Tasks and Structure of The 29 ITTC Technical Committees and Groups (Conference Changes Implemented)

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Tasks and structure of the 29th ITTC technical committees and

(Conference changes implemented)


2.2 Specialist Committees
The structure of the technical committees in-
cludes five General Committees, eight Special- The ITTC Advisory Council will propose
ist Committees and one Group. Specialist Committees. Each Specialist Com-
mittee will be responsible for studying a specific
technical problem. The Specialist Committees
2. TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR THE will be appointed for a limited duration. It is ex-
GENERAL AND SPECIALIST TECH- pected that they will complete their tasks within
NICAL COMMITTEES AND GROUPS maximum two ITTC periods (6 years). They
shall interact closely with the appropriate Gen-
eral Committees. The tasks of a Specialist Com-
2.1 General Committees mittee can include establishing Procedures
and/or Guidelines. Procedures and Guidelines
Each General Committee will be responsible shall contain only techniques which are applica-
for a general subject area. It will review the ble in commercial practice.
state-of-the-art, identify the need for research
and development, and carry out longer term Each Specialist Committee will present a fi-
studies with broad impact. nal report on the results of its work to the Full
Conference and interim reports on progress if
Each General Committee will submit a re- the duration of the committee spans more than
port on the results of its work to the Full Confer- one Conference. The conclusions and the rec-
ence. The conclusions and the recommendations ommendations of the Specialist Committee re-
of the General Committee report should be port should be structured as follows:
structured as follows:
1. General technical conclusions
1. General technical conclusions 2. Recommendations to the Full Conference,
2. Recommendations to the Full Conference, which require actions such as, e.g., adopt-
which require actions such as, e.g., adopt- ing ITTC procedures.
ing ITTC procedures.
In addition, each Specialist Committee shall
In addition, each General Committee shall submit proposals for future work and identifica-
submit proposals for future work of the General tion of tasks, which may be appropriate for Spe-
Committee and identification of tasks, which cialist Committees. These proposals shall be
may be appropriate for Specialist Committees. submitted to the Advisory Council which will
These proposals shall be submitted to the Advi- compile the proposals and present them to the
sory Council which will compile the proposals Full Conference.
and present them to the Full Conference.
When the Advisory Council has agreed on
2.3 Groups the need for a new Specialist Committee, the
draft statement of technical aims and objectives
Groups may be established from time to time will be presented to the Executive Committee
by the Executive Committee to carry out spe- for endorsement. If the Executive Committee
cific tasks for the Conference, which are gener- approves the formation of a new Specialist
ally not technical issues. Committee, it will present the proposal to the
Full Conference for approval.
Each Group will present a final report on the
results of its work to the Full Conference. The
conclusions and the recommendations of the 4. PROPOSED STRUCTURE OF THE
Group report should be structured as follows: TECHNICAL COMMITTEES AND
1. General conclusions
2. Recommendations to the Full Conference,
which require actions such as, e.g., adopt- 4.1 General Committees
ing ITTC procedures.
• Resistance and Propulsion
In addition, each Group shall submit pro- • Manoeuvring
posals for future work and identification of tasks, • Seakeeping
which may be appropriate for General and Spe- • Ocean Engineering
cialist Committees. These proposals shall be • Stability in Waves
submitted to the Advisory Council which will
compile the proposals and present them to the
Full Conference.
4.2 Specialist Committees

3. MECHANISM FOR IDENTIFYING • Ships in Operation at Sea

MITTEES • Hydrodynamic Modelling of Marine Re-
newable Energy Devices
As part of their Terms of Reference, the Gen- • Ice
eral Committees shall consider the need for new • Energy Saving Methods
tasks and include appropriate proposals in their • Modelling of Environmental Conditions
technical reports. If the Advisory Council iden- • Combined CFD/EFD Methods
tifies a need for a new Specialist Committee • Manoeuvring in Waves
when it reviews the draft recommendations of
the General Committees, the Council will pre-
pare and agree on a statement of the technical 4.3 Groups
aims and objectives for the work of the Special-
ist Committee. • Quality Systems Group

