Assessment Portfolio
Assessment Portfolio
Assessment Portfolio
Table of Contents
Multiple Choice Questions, Higher Level………………………………………………………...2
Multiple Choice Questions, Lower Level………………………………………………………....6
True-False Questions……………………………………………………………………………...9
Essay Questions………………………………………………………………………………….10
Short Answer Questions…………………………………………………………………………16
Item Matching…………………………………………………………………………………...17
Online Discussion Forum...……………………………………………………………………...18
The Great Gatsby is a literary classic, which is why I chose to use this novel as the focus of this
assessment portfolio. Using standards from the Maryland Department of Education as a
framework for the content and using my personal knowledge of the novel, I chose questions that
focus on the various themes and symbolism throughout the novel. Coupling this focus with
important details and events that occurred in the novel, I was able to develop questions and
rubrics that gage a good overall understanding of the novel.
1. Gatsby’s gorgeous car, his pretentious mansion, and his other material possessions
a. His enjoyment of material things
b. His commitment to material success as an ideal
c. His drive to acquire economic power
d. Everything that has been given to him
2. Nick captures the personality of Tom Buchanan when he tells the reader:
a. “Tom would drift on forever seeking….the dramatic turbulence of some
irrecoverable football game”
b. “It was a body capable of enormous leverage—a cruel body”
c. “There was something pathetic in his concentration, as if his complacency, more
acute than of old, was not enough to him anymore”
d. All of these
3. The idea that Daisy’s voice is “full of money” suggests that
a. She reflects the essence of a wealthy upbringing
b. She is greedy and is always wanting more
c. She often talks of expensive possessions
d. Her voice has a metallic ring to it
4. The terms “unutterable visions” and “incarnation” refer to
a. George Wilson’s death
b. Daisy’s leaving Tom for Gatsby
c. Nick’s relationship with Jordan
d. Gatsby’s dream
5. Gatsby’s meeting with Daisy again after five years helps to illustrate the theme that
a. A crisis can reveal true character
b. Outward appearances can be deceptive
c. Attainment of a dream may be less satisfying than pursuit of that dream
d. Wealth can breed carelessness
6. Nick’s comment that the people at Gatsby’s party “conducted themselves according to
the rules and behavior associated with an amusement park” suggest that they are
a. From the lower social class
b. Young and reckless
c. Adventuresome thrill-seekers
d. Riotous and rude
7. The introduction of Pammy suggests
a. That Gatsby’s dream is unattainable
b. That the reader’s perception of Daisy has been wrong
c. The childlike innocence of the very rich
d. That Daisy will always have a connection to Tom
8. The sentence, “So we drove on toward death through the cooling twilight,” is
a. A metaphor
b. An example of weather reflecting life
c. Used to build suspense and foreshadow upcoming trouble
d. Used to contrast the coolness of the evening from the heat of the night
9. As a character, Nick emerges as a symbol of
a. Spiritual waste
b. Moral growth
c. Misguided information
d. Material success
10. Why does Nick say, “You’re worth the whole damn bunch put together.”?
a. He recognizes Gatsby’s immense wealth and points out that he is worth more
money than all the others combined
b. He’s trying to make Gatsby feel better since he is about to go to jail
c. He’s trying to make Gatsby feel better since he is about to die
d. He admires Gatsby’s vast bravery, honor, and above all optimism and faith in the
American Dream
11. Gatsby is a novel of contradictions. Which is NOT one found in the novel?
a. Prohibition, yet the alcohol flows
b. Reserves all judgments, but very judgmental language
c. Daisy’s voice is not very compelling, yet her words are so full of wisdom
d. All of these
12. Gatsby represents the dark side of the American Dream in that he
a. Is obsessed with money and material items as a means of “keeping score”
b. Becomes someone he’s not for the attainment of a dream
c. Strives for something he cannot possess because he pursues it immorally
d. All of these
13. Gatsby’s white flannel suit symbolizes________________, and his silver and gold tie
represents ___________________
a. Established rich, new money
b. Peace, idealism
c. Purity, the Midas Touch
d. Wedding attire, wealth
14. Sports are part of the American Dream but they’re also corrupt when examined closely.
Examples of this corruption can be found in
a. Jordan’s cheating in golf
b. Tom as a polo player
c. The 1919 World Series fix
d. More than one of the above
15. What does Daisy represent to Gatsby
a. An unworthy love
b. A possession
c. A life he wants
d. A memory he wants to forget
Multiple Choice, Lower Level
1. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel focuses on the male characters, but the author also has several
clearly delineated female characters, each with her own desires, motivations, and needs.
Write an essay comparing and contrasting Daisy Buchanan, Myrtle Wilson, and Jordan
Baker. Ultimately, what is Fitzgerald’s message to the reader about women and feminine
All answers MUST be two to four complete sentences. Do not use bullet points or incomplete
_______1. “It was a terrible mistake, but in her heart she never loved anyone except me.”
_______2. “He had on a dress suit and patent leather shoes, and I couldn’t keep my eyes off
_______3. “I decided to go east and learn the bond business. Everybody I knew was in the bond
business, so I supposed it could support one more single man.”
_______4. “I’ve been everywhere and seen everything and done everything.
Sophisticated—God, I’m sophisticated!”
_______5. “He went to Oggsford College in England. You know Oggsford College?”
_______7. “He wants her to see his house...and your house is right next door.”
_______10. “So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.”
_______13. “I’m going to tell you something about my life. I don’t want you to get a wrong idea
of me from all these stories you hear.”
_______14. “ I’d like to get one of those pink clouds and put you in it and push you around.”
_______15. “All right...I’m glad it’s a girl...And I hope she’ll be a fool – that’s the best thing a
girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.”
Online Discussion Forum
In this discussion forum you are expected to respond to at least two classmates as well as write
an initial response. Your response should be between 150-250 words. Choose one of the
following questions to answer:
1. At one point Fitzgerald considered titling the novel Under the Red, White, and Blue. Is
this story exclusively American? Explain.
2. Identify the quality or qualities in Gatsby that confirm the word “great” in the novel’s
title. Identify the quality or qualities in Gatsby that the title of the book is truly ironic.
3. Debate about what Gatsby’s dream really is---to win Daisy or to gain her status?
4. Why does the era of Prohibition lend an added significance to the hypocrisy emphasized
in the novel?
Points 10 7 3 0