RAM Clear Casino Tech Gemini

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The document provides instructions for performing a RAM clear and loading a saved configuration on a Gamopolis 42 game machine. It outlines the necessary steps and includes figures to illustrate the process.

The steps to perform a RAM clear are to open the machine, insert the RAM clear CF card, close up the machine, wait for it to complete the process, and then replace the RAM clear card with the game CF card.

The steps to load a saved configuration are to insert a USB drive with the saved configuration, select 'Load/Save Config' from the technic menu, select 'Load', and then 'Yes'.

Guide to RAM Clear and Game Config Restore - Gamopolis 42:

1. Open machine door and power OFF machine.

2. Pull out logic box to access the main (CPU) board.
3. Insert the RAM clear compact flash (CF) card **Please make sure you insert it correctly, otherwise the pin will
be damaged**.

4. Push back the logic box into its operating position and make sure the connectors to the backplane
board are latched in properly.
5. Switch ON the machine. ** The RAM Clear procedure will start automatically.

Figure 1

6. Wait until machine displays “No Signal” on the screen.

Figure 2

7. Switch machine OFF

8. Replace RAM clear compact flush card with the Game CF card.
9. Switch ON the machine and close the main door. **Also make sure the drop and BV doors are closed**.

Tough Rider Platform _ RAM Clear & Set Up Guide (Gamopolis 42) Page 1 of 4
10. Wait until the machine displays “RAM CLEAR DETECTED CALL ATTENDANT” which should come up
after +/- 5 min from switch ON and at the bottom left of screen should show “Gamopolis **

Figure 3

11. Insert USB pen drive with saved config into any one of the USB ports on the backplane board
(Bottom right of Backplane board).
12. With ALL DOORS CLOSED, (no other errors should appear on the top left of the monitor other than
Zonke related errors), turn the MAIN key switch a few times until the personal identification menu

Figure 4

13. Turn the MAIN key switch again until the “Touch Calibration Screen appears”.

Figure 5

14. Touch any point on the screen. A dot on the top left, then bottom left and finally top right corner
will appear. Touch these points as they appear. Touch screen is now calibrated.
15. Turn the MAIN key again until the Personal Identification Menu appears again. See figure 4.
16. Touch the “Security Level” tab until OWNER is selected at the top.

Tough Rider Platform _ RAM Clear & Set Up Guide (Gamopolis 42) Page 2 of 4
Figure 6

17. Enter password 789.

18. Use the “RIGHT” tab (Keys at bottom left of screen) and select “Technic”

Figure 7

19. Select “Load/Save config” and “Enter”.

Gamopolis 42 V1.4.2

20. Select “Load” and then “Yes”.

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Gamopolis 42 V1.4.2

21. Switch OFF machine, remove USB pen drive and switch ON machine.
22. When the machine has finished initialising the game, turn “Main” key =>select “Owner” and enter
i. To enable Coins, go to Technic => Hopper Setup
ii. To enter machine ID, go to Owner => System setup => Edit machine serial number.
iii. Go to “Settings” and verify that the game %ages are as per spec sheet.

a. ADMIN = 123
b. TECHNI = 456
c. OWNER = 789

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