Independent of the proposals of the General

Committees, the Advisory Council will keep the
requirement for Specialist Committees under
continuous review.
MITTEES AND GROUPS OF THE 29TH 7. Committee reports to the Conference
ITTC should be structured in line with the terms
of reference of the committee and in ac-
cordance with Recommended Procedure
5.1 General Terms of Reference 4.2.3-01-02, Guidelines for Preparation
of Committee and Group Reports.
1. All committees shall observe the Terms of
Reference and general obligations. The 5.2 Requirements to new and revised Rec-
committees are expected to perform all ommended Procedures and Guidelines
the tasks defined in this document. How-
ever, should a committee be unable to do An important part of the work of the
this, it shall consult the Advisory Council committees will be to establish
with regard to reduction of the work. Recommended Procedures and Guidelines
to help the ITTC member organizations
2. All committees shall identify areas of mu- maintain their institutional credibility with
tual interest with other committees and regard to quality assurance of products and
the concerned committees shall establish services such as predictions and
active co-operation in these areas. evaluations, and quality assurance of
designs. The committees will develop
3. All general and specialist committees detailed plans in accordance with
shall endeavour to identify benchmark Conference Recommendations and their
data and submit these to the ITTC Secre- work should be directed towards the
tary for inclusion in the benchmark data techniques and the understanding of
repository on the ITTC website. Each physical and numerical modelling as a
committee shall appoint a member re- means of predicting full-scale behaviour.
sponsible for this. While maintaining an awareness of
progress, fundamental theoretical studies
4. In their work, the committees shall follow and fundamental aspects of numerical
the guidelines given in ITTC Recom- fluid computation should be covered by
mended Procedure 1.0-03, General other fora. Recommended Procedures and
Guideline for the Activities of Technical Guidelines shall contain only techniques
Committees, Liaison with the Executive which are applicable in commercial
Committee and Advisory Council. practice.

5. All general committees shall survey and In the preparation of new or revision of
review new techniques within CFD in existing Recommended Procedures and
their area and shall include the results Guidelines, the committees shall observe
thereof in their report. the following:

6. All general committees shall monitor ad- 1. Committees that have a task to review
vances in the application of detailed flow ITTC Recommended Procedures shall
measurements in the ITTC community to identify and report any proposed changes
assess the need for detailed evaluation in their first annual report to the Advisory
and implementation of best-practice, un- Council. The changes approved by the Ad-
certainty analysis, and benchmark guide- visory Council shall be implemented in the
second year and the draft revised proce- committee shall ensure that symbols and
dure submitted to the Advisory Council for terminology as well as the contents of this
comment. procedure or guideline is consistent with
any other procedure or guideline, which
2. Committees that have a task to write new may deal with a related matter.
procedures or guidelines shall submit an
outline of these with their first annual re- 6. If relevant, procedures and guidelines shall
port to the Advisory Council. The outline specifically describe the deliverable to the
shall be reviewed by the Advisory Council customer for the described test.
and comments made to the committees.
The draft new procedures or guidelines 7. All new and revised procedures shall, as
shall be prepared during the second year far as feasible, include a procedure for un-
and submitted to the Advisory Council for certainty analysis. All new procedures for
review. uncertainty analysis in experiments shall
follow the ISO (1995) ‘Guide to the Ex-
3. New and revised draft procedures shall pression of Uncertainty in Measurements’
subsequently be updated, incorporating (also known as ISO-GUM). It is not re-
the comments made by the Advisory quired to update existing procedures on
Council, and in February of the third year uncertainty analysis to follow this stand-
of the period be submitted to the Advisory ard. If a procedure for uncertainty analysis
Council for final review and approval. Fol- is for other reasons updated, it shall follow
lowing AC review, the committee will the ISO standard.
have three weeks to make the final adjust-
ments to the procedure and resubmit them
to the AC. After approval by the AC, the 5.3 Terms of Reference for the General
Quality Systems Group shall perform a Committees
formal check of the procedures.
Resistance and Propulsion Committee
4. Procedures and Guidelines must be in the
format defined in the ITTC Recommended 1. Update the state-of-the-art for predicting
Procedure 4.2.3-01-03, Work Instruction the performance of different ship con-
for Formatting ITTC Recommended Pro- cepts emphasizing developments since
cedures, and they will be included in the the 2017 ITTC Full Conference. The
ITTC Quality Manual. Symbols and termi- committee report should include sections
nology must be in accordance with those on:
used in the current version of the ITTC a. The potential impact of new techno-
Symbols and Terminology List. If neces- logical developments on the ITTC,
sary, new symbols, complying with ISO including, for example superhydro-
31, should be proposed in collaboration phobic materials, new types of pro-
with the Quality Systems Group. Recom- pulsors (e.g. hybrid propulsors), azi-
mended Procedure 4.2.3-01-03 contains a muthing thrusters, cycloidal propel-
template, which shall be used for new pro- lers, propulsors with flexible blades
cedures and guidelines. and rim drives.
b. New experimental techniques and
5. When a committee is given the task to extrapolation methods
write a new procedure or guideline or re- c. New benchmark data
vise an existing procedure or guideline, the
d. The practical applications of computa- 8. Conduct the validation of the procedure
tional methods to performance predic- 7.5-02-03-01.7, 1978 ITTC Performance
tions and scaling Prediction Method for Unequally Loaded,
e. New developments of experimental Multiple Propeller Vessels.
and computational methods applicable
to the prediction of cavitation. 9. Continue with the monitoring of existing
f. The need for R&D for improving full scale data for podded propulsion. If
methods of model experiments, nu- there is available data, refine the existing
merical modelling and full-scale meas- procedure.
10. Continue the benchmark campaign with
2. During the first year, review ITTC Rec- regard to the examination of the possibil-
ommended Procedures relevant to re- ities of CFD methods regarding scaling of
sistance, propulsion and performance unconventional propeller open water
prediction, including CFD procedures, data. Continue comparative CFD calcula-
and tion project.
a. identify any requirements for changes
in the light of current practice, and, if 11. Continue with monitoring the use of and,
approved by the Advisory Council, if possible, develop guidelines for quasi-
update them, steady open water propeller and propul-
b. identify the need for new procedures sion model tests.
and outline the purpose and contents
of these. 12. Conduct a survey of cavitation erosion
modeling and predicting methods and
3. Develop a new procedure for wave profile identify the need of change of ITTC pro-
measurement and wave resistance analy- cedures in this respect.
13. Identify the need of the elaboration of
4. Develop a procedure for verification and the procedure concerning the rim drives
validation of the detailed flow field data. model testing and performance predic-
tion. Elaborate the procedure when nec-
5. Cooperate and exchange information with essary.
the Specialist Committee on Energy Sav-
ing Methods on subjects of common in- 14. Identify the influence of the new FD def-
terest. inition on power prediction.

