Irradiance Meter/Pyranometer Calibration Test

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Irradiance Meter/Pyranometer Calibration Test

 Purpose of the Test

A pyranometer is a radiometer used to measure both the solar global horizontal
irradiance (GHI) and diffuse horizontal irradiance (DHI) arriving at a particular
location on the earth’s surface. A pyranometer needs to be properly calibrated
from time to time in order to give the most possible accurate measurement result.

 preparation for the Test:

The following points must be carefully checked during the calibration process:
1. A clear day is essentially needed.
2. Recommended solar altitudes: 25˚ as a minimum & 45˚ as ideal.
3. Installation all the instruments (pyrheliometer, pyranometer, voltmeter etc.)
must follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
4. Verify if the connection between the sensing element-insulated wires-
voltmeters are electrically & mechanically sound.
5. The sensor of Pyranometer must be properly exposed to sunlight throughout
the period of calibration. The sensors must be above all surrounding obstacles
which would provide shade, such as trees, buddings or mountains, during the
time period of calibrations.

 Procedure for the Test:

1. The output voltage of the pyranometer need to measure from the input
terminal of signal amplifier with a multimeter.
2. The output voltage of the signal amplifier need to measure from the output
terminal of signal amplifier with a multimeter.
3. Need to cover the pyranometer manually by hand & need to measure from the
input terminal of signal amplifier & there will be a voltage drop as pyranometer
is covered.
4. Need to remove the hand from pyranometer with the same multimeter
connection & the voltage will start increasing instantaneously
5. Need to confirm voltage from the PPI card connection also.
6. Air temperature was recorded when the output of the not shaded pyranometer
was recorded, due to the fact that the pyranometer output depends on
ambient temperature.
7. Need to record the data in a table.

If the voltage start dropping while pyranometer is covered by hand & voltage start
increasing while cover is removed then it will be confirmed that pyranometer is working
The best way of calibration is to test two pyranometer at same condition (field
pyranometer & standard pyranometer) & compare the result with the standard

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