Melcs Elementary 2020-2021
Melcs Elementary 2020-2021
Melcs Elementary 2020-2021
English 3
English 4
English 5
Fill-out forms accurately (school forms, Compose clear and coherent sentences Distinguish text-types according to purpose Analyze how visual and multimedia
deposit and withdrawal slips, etc.) using appropriate grammatical structures: and features: classification, explanation, elements contribute to the meaning of a
aspects of verbs, modals and conjunction enumeration and time order. text
Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words Identify point-of-view. Summarize various text types based on Write paragraphs showing: cause and
(compound, affixed, blended, clipped) elements. effect, comparison and contrast and
based on given context clues (synonyms, problem-solution relationships.
antonyms, word parts) and other strategies
Use compound and complex sentences to Determine images/ideas that are explicitly Make a stand Write a feature article.
show cause and effect and problem- used to influence viewers: Stereotypes,
solution relationship of ideas. Point of view, Propagandas.
Compose clear and coherent sentences Distinguish among various types of viewing Provide evidence to support opinion/fact. Identify features of Journalistic Writing
using appropriate grammatical structures: materials
subject-verb agreement; kinds of
adjectives; subordinate and coordinate
conjunctions; and adverbs of intensity and
English 6
Identify real or make-believe, fact or non- Distinguish various types of Present a coherent, comprehensive report Compose clear and coherent sentences
fact images. informational/factual text. on differing viewpoints on an issue. using appropriate grammatical structures
(verb tenses, conjunctions, adverbs)
Identify the values suggested in the visual Detect biases and propaganda devices Evaluate narratives based on how the Compose a persuasive essay on self-
media. used by speakers. author developed the elements. selected topic.
Make connections between information Analyze the elements used in print, non-
viewed and personal experiences print, and digital materials.
Visualizes and represents numbers from 0 illustrates addition as “putting together or counts groups of equal quantity using tells the days in a week; months in a year
to 100 using a variety of materials. combining or joining sets” concrete objects up to 50 and writes an in the right order.
equivalent expression. e.g. 2 groups of 5
Identifies the number that is one more or visualizes and adds the following numbers visualizes, represents, and separates determines the day or the month using a
one less from a given number using appropriate techniques: objects into groups of equal quantity using calendar.
a. two one-digit numbers with sums up to concrete objects up to 50. e.g. 10 grouped
18 by 5s
b. three one-digit numbers
c. numbers with sums through 99 without
and with regrouping
regroups sets of ones into sets of tens and visualizes and solves one-step routine and visualizes, represents, divides a whole into tells and writes time by hour, half-hour and
sets of tens into hundreds using objects. non-routine problems involving addition of halves and fourths and identifies ½ and ¼ quarter-hour using analog clock
whole numbers including money with sums of a whole object.
up to 99 using appropriate problem solving
compares two sets using the expressions illustrates subtraction as “taking away” or visualizes, represents and divides the solves problems involving time (days in a
“less than,” “more than,” and “as many as” “comparing” elements of sets. elements of sets into two groups of equal week, months in a year, hour, half-hour,
and orders sets from least to greatest and quantities to show halves and four groups and quarter-hour
vice versa. of equal quantities to show fourths
reads and writes numbers up to 100 in illustrates that addition and subtraction are visualizes and draws the whole region or compares objects using comparative
symbols and in words inverse operations set given its ½ and/or ¼ words: short, shorter, shortest; long, longer,
longest; heavy, heavier, heaviest; light,
lighter, lightest
Identify different meanings of content visualizes, represents, and subtracts the identifies, names, and describes the four estimates and measures length, mass and
specific words (denotation and following numbers: basic shapes (square, rectangle, triangle capacity using non-standard units of
connotation) a. one-digit numbers with minuends and circle) in 2-dimensional (flat/plane) and measures.
through 18 (basic facts) 3-dimensional (solid) objects.
b. one-to two-digit numbers with minuends
up to 99 without regrouping
c. one-to two-digit numbers with minuends
up to 99 with regrouping
visualizes and gives the place value and subtracts mentally one-digit numbers from draws the four basic shapes. infers and interprets data presented in a
value of a digit in one-and two-digit two-digit minuends without regrouping pictograph without scales.e.g. finding out
numbers. using appropriate strategies. from the title what the pictograph is all
about, comparing which has the least or
greatest ...