6. Cooperate and exchange information with 15. Investigate the need of changing the
the Specialist Committee on Ships in Op- standard criterion for Re in model tests of
eration at Sea regarding consequences of propulsors as well as in the aspect of CFD
EEDI, especially with respect to ITTC validation.
Recommended Procedures.
16. Investigate the need of change of scaling
7. Investigate the need of change of standard methods with regard to propulsors (in-
hull and propeller roughness. Develop cluding pods).
and propose new roughness correction
methods for both hull and propeller.
17. Investigate and describe a propulsor per- regard to the possible updating of ITTC
formance in waves, and discuss the scale Recommended Procedure 7.5-02-04-
effects on its modelling. 02.3, Manoeuvring in Ice.

4. Update 7.5-02-06-03 2014 Validation of

Manoeuvring Committee Manoeuvring Simulation Models, includ-
ing verification, sensitivity analysis, re-
1. Update the state-of-the-art for predicting sults from the SIMMAN conferences and
the manoeuvring behaviour of ships, em- step by step validation of manoeuvring
phasizing developments since the 2017 models.
ITTC Conference. The committee report
should include sections on: 5. Investigate the missing elements in the
a. the potential impact of new techno- Procedure on Uncertainty Analysis for
logical developments on the ITTC Manoeuvring Prediction Based on Cap-
b. new experiment techniques and ex- tive Model Tests, such as the accuracy of
trapolation methods carriage kinematics and the data filtering
c. the practical applications of compu- (noise).Update 7.5-02-06-04 if necessary
tational methods to manoeuvring pre- according to the requirements of the ISO
dictions and scaling, including CFD GUM.
d. the need for R&D for improving 6. Update 7.5-02-06-02 Captive model test
methods of model experiments, nu- procedure to provide a definitive, agreed,
merical modelling and full-scale method for each of the testing ap-
measurements proaches.
e. the effects of free surface, roll, sink-
age, heel and trim in numerical simu- 7. Assist with the organization of SIMMAN
lation of manoeuvring. 2019. Use the output from this conference
f. Include specifically, the prediction and others to develop a guideline for the
and testing of low speed manoeu- setup, execution of benchmark tests and
vring to understand the impact of use of benchmark data for manoeuvring.
these types of manoeuvres in model
testing. 8. Investigate the uncertainties associated
with manoeuvring tests in shallow water
2. During the first year, review ITTC Rec- including aspects such as structural
ommended Procedures relevant to strength of moveable bottoms, extent of
manoeuvring, including CFD procedures, gaps around the edges and the degree to
and which a fixed floor is level.
a. identify any requirements for
changes in the light of current prac- 9. Investigate the results from the previous
tice and, if approved by the Advisory ITTC questionnaire on captive model
Council, update them, tests especially related to concerns over
b. identify the need for new procedures turbulence stimulation and full scale ef-
and outline the purpose and contents fects; update 7.5-02-06-02, if necessary,
of these. concerning this matter.

3. Coordinate and exchange information

with the Specialist Committee on Ice with
10. Liaise with Specialist Committees on 2. Review ITTC Recommended Procedures
Combined CFD/EFD Methods and relevant to seakeeping, including CFD
Manoeuvring in Waves as required. procedures, and
a. identify any requirements for
11. Develop guidelines for the model testing changes in the light of current prac-
and sea trials of autonomous underwater tice, and, if approved by the Advisory
vehicles (AUV’s) (resistance, maneuver- Council, update them,
ing, propulsion and control, computa- b. identify the need for new procedures
tional methods for the low Reynold’s and outline the purpose and contents
Number flow around AUV’s). of these.

