Anti-Suicide Essay
Anti-Suicide Essay
Anti-Suicide Essay
We’re now living in a time of great crisis, people have no work, people lose their source
of income, and their loved ones. We see lots of people committing suicide, exposing the
actual scene on how they actually killed their own selves on social media and this
cause us great pain, seeing and knowing that many people around us just end their
lives that easily.
(1) Eliminating access to lethal methods of suicide, involves getting rid of any firearms,
knives or dangerous medications for the more a person with suicidal thoughts see
these things, the greater risks he might get into hurting himself through these;
(3) Avoiding drugs and alcohol. People used to get tempted to turning on gateway
drugs during challenging times, but we know, these will even worsen the scenario.
(4) Staying hopeful. In times of these, the very best way to stand still is to remain
hopeful despite of the difficulties we face, knowing that the trials we are into are not
(5) Talking to someone is one of the thing people do first when they are stressed with a
certain matter. This is a great help to find strength and courage on stressful times,
having at least one to share with what you are feeling and experiencing.
But unless we see through those suicidal eyes, we will not understand their situation.
It’s not easy to remain hopeful for a depressed man who may be bombarded with his
responsibilities and just cannot perform it because he cannot find a way. Just think
about a father who’s worried about his family’s dinner tonight because he lost his job
a month ago and what’s worse is, his wife just leave home earlier this morning, leaving
a reason of “I can’t stand this life anymore.” The father was feeling ill from collecting
bottles and cans throughout the rainy days.
Who can he talk to? Talk to his children and told them he was tired? Talk to himself
and told himself, he can’t just take a nap right now, how about the dinner tonight?
Let’s add up his children asking him where their mother went to. Will she come back?
Who’s going to cook the dinner later and take care of the baby?
We, people face different kinds of problems in lives. We differ in levels of trials we are
into. Some are facing just a strong wind right now. Some faces a great storm. Some
faces a great quake that their whole world is shaking like the father is into right now.
Some of us know this fact but some are completely unaware that those people around
them may be facing a great trial, and what’s worse is, we sometimes adds up to the
burden they are carrying without noticing it.
It’s not easy for them to avoid their gaze on the knife on the table. It’s not easy to get
rid of the gateway drugs. It’s not just that easy, that’s what’s we have to understand.
So, what’s the point? It’s not easy, it’s hard, but we can make it a little less hard.
How? Just by being one of the roads, letting them know that yes, it was a dead end
road, they got the wrong one, but they do not need to worry, for they can go back and
look for another route.