renames numbers into tens and ones. visualizes, represents, and solves routine constructs three dimensional objects (solid) solves routine and non-routine problems
and non-routine problems involving using manipulative materials. using data presented in pictograph without
subtraction of whole numbers including scales
money with minuends up to 99 with and
without regrouping using appropriate
problem solving strategies and tools.
compares numbers up to 100 using relation determines the missing term/s using one
symbol and orders them in increasing or attribute in a given continuous pattern
decreasing order. (letters/ numbers/events) and in a given
repeating pattern (letters, numbers, colors,
figures, sizes, etc.).
identifies, reads and writes ordinal constructs equivalent number expression
numbers: 1st , 2nd, 3rd, up to10th object in using addition and subtraction. e.g. 6 + 5 =
a given set from a given point of reference. 12 -1
recognizes and compares coins and bills identifies and creates patterns to compose
up to PhP100 and their notations. and decompose using addition.e.g. 7 = 0 +
7, 1 + 6, 2 + 5, 3 + 4, 4 + 3, 5 + 2, 6 + 1, 7
Visualizes and finds the missing number in
an addition or subtraction sentence using a
variety of ways e.g. n + 2 = 55 –n = 3
visualizes and represents numbers from 0- visualizes, represents, and subtracts 2-to visualizes, represents and identifies unit tells and writes time in minutes including
1000 with emphasis on numbers 101 –1 3-digit numbers with minuends up to 999 fractions with denominators of 10 and a.m. and p.m. using analog and digital
000 using a variety of materials. without and with regrouping. below. clocks.
gives the place value and finds the value of subtracts mentally the following numbers reads and writes unit fractions. visualizes, represents, and solves
a digit in three-digit numbers. without regrouping using appropriate problems involving time (minutes including
strategies: a.m. and p.m. and elapsed time in days)
a. 1-digit numbers from 1-to 3-digit
b. 3-digit numbers by tens and by hundreds
visualizes and counts numbers by 10s, solves routine and non-routine problems compares using relation symbol and compares the following unit of measures:
50s, and 100s. involving subtraction of whole numbers arranges in increasing or decreasing order a. length in meters or centimeters
including money with minuends up to 1000 the unit fractions. b. mass in gramsor kilograms
using appropriate problem solving c. capacity in mL or L
strategies and tools.
reads and writes numbers up to 1 000 in performs orders of operations involving identifies other fractions less than one with measures objects using appropriate
symbols and in words addition and subtractions of small numbers denominators 10 and below measuring tools and unit of length in m or
visualizes and writes three-digit numbers in solves multi-step routine and non-routine visualizes (using group of objects and estimates and measures length using
expanded form. problems involving addition and subtraction number line), reads and writes similar meter or centimeter
of 2-to 3-digit numbers including money fractions
using appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools.
compares numbers up using relation illustrates and writes a related equation for compares similar fractions using relation solves routine and non-routine problems
symbols and orders numbers up to 1 000 in each type of multiplication: repeated symbols. involving length.
increasing or decreasing order. addition, array, counting by multiples, and
equal jumps on the number line
Identifies, reads and writes ordinal illustrates the following properties of arranges similar fractions in increasing or measures objects using appropriate
numbers from 1st through the 20th object multiplication and apply each in relevant decreasing order. measuring tools and measuring units in g
in a given set from a given point of situation: (a) identity,(b) zero, and, (c) or kg.
reference. commutative.
reads and writes money in symbols and in visualizes multiplication of numbers 1 to 10 constructs squares, rectangles, triangles, solves routine and non-routine problems
words through PhP100. by 2,3,4,5 and10. circles, half-circles, and quarter circles using data presented in pictograph without
using cut-outs and square grids. scales
counts the value of a set of bills or a set of multiplies mentally 2,3,4,5 and 10 using identifies straight lines and curves, flat and estimates and measures mass using gram
coins through PhP100 (peso-coins only; appropriate strategies. curved surfaces in a 3-dimensional object. or kilogram
centavo-coins only; peso-bills only and
combined peso-coins and peso-bills).