3. Update ITTC Recommended Procedure

7.5-02-07-02.5, Verification and Valida-
Seakeeping Committee tion of Linear and Weakly Non-linear
Seakeeping Computer Codes to include
Note: The Seakeeping Committee is primar- the verification and validation of ship hy-
ily concerned with the behaviour of ships under- dro-elasticity codes in response to any
way in waves. The Ocean Engineering Commit- comments from the ISSC Loads and Re-
tee covers moored and dynamically positioned sponse Committee.
ships. For the 29th ITTC, the modelling and sim-
ulation of waves, wind and current is the pri- 4. Update7.5-02-07-02.1 Seakeeping Exper-
mary responsibility of the Specialist Committee iments. The procedure should be ex-
on Modelling of Environmental Conditions, with tended to include the measurement of
the cooperation of the Ocean Engineering, the added resistance in waves with emphasis
Seakeeping and the Stability in Waves Commit- placed on the uncertainty in the measure-
tees. ment. Review procedures 7.5-02-07-02.2
and the new procedure on the calculation
1. Update the state-of-the-art for predicting of the weather factor fw in the EEDI for-
the behaviour of ships in waves, empha- mula to ensure that they are consistent
sizing developments since the 2017 ITTC with the proposed update.
Conference. The committee report should
include sections on: 5. Update Recommended Procedure 7.5-02-
a. the potential impact of new techno- 07-02.8 “Calculation of the weather fac-
logical developments on the ITTC tor fw for decrease of ship speed in
b. new experiment techniques and ex- waves” to bring it in line with the termi-
trapolation methods nology in the EEDI guidelines and submit
c. new benchmark data to MEPC 72 (Spring, 2018). The submis-
d. the practical applications of numeri- sion should state that the procedure is ap-
cal simulation to seakeeping predic- plicable mainly for large ships and that
tions and correlation to full scale additional work is required for smaller
e. the need for R&D for improving ships, and state the limit between large
methods of model experiments, nu- and smaller ships.
merical modelling and full-scale
measurements. 6. Expand Recommended Procedure 7.5-02-
07-02.8 “Calculation of the weather fac-
tor fw for decrease of ship speed in
waves”to include the uncertainty a. Update the seakeeping related HSMV
associated with each method procedures
• 7.5-02-05-04 Seakeeping tests
7. Update 7.5-02-07-02.2 Prediction of • 7.5-02-05-06 Structural loads
Power Increase in Irregular Waves from • 7.5-02-05-07 Dynamic instability
Model Tests should be modified to make b. Develop a new procedure for motion
it more comprehensible for the wider control of HSMV during seakeeping tests
community outside of the ITTC. c. Use as a basis the reports of the various
committees to undertake a review the
8. Update ITTC Recommended Procedure state-of–the-art in seakeeping of HSMV.
7.5-02-07-02.3 Experiments on Rarely
Occurring Events to include the measure- Ocean Engineering Committee
ment and analysis of impulsive loads,
peaks in pressures and maximum acceler- Note: The Ocean Engineering Committee
ations. covers moored and dynamically positioned
ships and floating structures. For the 29th ITTC,
9. Liaise with SIW Committee on the up- the modelling and simulation of waves, wind and
dates to the guideline 7.5-02-07-04.3 for current is the primary responsibility of the Spe-
the prediction of the occurrence and mag- cialist Committee on Modelling of Environmen-
nitude of parametric rolling. tal Conditions, with the cooperation of the
Ocean Engineering, the Seakeeping and the Sta-
10. Develop a procedure for undertaking bility in Waves Committees.
inclining tests at full scale include
estimates of the measurement 1. Update the state-of-the-art for predicting
uncertainty. Liaise with the Stability in the behaviour of bottom founded or sta-
Waves Committee, as required. tionary floating structures, including
moored and dynamically positioned
11. Develop a procedure for conditioning a ships, emphasizing developments since
model for seakeeping tests, e.g. CG posi- the 2017 ITTC Conference. The commit-
tion, GM, moments of inertia. Include in tee report should include sections on:
the procedure estimates for measurement a. the potential impact of new techno-
uncertainty. logical developments on the ITTC
b. new experimental techniques and ex-
12. Survey and/or collect benchmark data trapolation methods
for ship structural hydroelasticity in c. new benchmark data
waves and for added resistance in waves d. the practical applications of compu-
tests tational methods to prediction and
13. Continue the collaboration with ISSC e. the need for R&D for improving
committees, including Loads and Re- methods of model experiments, nu-
sponses and Environment Committees. merical modelling and full-scale
14. Undertake a complete review of the pro-
cedures related high speed marine vehi- 2. Review ITTC Recommended Procedures
