Ocean Engineering: Ghazi S. Bari, Konstantin I. Matveev

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Ocean Engineering 115 (2016) 60–66

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Ocean Engineering
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Hydrodynamic modeling of planing catamarans with symmetric hulls

Ghazi S. Bari, Konstantin I. Matveev n
School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164  2920, USA

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Despite rising popularity of planing catamarans, numerical methods for predicting their hydrodynamics
Received 1 October 2015 are rather scarce and incomplete. The hydrodynamic interaction between hulls planing parallel to each
Accepted 31 January 2016 other is known to become significant when spacing between hulls is sufficiently small. In the present
Available online 15 February 2016
study, a potential-flow method of hydrodynamic sources is applied for modeling steady hydrodynamic
Keywords: characteristics of twin-hull setups. Parametric calculations are carried out for symmetric hulls in variable
High-speed catamarans speed regimes at different spacings, hull aspect ratio, and deadrise angles. Results are presented for the
Planing hull hydrodynamics lift coefficient and center of pressure, and some illustrations are given for the water surface elevations.
Potential flow theory The lift coefficient is found to increase with smaller spacings and higher aspect ratios at moderate and
Numerical modeling
high Froude numbers.
& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction accounts for the presence of another hull. Dubrovsky and

Lyakhovitsky (2001) briefly described extensive studies conducted
Boats moving at high speeds operate in the planing mode when in Russia on high-speed multi-hulls and discussed performance-
the hydrodynamic lift on their hulls overcomes the hydrostatic lift. enhancing means, such as hydrofoils and interceptors. Morabito
To improve lateral stability of such boats and to increase available (2011) reviewed some of the archival and recent findings for
deck space, twin-hull arrangements are often implemented planing catamarans, noting that the lift correction for a hull in the
(Fig. 1). The hydrodynamic interaction between hulls operating in catamaran arrangement is usually below 5% (relative to the single
a proximity to each other can be significant and needs to be hull lift) when the spacing between hulls exceeds two of the hull
accounted for at the design stage. The hydrodynamic character- beams. Several CFD-type analyses of specific high-speed multi-
istics of catamaran hulls are often quite different from those of hulls can be also found in the literature (e.g., Zhou, 2003; Kan-
typical monohulls. As discussed by Faltinsen (2005), if the diver- dasamy et al., 2011; Yousefi et al., 2014).
gent waves generated by one hull impinge on and become The main objectives (and novelties) of this paper are to apply a
reflected by the other hull, then the wave field generated by a computationally efficient potential-flow method for evaluating
multi-hull vessel cannot be a simple superposition of wave fields hydrodynamics of planing catamarans and to present numerical
produced by each hull. This happens if the hulls are sufficiently results for the lift coefficient and the center of pressure of cata-
close to each other; and as a consequence, the complex wave marans in a range of geometrical parameters and speed regimes.
Only prismatic symmetric hulls with hard chines are considered
pattern in the central region will have strong influence on the hull
here, as illustrated in Fig. 1. The current numerical model is based
on the linearized three-dimensional method of hydrodynamic
Over the last several decades planing catamarans have gained
singularities of a source type that was previously developed and
popularity for commercial, recreational and military purposes, yet
applied for hydrodynamic modeling of single planing hulls in early
there is a relatively limited body of literature on the subject of
planing regimes (Matveev and Ockfen, 2009; Matveev, 2014a),
planing multi-hulls. Savitsky and Dingee (1954) tested flat plates
when both hydrostatic and hydrodynamic lift components are
planing in parallel at different spacings and very high Froude
important. It can be noted that the present method belongs to a
numbers and found that the lift increases as the hulls become
family of boundary elements methods, and a number of publica-
closer to each other. Liu and Wang (1979) also conducted a test
tions exist on the subject of BEMs applied for single-hull hydro-
series with planing catamarans and suggested a modification to dynamics. For example, Doctors (1974) and Wang and Day (2007)
the empirical correlation for a single-hull lift (Savitsky, 1964) that utilized a distribution of pressure elements over planing surfaces,
while Lai and Troesch (1996) and Benedict et al. (2001) applied
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 1 509 335 1327; fax: þ1 509 335 4662. vortex-lattice methods. A detailed review of modeling techniques
E-mail address: matveev@wsu.edu (K.I. Matveev). for planing hulls has been recently given by Yousefi et al. (2013).

