MMCCMEAccreditation Guidelines
MMCCMEAccreditation Guidelines
MMCCMEAccreditation Guidelines
1. Accreditation /Credit Hours to be awarded will be the sole discretion of the Manipur
Medical Council and will depend upon the subject matter, status of the speaker and
quality of the paper presented in the CME/Workshop /Conference. The accreditation /
Credit Hours awarded by the Manipur Medical Council shall be final.
2. Any professional organization or body or institution holding CME’s should apply for
accreditation to the Manipur Medical Council in the prescribed Proforma of Manipur
Medical Council. The Council on verifying the credentials of the organization will
give Certificate of Accreditations to those bodies to hold CME’s.
3. The office bearers of all Recognized Medical Associations will apply to the Manipur
Medical Council. The application should be accompanied by the complete program of
the CME/Conference including the names, designation and country of the speakers
and the subject of speech.
4. Accredited bodies like IMA/Professional bodies which hold regular CME’s will have
to inform the Manipur Medical Council, the date and time of the CME ,at least 30
days in advance, so that the Manipur Medical Council can send Member /Observer
for the CME.
5. Credit Hours will be based on the composition of the faculty participation, quality and
the contents of the subject matter.
9. In case it is found by the Council that the Certificate issued is false, the Accreditation
Certificate of such issuing recognized Medical Associations/Organizations shall be
B. Organisations/academic activities to be accredited for CME
6. Former members and present members of Manipur Medical Council will be deputed
to attend the CME’s as observer by the Manipur Medical Council and will be will
given certificate of attendance.
2. CME/Workshop of minimum duration of three hours i.e. half day duration shall be
eligible for one Credit Hour.
3. The duration for one day CME Workshop shall be eligible for 2 Credit Hours
8. Doctors doing Post Graduate Courses e.g. Diploma /PG /Super Specialty /CPS etc.,
from recognized /Reputed Institutions will get (4) four Credit Hours per year of the
duration of the Courses., e.g. 1st year (4) four Credit Hours, 2nd year (4) four Credit
Hours, 3rd year (4) four Credit Hours
10. Any paper published in index National /International Medical Journal will entitle the
Author /Co-Author (3) three Credit Hours per paper
11. Any chapter published in a text book or update book published by professional bodies
will entitle the Author (5) five Credit Hours
14. It is the responsibility of the organizer to give a list of Participants who have attend
CME/Workshop/Conference Video Conference conducted by the Government
Conference on Public Health/ University sponsored programme on Medical
Education would be awarded (1) one Credit Hour to the medical fraternity attended
the Video Conference.
15. The organization like IMA/professional bodes who hold regular monthly meeting
will issue a CME credit certificate at the end of every year to its members specifically
stating how many credit hours were acquired by each members of that year. These
certificates will be issued by the Manipur Medical Council on production of
Attendance Certificate.
4. Credit hours will not be given to live operative workshop performed by foreign
faculties unless they obtain provisional registration from Medical Council of India.
E. Categories of CME
a. Be conducted for not less than 3 full days, a full day being 5-8
Category-5 First Aid Courses on Basic Life Support (BLS) /Advance Trauma
& Life Support (ATLS) /Pediatric Life Support (PLS)
1. Six (6) credit points per year are mandatory and minimum 30 credit points for
renewal of registration (in 5 years) is mandatory. Exemption from this rule in special
circumstances can be given by chairman on recommendation of MMC member. No
carry forward of extra credit points is permissible.
2. It is desirable that minimum 50% should be from CME’s of the specialty concerned.
3. Renewal cycle of 5 years is from the date of fresh registration or renewal date. In
majority of Registered Medical Practitioners, it is from 1st April to 31 March of next
G. Fee for application for granting accreditation of conference/CME
The Registrar
Manipur Medical Council
Directorate of Health Services
Lamphelpat -795004