cles (HSMV) and update according to re- relevant to ocean engineering, including
cent advances in testing techniques, in CFD procedures, and
a. identify any requirements for
changes in the light of current prac- 6. Extend experimental wave run-up bench-
tice, and, if approved by the Advisory mark tests (four squared vertical cylin-
Council, update them, ders) to measure wave run-ups and global
b. identify the need for new procedures forces on cylinders and to investigate
and outline the purpose and contents scale effect.
of these.
7. Carry out CFD benchmark study on two-
3. Review the state-of-the-art in offshore aq- body interactions, focusing on the inves-
uaculture systems (deeper water, further tigation of viscous effects on the gap sur-
from shore, not in sheltered waters), in- face elevation using the benchmark ex-
cluding harsher conditions, larger volumes perimental results produced by the 28th
and scaling of whole structure vs scaling ITTC OE committee.
forces acting on nets.
8. Review the state-of-the-art for large diam-
4. Review the state-of-the-art in model tests eter flexible risers used for deep water
of cable/pipe dynamics close to the sea mining.
surface (substantial wave and current
forces) (e.g. electric cables, hoses offload- 9. Re-write Model Construction Procedure
ing). Rationale: with focus on model construction issues
a. Different from mooring lines: closer to (materials, tolerances, production meth-
surface (subject to wave forces) and ods, quality control, acceptance testing,
flexible etc.).
b. Different from risers: S-shape risers
usually at very deep water, no need to Stability in Waves Committee
consider wave forces
c. Need to know more on the external Note: The Stability in Waves Committee co-
forces for fatigue damage assessment / vers the stability of intact and damaged ships in
design waves. For the 29th ITTC, the modelling and
d. Investigate dynamic interactions be- simulation of waves, wind and current is the pri-
tween 2 floating platforms and connect- mary responsibility of the Specialist Committee
ing flow lines. on Modelling of Environmental Conditions, with
the cooperation of the Ocean Engineering, the
5. Review the state-of-the-art in hybrid test- Seakeeping and the Stability in Waves Commit-
ing - software-in-the-loop tests for model- tees.
ling wind forces. Rationale:
a. Dominant frequencies are higher than 1. Update the state-of-the-art for evaluating
those in hybrid mooring tests (wind the stability of ships in adverse weather
change faster, quicker dynamics to be conditions, emphasizing developments
represented) since the 2017 ITTC conference. The
b. Reference cases/tests to verify system – committee report should include sections
cases available are too different to be on:
compared. a. the potential impact of new techno-
c. Liaise with the SC on Hydrodynamic logical developments on the ITTC
Testing of Marine Renewable Energy b. new experimental techniques
Devices for effects on wind turbine test- c. new benchmark data
d. the practical applications of compu-
tational methods to prediction 6. Update Procedure 7.5-02-07-04.5 to “Nu-
e. the need for R&D for improving merical Estimation of Roll Damping”,
methods of model experiments, nu- giving detailed guidance on how to carry
merical modelling. out real or numerical model tests (e.g. free
f. Include wind and current effects on roll decay, forced rolling and excited roll-
stability assessments (intact and ing tests).
damaged ship, experimental and
numerical methods) 7. Updating the guideline 7.5-02-07-04.3 for
g. Review the effect of flooding on non- the prediction of the occurrence and mag-
watertight bulkheads due to fire nitude of parametric rolling towards a
fighting for example. procedure. Liaise with the Seakeeping
Committee as required.
2. Review ITTC Recommended Procedures
relevant to stability, including CFD pro- 8. Update Procedure 7.5-02-07-04.4 Numer-
cedures, and ical Simulation of Capsize Behaviour of
a. identify any requirements for Damaged Ships in Irregular Beam Seas,
changes in the light of current prac- to include the complete 6 DoF equations
tice, and, if approved by the Advisory of motion for a damaged ship and numer-
Council, update them, ical methods for flooding based on more
b. identify the need for new procedures accurate hydraulic models (than esti-
and outline the purpose and contents mated discharge coefficients).
of these.
9. Develop/suggest a method for estimating
3. Review the IMO 2nd Generation Intact time to capsizing and/or sinking and in-
Stability Criteria and standards with par- clude this in the report.
ticular focus on the physics and back-
ground for each of the stability failure
modes. It may be useful to develop a fault 10. Continue the identification of bench-
tree to better identify each of the stability mark data for validation of stability in
failure modes. waves predictions.