0029-8018/& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G.S. Bari, K.I. Matveev / Ocean Engineering 115 (2016) 60–66 61

Actual wetted length y

Upstream L
water surface

Incident water
flow L
Nominal wetted length
water surface

Starboard hull z


Fig. 1. Schematic of twin hull arrangement with flat or double-deadrise hull U


2. Mathematical model
Port-side hull (reflection)
To model hydrodynamics of hard-chine planing catamarans, a
potential-flow method based on hydrodynamic sources is utilized
in this study. In the flow with sufficiently high velocity (or Rey-
nolds number), viscous forces can be usually neglected outside of z

thin boundary layers near solid surfaces and separation zones

behind blunt bodies. The water flow in the present method is 2b 6b
assumed to be inviscid, irrotational and steady. A general sche-
matic for the numerical problem is given in Fig. 2. The water flow 2b
Demi-hull b
is assumed to be symmetric with respect to the catamaran cen- x
terline (z ¼ 0), which allows us to use mirror source images in the
port side of the numerical domain and reduce the number of Fig. 2. Geometrical schematic for the computational model. (a) Side view, (b) top
unknown variables. view. Sources and collocation points are shown by circles and squares, respectively.
Distances between sources are exaggerated. (c) Numerical domain with main
The Bernoulli equation can be applied on the water surface as
dimensions. The x-axis is the symmetry line.
the dynamic boundary condition,
1 1 where ðxci ; zci Þ and ðxsj ; zsj Þ are the coordinates of the collocation
p0 þ ρ U 20 ¼ pw þ ρ U 2w þ ρ g yw ; ð1Þ
2 2 point i and the source j with intensity qj in the starboard part of
where p0 and U 0 are the pressure and velocity in the water flow far the numerical domain, r i;j ¼ ðxci  xsj Þ2 þðzci  zsj Þ2 is the horizontal
upstream of the hull at y ¼ 0, ρ is the water density, and pw ðx; zÞ distance between these points, and Ri;j ¼ ðxci  xsj Þ2 þ ðzci þ zsj Þ2 is
and U w ðx; zÞ are the pressure and velocity on the water surface
the distance between the considered collocation point and the
with elevation yw ðx; zÞ. With consideration of small trim angles of
mirror reflection of source j (with respect to z ¼ 0 plane).
the hull and sufficiently high speeds, flow disturbances induced by
The linearized kinematic boundary condition on the water
the hulls can be assumed relatively small. Therefore, the wave
surface gives an additional relation between the source strengths
slopes and the x-axis velocity perturbation u' ¼ U x  U 0 will be also
and the local water surface slope (e.g., Matveev, 2014b),
small. Then, the linearized form of Bernoulli equation on the water  
surface can be presented as follows, 1 qi  1 qi ys ysi 1
þ ¼  2U 0 is ; ð4Þ
2 Δx i  1 Δz i  1 Δx i Δz i xi xsi 1
1 u0 y
C p þ þ 2π w ¼ 0; ð2Þ
2 U0 λ where qi  1 and qi are the source strengths of the upstream and
downstream neighbors of the collocation point i, and Δx and Δz
where C p ¼ ðpw p0 Þ=ðρ U 20 =2Þ is the pressure coefficient (zero on are the intervals between the source locations in x and z direc-
the free water surface and non-zero on the wetted hull surface) tions. On the wetted hull surface, the slope is assigned, so the
and λ ¼ 2π U 20 =g is the length of a wave on the unconstrained free source strengths can be directly related to the hull trim angle.
water surface. Thus, the linear system of equations (Eqs. 2–4) is solved for the
The water flow perturbations produced by the hull are modeled water surface elevations beyond the hull, pressure coefficient on
here with distribution of hydrodynamic sources over a horizontal the hull wetted surface, source intensities, and velocity perturba-
plane at y ¼ 0 (Fig. 2). A velocity potential of each source satisfies tions. The lift force on the hull and the center of pressure are found
the Laplace equation in the water domain. The collocation points, by integrating the pressure distribution on the hull wetted surface.
where Eq. (2) is satisfied, are shifted upstream from the sources. One complication in the considered problem is the initially
This staggered arrangement eliminates the wave reflection from unknown wetted areas of the hull, since the water rises in front of
the downstream boundary of a numerical domain (Bertram, 2000). the planing surfaces (Fig. 2). The water jet that appears above the
Then, the x-component of the velocity disturbance can be calcu- water impingement point on the plate is ignored similar to Ria-
lated from the source intensities as follows, bouchinsky model applied for flows with developed cavitation
! (e.g., Matveev, 2003). An iterative solution procedure is imple-
1X 1 1
u0 ðxci ; zci Þ ¼ qj ðxci  xsj Þ 3 þ 3 ; ð3Þ mented to find the final wetted length of the plate, Lw , as it is not
4π j r i;j Ri;j
precisely known in the beginning. The front point can be initially
62 G.S. Bari, K.I. Matveev / Ocean Engineering 115 (2016) 60–66

