writes numbers up to 10 000 in Illustrates the properties of multiplication in reads and writes fractions that are equal to visualizes, and represents, and converts
symbols and in words relevant situations (commutative property, one and greater than one in symbols and in common units of measure from larger to
distributive property or associative words smaller unit and vice versa: meter and
property) centimeter, kilogram and gram, liter and
rounds numbers to the nearest ten, multiplies numbers: Represents, compares and arranges visualizes, and represents, and solves
hundred and thousand.. a.2-to 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers dissimilar fractions in increasing or routine and non-routine problems involving
without or with regrouping decreasing order conversions of common units of measure.
b.2-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers
without regrouping
c.2-digit number by 2-digit numbers with
d.2-to 3-digit numbers by multiples of 10
and 100
e.1-to 2-digit numbers by 1 000
compares using relation symbols and estimates the product of 2-to 3-digit visualizes and generates equivalent solves routine and non-routine problems
orders in increasing or decreasing order 4- numbers and 1-to 2-digit numbers with fractions involving capacity measure.
to 5-digit numbers up to 10 000 reasonable results
identifies ordinal numbers from 1st to multiplies mentally 2-digit by 1-digit recognizes and draws a point, line, line visualizes, and represents, and measures
100thwith emphasis on the 21stto numbers without regrouping with products segment and ray. area using appropriate unit.
100thobject in a given set from a given of up to 100.
point of reference
recognizes, reads and writes money in solves routine and non-routine problems recognizes and draws parallel, intersecting solves routine and non-routine problems
symbols and in words through PhP1 000 in involving multiplication without or with and perpendicular lines involving areas of squares and rectangles.
pesos and centavos addition and subtraction of whole numbers
including money using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools
compares values of the different visualizes and states the multiples of 1-to visualizes, identifies and draws congruent collects data on one variable using existing
denominations of coins and bills through 2-digit numbers. line segments. records.
PhP1 000 using relation symbols
adds 3-to 4-digit numbers up to three visualizes division of numbers up to 100 by identifies and visualizes symmetry in the sorts, classifies, and organizes data in
addends with sums up to 10 000 without 6,7,8,and 9 (multiplication table of 6, 7, 8, environment and in design. tabular form and presents this into a
and with regrouping and 9) vertical or horizontal bar graph
estimates the sum of 3-to 4-digit addends visualizes and states basic division facts of identifies and draws the line of symmetry in infers and interprets data presented in
with reasonable results. numbers up to 10. a given symmetrical figure different kinds of bar graphs (vertical/
adds mentally the following numbers using divides numbers without or with remainder: completes a symmetric figure with respect solves routine and non-routine problems
appropriate strategies: a.2-to 3-digit numbers by 1-to 2-digit to a given line of symmetry using data presented in a single-bar graph.
a.2-digit and 1-digit numbers without or numbers
with regrouping b.2-3 digit numbers by 10 and 100
b.2-to 3-digit numbers with multiples of
solves routine and non-routine problems estimates the quotient of 2-to 3-digit Determines the missing term/s in a given tells whether an event is sure, likely,
involving addition of whole numbers with numbers by 1-to 2-digit numbers. combination of continuous and repeating equally likely, unlikely, and impossible to
sums up to 10 000 including money using pattern.e.g. 4A,5B, 6A,7B,__1 2 3 4 __ happen.
appropriate problem solving strategies and
subtracts 3-to 4-digit numbers from 3-to 4- divides mentally 2-digit numbers by 1-digit finds the missing value in a number describes events in real-life situations using
digit numbers without and with regrouping. numbers without remainder using sentence involving multiplication or division the phrases “sure to happen,“ likely to
appropriate strategies of whole numbers. happen”, “equally likely to happen”,
estimates the difference of two numbers e.g. n x 7 = 5656 ÷ n = 8 “unlikely to happen”, and “impossible to
with three to four digits with reasonable happen”
subtracts mentally the following numbers solves routine and non-routine problems
using appropriate strategies: involving division of 2-to 4-digitnumbers by
a.1-to 2-digit numbers without and with 1-to 2-digit numbers without or with any of
regrouping the other operations of whole numbers
b.2-to 3-digit numbers with multiples of including money using appropriate problem
hundreds without and with regrouping solving strategies and tools.
solves routine and non-routine problems
involving subtraction without or with
addition of whole numbers including money
using appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools.


visualizes numbers up to 100 000 with identifies factors of a given number up to describes and draws parallel, intersecting, finds the area of irregular figures made up
emphasis on numbers 10 001–100 000 100. and perpendicular lines using ruler and set of squares and rectangles using sq. cm
square. and sq. m.
gives the place value and value of a digit in identifies the multiples of a given number describes and illustrates different angles finds the area of triangles, parallelograms
numbers up to 100 000. up to 100. (right, acute, and obtuse) using models and trapezoids using sq. cm and sq. m.
reads and writes numbers, in symbols and differentiates prime from composite describes the attributes/properties of finds the volume of a rectangular prism
in words, up to hundred thousand and numbers. triangles and quadrilaterals using concrete using cu. cm and cu. m
compare them using relation symbols objects or models
rounds numbers to the nearest thousand writes a given number as a product of its identifies and describes triangles according solves routine and non-routine problems
and ten thousand prime factors to sides and angles. involving the volume of a rectangular prism.
orders numbers up to 100 000 in finds the common factors, greatest identifies and describes the different kinds collects data on two variables using any
increasing or decreasing order common factor (GCF), common multiples of quadrilaterals: square, rectangle, source.
and least common multiple (LCM) of two parallelogram, trapezoid, and rhombus.
numbers using the following methods:
listing, prime factorization, and continuous
multiplies numbers up to 3-digit numbers solves real-life problems involving GCF and relates triangles to quadrilaterals organizes data in tabular form and presents
by up to 2-digit numbers without or with LCM of 2 given numbers. them in a single/double horizontal or
regrouping vertical bar graph.
estimates the products of 3-to 4-digit changes improper fraction to mixed Relates one quadrilateral to another interprets data presented in different kinds
numbers by 2-to 3-digit numbers with numbers and vice versa quadrilateral (e.g. square to rhombus). of bar graphs (vertical/horizontal,
reasonable results single/double bars)
multiplies mentally 2-digit by 1-to 2-digit changes fractions to lowest forms. Determines the missing term/s in a solves routine and non-routine problems
numbers with products up to 200 and sequence of numbers (e.g. odd numbers, using data presented in a single or double-
explains the strategies used even numbers, multiples of a number, bar graph
factors of a number, etc.)e.g.
3,6,9,__4,8,12,16,__ (e.g. odd numbers,
even numbers, multiples of a number,
factors of a number, etc.)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ____
solves routine and non-routine problems visualizes addition and subtraction of finds the missing number in an equation draws inferences based on data presented
involving multiplication of whole numbers similar and dissimilar fractions involving properties of operations. (e.g. in a double-bar graph
including money using appropriate problem (4+__ ) + 8 = 4 + ( 5 + __)
solving strategies and tools.
divides 3-to 4-digit numbers by 1-to 2-digit visualizes subtraction of a fraction from a finds the elapsed time in minutes and records favorable outcomes in a simple
numbers without and with remainder. whole number. seconds. experiment (e.g. tossing a coin, spinning a
wheel, etc.)
divides mentally 2-to 4-digit numbers by performs addition and subtraction of similar estimates the duration of time in minutes expresses the outcome in a simple
tens or hundreds or by 1 000 without and and dissimilar fractions experiment in words, symbols, tables, or
with remainder. graphs.
estimates the quotient of 3-to 4-digit solves routine and non-routine problems solves problems involving elapsed time explains the outcomes in an experiment.
dividends by 1-to 2-digit divisors with involving addition and/or subtraction of
reasonable results. fractions using appropriate problem solving visualizes the perimeter of any given plane
strategies and tools figure in different situations.
solves routine and non-routine problems visualizes decimal numbers using models measures the perimeter of any given figure solves routine and non-routine problems
involving division of 3-to 4-digit numbers by like blocks, grids, number lines and money using appropriate tools involving a simple experiment.
1-to 2-digit numbers including money using to show the relationship to fractions
appropriate problem solving strategies and
solves multi-step routine and non-routine renames decimal numbers to fractions, and finds the perimeter of triangles, squares,
problems involving division and any of the fractions whose denominators are factors rectangles, parallelograms, and trapezoids.
other operations of whole numbers of 10 and 100 to decimals
including money using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools. solves routine and non-routine problems in
gives the place value and the value of a real-life situations involving perimeter of
performs a series of two or more digit of a given decimal number through squares and rectangles, triangles,
operations applying Multiplication, Division, hundredths. parallelograms, and trapezoids.
Addition, Subtraction (MDAS) correctly.
differentiates perimeter from area.
reads and writes decimal numbers through