4. Provide a recommendation on developing

a procedure, or a set of procedures, for
the direct assessment (computational
methods) of the IMO 2nd Generation In-
tact Stability Criteria five modes of intact
stability failure.
5. Review the state-of-the-art (both the ex-
perimental and the numerical studies) for
free roll decay, forced rolling and excited
rolling tests. Include methods of analys-
ing time histories of data obtained from
such tests and ways of deriving roll damp-
ing coefficients. Liaise with the Specialist
Committee on Combined CFD/EFD
Methods, as required.
5.4 Terms of Reference for Specialist Com- societies, DoE) and draw on these
mittees regulations if considered relevant.
c. Continue monitoring the develop-
Specialist Committee on Hydrodynamic ment in model testing methodology
Modelling of Marine Renewable Energy De- with respect to Froude/Reynolds scal-
vices ing issues and incorporating the con-
trol system strategies.
1. Report on full scale installations d. Develop a guideline for uncertainty
a. Type of device analysis for model testing of offshore
b. Problems in installation wind turbines.
c. Success of energy extraction
d. Survivability Specialist Committee on Hydrodynamic
2. Wave Energy Converters (WEC)
a. Monitor and report on new concepts 1. Present ITTC procedures and our commu-
for WEC’s nity’s capabilities to predict emitted noise
b. Develop guidelines for physical and from ships to the IMO. Specifically, an in-
numerical modelling of WEC’s formative submission shall be made to
c. Review and report on the progress MEPC 72 (Spring, 2018) of Guideline 7.5-
made on the modelling of arrays 02-01-05 Model-scale propeller cavitation
d. Continue to monitor developments in noise measurements.
PTO modelling both for physical and
numerical prediction of power cap- 2. Monitor progress on shipping noise meas-
ture urement procedures for shallow water and
e. Investigate Survivability for WEC regulations as developed by ISO, classifica-
tion societies and regulatory agencies.
3. Current Turbines
a. Develop specifications for benchmark 3. Monitor progress on model-scale noise
tests (EFD and CFD) for current tur- measurements with emphasis on facility re-
bines verberation and scaling of vortex cavitation
b. Investigate effects and reproduction noise.
at model scale of inflow turbulence
and unsteadiness to the turbine 4. Monitor progress on computational predic-
c. Review and report on the progress tion of propeller noise with emphasis on
made on the modelling of arrays elab- methods using the acoustic analogy such as
orating on wake interactions and im- coupling CFD with FWHE.
pact on performance
5. Identify a benchmarking case for model-
4. Offshore Wind Turbines scale noise measurements that has
a. Monitor and report on recent research a. full-scale underwater radiated noise
related to model tests of bottom-fixed measurements available,
offshore wind turbines including b. that is a representative merchant vessel
modelling the influence of structure and
stiffness and soil stiffness. c. of which geometry and measurement
b. Report on other existing regulations data can be shared with the ITTC com-
related to model tests of offshore munity
wind turbines (e.g. IEC, classification
6. Maintain and update ITTC guideline 7.5-02- d. Extend wind coefficient database for
01-05: Model-Scale Propeller Cavitation more ships.
Noise Measurements and guideline 7.5-04- e. Initiate and conduct benchmark study for
04-01: Underwater Noise from Ships, Full- evaluation of CFD applicability to deter-
Scale Measurements. mine the wind resistance coefficients.

(4) Current correction

Specialist Committee on Ships in Operation a. Further validation on the present current
at Sea correction methods.
b. To find the possibility of using long
1. Address the following aspects of the analysis track on 2 double runs.
of speed/power sea trial results:
(1) Shallow-water correction (5) Comprehensive correction
Formulate, validate and recommend a a. Further validation on Extended-Power-
single method for correcting Method
speed/power sea trial measurements for b. More investigation on existing methods
shallow water effects based on first prin- for the speed/power sea trial analysis,
ciples, using full scale and model scale including the Combined Correction
tests and CFD analyses of a suitable Method presented by H. Yasukawa
range of vessel designs and sizes, water (Ship Technology Research, Vol.62,
depths and ship speeds. (This task is con- No.3, 2015, pp.173-185.)
sidered the highest priority for the spe-
cialist committee and shall be com- (6) Study and validate model-ship correla-
menced immediately. If possible, the tion factors at different drafts when possible
procedure 7.5-04-01-01.1 shall be up-
dated to incorporate the new procedure. (7) Provide a practical guideline for installa-
If this is not possible , the specialist com- tion of measuring equipment on a propeller
mittee shall liaise with the Advisory shaft with regard to the shaft material prop-
Council on which action to take). erties (e.g. G modulus), shaft geometry and
(2) Wave correction at full scale alignment.
a. More extensive validation of the present
wave correction methods and expand (8) Other
range of application, introduce other a. Water temperature and density influence
methods where necessary. on ship’s performance
b. Monitoring the development of CFD b. Noise in the measured data during the
methods for added resistance due to ship performance assessment and iden-
waves tify the method for filtering it.
c. Measurement error and influence on
(3) Wind correction power
a. Guidelines on the location and height of d. The applicability of unmanned (flying,
the anemometer and whether a dedicated floating or underwater...) vehicles and
anemometer is necessary devices.
b. Investigate limitations of averaging
wind correction method and suggest im- 2. Update the speed/power sea trial procedures
provements 7.5-04-01-01.1 where appropriate.
c. Establish guideline for CFD to get wind
3. Update guideline to determine model-ship 3. Conduct survey of uncertainty in ice model
correlation factors at different draft. experiments, and revise "7.5-02-04-02.5 Ex-
perimental Uncertainty Analysis for Ship
4. Explore 'ship in service' issues, to get feed- Resistance in Ice Tank Testing."
back to towing tanks with respect to:
a. Key performance indicators identifying 4. Review of current analytical and numerical
and establishing performance baseline determination methods for the global ice
when appropriate. load upon offshore structures of various
b. More accurate measurement of environ- types and compare to physical modeling
mental data, including wind, waves, cur-
rent, etc, and comparison with forecast 5. Survey testing of platforms and monopiles in
data when available. ice (such as wind turbine in frozen ocean)
c. Speed-Power related info monitoring, and consider establishing a new guideline or
including fuel consumption, shaft enhancing existing guidelines to cover such
torque, speed, draught, trim and rudder situation.
angle etc.
d. Noon reporting: Specification of mini- 6. Update the Guideline 7.5-02-07-01.3
mum data required. “Guidelines for Modelling of Complex
e. To find possibilities to analyse ship per- Ice Environments” to cover additional
formance, including speed-power rela- complex conditions.
tion, decrease of ship speed, etc. on a sin-
gle run.
f. The applicability of unmanned (flying, Specialist Committee on Modelling of Envi-
floating or underwater...) vehicles and ronmental Conditions
1. Complete tasks originally assigned to com-
5. Monitor the new information and communi- mittee i.e. propose and develop guidelines
cation (ICT) technologies applied on board for generation of waves, wind and current in
ships to collect and process data as well as model scale. Each guideline should address
ship control systems, and identify their influ- the following problems:
ence on ship performance prediction.