selected as intersection of the undisturbed water level and the hull demi-hull beam), Fr ¼ U= gb is the Froude number, and τ is the
plate surface, which defines the nominal wetted length, Ln . A trim angle in degrees. The interference factor A is a function of
water rise can be determined after finding a solution with these the hull spacing and is represented in Fig. 3b. The wetted length
conditions, and calculations are repeated until the position of the of a demi-hull is also influenced by another hull. In this study,
front wetted point stops changing. another empirical correlation is used for the increment of the
The present numerical method has been extensively validated wetted length δλ ¼ λ  λn (Fig. 3a), based on data given by
against single hulls in early planing regimes when the hydrostatic Savitsky and Dingee (1954).
force is still important (Matveev and Ockfen, 2009; Matveev, It should be noted that Eq. (5) can be applied only for rough
2014a), as well as for water flows under hulls with developed estimation of the hull interference effect, since this equation was
cavitation (Matveev, 2003). The mesh-independence studies car- obtained in a limited range of Froude numbers (2  3.5 for Fr based
ried out for the catamaran configurations and operational condi- on the overall catamaran beam); the hull aspect ratios and dead-
tions in this study suggest that the mesh cell size (a distance rise and trim angles used in those tests were not provided; and
between sources) can be chosen as b=6 (where b is the demi-hull there were some deviations between test data points and corre-
width), the upstream and side boundaries of the numerical lation curves shown by Liu and Wang (1979). A comparison
domain can be positioned at the distance 2b from the hull bow and between the present numerical method and Eq. (5) for two
side, respectively, and the downstream boundary needs to be at nominal aspect ratios of demi-hulls and trim angle of 3° is illu-
the distance of at least 6b from the hull transom. Selecting larger strated in Fig. 4. The trends between numerical and empirical
numerical domain or smaller mesh size does significantly affect results are consistent, and C L values at zero spacing (merged hulls)
the results. and large spacings (distant hulls) predicted by both methods are
The range of spacings between hulls s (Fig. 1), which is one of reasonably close. Given the uncertainties associated with Eq. (5),
the main parameters for catamarans, is chosen as 0.5  2 of b in the agreement can be considered satisfactory.
this analysis. Spacings shorter than b=2 would result in high slopes Results of parametric calculations carried out in this study for
of the calculated wave pattern between hulls or even breaking planing catamarans are presented below in form of corrections to
waves, which is unacceptable for the linearized model employed the lift coefficient and the center of pressure for hulls operating in
here. However, such narrow spacings are not common for practical the catamaran mode with respect to a single hull without any
planing catamarans. At spacings larger than 2b the hull inter- interference effects. Namely, the correction for the lift coefficient is
ference effects are usually rather small (Morabito, 2011). There- defined as follows,
fore, the selected spacing variation covers the range of most
interest for practical design of planing catamarans. CL
kL ¼ ; ð6Þ
C L0
where C L is the demi-hull lift coefficient at a considered spacing,
3. Results and C L0 is the demi-hull lift coefficient at the infinite spacing (as
for a single demi-hull). For the center of pressure, another cor-
Although the present model was validated for single plan- rection is used,
ning hulls in the past (Matveev and Ockfen, 2009; Matveev,
2014a), an additional comparison with test results of catamaran LP
kP ¼ ; ð7Þ
arrangements is warranted. Using experimental data, Liu and LP0
Wang (1979) came up with an empirical equation for the lift where LP is the longitudinal center of pressure of a demi-hull at a
coefficient of planing catamarans that originated from Savitsky’s given spacing (counted from the hull transom), and LP0 is the
correlation for single hulls (Savitsky, 1964). Re-written in terms demi-hull center of pressure at the infinite hull spacing.
of non-dimensional parameters based on the beam of a flat- The calculated corrections for zero-deadrise hulls with λn ¼ 3,
bottom demi-hull, this empirical equation appears as follows, three values of Froude number (1, 3 and 5) and variable hull
pffiffiffi !
spacing are presented in Fig. 5. At sufficiently high Froude num-
1=2 2 0:0055 λ
C L ¼ 0:012 λ þ pffiffiffi τ1:1 ; ð5Þ bers (Fr ¼3 and 5), the lift coefficient of interacting hulls mono-
A Fr 2 2
tonically increases whereas the center of pressure stays nearly the
where C L ¼ F y =ð0:5ρU 2 b Þ is the demi-hull lift coefficient, λ ¼ Lw
same or slightly decreases with decreasing the spacing between
=b is the aspect ratio (i.e., ratio of the mean wetted length to the hulls. At relative spacings of two, the correction coefficients are