converts sq. cm to sq. m and vice versa.

rounds decimal numbers to the nearest
whole number and tenth

compares and arranges decimal numbers



uses divisibility rules for 2, 5, and 10 to find gives the place value and the value of a visualizes percent and its relationship to finds the area of a given circle
the common factors of numbers. digit of a given decimal number through ten fractions, ratios, and decimal numbers
thousandths. using models.
uses divisibility rules for 3, 6, and 9 to find reads and writes decimal numbers through describes and illustrates different angles solves routine and non-routine problems
common factors. ten thousandths (right, acute, and obtuse) using models involving the area of a circle
uses divisibility rules for 4, 8, 12, and 11 to rounds decimal numbers to the nearest defines percentage, rate or percent, and visualizes the volume of a cube and
find common factors. hundredth and thousandth. base. rectangular prism.
solves routine and non-routine problems compares and arranges decimal numbers identifies the base, percentage, and rate in names the appropriate unit of measure
involving factors, multiples, and divisibility a problem. used for measuring the volume of a cube
rules for 2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11, and 12. and a rectangle prism.
Performs a series of more than two adds and subtracts decimal numbers finds the percentage in a given problem. converts cu. cm to cu. m and vice versa;
operations on whole numbers applying through thousandths without and with to L and vice versa
Parenthesis, Multiplication, Division, regrouping.
Addition, Subtraction (PMDAS) or
Grouping, Multiplication, Division, Addition,
Subtraction (GMDAS) correctly.
finds the common factors, GCF, common Solves routine or non-routine problems solves routine and non-routine problems finds the volume of a given cube and
multiples and LCM of 2–4 numbers using involving addition and subtraction of involving percentage using appropriate rectangular prism using cu. cm and cu. m.
continuous division. decimal numbers including money using strategies and tools
appropriate problem solving strategies and
solves real-life problems involving GCF and multiplies decimals up to 2 decimal places visualizes, names, describes and draws estimates and uses appropriate units of
LCM of 2-3 given numbers. by 1-to 2-digit whole numbers. polygons with 5 or more sides. measure for volume.
adds and subtracts fractions and mixed multiplies decimals with factors up to 2 describes and compares properties of solves routine and non-routine problems
fractions without and with regrouping. decimal places polygons (regular and irregular polygons). involving volume of a cube and rectangular
prism in real-life situations using
appropriate strategies and tools.
solves routine and non-routine problems estimates the products of decimal numbers visualizes congruent polygons. reads and measures temperature using
involving addition and/or subtraction of with reasonable results thermometer (alcohol and/or digital) in
fractions using appropriate problem solving degree Celsius.
strategies and tools.
visualizes multiplication of fractions using solves routine and non-routine problems identifies the terms related to a circle solves routine and non-routine problems
models. involving multiplication without or with involving temperature in real-life situations
addition or subtraction of decimals and organizes data in tabular form and presents
whole numbers including money using draws circles with different radii using a them in a line graph.
appropriate problem solving strategies and compass.
multiplies a fraction and a whole number divides decimals with up to 2 decimal visualizes and describes solid figures. interprets data presented in different kinds
and another fraction. places. of line graphs (single to double-line graph).
multiplies mentally proper fractions with divides whole numbers with quotients in makes models of different solid figures: solves routine and non-routine problems
denominators up to 10. decimal form. cube, prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone, and using data presented in a line graph.
sphere using plane figures.
solves routine or non-routine problems solves routine and non-routine problems formulates the rule in finding the next term draws inferences based on data presented
involving multiplication without or with involving division without or with any of the in a sequence. e.g. 1, 3, 7,15, (15 x 2+1) in a line graph
addition or subtraction of fractions and other operations of decimals and whole Possible answers: (x 2 + 1) (+2, +4, +8,
whole numbers using appropriate problem numbers including money using +16)
solving strategies and tools. appropriate problem solving strategies and
shows that multiplying a fraction by its visualizes the ratio of 2 given numbers uses different strategies (looking for a describes experimental probability
reciprocal is equal to 1. pattern, working backwards, etc.) to solve
identifies and writes equivalent ratios. for the unknown in simple equations performs an experimental probability and
involving one or more operations on whole records result by listing.
visualizes division of fractions. Expresses ratios in their simplest forms. numbers and fractions. e.g. 3 x _ + 1 = 10
(the unknown is solved by working
backwards) analyzes data obtained from chance using
divides simple fractions and whole finds the missing term in a pair of experiments involving letter cards (A to Z)
numbers by a fraction and vice versa equivalent ratios measures time using a 12-hour and a 24- and number cards (0 to 20)
hour clock.
defines and describes a proportion.
solves routine or non-routine problems calculates time in the different world time solves routine and non-routine problems
involving division without or with any of the recognizes when two quantities are in zones in relation to the Philippines. involving experimental probability.
other operations of fractions and whole direct proportion.
numbers using appropriate problem solving solves problems involving time
strategies and tools
visualizes circumference of a circle

measures circumference of a circle using

appropriate tools

finds the circumference of a circle

solves routine and non-routine problems

involving circumference of a circle.