Specialist Committee on Ice  Non-linear effects – analysis, control

 Interactions with current and wind
1. Continue to maintain, review and update ex-  Distribution of extremes
isting accepted procedures and guidelines in  Wave grouping (characterization and re-
accordance with current practice. production)
 Short-crested wave modelling
2. Review manoeuvring experiments in ice,  Deterministic generation of extreme
and revise "7.5-02-04-02.3 Manoeuvring waves
Tests in Ice" in cooperation with the  Confinement
Manoeuvring Committee.  Wave frequency and low frequency re-
 Radiation and reflection from model,
beach, etc.
 Measurement and analysis of long- and d. Extreme wave generation and statistics.
short-crested waves
 Non-stationary power spectrum (time 4. Investigate and review state-of-the-art of
and space) wind-wave interactions and the effects on
 Wave breaking – influence on statistics wave breaking.
and kinematics
 Geographical consistency of wave spec- 5. Investigate and review state-of-the-art of
trum selection wave-current interactions and the effects the
 Investigate techniques for modelling generation of extreme waves.
those aspects of the extreme wave envi-
ronment that are important in the deter-
mination of the dynamic instability of in- Specialist Committee on Energy Saving
tact vessels. Coordinate and exchange Methods
information with the Stability in Waves
Committee on this task.
1. Continue a systematic survey of energy sav-
Wind: ing methods (excluding machinery), de-
vices, applications and possible savings, in-
 Interaction with waves cluding the influence on the EEDI formula.
 Gusting (including squalls) Identify the effect of energy saving methods
on different sea trial and EEDI drafts. Con-
 Turbulence
sider a complementary metric to EEDI to
 Vertical profiles
represent power savings.
 Horizontal variation
 Measurements 2. Continue identifying and update the physical
 Geographical consistency of wind con- mechanisms for the newly introduced en-
ditions ergy saving methods.

Current: 3. Update a survey on frictional drag reduction

methods, including air lubrication and sur-
 Interactions with waves face treatment.
 Turbulence
 Vertical profiles (including current re- 4. Update a survey on energy savings based on
versal) the use of wind energy.
 Horizontal variation
 Measurements 5. Develop guidelines for:
a. CFD methods,
2. Continue work of modelling of extreme b. model tests,
wave environment including design wave c. scaling,
groups. for energy saving devices, taking into ac-
count Tokyo 2015 CFD workshop results in-
3. Continue work on breaking waves vestigating the influence of ESD.
a. Breaking kinematics and typology Continue to identify the needs for new
b. Effects of breaking waves on spectral model test procedures (resistance and pro-
content pulsion, extrapolation methods) to investi-
c. Statistics of breaking occurrence and gate the effect of energy saving methods.
spectral shapes
6. Collect full scale data obtained through rele- 1. Review recent studies on claimed problems
vant benchmark tests on the effect of energy of the current model test prediction methods,
saving methods. Use the full scale data for for example scale effects. Assess their levels
validating the effect of ESM. Develop a of impact.
guideline to conduct in-service performance 2. Review benchmark studies, accuracy,
evaluation for ESM. achievements and challenges of full scale
ship CFD.
7. Identify and recommend the tasks related to
energy saving methods and devices that
should be undertaken during the 30th ITTC 3. Review work on EFD/CFD combinations
by general committees. for relevant applications.

