Resolution Delinquent
Resolution Delinquent
Resolution Delinquent
Name of Association
Excerpts from the minutes of the _________________ Meeting of the Board of Directors of
______________________ Homeowners Association, Inc. held on _______________ at
WHEREAS, this Committee/Board after more than fifteen (15) days from receipt of notice/s has
deliberated on the alleged violation/s committed by the above-listed members;
WHEREAS, of the _____ listed members who were deliberated, the following have rectified their status;
WHEREAS, the remaining deliberated member/s has/have not complied with their obligations or given
satisfactory reasons why they should not be declared delinquent;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOVED AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, to declare the above listed member/s
of ____________ Homeowners Association, Inc. as delinquent and suspended from his/her/them their rights as
association members as provided in Section 3, Article III of the association’s bylaws..
CA Secretary
Board of Director