English Day ACERO
English Day ACERO
English Day ACERO
Aspectos a
tener en cuenta. Hay que mencionar la mayoría de los platos, ubicarlos
dentro de un mapa de la región o el departamento y profundizar sobre
uno o dos platos. Ya que el tiempo no les da para que puedan hablar de
todo lo mencionado. Nuevamente felicitaciones.)
Juan Diego Acero
Fabián Andrés Clavijo
Juan Pablo Espitia
Presentation(Fabian Clavijo):
Hi, and welcome to our exposition, my name is Fabián Andrés, and my Classmates
are (says every name shown above)
(usar un mapa para ubicar a las personas sobre donde quedan estos
lugares que se mencionan y además imágenes de los platos)
The parva is that group of breads that serves as snacks, snacks and breakfast.
They can be sweet or salty and are commonly eaten in the afternoon. They are
very famous in the history of gastronomy in Antioquia, so you cannot
stop trying them, especially those of the Cyprus Bakery in the city of Medellín.
The piononos had their origin in Spain, where they consist of small cakes
sweets. However, in some Latin American countries, pioneers can be
both sweet and salty. In Colombia they have been adopted to the point of being
characteristic of Antioquia and its gastronomy. The piononos are usually filled with
tuna, ham, cheese, or with the ingredient of your choice. As a companion, it is stylish
see them with some salad and panela water.
Boyacá’s gastronomy stands out for being halfblood; Many of the dishes that are
consume today in the department come from Spanish recipes that over the time
were adapted according to the foods that were seen the most in this region.
Arepa Boyacense
In Colombia, the arepa is a big protagonist and each region has a version of this
delicious food. It is made with ground corn, milk and curd cheese, all this gave it an
especial arepa taste. It is ideal for eating it with a thick hot chocolate or an
Typical dishes of Caldas
Caldas dishes are usually prepared with beans, sudados, caleos, sancochos,
tamales, arepas and amasijos (drunkards, curds, cucas, reeds, tongues). The origin
these dishes come from the field work and the people who run them, known as
Caldense cabbage salad
Put the cabbage, avocado, carrot, onion mixture into the refrigerator, coriander,
sugar, salt, pepper and lemon, so that it cools properly. Just before serving, add the
tomato and oil, mixing them well. Ingredients.
Orange’s wine
To make this drink, the ingredients are mixed and sieved. Bottled the liquid and is
buried for at least two months. When you dig it up, you throw away the cachaça or
foam and it is served.
Caldenses beans
To continue on this journey through the delicacies of Caldas, we have a must of all
Caldenses homes. It is about beans, one of the most paisas that you are going to be
able to try and that, depending on where you are, prepare them from different way.
Among the dishes that we can find in Caquetá are: The sancocho de hen. Muquiado
Fish, Amazonian native fruits such as Arazá, Copoazú, the caimarona grape, the
chontaduro, the cocona.
Chicken stew
The sancocho is a thick broth or soup based on tubers like the potato that It has a
high calorie and fat index. The most outstanding ingredients of Sancocho and that in
this recipe we are going to use are yucca or yam, banana, legumes (beans, peas,
lentils, pigeon peas, beans), to which some meat, (chicken, hen, pork, fish, beef, rib,
liver, tripe, goat or turkey), which gives the final name to the sancocho, for example,
"meat" sancocho or "whole", "chicken", "rib", "tripe", "tail" (beef, chicken and pig),
among others.
Runny fish
It is a recipe that comes from indigenous heritage, it consists of wrapping the fish in
banana leaves, they bury it about 15 centimeters in the sand, the hole is lined with a
banana leaf and then they light a bonfire on top for two doras; he Fish cooks in the
heat and gives a special flavor.
Smoked Cachama
The preparation of the smoked cachama consists of taking the cachamas and
hanging them and smoke them. For the preparation, the visors are removed from the
cachama, the scales, the ends are opened until achieving the shape of a coin. Must
be have the stove ready with firewood or charcoal (To obtain a good quantity of
smoke, They place banana leaves on top of the charcoal or firewood.) At the time of
serving, it can be accompanied with ripe roast, cooked cassava and guacamole.
The dishes of Cauca are considered as a historical legacy, witness of the cultural
interaction of indigenous and Spanish where the endemic products of the region
unite with those introduced to bring exquisite culinary creations to life.