Fig. 3. (a) Correction to the wetted length for hulls in catamaran arrangement. (b) Interference factor for the lift coefficient correlation.
G.S. Bari, K.I. Matveev / Ocean Engineering 115 (2016) 60–66 63

Fig. 4. Comparison of lift coefficients calculated with the present numerical model (circles) and with the empirical equation (curves) at Fr ¼ 3. (a) λn ¼ 1, (b) λn ¼3.

Fig. 5. Influence of hull spacing on the lift coefficient and center of pressure for catamarans with zero-deadrise hulls and λn ¼3. Circles, Fr ¼1; squares, Fr ¼3; triangles,
Fr ¼ 5.

close to one, in accordance with previous observations (e.g., center of pressure (Fig. 5). On the other hand, at a lower Froude
Morabito, 2011). The strongest interaction effects occur at the number (Fr ¼ 1), the water waves are shorter, and the wave crest at
smallest spacing. On the other hand, at low Froude numbers (Fr ¼ the catamaran centerline is followed by a substantial trough before
1), the corrections demonstrate opposite trends, although the the hull transom. As the downwash appears to be stronger than
variations are relatively small. At the relative spacing of 0.5, kL and upwash in this case, the center of pressure has to shift upstream,
kP deviate by only about 2% and 3%, respectively, from the values which agrees with the behavior of corrections to C L and LP shown
corresponding to the infinite spacing between hulls. in Fig. 5. The wave patterns behind the hulls have a noticeable
These observations can be interpreted with help of the water asymmetry with respect to the demi-hull centerlines due to strong
surface elevations illustrated in Figs. 6 and 8 for Fr ¼1 and 3 and interference of waves produced by two hulls.
two relative spacing values, s=b ¼0.5 and 2. First of all, at a large Representative results for the pressure coefficient near port and
spacing (Figs. 6a,c and 7a,c), the waves generated by the hulls starboard sides of a demi-hull at Fr ¼1 and spacings s=b ¼0.5 and
interact with each other mainly downstream of the hulls. The 2 are shown in Fig. 8. The pressure has a peak near the plate
wave patterns (Figs. 6a and 7a) near the hulls look nearly sym- leading edge due to high hydrodynamic pressure and some
metric with respect to the demi-hull centerline, the longitudinal increase in more submerged aft portion due to larger hydrostatic
sections of the water elevations at both sides of the hull are very pressure. For wide spacings, C p values are nearly symmetric for
similar (Figs. 6c and 7c), and the water surface between the hulls is both sides of the hull. In the case of the narrow spacing, C p
only weakly disturbed. At a small spacing (Figs. 6b and d and 7b increases, and this increase is much more pronounced in the aft
and d), the side wave produced by one demi-hull reaches the other zone of the port side due to hydrodynamic interaction with
hull, leading to high elevations and depressions on the water another hull.
surface along the catamaran centerline (z ¼0). At a higher Froude Parametric calculations have been also conducted for a selected
number (Fr ¼3), the crest of the wave formed between the hulls range of nominal aspect ratios (between 1 and 5) of zero-deadrise
attains the maximum near the hull transom, thus generating demi-hulls at small (s=b¼0.5) and infinite spacings and the same
strong flow upwash on the rear hull parts and resulting in aug- Froude number regimes (Fr ¼1, 3, and 5). The calculated results for
mentation of the lift coefficient and downstream shift of the kL and kP are shown in Fig. 9. The lift coefficient monotonically
64 G.S. Bari, K.I. Matveev / Ocean Engineering 115 (2016) 60–66

Fig. 6. (a) and (b) Water surface contours around the starboard demi-hull with zero deadrise and λn ¼ 3 at Fr ¼3. Brightness is proportional to water surface elevations. Solid
white lines enclose the hull pressure area. z ¼0 corresponds to the catamaran centerline. (c) and (d) Longitudinal sections of water surface elevations at 8% of the demi-hull
span from the port side (dotted line) and starboard side (dashed line) of the starboard demi-hull. Solid line indicates the hull surface. Dash-dotted curve corresponds to the
catamaran centerline (z¼ 0). (a) and (c) s=b¼ 2; (b)and (d) s=b ¼0.5.