adds and subtracts simple fractions and expresses one value as a fraction of visualizes and describes the different solid determines the relationship of the volume
mixed numbers without or with regrouping another given their ratio and vice versa. figures: cube, prism, pyramid, cylinder, between a rectangular prism and a
cone, and sphere using various concrete pyramid; a cylinder and a cone; and a
and pictorial models. cylinder and sphere.
solves routine and non-routine problems defines and illustrates the meaning of ratio differentiates solid figures from plane finds the volume of cylinders, pyramids,
involving addition and/or subtraction of and proportion using concrete or pictorial figures cones, and spheres
fractions using appropriate problem solving models.
strategies and tools.
multiplies simple fractions and mixed finds a missing term in a proportion (direct, identifies the faces of a solid figure solves routine and non-routine problems
fractions. inverse, and partitive) involving volumes of solids.
solves routine or non-routine problems solves problems involving direct proportion, formulates the rule in finding the nth term reads and interprets electric and water
involving multiplication without or with partitive proportion, and inverse proportion using different strategies (looking for a meter readings.
addition or subtraction of fractions and in different contexts such as distance, rate, pattern, guessing and checking, working
mixed fractions using appropriate problem and time using appropriate strategies and backwards) e.g. 4,7,13,16,...n(the nth term
solving strategies and tools. tools. is 3n+1)
divides simple fractions and mixed finds the percentage or rate or percent in a differentiates expression from equation solves routine and non-routine problems
fractions. given problem. involving electric and water consumption.
solves routine or non-routine problems solves routine and non-routine problems gives the translation of real-life verbal constructs a pie graph based on a given
involving division without or with any of the involving finding the percentage, rate and expressions and equations into letters or set of data and interpret it.
other operations of fractions and mixed base using appropriate strategies and symbols and vice versa
fractions using appropriate problem solving tools.
strategies and tools
adds and subtracts decimals and mixed solves percent problems such as percent defines a variable in an algebraic solves routine and non-routine problems
decimals through ten thousandths without of increase/decrease (discounts, original expression and equation using data presented in a pie graph.
or with regrouping price, rate of discount, sale price, marked-
up price), commission, sales tax, and
simple interest.
adds and subtracts fractions and mixed describes the exponent and the base in a represents quantities in real-life situations describes the meaning of probability such
fractions without and with regrouping. number expressed in exponential notation. using algebraic expressions and equations as 50% chance of rain and one in a million
chance of winning.
solves 1 or more steps routine and non- gives the value of numbers expressed in solves routine and non-routine problems performs experiments and records
routine problems involving addition and/or exponential notation involving different types of numerical outcomes.
subtraction of decimals and mixed expressions and equations such as 7+ 9
decimals using appropriate problem solving =___ + 6.
strategies and tools
multiplies decimals and mixed decimals interprets and explains the Grouping, calculates speed, distance, and time. Makes listings and diagrams of outcomes
with factors up to 2 decimal places. Exponent, Multiplication, Division, Addition, and tells the number of favorable outcomes
Subtraction (GEMDAS) rule. solves problems involving average rate and and chances using these listings and
multiplies mentally decimals up to 2 speed diagrams.
decimals places by 0.1, 0.01,10, and 100.
solves multi-step problems involving performs two or more different operations finds the area of composite figures formed makes simple predictions of events based
multiplication and addition or subtraction of on whole numbers with or without by any two or more of the following: on the results of experiments
decimals, mixed decimals and whole exponents and grouping symbols triangle, square, rectangle, circle, and
numbers including money using semi-circle
appropriate problem solving strategies and describe the set of integers and identify
tools. real-life situations that make use of it.
divides: compares integers with other numbers solves routine and non-routine problems solves routine and non-routine problems
a. whole numbers by decimals up to 2 such as whole numbers, fractions, and involving area of composite figures formed involving experimental and theoretical
decimal places and vice versa decimals. by any two or more of the following: probability.
b. decimals/mixed decimals up to 2 decimal triangle, square, rectangle, circle, and
places compares and arranges integers on the semi-circle
number line
divides decimals: describes and interprets the basic visualizes and describes surface area and
a.up to 4 decimal places by 0.1, 0.01, and operations on integers using materials names the unit of measure used for
0.001 such as algebra tiles, counters, chips, and measuring the surface area of solid/space
b.up to 2 decimal places by 10, 100, and 1 cards. figures.
000 mentally
differentiates terminating from repeating, performs the basic operations on integers. finds the surface area of cubes, prisms,
non-terminating decimal quotients pyramids, cylinders, cones, and spheres.

solves routine and non-routine problems solves routine and non-routine problems
involving division of decimals, mixed involving basic operations of integers using solves word problems involving
decimals, and whole numbers including appropriate strategies and tools measurement of surface area
money using appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools.

solves multi-step routine and non-routine

problems involving division and any of the
other operations of decimals, mixed
decimals, and whole numbers including
money using appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools.



identify the difference between sound and identifies the pitch of a tone as high or low Relates the source of sound with different demonstrates the basic concepts of tempo
silence accurately body movements e.g. wind, wave, swaying through movements (fast or slow)
of the trees, animal sounds, or sounds
produced by man-made devices or
elates images to sound and silence within sings simple melodic patterns ( so –mi, mi Produces sounds with different timbre uses body movements or dance steps to
a rhythmic pattern –so, mi –re-do) using a variety of local materials respond to varied tempo -slow movement
with slow music-fast movement with fast
Performs steady beat and accurate rhythm sings the melody of a song with the correct identifies volume changes from sound uses varied tempo to enhance poetry,
through clapping, tapping chanting, walking pitch e g. greeting songs, counting songs, samples using the terms loud and soft chants, drama, and musical stories
and playing musical instruments in or action songs
response to sound
oin groupings of 2s
oin groupings of 3s
oin groupings of 4s
creates simple ostinato patterns in identifies similar or dissimilar musical lines relates the concepts of dynamics to the demonstrates awareness of texture by
groupings of 2s, 3s, and 4s through body movements of animals e.g. big identifying sounds that are solo or with
movements animals/movement = loud; small other sounds.
animals/movement = soft
identifies the beginning, ending, and applies the concept of dynamic levels to distinguishes single musical line and
repeated parts of a recorded music sample enhance poetry, chants, songs, drama or multiple musical lines which occur
musical stories simultaneously in a given song
Performs songs with the knowledge when sings two-part round songs e.g.
to start, stop, repeat or end the song. Are You Sleeping, Brother John?
Row, Row, Row Your Boa
explains that ART is all around and is identifies colors, both in natural and man- differentiates between a print and a differentiates between 2-dimensional and
created by different people made objects, seen in the surrounding drawing or painting 3-dimensional artwork and states the
identifies different lines, shapes, texture discusses the landscape that the learner describes the shape and texture of prints identifies the different materials that can be
used by artists in drawing and that others painted made from objects found in nature and used in creating a 3-dimensional object:2.1
man-made objects and from the artistically clay or wood (human or animal figure)2.2
designed prints in his artworks and in the bamboo (furniture, bahay kubo)2.3
artworks of others softwood (trumpo)2.4 paper, cardboard,
(masks)2.5 found material (parol,
uses different drawing tools or materials creates a design inspired by Philippine creates a print by applying dyes on his selects 3D objects that are well
-pencil, crayons, piece of charcoal, stick-on flowers or objects found in school finger or palm or any part of the body and proportioned, balanced and show
different papers, sinamay, leaves, tree pressing it to the paper, cloth, wall, etc. to emphasis in design
bark, and other local materials to create his create impression
drawing about oneself, one’s family, home,
and school
draws different kinds of plants showing a paints a home/school landscape or design creates a print by rubbing pencil or crayon describes the creativity of local and
variety of shapes, lines and color choosing specific colors to create a certain on paper placed on top of a textured indigenous craftsmen and women who
feeling or mood objects from nature and found objects created artistic and useful things out of
recycled materials like the parol,
maskara,local toys, masks
appreciates and talks about the landscape stencil a design (in recycled paper, plastic, creates a useful 3D object: a pencil holder,
he painted and the landscapes of others cardboard, leaves, and other materials) bowl, container, using recycled materials
and prints on paper, cloth, sinamay, bark, like plastic bottles
or a wall
narrates experiences in experimenting constructs a mask out of cardboard, glue,
different art materials found materials, bilao,paper plate, string,
seeds and other found materials for a
celebration like the Maskara Festival of
participates in school/district exhibit and utilizes masks in simple role play or skit
culminating activity in celebration of the
National Arts Month (February
creates mobiles out of recyclable materials
such as cardboards, papers, baskets,
leaves, strings and other found materials
creates human figures out of clay, flour-salt
mixture, or paper-mache using different
Creates shapes by using different body Moves within a group without bumping or Demonstrates the difference between slow Demonstrates relationship of movement
parts falling using locomotors skills and fast, heavy and light, free and bound
Shows balance on one, two, three, four Executes locomotor skills while moving in Demonstrates contrast between slow and Performs jumping over a stationary object
and five body parts different directions at different spatial levels fast speeds while using locomotor skills several times in succession, using forward-
and-back and side-to-side movement
Exhibits transfer of weigh Engages in fun and enjoyable physical Engages in fun and enjoyable physical Engages in fun and enjoyable physical
activities with coordination activities activities
Engages in fun and enjoyable physical Demonstrates the characteristics of sharing Follows simple instructions and rules
activities with coordination and cooperating in physical activities
Suggested learning activities
⮚action songs
⮚singing games
⮚simple games
⮚chasing and fleeing games
distinguishes healthful from less healthful identifies proper behavior during mealtime describes the characteristics of a healthful identifies situations when it is appropriate
foods home environment to ask for assistance from strangers
tells the consequences of eating less demonstrates proper hand washing discusses the effect of clean water on gives personal information, such as name
healthful foods one’s health and address to appropriate persons
practices good decision making exhibited realizes the importance of washing hands discusses how to keep water at home identifies appropriate persons to ask for
in eating habits that can help one become clean assistance
practices habits of keeping the body clean practices water conservation demonstrates ways to ask for help
& healthy
realizes the importance of practicing good explains the effect of indoor air on one’s follows rules at home and in school.
health habits health
identifies sources of indoor air pollution observes safety rules with stray or strange
practices ways to keep indoor air clean describes what may happen if safety rules
are not followed
explains the effect of a home environment describes ways people can be intentionally
to the health of the people living in it helpful or harmful to one another
demonstrates how to keep the home practices ways to protect oneself against
environment healthful violent or unwanted behaviors of others