It is a fine corn leaf that is made with what is left in the pot from the elaboration of the
corn dough with which the tortillas are made. It's a snack delicious that can be
accompanied with spicy or other sauces. If you don't want to eat it just like this, you
can try the carantanta soup that has as its main ingredient this food, beef, yellow
potato, green banana and other ingredients.
Pipiani empanadas
Perhaps it is one of the snacks and typical dishes of Cauca that one cannot leave to
try tourism in this department. This is a corn patty with pipián filling, which is also
used to make tamales. The pipián is a mixture of red potatoes, typical of the area,
ground peanuts, garlic, onion, tomato and achiote. You will find these empanadas in
every corner of Popayán and they will conquer your palate. As a complement, you
cannot miss the peanut chili, a chili typical of this region that will surprise you.
Peanut Tripe
It is a type of soup a little thick that is part of the richest typical dishes del Cauca and
you should not stop trying. It is made with casings, roasted peanuts and ground,
pipian, butter, milk and onion. We already know that the ingredients are not It may
sound very appetizing, but these work very well together and when you take a
spoonful of this to your mouth, you are going to forget everything.
Chorrid potatoes with peanut sauce
It is one of the richest recipes in the country, it is made with a special type of potato
that grows in the interior of the country. They are cooked potatoes that are served
drizzled with a hot sauce, the difference with other recipes for blasted potatoes is
that it is it is peanut, which changes its flavor significantly and gives it a creamy
texture. It is one of the typical dishes of Cauca that you can not stop trying.
Roast beef
This simple version of Ecuadorian roast beef consists of beef steaks seasoned with
garlic, cumin, salt and pepper. The roast beef is served alongside the rice with lentil
Coconut rice
Coconut rice or coconut rice is a preparation of boiled white rice in coconut milk or
coconut flakes. Because rice and coconut are grown commonly in the areas between
the tropics, it is common to prepare this dish many cultures around the world located
from Southeast Asia to the Caribbean
Triphasic Sancocho
This triphasic sancocho is the craving of those who suffer hangovers or guayabo it is
its undeniable energy effect after consuming it. Ideal to prepare after a holiday or just
when we need to find any excuse to enjoy its delicious flavor.
Gastronomy of Chocó “like to lick your fingers” Chocó is the most rich in river fish,
sea fish, due to its abundant river resources and have part of the sea of the two
oceans, where an interesting variety of fishes.
Bochinche rice
It is a combination of white rice with sausage and pork, bathed with a sauce made of
tomato, onion, garlic, carrot, beans and peas. It's more easy to cook the meat on one
side and the sauce on the other, before putting everything together same pot.
Tamales de biao
It is a tamale, similar to that of Tolima, with a mixture of stew that includes prey beef,
pork and chicken, as well as aromatic herbs, a minimum amount of rice and a dense
mushroom of onion and tomato.
Ground rice dough stirred with whey and sweetened to taste with sugar or brown
sugar, Roast in the oven or cook in water.
El Huila is well known for its gastronomy since it is very diverse. The families gather
to enjoy these foods, since the ingredients with the they are prepared, they give you
an incomparable seasoning.
Huilian Roast
Asado Huilense, is a traditional pork dish.
Huilense tamales
It is a dish that is prepared with a dough which contains the three meats that are
chicken, pork and beef.
Based on rice, adding two or three leaves of sour orange and pieces of panela to
taste, in clay pots. It can be served in a deep dish like accompaniment to roast beef,
or dissolve it in fresh water and use it as drink.
Parchment corn fermented drink, shaved panela, and can even get drunk.
Being a riverside municipality, fish is the typical dish, among the most desired they
are the bocachico and the catfish. The original recipe for the fried bocachico stew in
coconut milk appears in the fishing and tourist district of El Llanito
It is a soup made with corn, pasta, beef, tripe, pork and vegetables. It is prepared on
a wood stove and is part of the Sunday menu of traditional restaurants of the
department. It is customary to accompany with rice, with chickpea pie or with a slice
of avocado.
It is a thick soup made with tubers (can be potato, celery, banana, yucca), some
meat (chicken, beef, rib, tail, fish) which is what gives it its final name to the plate. In
some regions a legume is added (such as beans).
Rib broth
In Norte de Santander it is customary to take it at breakfast or when suffering of a
terrible hangover (that's why in popular slang they call it 'dead lifter'). I know prepare
with beef rib, potato and chopped coriander. It is served with arepa or with bread.
It is popular in all corners of Colombia and in each department it is prepared in a
different way. It is usual to prepare it with chicken and various types of potatoes,
generally creole and pastusa. Guasca, which is an herb of intense flavor. When
serving it, it is usually accompanied with rice and corn.
