Nanotechnology and Fashion
Nanotechnology and Fashion
Nanotechnology and Fashion
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May 1, 2007
Student designer and fiber scientists create a dress that Cornell Chronicle:
prevents colds and a jacket that destroys noxious gases Anne Ju
(607) 255-9735
By Anne Ju
Designed by Olivia Ong '07 in the College of Human Ecology's Department of Fiber
Science and Apparel Design, the garments were infused with their unusual qualities by
fiber science assistant professor Juan Hinestroza and his postdoctoral researcher Hong
Dong. Apparel design assistant professor Van Dyke Lewis launched the collaboration by
introducing Ong to Hinestroza several months ago. Page 1 of 3
Nanotechnology and fashion 09/13/2007 12:29 AM
The upper portion of the dress contains cotton coated with silver nanoparticles. Dong first
created positively charged cotton fibers using ammonium- and epoxy-based reactions,
inducing positive ionization. The silver particles, about 10-20 nanometers across (a
nanometer is one-billionth of a meter) were synthesized in citric acid, which prevented
nanoparticle agglomeration.
Ong incorporated the resultant cotton fiber into a Anne Ju/Cornell Chronicle
jacket with the ability to oxidize smog. Such properties Assistant professor Juan
Hinestroza and postdoctoral
would be useful for someone with allergies, or for researcher Hong Dong, in their
protecting themselves from harmful gases in the Martha Van Rensselaer Hall lab. Page 2 of 3
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