relates visual images to sound and silence identifies the pitch of tones as: high (so), replicates different sources of sounds with follows the correct tempo of a song
using quarter note , beamed eighth notes low (mi); higher (la); lower (re) body movements including tempo changes
and quarter rest in a rhythmic pattern
maintains a steady beat when replicating a responds to ranges of pitch through body identifies the common musical instruments distinguishes “slow,” “slower,” “fast,” and
simple series of rhythmic movements, singing, or playing instruments by their sounds and image “faster” in recorded music
patterns (e.g. echo clapping, walking, sings children's songs with accurate pitch recognizes the difference between identifies musical texture with recorded
tapping, chanting, and playing musical speaking and singing music
instruments) -melody with solo instrument or voice
-single melody with accompaniment
-two or more melodies sung or played
together at the same time
reads stick notations in rhythmic patterns demonstrates the beginning, ending and performs songs with appropriate vocal or distinguishes between single musical line
with measures of 2s, 3s and 4s repeats of a song with -movements -vocal sound quality (from available instruments) and multiple musical lines which occur
sounds -instrumental sounds simultaneously
writes stick notations to represent the identifies musical lines as-similar-dissimilar distinguishes the dynamics of a song or distinguishes between thinness and
heard rhythmic patterns music sample thickness of musical sound in recorded or
performed music
creates simple ostinato patterns in creates melodic or rhythmic introduction uses the words “loud”, “louder”, “soft” and
measures of 2s, 3s, and 4s with body and ending of songs “softer” to identify variations in volume
Performs songs with appropriate dynamics
describes the different styles of Filipino describes the lines, shapes, colors, differentiates natural and man-made discusses the artistry of different local
artists when they create portraits and still textures, and designs seen in the skin objects with repeated or alternated shapes craftsmen in creating:1.1 taka of different
life (different lines and colors) coverings of different animals and sea and colors and materials that can be used animals and figures in Paete, Laguna1.2
creatures using visual arts words and in print making sarangola or kites 1.3 banca, native boats
actions. from Cavite, and coastal towns
differentiates the contrast between shapes designs with the use of drawing and creates a consistent pattern by making two Answer a brief diagnostic assessment on
and colors of different fruits or plants and painting materials the sea or forest animals or three prints that are repeated or giving value and importance to the
flowers in one’s work and in the work of in their habitats showing their unique alternated in shape or color craftmanship of local artists.
others shapes and features, variety of colors and carves a shape or letter on an eraser or identifies 3-dimensional crafts found in the
textures in their skin kamote, which can be painted and printed locality giving emphasis on their shapes,
several times textures, proportion and balance
draws the different fruits or plants to show creates designs by using two or more kinds creates a print on paper or cloth using cut- executes the steps in making a paper
overlapping of shapes and the contrast of of lines, colors and shapes by repeating or out designs mache with focus on proportion and
colors and shapes in his colored drawing contrasting them, to show rhythm balance
draws from an actual still life arrangement uses control of the painting tools and participates in a school/district exhibit and creates a clay human figure that is
materials to paint the different lines, culminating activity in celebration of the balanced and can stand on its own
shapes and colors in his work or in a group National Arts Month (February)
draws a portrait of two or more persons design an outline of a tricycle or jeepney on
-his friends, his family, showing the a big paper with lines and shapes that
differences in the shape of their facial show repetition, contrast and rhythm
features (shape of eyes, nose, lips, head,
and texture of the hair
narrates stories related to the output
Creates body shapes and actions
Demonstrates momentary stillness in Describes movements in a location, Moves: at slow, slower, slowest/fast, faster, Moves: individually, with partner, and with
symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes direction, level, pathway and plane fastest pace using light, lighter, group with ribbon, hoop, balls, and any
using body parts other than both feet as a lightest/strong, stronger, strongest force available indigenous/improvised materials,
base of support with smoothness with sound, in indoor and outdoor settings
Demonstrates movement skills in response Moves in: Demonstrates movement skills in response Demonstrates movement skills in response
to sound and music ⮚personal and general space to sound and music to sound
⮚forward, backward, and sideward
⮚high, middle, and low levels
⮚straight, curve, and zigzag path ways
diagonal and horizontal planes
Engages in fun and enjoyable physical Demonstrates movement skills in response Engages in fun and enjoyable physical Engages in fun and enjoyable physical
activities to sounds and music activities activities
Engages in fun and enjoyable physical Maintains correct body posture and body
activities mechanics while performing movement
Maintains correct posture and body
mechanics while performing movement
states that children have the right to describes ways of caring for the eyes, ears, describes healthy habits of the family discusses one’s right and responsibilities
nutrition (Right of the child to nutrition nose, hair and skin in order to avoid for safety
Article 24 of the UN Rights of the Child) common childhood health conditions
discusses the important function of food describes ways of caring for the demonstrates good family health habits identifies hazardous areas at home
and a balanced meal mouth/teeth and practices
considers Food Pyramid and Food Plate in displays self-management skills in caring explains the benefits of healthy identifies hazardous household products
making food choices for the sense organs expressions of feelings that are harmful if ingested, or inhaled, and
if touched especially electrical appliances
displays good decision-making skills in expresses positive feelings in appropriate recognizes warning labels that identify
choosing the right kinds of food to eat ways harmful things and substances
demonstrates positive ways of expressing explains rules for the safe use of household
negative feelings, such as anger, fear, or chemicals
displays respect for the feelings of others follows rules for home safety
practices safety rules during school



