ch13 Sol

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Chapter 13 Solutions

1. The normal load on the LAN at 30 % efficiency is 3 Mbps.

At 5% overhead, the load due to the study should not exceed 150 kbps.
Each round of ping for 24,000 stations at 2*128 bytes is 49,152,000 bits.
Therefore, duration of each round is 49152/150 is 327.68 seconds or 5.46
To be within the constraint of overhead, the periodicity of pinging should be
greater than 5.46 minutes

2. The techniques used to do discover network components include:

- arp/rarp: By looking up the ARP table in your host or router
Gives the IP address to MAC address for hosts in the subnet
- netstat or route: Looking up routing table that contain all hosts since last
- ping a.b.c.255:By broadcast pinging. If configured, gives all the hosts in the
subnet on host from which ping is executed
- tcpdump: by looking at the local traffic in promiscuous mode using protocol
analyzers or tcpdump

3. (a)The arp query on the local host of NMS would contain the router IP-MAC
address. The router could also be discovered by doing traceroute, and
identifying the gateway out of the subnetwork.
arp -a ( at 00:60:97:DD:F4:D4 [ether] on eth0 ( at 00:60:4E:00:56:FE [ether] on eth0 ( at 00:60:3E:C0:24:40 [ether] on eth0 ( at 00:A0:24:48:86:81 [ether] on eth0 ( at * PERM PUP on eth0

The router is (the last decimal also gives it as router due to

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte
1 ( 1.244 ms 1.463 ms 1.057 ms
2 ( 2.487 ms 1.836 ms 1.623 ms
3 ( 2.346 ms * 1.982 ms

Same router is identified as in the arp command.

4. There are many alternative approaches to this problem, one of which is given
1. Execute broadcast ping or hosts to discover the hosts in the local subnet.

2. Execute arp to discover the router.
3. Execute route to discover the addresses in the routing table.
4. Identify the new hosts and routers and keep increasing the scope one
additional hop at a time.

5. Solution for Exercise 5

6. Make sure that the location field is filled in the MIB System group has location
filled. It is a good practice.
When there is a failure, immediately identify the arp table in the switched hub
which will identify the address to port that would contain the port of the failed
If the trouble is tracked after sometime, you can use Interfaces MIB on the
hubs to trace the failed port.

7. Use Ethernet-like Interface MIB, RFC 1398. The MIB object is

dot3CollFrequencies, which is described as:
"A count of individual MAC frames for which the transmission (successful or
otherwise) on a particular interface is accompanied by a particular number of
media collisions."

8. Total number of collisions, C, can be calculated form dot3collTable in which

the number of frames which had 1, 2 ..,16 collisions. Each row contains the
histograms of number of frames with collisions 1 to 16. Frames with 16
collisions are discarded due to excessive collisions.

Number of frames offered to the LAN, T, is ifOutUcastPkts, (in Interfaces

MIB) which is the number of packets to the Ethernet layer by higher layer.

Collision rate is C/T.

9. The etherStatsCollisions in the Ethernet Statistics group gives the best

estimate on the total number of collisions on the Ethernet segment. Use this
for C defined in Exercise 8.

10. (a) The reason for having a high and low threshold is to provide a hysteresis
in generating the alarm. Thus, if the alarm is generated while crossing the
high end in the upward direction, it will not be generated until it crosses the
lower threshold at least once before crossing upper threshold again. For
sustained alarm, the alarm could be turned on while crossing the high
threshold in the upward direction and off when crossing the low threshold in
the downward direction.
(b)For the particular interface, define the values in the RMON Alarm table
alarmInterval = 1
alarmVariable = etherStatsCollisions
alarmSampleType = 2

alarmStartupAlarm = 3
alarmRisingThreshold = 120000
alarmFallingThreshold = 100000
alarmRisingEventIndex = 1
alarmFallingEventIndex = 2

11. Hands-on exercise

12. Report

13. TBD

14. TBD

15. Report

16. Report

17. TBD

18. TBD

19. (a) 36!/2

(b) 13! (6,227,020,800) > 100 years (3,153,600,000) and hence the answer is
"no" to being able to decipher it in one's liftiem. However, because of the
patterns in language the time will be much smaller.

20. 1. Encryption is a reversible process, whereas authentication is irreversible.

2. There is a one-to-one relationship in the size of the message in encryption.
In authentication, the output is fixed size although input size is variable.
3. Encrypted message is only a function of the message, whereas the
authentication could be a function of message and source ID.

21. (a) If Ian sends you an email, you can authenticate his signature. You can
also send him email.
(b) In most cases, yes. This lets anybody send you a private mail. The
unsecure email is like a postcard, whereas secure email is like receiving a
mail in an envelope.

22. To be provided by the instructor for the specific file

23. Ian would encrypt the message once per message using the Data Encryption
Key (DEK) for each message. He may also use it for signed representations
in the asymmetric key management communication.
He encrypts the DEK using shared secret key and send the message to Rita.
He encrypts the DEK using public key and sends the message to Ted.

24. In PGP, the encryption is done using a public key and signature is generated
using a private key. Hence, Ian generates the signature once per message
and encrypts the message twice with the public keys of Rita and Ted to send
it to Rita and Ted respectively.


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