4. Suggest ways to improve the current recom-

Specialist Committee on Combined CFD and mended procedures by using CFD in combi-
EFD Methods nation with model test. Especially focusing
on scaling procedures, starting with but not
Background limited to the calm water speed power pre-
CFD offers new possibilities to improve the diction.
EFD based predictions, for example with new
treatment of scale effects. On the other hand, we 5. Suggest which other parts of the ITTC pro-
can still not in general rely purely on CFD for
cedures that could benefit from combined
ship hydrodynamic predictions for commercial
or legal purposes. By using the best combination methods in future work.
of CFD and EFD, rather than viewing them as Confidence of predictions
competing methods, we can deliver even better 6. Review past work and procedures, within
prediction. and outside ITTC, on CFD uncertainty, val-
New methods based on EFD/CFD combinations idation & verification (V&V), applied to the
need to have the same confidence level as the
marine and other business sectors.
existing Recommended Procedures give to the
end client today.
7. Suggest practical procedures to ensure the
Purpose quality of CFD/EFD combined predictions
The purpose of the committee is to initiate and to the end user, especially when applied to
support the process of introducing combined speed power predictions. This includes the
EFD/CFD methods in ITTC’s procedures, with demonstration of V&V and uncertainty as-
a focus on the predictions confidence level. sessment of commercially or legally valid
(Members of this committee should preferably
have experience with model test as well as CFD
work and with an understanding of the commer-
cial and legal aspects of ship predictions. Each Interactions
member should be expert in one area with some 8. Liaise and cooperate actively with the ITTC
exposure in the other) TC of related technical areas. Suggest mod-
ifications of the relevant Recommended Pro-
Terms of reference cedures related to CFD/EFD combinations
Combined methods where applicable.
9. Liaise and cooperate actively with the “CFD
Workshop” committee and other groups that 4. Investigate the methodology needed to
deal with CFD benchmark and V&V. Con- combine experimental tests and numerical
sider their results and suggest further work. tools.

10. Act as a research coordinator for other re-

5. Investigate new manoeuvres to assess min-
searchers who wish to contribute: Suggest
imum power requirements (e.g. return to
research topics that lead towards the given
head waves).
committee goals, assembly and review on-
going work. 6. Address the issues brought about from
Presentation of result IMO-MEPC71 and following meetings
11. Apart from the normal committee report, the concerning the minimum power require-
ments, including issues on manoeuvrability
work should also be presented in a format di-
under adverse weather.
rected towards the typical receiver of ship
predictions including both ship owners and 7. Validate the Level 2 – Simplified Assess-
authorities. This should include discussions ment Method of the 2013 Interim Guide-
on accuracy of respective method (CFD and lines (MEPC.1/Circ.850).
EFD), reasonable requirements to uncer-
tainty demonstration, and description of new 8. Liaise with IMO and/or IACS to address
combined methods. manoeuvring in waves.

9. Liaise with the Manoeuvring Committee,

the Seakeeping Committee and the Stability
Specialist Committee on Manoeuvring in in Waves committee.
10. Establish a mathematical model for
For the 29th ITTC, the Specialist Committee on manoeuvring in waves
Manoeuvring in Waves has the responsibility
for bringing together the two disciplines of calm
water manoeuvring and classical seakeeping.
The tasks to be addressed by the specialist com-
mittee include:

1. Define the overall framework for what

manoeuvring in waves means.

2. Present the state of the art based on a com-

prehensive literature review, drawing
knowledge from the SIMMAN workshops.

3. Create a guideline for benchmark tests on

manoeuvring in waves, in cooperation with
SIMMAN. Consideration should be given
to the generation of data for the validation
of numerical tools.
5.5 Terms of Reference for the Groups 9. Support the Technical Committees with guid-
ance on development, revision and update of
Quality Systems Group uncertainty analysis procedures.

1. Update all ITTC Recommended Procedures 10. Observe ISO standards for uncertainty anal-
and Guidelines to conform to the require- ysis, in particular the uncertainty analysis ter-
ments of Recommended Procedure 4.2.3-01- minology.
03, Work Instruction for Formatting ITTC
Recommended Procedures and Guidelines. 11. Review developments in metrology theory
and uncertainty analysis and issue appropri-
2. Support the Technical Committees in their ate Procedures.
work on Recommended Procedures. Supply
the chairmen of the new committees with the 12. Continue to maintain the online Wiki keep-
MS Word versions of the relevant proce- ing it up to date and in line with the adopted
dures. documents of the ITTC.

3. Maintain the Manual of ITTC Recommended 13. At the beginning of the period, organize an
Procedures and Guidelines. Co-ordinate the electronic repository of information and data
modification and re-editing of the existing on the benchmarks cases. ITTC member or-
procedures according to the comments made ganizations should then be invited to partici-
by ITTC member organizations at the Con- pate in the adoption of the benchmark and
ference and by the Technical Committees. contribute to the database.

4. Observe the development or revision of ISO

Standards regarding Quality Control.

5. Update the ITTC Symbols and Terminology

List. Consolidate some inconsistencies in the
use of symbols and add recognized symbols
not contained in the S&T list to the list (such
as RAW, Rwave, rho ad rho0).

6. Update the ITTC Dictionary of Hydrome-


7. Revise and update the existing ITTC Recom-

mended Procedures according to the com-
ments of Advisory Council, Technical Com-
mittees and the Conference.

8. After the third AC Meeting, review and edit

new ITTC Recommended Procedures with
regard to formal Quality System require-
ments including format and compliance of
the symbols with the ITTC Symbols and Ter-
minology List.

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