* relates images with sound and silence identifies the pitch of a tone as: recognizes musical instruments through applies correct tempo and tempo changes
using quarter note , beamed eighth note , -high –higher sound by following basic conducting gestures
half note , quarter rest and half rest within a -moderately high –higher-moderately
rhythmic pattern low –lower-low –lower
maintains a steady beat when replicating a matches the correct pitch of tones uses the voice and other sources of sound distinguishes among fast, moderate, and
simple series of rhythmic patterns in -with the voice to produce a variety of timbres slow in music
measures of 2s, 3s, and 4s (e.g. echo -with an instrument
clapping, walking, marching, tapping,
chanting, dancing the waltz, or playing
musical instruments)
plays simple ostinato patterns (continually recreates simple patterns and contour of a distinguishes “loud,” “medium,” and “soft” in performs songs with appropriate tempo
repeated musical phrase or rhythm) with melody music (use songs from the locality)
classroom instruments and other sound
creates continually repeated musical identifies the beginning, middle, ending and responds to conducting gestures of the distinguishes between thinness and
phrase or rhythm in measures of 2s, 3s, repetitions within a song or music sample teacher for “loud” and “soft” thickness of musical sound
and 4s
identifies musical lines as applies varied dynamics to enhance poetry, demonstrates the concept of texture by
-similar chants, drama, songs and musical stories singing “partner songs” (local or foreign
-same song samples)
-different 1.“Leron, Leron Sinta”
3.“It’s A Small World”
4.“He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands
performs songs with accurate pitch from
beginning to end including repetitions
distinguishes the size of persons in the Discusses the concept that there is Discusses the concept that a print made identifies different styles of puppets made
drawing, to indicate its distance from the harmony in nature as seen in thecolor of from objects found in nature can be in the Philippines (form Teatro Mulat and
viewer landscapes at different times of the realistic or abstract Anino Theater Group)
dayEx:1.1 landscapes of Felix Hidalgo,
Fernando Amorsolo, Jonahmar Salvosa1.2
Still’s life of Araceli Dans, Jorge Pineda, explains the importance and variety of discusses the variations of puppets in
Agustin Goy materials used for printing terms of material, structure, shapes, colors
and intricacy of textural details
shows the illusion of space in drawing the Discusses the concept that nature is so Demonstrates the concept that a print creates a puppet designs that would give a
objects and persons in different sizes rich for no two animals have the same design may use repetition of shapes or specific and unique character, with designs
shape, skin covering and color lines and emphasis on contrast of shapes of varied shapes and colors on puppets to
and lines show the unique character of the puppet/s
explains that artist create visual textures by demonstrates how harmony is created in Demonstrates the concept that a print constructs a simple puppet based on a
using a variety of lines and colors an artwork because of complementary design can be duplicated many times by character in a legend, myth or story using
colors and shapes hand or by machine and can be shared recyclable materials and bamboo sticks or
with others twigs
discusses what foreground, middle ground, paints a still life by observing the different explains the meaning of the design created manipulates a puppet to act out a character
and background, are all about in the shapes, color and texture of fruits, drawing in a story together with the puppets
context of a landscape them overlapping and choosing the right
colors for each fruit
describes the way of life of people in the creates new tints and shades of colors by stencils a paper or plastic sheets to be performs as puppeteer together with
cultural community mixing two or more colors used for multiple prints on cloth or hard others, in a puppet show, to tell a story
paper using the puppet he/she created
Creates a geometric design by contrasting paints a landscape at a particular time of writes a slogan about the environment that designs and creates mask or headdress
two kinds of lines in terms of type or size. the day and selects colors that complement correlates messages to be printed on T- with the use of recycled or natural objects
each other to create a mood shirts, posters, banners or bags inspired by best festivals
sketches on-the-spot outside or near the discusses the characteristics of a wild participates in a school/district exhibit and creates a mask or headdress that is
school to draw a plant, flowers or a tree animal by making several pencil sketches culminating activity in celebration of the imaginary in design using found and
showing the different textures and shape of and painting it later, adding texture of its National Arts Month (February) recycled material, inspired by local
each part, using only a pencil or black skin covering Festivals
crayon or ballpen
designs a view of the province/region with appreciates the truism that Filipino artists
houses and buildings indicating the painted landscapes in their own particular
foreground middle ground and background style and can identify what makes each
by the size of the objects artist unique in his use of colors to create
Describes body shapes and actions Describes movements in a location, Describes movements in a location, Participates in various movement activities
direction, level, pathway and plane direction, level, pathway and plane involving person, objects, music and
Performs body shapes and actions Moves in: Moves: ⮚at slow, slower, slowest/fast, Moves:
⮚personal and general space faster, fastest pace using light, lighter, ⮚individually, with partner, and with group
⮚forward, backward, and sideward lightest/strong, stronger, strongest force ⮚with ribbon, hoop, balls, and any
directions with smoothness available indigenous/improvised materials
⮚high, middle, and low levels ⮚with sound in indoor and outdoor settings
⮚straight, curve, and zigzag path ways
diagonal and horizontal planes
Demonstrates movement skills in response Engages in fun and enjoyable physical Demonstrates movement skills in response Demonstrates movement skills in response
to sounds and music activities to sound to sounds and music
Engages in fun and enjoyable physical Engages in fun and enjoyable physical Engages in fun and enjoyable physical
activities activities activities
describes a healthy person identifies common childhood diseases defines a consumer explains road safety practices as a
explains the concept of malnutrition discusses the different risk factors for explain the components of consumer demonstrates road safety practices for
diseases and example of health condition health pedestrian
under each risk factor
identifies nutritional problems explains the effects of common diseases discusses the different factors that explains basic road safety practices as a
influence choice of goods and services passenger
describes the characteristics, signs and explains measures to prevent common describes the skills of a wise consumer demonstrates road safety practices as a
symptoms, effect of the various forms of diseases passenger
discusses ways of preventing the various explains the importance of proper hygiene demonstrates consumer skills for given explains the meaning of traffic signals and
forms of malnutrition and building up one's body resistance in simple situations road signs
the prevention of diseases
discusses the different nutritional demonstrates good self-management and identifies basic consumer rights describes dangerous, destructive, and
guidelines good-decision making-skills to prevent disturbing road situations that need to be
nutritional guidelines for Filipino common diseases practices basic consumer rights when reported to authorities
describes ways of maintaining healthy discusses consumer responsibilities displays self-management skills for road
lifestyle safety.
evaluates one’s lifestyle identifies reliable sources of health identifies hazards in the community
follows safety rules to avoid accidents in
the community
adopts habits for a healthier lifestyle recommends preventive action for a safe