compares values of different solves routine and non-routine problems determines the missing term/s in a given solves routine and non-routine problems
denominations of coins and paper bills using appropriate problem solving continuous pattern using two attributes involving mass
through PhP100 using relation symbols. strategies and tools: (any two of the following: figures, numbers,
a. multiplication of whole numbers colors, sizes, and orientations, etc.) e.g. 1,
including money A, 2,B,3,C,__,__
b. multiplication and addition or subtraction
of whole numbers including money
illustrates the properties of addition measures objects using appropriate
(commutative, associative, identity) and measuring tools in mL or L
applies each in appropriate and relevant
visualizes, represents, and adds the finds the area of a given figure using
following numbers with sums up to 1000 square-tile units i.e. number of square-tiles
without and with regrouping: needed
a. 2-digit by 3-digit numbers
b. 3-digit by 3-digit numbers
adds mentally the folllowiig numbers using estimates the area of a given figure using
appropriate strategies: any shape.
a. 1-to 2-digit numbers with sums up to 50
b. 3-digit numbers and 1-digit numbers
c. three -digit numbers and tens (multiples solves routine and non-routine problems
of 10 up to 90) involving any figure using square tiles.
d. 3-digit numbers and hundreds (multiples
of 100 up to 900)
solves routine and non-routine problems infers and interprets data presented in a
involving addition of whole numbers pictograph without and with scales.
including money with sums up to 1000
using appropriate problem solving solves routine and non-routine problems
strategies and tools using data presented in a pictograph
without and with scales
visualizes numbers up to 10 000 with visualizes multiplication of numbers 1 to 10 identifies odd and even numbers. visualizes, represents, and converts time
emphasis on numbers 1001 -10000. by 6,7,8 and 9. measure:
a. from seconds to minutes, minutes to
hours, and hours to a day and vice versa
b. days to week, month and year and vice
c. weeks to months and year and vice
d. months to year and vice versa.
gives the place value and value of a digit in visualizes and states basic multiplication visualizes and represents fractions that are solves problems involving conversion of
4-to 5-digit numbers facts for numbers up to 10 equal to one and greater than one using time measure
regions,, sets and number line..
reads and writes numbers up to 10 000 in Illustrates the properties of multiplication in reads and writes fractions that are equal to visualizes, and represents, and converts
symbols and in words relevant situations (commutative property, one and greater than one in symbols and in common units of measure from larger to
distributive property or associative words smaller unit and vice versa: meter and
property) centimeter, kilogram and gram, liter and
rounds numbers to the nearest ten, multiplies numbers: Represents, compares and arranges visualizes, and represents, and solves
hundred and thousand.. a.2-to 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers dissimilar fractions in increasing or routine and non-routine problems involving
without or with regrouping decreasing order conversions of common units of measure.
b.2-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers
without regrouping
c.2-digit number by 2-digit numbers with
d.2-to 3-digit numbers by multiples of 10
and 100
e.1-to 2-digit numbers by 1 000
compares using relation symbols and estimates the product of 2-to 3-digit visualizes and generates equivalent solves routine and non-routine problems
orders in increasing or decreasing order 4- numbers and 1-to 2-digit numbers with fractions involving capacity measure.
to 5-digit numbers up to 10 000 reasonable results
identifies ordinal numbers from 1st to multiplies mentally 2-digit by 1-digit recognizes and draws a point, line, line visualizes, and represents, and measures
100thwith emphasis on the 21stto numbers without regrouping with products segment and ray. area using appropriate unit.
100thobject in a given set from a given of up to 100.
point of reference
recognizes, reads and writes money in solves routine and non-routine problems recognizes and draws parallel, intersecting solves routine and non-routine problems
symbols and in words through PhP1 000 in involving multiplication without or with and perpendicular lines involving areas of squares and rectangles.
pesos and centavos addition and subtraction of whole numbers
including money using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools
compares values of the different visualizes and states the multiples of 1-to visualizes, identifies and draws congruent collects data on one variable using existing
denominations of coins and bills through 2-digit numbers. line segments. records.
