Tasks and Structure of The 29 ITTC Technical Committees and Groups (Conference Changes Implemented)
Tasks and Structure of The 29 ITTC Technical Committees and Groups (Conference Changes Implemented)
Tasks and Structure of The 29 ITTC Technical Committees and Groups (Conference Changes Implemented)
(Conference changes implemented)
5. All general committees shall survey and In the preparation of new or revision of
review new techniques within CFD in existing Recommended Procedures and
their area and shall include the results Guidelines, the committees shall observe
thereof in their report. the following:
6. All general committees shall monitor ad- 1. Committees that have a task to review
vances in the application of detailed flow ITTC Recommended Procedures shall
measurements in the ITTC community to identify and report any proposed changes
assess the need for detailed evaluation in their first annual report to the Advisory
and implementation of best-practice, un- Council. The changes approved by the Ad-
certainty analysis, and benchmark guide- visory Council shall be implemented in the
second year and the draft revised proce- committee shall ensure that symbols and
dure submitted to the Advisory Council for terminology as well as the contents of this
comment. procedure or guideline is consistent with
any other procedure or guideline, which
2. Committees that have a task to write new may deal with a related matter.
procedures or guidelines shall submit an
outline of these with their first annual re- 6. If relevant, procedures and guidelines shall
port to the Advisory Council. The outline specifically describe the deliverable to the
shall be reviewed by the Advisory Council customer for the described test.
and comments made to the committees.
The draft new procedures or guidelines 7. All new and revised procedures shall, as
shall be prepared during the second year far as feasible, include a procedure for un-
and submitted to the Advisory Council for certainty analysis. All new procedures for
review. uncertainty analysis in experiments shall
follow the ISO (1995) ‘Guide to the Ex-
3. New and revised draft procedures shall pression of Uncertainty in Measurements’
subsequently be updated, incorporating (also known as ISO-GUM). It is not re-
the comments made by the Advisory quired to update existing procedures on
Council, and in February of the third year uncertainty analysis to follow this stand-
of the period be submitted to the Advisory ard. If a procedure for uncertainty analysis
Council for final review and approval. Fol- is for other reasons updated, it shall follow
lowing AC review, the committee will the ISO standard.
have three weeks to make the final adjust-
ments to the procedure and resubmit them
to the AC. After approval by the AC, the 5.3 Terms of Reference for the General
Quality Systems Group shall perform a Committees
formal check of the procedures.
Resistance and Propulsion Committee
4. Procedures and Guidelines must be in the
format defined in the ITTC Recommended 1. Update the state-of-the-art for predicting
Procedure 4.2.3-01-03, Work Instruction the performance of different ship con-
for Formatting ITTC Recommended Pro- cepts emphasizing developments since
cedures, and they will be included in the the 2017 ITTC Full Conference. The
ITTC Quality Manual. Symbols and termi- committee report should include sections
nology must be in accordance with those on:
used in the current version of the ITTC a. The potential impact of new techno-
Symbols and Terminology List. If neces- logical developments on the ITTC,
sary, new symbols, complying with ISO including, for example superhydro-
31, should be proposed in collaboration phobic materials, new types of pro-
with the Quality Systems Group. Recom- pulsors (e.g. hybrid propulsors), azi-
mended Procedure 4.2.3-01-03 contains a muthing thrusters, cycloidal propel-
template, which shall be used for new pro- lers, propulsors with flexible blades
cedures and guidelines. and rim drives.
b. New experimental techniques and
5. When a committee is given the task to extrapolation methods
write a new procedure or guideline or re- c. New benchmark data
vise an existing procedure or guideline, the
d. The practical applications of computa- 8. Conduct the validation of the procedure
tional methods to performance predic- 7.5-02-03-01.7, 1978 ITTC Performance
tions and scaling Prediction Method for Unequally Loaded,
e. New developments of experimental Multiple Propeller Vessels.
and computational methods applicable
to the prediction of cavitation. 9. Continue with the monitoring of existing
f. The need for R&D for improving full scale data for podded propulsion. If
methods of model experiments, nu- there is available data, refine the existing
merical modelling and full-scale meas- procedure.
10. Continue the benchmark campaign with
2. During the first year, review ITTC Rec- regard to the examination of the possibil-
ommended Procedures relevant to re- ities of CFD methods regarding scaling of
sistance, propulsion and performance unconventional propeller open water
prediction, including CFD procedures, data. Continue comparative CFD calcula-
and tion project.
a. identify any requirements for changes
in the light of current practice, and, if 11. Continue with monitoring the use of and,
approved by the Advisory Council, if possible, develop guidelines for quasi-
update them, steady open water propeller and propul-
b. identify the need for new procedures sion model tests.
and outline the purpose and contents
of these. 12. Conduct a survey of cavitation erosion
modeling and predicting methods and
3. Develop a new procedure for wave profile identify the need of change of ITTC pro-
measurement and wave resistance analy- cedures in this respect.
13. Identify the need of the elaboration of
4. Develop a procedure for verification and the procedure concerning the rim drives
validation of the detailed flow field data. model testing and performance predic-
tion. Elaborate the procedure when nec-
5. Cooperate and exchange information with essary.
the Specialist Committee on Energy Sav-
ing Methods on subjects of common in- 14. Identify the influence of the new FD def-
terest. inition on power prediction.
6. Cooperate and exchange information with 15. Investigate the need of changing the
the Specialist Committee on Ships in Op- standard criterion for Re in model tests of
eration at Sea regarding consequences of propulsors as well as in the aspect of CFD
EEDI, especially with respect to ITTC validation.
Recommended Procedures.
16. Investigate the need of change of scaling
7. Investigate the need of change of standard methods with regard to propulsors (in-
hull and propeller roughness. Develop cluding pods).
and propose new roughness correction
methods for both hull and propeller.
17. Investigate and describe a propulsor per- regard to the possible updating of ITTC
formance in waves, and discuss the scale Recommended Procedure 7.5-02-04-
effects on its modelling. 02.3, Manoeuvring in Ice.
1. Update all ITTC Recommended Procedures 10. Observe ISO standards for uncertainty anal-
and Guidelines to conform to the require- ysis, in particular the uncertainty analysis ter-
ments of Recommended Procedure 4.2.3-01- minology.
03, Work Instruction for Formatting ITTC
Recommended Procedures and Guidelines. 11. Review developments in metrology theory
and uncertainty analysis and issue appropri-
2. Support the Technical Committees in their ate Procedures.
work on Recommended Procedures. Supply
the chairmen of the new committees with the 12. Continue to maintain the online Wiki keep-
MS Word versions of the relevant proce- ing it up to date and in line with the adopted
dures. documents of the ITTC.
3. Maintain the Manual of ITTC Recommended 13. At the beginning of the period, organize an
Procedures and Guidelines. Co-ordinate the electronic repository of information and data
modification and re-editing of the existing on the benchmarks cases. ITTC member or-
procedures according to the comments made ganizations should then be invited to partici-
by ITTC member organizations at the Con- pate in the adoption of the benchmark and
ference and by the Technical Committees. contribute to the database.