identifies different kinds of notes and rests recognizes the meaning of the G-Clef identifies aurally and visually the uses appropriate musical terms to indicate
(whole, half, quarter, and eighth) (treble clef) introduction and coda(ending) of a musical variations in tempo
piece 1.largo 2.presto
reads different rhythmic patterns identifies the pitch names of the G-clef staff identifies aurally and visually the identifies aurally and visually an ostinato or
including the ledger lines and spaces antecedent and consequent in a musical descant in a music sample
(below middle C) piece
performs rhythmic patterns in time identifies the movement of the melody as:- recognizes similar and contrasting phrases recognizes solo or 2-part vocal or
signatures 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 no movement in vocal and instrumental music instrumental music
-ascending stepwise 1. melodic
-descending stepwise 2. rhythmic
-ascending skipwise
-descending skipwise
uses the bar line to indicate groupings of identifies the highest and lowest pitch in a performs similar and contrasting phrases in identifies harmonic intervals (2 pitches) in
beats in 2/4,3/4, 4/4 given notation of a musical piece to music visual and auditory music samples
determine its range 1. melodic
2. rhythmic
identifies accented and unaccented pulses sings with accurate pitch the simple identifies as vocal or instrumental, a writes samples of harmonic intervals (2
intervals of a melody recording of the following: pitches)
creates simple melodic lines identifies aurally and visually various performs a song with harmonic intervals
musical ensembles in the community (2pitches)
applies dynamics in a simple music score
using the symbols p(piano) and f (forte)
discusses the rich variety of cultural discusses pictures of localities where discusses the texture and characteristics of differentiates textile traditions in other
communities in the Philippines and their different cultural communities live where each material Asian Countries like China, India, Japan,
uniqueness(1.1 LUZON-Ivatan, Ifugao, each group has distinct houses and Indonesia, and in the Philippines in the
Kalkminga, Bontok, Gaddang, practices olden times and presently.
Badjao, Mangyan,Samal, Yakan, Ubanon,
Manobo, Higaonon, Talaandig, Matigsalog, explains the attire and accessories of analyzes how existing ethnic motif designs discusses pictures or actual samples of
Bilaan, T’boli, Tiruray, Mansaka, Tausug) selected cultural communities in the are repeated and alternated different kinds of mat weaving traditions in
and the distinctive characteristics of these country in terms of colors and shapes the Philippines.
cultural communities in terms of attire,
body accessories, religious practices, and
Draws specific clothing, objects, and appreciates the importance of communities demonstrates the process of creating relief discusses the intricate designs of mats
designs of at least one the cultural and their culture. prints and how these relief prints makes woven in the Philippines:3.1 Basey, Samar
communities by applying an indigenous the work more interesting and harmonious buri mats3.2 Iloilo bamban mats3.3
cultural motif into a contemporary design in terms of the elements involved. Badjao&Samal mats3.4 Tawi-tawilaminusa
through crayon etching technique. mats3.5 Romblon buri mats
role plays ideas about the practices of the compares the geographical location, designs ethnic motifs by repeating, explains the steps to produce good tie-dye
different cultural communities. practices, and festivals of the different alternating, or by radials arrangement. designs.
cultural groups in the country.
creates a drawing after close study and paints the sketched landscape using colors creates a relief master or mold using explains the meaning of designs, colors,
observation of one of the cultural appropriate to the cultural community’s additive and subtractive processes. and patterns used in the artworks.
communities’ way of dressing and ways of life.
produces a crayon resist on any of the Tells a story or relates experiences about creates simple, interesting, and creates a small mat using colored buri
topics: the unique design of the houses, cultural communities seen in the harmoniously arranged relief prints from a strips or any material that can be woven,
household objects, practices, or rituals of landscape. clay design showing different designs: squares, checks
one of the cultural groups zigzags, and stripes.
uses crayon resist technique in showing prints reliefs with adequate skill to produce weaves own design similar to the style
different ethnic designs or patterns. clean prints with a particular design motif made by a local ethnic group
(repeated or alternated).
creates the relief mold using found creates original tie-dyed textile design by
material: hard foam; cardboard shapes following the traditional steps in tie-dyeing
glued on wood; strings and buttons, old using one or two colors.
screws, and metal parts glued on wood or
participates in a school/district exhibit and
culminating activity in celebration of the
National Arts Month (February)
Describes the physical activity pyramid Assesses regularly participation in physical Assesses regularly participation in physical Assesses regularly participation in physical
activities based on physical activity pyramid activities based on physical activity activities based on Philippines physical
pyramid activity pyramid
Assesses regularly participation in physical Executes the different skills involved in the Executes the different skills involved in the Observes safety precautions
activities based on physical activity pyramid game dance
Observes safety precautions Recognizes the value of participation in Recognizes the value of participation in Executes the different skills involved in the
physical activities physical activities dance
Executes the different skills involved in the Recognizes the value of participation in
game physical activities
Displays joy of effort, respect for others
and fair play during participation in physical
explains the importance of reading food describes communicable diseases Describes uses of medicines recognizes disasters or emergency
labels in selecting and purchasing foods to situations
analyzes the nutritional value of two or identifies the various disease agents of Differentiates prescription from non- demonstrates proper response before,
more food products by comparing the communicable diseases prescription medicines during, and after a disaster or an
information in their food labels emergency situation
describes ways to keep food clean and enumerates the different elements in the describes the potential dangers associated relates disaster preparedness and proper
safe chain of infection with medicine misuse and abuse response during emergency situations in
preserving lives
discusses the importance of keeping food describes how communicable diseases can describes the proper use of medicines describes appropriate safety measures
clean and safe to avoid disease be transmitted from one person to another. during special events or situations that may
put people at risk
identifies common food-borne diseases demonstrates ways to stay healthy and explains the importance of reading drug describes the dangers of engaging in risky
prevent and control common information and labels, and other ways to behaviors such as use of firecrackers,
communicable diseases ensure proper use of medicines guns, alcohol drinking
describes general signs and symptoms of identifies ways to break the chain of advocates the use of alternatives to
food-borne diseases infection at respective firecrackers and alcohol in celebrating
special events
practices personal habits and
environmental sanitation to prevent and
control common communicable diseases



identifies the kinds of notes and rests in a recognizes the meaning and uses of F-Clef recognizes the design or structure of uses appropriate musical terms to indicate
song on the staff simple musical forms:1.unitary (one variations in dynamics:1.piano (p)2.mezzo
section)2.strophic (same tune with 2 or piano (mp)3.forte(f)4.mezzo forte
more sections and 2 or more verses) (mf)5.crescendo6.decrescendo
recognizes rhythmic patterns using quarter identifies the pitch names of each line and creates a 4-line unitary song uses appropriate musical terminology to
note, half note, dotted half note, dotted space on the F-Clef staff indicate variations in tempo:1.largo
quarter note, and eighth note in simple time 2.presto 3.allegro
signatures 4.moderato 5.andante
6.vivace 7.ritardando
identifies accurately the duration of notes describes the use of the symbols: sharp creates a 4 –line strophic song with 2 describes the texture of a musical piece
and rests in 2/4,3/4, 4/4 time signatures (# ), flat (♭), and natural (♮) sections and 2 verses
creates different rhythmic patterns using recognizes aurally and visually, examples describes the following vocal timbres: performs 3-part rounds and partner songs
notes and rests in time signatures of melodic intervals 1.soprano 2.alto 3.tenor 4.bass
identifies the notes in the C major scale identifies aurally and visually different uses the major triad as accompaniment to
instruments in: simple songs
determines the range of a musical example 1.rondalla
1.wide 2.narrow 2.drum and lyre band
3.bamboo group/ensemble (Pangkat
4.other local indigenous ensembles
reads notes in different scales : Pentatonic creates music using available sound
scale, C major scale, G major scale sources
creates simple melodies