PhP1 000 using relation symbols
adds 3-to 4-digit numbers up to three visualizes division of numbers up to 100 by identifies and visualizes symmetry in the sorts, classifies, and organizes data in
addends with sums up to 10 000 without 6,7,8,and 9 (multiplication table of 6, 7, 8, environment and in design. tabular form and presents this into a
and with regrouping and 9) vertical or horizontal bar graph
estimates the sum of 3-to 4-digit addends visualizes and states basic division facts of identifies and draws the line of symmetry in infers and interprets data presented in
with reasonable results. numbers up to 10. a given symmetrical figure different kinds of bar graphs (vertical/
adds mentally the following numbers using divides numbers without or with remainder: completes a symmetric figure with respect solves routine and non-routine problems
appropriate strategies: a.2-to 3-digit numbers by 1-to 2-digit to a given line of symmetry using data presented in a single-bar graph.
a.2-digit and 1-digit numbers without or numbers
with regrouping b.2-3 digit numbers by 10 and 100
b.2-to 3-digit numbers with multiples of
solves routine and non-routine problems estimates the quotient of 2-to 3-digit Determines the missing term/s in a given tells whether an event is sure, likely,
involving addition of whole numbers with numbers by 1-to 2-digit numbers. combination of continuous and repeating equally likely, unlikely, and impossible to
sums up to 10 000 including money using pattern.e.g. 4A,5B, 6A,7B,__1 2 3 4 __ happen.
appropriate problem solving strategies and
subtracts 3-to 4-digit numbers from 3-to 4- divides mentally 2-digit numbers by 1-digit finds the missing value in a number describes events in real-life situations using
digit numbers without and with regrouping. numbers without remainder using sentence involving multiplication or division the phrases “sure to happen,“ likely to
appropriate strategies of whole numbers. happen”, “equally likely to happen”,
estimates the difference of two numbers e.g. n x 7 = 5656 ÷ n = 8 “unlikely to happen”, and “impossible to
with three to four digits with reasonable happen”
subtracts mentally the following numbers solves routine and non-routine problems
using appropriate strategies: involving division of 2-to 4-digitnumbers by
a.1-to 2-digit numbers without and with 1-to 2-digit numbers without or with any of
regrouping the other operations of whole numbers
b.2-to 3-digit numbers with multiples of including money using appropriate problem
hundreds without and with regrouping solving strategies and tools.
solves routine and non-routine problems
involving subtraction without or with
addition of whole numbers including money
using appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools.
visualizes numbers up to 100 000 with identifies factors of a given number up to describes and draws parallel, intersecting, finds the area of irregular figures made up
emphasis on numbers 10 001–100 000 100. and perpendicular lines using ruler and set of squares and rectangles using sq. cm
square. and sq. m.
gives the place value and value of a digit in identifies the multiples of a given number describes and illustrates different angles finds the area of triangles, parallelograms
numbers up to 100 000. up to 100. (right, acute, and obtuse) using models and trapezoids using sq. cm and sq. m.
reads and writes numbers, in symbols and differentiates prime from composite describes the attributes/properties of finds the volume of a rectangular prism
in words, up to hundred thousand and numbers. triangles and quadrilaterals using concrete using cu. cm and cu. m
compare them using relation symbols objects or models
rounds numbers to the nearest thousand writes a given number as a product of its identifies and describes triangles according solves routine and non-routine problems
and ten thousand prime factors to sides and angles. involving the volume of a rectangular prism.
orders numbers up to 100 000 in finds the common factors, greatest identifies and describes the different kinds collects data on two variables using any
increasing or decreasing order common factor (GCF), common multiples of quadrilaterals: square, rectangle, source.
and least common multiple (LCM) of two parallelogram, trapezoid, and rhombus.
numbers using the following methods:
listing, prime factorization, and continuous
multiplies numbers up to 3-digit numbers solves real-life problems involving GCF and relates triangles to quadrilaterals organizes data in tabular form and presents
by up to 2-digit numbers without or with LCM of 2 given numbers. them in a single/double horizontal or
regrouping vertical bar graph.
estimates the products of 3-to 4-digit changes improper fraction to mixed Relates one quadrilateral to another interprets data presented in different kinds
numbers by 2-to 3-digit numbers with numbers and vice versa quadrilateral (e.g. square to rhombus). of bar graphs (vertical/horizontal,
reasonable results single/double bars)
multiplies mentally 2-digit by 1-to 2-digit changes fractions to lowest forms. Determines the missing term/s in a solves routine and non-routine problems
numbers with products up to 200 and sequence of numbers (e.g. odd numbers, using data presented in a single or double-
explains the strategies used even numbers, multiples of a number, bar graph
factors of a number, etc.)e.g.