The gastronomy in Putumayo is quite varied and exquisite. There are quite a few
dishes that there you can find everything with the sole purpose of pleasing the palate
of the tourist and the same inhabitant of the region.
Chicha de Arracacha
Fermented beverages such as chicha have been prepared and consumed by almost
all ancient towns. Each of them, in their specific geographical area, identified one or
more basic foods and applies procedures for fermentation, in a long chain of
experiences and knowledge accumulated to through time.
Wrapped corn
They are prepared with fresh corn and its main characteristic unlike others recipes, is
that those of Colombia are sweet. Traditionally they carry cheese and grapes raisins.
Some prefer to put a piece of sandwich (guava paste) cut into it long. The sweet
flavor and color, it is given by the molasses, prepared very soft, not so thick or so
Bishana is the daily food of the Camentsa community, in the Sibundoy Valley
(Putumayo), a spicy soup whose main ingredient is cabbage accompanied by other
fruits of the land, planted by indigenous people in a kind of orchard communal called
chagra. It is the dish that won first place in the category of reproduction of the
National Prize for Gastronomy.
As in the entire Coffee Region, the cuisine of Quindío is very influenced by Antioquia
traditions, one of the examples is beans, in tray paisa or heated, the main food in the
dishes of the coffee region. Another complement is sancocho, mondongo and beef.
Bandeja paisa
This traditional dish of Colombian cuisine, and which is well known in various
countries is deeply rooted in the Coffee Axis. It is an abundant dish, capable to
delight endless palates. Hence, he is considered the king of the kings of the area.
Trout is a fish with an exquisite flavor, low in fat and easy to prepare. In addition to
being economical. For all this it has become an inevitable dish of the gastronomy of
the Coffee Axis. Where it is consumed in large quantities, both by locals as well as
Triphasic Sancocho
Its name gives us an idea of the basic ingredients to make this sancocho. Yes, it is
three types of meat, usually chicken, pork and beef or veal. Hence, it is also known
as the sancocho tres menes.
Calentado paisa
This is a meal that is usually consumed during breakfast. As their name indicates it is
to heat everything that was left the night before and eat it. It is a dish that every
Colombian has tried.
If the paisa tray is considered a queen among the typical food in Pereira, the tripe
can be a princess. It is one of the soups with the most special and at the same time
most spectacular flavor of national gastronomy. In short, it is a vegetable soup with
tripe and pork; quite a delight. It is usually accompanied by rice, avocado and arepa.
Here the mazamorra is also very good at your side.
We know, it is a curious name for a meal but its rich flavor is very serious. The
Sudado is made up of cooked meat; it can be beef, pork or chicken. It is frequently
accompanied by potatoes, cassava and equally cooked plantains, also with salad.
Lamb or kid meat is one of the most typical dishes of this region. They serve it fried,
roasted or baked, in all three ways it is delicious. It is a dish that you eat with the
arende santandereana, another sweetness and a mute soup.
Arepa Santandereana
It is prepared with corn dough, which is roasted and served as an accompaniment in
almost all meals. It is one of Santander's delights.
It is a soup that contains beef or pork, minced callus (one of the stomach of the cow),
potato, some grains, spices and the mute, which is the corn kernel that has
undergone a process to make it White.
Another of the dishes preferred by the people of Santander, which is prepared with
the entrails of the kid or lamb. They serve it to you with rice, yucca, potato and you
can order a good fresh salad as an accompaniment.
Chicken stew
Tolimense chicken sancocho is a typical soup prepared on a wood stove, basically it
consists of cooking a chicken that is authentic from the field in water together with
green plantain, yucca, arracacha and young corn on the cob.
The achiras are a delicious meccato typical of Tolima, although they can be obtained
in other parts of Colombia, those in this department are unique. They are mainly
made of corn and cheese.
Atoll Rice
It is a soupy dish that in addition to being prepared with its main ingredient, rice,
includes: chicken, pork, different varieties of potatoes or vegetables that are served
with patacones, hogao and chorizo.
A characteristic dish of this region, it is prepared with corn flour, fermented cassava
starch, cheese and eggs. It has an oval shape and is mainly consumed in breakfasts
and snacks.
The cholado
It is a typical fruit salad of this region, whose origin is in the Valle del Cauca
municipality of Jamundí. It is prepared with banana, green apple, kiwi, strawberry,
coconut, papaya, pineapple, condensed milk and ice.