performs his/her own created melody

discusses events, practices, and culture explains the importance of natural and discusses new printmaking technique using identifies the materials used in making3-
influenced by colonizers who have come to historical places in the community that a sheet of thinrubber (used for soles of dimensional crafts which express balance
our country by way of trading have been designated as World Heritage shoes), linoleum, or any soft wood that can and repeated variation of shapes and
Site (e.g., rice terraces in Banawe, Batad; be carved or gouged to create different colors
Paoay Church; Miag-ao Church; landscape lines and textures 1.1 mobile
of Batanes, CallaoCaves in Cagayan; old discusses possible uses of the printed 1.2 papier-mâché jar
houses inVigan, Ilocos Norte; and the artwork 1.3 paper beads
torogan in Marawi)
designs an illusion of depth/distance to explains that artists have different art styles shows skills in creating a linoleum, rubber identifies the different techniques in making
simulate a3-dimensional effect by using in painting landscapes or significant places or wood cut print with the proper use of 3-dimensional crafts2.1 mobile2.2 papier-
crosshatching and shading techniques in in their respective provinces (e.g., Fabian carving tools. mâché jar2.3 paper beads
drawings (old pottery, boats, jars, musical dela Rosa,Fernando Amorsolo, Carlos
instruments) Francisco, Vicente Manansala, Jose
Blanco, VictorioEdades, Juan Arellano,
PrudencioLamarroza, and Manuel
presents via powerpoint the significant presents via powerpoint the artistry of creates variations of the same print by discusses possibilities on the use of
parts of the different architecturaldesigns famous Filipino artists in painting different using different colors of ink in printing the created 3-D crafts.
and artifacts found in the locality. e.g. landscapes and is able to describe what master plate
bahay kubo, torogan, bahay na bato, makes each artist’s masterpiece unique
simbahan, carcel, etc. from others.
explains the importance of artifacts, sketches using complementary colors in follows the step-by-step processof creating applies knowledge of colors, shapes, and
houses, clothes, language, lifestyle painting a landscape a print:6.1 sketching the areas to be carved balance in creating mobiles, papier-mâché
-utensils, food, pottery, furniture -influenced out and areas that will remain6.2 carving jars,and paper beads
by colonizers who have come to our the image on the rubber or wood using
country (Manunggul jar, balanghai, bahay sharp cutting tools6.3 preliminary
na bato, kundiman, Gabaldon schools, rubbing6.4 final inking of the plate with
vaudeville, Spanish-inspired churches). printing ink6.5 placing paper over the plate,
rubbing the back of the paper 6.1
impressing the print6.2 repeating the
process to get several editions of the print
creates illusion of space in 3-dimensional demonstrates skills and knowledge about works with the class to produce a demonstrates artistry in making mobiles
drawings of important archeological foreground, middle ground, and compilation of their prints and create a with varied colors and shapes.
artifacts seen in books, museums (National background to emphasize depth in painting book or calendar which they can give as
Museum and its branches in the a landscape. gifts, sell, or display on the walls of their
Philippines, and in old buildings or school
churches in the community.
creates mural and drawings of the old discusses details of the landscape demonstrates contrast in a carved or creates designs for making 3-dimensional
houses, churches or buildings of his/her significant to the history of the country. textured area in an artwork crafts6.1 mobile6.2 papier-mâché jar6.3
community. paper beads
participates in putting up a mini-exhibit with produces several editions of the same print shows skills in making a papier-mâché ja
labels of Philippine artifacts and houses that are well-inked and evenly printed.
after the whole class completes drawings.
tells something about his/her community as participates in a school/district exhibit and creates paper beads with artistic designs
reflected on his/her artwork culminating activity in celebration of the and varied colors out of old magazines and
National Arts Month (February) colored papers for necklace, bracelet, ID
Assesses regularly participation in physical Assesses regularly participation in physical Assesses regularly participation in physical Assesses regularly participation in physical
activities based on the Philippines physical activities based on the Philippines physical activities based on the Philippines physical activities based on the Philippines physical
activity pyramid activity pyramid activity pyramid activity pyramid
Observes safety precautions Observes safety precautions Observes safety precautions Executes the different skills involved in the
Executes the different skills involved in the Executes the different skills involved in the Executes the different skills involved in the Recognizes the value of participation in
game game dance physical activities
Displays joy of effort, respect for others Displays joy of effort, respect for others Recognizes the value of participation in
and fair play during participation in physical and fair play during participation in physical physical activities
activities activities
describes a mentally, emotionally and Recognizes the changes during Puberty as explains the concept of gateway drugs explains the nature and objectives of first
socially healthy person a normal part of growth and development aid
-Physical Change-Emotional Change
-Social Change
suggests ways to develop and maintain assesses common misconceptions related identifies products with caffeine discusses basic first aid principles
one’s mental and emotional health to puberty in terms of scientific basis and
probable effects on health
recognizes signs of healthy and unhealthy describes the common health issues and describes the general effects of the use demonstrates appropriate first aid for
relationships concerns during puberty and abuse of caffeine, tobacco and alcohol common injuries or conditions
explains how healthy relationships can accepts that most of these concerns are analyzes how the use and abuse of
positively impact health normal consequence of bodily changes caffeine, tobacco and alcohol can
during puberty but one can learn to negatively impact the health of the
manage them individual, the family and the community
discusses ways of managing unhealthy discusses the negative health impact and demonstrates life skills in keeping healthy
relationships ways of preventing major issues such as through the non-use of gateway drugs
early and unwanted pregnancy
discusses the effects of mental, emotional demonstrates ways to manage puberty- follows school policies and national laws
and social health concerns on one’s health related health issues and concerns related to the sale and use of tobacco and
and wellbeing alcohol
demonstrates skills in preventing or practices proper self-care procedures
managing teasing, bullying, harassment or
identifies appropriate resources and people discusses the importance of seeking the
who can help in dealing with mental, advice of professionals/ trusted and reliable
emotional and social, health concerns adults in managing puberty-related health
issues and concerns
differentiates sex from gender