3,6,9,__4,8,12,16,__ (e.g. odd numbers,
even numbers, multiples of a number,
factors of a number, etc.)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ____
solves routine and non-routine problems visualizes addition and subtraction of finds the missing number in an equation draws inferences based on data presented
involving multiplication of whole numbers similar and dissimilar fractions involving properties of operations. (e.g. in a double-bar graph
including money using appropriate problem (4+__ ) + 8 = 4 + ( 5 + __)
solving strategies and tools.
divides 3-to 4-digit numbers by 1-to 2-digit visualizes subtraction of a fraction from a finds the elapsed time in minutes and records favorable outcomes in a simple
numbers without and with remainder. whole number. seconds. experiment (e.g. tossing a coin, spinning a
wheel, etc.)
divides mentally 2-to 4-digit numbers by performs addition and subtraction of similar estimates the duration of time in minutes expresses the outcome in a simple
tens or hundreds or by 1 000 without and and dissimilar fractions experiment in words, symbols, tables, or
with remainder. graphs.
estimates the quotient of 3-to 4-digit solves routine and non-routine problems solves problems involving elapsed time explains the outcomes in an experiment.
dividends by 1-to 2-digit divisors with involving addition and/or subtraction of
reasonable results. fractions using appropriate problem solving visualizes the perimeter of any given plane
strategies and tools figure in different situations.
solves routine and non-routine problems visualizes decimal numbers using models measures the perimeter of any given figure solves routine and non-routine problems
involving division of 3-to 4-digit numbers by like blocks, grids, number lines and money using appropriate tools involving a simple experiment.
1-to 2-digit numbers including money using to show the relationship to fractions
appropriate problem solving strategies and
solves multi-step routine and non-routine renames decimal numbers to fractions, and finds the perimeter of triangles, squares,
problems involving division and any of the fractions whose denominators are factors rectangles, parallelograms, and trapezoids.
other operations of whole numbers of 10 and 100 to decimals
including money using appropriate problem
solving strategies and tools. solves routine and non-routine problems in
gives the place value and the value of a real-life situations involving perimeter of
performs a series of two or more digit of a given decimal number through squares and rectangles, triangles,
operations applying Multiplication, Division, hundredths. parallelograms, and trapezoids.
Addition, Subtraction (MDAS) correctly.
differentiates perimeter from area.
reads and writes decimal numbers through
solves routine and non-routine problems solves routine and non-routine problems
involving division of decimals, mixed involving basic operations of integers using solves word problems involving
decimals, and whole numbers including appropriate strategies and tools measurement of surface area
money using appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools.
practice ways to prevent and control pests analyzes packaging and labels of health
and rodents products
Lesson 2 God Gives Me Gift Lesson 7 God Protects Me Lesson 12 Jesus, Our Special Gift Lesson 17 Jesus Works Miracles
Lesson 3 God Creates Me in His Image Lesson 8 God Helps Me Lesson 13 Jesus’ Childhood Lesson 18 Jesus Suffers and Dies
Lesson 4 God gives Me Companion Lesson 9 God Forgives Me Lesson 14 Jesus’ Baptism Lesson 19 Jesus is Alive
Lesson 2 God Gives Me Gift Lesson 7 God Protects Me Lesson 12 Jesus, Our Special Gift Lesson 17 Jesus Works Miracles
Lesson 3 God Creates Me in His Image Lesson 8 God Helps Me Lesson 13 Jesus’ Childhood Lesson 18 Jesus Suffers and Dies
Lesson 4 God gives Me Companion Lesson 9 God Forgives Me Lesson 14 Jesus’ Baptism Lesson 19 Jesus is Alive
Lesson 5 God Makes Me His Steward Lesson 10 God Gives Me Hope Lesson 15 Jesus Gives Life (Story of Lesson Jesus’ Presence in Us