Computer Literacy Program of GSNSAT

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Computer Training Program for Students of GSNSAT

OBJECTIVE: To educate themselves in dealing with those computer essentials and to equipped
themselves with technical know-how in dealing with this computer-aged society.

Computer Literacy, knowledge and an understanding of computers combined with

the ability to use them effectively. Computers are sometimes thought to demand deep
technical knowledge or proficiency in mathematics and electronics. In actuality, computers,
like any other discipline, inspire different levels of expertise.
 On the least specialized level, computer literacy involves knowing how to turn
on a computer, start and stop simple application programs, and save and print
 At higher levels, computer literacy becomes more detailed, involving the ability
of the “power users” to manipulate complex applications and, possibly, to
program in languages such as BASIC or C.
 At the highest levels, computer literacy leads to specialized—and technical—
knowledge of such topics as electronics and assembly language.
Computer literacy-based educations for GSNSAT students are equipped with the most
common and requisite computer-based application being used in various fields of endeavors.
Students were given 1 hour actual hands-on and 1 hour for I.T. lecture weekly.

During their actual hands-on includes:

Computer 1 Basic Computer Operation
Typing Tutor (Keys Enhancement)
Windows OS Enhancement
MS Words

Computer 2 MS Excel (Accounting)

Computer 3 MS Powerpoint (Presentations with imported

topics from MS Encarta 2006)
Swish Animation (Macromedia/Flash)
Turbo Pascal (Programming)

During their lectures (Information Technology):

Computer 1 Computers Hardware and Software
o Types of Computers
o Internal Computer Components
o System Software
o Application Software
o Management and Utility Software

Computer 2 Carriers Signals, Types Of Cables, And Network Topologies

· Communication Signals
· Cable Types
· Bus, Star, and Ring Topology
· Other Types of Topology and Guidelines
· Wireless LANs/WANs Technology

Computer 3 Network Components

o Repeaters and Hubs
o Switches
o Bridges
o Routers
o Gateways

These trainings and guidelines were only the IDEAs facilitated by the designated instructor of
the private company during the 3 years of stay-in contract.

Samson O. Cenas
Computer Instructor

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