identifies factors that influence gender

identity and gender roles

discusses how family, media, religion,

school and society in general reinforce
gender roles

gives examples of how male and female

gender roles are changing



identifies the values of the notes / rests sings and plays solo or with group, identifies simple musical forms of songs identifies the different tempo in a music
used in a particular song melodies/songs in C Major,G Major, and F from the community:1.binary (AB) -has 2 sample:1.allegro
Major contrasting sections (AB)2.ternary (ABA)- 2.andante
has 3 sections, the third section similar to 3.ritardando
the first; (ABC) –has 3 sections3.rondo 4.accelerando
(ABACA) -has contrasting sections in 5.largo
between repetitions of the A section 6. presto
(ABACA) 7. vivace
differentiates aurally among 2/4,3/4, 4/4 creates simple melodies uses the different repeat marks that are demonstrates the different kinds of tempo
and 6/8 time signatures related to form:1.Da Capo (D.C.) by following tempo marks in a song from
2.Dal Segno (D.S.)3.Al Fine (up to the the community e.g.: “Pandangguhan”
end)4.D.C. al Fine (repeat from the
beginning until the word Fine)5.║:
:║6.┌───┐┌───┐12(ending 1, ending 2)
demonstrates the conducting gestures of sings self-composed melodies describes the instrumental sections of the identifies different textures from music
2/4,3/4, 4/4 and 6/8 time signatures Western orchestra samples 1. Vocala.solo voiceb.solo voice
with accompanimentc.duet, partner songs,
round songs2. Instrumental
creates rhythmic patterns in 2/4,3/4, 4/4 distinguishes various musical ensembles distinguishes monophonic, homophonic,
and 6/8 time signatures seen and heard in the community and polyphonic textures
uses varied dynamics in a song distinguishes the sound of a major chord
performance 1.piano (p)2.mezzo piano from a minor chord
(mp)3.pianissimo (pp)4.forte (f)5.mezzo
forte (mf)6.fortissimo
uses major or minor chords as
accompaniment to simple songs
discusses the concept that art processes, Reviews the concept that art processes, Explains the truism that design principles Discusses the concept that design
elements and principles still apply even elements and principles still apply even still apply for any new design (contrast of principles and elements relates to everyday
with the use of new technologies. with the use of technologies colors, shapes, and lines produces objects
harmony) whether done by hand or
machine (computer).
explains the elements and principles explains the elements and principles Demonstrates understanding that digital explains the elements and principles
applied in commercial art applied in digital art technology has speeded up the printing of applied in product design.
original designs and made it accessible to
many, as emphasized in t-shirts and
poster designs
applies concepts on the use of the software applies concepts on the use of the software applies concepts on the steps/procedure in manifests understanding of concepts on
(commands, menu, etc.). (commands, menu, etc. silkscreen printing the use of software (commands, menu,
creates personal or class logo as visual utilizes art skills using new technologies produces own prints from original design to utilizes art skills in using new technologies
representation that can be used as a (hardware and software) in digital painting silkscreen printing to convey a message or (hardware and software) in package
product, brand, or trademark statement. design.
explains ideas about the logo creates a digital painting similar with the Discusses the concepts and principles of creates an actual 3-D digitally-enhanced
Masters’ (e.g., Van Gogh, Amorsolo,etc.) in photography. product design for a paper bag.
terms of style, theme, etc.
explains the elements and principles discusses the elements and principles discusses the parts and functions of the discusses the elements and principles
applied in comic art. applied in lay outing. camera (point and shoot or phone camera). applied in audio-video art
applies concepts on the steps/procedures applies skills in lay outing and photo editing applies composition skills to produce a creates an audio-video art /animation
in cartoon character making using new technologies (hardware and printed photograph for a simple photo promoting a product
software) in making a poster essay.
creates own cartoon character to entertain, creates an advertisement/commercial or participates in school/district exhibit and
express opinions, ideas, etc announcement poster. culminating activity in celebration of the
National Arts Month (February)
explains ideas about the cartoon character
Assesses regularly participation in physical Assesses regularly participation in physical Assesses regularly participation in physical Assesses regularly participation in physical
activities based on the Philippines physical activities based on the Philippines physical activities based on the Philippines physical activities based on the Philippines physical
activity pyramid activity pyramid activity pyramid activity pyramid
Observes safety precautions Observes safety precautions Observes safety precautions Executes the different skills involved in the
Executes the different skills involved in the Executes the different skills involved in the Executes the different skills involved in the Displays joy of effort, respect for others
game game dance during participation in physical activities
Displays joy of effort, respect for others Displays joy of effort, respect for others Displays joy of effort, respect for others
and fair play during participation in physical and fair play during participation in physical during participation in physical activities
activities activities
describes personal health issues and describes healthy school and community explains how poor environmental sanitation explains the importance of consumer
concerns environments can negatively impact the health of an health
demonstrates self-management skills explains the effect of living in a healthful discusses ways to keep water and air clean explains the different components of
school and community and safe consumer health
explains the importance of undergoing demonstrates ways to build and keep explains the effect of a noisy environment differentiates over-the-counter from
health appraisal procedures school and community environments prescription medicines
regularly undergoes health appraisal practices proper waste management at suggests ways to control/manage noise gives example of over the counter and
procedures home, in school, and in the community pollution prescription medicines
identifies community health resources and advocates environmental protection practices ways to control/manage noise explains the uses of some over the counter
facilities that may be utilized to address a through proper waste management pollution and prescription medicines
variety of personal health issues and
explains the effect of pests and rodents to identifies the common propaganda
ones health techniques used in advertising

practice ways to prevent and control pests analyzes packaging and labels of health
and rodents products

practices good decision making skills in the

selection of health products

discusses ways to protect oneself from

fraudulent health products



God Loves Me God Takes Care of Me God gives Us Jesus Jesus’ Saving Power
Lesson 1 God Speaks to Me Lesson 6 God Provides My Needs Lesson 11 Mary, the Mother of Jesus Lesson 16 Jesus as a Teacher

 Identify the importance of a bible   

 Develop the habit of reading the
Holy Bible and listening to God’s
 Show how you will live out God’s
word in the Holy Bible

Lesson 2 God Gives Me Gift Lesson 7 God Protects Me Lesson 12 Jesus, Our Special Gift Lesson 17 Jesus Works Miracles

 Recognize the gifts given by God to   

 Draw the things that God created
 Value the importance of each gifts
we’ve received by taking good care
of it

Lesson 3 God Creates Me in His Image Lesson 8 God Helps Me Lesson 13 Jesus’ Childhood Lesson 18 Jesus Suffers and Dies

 Know how God created us   

 Appreciate God for creating us
 Use gifts and talents properly

Lesson 4 God gives Me Companion Lesson 9 God Forgives Me Lesson 14 Jesus’ Baptism Lesson 19 Jesus is Alive

 Explain why God created many   

 Show how will you love God and
 Demonstrate/List how will you treat
your family and all the people
around you
Lesson 5 God Makes Me His Steward Lesson 10 God Gives Me Hope Lesson 15 Jesus Gives Life (Story of Lesson Jesus’ Presence in Us
 Name and draw at least 3-5  
creations of God 
 Identify how you are going to take
care of it
 Value the importance of God’s



God Loves Me God Takes Care of Me God gives Us Jesus Jesus’ Saving Power
Lesson 1 God Speaks to Me Lesson 6 God Provides My Needs Lesson 11 Mary, the Mother of Jesus Lesson 16 Jesus as a Teacher

   

Lesson 2 God Gives Me Gift Lesson 7 God Protects Me Lesson 12 Jesus, Our Special Gift Lesson 17 Jesus Works Miracles

   
Lesson 3 God Creates Me in His Image Lesson 8 God Helps Me Lesson 13 Jesus’ Childhood Lesson 18 Jesus Suffers and Dies

   

Lesson 4 God gives Me Companion Lesson 9 God Forgives Me Lesson 14 Jesus’ Baptism Lesson 19 Jesus is Alive

   
Lesson 5 God Makes Me His Steward Lesson 10 God Gives Me Hope Lesson 15 Jesus Gives Life (Story of Lesson Jesus’ Presence in Us
  

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