Fig. 7. (a) and (b) Water surface contours around the starboard demi-hull with zero deadrise and λn ¼ 3 at Fr ¼ 1. Brightness is proportional to water surface elevations. Solid
white lines enclose the hull pressure area. z ¼0 corresponds to the catamaran centerline. (c) and (d) Longitudinal sections of water surface elevations at 8% of the demi-hull
span from the port side (dotted line) and starboard side (dashed line) of the starboard demi-hull. Solid line indicates the hull surface. Dash-dotted curve corresponds to the
catamaran centerline (z¼ 0). (a), (c) s=b ¼2; (b), (d) s=b¼ 0.5.

grows with increasing the hull aspect ratio at sufficiently high shifts downstream behind the hull transom, thus enhancing C L at
Froude numbers (3 and 5), while it initially decreases and then λn ¼1 and 2. The variations of the center of pressure (Fig. 9b) are
stays nearly the same at Fr ¼1. This can be explained by larger area relatively small. At the low Froude number (Fr ¼ 1), the most sig-
of hulls (with higher λn ) exposed to the hull interference upwash nificant effect of the downwash due to hull interactions occurs at
at high speeds (Fr ¼3 and 5), whereas the water depression on the λn ¼3, while the water depression on the catamaran centerline
catamaran centerline in case of short hulls and low speeds (Fr ¼1) shifts from this special position either downstream on short hulls
G.S. Bari, K.I. Matveev / Ocean Engineering 115 (2016) 60–66 65

Fig. 8. Longitudinal pressure distributions at 8% of the demi-hull span from the port side (a) and starboard side (b) of the starboard demi-hull at λn ¼ 3 and Fr ¼ 3. Filled
circles, s=b ¼ 2; crosses, s=b¼ 0.5.

Fig. 9. Influence of nominal aspect ratio on the lift coefficient and center of pressure corrections at s=b ¼0.5 for catamarans with zero-deadrise hulls. Circles, Fr ¼1; squares,
Fr ¼ 3; triangles, Fr ¼ 5.

or upstream on long hulls, which is accompanied by the upwash The augmentation of the lift coefficient at the small spacing
appearance near the hull transom and, hence, by the shift of LP (s=b¼0.5) in comparison with the single hull (s=b ¼1) is found to
toward the transom. At high Froude numbers (Fr ¼ 3 and 5), the increase with the deadrise angle, which can be attributed to earlier
waves are long enough so that the increase of hull length results in (at the keel) development of the side waves which also appear to
more lift produced at the rear part of the hulls, resulting in kP o 1 be smoother and longer than in the case of flat (zero-deadrise)
for long hulls. hulls. With a reduction of the water depression in the zone
Another important parameter affecting the hull hydrodynamics between hulls at Fr ¼1, the center of pressure in this speed regime
is the deadrise angle. In this study, catamarans with symmetric shifts downstream with increasing deadrise angle. At higher
(double-deadrise) demi-hulls are considered (Fig. 1). Only pris- Froude numbers, the upstream shift of the wave for higher dead-
matic hulls are simulated, where deadrise angle does not change rise angle hulls results in the corresponding upstream shift of the
along the hulls. Parametric calculations have been carried out for center of pressure.
the same Froude numbers as in the previous cases and variable
deadrise angle in the range of β ¼0° 20°. The hulls with the
nominal aspect ratio of three were analyzed. The nominal wetted 4. Conclusions
length in the case of the finite-deadrise hull is defined as the
average nominal length at the hull keel and chine. The calculation A potential-flow numerical method previously used for single
results for kL and kP of such hulls are presented in Fig. 10. planing hulls has been extended to a hydrodynamic problem of
66 G.S. Bari, K.I. Matveev / Ocean Engineering 115 (2016) 60–66

Fig. 10. Influence of deadrise angle on the lift coefficient and center of pressure corrections at s=b ¼0.5 for catamarans with λn ¼3. Circles, Fr ¼ 1; squares, Fr ¼ 3; triangles,
Fr ¼5.

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